A pond in the country from plastic bottles. Lake with swans and a palm tree made from plastic bottles. Plastic bottle greenhouses

at 28.05.2017 147,901 Views

Many useful things for the garden and summer cottage can be made from plastic bottles.

While lovingly equipping the city dwelling, we are no less touching about our summer cottages. We try to refine them, create comfortable conditions for ourselves and add special notes of attractiveness to the even rows of beds and berry bushes. Many summer residents have chosen the most affordable and flexible material for their creative experiments - ordinary plastic bottles. We will talk further about what products from can be made for a garden and a summer residence!

  • House made of plastic bottles
  • Country crafts from plastic bottles step by step: palm tree from plastic bottles
  • Plastic crafts: a few tips
  • Master class from plastic bottles step by step

Wonderful hanging cactus pots from plastic bottles

Resourcefulness in ways to place many plants in the garden

Plastic bottles in skillful hands will be a wonderful decoration for your landscape

Beautiful flower made of plastic lids

Crafts from plastic bottles step by step: from flower pots to a fabulous tower

The idea of ​​making useful gadgets and decorative pieces from plastic containers is not new. The first attempts led our grandparents to build low railings for walkways. Having appreciated the plasticity and cheapness of the material, the craftsmen from the people went further. And now the summer cottages were decorated with full-fledged fences, funny figures and unusual devices made of plastic bottles.

A wonderful pet-container ostrich cannot but please your children!

Thanks to imagination and such an excellent material as plastic bottles, we have almost limitless possibilities for creating crafts for every taste, of any complexity and direction.

Pictures from the caps of plastic bottles and other containers have grown into a whole art direction

Plastic bottles have long been in great demand among gardeners.

Gorgeous orange pet-container flowers

Crafts and decorations for the garden and garden from plastic bottles do not require the use of complex tools and specialized skills. The main thing is that there is time and desire, as well as enough material. Those who turned out to have both, convincingly proved the limitless possibilities of such needlework, and we have prepared a review of the best examples of crafts.

DIY furniture, flowerpots and a vase from a plastic bottle

Comfortable and very stylish chair made of plastic bottles

A sheet of plywood, sixteen one and a half liter bottles, scotch tape - and a comfortable and durable coffee table will appear on your site. Plywood can be replaced with plastic or hardboard, old countertops or plexiglass. From the same materials, by slightly changing the design, you can make a garden bench. Some diligent and patient craftsmen manage to collect full-fledged sofas and armchairs from bottles.

You can even make a base for a full-fledged sofa from plastic bottles, if you firmly and neatly fasten them together

Hanging flowerpot or base for planters

DIY ottoman from plastic bottles

How to make a pouf from a pet container

House made of plastic bottles

There are real builders among summer residents who know that you can build whatever your heart desires from plastic bottles. They collect gazebos, toilets, sheds and even from plastic bottles. The only difficulty of such structures is not in assembling them, but in collecting the required number of bottles.

House with a roof of 7,000 bottles

Plastic bottles are a good base material for building walls of a summer cottage, greenhouse, shower, toilet or other partitions

Greenhouse walls from containers on a wooden frame

The bottoms from plastic bottles will help you arrange garlands for the garden

Playground: flowers from plastic bottles and toys from plastic bottles

Crafts from plastic bottles will help decorate the playground

All kinds of crafts made from plastic bottles are especially attractive for decorating a playground. Absolutely safe, they can become the basis for toys, and for fun decorations, and for creating plot compositions. Funny elephants, bees, rabbits and hedgehogs, bright flowers, funny lanterns will turn the suburban island of childhood into a fairy kingdom.

The whole plot for the playground from the caps of plastic bottles and cans

Together with children, you can make small crafts and large plot mosaics from the caps of plastic bottles.

Doll from a plastic bottle

Examples of a variety of crafts that will help the gardener with placement, easy transportation and plant care

Piglets from large plastic bottles - stable stands for germination of seedlings or small plants

Craft for garden or lawn decor: pet-container parrot

Crafts for the garden and useful things

Colorful turtles will be a great decoration element for your garden.

With what ease the "crazy" hands of summer residents turn used plastic containers into useful summer cottages, you can see by walking through suburban areas. Here, on the trunk of the tree, a sink was comfortably attached, and in the next yard, the gazebo was decorated with multi-colored geraniums with fragrant and ampelous geraniums. We have also prepared for you several descriptions of crafts from plastic bottles for the garden and vegetable garden.

Do-it-yourself bird from plastic bottles

DIY painted garden owl lanterns

Birdhouse from a plastic bottle

A birdhouse from a plastic bottle is very easy to make

When cut in half, plastic bottles will make cute flower pots, but it is important to color them carefully. It is also advisable to take opaque bottles for this.

The ever-confusing and stuck sapling twine will stop tormenting you if you hide the ball in a plastic bottle. Just cut the bottle in the middle, put the ball in the top part, pass the end of the twine through the neck, join the parts, secure the cut with tape - and your comfortable storage is ready.

Drip irrigation from plastic bottles

Your seedlings will not wither, even if you are away for a few days: install semi-automatic irrigation. Once again, plastic bottles come into play. Cut off the bottom of the bottle, about 2/3, drill 4-8 holes in the cork, close the neck, bury the bottle with the neck down, pour water - and the seedlings are provided with moisture during your absence. Such a vegetable garden made of plastic bottles (a photo confirms this) will significantly save your time and financial resources.

Automatic irrigation "Aquasolo" is a tapered nozzle for a bottle with a thread, which does not require wasting time drilling slots, digging into the ground, and so on.

Anthurium with a convenient automatic irrigation system "Aquasolo"

Space saving as much as possible: hanging one above the other plastic bottles with a cut tube with water passing through them

  • For the same seedlings, excellent containers are obtained from plastic bottles. After cutting the bottle in half and taking the bottom, pour the prepared substrate into it, plant the plants and place them on a bookcase nailed from wooden planks. This design is also suitable for decorating the house with flowers.

Beautiful hanging pots made of plastic bottles will not only decorate the interior, but also make it unique

An excellent pot from a bottle of shampoo with your own hands

Arrangement in the country for compact placement of seedlings or small plants

Bird feeder from a plastic bottle

Some crafts from plastic bottles for the garden amaze with the ingenuity of the owners. Putting a bottle on a hose and making a lot of holes in the bottom, you get an excellent diffuser for watering your garden. From a five-liter container, you can build an elegant lamp on the veranda, and a container from under mineral water is suitable as a bird feeder.

Bird feeder from a plastic container

Simple and handy hose splitter for garden irrigation

  • Plastic bottles can help you save trees from pests. Cut the bottle lengthwise into two halves, fill with a pest-friendly mixture with the addition of insecticides and dig in at the base of the trunk.
  • Bottles can be used to create a magnificent decorative all-weather and all-season flower bed. Just paint the bottoms of the bottles in different colors and make a wonderful carpet out of them, sticking them open side into the ground. The carpet design can be reproduced on paper beforehand.

Pet-container decoration of flower beds has become very popular.

  • A Brazilian engineer did the calculations and built a solar collector out of plastic bottles. The structure can be placed in a summer cottage, connected to a storage tank, and you will always have a warm shower.

Solar collector device made of plastic bottles

Automatic watering of seedlings and ornamental plants in your absence using a plastic bottle dug in next to the roots with small holes drilled in the neck or cap

Cut plastic containers suspended one above the other are the fastest and most economical way out of a situation when you need to germinate a lot of seedlings in a confined space

Making an owl from a plastic bottle with your own hands

Bottles for germination and winter overexposure of plants - an opportunity to save space and ensure good irrigation and drainage

Products from plastic bottles: artistic masterpieces

Gorgeous pet-tare dandelions will never cease to delight you and your guests

The imagination of folk craftsmen is so diverse that it leads to the appearance on summer cottages of strange animals, characters from fairy tales and cartoons, and exotic plants, and original thematic compositions.

We glue the bottom of a plastic bottle or cup with dry twigs and get an unusual candlestick, protected from the wind

Rainbow decor for garden, workshop, garage: a fountain of spirals cut from multi-colored plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are used not only for garden decoration, but also for home decoration.

Country crafts from plastic bottles:

If you have a small body of water on your site, you can arrange it with a plastic palm tree. Making it is not at all difficult. You will need:

  • 10-15 brown plastic bottles (for the trunk of a palm tree);
  • 5-6 green bottles (preferably long);
  • iron or willow rod;
  • awl or drill for making holes;
  • a sharp knife or scissors for cutting bottles.

A palm tree made from plastic bottles looks very beautiful

Now we start making jewelry.

  • Cut all brown bottles in half. We take the lower parts and make holes with an awl in the bottom of each of them, equal in size to the diameter of the rod.

Advice! You can also take the tops of the bottles, then you do not have to make additional holes.

  • For green bottles, cut off the bottom by about 1 cm. We leave one of the blanks with a neck, for the rest we cut it off to make a loop.
  • Carefully cut the green bottles lengthwise into three equal parts all the way to the loop.

Making palm leaves

  • Cut out the edges of the brown parts with teeth to create an imitation of a rough palm trunk.
  • We fix the rod securely in the soil. We calculate the length of the twig by spreading the brown parts on the ground in one row, plus 2-3 cm on the leaves.

We put brown bottles on it.

Making a trunk for a palm tree

  • We string our leaves onto the free top of the twig, completing the work with a blank with a neck. We make a hole in the lid and screw it onto the last sheet, securely fixing the entire crown.

The connection of the trunk and leaves

Assembling a palm tree from plastic bottles

Using several rods of different lengths, you can create a real oasis. As you can see, it is not so difficult to make crafts for the garden from plastic bottles with your own hands, the main thing is to find a sufficient amount of material and take one of the proposed ideas as a basis.

Step-by-step guide: making fabric pots from plastic bottle bases.

Hedgehog from a plastic bottle and twine rope: growing seedlings and small creeping plants

Crafts for giving from plastic bottle caps

Real masterpieces can be created from plastic lids

Don't throw away bottle caps. Decorative crafts from plastic bottle caps for a summer residence and a garden can also be beautifully fit into its landscape. They will serve as an excellent mosaic material for decorating fences and walls of a country house.

Bright compositions of plastic covers will help make your landscaping more fun.

Master class video (from plastic bottles of standard capacity):

A path made of plastic lids is not only economical, but also very beautiful

Large-scale red and blue mosaic of different sizes of lids

Having conjured a little with a pattern, having painted and drilled holes in the sides of the covers, you can assemble a curtain on the door from them. A great option for protecting against insects!

The lids can be transformed into a beautiful worktop or a practical doormat. Use them for decorative interior decoration.

Gorgeous curtains for doors made from plastic covers

Sun-scattering carport

Beautiful lanterns in Hawaiian style

Before starting work, remove labels from bottles and wash containers thoroughly.

Fill bottles with sand or small pebbles to stabilize vertical structures.

Dragonflies from corrugated plastic bottles

An ingenious device for collecting fruits from trees

Hanging pet containers with the image of animals will perfectly fit into the interior of a children's room

Choose bottles of different softness of plastic for crafts. For example, for the body of a dog or elephant, take a sturdy base, and for the ears it is better to use softer plastic.

Master class from plastic bottles (step by step):

It would be nice, of course, to have a beautiful lake with white and black swans on your site. On a quiet warm evening, you can turn on the lighting, Tchaikovsky's music…. However, they say that it is better to have a titmouse in your hands than a pie in the sky. This also applies to the swan, so with a certain diligence with your own hands from plastic bottles you can create an almost living proud bird in your garden.

All sorts of different swans from plastic bottles

Let's make a reservation that we have already touched on this topic.

In the photo below you can see how a swan-flowerpot is created from a five-liter container using plaster.

I must admit that there are many options for assembling a swan from plastic bottles. As soon as you get down to work, then do something in your own way, and you get another performance. Below we will look at four typical designs. There is no dispute about tastes, and you will choose what you like best. We will discuss the features of each proposal and give master classes for their manufacture.

Three options for a snow-white bird

Most of all I liked the option with the use of plywood

First of all, I would like to tell you about the most interesting. The swan figurine below is made with plywood and white plastic bottles. It is convenient to fix the plumage of a bird made of plastic on a flat sheet. Little material is required. The graceful and thin neck is well reflected by the plywood sheet. The swan's body takes on a volumetric shape.

In general, an elegant craft is created quickly and easily. The step-by-step instructions are as follows:

Light and airy bird using plastic wrap

A proud garden bird can be assembled from a five-liter eggplant and plastic wrap. The appearance of such a craft, of course, attracts attention.

Consider the master class step by step:

  1. Two holes are made in the bottom and cork of the container and a wire is threaded, as seen in the image below. The wire will provide a skeleton for the neck and tail of the craft. In the bottle, you can cut a window through which you will be able to guide the wire inside the case by hand.
  2. The container is punched in front and back to give the bird a smooth outline. The required shape is fixed with tape.

  3. Next, we need an isolon. If there is no ready-made strip, you can cut strips about 7 cm wide from a material with a thickness of 3-10 mm.

    The entire workpiece is wrapped with an isolon tape. The material is fixed with tape. The latter helps to smooth out the irregularities of the isolon. Several layers of isolone are required to form the bird's head.

  4. Now you need to prepare a plastic tape to simulate the plumage of a bird. For this, tapes with a width of 70 mm are cut from a film with a thickness of 100-150 µm. The strips are cut across to a depth of 50mm in 5-10mm increments. It is convenient to fold the film in several layers to speed up the work.

  5. The tail, body and neck of the bird are wrapped with a prepared tape. Each turn of the film is fixed with narrow tape. The next layer is shifted by 20mm relative to the previous one.

  6. It is convenient to make the eyes of a bird from black buttons. They are sewn to the head in the right place.
  7. A good beak will come from a red marker. Several short longitudinal slots are made on the body of the marker to form a wide part of the beak. The marker is placed on the wire of the frame. The swan is ready!

Metal mesh and tire for large swan

You will get a large bird if you use a car tire and mesh as a supporting structure. The tire can be buried halfway in the ground, or it can be cut in half. In the latter case, the craft can change its placement. You can hide it for the winter. The neck is made of wire with a corrugated hose. The rubber of the wheel and the plastic of the hose must be primed so that the paint adheres properly.

The bird's head is made of foam. The workpiece is sanded with sandpaper, putty and painted. Better to use water-based putty and paints that won't ruin the styrofoam.

The bird's two wings are made of plastic feathers attached to a mesh frame. Feathers can be shaped as shown below. They are attached to the mesh with pieces of thin copper wire through holes in the workpieces. The fenders are attached to the tire with wire.

As you can see from the picture below, the mesh is cut in the form of an oval with jagged edges. A galvanized welded mesh with a mesh of 20x20mm is well suited.

The front side of the wing looks pretty decent. We make two wings.

As you can see in the picture below, the fenders can be reinforced with thick wire supports at some distance from the tire. You will get a large and voluminous swan with spread wings. However, the craft does not have the best appearance from the back and you will have to find an appropriate location for it in the garden.

In this arrangement, two car tires are required. In addition to the wings, the tail must be made using the same technology.

A lot of bottles, a lot of work - and you get an almost live bird

"Delicious on the third." Finally, consider the fourth option, which looks great. However, it will take a lot of packaging and even more patience when making the craft.

Master class for making a swan from plastic bottles:

  1. We make a blank from a five-liter eggplant and wire with a diameter of 3 mm. In the bottom and cork of the bottle we pierce holes opposite each other. The container can be cut to straighten the wire from the inside.

  2. To make a bird's head, take a white bottle with a narrow neck. Cut off the bottom and cut it lengthwise in 5mm increments, as shown below.

  3. We make the beak from a red cap and a cap from construction sealant. Cut out a hole in the cork and insert the red cap into it.

  4. Draw the eyes with a black marker. The tapering of the head will form on the narrower part of the neck detail, which is shown separately. During assembly, an elastic band for money is first put on the neck, which is then changed to fishing line. It is better to melt the edges of the fishing line with a match so that the knot does not come loose.

  5. We make the details of the neck as in the photo. They may have slightly different sizes, which is normal for different locations.

  6. The image below illustrates how the neck and head details will be set. For the final attachment of the head, a copper wire bent in half clings to the upper part of the frame wire. Then the beak is screwed together and the copper wire is threaded through the head. A thin wire is folded over and wrapped around the bottle neck thread. The beak is wrapped again.

  7. So that the parts on the neck are evenly spaced and form a smooth bend of the neck, it is necessary to wind an isolon around the wire. The latter is fixed with tape. Instead of isolon, you can use bottle caps with holes.
  8. To fasten the "fur coat" of the swan on the body of the workpiece, pull the stocking. We put an isolon on the chest of the bird to organize a convex shape. Tie the stocking with twine.

    It shouldn't sag!

  9. To make the tail feathers, we cut out the parts shown below. We make holes through which we sew the details to the stocking.

  10. The image below shows how to mount the tail pieces.

  11. The bottom curve of the tail covers the specially shaped element.

  12. The bird's body is sequentially sheathed with the details shown below. In places of bends, it is convenient to use separate ovals. The wings located on the sides are cut from the side with a step of 3-5mm. The accuracy of the work determines the type of future craft.

We have completed our consideration of the various options for making a white swan for the garden. If you do not limit your imagination, you can build both very simple and quite complex beautiful bird crafts.

Hello friends!

I continue the dacha theme, last time we examined it. Decorated the garden and vegetable garden with the cutest products, remember? We also reviewed the new items of this year. Today we continue to register our plots, and you know what? Yes, with ordinary plastic bottles.

With immense popularity, such wonderful toys or how to call them creations are gaining more and more recognition among summer residents. Do you know why? Of course, because we all always have a couple of unnecessary bottles in our apartment, which lie and gather dust on the shelf. So why don't we take and build gizmos out of them that will delight not only the eye, but everyone around.

Ah-ha, let everyone go and envy such beauty. Or maybe they will come up with something extraordinary new and brag to you. Along the way, soon in cities and villages they will organize competitions and exhibitions, as well as arrange competitions for the best work. And why not, so to speak.

After all, this is really great, and most importantly, it inspires everyone else to come up with cool and unique compositions from year to year. Well, get acquainted with the content and quickly scroll through and look at the beautiful masterpieces that I tried to find on the Internet. Intrigued? It's good.

PET material is lightweight and, moreover, durable, so you can easily and quickly make any thing out of it. I'll start by showing the huge vehicles. Oh, and there will be impressions now.

All sorts of bottles, even canisters, will go for this purpose. Look at how many works there are. If you have children, they will be interested in such products. Choose any job and do a whole composition on your personal plot.

You can also take as a basis also equipment, or helicopters.

From a jar for shampoo, you can also make a masterpiece and get an airplane. Paint with acrylics so that weather conditions do not spoil the craft.

The furniture looks wonderful all the same, it would seem, wow. Of course, a lot of the required material is needed here.

Whole houses are already being cultivated and greenhouses and greenhouses are being built. Also, arbors made of such waste materials began to be used.

And of course pieces of furniture such as chairs, stools and trash cans. Oh, everyone will definitely like it.

You can also make an ottoman and place it, for example, in a bathhouse or in a gazebo. Therefore, do not throw out juice cans.

And place the mushrooms under them, and these can be fly agarics. Imagine and success will come by itself.

Decorative ornaments are also made for the fence, the bottoms of bottles are cut off and stories are laid out.

Hemp and benches are also decorated. It comes out bright and beautiful.

Flowers and sunshine are cultivated in playgrounds and schools. These are the most famous works.

And, of course, you cannot do without flower beds and flower beds. You can even make it from one ordinary transparent soda bottle. Here's what a wonderful mouse came out.

Or make regular peas and plant any climbing plant or flower there.

It looks pretty wonderful and cute, even see the magic ball was built.

Whoever is good at what, then creates. It surprises us, but we follow an example and do not lag behind.

This picture is also very beautiful, but imagine if you still plant daisies or other flowers and how it will all bloom.

Unusual butterflies will also be a great decoration. They will cheer you up and make the interior even more beautiful.

You will need a template, cut it out of paper, and then attach it to the bottle.

Circle and paint with acrylic paints, and then cut along the contour.

Or such funny turtles.

Make them with your kids and decorate the veranda or dressing room. Here's a step-by-step photo instruction in detail, by the way it's also a piggy bank.

Interesting work from plastic bottles for beginners (photos and descriptions are attached)

If you are a beginner and think that you will not be able to cope, then you are deeply mistaken. Nothing is impossible, start with the simplest, and then choose something more difficult.

Here's a look at what a funny pig turned out in the form of a wonderful flower pot, like a flower bed. Read the description right now.

And here is the final result. It remains only to cut a hole on top and place the seedlings there, or leave it that way.

Also an interesting idea from cans and bottles. This is such a man or a robot.

You will also need music CDs. In metal cans, make holes with an awl and insert the wire and connect one to the other.

Make the torso from a large plastic bottle and also thread the wire to secure the arms and legs.

The eyes can be glued with a heat gun, and the pupils will be beans.

I also propose to make a bird feeder, it is done quite easily and simply. Questions will definitely not arise. Cut off the top of the bottle as shown here.

Then, with a knife, make a hole quite large.

Connect like this, you get a roof.

Make holes on the cork so that you can thread or wire and hang it on the tree.

Paint with acrylics for fun and attraction for birds.

Also, if you wish, you can make a hunting trophy.

Probably the simplest is the craft in the form of a hive with bees. Paint any container in yellow paint.

On the lid, draw a face, eyes and a mouth with black varnish.

Glue the strips with black tape.

Well, already a real bee, chew.

Only the wings are missing, draw them first on another vessel.

Then cut with scissors or a sharp stationery knife.

It only remains to secure.

And now such a bright flying charm will come out. Looks cool, doesn't it?

Cool zhuzhuka, as the little one used to call me insects and beetles.

We make animals from platistic bottles

Probably many of you, when you got into this article, were looking for animals, because your dacha will certainly look great with them if you make them and plant them on the site.

Take this step-by-step instruction with a diagram as a basis. I propose to make a cockerel from waste material. Tape the three bottles together.

Use multi-colored disposable cups to make an outfit for the rooster.

Of these, feathers for the tail. But, it is better to take disposable plates and cut off the edge from them, and then cut them. Use a glue gun or stapler to fix it.

Now almost everything is ready, the head remains.

It can be made from any ball or ball, in this case, a ball for a children's pool is taken.

Draw or glue the eyes and comb.

Now, as promised by the little animals, these are, for example, mischievous turtles.

Caterpillars, and they can be made from bottles and corks.

Cool options with horses and donkeys. A master class will be shown below, read on.

Cute pigs, one even winks at you.

Shown here are chicks and a fox-sister from the fairy tale Kolobok. Well, you can't do without a bear.

Take a look, naughty black cat, kittens and poodle. And of course the brave peacock.

The frog princess, do it if you have a pond. Bunnies and lamb.

And now, as promised, let's dwell on the donkey in more detail.

First, prepare the container for work, you will even need yogurt bottles. Screw the lids from the cans to the largest volumetric one.

Then you need to make the head and neck.

This is the layout that should come out.

Ears are also indispensable.

The donkey really came out, it looks like one to one.

This shows how the mane is done.

Do not forget to paint in the desired color, such as gray and white, use acrylic paints.

Then attach the box and than you are not another summer cottage masterpiece.

Here is such a peacock cooking scheme in my piggy bank, maybe it will come in handy for someone. Additional foam is also needed.

By the way, you didn’t think about making a live zoo, for example, there will be giraffes and zebras in it.

And a boa constrictor or a snake will crawl nearby.

You can do it from the available means of a hedgehog, taking more cones.

Or a scary toy in the shape of a shark, you can have fun at the same time.

Without birds, too, the garden is not fun, make a dove.

Or a magpie for example, here already give free rein to your imagination.

Of course, the swans take pride of place.

Not a single site can do without them.

Because they are very beautiful, the queens are straight.

You can create a ladybug from plastic spoons or cut out parts from a bottle and paint it in the desired color.

But the hero from the cartoon Gena Crocodile, only Cheburashka is missing.

These are the clumsy elephants who escaped from the zoo.

And this bird, very much struck me, an owl or an owl, and instead of eyes, CD-disks. Great idea.

Also, such a bird that symbolizes the birth of a child is a stork. Plant it in cabbage, it will be pretty smart. True, you will also need plywood, wire, polystyrene and milk cans.

Master class on how to make a palm tree with your own hands on the site (diagram)

A tropical plant, like a palm tree, long ago won the hearts of the inhabitants of Russia, it is this plant that often fills the interior in the garden. See this diagram and follow the appropriate steps.

And if you have any questions, you can watch the video.

In any case, you will figure it out, there is nothing difficult in this. So save up the material).

What can be made new from plastic bottles

Now I want to invite you to look at the most unusual ideas that I came across. There will be only new items. I want to show such a Christmas tree from a green bottle from under Fanta.

They even make brooms and shovels for cleaning the territory. Great idea.

Topiary looks unforgettable, take a look.

Or they decorate fences and gates from traffic jams.

And in the villages, they began to cultivate houses. How much you need to accumulate, horror.

But they even thought of using instead of a light bulb, the light and the rays of the sun enter and illuminate the room in the attic.

Here is a small box for little things, or something else.

Take care of the birds, make them a feeder.

Or such an octopus will delight your eye.

Girls and boys, nesting dolls and other little men.

And of course the flowers are lilies of the valley.

Or daisies, poppies, what do you like more?

And here are the lilies, how wonderful.

And someone can put a decorative teapot and a mug on the table.

We talked about butterflies above, and here is a dragonfly, yes, so huge.

Well, you can't do without a washbasin, build one, especially since it's still a great option if you go out of town for a picnic.

You can often find unique fences that can be made from bottles of dairy products.

Or decorate with strawberries, it looks just great.

These are the cute flower stands.

Or a watering device, screw the bottle onto the hose and make holes in it, you get a spray like from a watering can.

Who would have thought even cacti can be built, and even with thorns.

Also very popular are minions like you.

Interesting ideas, isn't it?

Beautiful crafts from plastic bottles, caps and corks

I propose to immediately adopt these ideas from this video:

See you soon by all means here. See you.

Best regards, Ekaterina Mantsurova