Rectangular kitchen 5 sq m design. Interior design of the kitchen in Khrushchev (real photos). How to organize the space of a small kitchen

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The most difficult room for design is the kitchen in the Khrushchev with an area of ​​5.5 sq m with a refrigerator (as in the photo example below). Everyone wants to make the interior beautiful and functional, with all kitchen electronics, appliances, furnishings and decorative paraphernalia, despite the limited space and small footage. The design of the kitchen will depend not only on the layout, but also on lighting, furniture arrangement, type of decoration and style. Consider the best options and modern ideas for arranging a small kitchen area using the example of photographs of real interiors.

Beautiful and elegant furniture made of natural wood fits well into the interior. In front of the window, you can put a table in the color of the kitchen set, close the Soviet battery

Functionality and aesthetics: the secrets of arrangement

Most often, small-sized 5.5-meter kitchens can be found in old houses, in other words, in. To make the interior beautiful and modern, in some cases, not only a complete rearrangement and re-equipment of communications may be required, but also redevelopment. Such large-scale works will require a significant budget, which not everyone can afford. Consider a few helpful tips from experienced renovation and design professionals:

  • arrange furniture and appliances in such a way that the distance between the refrigerator, stove and sink is reduced to a minimum - it is more convenient to cook this way;
  • the width of the working surface should be from 80 to 120 centimeters, and it is better to place hooks or shelves for towels, potholders and other basic kitchen utensils near the stove;
  • if you have a wide window sill, you can turn it into an additional countertop or bar counter;
  • if a family with small children lives in the apartment, it will be advisable to organize a barrier on the stove for safety;
  • it is better to place a toaster, microwave, coffee maker, coffee grinder and electrical appliances close to each other, for example, you can use not only the tabletop, but also the window sill and niches;
  • the height of the countertop near the kitchen apron should be comfortable for the hostess - the back should not get tired while cooking;
  • on 5 squares, it is necessary to use every square meter wisely, so it is better to try to choose a kitchen set with many built-in shelves, cabinets with sliding doors and open shelves;
  • designers advise to abandon massive curtains with curtains and large folds. For Khrushchev, blinds or light curtains are more suitable;
  • pay attention to the corners and do not leave them empty: you can put corner cabinets, shelves and even a sofa here;
  • - this is a real find for a small room. At the right time, such products are quickly laid out, and then folded again, freeing up useful space;
  • many remove doors altogether, making doorways open or installing beautiful structures in them. So that the smells of food do not penetrate into other rooms, you can take care of buying a high-quality one and hang interior curtains (for example, kisei);
  • the refrigerator itself should not be very large, but it is best to hide it in a cabinet or niche, if possible.

It is also advisable to avoid furniture with sharp corners: it is not only too large for, but can also be dangerous and inconvenient when moving in a tight space. In this case, it is better to install products with rounded edges.

Types of layouts: how to arrange furniture and the choice of a refrigerator

Thinking over the design of a small kitchen in, you need to focus on the features, location of communications, window and doorways. Therefore, the shape of the premises plays an important role in planning the renovation.

The layout of the kitchen can be:

The refrigerator should be narrow and high or low, with a small freezer and several shelves for storing food. A modern design with such an area of ​​5.5 sq m with a compact refrigerator is shown in the photo.

Spacious cabinets successfully compensate for the small size of the kitchen area, and the refrigerator does not block access to the work area

How to set up a workspace and dining area

The most important thing for every housewife is to correctly equip a working triangle. After all, a well-thought-out design will not only be functional, but also beautiful.

Almost every kitchen has:

  • dinner table;
  • work tabletops;
  • fridge;
  • stove (with or without oven);
  • washing;
  • lockers;
  • chairs.

The rest of the items can be attributed to additional, however, it is important for them to find the right place: microwave oven, multicooker, electrical appliances, and a dishwasher, food processor, juicer, blender, etc.

Here are some helpful tips from design and renovation experts:

For crockery and decor, hooks or other special designs are used, as well as niches and built-in shelves.


Among the variety of modern models, you can choose ready-made collections with patterns, mosaics, imitation of stone or natural wood. To visually increase the space, it is better to select finishing materials of light shades, with a glossy or mirror surface.

Kitchen design options in soothing colors. The main thing is to correctly select decorative elements for finishing.

As for the wall decoration, here you can use wallpaper with moisture-repellent properties (non-woven or vinyl), decorative plaster, paint, tile cladding, wall cladding with plasterboard or wood. Some materials will serve as additional insulation or sound insulation.

Textured cladding with many patterns and patterns looks beautiful, but in a small room the main thing is not to overdo it with an abundance of small details. You can visually expand the walls with wallpaper with horizontal stripes, patterns and designs. Wall murals and 3D images will give the kitchen a sense of depth.

The specificity of a small kitchen is the complexity of placing a dining area for a large family. The photo shows a variant of the kitchen, which is used only for cooking.

When choosing a ceiling finish, it is important to take into account its height and free area, because this is where lighting devices will be located. The best solution would be to cover the surface with light plaster or install a tension structure, under which all imperfections can be hidden.

In this case, the stretch ceiling must be one-level and not occupy the usable area. To zone some areas of the kitchen, it is recommended to build in spotlights or LED lighting, for example, around the perimeter of the room.

A good option for a small family: the ceiling in the kitchen area with soft lighting. The designer cheerfully played with the colors of the kitchen interior


Designers recommend organizing multi-level lighting, so you can focus on the necessary areas: for example, bright light above the cutting board, in the kitchen apron niches, lighting in the bar counter or above the dining table top. How can I do that:

Modern models of lighting fixtures are striking in their laconicism and functionality. You can choose products for any style of interior, any shade, shape and size. For example, dimmable light fixtures with long handles make your kitchen look stylish and beautiful.

To achieve the effect of a "soaring ceiling" will help the illumination installed around the kitchen perimeter. The color is selected based on the overall design and type of finish.

Stunning airy sky effect right in the interior of a city apartment

The video below shows the most successful design options for a 5.5 sq m kitchen with a refrigerator; from an amazing photo selection, everyone can choose something for their interior. Get inspired by design ideas and don't be afraid to experiment with shapes and furnishings. The most important thing is to maintain the harmony of style and compatibility of the color palette.

Kitchen design in Khrushchev is a real challenge for eminent designers, let alone inexperienced users. How to try to expand the space, how to make it more comfortable and how to competently fill it with accessories? You will find the answers to these questions in the article.

5m kitchen design is a difficult task, but quite doable

Expansion of space and choice of style

In the middle of the last century, when the problem of housing was solved by means of state planning, and people's opinion was practically not taken into account, numerous buildings were erected, later nicknamed "Khrushchevs".

The small area of ​​the room is the main feature of the Khrushchevs

“Khrushchevkas” are small apartments with the eternal problem of a shortage of living space, the owners of which are still some of us. It is not surprising if you are wondering how you can deploy a kitchen over an area of ​​five square meters?

So that the kitchen in a 5 sq m Khrushchev building does not seem so cramped, you need to try to expand it a little. This can be achieved:

  • Creating a kitchen-living room... By removing the partition between the kitchen and the living room, you get a studio with much more space than before.

By removing the wall between the kitchen and the living room, you get a completely spacious room.

  • Balcony connections... If you demolish the partition between the room and the loggia or balcony, you can conveniently organize a separate dining area.

A balcony or loggia will be able to add a few necessary tools

  • Arch creation... If the previous options seem too radical, then you can slightly expand the space by changing the doorway into an arch.

The arch visually makes the space more airy

If, for some reason, none of the proposed options is available for implementation, then you can try to visually expand the room through a good choice of decor.

To make your 5 meters look spacious, fresh and original, you need to choose the right interior style. The proposed instructions will help to do this.

For a comfortable arrangement, you must use a classic style, minimalism or high-tech

For such a small room, the following is best:

  • Modern minimalism... It will allow you to create a cozy interior with your own hands without piling up unnecessary accessories. Use built-in appliances, a minimum number of floor-standing cabinets, glossy and glass surfaces - all this will help to visually increase the space.

Minimalistic design is what you need for a small room

  • High tech... Multifunctional space filled with modern high-tech technology. You can also use transforming furniture. In addition, use as many chrome and glossy surfaces as possible that play well with the space.

Multifunctional furniture and appliances help to use the available meters as efficiently as possible

  • Classic. Fill the room with natural materials (stone, wood and glass) and immediately notice how it becomes a little brighter and more spacious. For example, a light corner set with tall top cabinets is a practical and stylish solution.

Light colors, characteristic of the classic style, will fill the atmosphere of the kitchen with lightness

Rational use of quadrature

A kitchen of 5 sq m in Khrushchev is not the most fertile ground for experiments with the interior. And yet it is quite possible to comfortably equip it and create a cozy space. This can be done with a little trick.

Working triangle

The kitchen is essentially a classic triangle; hob, sink and refrigerator - the rest is at the discretion of the user. They should be located close to each other - so cooking will be much faster and more comfortable.

One of the main tasks of the arrangement is to harmoniously accommodate the “kitchen triangle” (stove, refrigerator, sink)

  • Fridge... The most dimensional, but at the same time irreplaceable thing in the kitchen. Some people move the refrigerator out of the kitchen area - this allows you to carve out a certain area. You can solve this problem differently - buy a tall and at the same time narrow refrigerator that will fit into the corner of a small kitchen.
  • Washing. Another integral part of the kitchen's functionality. One of the most effective options for placing a sink is to combine it with a window sill. This way you get additional floor space without cluttering up the overall space.

A window sill combined with a sink is an original and solution that increases the area of ​​the working area

  • Hob... It is advisable to select an embedded model - its price may be slightly higher than a stationary analog, but it is much more compact and takes several times less space. Thus, you will save space for a microwave oven or other household appliances. In addition, it is not at all necessary to buy a model for 4 burners. Think, maybe 2x is enough for you?

Sooner or later, each owner Khrushchev's time comes modernize small kitchen 5-6 sq.m. This square, like the old days, is always not enough. This is especially felt with the acquisition of new kitchen appliances and furniture. Before starting the renovation, it is advisable to think about the functionality of each square meter, using the advice of experienced designers involved in the reorganization of Khrushchev's apartments.

The design of a small-sized kitchen in apartments with an old layout (from 5 square meters and more) is a challenge for any designer.

The advice that before purchasing something new you need to get rid of the old, in small Khrushchev kitchen remains the most relevant. Here, not only is there no extra space, even for a free passage there is not enough a few centimeters in width, if there is cabinet furniture. Although the built-in furniture is slightly more expensive than the finished kitchen when calling the master, it is the most rational solution to attach all the kitchen utensils.

Small Khrushchev kitchen in 5-6 "squares" many inherited it as a Soviet "legacy". But when there is no alternative, you have to adapt to these conditions. It is difficult to make more footage without redevelopment with the demolition of the walls, but this is not always possible. Therefore, most of the residents of such urban "khrushchob" have to deal with the reorganization of space.

Despite the lack of space, it is always possible to make even a small corner for cooking hospitable and cozy.

Many people know that "Khrushchevs" are called small-sized city apartments, mainly in panel houses, where most of the walls are load-bearing. It is very difficult to get permission for their redevelopment. If everything works out, you can only combine two adjacent rooms and attach a balcony. But the apartment won't get bigger. Thoughtful kitchen design project 5 meters in Khrushchev should include such a possibility.

Attention! The city authorities often give away brick houses for demolition, since the deadline for their implementation has expired. There is no point in investing in expensive repairs to emergency real estate, even if you manage to get a permit!

When making repairs in Khrushchev, it is necessary to calculate the size of each item and its location to the nearest millimeter.

The main problem of these apartments is the "robbed" footage of the kitchen and bathroom in the hallway and corridors. All kitchen attributes must be placed in this limited area:

  1. Fridge;
  2. Gas stove;
  3. Washing;
  4. Other household appliances (dishwasher or washing machine);
  5. Kitchen units for food processing and cooking;
  6. Cabinets and shelves (for storing food, dishes and other kitchen utensils);
  7. Work surface.

5-6 sq. meters, you need to fit storage tanks, kitchen furniture, and household appliances.

It's hard to condense in stuffed to the limit kitchen 5 sqm, but thoughtful design and functionality of the Khrushchev apartment able to work miracles. It all depends on the lifestyle of the owners of small-sized housing. No dishwasher needed in a small family. A large stove with an oven is also not needed if they cook little.

Space organization rules

Organization of confined spaces and design of a small kitchen 5-6 meters in Khrushchev often becomes a "headache" for the owners. But if you approach this process creatively, you can benefit from every square meter.


1. Work surface arrangement As close to the sink and stove as possible, preferably between them
2. Refrigerator installation Close to the work surface and sink, but not near the stove, so as not to heat up
3. Wall cabinets and shelves Fill corners and vertical surfaces as much as possible - up to the ceiling
4. Gas stove location It is impossible directly at the window, so that the curtains do not burn, the draft does not blow out the flame
5. Table and chairs (stools), dining table Better stackable seats to remove as unnecessary, the table top is small, it can be replaced by any folding and retractable planes
6. Boxes and lockers They fill all niches of built-in furniture
7. Windowsill Better to combine with a countertop
8. Kitchen furniture Shallow, functional, compact.

Advice ... It is important to think over the ergonomics of kitchen furniture so that your hands do not get tired when processing products, you do not have to reach for every little thing on the shelves of the cabinets. Use closers to prevent doors and rails from slamming to place dishes and kitchen utensils.

The main "enemy" of the small-sized Khrushchev kitchen is clutter. It is important to think over everything to the smallest detail and get rid of all the items that are needed literally once a year, or even less often. They need to be attached to the mezzanine in the corridor, on the balcony or in another place that serves as a storage room.

This will help free up a few cabinets, shelves, and drawers.

In small-sized rooms, furniture of the type of transformers and folding planes, as in the aisle of a compartment carriage, is welcome. These seats are retracted (folded) when not in use. They are very convenient if they are made according to all the rules - another way to save space in kitchen design for 5 sq.m. in Khrushchev ... But it is better to make impromptu "seats" on a leg (telescopic bar) - do not hesitate, they will not let you down because of the weight.

In a small kitchen often you have to give up the table. It is not uncommon for a family to have lunch or dinner in the living room or hall while watching TV.

In this case, a curbstone with a work surface remains the only table, but it is inconvenient to eat there.

Advice ... To have a place to put your feet, it is important to have a niche under the countertop. For this, a window sill increased to the size of a countertop, or a pull-out plane hidden under the cutting surface of kitchen furniture, is suitable.

If there is nowhere to put the washing machine and refrigerator, they are taken out into the corridor or hallway adjacent to the kitchen. It is not very convenient, but you can get additional space for a modern kitchen design in Khrushchev 5 sq.m.

In a small kitchen, it is possible, without prejudice to the area of ​​work surfaces, to place a large number of cabinets, making some of them from floor to ceiling.

Important ! A cozy kitchen will not be made by a refrigerator or a washing machine, but by beautiful kitchen accessories, window decor and other tastefully selected attributes. These are paintings and decorative plates, knitted tablecloths and lace napkins, original shades and mystical lighting.

Methods for visually expanding the limited space of the Khrushchev kitchen

Convert area small kitchen can be done in different ways.

  1. The method of rationality is to remove old bulky cabinets and wall cabinets by installing lightweight compact built-in furniture.
  2. Functionality method - leave in Khrushchev's kitchen only the necessary items, trying to arrange them as compactly as possible.
  3. The method of visual illusion is to choose light colors in the design of the room, use horizontal and vertical lines that "push apart" the walls of the photo wallpaper, a light veil on the windows (maximum light and space).
  4. Zoning method - if redevelopment is planned, make a reasonable allocation of space so that everything is at hand.
  5. Design concept method - using well-chosen style and decor to make small kitchen in the Khrushchev with a stylish modern room.

In a small kitchen, every centimeter of free space is important, so it is very important here to correctly design a kitchen set.

During renovations in a small room, it is advisable to choose light shades, "mirroring" or glossy surfaces, so that there is more light. It is better to abandon the stretch fabric and suspended structures when repairing the ceiling, they will also take 10-20 cm of space.

Place cabinet furniture only against one wall, while occupying the corners, so the kitchen will appear wider.

It is better to make an interesting decor on a free wall. V kitchen design project 5 meters in Khrushchev can be foreseen an interesting free wall finish to create the illusion of a “dismantled” wall. Photo wallpaper with a panorama of a big city or going out into nature will help with this. Some people like spatial illusions, photo collages and mosaics.

Secrets of kitchen remodeling 5.5 sq. m in Khrushchev

Redevelopment of small apartments with the demolition of secondary partitions in the design environment is considered one of the best methods of modernization.

Do not be afraid to place shelves or a closed part of the furniture set too high.

  • Combine with an adjoining living room;
  • "Cut off" a couple of meters from the adjacent corridor or hallway;
  • "Increase" the footage by joining the area of ​​the insulated balcony or loggia;
  • To remake the Khrushchev into a studio-type apartment, leaving part of the walls in the form of arches, sliding partitions and sides with uprights, which will help to keep the main "frame" of the apartment.

Advice ... If the owner of the apartment is not a specialist in construction and renovation, you should not engage in remodeling the apartment. At the initial stage of reconstruction work, it is better to entrust specialized construction firms.

Being engaged in the transformation of an apartment without a "big" redevelopment, you can expand the doorways or shift the aisles so that the rooms are not walk-through. Some of the apartments in the old housing stock do not have balconies, especially on the lower floors.

Advice ... If you wish, you can remove the partition under the kitchen window and insert a balcony door.

Do not forget to install safety glass and metal grilles on the improvised balcony - protection from uninvited guests.

But there will be a place where you can go out to smoke or breathe fresh air without leaving the apartment. It will not be possible to make a large balcony in this way, but the spherical shape of the lattice will provide enough space for drying clothes and planting balcony plants.

How to disguise a column, sink and kitchen appliances?

In a small Khrushchev kitchen very little space, but it has to be allocated for gas equipment:

  • Counter;
  • Gas water heater;
  • Stove with oven or grill;
  • Hood hood with corrugation.

White color will visually enlarge a small narrow kitchen.

There are 2 ways to disguise them. in the design of the kitchen in Khrushchev 5 sq.m. with refrigerator and other equipment:

  1. Hide behind the doors of the facades of kitchen furniture;
  2. Leave it open, decorating it in an original way.

Important ! To make the hood take up less space in the kitchen, it is recommended to acquire not a traditional bell, but an inclined shape. This is convenient when you bend over the stove when preparing food, and it is more compact.

It is very convenient to hide gas equipment behind the doors of kitchen cabinets. But any specialist will say that it is better to make cuts in them in order to monitor the indicators. The gas water heater and the wood of the furniture are incompatible.

You need to think over the choice of material in advance or leave the column open, but think over what it will coexist with.

Advice ... During repairs, do not forget to make high-quality insulation at the stove. Waterproofing is needed near the sink. Bulky tiles can be replaced with a compact 2-gang module - saving space.

How to improve the lighting of a small kitchen?

A well-chosen color scheme and illumination of local zones always work "plus" if you need to work with expanding the space.

Attention ! During the repair, it is worth replacing the old emergency wiring and equipment that cannot cope with the load of modern household appliances.

The design of surfaces (especially walls, window textiles) should be done in light shades.

When choosing lighting fixtures, she focuses on the design style and functionality of the kitchen.

  1. It is very convenient when the work surface is illuminated by diodes fixed on the bottom of the wall cabinets, like on the picture.
  2. In a modern kitchen, a diode tape looks good around the perimeter of the ceiling or in the frame of cabinet furniture.
  3. When buying a ceiling lamp, give up a bulky chandelier that takes up a lot of space. The exception is a large shade that descends to the center of the table.
  4. If in the interior small kitchen there is a corner and a dining table, the eating area should be illuminated by a compact sconce with a practical shade that is easy to clean.
  5. Try to equip all lamps with economical lamps.

Light reflections playing on the surface will give the room a light, light and sunny mood, as in the photo.

The ideal option would be a large window, where a lot of daylight enters. If it is possible to expand the window opening or replace the frames with a lighter and lighter one, be sure to use it. Curtains or window decorations are lightweight, made of translucent fabrics that are easy to wash and do not require ironing.

The design of curtains and curtains should highlight and unobtrusively decorate this part of the kitchen, but in no case prevent the penetration of sunlight.

Washable surface decoration: apron and work area

When renovating a kitchen, practicality comes first. Every housewife knows how long it takes to clean. The more practical the cladding materials, the easier it is to clean the kitchen.

A small kitchen in Khrushchev will require a non-standard approach when choosing furniture.

Don't be afraid of white or light shades of beige, gray and blue. If it is smooth plastic on the ceiling or tile materials in the decoration of walls and floors, then cleaning takes no more time than in other colors. In addition, the light cladding initially looks "clean".

Attention! Gloss (any color) reflects more light but shows more scratches after cleaning with abrasive household products.

A modern kitchen does not require a huge number of cabinets, just a couple of shelves on the wall and open shelves for large dishes.

When choosing tile materials for kitchen design 5m2 in Khrushchev do not use large blocks and large drawing. With them, a small room will seem even smaller. The ideal option for cladding a kitchen apron is small mosaic tiles.

For wall cabinets, it is better to use doors that open upwards rather than to the sides, since they do not take up useful space at all.

The walls do not have to be monochromatic, but light shades are preferred. The quality of cladding materials depends on financial capabilities, but all surfaces must be practical to clean. Tiled floors should not be slippery, for safety reasons - choose with a rough texture.

A good option for the kitchen is a light moisture-resistant laminate.

The place where you have to butcher meat, peel vegetables and cut juicy foods often gets dirty. Here you will have to abandon wallpaper, textured plaster and decorative panels made of materials that are difficult to clean.

Advice ... It is recommended to open an interesting relief decor with a colorless varnish in several layers.

Most often it is necessary to clean in the work area, so the choice of finishes is most important here.

Remember that a small Khrushchev kitchen has its "plus" - a small surface area. You can save on finishing materials by opting for more luxurious tiles, countertops and façades. This will help transform Khrushchev beyond recognition, as on our Photo.

The tips in this article will help you successfully cope with the transformation of your smallest kitchen.

VIDEO: Projects and design of a small kitchen.

50 design ideas for a kitchen of 5-6 sq. meters:

Kitchen 5.5 sq. m is a small, but quite functional and comfortable space for the hostess. In such an area, you can organize a comfortable workplace for cooking, where all the necessary kitchen utensils will be at hand. With the correct placement of furniture for 5 sq. m, even for arranging the dining area, there will be enough space. What ideas for renovation and design novelties for improving the interior are offered by modern specialists?

Choice of layout

First of all, you should develop a project for a future kitchen of 5 sq. m. Professional experienced designers will help with this, but their services are not cheap. Not everyone is able to independently visualize the space and develop a design project, so it is better to immediately arm yourself with a pencil and a sheet of paper and sketch out the layout of the furniture. Determine which zone and how many meters will be allocated. Confident PC users can simplify the task and use the online builder. This program allows you to see the layout of the future kitchen in 3D, so it is possible to immediately note all the advantages and disadvantages.

If the apartment is one-room or each family member needs his own personal territory, the kitchen design is 5 sq. m should combine the working and dining areas. In this case, a single-row or corner layout will do.

  • With a linear layout, all furniture is 5 sq. meters is located in one row along the blank wall. Such an interior looks very stylish and compact, and also takes up little space. Among the advantages, one can also single out its relatively low cost. To purchase a headset, you just need to measure the length of the larger wall. The main focus in this kitchen design is 5.5 sq. m is placed on the dining area, where you can put a round or square coffee table for 3-4 people. The disadvantage of a linear layout is the ineffective use of space. The kitchen has 5 sq. m with a refrigerator, there will be practically no space for a work surface and for placing other household appliances.
  • An L-shaped layout is the most common and convenient option for both the hostess and household members. Such an interior involves placing the headset along two perpendicular walls with a corner capture. Moreover, this angle can be beaten in different ways: make it beveled or straight. In the first case, the niche will be much deeper, which will allow you to place a lot of products and dishes. But the right angle is more convenient to use, because it is easier to reach the sink. Such small kitchens 5 meters high with a refrigerator are very popular with the hostesses, since the so-called triangle principle is preserved. The visual combination of the stove, sink and refrigerator allows you not to waste time on unnecessary maneuvers and cook in comfort.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that corner fittings are more expensive, since they must be made to order, taking into account individual parameters. But this will allow you to use every centimeter of free space in the kitchen 5 5 sq. m.

If in another room it is possible to equip a full-fledged dining room, then the kitchen is 5 sq. meters is used for its intended purpose, i.e. as a work area for cooking. In this case, you can consider the following layout options.

  • A design based on a U-shaped layout involves placing the headset along three walls, capturing two corners, sometimes a window. It is suitable exclusively for square rooms with a regular shape. This arrangement is convenient for housewives who spend a lot of time at the stove. Firstly, the principle of ergonomic space is preserved, and secondly, everything you need is at hand. So that the kitchen is 5 square meters. m was not very crowded, the distance between the sidewalls should be at least 1 meter. An original and practical option is to combine a work surface with a sink, stove and worktop. The latter can be equipped as a bar counter or made a place for a quick snack. If there are no additional cabinets under the worktop, it is recommended to place 1–2 chairs.
  • A linear two-row layout is suitable for an elongated and narrow kitchen of 5 squares. Here, the design involves placing the headset along two parallel long walls. To comply with the triangle principle, it is necessary to put the sink and stove on one side, and the refrigerator on the other. As in the U-shaped layout, the distance between the sidewalls should be 1–1.2 meters in order to be comfortable in the room. In such a kitchen, 5 sq. m, the design of which can be viewed on the website, accommodates all the necessary household appliances, including a washing machine, dishwasher, microwave oven, coffee maker, etc.


Kitchen design 5.5 sq. needs a visual expansion of the space, so you should take care of installing additional lighting in advance. There is little sunlight, especially in apartments with windows to the north and west, so its deficit must be compensated. Remember that a dark and poorly lit kitchen looks much smaller than it actually is.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of lighting devices for every taste and budget: fluorescent, halogen, energy-saving lamps, LED strips, sconces, floor lamps, etc. For economical energy consumption, it is important to highlight each zone. In the dining room, the light can be more subdued than in the work area, so you can choose a sconce and a chandelier in the center of the kitchen.

The "floating ceiling" with LED strip around the perimeter looks very original. The only drawback: such a drywall structure can be installed only if the height of the room allows. In the work area, give preference to spotlights around the perimeter of the headset and backlighting of the apron. The light bulbs installed in the bottom of transparent cabinets and open shelves will help to visually enlarge the kitchen.

Color solution

For small kitchens of 5 square meters, the predominance of bright saturated colors, which make the space narrower, closer and more aggressive, is unacceptable. Give preference to pastel shades, light green, pink, beige, sand, light brown, white colors. The light interior looks much more festive and elegant, saturating the kitchen with space and airiness. Note that care must be taken with pure white so that the kitchen doesn't turn into a hospital room. This will help the combination of milky shades, ivory.

To give the interior liveliness and style, it is allowed to make a bright accent on one detail or some decorative elements. Make sure that no more than three different colors are used when decorating the kitchen, otherwise the room will look tasteless.

Choice of materials

If you plan to overhaul the kitchen, you should update all wall and floor coverings, as well as select materials that match the design in color and texture.

The first step is to start the screed, i.e. leveling the floor. This will allow you to select any coating, ensure its long-term operation. For kitchens 5.5 sq. m, photos of which are presented on the site, laminate, tile or ceramic tiles, linoleum are suitable. Pay attention to the quality of the materials: they must be durable, easy to clean from greasy stains and dirt. It is good if the floor tiles are small: then they should be laid diagonally or in a herringbone pattern. This will visually expand the premises of 5 sq. m.


For wall design, paintable wallpaper, decorative plaster, wall panels made of plastic or MDF are suitable. Patterns in a vertical line or diamonds will help to visually raise the ceiling. But note that with such a picture, the room will seem narrower and tighter. Opt for a solid color finish or small, almost invisible patterns. If there is only one free wall left, you can glue the wallpaper. Canvases with an image receding into the distance look very original. For an area of ​​5 meters, a kitchen with a similar design looks much larger and more spacious.

It is recommended to use ceramic tiles or stalinite as finishing of the apron. The latter option is much more practical, because it is made of tempered glass that can withstand any temperature extremes. In addition, panoramic images will be a real highlight for any small kitchen.


For a small kitchen 5 sq. m fit a plain ceiling without prints and patterns. Stop the choice on a stretch ceiling, simple painting or, if the height allows, a two-tier suspended structure made of plasterboard. Pay attention to the glossy PVC film. Such a reflective surface will increase the size of the kitchen.


5 sq. meters, it is difficult to fit everything you need: furniture, appliances, kitchen utensils, dishes, food. However, there are secrets to help solve this problem.

  • Choose multifunctional kitchen furniture with built-in appliances, drawers, additional shelves and sections. It's good if the headset is three-tiered: this will provide additional storage space. On the mezzanine, you can fold the kitchen utensils that are least needed in everyday life, and keep everything you need in the lower shelves. The base of the headset is also a great place to store small items if you equip the headset with drawers.
  • It is recommended to replace a large dining table with a folding or folding one, which is mounted in a wall or in a set. When folded, it serves as a shelf and does not take up much space. As for the chairs, they can also be replaced with folding ones or choose models from polycarbonate.

When buying, give preference to furniture with a glossy surface, which will help to visually increase the kitchen space of 5 sq. m.


Those who have the financial ability and the desire to experiment with the design of a 5 meter kitchen can consider redevelopment options.

Consider the main ways to rebuild this apartment:

The first way. Moving the wall and increasing the 5-meter kitchen due to an adjacent room or corridor. To do this, you will have to dismantle the wall and install a new plasterboard partition. Thus, the kitchen will acquire an additional couple of meters, and the living room or corridor, on the contrary, will decrease. This option requires significant financial investments, but all the premises remain isolated.

Second way. Combining kitchen and living room. Such redevelopment involves the complete or partial demolition of the wall with the adjoining room. The result is a spacious kitchen-studio, which includes 3 functional areas: work, guest and dining. A large space needs frequent cleaning, mandatory zoning. If a lot of people live in an apartment, then a similar design of a small kitchen of 5 sq. m, combined with the living room, will deprive someone of the family members of personal space. In addition, smells, the noise of working household appliances will interfere with the rest of guests and household members in the hall.

For the kitchen 5 sq. m, located in old buildings, the option of any redevelopment is very problematic and costly. Before starting the repair, the project of the future premises should be agreed with the higher authorities. This will take time and money, but the permit obtained guarantees the safety of the apartment residents and all neighbors. The fact is that the demolition of a load-bearing wall can provoke collapse and collapse, and the transfer of communications (especially gas pipes) can lead to an accident in the form of a fire or explosion. Remember that unauthorized redevelopment threatens with a large fine and an order to return the interior to its original state. If a small kitchen of 5 meters is equipped with a gas stove, then the combination with the adjoining room is impossible.

Renovation and furnishing of an apartment is a long and painstaking process that requires a special approach, knowledge and skills. With the right design and choice of layout, even a small-sized kitchen, the design of which is presented on the site, will become a favorite place for all guests and household members.

Photos of small kitchens after renovation

The main feature of houses, especially old ones, is that the kitchens in the apartments are quite small, having no more than 5 sq. m., if you have such a problem, you shouldn't be upset, with the right arrangement and the right choice of shades, everything will work out.

Our article will help you understand all the nuances that have arisen. Any small room, including a kitchen, requires a pre-prepared design project.

Lighting and general layout can play a significant role in the design of the space.

Optimizing free space in a small kitchen

Kitchen room design 5 sq. m. is thought out scrupulously.

In order for the premises after the renovation work to please, and be convenient and multifunctional, you need to have a certain budget and order furniture items that will be used for their intended purpose.

It is these attributes that will ideally fit into the parameters of the kitchen.

Design solutions for the design of a small kitchen space

Experts have been working for quite a long time to make the small-sized kitchen compact and beautiful. Let's take a look at some guidelines to help you avoid problems when setting up your own home.

Kitchen type "P". In this variant, furniture items are placed near the wall surfaces.

This will help create the necessary conditions for cooking. If, for example, in the kitchen you break a window into the next room, then the space will visually increase, and the room itself will look unusual.

The option when the sink is located under the window opening is considered difficult. The fact is that for such an idea, a number of additional work needs to be done: lengthen the pipeline, take care of the sewage system and move the heating system.

But, all the same, given that if the sink in a small-sized kitchen is located just at the window, then the room looks much lighter and larger.

The idea where the stove is placed in the corner is suitable for active housewives who are used to pampering their household with delicious dishes.

Corner cooking surfaces save space, and you can place other household appliances in empty spaces.

Small kitchen with a sink for washing dishes in the corner. This type of design is quite economical, and you can hang a wall cabinet above the sink, for example, for dishes.

Furniture items for the kitchen room 4 - 5 sq. m.

Attributes must match some parameters such as appearance and materials. Choose items only compact, multifunctional, beautiful in appearance and made from natural materials.

If your kitchen is small, give up the big details on the furniture. After all, a lot depends on the fittings, so bulky handles on cabinets and drawers can be replaced with small elements in a minimalist style.

Whatever you are told in any case, when arranging a kitchen room, each person takes into account his own wishes.

Do not forget everything should be correctly selected, and correctly placed, only then your kitchen will attract the eyes and delight every morning.

Photo of the kitchen 4-5 sq. m.