Opposite signs of the zodiac compatibility. Taurus and scorpion. Cancer and opposite sign Capricorn

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Intense dreams together:

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Appearing in nightly Gresses, animals personify the very dream ...

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Can the dreams predict the future? It seems that it is impossible ...

Did you ever happen to you that in a dream you understand what you sleep?

Prophetic dreams come to us extremely rarely and foreshadow very important events.

Dreams are the activities of our subconscious and psyche, which even continues to work in a dream. The psyche is designed to resolve our daily problems using the method of predicting the most likely event outcome. Thus, something that can be in an unconscious state, but to be determined is impressed, expressed through dreams. We only need to learn the interpretation of dreams, which will become the key to knowing yourself. For example, quite often dreams help on early diagnosis of diseases, help us pay attention to the state of health. Also, dreams often reveal our desires through the implementation of the fact that it really causes difficulties. In this case, the mechanism of displacement of unpleasant information is triggered with the subsequent replacement to a more enjoyable one. Dreams can even become an assistant in search of answers to the questions exciting in reality.

Modern astrological science pays great attention to the study of interpersonal relations between people or, it is easier: questions of their compatibility.

Such attention is quite justified, because the choice of a life satellite for all of us, sooner or later, becomes an important step, which depends on the correctness of which our further emotional harmony, happiness and fate.

And this choice is not so simple, even more difficult to "guess" with him. That is why in some countries of the world, for example, in India, since a long time, the tradition of the "pre-wedding visit" is observed for an experienced astrologer who looking at the horoscopes of possible spouses, determines that they are waiting for them in family life and, whether they should bind themselves to marriage . Any skeptical smiles of respected readers, about this, I guess immediately disappear if they get acquainted with unobtrusive official divorce statistics in such countries.

Therefore, the article will discuss the compatibility of some of them, namely those who are located on the sky against each other.

I am sure that many of you have heard, rather commodity "truth" that opposites agree. But is it so applied to the relationship between people, from the point of view of marriage astrology? Let's try to figure out.

So, in the zodiacal circle there are twelve signs, therefore, each of them has its own pair, located right on the opposite side of the zodiac. Couples "opposites", as follows: Aries-scales, Taurus-Scorpio, Gemini-Sagittarius, Capricorn cancer, Lev-Aquarius, Deva-Fish.

It tells us that the positive parties of such "unions" can take a certain community of tasks facing opposite signs in everyday life, and therefore they can achieve success, subject to work on some kind of joint work, project. But the emotional understanding between them is very problematic.

This kind of union can be recommended in countries in which family life is strictly regulated (for example, in the same India). Only then may be fairly happy, and children, on emerging opinion, in such marriages are born with harmonious coverage of all parent qualities. In our country, representatives of opposite signs in family life, it is often not easy to get along (if, of course, their individual compatibility horoscope does not speak about a friend).

Union of Aries-Scaig Very dynamic and able to open a lot of new things to both partners. However, the power and pressure of fire Aries can come across the misunderstanding of his partner who is accustomed to find a way out of situations through compromises, tactfully and without discouraging rectinity. And the passion and sexuality in relationships in relation to this pair can easily be changed to the militant setting of Aries and the cool alienation of the scales. More such relationships are passionate, but are not constant and inherent in early and young age, when people do not get maturity and experience.

Relations between Taurus and scorpion By virtue of their mutual desire for constancy, they can become one of the most acceptable and successful among similar unions of "opposites". The main thing in such an alliance for both partners does not overdo in stubbornness, jealousy and sense of ownership. Taurus should be more compliant in the passionate desires of Scorpio, and the latter should not argue with the Taurus in the material issues of family life. Children play a big role in this union, they may forever combine this pair.

Gemini and Sagittarius - One of the most common union of the opposites and, first of all, because the dialogue has been perfectly established between them from the first minutes of dating, communication (which, in principle, cannot be said about the rest of the opposite signs). Both sign are easy to rise, they like to change the events, furnishings and travel. Wallpapers prefer to solve issues in the same way: searching for new paths, and often even accept mutual intrigues. But it is impossible to name this pair ideal, too "finely" thinks for the Sagittarius of his partner and too "large-scale" the Sagittarius for an air twin. Their unions are also inconsistent and can become just another link in the life kaleidoscope for both partners.

Cancer and Capricorn Perhaps you can call the union of a sensible choice. In this marriage, people clearly imagine what they want from their partner: Capricorn strive to "provide" themselves with a homely comfort, and cancer - reliable protection and support, primarily in the material plan. Both partners unites love and respect for parents, family traditions. Therefore, this marriage can be compared with those that were not children, but their parents from pure pragmatic considerations (merge of power, capital, etc.). In general, the cancer is very difficult to get along with the emotional coldness and the closedness of the Capricorn, which, in turn, is neither understanding the excessive emotionality of cancer. As a result of the collision of the coldness of feelings and excessive emotionality, there is often a break of such unions. In general, people of these signs would be nice to find each other in old age, then their union could be truly ideal.

And here unions of Lviv and Aquarius Meet not so often. Understanding partners in this pair is possible only under the condition of mutual love for freedom. And it would be nice if each of them would live in his own small world, while respecting and redeeming the world of his partner. In this case, they could see all the identity of each other's identity and the separation would not be threatened. In life, it happens much more often that the partner-lion is annoying with its excessive freedom and aquarius, who strives to dominate in relationships, suppressing the urgelessness of Aquarius unwanted to him. Why the latter simply can leave, at its nature freedom more than family bonds.

Union of Virgo and Fish It is rare - the difference in the understanding of the world is very large, which Virgo perceives exclusively from a practical point of view, while the fish look at him through rose glasses. These signs can only combine the mutual ministry of some common goal, otherwise fate rapidly breed them in different directions by circumcuting the already thin thread of their emotional relationship.

/ Love horoscope opposite signs of the zodiac

Each zodiac sign has its own opposite - a sign with which it is difficult to find a common language, create a couple or have a mutually beneficial partnership. It is believed that opposite signs attract each other like a magnet. Then, passion passes, leaving conflicts and disappoints instead.

Is it so?

Indeed, a couple of opposing signs of the zodiac is one of the tense aspects in astrology. But this does not mean that such a union is doomed!

The opposite signs of the zodiac complement each other and can be very mutually beneficial. They often have similar goals, but different ways to achieve them.

Astrology helps to bypass sharp corners in relations with partners and allows you to better understand each other better.

Aries - Scales

At first glance, and completely opposed to each other. If you look at the ruling planets of these signs, you can detect the patron saint of all men - Mars and the most feminine planet - Venus. Beautiful Venus and Military Mars ... Ideal it would be if a man is Aries, and a woman - scales.

Couple is experiencing a strong mutual attraction. Weighing woman should be less capricious, and the man-Aries is not so rude and impulsive. Then the couple has long-term perspectives of love relationships and marriage.

And what if a woman is Aries, and a man - scales? Everything happens exactly the opposite. Male-weights should not blame the woman-Aries for her way can and ramp. Scales can always curb stubborn Aries with caress and tricks. Scales - a partnership sign, and Aries will appreciate the scales if they are able to provide him with psychological and moral support, then men-scales should not worry that the woman-Aries will begin to dominate in a pair.

Taurus - Scorpio

Like the previous steam, signs are under the control of Mars () and Venus (). But these signs of the zodiac are much more common.

Both are equally interested in money and property. When interacting with Taurus, Scorpio learns to manage its emotions and be less "explosive."

The calf will appreciate the sensuality of scorpion in the sexual sphere, will learn how to listen to his desires and show more initiatives in sexual relations.

By combining your material goals, Scorpio and Taurus can achieve a lot together. These are wonderful business partners, science, as well as in creative affairs. Their subtle strategies and small tricks are able to hold competitors at a respectful distance.

The inner heat of the body seemed to be created in order to melt the ice in the soul of rebellious scorpion. In love (if both learn for forgiveness and compassion), a spiritual connection may be born. Egoism and intransigence, on the contrary, can make them enemies for life.

Gemini - Sagittarius

And, as a rule, have a similar temperament and are not inferior to each other by intelligence. Their main planets Mercury (Gemini) and Jupiter (Sagittarius) are planets of communications, information and knowledge. Both signs are truth seekers, they are curious, tend to travel and risks.

The Men-Sagittarius can annoy the duplicity and frivolity of the twin women, but its optimism and communicability is unusually important for him, because it needs an interesting and erudite interlocutor, not too emotional, but not too cold.

In such a pair there will be no boredom and events. This is exactly what you need an energetic fiction woman. Therefore, she likes to enjoy the Gemini Men Society (provided that he has a strong nervous system). The twins are not so enduring, therefore, the female Sagittarius should be able to equip twins, let him relax.

In the partnership with the twins, the Sagittarius can learn to think and reflect more consistently, more to learn the psychology of people and expand the circle of their dating. Gemini, in turn, will learn from the Archers to benefit from these dating, make them more profitable.

Gemini and Sagittarius can count on a long loving union, provided that they will not frankly restrict each other's freedom. This does not speak at all about the marital infidelity, just each of these signs should be: their own hobbies, constant opportunity to communicate with people and freedom of expression. If someone wants to limit the freedom of a partner, they will break up. It's a pity. After all, they have so much in common.

Cancer - Capricorn.

Both signs show the qualities that are not peculiar to them in communication with others or they manifest themselves so much: the initiative and leadership. In this regard, in this pair both can "deteriorate" these important qualities on each other, but without mutual reproaches and accusations.

Helps become more sensitive and sensitive, hear the voice of their intuition, and not reason. In exchange, Capricorn will offer a cancer to learn more about the ways to become more successful, inspires it to new feats, helps to go to his goal, stimulates his ambitions.

The ruling planets of the moon (Cancer) and Saturn (Capricorn) has one similar negative feature: despondency (or pessimism). If both partners are prone to depression, then such an alliance will not be fruitful.

If a conservative male Capricorn teach a hysterious woman and calm and self-discipline, then gradually moon (emotional, mobile) and Saturnian (sustainable, slow) nature of relations are together together, forming a solid alliance of two hearts, and, as a result, a strong marriage, in which reigns the most kind of family traditions.

However, if a woman was born in a pair under the sign of Capricorn, she could hurt the sensitive cancer, and then he will cease to trust her.

The question of trust in such a pair is very important. After all, both have a lot of complexes, both are often not confident, but both are egoists. If they open each other, and their communication will become more sincere and disinterested, then the chances of being together increase.

Lion - Aquarius

And - signs of progress, innovation and ideals. Both beautiful speakers and bold devotees. Between them, immediately runs the spark of attraction, and now they are ready to be together, despite the fact that the lion is more interested in the physical side of relations, and Aquarius is spiritual.

But Leo has something to be lacking aquatic - a sense of self-esteem. Lero does not get condescension to criticism and ability to recognize their mistakes. All this is in Aquarius.

Unfortunately or fortunately, the leader needs to be installed in such a pair. If this leader heads the process of creating a family, and will not be a sorry instigator as a result of any rivalry or collision of views and ideas, the spouses will become not only passionate lovers, but also devoted friends.

Both signs are capable of being faithful to truly, despite the external bravada, the desire to like others, the desire to shock and amaze. The cooled lions are beautiful familymen, and the aquaries are always able to make an original highlight.

All contradictions in a married couple are easily overcome subject to mutual sexual satisfaction.

Virgo - Fish

Strange and very frequent union. Both are cold and pedantic, but gentle and sensitive inside, both dreams to "rely on a strong shoulder." They rarely conflict, but at the same time they are able to silently annoy each other to nausea. Without finding a nearby strong shoulder near this strong shoulder, they are about to part, but then understand how deeply alone without each other.

Union and awaken the creative core of relationships, it is able to transform both emotionally and spiritually.

While other sexual partners quickly exhaust the flames of attraction, Virgo and fish are capable of longer intimate interest. After all, they moderately dose their passion. They are attracted to aesthetics of feelings and balance, and not a frank touch towards genitalia in a cafe under the table. The foundation of relationships in a pair - mutual respect and tact.

Virgo puts into a dwelling of fish order, and fish manage to teach virgins to dream. Sober-minded maids may be helpful to fish in everyday life, help to become more exhausted, practical and economical, and fish help to relax and saber over boredom and fuss.

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"Not agreed with the characters" or "did not find a common language," the men and women say, explaining the reason for their parting after several years of living together or in the rupture of business relationships. Some are accused of decaying the Union of his partner, while others consider the main problem of the quarrel only not the compatibility of their signs of the zodiac. Oddly enough, but this particularly exciting horoscope can tell you who you categorically do not build business and serious relationships, and, of course, will help you find a partner for you, which will make your life happy and prosperous.

Aries compatibility with other signs

The sign of the Zodiac Aries controls the planet Mars. On the character and lifestyle of the Aries affect the element of the fire. This kind of influence overwhelms the lifestyle and the rally of the Aries with energetic, emotionality and passion. Aries, confident, an extraordinary person. Sometimes, he is a real egoist, which prevents them from finding a common language with Capricorn. Aries often do not understand because of its oddity, principle and arrogance. Accept it as he can serve representatives of the zodiac signs of the element of fire - Aries, Lion, Sagittarius. These relationships are filled with passion. The lion will only light it, but it is possible that its flirting with other partners may cause pain to representatives of the Aries sign. Marriage or simple relationship with soft and indecisive cancer, Virgin and fish can bounce a ramp. But, here is a union with a taurus can be strong and happy, they will live a soul in the soul. Capricorn or Sagittarius will always have insatiable interest in Aries. But, at the same time, representatives of these signs of the zodiac can make him pretty jealous about any reason in their relationship. The compatibility of the Aries with other signs of the zodiac directly depends on how much it will feel its need and usefulness and at the same time can express itself.

Taurus compatibility with other signs

Taurus is a soft, friendly and purposeful person, which to achieve their goal seek to overcome all obstacles. Although it is rather stubborn and unshakable, and sometimes even insensitive. This sign of the zodiac is ruled by Planet Venus. Externally, it radiates strength, wisdom and determination, and inside the calf is very gentle and malleable, so it can easily cause sympathy. Create a harmonious union by Taurus can with representatives of the zodiac constellation, or the Sagittarius who will give him care and warmth. A, Male Taurus perfectly copes with the role of her husband in family life. Despite this, it should still be noted that the Taurus rarely expresses his passionate feelings and emotions, which will be buried in his soul. Satellites in life Capricorn and Virgo will perceive the calf, as a tedious or stubborn personality, and it is not perceived by him perceived for arrogance. After all, not everyone is able to consider the representatives of this sign of the Sostromhovy and the most delicate man. But, twins, scorpion or lion will be able to understand the calf and reveal it, and it will be surrounded by their love, care and warmth. In turn, representatives of the zodiac constellation Cancer and the fish will make up the feelings of the Taurus, extinguing him with their distrust. It will be difficult for two calves to find a common language, and the relationship with Capricorn will turn into a real burden for the Taurus.

Twins Compatible with other signs

The sign of the zodiac twins manages the Planet Mercury, so they are very impermanent and are in search of themselves. They can appear before those surrounding in one, then in another appearance, while remaining themselves. This kind of change of roles is inherent in more women twins than men. Women Gemini will be able to create a harmonious union with a taper or aquiet, but the Aries will constantly pacify their fervor. Two twins in the relationship will always speak different languages. Since the twins love to be the center of attention and are often pompous. Of course, this position causes dissatisfaction with cancer. Only fish will be able to understand them and completely devote themselves to them.

Cancer compatibility with other signs

Representatives of the sign of the zodiac cancer are under the auspices of the Moon. Woman cancer, like a man very emotional and sensual nature. They change dramatically. As soon as difficulties appear on their path, they fall into despair. Since the cancer moves in life slowly, but quite confident. Despite his dedication, representatives of this sign are not hard to carry the criticism of the Aries to their address and can be very offended by hearing it. For representatives of this sign, both financial stability in life and home comfort is very important. Therefore, as your satellite of life, they only consider strong, volitional representatives of the sign of Scorpio or Taurus who are able to protect them and survive with them all adversity. In relations, cancer never acts as consumers of attention, so reciprocate will be responsible for their partner on the sign of the zodiac fish or aquarius. With its confidence in himself and force, a man is always attracted to women. But, this quality quality is nothing more than egoism, which sometimes destroys relationships with Capricorn or scales. All the same representatives of this sign are very in love and can quickly lose interest in their partners to the Archers .

Lion Compatibility with other signs

The zodiac sign is under the influence of the Sun, which manages it. Therefore, representatives of this sign are very gifted and talented personalities. Lion is very proud and stubborn. It easily masters the place of the leader. To conquer, he will be able to Capricorn or the Virgin. Man Leo is an ideal husband, but his beloved must strictly follow all his rules. Create a quiet harbor for him will be able to fish and cancer. But, Scorpio will not play the game by Lvom. Two lions will be in constant struggle for power. But Aries, the Sagittarius or Taurus will turn the life of a lion into a real holiday. With representatives of the zodiacal constellation, Aquarius will be very difficult, but if the lion is sincerely loves them, then they are perhaps the excellent future.

Virgo compatibility with other signs

The zodiacal mark of Virgo has cleanness and accuracy. The elements of the Virgin is the Earth, and manages the planet Mercury. Representatives of this sign are very careful and insightful. At the same time, Virgo is an independent person, which does not compromise, so it cannot be convicted. Virgo hardworking and always bring any business to the end. Woman Virgo will always always present its partner of the High demands, which will only cause irritation. Capricorn, Tales or Virgin, with whom they will be ready to make a compromise, will be able to please women to devies. For a man of this sign of the zodiac, stability in life is important. It turns out a very devoted husband and a good father. But, the Virgin can become rather boring for partners of zodiac signs scales. Fish will be able to charm representatives of the zodiac constellation of the Virgin by their romanticity. But, cancer his unpredictability will make the virgin nervous. The lion can be a good satellite in life for the Virgin, but they will live closely. And only, the Taurus will be able to surround the virgin care, warm and give her happiness.

Scales compatibility with other signs

Scales are subject to the planet Venus, and they treat the elements of air. Therefore, representatives of this sign have charm and beautiful taste. Scales incredible inventors. They are able to adapt to any environment and gain harmony. They are intertwined among themselves from various types of opposites. Therefore, only the sign partners of the sign of the zodiac scales will be perfectly understood and live with them a soul in the soul. The paradox is that scales strive for equilibrium and stability both in personal life and in work. This kind of desire leads to the fact that the scales begin to idealize relationships with the chosen one, his personality, while at this face of reality. In his desires, make their loved one happy, they can completely dissolve in their chosen one. Capricorn with his fright in a relationship with a woman's scale can break her heart. In turn, men will attach great importance to their appearance. Representatives of the strong sex of this sign are typical of flirting with women, enjoying another love novel. They appreciate the appearance of their chosen, and her inner world is left for later. Therefore, the woman Capricorn, Gemini, Scales or Aquarius can become an ideal pair for them.

Scorpio Compatibility with other signs

Scorpio belong to the elements of water and obey the planet Pluto. Therefore, representatives of the sign of the Zodiac Zodiac Scorpio is very difficult. Scorpion is mysterious and unpredictable. At the same time, he has a strong will and determination. Scorpio always strives to achieve success in life and to sincere relationships. Therefore, Scorpio will create excellent relations with such representatives of the zodiac constellation, as: cancer, fish or aquarius. In these love relations, Scorpio will charm his chosen one with his mysteriousness, eccentricity and artistry. Representatives of this sign are easily amenable to passion and love to madness. The paradox is that Scorpio loves freedom very much. Therefore, he carefully and picky about the choice of his companion of life. This leads to the fact that Scorpio does not fully coincide with such signs of the zodiac as Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Sagittarius compatibility with other signs

Sagittarius sentenced to fire elements. It is managed by Planet Saturn. Representatives of this sign fascinate those surrounding their indispensability and unshakable. Sagittarius walks in life with confident, solid steps, perceiving difficulties on his way for the small pranks of fate. This kind of confidence can destroy the Union of two Sagittarov. Since the Sagittarius is always overflowing with hope, curiosity and wisdom, he grabs for many things at the same time, not bringing one of them to the end. It does not disturb him at all. But, here's a representative of the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn, it can cause irritation. Sagittarius always speak about everything directly and openly. Sometimes, he calls things with his own names in rather coarse and tough form than often offended by sentimental cancer. Representatives of this sign are in search of your ideal, which they draw in their imagination. Sometimes, these searches end in late marriage or loneliness. But, all the same Sagittarius can be quite happy with scales, scorpion, aquatic or oily.

Capricorn compatibility with other signs

Capricorn is influenced by the planet Saturn, and refers to the elements of the Earth. Therefore, it is associated with many with a sullen and silent person. Capricorn is always passionate about the solution of their problems. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are very scrupulous to their position in society, and are concerned for a long time with their material situation. Most often, surrounding people perceive Capricorn as soft and indecisive personalities. But, for this mask, they can hide cynicity and spraying. Despite this, create a harmonious pair of Capricorn will succeed with Taurus or Lv. Although Capricorn is achieving success in life, but he constantly shifts its discontent with respect to the results than will constantly annoy the Aries. Representatives of this sign are very melancholic nature. They can fall into depression on any occasion than they cause contradictory feelings to themselves. At first glance, the Capricorn woman looks like a worm and heartless. Such it can be until it reveals cancer, who will give her his tenderness and warmth. Male Capricorn in the eyes of female fish looks like a mysterious, intelligent heart, who always manages to conquer her heart to her charm and charm.

Aquarius compatibility with other signs

Since the zodiac sign of the Aquarius is at the power of the planet Uranus and belongs to the element of water, its representatives are eccentric and complex nature, both in business and in love relationships. But, Aquarius never throws people in trouble, he like a knight always hurries to the rescue. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are faithful friends who never betray. Aquarius is very purposeful and confident, but the partners of the fish will always pull them on the bottom. Aquarius can easily change its environment around him than and conquer the heart of a lion, aries, scales or twins. The paradox is that Aquarius does not like harsh changes in life, but at the same time they are quickly mastered in the new territory. A woman's sign of the Aquarius zodiac feels comfortable and easily with a taper, which always appreciates her independence. Men Aquarius fascinate women of Sagittarius by their formality, but over time, disagreements may arise between partners, which will lead to the rupture of relations. Although the Sagittarius is creatively coming to sex life, he does not tie relations through the bed, and on the contrary gives preference to friendship.

Fish Compatibility with other signs

The elements of the sign of the zodiac fish is water, and he obeys the planet Neptune. Therefore, representatives of the sign of fish have peculiar thinking and lead an unusual lifestyle. To achieve harmony and mutual understanding in relations, they will succeed with representatives of zodiac constellations cancer and scorpion. The fish flutterly and gently belong to their relatives and loved ones, so they react very sharply when they understand that they are simply used. Therefore, twins and scales with their impermanence can scare and disappoint them. Although representatives of this zodiacal constellation do not allow them to influence them, but all, and Capricorn is able to subordinate them. The necessary support and understanding of the fish will be able to get from Aquarius or Sagittarius. Most often, fish do not tolerate severe reality, so they try to live in illusion. This leads to the fact that the fish make rampant deeds, and at the same time they are easily misleading them. They have incredible intuition and sensitivity. These abilities help the fish build relationships with other representatives of the zodiac signs. For women fish, the best partner will be an aquarius that will be able to appreciate their inner world and will endure the mood differences of its chosen. With its compliments and wisdom, the male fish quickly have representatives of the beautiful sex. Although in the choice of his wife they are very careful, still men can make it under the influence of emotions, having made a mistake.

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