Calculation of an inter-storey wooden staircase. How to properly calculate the stairs to the second floor: tips and recommendations. What parameters are calculated when designing marches

During the design of any staircase, it is necessary to take into account many different parameters affecting the integrity of the entire design. Particular attention in the calculation of such a structure, first of all, should be given to such elements as spans, marches, steps and, of course, fences.

The layout planning procedure must completely eliminate even the most minor errors, since it is, in consequence, can lead to very serious trouble. At the same time, the highest accuracy is very important to observe with the construction of precisely metal stairs, since it is very difficult to carry out its elements under the required dimensions, in the case of any error in the calculation, it will be very difficult.

To calculate the metal staircase online, use the appropriate calculator:

Work on the design of such structures is necessary for the calculation of the ladder itself. These elements in the stairs are most often performed in rectangular forms, although, of course, exceptions occur. During the design of the future staircase, it is very important to rely on its intended angle of inclination, which will help achieve more accurate results. Another pretty important rule in the calculation of metal stairs is that the march width in such structures must necessarily be similar or slightly smaller than the width of the site itself.

The design of stairs with several marches is carried out in absolutely the same rules, however, taking into account a number of certain nuances. For example, the level of the march in such structures should strictly correspond to the height of the steps, and the marches themselves must be viewed only by the water direction.

As for the calculation of completely direct or curved stairs, then several other rules apply here. Directly the marches themselves in such structures should necessarily be located at no less often than nine-tent steps. In addition, it is also very important to take into account protective fences and, of course, the reference structures themselves. After all, besides the aesthetic component, such a fairly important detail of the staircase, as the railing, also serve as an element of security, which means that their correct calculation is incredibly important.

For the manufacture of stair railings, it is desirable to select materials that are characterized by an increased strength indicator, such as, for example, aluminum or steel. The coatings themselves, in this situation, can be done already from plastic or wood.

A properly designed staircase perfectly fits in the interior and as convenient as possible.

The staircase allows you to organize access to the upper floors of the building, it is also part of the interior. With it, you can give the room your special style. The calculation of the stairs to the second floor can be made independently, if you know how.

Calculation of stairs, highlights

Is it possible to do without the help of qualified specialists when calculating? Can. In order to calculate the staircase to the second floor you need the desire and basic knowledge of school geometry. Although the advice of professionals do not interfere. Also, for calculation, you can use special computer programs.

What is important to calculate the staircase design? The correct calculation of the stairs is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the planning and size of the rooms. This will affect the selection of location and type of staircase. You should not forget that for the inter-storey staircase, not only the area is important on the first floor, but also the ability to provide a convenient staircase opening at the top level.

Staircase in the plan of a two-story house.

At the first stage, it is necessary to take into account such moments:

  • height from the first floor to the second (room height);
  • the total area of \u200b\u200bthe premises (first and second levels);
  • location of carrier and interior walls;
  • location of door and window openings.

This will determine the size of the area, which can be allocated for the construction of the staircase, the value of the opening is to enter the second floor and select the optimal model.

If the area for installing the ladder has dimensions of 160x160 cm or more, then it is better to choose a marching staircase. If you have a more modest square, you will have to limit ourselves to the screw design.

The screw staircase can be placed in the corner of the room.

Straight stairs

The direct staircase (span) is the easiest option for mounting and for calculating. This form is very convenient for the wooden structure. The straight marches have one drawback - it takes a significant area of \u200b\u200bthe room for their installation.

To rationally use the space, the place under the stairs is often equipped with a closet, offices and even restrooms.

Completely draw up the project and the generally accepted rules and building standards will help accurately. For example, if the staircase has an inter-level platform, its width must match the width of the span. At the same time, the minimum march width is 0.7 m. For such a staircase, one person can go down or climb.

For a comfortable movement of two people, as well as for convenient transportation to the second floor of large-sized things, such as furniture, household appliances, the width of the staircase must be greater - from 1.2 to 1.4 m.

The dependence of the bandwidth and convenience of the stairs from the march width.

The length of one straight line with steps should not be more than 3 m (the minimum size is about 1.5 m). Steps should be the same height and depth.

Rotary stairs

In order to save space in the house, most stairs on the second floor have to do with turning areas. The easiest way to rotate is the installation site. There are structures of P-shaped and g-shaped forms where the turn is implemented using running steps.

Important ladder parameters that need to be calculated:

  • the value of the angle of inclination;
  • sizes of the site between marchs;
  • stage height;
  • the depth of straight and running (if provided) steps;
  • fence parameters.

Ladder Marsh Tilt Angle

The angle of inclination of the stairs is the angle between the staircase and horizontal (floor). It is he who first is responsible for the convenience of a staircase. The angle of inclination should allow man to easily descend / climb the stairs.

Depending on the angle of inclination, the staircase is used for certain purposes.

The optimal parameters of the stairs are determined by the construction norms and rules (SNiP): the most comfortable and safe are stair constructions with an angle of inclination in the range of 30-45 degrees. Such such biases are chosen for home and outdoor stationary stairs. If this angle is less than 20 degrees, install the ramp.

How do the calculation of the parameters of the stage

When calculating the staircase, two values \u200b\u200bare important to the second floor: the height of the overall and the depth of the sticky (horizontal platform of the step). These parameters determine the degree of convenience and safety when moving (lifting / descent) along the stairs. It is important to determine correctly, since these values \u200b\u200bare involved in the design.

On steps to rise comfortably when there is no need to increase or decrease artificially the length of the step. The average length of the step when moving along the horizontal plane is 63-64 cm, and with a lift - and 31.5-32 cm.

The size of the step of the average man.

Based on this data, the approach height is most often in the range from 12 to 20 cm (optimal size14-17 cm). The optimal shock depth is determined from 25 to 30 cm. The maximum allowable to construction of the stairs depth - 32 cm.

Often, to save the area when installing stair structures, use models with one step hanging over the other. This type of steps gives the staircase easier and beautiful view.

Calculation of the size of the stairs of the staircase march

Consider the option of calculating the basic parameters on a simple example. The optimal ratios of the height and depth of the steps are operated on when designing stairs (CM): 19/27, 18/28, 17/29 and 16/30. Perfect option - 17/29 cm.

We use this ratio to calculate such important design parameters as an angle of inclination, march length, total number of steps.

The number of steps to calculate simply: the height of the floor (for example, 270 cm) must be divided into the height of the stage (17 cm): 270/17 \u003d 15.9. We discard the fractional part, we get the number of steps on the staircase march (15 pieces). If the number is fractional, which can be the first or last step to make a little higher or slightly lower than the rest.

To eliminate the difference, you can also install a special podium under the staircase.

We specify the height of the steps. For this, the height of the room is divided by the number of steps: 270/15 \u003d 18 cm. Thus, the height of each stage is 18 cm.

The depth is calculated by taking into account the width of the horizontal steps. We choose a step for a calculation equal to 63 cm. From this value, we take away the double height of the prompt: 63-2x18 \u003d 27 cm.

Calculate the area and angle of inclination

Now you can calculate what area will take the staircase to the second floor. It is necessary to determine the area of \u200b\u200bprojection of the staircase span on the horizontal plane. It has a rectangle shape, one side of which is equal to the width of the steps (D), and the second (B) is the projection of the march length on the horizontal.

Formula spare rectangle: S \u003d B x D.

The length of the larger side of the rectangle (b) we obtain, multiplying the depth of the steps to their quantity: 27x15 \u003d 405 cm. The smaller side of the rectangle (D) is equal to the width of the stairs and is selected independently. It should take into account that the minimum size for the movement of one person is 70 cm, for two minimum 100 cm.

For convenience, the staircase in the drawings must be represented in 3 projections.

Now you can start the calculation of the length of the staircase march. In this simple calculation, a well-known school formula will come to the rescue (Pythagora theorem). The length of the march is the hypotenuse of the rectangular triangle (C), whose cathets are the height of the room (s) and the horizontal projection of the span (B):

c2 \u003d A2 + B2 \u003d 2702 + 4052

And the desired length (hypotenuse) is equal to square root from the sum of the squares of the cathets, i.e. C \u003d 486.7 cm or 486 cm (do not take into account the fractional part).

To determine the value of the angle of inclination of the stairs, we will have to recall the school course of trigonometry: the sinus of the original angle is equal to the ratio of the height of the floor (a) to the length of the stair march (C):

cOS (α) \u003d A / C, α \u003d ARCOS (A / C)

After performing calculations on these formulas, we define the angle of inclination - 370.

Convenient service for calculating stair structures


Working out the stairs project to the second floor, it is worth paying attention to the fence to establish it correctly. Such dimensions are important for installation:

  • balacine height;
  • length and width of the railings.

Fences are an important element. Their standard height (taking into account the rail) should be from 90 to 100 cm. If there are children in the house, additional handrails should be provided (70-75 cm). The design and material of the fence can be any.

Not only reliability is important for the staircase fence, but also convenience.

If you build a staircase for all standards and rules, it will be comfortable, durable, safe and serves a long time.

Ksenia Skvortsova. Chief Editor. Author.
Planning and distribution of responsibilities in the Content-production team, work with texts.
Education: Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, specialty "Cultureologist. Lecturer history and theory of culture. " Experience in copywriting: from 2010 at the moment. Editor: Since 2016.

Comments 1.

So, how professionals are advised to calculate in XXI century?

The design of the staircase can be performed in various ways. The basis of each laid optimal dimensions Ladder march necessary for a comfortable and safe movement.

Naturally, most comfortable There will be a common and not a narrow staircase, but, as a rule, practical circumstances dictate restrictions on the choice key parameters To which include: view stairs lift height, square in Plan, tilt angle, number of steps, the width and height of each.

These indicators related to each other And cannot be determined separately. For example, for a simple single-hour staircase, the elevation of the lift and the angle of inclination rigidly set the area in terms of and on the contrary, knowledge of the area in terms of and height will not be doubted the magnitude of the angle of inclination of the stairs.

In this article we we will not to consider exotic options, like stairs with elements of three-dimensional curvature, and focus on the usual and worst homemade master of structures on the cows and skins.

Size steps

This is perhaps one of the main characteristics of the stairs. They depends on how much comfortable and safe Households will be able to climb the second floor and go down.

Master Novitsky Oleg Vadimovich in the book "Modern stairs. Design, manufacture, installation. " (the best wishes to the author and this amazing work) mentions recommended and repeatedly proven values For lifting ( h.) and sticking ( a.) Steps:

h × a \u003d 150 × 300, 160 × 300, 170 × 290 mm.

These sizes are good, but unfortunately, can not be usedIf the house has already been built and the overall height of the stairs ( H.) Do not paint a separate step ( h.). In this case, we can refer to the calculation formulas.

Widely known formula convenience:

a - H \u003d 12 cm.

According to this ratio, the staircase will be the most convenient.

The staircase is considered safe If the amount of sizes ( from) The width of the sticking and the height of the riser is equal 45 cm:

30+15; 27+18; 25+20 .

Accordingly, this equation is called safety formulas :

c \u003d a + h \u003d 45 cm.

The complexity is that the formulas are applicable in small range sizes and it is not always possible to implement the necessary proportion in practice. In this case, it follows with the minimum deviation "to get" in the specified proportions or use the universal blonde formulawhich takes into account the middle step of the person. About this below.

Height of the floor, m Number of steps N. Height of the stage H, mm Stage width B, mm Blutch H: B
2.25 for basements 12 118 260 1:1,38
13 173 260 1:1,50
2,50 14 179 260 1:1,45
14 179 290 1:1,62
2,75 15 183 260 1:1,42
16 172 260 1:1,51
16 172 290 1:1,69
3,00 17 176 290 1:1,65
18 167 290 1:1,74

note: in single-hour stairs, as well as in one march of two and three-time ladders within the first floor allowed no more 18 Rises (steps). Limit height Steps - 220 mm ( SNIP 21-01-97).

To design a simple wooden staircase on the cosos measure the height between the floors (Vertical distance from the floor of the lower floor to the floor of the top).

By the way height between floors - This is the most "patient" size. In the houses of the stone, completely and there are deviations from the project on 4-5 cm, and the wooden is susceptible to dry and shrink (before 15 See on the floor). Ideally, I should wait for a complete church of the cut for several years.

Also dimensions for the calculation of the stairs better to shoot when the floor floors are used or will have to clearly ask horizontal levels heights.

So, let height in our case:

Choose height of a concern:

Sharing the height between the floors to the height of the opponents, we get required number of steps:

270: 18 \u003d 15 pieces.

To determine the optimal width of the stage, use formula convenience:

a - H \u003d 12, H \u003d 18 cm.

Comfortable width sticky:

a \u003d 12 + H \u003d 30 cm.

So, it is necessary 15 width steps 30 cm and length depending on the width of the opening in the inter-storey overlap. Checking the staircase in safety formula:

a + h \u003d 46 + 3 cm

In this case:

18 + 30 \u003d 48 cm.

Stairs safe and easy to operate.

This example of calculations leads Stolyarov A.N. in the book " We build stairs».

French architect and engineer back in distant 1672 Suggested by year next ratio:

Where S. - This is a middle step of a person who is within 600-640 mm.

Can be transformed into inequality:

Nizhina acceptable to practice the result will be minimum ascent Steps:

h \u003d 120 mm, a \u003d 400 mm, slope 17 degrees.

With a smaller angle, there is no longer a staircase, but a ramp (ramp) - a common inclined pad.

Upper Stage rise:

h \u003d 220 mm, a \u003d 200 mm, bias 48 degrees.

On the upper limit of the formula not most convenient A staircase suitable only when moving face to steps.

The descent on the ladder is more dangerous than the rise, therefore, ease of use evaluate on move down. An example of a wizard reflection according to blonde formula:

Measure the height between the floors:

H \u003d 3050 mm.

Determine the rise of steps h. by division H. for a possible number of rates ( n.). Values:

    At 17 lines: H \u003d H / n \u003d 3050/17 \u003d 179.4 mm.

    At 18: h \u003d h / n \u003d 3050/18 \u003d 169.4 mm.

    At 19: h \u003d h / n \u003d 3050/19 \u003d 160.5 mm.

A \u003d 5000 mm.

The length of the stroke should not be less than the height between the floors ( H.), Otherwise the staircase will be impractical cool. In our example:

A (5000)\u003e H (3050).

For n \u003d 18 Apartment a \u003d 5000 / (n - 1) \u003d 294 mm.

Valid number of steps on 1 Less settlement value. This fact is easy to adopt if the first stage is considered at the floor level.

Step Parameter blonde:

169 × 2 + 294 \u003d 632 mm.

Hence, size acceptable, Organically lies within the middle step of man. We have determined the width of the sticking and the height of the rumbling for convenient movement, but this is not enough to build a comfortable and safe staircase.

Stroke line and middle line march

Line travel (A.) - This is a horizontal projection of the imaginary movement of a person in steps. It takes distance 300-500 mm from the inside edge of the stairs. This average size determines comfort of use of the order. Children will go nearer By railing, adults - further.

Sometimes for direct march is neglected by this size, since the edges of the steps parallel.

If the width of the stairs before 1000 mm, the line of the stroke coincides with the middle line of the march. If more 1000 mm, then the line of the stroke shifts to the handrail. The calculation algorithm is:

    With the help of chalk or plumb apply an alleged line on the floor (or lines) stroke. Fix the size of the roulette and relate it to the height of the stairs. Wonderful if the line morethan height in 1,7 times - it means the slope will be 30 °.

    All acupuncture size obtained calculate using the Blonde FormulaTo determine the optimal one.

Relative lift march (lift angle)

In construction practice, the angle of lift, as a rule, is in the range from 20 before 50 degrees, but the most comfortable stairs are considered with an angle from 30 before 45 Degree.

Table addiction Sizes of steps from the angle of inclination:

Choice the angle of inclination determines the stock of the distance (critical height) at least 2000 Mm from any stage to the ceiling or any protruding element of the building (beams, parapel):

Critical height convenient to check, Drawing the calculated steps on any sheet material or directly on the wall. As the design practice shows, very often a line conducted from the ceiling or hazardous protrusion will be less than the desired value.

It is for this reason that there is no possibility to design a staircase enough. With an increase in the angle of inclination, comfort decreases, because with a low average growth of all home, sometimes all this size is underestimated.

In the already mentioned work of Novitsky O.V. "Modern stairs. Design, manufacture, installation. " A real practical case is considered in which there are already sequentially and argued 6 options for the location of the ladder indoors.

In any case, the final result is usually golden mean Between the many contradictory arguments.

Width Marsha

Width Marsha Determined by the bandwidth of the stairs (the number of people per minute in a narrow place) and implies a comfortable movement of an adult.

For intra-wood staircase marches, building rates determine this value (the size of the wall to the railil or between two railing on the left and right side) at least in 900 mm, in high comfort homes 1250-1600 mm.

Provided exceptions for width staircase 0,8 m) Some types of stairs (for example, in garden houses), but to navigate the design of the stairs to this size only under the conditions of a tough lack of free space of the room.

Width less than 0.8 m can afford auxiliary structures, for example, a staircase in a basement or an attic.

Standard elements

Each good owner knows how to count money. The construction of the stairs is no exception. Can save badlyif the details of the stairs at the design stage will turn out fit to standard billets accepted in the territory RF.

Economic considerations They can become the key argument that will allow the owner to choose the only option of the location of the stairs from several possible.

1. Standards on the steps.

Release with gallery R 12.5. Invitation Steps:

Size, mm.
1 H 220 × 400 × 1200, R200
2 H220 × 400 × 1400, R200

Combined triangular Stage of non-standard size to order is calculated as rectangular (it is simply cut out of it necessary). because it is advisable to order rectangular. The cost is identical, and trimming will be useful in work.

Large steps Can be made of furniture shield sizes:

Size (in × sh × d), mm
1 38 × 400 × 2000
2 38 × 500 × 1500
3 38 × 500 × 2000
4 38 × 700 × 1500
5 38 × 1000 × 1000
6 38 × 1100 × 1100
7 38 × 1200 × 1200

2. Suggestions.

Size (in × sh × d), mm
1 18 × 180 × 900
2 18 × 180 × 1000
3 18 × 180 × 1100
4 18 × 180 × 1200
5 18 × 180 × 1300
6 18 × 180 × 1400
7 18 × 120 × 900
8 18 × 120 × 1000
9 18 × 120 × 1100
10 18 × 120 × 1200
11 18 × 120 × 1300
12 18 × 120 × 1400

3. Facing board.

Size (in × sh × d), mm
1 18 × 200 × 2000
2 18 × 300 × 2000
3 18 × 350 × 1000
4 18 × 350 × 1500
5 18 × 350 × 2000
6 18 × 350 × 2500
7 18 × 350 × 3000
8 18 × 350 × 3500

4. Bar.

Size (in × sh × d), mm
1 80 × 80 × 1200
2 80 × 80 × 2000
3 80 × 80 × 2500
4 80 × 80 × 3000
5 100 × 100 × 1200
6 100 × 100 × 2000
7 100 × 100 × 2500
8 100 × 100 × 3000

5. Tests.

Size (in × sh × d), mm
1 40 × 350 × 2500
2 40 × 350 × 3000
3 40 × 350 × 3500
4 40 × 400 × 4000
5 50 × 300 × 3500
6 50 × 350 × 3500
7 50 × 400 × 4500

6. Handrails.

Length of the handrail may vary from 3500 before 6000 mm. But size sections Permanent:

Cross section (sh × c), mm
1 40 × 70.
2 45 × 70.
3 45 × 80.
4 45 × 90.
5 60 × 60.
6 70 × 70.
7 70 × 90.
8 80 × 100.


Diameter Round Balyasin - 30 or 47 mm. Length all varieties - before 900 mm. Sections Square products:

Cross section (sh × c), mm
1 40 × 40.
2 45 × 45.
3 50 × 50.
4 60 × 60.
6 70 × 70.
7 80 × 80.
Diameter, mm.
1 75
2 95
3 115
4 140
5 145

Yet at the settlement stage You should familiarize yourself with the price list of the nearest supplier within walking distance.

So, do not burn the gods. We hope that we managed somewhat dispel The fact that the design and construction of stairs is available only to the chosen one. Read the articles, literature to which we referred to this text, perform measurements, sketches and drawings.

A task in the dry residue looks simple: Based on the planning of the house, the location of the stairs, the aesthetic owners preferences, you need calculate parametersshown in the article. It will only remain organically to enter indicators in the norms of comfortable and safe movement in a country house or a multi-level apartment.

We wish you comfort and good to your home.

Stairs are special engineering structures that serve to move people between the levels of the room. And, since the safety of a person directly depends on them, the system data requires particularly thorough calculations in accordance with the existing requirements and norms. How to properly calculate the number of steps in the design and the distance between the stepped elements, let's talk later in the article containing detailed instructions of the calculations, a lot of high-quality photos and a cognitive video.

The comfort and safety of the system depends on how correctly calculations were made to determine its main sizes.

The correct calculation is an important step when erecting a staircase

Movement on the stairs requires energy costs twice as much as when moving on a flat surface. That is why it is very important to make the design not only safe, but also comfortable and convenient for long-term operation. This goal can be achieved if accurately and without errors calculate the number of steps.

Before starting construction, make a design sketch on paper and make the main calculations, guided by generally accepted gostas and requirements

With a large-scale manufacture of stairs on specialized enterprises, their compliance with the established gta stations and security requirements is checked. Therefore, exclusively qualified specialists with engineering education are engaged in calculating these systems.

If the design is manufactured on a specialized enterprise, its calculation is performed by professional engineers and architects

But what if you decide to make a staircase for your home or cottage yourself? Perhaps or not to produce the correct calculation of the steps of the stairs, calculate their number and main distances on their own? If you strictly follow the following instructions and existing gtostas, then nothing is impossible.

Even such a magnificent staircase you can make a personnel personally, if you attach to this maximum patience, and efforts

Estimated characteristics of stairs

Before the start of computational work to determine the number of steps and their size for the staircase, we will order to begin with the definitions that we will need to be applied.

The photo shows the main parameters that must be determined before proceeding with the ladder

So, we will need to calculate such parameters:

  • stage depths (sticking);
  • heights of the sticky (riser);
  • steps widths;
  • thickness (with additional overhead elements);
  • the number of steps in the march.

Now we will analyze more, as the calculation of the required values \u200b\u200boccurs.

The total length of the staircase is depending on such values \u200b\u200bas the height of the room, the width of the step and the height of the context

Calculation of steps

The calculation of the sizes of steps is carried out according to a special formula, according to which the safety and convenience of the design involves the equality of the sum of the approach, multiplied by two and depths of sticking together with a middle step of an adult.

The calculation of the staircase is a rather time consuming occupation, so if you have difficulty, you can attract professionals to solve them

For ordinary straight marches

It is known that the length of the step moving horizontally is 60 - 65 centimeters.

We get a formula:

2a + B \u003d 60 cm (65 cm), where a is a segment between the steps, in the depth of sticking.

For a comfortable arrangement of the entire foot of the person on the stairs, it is necessary that its width (depth) is in the spectrum between 20 and 32 centimeters.

The calculation of the main parameters for conventional straight marches does not represent any difficulty - just follow the generally accepted standard values

However, carrying out the calculation of the staircase for their home, you should also take into account the physiological features of your family. For example, if there are children in the house, people of old age or disabled, then make the width of the sticky is wider, and the height of the steps is small for more comfortable movement.

When calculating the size of the steps, use a special universal formula

Tip: Do not foresee the steps, as it will make the staircase less safe and for movement, and the descent will be difficult.

If, due to any circumstances, you can not make a wide step, then perform a commencement with hollow above the bottom surface. However, at the same time, consider that according to the requirements of GOST, such an obstee should not exceed:

  • 3 cm - if the step is made of wood;
  • 5 cm - if come from reinforced concrete.

During the construction of the stairs, you can always use ready-made drawings with all the necessary calculations.

All the above concerns simple staircase systems. When designing a system with a step-type steps, it should be borne in mind that the depth of the most close step part should not be less than 10 cm, and hanging it above the surface - no more than 5 cm.

Calculation of the size of coming for a conventional direct stair system does not require special knowledge and even a newcomer

For running steps

To calculate the wellheads, you will have to work more thoroughly, but for a start, you should draw a future system on paper.

Staircase with overtakers is a rather complicated design that requires preliminary accurate calculations.
With the construction of a system with overtook steps, it is necessary to pay special attention to the calculation of the dimensions of

Calculation of the number of steps

After the necessary calculations are produced, specify the values \u200b\u200bfound on the finished drawing and then in the manufacture of the stairs clearly follow their calculations.

If all the calculations for the definition of the main dimensions of the stairs are correct, then the finished system will be a comfortable, convenient and functional

Video on the topic

The video presented below will help you get more complete information on our topic.

Where to buy a finished staircase

In the event that you do not have proper building skills for self-building the staircase in your home, or simply do not have a large number of free time for these works, take advantage of our online store "Super Ladder" and purchase ready-made quality and stylish Ladder for your home.

Stylish and modern staircase from the model series "Elegant" will become a real decoration of your home, the price of the finished design of only 50 390 rubles

Constructive features

  1. Movie - It is characterized by the reliability of configuration and ease of execution. The design can be represented by one or more marches. To comply with ergonomic requirements, each march must contain no more than 16 stages. In some cases, to reduce the size of the design, the march is used by 90 or 180 degrees.

Primary requirements

The calculation of the stairs to the second floor should begin with choosing a place for design and acquaintance with individual characteristics of space. At the initial stage, the following parameters should be taken into account:

  1. the magnitude of the staircase;

How to calculate the ladder to the second floor in order to meet all the requirements? Each builder should understand that the size of the steps should be identical, only minimal differences are allowed, no more than 1 cm. The height of the steps is an important characteristic, from which the comfort depend on the lifting and descent of all residents of the house. Most often, this indicator varies from 14 to 20 cm. The optimal depth of steps is 30-32 cm.

To determine the width of the staircase, you can take the basis of the width of the march (minimum of 0.9 m). The angle of inclination is another indicator that determines the safety of the ladder march. It is believed that the angle of inclination should be no more than 37 degrees. This indicator should be followed by all homeowners, especially if there are small children and elderly in the family.

The correct calculation of the stairs implies the presence of fences and railings, again in order to ensure the necessary safety. As part of the calculations, it is necessary to define the following parameters:

The optimal railing width is 100 mm, it is quite enough for comfortable operation, both adults and children. The railing is better to arrange at a height of 900 mm, it follows that the height of the baluster will be 800 mm. The Length is identical identical to the length of the staircase and the features of its configuration.

Typical projects

If you are a novice builder, there are no idea how to correctly calculate the stairs to the second floor, consider the use of typical projects. The standard project of the stairs implies the presence of some generally accepted standards, due to which the design can be elevated in the house of almost any planning and design.

The project documentation will respond to the main issues of homeowners, for example, how to calculate the house where to place the stairs, which kind of variety to choose. If your home is unique, you never managed to find a single suitable project, resort to the help of professionals who easily produce the necessary measurements, will examine the premises, after which they will prepare an individual project of future inter-storey communications.

Manufacturing technology

If you are planning to build a staircase without attracting specialists, we advise you to draw your attention to simple design. The staircase on the cosoms is the perfect option for a beginner. Moreover, it is better as a Kouryer, that is, the support beam, use the tree: it is quite easy to work with it, it will not be necessary to use professional equipment and the availability of welded skills. And, of course, stairs made of natural array - a full decoration of any interior.

If you started the construction of inter-storey communication, you probably care about how to correctly calculate the stairs to the second floor. Exact calculations will help build the most reliable and secure

Any stationary staircase in the house must comply with certain standards so that its design is able to secure, as well as comfortable conditions for moving along it. For this, the wooden staircase is calculated for the second floor, which is not much different on the calculation of the metal or concrete structure. Its correctness depends on many factors, but above all is the knowledge and experience, the ability to navigate in the standards prescribed in SNiP and GOST.

Basic designs of wooden stairs

  • support beams, which are the guards or boosters;
  • reference pillar mounted for screw structures;
  • steps whose elements are sticking and risers;
  • railings consisting of balaasine and handrails.

The guys are located on the sides of the staircase and are covered with the ends of the steps that are inserted between the support beams followed by fixation. Shining with risers, as it were, weave in the staircase. If we talk about a koser, then the steps are stacked on top of it. The guards in the composition of the ladder cannot be more than two, and the Kosomrov, depending on the width of the march and its design features, can be found from one to three or four (basic and intermediate).

It is arjected to the horizontal part of the stage, and the riser is vertical. The second component of the stage in the design may be absent. The railing serve for support and security of a rising or descending person.

The calculation of the wooden staircase on the second floor depends on its appearance and design features, and ladders are divided into two main groups:

  • curvilinear, including screw and overall steps;
  • marsemen - straight, with intermediate or turntables, as well as without them.

What a staircase will be installed, determined, based on the size of the room, the dimensions of the staircase opening and the style solution.

How to calculate

First you need to clarify what place the staircase is located, and make the necessary measurements. To do this, determine:

  • floor height between pure floor levels;
  • the length of the area allocated for the installation of the staircase;
  • dimensions of the staircase.

The variety of staircase depends on these parameters. The small size of the opening and the area intended for its installation dictate the need for a screw staircase device, but in this case the calculations will be more difficult. Therefore, consider the simplest option - the calculation of the stairs on the cosoms with one march.

At the first stage, the staircases are calculated - their quantities and sizes. The distance between the pure floor levels of the two floors is accepted for the height of the stairs. To determine the number of steps, its indicator is divided into an estimated approach. Its recommended height is 15-18 cm, although the standards allow to reduce this size up to 12 cm or increase to 20 cm. The figure obtained as a result of the division is rounded. This is the calculated number of steps.

It should be noted that in one march there can be no less than three or more than 18 steps. Upon receipt of a larger digit, the staircase will be better broken by two or three march, and between them it is to provide intermediate or turntables.

Deciding finally with the number of steps, you can calculate the actual approaches. For this, the height of the stairs is divided by the number of lifts. The result is the estimated height of the stage.

It is important to know that the size of the height and depth of steps should be the same within one march. This is done so that the step is not shot down when moving a person along the stairs.

At the second stage, sticking out the width (or depths) of the sticky. The regulations are allowed by their dimensions from 23.50 to 35.50 cm, but the optimal width is considered to be 28-32 cm. For a more accurate determination of this parameter, the formula for calculating the stairs steps is used, which indicates that the sum of height (H) and depth (B) is used. Steps in the plan should be47 cm.

The result obtained is also rounded and is assumed as a basis if it satisfies the optimal dimensions.

Length of stairs

Calculate the length of the staircase march is quite simple. For this, the number of steps in the march calculated earlier, and their calculated width (or depth). These indicators are simply multiplied with each other.

If the length of the staircase is obtained too big, then it is made by a rotary by 90 or 180 degrees, complement the intermediate sites or running steps.

An important role in the calculation and design of the wooden staircase plays the height of the lumen between the horizontal plane of the stage and the lower part of the ceiling structure, which is in front of the staircase. The vertical distance here should be more than 1.90-2.00 meters, so that the rising or descending high growth person could not accidentally be injured.

Deliver to the calculation of a wooden staircase with full responsibility. Competent design and compliance with installation technology will provide optimal conditions for its operation.

The stairs on the second floor are found not only in the cottages, but also in two-level urban apartments. Competently, their installation largely depends on the correctness of determining the size of the steps and slope of the staircase march. The main thing is to determine the location of the stairs and make the necessary calculation.

For a two-storey house or a multi-level apartment, it is very important to choose the right staircase to the second floor. The article tells about the main types of stairs in residential buildings, considers the main materials from which they are manufactured, and gives brief recommendations for calculating the number and height of the steps.

Often, the individual order of the staircase is not a pricing of the owner, but a constructive or stylistic necessity. The owners of private buildings tired of typical apartments are building country houses on non-standard projects, therefore the stairs have to do, based on the specific size of the premises.

Calculation of a wooden staircase on the second floor - important moments

Calculation of a wooden staircase on the second floor - important moments Any stationary staircase in the house must comply with certain standards to ensure that its design can provide security,

Any multi-level room is equipped with a staircase. It must be said that these elements were constructed back in the distant past. So, for example, prescriptions for the construction of stairs can be found in ancient Egyptian letters. Today, builders have enough extensive practical experience in the construction of these small architectural forms. We'll look in detail how to make a staircase to the second floor. The article will present some standards, as well as discussed about the methods for calculating the necessary parameters.

What parameters are included?

The staircase on the second floor can be made of various shapes. However, the basis of any plan should be laid optimal march dimensions. Correctly selected sizes will create comfort and convenience during descent and lifting. Of course, the most acceptable option can be considered a spacious and gentle staircase. But, as a rule, circumstances dictate a number of restrictions on the selection of basic parameters. These, in particular, include height, width and total number of steps, angle of inclination, lifting height, type of construction and its area in terms of. All these parameters cannot be determined independently of each other, since they are interconnected elements. So, for example, the area in the plan is set by an angle of inclination and lifting height.

The maximum height of this element is considered to be 220 mm. In the process of designing the usual (uncomplicated) ladder from a tree on the cosos, it is necessary to measure the height from the floor on the lower floor to the floor on the top. In the distant 1672, the engineer and architect from France Blondez offered the relation:

In it, for the middle step, the value of S is adopted. This indicator is in the range of 600-640 mm. Taking this into account, the above formula can be transformed into the following inequality:

An acceptable from a practical point of view the lower result of the stage of the stage will be: a \u003d 400 mm, H \u003d 120 mm, a bias - 17 degrees. If the angle is smaller, the design will take the form of a ramp (common inclined pad). The upper optimal value will be: a \u003d 200 mm, H \u003d 220 mm, a bias - 48 degrees. But within these limits, it is not the most comfortable design. For such a staircase, it will be convenient to move only face to steps. As you know, the descent is more dangerous than the rise. Therefore, the convenience of movement must be assessed in relation to the movement down.

The staircase on the second floor can be designing different sizes. Consider several options. The height between the floors will be taken H \u003d 3050 mm. Next, it is necessary to determine the rise of the steps (h). This is done by the division of H on the likely number. Options may be as follows:

  • With 19 lines: H \u003d H / n \u003d 3050/19 \u003d 160.5 mm.
  • At 18: h will be equal to 3050 divided by 18. It will turn out to be 169.4 mm.
  • At 17: H is equal to 3050 divided by 17. The result will be obtained 179.4 mm.

Then the stroke line is taken: and \u003d 5 m. Its length should not be less than the height value between the floors (H). Otherwise, the staircase will turn out to be cool. In this example A (5000)\u003e H (3050). For n \u003d 18 A (occupy) \u003d 5000 / (n - 1). We obtain as a result of 294 mm. (n - 1) is a valid number of steps, reduced by one. Why exactly what value? This becomes clear if we take into account that the first stage is located at the floor level. Next, you should calculate the step size according to the formula of the Blonde, the above: 169 x 2 + 294 \u003d 632 (mm). If you recall the range of 600-640 mm values, it becomes clear that the parameter lies in permissible limits for the middle step of the person. This is so determined by the height of the riser and the width of the sticking for a comfortable movement. However, these data is not enough to install a safe and comfortable staircase.

Stroke lines and march

When designing, the so-called horizontal projection of the alleged movement of a person along steps is taken into account. This parameter shows, simply speaking, the line of the course (a). It runs away from 300 to 500 mm from the inner boundary of the stairs. This averaged size determine the convenience of using the handrail. Adults will be further from the railings, and children, respectively, closer. In some cases, this size is neglected. For example, with a straight march. In this case, the edges of the steps will be parallel. If you take 1000 millimeters for the width of the stairs, then a (line) coincides with the middle line of the march. If the size is greater than the specified value, then the displacement will occur. In particular, the line move will move to the handrail. Next, you should take a plumb and chalk. Using these non-hard tools, you need to apply an estimated line (or several) stroke. You need to draw on the floor. The size should be fixed with the roulette and relate it to the height of the stairs. If the stroke line is 1.7 times, the slope will be 30 degrees. Then the value and should be divided into (n - 1) with respect to each alleged election of the stages.

Width Marsha

To build a staircase to the second floor so that it is convenient to move on it, it is necessary to take into account a number of important points. One of them is considered a march width. This indicator is determined in accordance with the bandwidth of the structure. In other words, the parameter establishes how many people can take place in a minute in the narrowest place of the stairs, and provides for a comfortable movement of an adult. Construction rates for intravartic structures determine this value of MIN at 9000 mm. This size is equal to the distance from the outer edge of the stairs to the wall or between the railings on the right and left. For high comfort houses, this indicator is in the range of 12,500-16,000 mm.

The angle of lifting

In construction practice, this indicator, as a rule, is within 20-50 degrees. The optimal option is considered an angle of 30-45˚. The choice of the indicator determines the reserve at a distance (critical height) at least 2000 mm from any of the steps to the ceiling or some protruding element of the structure (parapet, beams, etc.).

The manufacture of stairs to the second floor is carried out in accordance with generally accepted standards. Invitation steps have the following dimensions: H 220x400x1400, R 200 and H 220x400x1200, R200. The elements are produced with adjustment (plinth) R 12.5. The calculation of the long-term triangular stage is carried out similarly to rectangular. Subsequently, it cut out the desired form. It is recommended to order rectangular elements, since the cost will be the same, and trimming can be useful. Large steps can be made from a furniture shield having dimensions of 38x1000x1000, 38x1200x1200, 38x1100x1100, 38x700x1500, 38x500x1500, 38x500x2000, 38x400x2000 millimeters. They are used to arrange staircases. The risers are made with a thickness of 18 mm. The width of the elements is 120 or 180 mm. Length can be from 900 to 1400 mm. The facing board has a thickness of 18 mm. Dimensions of these elements: 350x3500, 350x3000, 350x2500, 350x2000, 350x1500, 350 x 1000, 300 x 2000, 200 x 2000 mm. For the construction of the stairs, a timing is needed by a cross section of 100 * 100 or 80 * 80 mm. Details of 3000, 2500, 2000, 2,200 mm are produced.

We do the stairs to the second floor

First of all, the drawing should be drawn. It needs to specify all the dimensions of the estimated design. Before making a staircase to the second floor, measurements should be made. It is logical that the height of the design you need to take the distance between the floors. To correctly calculate the stairs to the second floor, you must estimate the number of steps. These elements differ in the horizontal plane (disposal) and vertical (risers). The latter is the height of the lift. Elements can be both with a riser and without it. Calculate the staircase on the second floor as a whole is easy. Start better with calculating the optimal height of steps. As practice shows, the most acceptable size is in the range of 150-200 mm. You can, for example, take the last value. Suppose height between floors is 2700 mm. We divide it for 200. As a result, we get 13 steps. According to SNiP for public and residential premises, the width of the sticky in 30 is installed, and the height of the Dntyvenok is 14.8 cm.


Before you make a staircase to the second floor, you should place the design on the floor. This is done in order to become clear how it will be placed in the room. Over the width of the sticky is taken 250 mm (the size can be any of the range of 250-300 mm). This magnitude is multiplied by 13 steps. The size of the projection will eventually work 3250 mm. Lastly, before making a staircase to the second floor, its length is calculated. To do this, use the Pythagora theorem. The height will correspond to the root square of the folded squares of the cathets in the rectangular triangle. As a result, we get 3260 mm.

Since we build a staircase to the second floor with such a calculation, to move through it it was convenient to all family members, it follows with all thoroughness to approach the creation of all its elements. For Kosomrov, a segment of 140 * 60 mm will be needed. 13 steps are made of boards, the thickness of which is 30-40 mm. The risers will be thinner. Boards are suitable for them, the thickness of which is about 25-30 mm. In accordance with the size of the room, the length of the stage is determined. Highlighting the stairs, it is necessary to take into account that on the platform with a width of less than a meter there may be some inconvenience during the assembly and subsequent operation.


Before making a staircase to the second floor, it is recommended to carefully check all the sizes carefully, the presence of the necessary elements and tools. All items immediately before starting work should be cleaned with a skin. End surfaces should be paid to special attention. The connection of parts will be carried out by stainless screws. Before docking, it should be missed the surface of the details of PVA with a "bustilat". After assembly, the elements are covered with a mourn. After waiting for its drying, you should cover the parts with a waterproof transparent varnish in several layers. Olif is recommended to apply before the assembly starts. To protect the elements from impregnation and varnish, they should be sealed with painting scotch. For design and assembly, it is recommended to consult with an experienced master, as to make the stairs to the second floor, without having some skills, it will be quite problematic.

Original solution

Recently, the screw staircases are popular lately. In general, this design can take no more than two square meters. If we compare the size with a standard marching staircase, then the savings of the space is very sensible. For comfortable movement, however, in any case, it is necessary to determine the optimal width of the steps and the height of the lift. Screw staircases on the second floor are considered fairly economical. As they do not have much space as a march, and have their own characteristics, the material on their construction is required several times less.

Optimal dimensions

For comfortable movement, the design width should be within 0.8-0.9 m. For height, you can take 3 meters. The design should provide a central support. Its diameter - 0.2 m. Where to start calculations? First of all, the diameter of the staircase should be calculated. How to do it? The size corresponds to the amount of the width of the span, enlarged twice and the diameter of the median (central) rack. In numbers it looks like this: 0.9 x 2 + 0.2. It turns out 2 m. Lifting up the stairs, a person, as a rule, holds approximately around the center of the span. In other words, this is a line passing through the middle of the steps. Next, it is necessary to calculate the raise radius. In numbers it looks like this: 0.45 + 0.1. The desired size is by adding 1/2 of the length of the stage and the radius of the support. We obtain as a result of 0.55 m. For the screw staircase, the optimal will be the small depth of sticking in the middle support, increasing in the direction from the center. For calculations, take averaged value. It will be equal to 22 cm. The stairs may have several turns, you need to calculate the number of steps for each of them. For this, the length of the trajectory of the human movement is divided into averaged width of the element. This is done using the formula of finding the length of the circle - L \u003d 2 πr. In numbers it looks like this: 2 x 3.14 x 0.55: 0.22. The result obtained - 15.7 - should be rounded in a smaller side - to 15. This is the number of stairs.

How to make the design ergonomic?

Each turn of the staircase must be the corresponding height, and the designed so that no one has hit the head of the upper steps during the rise. If you take an average human height of 180 cm, it is necessary to add about 15-20 cm to this number ("for calm"). So we get 195 cm, for example. This is the distance between the 1st and last step of the turn. These 195 cm should be divided into the number of elements. They, as we found out, will be 15. Thus, we get 13 cm. This is the height of 1 stage. Now we calculate the number of items specifically for this design. The total height of the staircase is divided into the size of the element: 300: 13. In the end, we get 23.07. This value should be rounded. It turns out as a result of 23 pcs. You can clarify the height of the stage, following the calculation on the contrary: 300: 23. The result is a little more than 13 cm. Thus, the design has a total length of 300 cm, the height of the stage is just over 13 cm. The number of elements is 23 pcs. You can purchase workpieces of steps. The dimensions of the elements are usually 30 * 110 and 40 * 80 cm. The thickness of them is 40 mm. From the blanks, you can carve various steps in the form of a trapezium, give them the necessary shape and roundness.

How to make a staircase on the second floor? Calculation and design of the stairs to the second floor

Any multi-level room is equipped with a staircase. It must be said that these elements were constructed back in the distant past. So, for example, prescriptions for the construction of stairs can be found in ancient Egyptian letters. Today, builders have enough extensive practical experience in the construction of these small architectural forms.

How to measure and calculate the wooden staircase on the second floor?

The stationary staircase installed in a private house or in the apartment must comply with certain standards. Only in this case it will be safe, and will also provide comfortable conditions for moving along it. To do this, the calculation of the stairs to the second floor should be correctly performed, which is practically no different on the calculation of concrete or metal design. The accuracy of the calculation of the stairs to the second floor depends on a large number of factors: personal experience and knowledge of the wizard, the ability to navigate in the standards specified in GOST and SNIPS.

Only the correctly calculated and competently designed staircase will fully comply with all standards. Such a staircase will be safe to use, reliable and comfortable when descent or lifting.

The main parameters used to calculate the wooden staircase

Before measuring the wooden structure, you should define a list of parameters that will affect the design of the staircase. Some values \u200b\u200bcan be calculated using an ordinary meter or see the table with standard indicators. Other values \u200b\u200brequire self-calculation.

If you think, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Height of the opening. Under this concept implies height from floor to ceiling, measured in a straight vertical line.
  2. Length of the opening. This indicator is measured by a diagonal line, ranging from the edge of the opening and to the location of the first step.
  3. The total number of steps.
  4. Step width.
  5. The width of the stairs. The optimal size, according to experts, is the width equal to 100 centimeters. If necessary, it can be reduced, but it should not be less than 80 centimeters.
  6. Shorty depth. In other words, this is the width of the step, where the person will put the leg during the descent or lifting. On average, the value should be from 23 to 28 centimeters.
  7. The height of the risk or height of the stage. The optimal size of 17 to 22 centimeters. This distance is measured between two adjacent projections.
  8. The height of the handrail should be from 90 to 100 centimeters. This size is suitable for comfortable staircase movement.
  9. The thickness of the steps directly depends on the type of wood used.

How to sample wood design

Before starting work, you should choose a place where the design will be located. After that, you can proceed to perform the necessary measurements.

So, you should define:

  1. Height between floor levels.
  2. The length of the site, which was highlighted for the construction of the staircase.
  3. Dimensions of the staircase.

Remember that these parameters depend on the selected style of the staircase. If the opening and the area of \u200b\u200bthe staircase is too small, then you should give preference to screw models. The simplests are the stairs with one march on Kouosra. In their example, consider how to correctly sample the wooden structure yourself.

Calculation of the number of steps for the stairs to the second floor

At the initial stage, the calculation of the number, as well as the dimensions of the steps. The height of the staircase takes the distance between the two floors. When counting the number of steps, the height of the stairs is divided into the size of the riser.

Calculation of stairs to the second floor

According to experts, the approach height should be between 15 and 18 centimeters. If necessary, this size can be reduced to 12 centimeters or increase to 20 centimeters. If a fractional value is obtained as a result of fission, it should be rounded it. The result obtained and will reflect the number of steps that is necessary for the construction of the stairs to the second floor.

How to sample wood design

Remember, one march should not have less than three or more eighteen steps. If it turned out a larger number of steps, they should be divided into several marches, and between them make rotary or intermediate sites.

In order to move a person moving along the stairs, the depth and height of the steps should be the same throughout the march.

Calculation of the height of steps according to GOST

What parameters should be considered by performing the calculation of the stairs to the second floor

Calculation of the length of the stairs to the second floor

The calculation of the stairs to the second floor, namely its lengths, is performed on the basis of a very simple way. To do this, you need to take the number of steps in the march. Take one step from this value. It will also be needed to the depth of the stage. These two parameters should multiply.

How to define a wooden design with a fence

In the event that it turns out too much the length of the staircase, it should be deployed to 90 or 180 degrees. Complete design can be completed with steps or intermediate sites.

Staircase on the second floor with a turn

Before it is properly measured by a wooden design, remember that the altitude of the lumen has great importance to calculations. It is determined by measuring the space between the horizontal plane of the stage and the lower ceiling part.

This parameter must be more than 190 or 200 centimeters. Only in this case the rising high person will not be injured while driving.

Stock Foto Comfortable and safe stairs on the second floor

Remember, perform the calculation of the stairs to the second floor you need carefully and carefully. Take this job with full responsibility.

All elements of the stairs that need to be calculated

If you do not know how to correctly sample a wooden structure, you should seek help to professionals. Only careful compliance with all technological aspects of installation and design will allow optimal conditions for its further operation.

Stock Foto Beautiful staircase on the second floor

Turning for help to professionals, customers are guaranteed to receive a high-quality and reliable staircase. Move which will be not only convenient, but also safely.

Features of the correct calculation and measurement of the staircase on the second floor

The correct calculation and measurement of all elements of the staircase on the second floor guarantees its further safety during operation. For work