Heating radiators what to choose. Heating radiators: which is better for an apartment. System characteristics and service life

Replacing batteries that have ceased to perform their functions is an important part of repairing the heating system. Therefore, their choice should be taken with all seriousness and responsibility. And in order not to make a mistake when buying and choose the option that best suits the individual characteristics of your home, you need to determine for yourself which heating radiators are best for an apartment. Moreover, the range of products of this type, presented in specialized stores, is quite wide.

Modern industry produces several types of heating batteries made of various materials and having a specific set of characteristics. These include:

Cast iron sectional radiators

Their advantages:

  • Reliability and durability. The average life of radiators is about 50 years.
  • Undemanding to the quality of the coolant. Therefore, until now they are installed in buildings with a gravitational heating system (acting on the principle of natural circulation).
  • Sufficient thermal conductivity and high inertia. They do not warm up very quickly, but retain heat well (for systems with automatic control, high inertia is a disadvantage and for this reason cast-iron radiators are not used in this case).
  • Relatively low price, averaging 2000-3500 rubles for 4-7 sections (with the exception of design options, the cost of which starts at 5000 rubles).

Read in a separate article: and his example.

Disadvantages of cast iron radiators:

  • Fragility, insufficient resistance to powerful.
  • The need for periodic touch-up.
  • Due to the roughness of the inner walls of the radiator sections, impurities can linger in them, clogging the coolant channels, which can lead to a decrease in heat transfer.
  • Large weight and large required volume of coolant.

Steel radiators

Although this type of heating batteries is also found in our country, many residents of the United States, in response to the question: “Which heating radiators are better to install in an apartment?” they will answer without the slightest hesitation: "Only steel panel." And in some ways they will be right.

The design of these heaters consists of two sheets of high-carbon steel with stamped channels designed for the movement of the coolant. To provide additional resistance to corrosion, the outer surface of the batteries is degreased and coated with a phosphate compound. The coating material is powder enamel.

Advantages of steel radiators:

  • Diverse range of sizes.
  • Good heat dissipation.
  • Ability to work with a small amount of coolant.


  • Low operating pressure (no more than 6-10 atm.). With a hydraulic shock with a force of 13 atm. sections may break.
  • The lack of protection of the inner walls from the effects of water, leading to the gradual destruction of devices.
  • The need to use shut-off valves on the supply and return pipelines.
  • The need to remove dust from the back of the device.
  • The operating period is on average about 10 years.

Please note: Tubular steel radiators are of better quality and reliability compared to panel ones. The range of their working pressure can be from 10 to 15 atm. In addition, they have a more spectacular, original design and more durable painting.

If you are thinking about which radiators to give preference to - steel tubular or panel, feel free to choose the first option.

Aluminum radiators

Another popular answer to the question: “Which radiators are better to choose for an apartment?” are, which are sectional-type structures that can be independently assembled, taking into account the characteristics and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated room, in order to heat it efficiently and efficiently.


  • The ability of such radiators to quickly take heat from the coolant and heat the premises as quickly as possible.
  • Light weight and compact dimensions.
  • High thermal power (about 190 W).
  • Attractive and discreet design.
  • Working pressure of modern aluminum radiators: 16-20 atmospheres.
  • Low cost (the price of one section - starting from 120 rubles).

Disadvantages of aluminum radiators:

  • Rapid cooling when the system is turned off.
  • Susceptibility to corrosion and exactingness to the pH of the coolant (the maximum allowable indicator is up to 7.5 units).

Important: When using aluminum radiators, it is strictly forbidden to install copper or brass fittings together with them, which are antagonists of this metal. As a result of the resulting reaction, the batteries will begin to corrode from the inside, which will lead to their rapid deterioration.

Bimetal radiators

Heating devices of this type consist of a steel pipeline and aluminum fins. Bimetal radiators are often used in apartments connected to central heating systems.

Their advantages:

  • High heat transfer coefficient of radiators.
  • The unique margin of safety of radiators, which guarantees reliable protection against water hammer. (functional pressure in such a device is 35 atm., test - up to 52.5 atm.).
  • Inertness to the composition of the coolant.
  • Sufficiently long service life (about 20-25 years).
  • Ability to work with a small amount of coolant.

Disadvantages of bimetallic radiators:

  • Susceptibility to clogging of the collectors due to the narrow cross-section of the inter-collector tubes.
  • Sensitivity to an increase in the amount of oxygen in the composition of the coolant.
  • The rather high cost of radiators (the price of one section is about 450 rubles).

Criteria for choosing radiators

To decide which heating radiator to choose for an apartment, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that have a direct impact on the efficiency of these devices in the future. This:

  • Functional pressure declared by the manufacturer. This indicator must necessarily exceed the working and test pressure in the system. Example: In houses of the old layout, consisting of five floors, the average operating pressure in the heating system is about 5-8 atm. However, new skyscrapers are heated under a pressure of 10-12 atm.
  • The ability of radiators to withstand water hammer. The problems that have arisen in the heating system may be indicated by clicks and buzzing in the batteries. In this case, it is better to contact the utility company to check the pressure level in the system.
  • Resistance to low quality coolant. For multi-apartment houses, it is better to use batteries with a special protective layer in their inner part. In addition, their walls must be of sufficient thickness so that the particles of sand and pebbles present in the coolants do not rub them during use.
  • Heat transfer level. This indicator will determine how quickly and efficiently the radiators used will heat the rooms.
  • Design solution. The times of ugly cast-iron "monsters" remained in the Soviet past. Modern heating radiators are distinguished by external attractiveness and ergonomics. So, when deciding which heating radiators to install at home, choosing the option that best fits into the architecture of any room is not difficult at all.
  • Life time. One of the main criteria when choosing radiators.

Calculation of power, number of sections

Before choosing a heating battery for an apartment, it is necessary to calculate how many sections should be installed in each particular room and determine the power and pressure indicator of this device. This is done as follows:

Choosing the power of the radiator

In this case, the following points must be taken into account:

  • Type of building (brick or panel).
  • The area of ​​the heated room.
  • number of windows.
  • The presence of external walls.
  • Type of glazing in the apartment (double-glazed windows or wooden windows).

According to the standard, in a room with a ceiling height of 3 m, which has one window with a wooden frame and one door, a radiator with a power of 90-125 W per 1 m 2 is usually placed.

Useful information: To choose the battery of optimal power for the room for ease of calculation, you need to multiply its area by 100 watts.

If there is one window and two external walls, this figure should be increased by 20%.

In the presence of two windows and two external walls - by 30%.

If the window is located on the north or northeast side: + 10%.

When placing a radiator in a niche: + 5%.

With a solid screen on the battery: + 15%.

Decide on the number of sections

The average power of a section of radiators of various types:

There is another option for calculating how to choose the number of sections of the heating battery so that it is comfortable in the heated room, which is considered more accurate. This calculation is also made taking into account their heat transfer. At the same time, not the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, but its “cubic capacity”, that is, the volume of air mass to be heated, is used as a unit of space. Each room is calculated separately: first, the power of the heater is selected, and then the number of its sections is calculated.

Practical example:

Considering that 39-41 W of energy is needed to heat 1 m 3 of the air space of a living room, in order to heat a room with an area of ​​10 m 2, with a ceiling height of 3.0 m, 1230 W is needed.


  • We calculate the cubic capacity: 3 x 10 \u003d 30 m 3.
  • We determine the energy consumption: 41 x 30 \u003d 1230 watts.

Let's agree that each section of a modern heating battery produces approximately 200 W of energy. That is, to calculate the optimal number of sections, you need 1230:200 = 6.15 sections. Rounding up. It turns out that in a room with a cubic capacity of 30 m 3 you need to install a radiator with 7 sections.

Useful information: When installing a battery in a corner-type room, the heat loss coefficient (1.1-1.3) is added to the formula for calculating the number of sections, the value of which must correspond to the climatic zone. The result will be: 1230 1.3: 200 = 7.995. That is, a radiator of 8 sections is suitable for such a room.

Dealing with working pressure

When purchasing heating radiators, you need to take into account the indicator of their working pressure, which should be higher than the pressure of the heating system at home. This is especially important when conducting hydraulic tests, when the load on the system is particularly intense..html

Features of central and autonomous heating systems

To figure out how to choose the right heating batteries for an apartment, it is important to take into account the features of the central heating system and its differences from an autonomous heating system operating in a private house.


With centralized heating, heat from the coolant through the pipeline enters the apartment from an external heat source (boiler room or local thermal power plant).

The advantages of this type of heating system:

  • Low cost of installation and maintenance.
  • The ability to work on inexpensive fuel (for this purpose, coal, gas, wood waste, etc. can be used in boiler rooms).
  • The absence of harmful combustion products during the operation of the system.


  • The presence of chemically active impurities in the coolant, leading to corrosion of pipes and radiators.
  • The presence of small pebbles and grains of sand in the circulating fluid, contributing to the abrasion of the working elements of the battery.
  • Instability of operating temperature (it may fluctuate during the heating season).
  • Fairly high pressure.
  • The possibility of water hammer - powerful pressure surges in the system.

Benefits of an autonomous system:

  • Independence.
  • Possibility of regulation of heating.
  • Possibility of year-round provision of hot water at home (when using a double-circuit heating boiler).
  • Payment savings.
  • Low pressure in the system and the absence of water hammer.
  • Higher quality of the heat carrier in comparison with the centralized system.


  • Difficulty in installation.
  • Additional costs for repairs and maintenance.
  • The need for permits when installing such a system in an urban-type apartment.

Thus, the main factors based on which it is possible to answer the question of which heating radiators are best for an apartment are the price, power and reliability of these devices, as well as their compliance with the requirements in each case. And speaking of which manufacturer of heating radiators is the best, we recommend paying attention to well-established manufacturers such as Sira, Global (Italy), Rifar (Russia).

Therefore, for an apartment in a multi-storey building, it is recommended to choose batteries that are able to withstand high pressure, water hammer and aggressive coolant - bimetallic radiators meet all these criteria. For houses of an old building with a small number of storeys, where the pressure is not so high, cast-iron radiators are also suitable.

And for a private house, you can consider installing aluminum batteries, since their cost is quite acceptable, heat transfer is high, the design is modern, plus, they can be used for systems with temperature control.

Everyone who is dissatisfied with the heating in their own home has a reasonable question: how will the replacement of batteries affect the temperature regime? If you live in an old housing stock, then replacing your heaters can make all the difference. You just need to decide correctly for the apartment and by what criteria it is worth choosing them. This will be discussed in our material.

Is it worth giving up central heating and which radiator is better to choose for heating an apartment

Before talking about how to choose radiators for heating an apartment, let's deal with the main point: which is better, central or heating?

The question is not idle. These systems have different modes of operation and specific operating conditions. The type of heating devices depends on what choice you make.

There were no options before. Apartment buildings have always had centralized heating. It is in modern new buildings that almost all developers offer an individual system that works or.

Let's compare the advantages and disadvantages of the two systems:

Central Autonomous
Stable temperature in the apartment throughout the heating season.You can adjust the temperature according to the weather.
There is no need to invest in periodic repairs and maintenance of the system - all this is included in the cost of housing and communal services.Heating in the apartment can be turned on without waiting for the official start date of the heating season and turned off later or earlier, as needed.
This method of heating a home is the most convenient and safest.You can adjust the temperature in each room separately.
The system is not dependent on interruptions and . In large boiler houses, designed for apartment buildings, there are reserves to maintain work in emergency situations.When using an autonomous heating system, you will significantly save your budget. In addition to reducing costs through temperature control, you can use the system for.
Prices for heating in a centralized way are quite high, in addition, the costs of “for that guy” and unaccounted for heat losses are included in the bill of servicesTo install autonomous heating in an apartment, a long process of coordination with numerous authorities will be required.
Heating is turned on and off on strictly defined dates, not taking into account the weather conditions and the wishes of the apartment ownersTo install the system, capital investments will be required, after installation, it is possible that it will have to be done in the entire apartment.
Adjust the temperature in the rooms and save on heating will not work.Autonomous heating depends on the uninterrupted supply of electricity and gas.
The safety of your home depends on the utility locksmith. If he untimely or too abruptly closes the tap, the resulting water hammer will destroy the batteries and lead to property damage.The boiler in the apartment requires special security measures. The system must be monitored, periodically preventive inspection and maintenance.

Now that you have an idea about the weaknesses of both heating systems, you can think about how to choose radiators for an apartment.

There is a practice-tested list of the main criteria for heating batteries-radiators. How to choose appliances:

  1. Pay attention to the working pressure indicated by the manufacturer in the product data sheet. Compare it to your centralized or standalone system. For information: in a standard five-story building, the average pressure is 6-8 atmospheres, in houses on 9-12 floors - up to 15 atmospheres.
  2. It is important to select devices that are resistant to possible water hammer. A harbinger of an accident can be a buzz and noise in the pipes.
  3. The material of radiators must be resistant to chemical attack, rust and mechanical damage.
  4. The model of the heater should be selected according to the maximum coefficient. It is listed in the technical documentation.
  5. Radiators differ in service life. If you do not want to spend money on replacing batteries once again, choose those. Which have a maximum warranty period.
  6. And the last but not least factor is the appearance. Select fixtures to suit your window size and placement.

Types of heating radiators for an apartment and their features

Each type of heating battery in the apartment has its own characteristics. They differ in material, design specifics and allowed pressure.

Table of main parameters:

Radiator material Warranty periods, years Permissible pH of the heating medium Working pressure/pressure pressure/burst pressure
Cast iron10 9 9/15/25
Steel1 9 12/9/18
Aluminum3-8 8 20/30/50
Bimetal3-10 9 35/57/75

These four main types of radiators are most in demand in apartment buildings. Let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Cast iron: weighty and for centuries

Cast iron batteries are at least one hundred and fifty years old, and rare exhibits can still be used for their intended purpose today.

Advantages of cast iron radiators:

Advantage Description
Corrosion resistanceThe inner surface of the radiator from contact with water is covered with an oxide that protects the metal from contact with oxygen. To prevent such batteries from rusting on the outside, it is enough just to paint them.
Undemanding to the coolantCast iron calmly tolerates the presence of sand particles in the heat carriers, and is not capricious due to the pH level. Thick walls, resistance to chemicals and high temperatures make it one of the most reliable materials.
Possibility of connection with other materialsCast iron batteries can be joined with steel and plastic pipes. The material perfectly withstands water hammer up to 25 atmospheres.
maintainabilityFor cast iron batteries, sections can be replaced if necessary. Such batteries can be cleaned from the inside and disassembled.
Long service lifeSuch radiators can last at least half a century, and with proper care - even more.

Cast iron models also have their drawbacks, which you should be aware of before making a choice:

Flaw Description
Slow heatingCast iron warms up very slowly, so from the moment the heating is turned on to the normalization of the temperature in the room, it can take half an hour - an hour. But it also cools down for a long time, keeping warm.
Little heat dissipationIn comparison with models made of steel or aluminum, the heat transfer of cast iron is one and a half times less.
Big weightEach section of such a battery weighs at least 6 kilograms. Plus, the weight of the coolant is about another kilogram.
PriceThe prices of cast iron radiators are not the most democratic. The cost of the section starts from 500 rubles.

Opponents of cast iron batteries may argue that this is not the most aesthetically pleasing device. And by the way, they will be completely wrong, look at what masterpieces modern manufacturers offer, can you compare them with primitive radiators made of aluminum and steel?

Steel: attractive but unreliable

Now you can buy steel heating radiators in almost every home appliance store. And more recently, they were new to most buyers and, with the appearance on the shelves, they began to enjoy wild popularity. It is understandable: such batteries look weightless and neat, not like the old cast-iron monsters that were in Soviet apartments.

The main advantages of steel batteries:

Advantage Description
Good thermal conductivitySteel panel heating radiators have thin walls, which allows them to warm up very quickly.
Long service lifeThe design of steel radiators is very primitive, due to this they can work up to ten years, subject to careful maintenance.
A light weightThe weight of steel tubular heating radiators is 3-4 kilograms. They are easy to install, can be connected to the coolant pipes in several ways.
PriceThe price of steel models is low and affordable for most consumers with an average income. The cost of one section is from 300 rubles.

Steel batteries cannot be built up like cast iron ones. And this is not the only drawback of such devices:

Given all the disadvantages listed, we can conclude that steel radiators are not suitable for central heating systems. They can only be used for autonomous heating in an apartment or a private house with a couple of floors.

Aluminum: a revolution in heating

Weightless aluminum batteries have excellent performance. They appeared relatively recently, in the sixties of the last century, and over the years they have proven themselves well. Before you decide which aluminum radiator to choose, study the characteristics of models from different manufacturers. They may differ in terms of heat transfer.

Average heat transfer rates of aluminum radiators, table:

Returning to the issue of using different types of batteries in apartments with autonomous and centralized heating, it should be noted that aluminum heating radiators are not the last in the rating. They have their own advantages:

Advantage Description
High heat dissipationThe low inertness of aluminum results in excellent heat transfer characteristics. Aluminum batteries heat up very quickly.
Temperature controlRadiators made of light material are equipped with thermoregulation devices. This allows you to set different temperature conditions in the premises.
Easy to install and transportAluminum is a lightweight material. Such batteries can even be hung on frame walls. Sections can be added and removed as needed.
Design variabilityAluminum batteries have a wide range of models, it is not difficult to choose a radiator that is suitable in size and design for your design.

At the same time, there is a fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey, which will not allow the use of aluminum appliances for central heating systems. So, disadvantages:

Flaw Description
The need for constant pressureFor normal operation, aluminum radiators need a stable pressure of up to 10-12 atmospheres. Such conditions are difficult to maintain in a large central heating system.
Sensitivity to chemicalsOxygen enters into a chemical reaction with aluminum. As a result, hydrogen is formed, which causes air pockets and noise in batteries.
Selectivity in mounting materialsDo not use fittings made of brass, steel or copper for fastening. Contact with these metals leads to corrosive processes in the radiator and the formation of surface discharges. Such batteries must be grounded without fail.

There is only one conclusion from all this information: aluminum is an excellent material, but it is only suitable for an autonomous heating system. It is not suitable for the central one.

Bimetallic batteries: a compromise option

Such radiators are called bimetallic because of the special design, consisting of tubular steel and aluminum. The combination of these two metals allows you to create devices that compete with the strength and reliability of cast iron. This invention is already more than 60 years old, this time is quite enough to determine the operational features of the device. The main characteristics of heat transfer of bimetallic heating radiators, table:

- These are monolithic panels without welded joints. And if there is no welding, then there will be no leakage.

Advantages of bimetallic radiators:

Advantage Description
High pressure resistanceThe solidity of the design allows bimetallic radiators to withstand pressures up to 75 atmospheres
Chemical resistanceThe insides of such radiators are treated with a composition that prevents water and oxygen from contacting the metal.
High heat dissipationSuch batteries heat up quickly and give off heat very well.
Possibility of thermoregulationModern models are equipped with special devices for temperature control, which allow you to quite accurately control the climate in the room.
Lightweight and decent fitBimetal radiators are lightweight and stylish. They are easy to install and fit into any interior.

It would seem that this is a simple answer to the question of which heating batteries are better for an apartment: bimetallic ones. Everything about them is wonderful, but there are a couple of significant drawbacks:

Thus, bimetallic devices are excellent for central heating systems. They are a model of modern technology and high efficiency.

Related article:

From the publication you will learn the scope of devices, their design, varieties, selection criteria, how to correctly calculate the number of sections, manufacturers and models, installation secrets.

How to determine the number of radiators for an apartment

To calculate the number of sections of heating radiators, you will need to know two basic quantities:

  • heat loss of the room (depending on the region, building materials used and the size of windows and doors);
  • power of one section of the radiator (indicated in the technical characteristics of the product).

For your information! The data sheet of the radiator usually indicates the maximum heat transfer of the device.

The easiest way is to calculate the number of battery sections by. To do this, multiply the height, width and length of the room. The resulting value is the area. To determine the amount of heat for space heating, you need to multiply the result by the regional norm. For central Russia, this is 80 W, for the north - 150, for the south - 60.

But this will be only an approximate calculation, without taking into account the material of the walls. The resulting heat demand should be divided by the heat output of one section of the battery. As a result, you will get the required number of sections. For the calculation, a heat transfer table of heating radiators with average indicators is useful:

You can go an even simpler way. Just take into account that one cast-iron section heats 1.5 square meters, aluminum - 2, bimetallic - 1.8. If you have a room, say, 15 squares, then conclude: you need 10 sections of a cast-iron appliance, 8 - aluminum and bimetallic.

But this, we recall, is just an approximate calculation.

Important! When choosing radiators, be sure to consider the pressure level in the central heating batteries.

What are the best batteries for heating an apartment: prices and a dozen top manufacturers

A wide range of modern heating batteries for an apartment from a variety of manufacturers is presented on the domestic market. We have selected for you the top three manufacturers in each segment. So, the rating of heating radiators for an apartment:

Aluminum radiators:

  • Global Radiators is an Italian company that occupies a leading position in Europe in sales of aluminum heating appliances. Global Radiatori products are adapted to Russian operating conditions and have a guarantee of up to 10 years. The cost of radiators - from 480 rubles per section

  • Sira Industry- Another Italian manufacturer that stood at the origins of the production of aluminum radiators. This company offers customers a wide range of models and budget models available to most buyers. Price per section - from 450 rubles

  • Nami- the products of this Hungarian company stand out for their special resistance to adverse operating conditions, and this is important for us. Nami devices are coated on the inside with a special compound that protects the metal from corrosion and chemical reactions. Section price - from 299 rubles

Bimetal radiators:

  • Radena– and again Italy tops the list of the best. In addition to the fact that the batteries of this manufacturer are suitable for Russian operating conditions, they are distinguished by an elegant exterior design suitable for any interior. Section price - from 548 rubles

  • Rifar- domestic products are famous for their excellent heat dissipation and the possibility of lower pipe connection. This connection looks much neater. Batteries will last at least a quarter of a century, and the cost of one section is from 500 rubles

  • Oasis- a combination of German quality and affordable prices make the products of this company very popular in Russia. Batteries can withstand a pressure of 30 atmospheres, so they can be installed in houses with central heating. Section price - from 1000 rubles

Cast iron radiators:

  • Konner- the Russian company offers exceptionally reliable batteries created using the latest technologies. Decent quality of products is confirmed by numerous international awards. Designers of the company offer models for every taste. Section price - from 790 rubles

  • Guratec The retro design of these German radiators will appeal to lovers of antiquity. These are real masterpieces that will decorate your apartment and serve faithfully and faithfully for decades. Section price - from 6000 rubles

  • Demir Dokum- The Turkish manufacturer has extensive experience in the manufacture of such products. It offers six product lines for different interiors. The appearance and quality of the radiators deserve the highest praise. Section price - from 1250 rubles

Steel radiators:

  • Buderus– the oldest German company has more than 250 years of history. Today, it also produces steel batteries with a stylish design and excellent performance. Section price - from 1100 rubles

  • Kermi- Another German manufacturer with extensive experience. Batteries are produced only in Germany using the latest equipment. All products comply with strict European quality standards. Section price - from 1050 rubles

  • Korado- a young Czech company quickly ascended the podium thanks to the high quality of products. The company's designers offer customers a rich range of colors and exquisite appearance of heating devices. Section price - from 1030 rubles

It is up to you to decide which heating radiators to install in an apartment, but if you choose the products of one of the listed companies, you will definitely not lose.


Choosing the right radiators is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The type of heating system, the technical characteristics of the products and the need for the premises should be taken into account.

Performance characteristics depend on the material, this should be taken into account when choosing.

Steel heaters

Variety in design and features. All steel devices have common advantages.

  • Good heat dissipation. They quickly heat up and raise the temperature.
  • Light weight. The weight is relatively small, which facilitates installation and transportation.
  • Long service life, subject to the rules of operation.
  • Strength. They can work in circuits with high pressure, withstand water hammer.

Of the significant shortcomings, you need to know about instability before corrosion. The low quality of the coolant provokes the appearance of rust on the inside, which reduces the service life. Steel is especially sensitive to alkaline solutions.

It is not recommended to drain water for the summer. This activates the corrosion process, which in just two to three years will render the equipment unusable. When using steel heaters, it is advisable to flush them every three years to remove accumulated slags from the system.

Aluminum batteries

Among the models available to the mass buyer, these are the most attractive in appearance. Their characteristics:

  • Light weight, so they are compact and mobile. They are easy to install.
  • High heat dissipation. Warming up is very fast, well amenable to adjustments.
  • Relatively low price.

Heating is chosen taking into account the main drawback - sensitivity to pressure surges. Aluminum does not withstand significant drops and is deformed. In addition, only pure coolant can circulate in the system. Even a small amount of abrasive impurities can destroy the protective layer of polymers. This provokes corrosion and failure of the device.

Bimetal equipment

The most reliable of all existing options. It is made from two metals: aluminum and steel (or copper). This must be taken into account when determining which heating to choose. Successfully combines the advantages of both types. Bimetal characteristics:

  • Strength. Withstands increased working pressure, it is not afraid of water hammer.
  • Good heat dissipation. Heats up quickly and is responsive to adjustments.
  • Long service life, at least thirty years.
  • Resistance to elevated coolant temperature. Can transport liquid 115-130C.
  • Low susceptibility to corrosion, especially for models with a copper or stainless steel core.

The main disadvantage is the high price. Their installation in a house, especially a large area, will result in a significant amount.

Cast iron products

  • The ability to accumulate heat and slowly release it into the air, so the circulation time of heated water can be limited.
  • High resistance to corrosion.
  • Complete insensitivity to the composition of the coolant. Works fine even with very low quality fluid.
  • Long-term operation, at least 40 years.

Of the shortcomings, a significant mass is noted, which significantly complicates transportation and installation. Over time, dirt accumulates inside the parts, so periodic cleaning is required. Cast iron is difficult to adjust due to high inertia. It takes a long time to warm up and cool down.

Design features

Not only the material, but also the structure determines how efficient the batteries will be in operation.

Sectional radiators

They are assembled from several elements-sections, which are connected to each other with the help of transition nodes. The heated area depends on their number.

The number of sections is adjustable: if necessary, additional elements are connected or removed. If one of them fails, it can be replaced. The "weak link" of the sectional system is considered to be the areas of connection of the elements, where leaks most often form.


Differ in unusual appearance, economic, well give heat. They can have a length of 0.3 to 3 m, the number of rows of tubes reaches 9. Their shape also varies: standard heaters, batteries combined with shelves, benches, etc.

The internal volume of the liquid is relatively small, which makes it easier to adjust the heat transfer.


U-shaped heating plates are placed between two ribbed sheets-panels. The latter gather in rows, the number of which can reach up to three. To transfer heat, the devices use the principle of convection, which makes them quite efficient. They respond well to adjustments. Available in wall and ceiling versions.

Selection criteria depending on the characteristics of the heating radiator

Having become acquainted with the main characteristics of different materials, you can begin to choose. At the same time, at least three important points must be taken into account.

1. Heat dissipation

The expediency of its installation depends on how efficiently the heater gives off heat. Let's compare the characteristics. One section gives off this amount of heat depending on the material:

  • cast iron - 100-160 W;
  • aluminum - 82-212 W;
  • bimetal - 150-180 watts.

Steel structures, both tubular and panel, give 1200-1600 watts each. It turns out that the most effective are aluminum devices, bimetallic ones are a little behind them, then steel and cast iron ones. We must remember about inertia. For leaders, it is minimal. This means that they will quickly heat up, however, they will cool down quickly after stopping heating. Whereas inertial cast iron will heat up for a long time and cool down slowly, heating the room even after the heat is turned off.

2. Durability and reliability

Depends on the material from which it is made. Cast iron is the leader in this matter. It has served half a century or more. Of course, this applies only to high quality products made from good raw materials. This is true for both standard sectional devices and designer models.

Second place was shared by bimetallic and steel structures. Their service life is up to 25-30 years. Aluminum are designed for 15-20 years. At the same time, it should be understood that a lot depends on the correct choice of equipment and actual operating conditions. It would be strange to expect from aluminum installed in a high-rise apartment that it will last a long time. Strong pressure and aggressive coolant will quickly disable it. The reliability of products depends on the manufacturer. It is best to choose a product of well-known companies on the market that have proven themselves well. It is worth studying the technical documentation, certificates. So you can make sure that the model you like is not counterfeit, it has a set of necessary technical characteristics.

3. Connection type

There are four options suitable for different types of networks.

  • Lower. Indispensable in the absence of vertical risers. Inlet and outlet are below the device. If the pipes are recessed into the floor, the connection is made directly to the wiring.
  • Upper. An analogue of the lower one with the difference that the connection is made from above. At the same time, there is a risk of insufficient heating of the lower segment, so it is quite rare.
  • Lateral. It involves the installation of vertical risers, from which taps are made to the batteries. The liner is located at the top, the outlet is at the bottom. Occurs most often.
  • Diagonal. It looks like a side, but there is a difference. The coolant is supplied in the upper part of the device, the outlet is in the opposite lower part. This scheme allows the battery to warm up evenly even with a minimum amount of liquid.

An important nuance is the center distance. It must match the supply pipes. This value is measured in millimeters, it can vary significantly depending on the model.

The design of the heaters is different. Even budget models are attractive. The production technology allows you to paint, if necessary, apply a picture. There are especially many original solutions among tubular steel and vintage cast iron models. The latter are both wall-mounted and floor-mounted. There are, the upper part of which acts as a bench or shelf.

Selection criteria depending on the type of heating system

The difference between autonomous and centralized is great. Therefore, the heating elements must also be different. Let's start with the standalone schema differences.

  • Low network pressure. The length of the network is small, therefore, significant pressure is not required for the movement of fluid through the pipes. The possibility of water hammer is excluded. The components of the circuit receive a small load, therefore, equipment with low protection against pressure drops, including devices with thin walls, is selected for.
  • Small heat losses. The distance to the batteries is small, the liquid does not even have time to cool down a little. This is good, since strong heating is not required, which means that resources are saved. But in an emergency, it is quite likely that overheated coolant will be thrown into the system. Therefore, thermal stability is important for it.
  • Possibility of freezing. If the temperature in the rooms drops below zero, the liquid freezes, expands and bursts pipes and heating elements. This is quite rare, but still possible. To prevent it, alcohol-containing additives are added to the water or completely replaced with antifreeze, similar compounds. This is allowed only for closed systems, otherwise toxic fumes will appear in the air.

A centralized network has other features.

Single pipe scheme

It is almost always used. It implies a serial connection of heating links. There is only one plus for such a scheme - simplicity, and, consequently, low price. There are many more cons. It is practically unregulated. Because, by shutting off the water supply to one link, you stop its supply to the rest. For normal operation, it is required to pump as much heated water as possible per unit of time through it.

To do this, you have to increase the pressure and temperature. Therefore, only heaters designed for increased operating pressure and having low hydraulic resistance can be used in a single-pipe circuit.

Two-pipe system

It is devoid of these shortcomings.

In it, the coolant is supplied through one pipe, and the second is discharged. The heaters are connected to these pipes in parallel, they have to work at a lower pressure. But for apartments, a two-pipe scheme is rarely chosen. Mainly for newly built or overhauled buildings.

Regular fluid drain

In the West, water is not drained from. In Russia, this happens all the time, especially with the onset of summer - the season for the repair and maintenance of heating pipelines. It's bad for batteries. The corrosion process on a wet inner surface in contact with air is an order of magnitude faster. Add to this the increased oxygen content in the water filling, hardness and abnormal acidic pH. From this it becomes clear that you can choose only equipment with increased corrosion resistance, designed for the widest range of pH values.

hydraulic shocks

Abroad, zealous owners protect the network from hydraulic shocks. For example, its launch (turning on the circulation pumps) is carried out through converters that allow you to smoothly increase the pressure. In Russia, such converters are rarely installed. Usually the switch is turned on, the circulation pump immediately gives out its power. The result is the so-called water hammer, which can destroy a radiator that was not designed for it. This is only one reason for hydraulic shocks. They occur for a variety of reasons. This means that when choosing equipment, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the working head, but also to the pressure at which pressure testing takes place. The higher both indicators, the higher the reliability. For devices installed in high-rise buildings, the working pressure must be at least that which you will be called in the local DEZ. Given these features, cast-iron and bimetallic devices are purchased for a centralized network, and aluminum and steel for an autonomous network.

Significant criteria will tell you which one is better to choose. Their prices depend on various factors. Among them are manufacturer, quality, design, etc. Don't be foolish about saving. Assembled "on the knee" products of an unknown company, perhaps, will please the price. However, it won't last long. Moreover, an accident with unpleasant consequences can happen at the very height of the heating season.

  • Material prepared: Inna Yasinovskaya

The heating season is already close, but you still haven't got your heating radiators? You need to hurry, because few people want to catch the cold in a cold apartment. Many users are interested in one important question: how to choose heating radiators by area? There are many nuances with which we will have to get acquainted. Each heating element must be selected, starting with determining the amount of heat generated that is required for an apartment or house. This important indicator can be calculated in different ways, from the simplest to the most complex. The lightest ones involve the use of the area and height of the room. Let's find the most accurate and optimal of all.

Classic method of determining

How to choose a heating battery by area if the height of the room is less than three meters? Everything looks like this:

  1. First you need to determine the dimensions of the room in which this radiator will be placed. For example, let's take 25 square meters.
  2. We multiply the resulting figure by 100 watts. For our case, the result will be - 2500 watts.
  3. We take the power that has turned out and divide it by the heat transfer of only one section of the device.

With panel radiators, the story takes a slightly different look. Panel batteries are a one-piece design that cannot be increased or decreased in size, so the full power will have to be taken into account. Installing such devices with a power of more than 2500 watts would be a huge mistake, since the calculation method will look very different.

Some features of the standard method

For the accuracy of the calculations, the following adjustments must be made:

  1. The final value should be increased by 20% if the room is corner, that is, it has two external walls.
  2. The total power increases by 10% if the connection type is lower.
  3. The total amount of heat should be reduced by 15-25% if there are metal-plastic windows in the room.

Important! For each of the cases, the required percentage is added or subtracted to the final power. If each of these criteria is met, then the value of 2500 watts will turn into 2625 watts, then you will need to purchase a heating apparatus for 18 sections.

The easy way

If you follow the instructions, then one radiator fin is required to heat two square meters. You should also pay attention to the fact that one more edge will have to be added to the total number of edges. For those cases when the room has a size of 25 square meters, you will have to take a device with 12.5 ribs. You need to round the value and add another one to it - you get 14. As you can see, this result is less than the number that was obtained by the classical method for the same room.

Of course, the absence of three sections will affect the heating of the room, which is why this calculation method should be used only for an indicative result. Do not take the resulting value as a basis for choosing a radiator.

Important! Do you plan to install heating devices yourself? We have prepared a lot of useful and informative information on this topic:

Calculation for the second type of heating device

How to choose a heating radiator for a private house by area, if you need a panel type of device? For this method, only one area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is not enough, here we will need its height, as well as a factor of 41. According to the standards, the battery should create 41 watts per unit cubic meter, as you can see, we need to perform mathematical operations with volume.

The algorithm looks pretty simple:

  1. Determine the area of ​​the room.
  2. Calculate the volume. To do this, simply multiply the area by the height.
  3. Multiply the resulting value by a factor of 41.
  4. The final result needs to be adjusted according to the criteria that were described just above.

Important! After all the steps, you should get the required power at the output. You can install one powerful heating device to achieve the goal. This option will be acceptable for those rooms in which there is one window, but if there are two or more, then it is better to use the action of two panel batteries at once with a heat output of 1250 watts.

Carrying out repair work, people often face the task of replacing old batteries with modern, highly efficient counterparts. Naturally, the question arises - how to choose the most efficient heating radiators which of them is best to install in the apartment. The answer will depend on many components, the main of which are the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfuture heating, the type of intended device, its operating conditions, etc. Nowadays, the building materials market offers a wide range of heaters made from different raw materials and for various needs.

Central heating system: main characteristics

For apartment radiators there are special requirements, as they will become part of the district heating, which has its own specifics of work. All such systems have similar operating conditions - the heat carrier flows through the heating mains from the CHP or boiler house to a multi-storey building, where, with the help of a pump and other equipment, it is distributed through internal pipelines that deliver it directly to the dwelling.

The district heating system has its own underwater rocks and major disadvantages:

  1. Fluctuations in temperature indicators (either rapid heating, then cooling);
  2. The possibility of sudden pressure drops - water hammer;
  3. Low coefficient of heat transfer to the batteries, as a result, insufficient heating of the premises and uneven temperature of the latter (some are hot, others are cooler);
  4. Seasonal draining of the coolant from the system;
  5. Poor water quality - the presence of aggressive components, oxygen, sludge, hardness, acidity, etc.

All of the above, over time, leads to increased wear of equipment. And in a situation where a water hammer occurs, the connections themselves batteries may start to leak or even burst, causing a lot of trouble. Also, due to a non-ideal coolant, which, when circulating, can carry plaque, particles of rust, lime and other debris, the channels and pipes of the radiators are clogged. The result of this will be shortage of paid heat resource, as well as increased corrosion reactions inside the heaters, which significantly reduces their shelf life.

Important! To minimize all these risks, you need to correctly select heating devices.

Selection Options

The main point for which worth paying attention, when selecting radiators is material from which they are made. Different alloys will behave differently under the same operating conditions. At the moment, the market is ready to offer four main types of heating equipment:

  • cast iron;
  • aluminum;
  • steel;
  • bimetallic.

For each type of heater, the manufacturer prescribes its technical characteristics:

  • operating pressure;
  • maximum allowable pressure;
  • design feature (sectional, tubular or panel);
  • water volume;
  • recommended hardness and temperature of the coolant;
  • warranty period of the device.

Most of the products on the market made according to the requirements of the EU states, the quality of heating networks, which, at times, surpasses domestic ones. Therefore, be sure to consider this fact when buying. For example, the pressure indicator in our centralized heating systems is 11-16 atmospheres for high-rise buildings and 5-10 atmospheres in standard 5-storey Khrushchev houses. The operating temperature of the supplied fluid ranges from 65-90 °C. Choosing heating equipment, based on these data, you protect yourself from possible emergencies.

Video. Which radiators to choose

The main products on the market can be divided into several of the most popular categories:


This type of battery is primarily has a beautiful aesthetic appearance, correct and ergonomic shape, as well as excellent technical characteristics. They are quite compact, can be sold in separate typesetting sections. This is very convenient, because by making the right calculations, you can choose the size that optimally heats your room. Aluminum radiators are available in different heights and can be placed in any convenient corner of the room. The standard operating pressure at which the heater is most dissipates heat efficiently, is 6-12 atmospheres, the maximum allowable, with sharp jumps up to 25 atmospheres.

The advantages of such equipment include:

  • Excellent modern design;
  • The increased heat transfer coefficient, depending on the wall thickness, can be up to 200 W per section of a standard size;
  • The low weight of the devices, which simplifies their installation, even with your own hands;
  • By a set of elements, you can choose the required size that meets your requirements;
  • Excellent powder coating that prevents damage.

The main disadvantage of such batteries, according to consumer reviews, is their ability to long-term operation only in closed cycle systems, with strict monitoring of the level of coolant hardness. Such networks must be made from the same material as the radiators, since aluminum, in contact with brass and copper parts, can start electrochemical reaction processes. Modern systems are recommended to be implemented using plastic pipes, and the heaters themselves are securely grounded.

Important! Another phenomenon inherent in aluminum batteries ispossible unpleasant sounds . They can appear after the interaction of the metal with a liquid abundantly saturated with oxygen, as a result of which hydrogen is released. Because of this feature, eachequip the radiator with a Mayevsky crane.

Taking all of the above into account, we can say that heaters made aluminum, despite a number of positive properties, in city apartments better not to mount.

Video. What is the difference between aluminum radiators and bimetallic ones?


This type of equipment is made from an alloy of two metals - soft aluminum and hard steel. The design of such batteries suggests that their inner part, which is in contact with the coolant, made of steel, and the outer aluminum. This one-stop solution allows the use of this type of heaters in systems with any (within reasonable) pressure and with different types of connections and main pipes.

The advantages of such products:

  • Increased wear resistance and resistance to corrosive reactions, with any composition of the coolant;
  • Permissible pressure up to 35 atm.;
  • Good external data;
  • Light weight and ease of attachment;
  • Weak inertia - increased heating capacity, have excellent heat transfer performance;
  • Equipped with taps for adjusting the intensity of supply of the heat carrier;
  • Type-setting type of a design allowing to choose the device of a necessary configuration.

essential There are no flaws in these products., except perhaps a higher cost compared to competitors. But it is justified, first of all, by reliability and a longer service life. This type of radiators by popularity occupies leading positions in most ratings dedicated to heating appliances.

Important! When installing such products,instructions must be followed from the manufacturer, as well as adhere to the technical distances from the wall, window sill and floor - at least 4 cm.

Cast iron

The good old cast iron is known to almost every inhabitant of our country, due to its widespread use in the former USSR. Times are changing, and bulky, standard shape and painted with ordinary paint, batteries are gone. In their place come modern analogues, made from the same cast iron, but made with other technologies, according to the new aesthetic requirements.

Cast iron batteries

Advantages of heaters made of cast iron:

  • Are operated in any systems of heating, with all types of pipe production;
  • Can work for a long time in district heating networks, with low quality of the coolant, the pH of which is in the maximum allowable range of 7-9;
  • Working pressure of products 7-10 atmospheres, maximum 18 atm.;
  • They have a sectional type-setting design, which allows you to change the size to suit your needs.

Cast iron heaters have a number of undeniable advantages and unique qualities. The main one of which is that they practically do not undergo the process of corrosion. This is due to the fact that during the initial contact with water, a thin layer of insoluble black precipitate forms on the alloy, which serves as an obstacle to the active oxygen contained in water entering the metal. The destruction of the structure of cast-iron elements from the inside, of course, occurs, but extremely slowly. From the outside, they are covered with modern powder paint, specially designed to withstand large temperature differences. In such batteries, the processes of gas formation are insignificant, due to which there is no seething and there is no need for constant bleeding of air masses.

Against the backdrop of all the positive aspects, there are also negative ones - these are huge weight leading to installation complexity, and high inertia. Due to the latter, the heating of cast iron is rather slow, as well as cooling, so it is impossible to quickly adjust the temperature of a room equipped with such heaters.

Steel or tubular

Batteries made from this material are universal and budget solution equip the heating system in a modern way. They are presented in the form of two plates, inside which a heat carrier passes in steel tubes of a welded contour. Radiators of this type have different sizes and a ribbed surface that provides excellent convection qualities and increased heat transfer. The metal has the same thermal conductivity as cast iron, however, with some difference - its thickness is several times less than that of cast iron products. Due to this, they warm up much faster. This type of radiators is designed for operation at operating pressure up to 10 atmospheres.

Advantages of steel products:

  • Variety of shapes and modern design, allow you to place such batteries in any interior;
  • Long period of operation, subject to proper water treatment;
  • Are applied in systems with any kind of pipes;
  • Relatively low cost and easy installation.

An important nuance before buying steel radiators is their correct and correct calculation, in view of the fact that they are implemented in certain sizes and build up as sectional ones, they will not work.

Also, it should be noted that in conditions of prohibitively high pressure surges, steel panels, may leak and leak. Therefore, their use in buildings with more than five floors is not recommended.

Tubular radiators are a type of steel batteries, they only differ from panel radiators in a special design. There are various shapes and designs. They have all the above characteristics of steel products.

How to calculate

There are certain rules by which calculate compensation for heat loss premises and, accordingly, find out the necessary thermal power of the devices in order to compensate for losses and create comfortable conditions for a person.

For the calculation itself, you can use the following formula:


where K is the number of sections, S is the estimated area of ​​heated square meters, Pc is the heat transfer power of one section of the battery (this value is indicated by the manufacturer in the product passport). Such the calculation is applicable for aluminum, bimetallic and cast iron heating appliances.

For steel non-separable steel-type radiators, it is customary to take the power value from the passport. The heater is selected at the rate of 100W per 1 m2. That is, if the area of ​​the room, for example, is 20 m2, then you will need a 2 kW radiator, or two panels of 1 kW each.

Thermal power of 1 section of the battery according to the passport, W Room area, m2
10 12 14 16 18 20 22
140 8 9 10 12 13 15 16
150 7 8 10 11 12 14 15
160 7 8 9 10 12 13 14
180 6 7 8 9 10 12 13
190 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
200 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Counting the number of sections


Sometimes the use of centralized heating is impossible for a number of reasons - this may be a breakthrough in the heating main, economic unprofitability, etc. In such a situation, many consumers pay attention to electric batteries. And not without reason, they a lot of advantages- they are easy to operate, economical, perfectly adjustable, both mechanical and remote, and also have an acceptable cost. In many countries of Western Europe, residents have long moved away from central heating systems in favor of individual electric heating networks. To date, the market is represented variety of heating devices using electricity, the most popular of which are fan heaters, oil and infrared radiators, as well as convectors.


Choosing new batteries for the apartment, don't save too much, as this in the future may result in big trouble, in the form of a flood. Therefore, the problem of selecting heating equipment of this type, come with full responsibility, collect all the necessary information, consult with experts. Buy products only from well-known and trusted brands that can reliably provide you and your loved ones with warmth.

Video. 10 mistakes when replacing radiators