Axial stories for preschoolers. Blue leaves. Fairy tales and stories

The grasshopper jumped onto the bump, warmed the green back on the heat and, rubbing its paws, crackled:

- Pr-r-e-e-red day!

- Disgusting! - echoed the earthworm, burrowing deeper into the dry ground.

- How! The grasshopper jumped up. “Not a single cloud in the sky. The sun is so gloriously hot. Everyone will say: a wonderful day!

- No! Rain and muddy warm puddles - it's a beautiful day.

But the grasshopper did not agree with him.

“Let's ask the third one,” they decided.

At this time, the ant was dragging a pine needle on its back and stopped to rest.

- Tell me, - the grasshopper turned to him, - what day is it: beautiful or disgusting?

The ant wiped the sweat with its paw and said thoughtfully:

- I will answer this question after sunset.

The grasshopper and the worm were surprised:

- Well, let's wait!

After sunset, they came to a large anthill.

- Well, what day is it, dear ant?

The ant pointed to the deep passages dug in the anthill, to the heaps of pine needles he had collected, and said:

- Today is a wonderful day! I did a good job and can rest easy!


Three magpies sat on a branch and chatted so that the oak crackled and brushed off the chatters with green branches.

Suddenly a hare jumped out of the forest.

- Friends, talkers, hold the tongues. Don't tell the hunter where I am.

A hare sat down behind a bush. The magpies fell silent.

Here comes the hunter. Unbearable to the first forty. She spun, flapping her wings.

- Kra-kra-kra! Convenient twig, but the tongue hurts!

The hunter looked up. The second forty could not stand it either - it opened its beak wide:

- Kra-kra-kra! Talk!

The hunter looked around. The third forty could not stand it either:

- Tr-rum! Tr-rum! Behind the bush!

The hunter fired into the bushes.

- Damn talkers! - shouted the hare and rushed as hard as he could.

The hunter did not catch up with him.

And the magpies were surprised for a long time:

- Why did the hare scold us?

Kind hostess

Once upon a time there was a girl. And she had a cockerel. The cockerel will get up in the morning, sing:

- Ku-ka-re-ku! Good morning hostess!

Run up to the girl, bite the crumbs from her hands, sit next to her on the heap. The multi-colored feathers are oiled as if with oil, the scallop casts gold in the sun. It was a good cockerel!

Once a girl saw a chicken at a neighbor's. She liked the chicken. She asks her neighbor:

- Give me the chicken, and I'll give you my cock!

He heard the cockerel, hung a comb on the side, lowered his head, but there is nothing to do - the hostess herself gives it back.

The neighbor agreed - she gave the chicken, took the cockerel.

The girl became friends with the chicken. Fluffy chicken, warm, every day - a fresh egg bears.

- Kud-cluck, my hostess! Eat a testicle for health!

The girl will eat an egg, take the chicken on her knees, stroke her feathers, give her some water, and treat her with millet. Only once a neighbor comes to visit with a duck. The girl liked the duck. She asks her neighbor:

- Give me your duck - I'll give you my chicken!

The hen heard, dropped the feathers, was saddened, but there is nothing to do - the hostess herself gives it back.

The girl became friends with the duck. They go to the river to swim together. The girl is swimming - and the duck is next to it.

- Tas-tas-tas, my mistress! Do not swim far - the bottom of the river is deep!

The girl will come out on the shore - and the duck will follow her.

Once a neighbor comes. Leads the puppy by the collar. The girl saw:

- Oh, what a cute puppy! Give me a puppy - take my duck!

The duck heard, flapped its wings, screamed, but there was nothing to do. A neighbor took it, put it under his arm and carried it away.

The girl stroked the puppy and said:

- I had a cockerel - I took a chicken for him; there was a chicken - I gave it for a duck; Now I have traded a duck for a puppy!

The puppy heard this, tucked his tail, hid under the bench, and at night opened the door with his paw and ran away.

- I don’t want to be friends with such a hostess! She does not know how to value friendship.

The girl woke up - she has no one!

Who is the dumbest?

Once upon a time there lived in the same house a boy Vanya, a girl Tanya, a watchdog dog, a duck Ustinya and a chicken Boska.

Then one day they all went out into the yard and sat on a bench: a boy Vanya, a girl Tanya, a watchdog dog, a duck Ustinya and a chicken Boska.

Vanya looked to the right, looked to the left, lifted his head up. Boring!

He took it and pulled Tanya's pigtail.

Tanya got angry, wanted to give Vanya back, but she sees - the boy is big and strong.

She kicked Barbosa. Watchdog screeched, offended, bared his teeth. I wanted to bite her, but Tanya is the mistress, you can't touch her.

Watchdog snatched Ustinya's duck by the tail. The duck was alarmed, smoothed its feathers. I wanted to hit Boska's chicken with its beak, but changed my mind.

So Watchdog asks her:

- What are you, Ustinya the duck, are you not hitting Boska? He's weaker than you.

“I'm not as stupid as you,” the duck replies to Watchdog.

- There is more stupid than me, - says the dog and points to Tanya.

Tanya heard.

- And there is more stupid than me, - she says and looks at Vanya.

Vanya looked around, and there was no one behind him.

Magic needle

Once upon a time there was Mashenka the needlewoman, and she had a magic needle. Masha will sew a dress - the dress itself washes and ironed. He spreads the tablecloth with gingerbread and sweets, puts it on the table, lo and behold - and indeed sweets appear on the table. Masha loved her needle, took care of her eyes and still did not save it. Once I went into the forest for berries and lost. I looked, I looked, I searched all the grass - there is no need for a needle. Mashenka sat down under a tree and let's cry.

The Hedgehog took pity on the girl, climbed out of the mink and gave her his needle:

Masha thanked him, took the needle, and she thought: “I was not so mine”.

And let's cry again.

The tall old Pine saw her tears - threw her a needle to her:

- Take it, Mashenka, maybe she'll come in handy!

Valentina Oseeva is the author of a series of children's stories. In her work, she continued the realistic traditions of K. D. Ushinsky and L. N. Tolstoy. Stories for children (Oseeva) carry a huge educational load, usually their core is some actual moral and ethical problem.

For 16 years, Valentina Andreevna worked with difficult teenagers, she was a teacher in a children's colony, a commune and several child reception centers. It was her pupils who helped the writer to become what she became. She wrote stories for Oseev's children about the war and commanders, helped the children with the production of plays, came up with a variety of collective games.

The beginning of the author's biography

Biography of Valentina Andreevna as a writer began with the work "Grishka", published in the newspaper "For Communist Education". Oseeva Valentina Andreevna writes her pre-war stories for children, focusing on moral norms. Vivid examples of the works of this period are the stories "Red Cat", "Grandma" and "Volka's Day Off". Stories for children Oseeva V.A. uses for artistic research of the actions of people of different ages. The main character of her work is traditionally a child who has committed an ethically wrong act. The child is going through his misdemeanor hard, and an insight is born in him: how to act, and how not to.

Review by Andrey Platonov

The writer Andrei Platonov analyzes stories for children (Oseeva) in his article, where he emphasizes that the work "Babka", written in 1939, is a treasure not only in terms of successfully conveying the author's intention, but also in terms of sincerity with which the story is written ... The meaning of the story is that an old grandmother lives, and everyone treats her with disdain, not taking her seriously. But then she dies, and the grandson finds the simple notes written by her. He reads them and understands how much he was wrong, treating a sweet loving old woman with irony and disdain. The boy deeply regrets, and this clears his sick soul. Cleansing through the pangs of conscience - this is the recipe for Valentina Oseeva.

40s stories

A short biography and stories of Valentina Oseeva teach young readers how to act correctly in difficult situations. The works written in the 40s are intended for preschoolers and primary schools. They also touch upon the moral and ethical problems associated with the formation of the character of the adolescent child.

The works of this time ("Blue Leaves", "Cookies", "Sons", "Three Comrades", "On the Skating Rink", "The Magic Word") the author writes with the aim of helping children learn to read, simultaneously influencing their souls who are not sophisticated by life experience ... Only Valentina Oseeva could and knew how to do this. Stories for children and a brief analysis of her life allow us to conclude that only honest, strong, sincere people are capable of right, worthy deeds. Oseeva's stories are characterized by a careful selection of the means of artistic speech; they make a deep impression on both the child and the adult. This is explained by the skillful construction of sentences, the correct use of intonation and the accuracy of the choice of the conflict. For many years, the stories of Valentina Aleksandrovna Oseeva have occupied a worthy place in the literature textbooks of primary schoolchildren and preschoolers.

The story that gave the name to the cycle

"The Magic Word" is a story that has become a textbook. In order to interest young readers in reading the work and convey to them the meaning of the polite word "please", the author uses a fairy tale storytelling technique in the story. The main character of the work receives all the advice from a mysterious old man who looks a bit like a wizard.

Indeed, the word suggested by the old man to the boy turns out to be magic. Its use leads to the fact that everyone listens to the wishes of the hero: his sister, grandmother, and even his older brother. The magic word makes people agreeable and friendly. The story is written in such a way that, after reading it, the little reader is unlikely to resist the temptation to come up with a sequel. Better yet, experience the effect of the magic word on yourself and your loved ones.

The cycle of stories "The Magic Word"

All stories of the cycle in one way or another touch on moral, ethical and moral problems. They tell about the life of ordinary average people who live side by side with us. Using the heroes of her works as an example, Valentina Oseeva teaches children to correctly comprehend moral laws and rules. Creating her stories for children, Oseeva Valentina Aleksandrovna seems to publish her own endless set of rules, which are formulated or follow from the narrative.

In the writer's stories, everything serves to reveal the author's intention, even the titles of the works, some of which ask the main question to which the story is devoted. For example: "Bad", "Good", "Duty", "Who is the boss" and so on.

The problems analyzed using the examples of these works do not relate to conventional children's sins and virtues, such as disobedience or slovenliness, but to serious qualities worthy of any adult person (kindness, sensitivity, honesty) and the disadvantages of human nature (meanness, selfishness, rudeness, indifference) that are opposed to them ... The authenticity of Valentina Oseeva's stories takes a living and makes you think deeply about the moral problems raised by the author.

Oseeva Valentina


Valentina Oseeva


Which is easier?

In the same house

Who is the owner?

Three comrades

Blue leaves

Which is easier?

Send three boys into the forest. There are mushrooms, berries, birds in the forest. The boys took a walk. Didn't notice how the day passed. They go home - they are afraid:

Will get to us at home!

So they stopped on the road and think what is better: lie or tell the truth?

I will say, - says the first, - as if a wolf attacked me in the forest. The father will be frightened and will not scold.

I will say, - says the second, - that I met my grandfather. Mother will be delighted and will not scold me.

And I’ll tell the truth, ”says the third.“ The truth is always easier to tell, because it’s true and you don’t need to invent anything.

So they all went home. Only the first boy told his father about the wolf - lo and behold, the forest watchman is coming.

No, - he says, - there is a wolf in these places.

The father got angry. For the first blame he got angry, and for the lie - twice.

The second boy told about his grandfather. And the grandfather is right there - he goes to visit.

Mother learned the truth. For the first blame she got angry, and for the lie - twice.

And the third boy, as soon as he came, obeyed everything from the doorway. His aunt grumbled at him and forgave him.

The dog barked furiously, falling on its front paws. Directly in front of her, huddled against the fence, sat a little disheveled kitten. He opened his mouth wide and meowed plaintively. Two boys stood nearby and waited for what would happen.

A woman looked out the window and hurriedly ran out onto the porch. She drove the dog away and angrily shouted to the boys:

Shame on you!

What is embarrassing? We didn't do anything! - the boys were surprised.

This is bad! the woman replied angrily.

In the same house

Once upon a time there lived in the same house a boy Vanya, a girl Tanya, a watchdog dog, a duck Ustinya and a chicken Boska.

Then one day they all went out into the yard and sat on a bench: a boy Vanya, a girl Tanya, a watchdog dog, a duck Ustinya and a chicken Boska.

Vanya looked to the right, looked to the left, lifted his head up. Boring! He took it and pulled Tanya's pigtail.

Tanya got angry, wanted to give Vanya back, but she sees - the boy is big and strong.

She kicked Barbosa. Watchdog screeched, offended, bared his teeth. I wanted to bite her, but Tanya is the mistress, you can't touch her.

Watchdog snatched Ustinya's duck by the tail. The duck got alarmed and smoothed its feathers. I wanted to hit Boska's chicken with its beak, but changed my mind.

So Watchdog asks her:

Why aren't you hitting Boska, Ustinya the duck? He's weaker than you.

I'm not as stupid as you, - the duck answers Watchdog.

There is more stupid than me, - says the dog and points to Tanya. Tanya heard.

And there is more stupid than me, - she says and looks at Vanya.

Vanya looked around, and there was no one behind him.

Who is the owner?

The big black dog was called Beetle. Two pioneers, Kolya and Vanya, picked up Zhuk on the street. His leg was broken. Kolya and Vanya took care of him together, and when Zhuk recovered, each of the boys wanted to become his only owner. But who was the owner of the Beetle, they could not decide, so their dispute always ended in a quarrel.

Once they walked through the forest. The beetle ran ahead. The boys argued heatedly.

My dog, - said Kolya, - I first saw the Beetle and picked him up!

No, mine! - Vanya was angry. - I bandaged her paw and fed her. Nobody wanted to give in.

My! My! - both shouted.

Suddenly two huge shepherd dogs jumped out of the forester's yard. They rushed at the Beetle and knocked him to the ground. Vanya hastily climbed a tree and shouted to his comrade:

Save yourself!

But Kolya grabbed a stick and rushed to help Beetle. The forester came running to the noise and drove away his shepherd dogs.

Whose dog? he shouted angrily.

Mine, - said Kolya. Vanya was silent.

Yurik woke up in the morning. Looked out the window. The sun is shining. It's a good day.

And the boy wanted to do something good himself.

Here he sits and thinks:

"What if my sister was drowning, and I would have saved her!"

And the little sister is right there:

Take a walk with me, Yura!

Go away, don't bother thinking! The little sister was offended and moved away. And Yura thinks:

"Now, if the wolves attacked the nanny, and I would shoot them!"

And the nanny is right there:

Take away the dishes, Yurochka.

Take it away yourself - I have no time!

The nanny shook her head. And Yura thinks again:

"Now, if Trezorka fell into the well, and I would have pulled him out!"

And Trezorka is right there. Wagging its tail:

"Give me a drink, Yura!"

Go away! Don't bother thinking! He closed his mouth and climbed into the bushes. And Yura went to his mother:

What would I be so good to do? Mom stroked Yura's head:

Take a walk with your little sister, help the nanny clean up the dishes, give Trezor some water.

The day was sunny. The ice glittered. There were few people at the rink. A little girl, with her arms spread out in a funny way, rode from bench to bench. Two schoolchildren were tying up their skates and looking at Vitya. Vitya performed various tricks - either he rode on one leg, or he whirled around.

Well done! one of the boys shouted to him.

Vitya dashed like an arrow in a circle, dashingly turned and ran into the girl. The girl fell. Vitya got scared.

I accidentally ... - he said, shaking off the snow from her fur coat. - Did you hurt yourself? The girl smiled:

Knee ... There was laughter from behind.

"They laugh at me!" - thought Vitya and turned away from the girl in annoyance.

What an unprecedented knee! Here is a crybaby! he shouted as he drove past the schoolchildren.

Come to us! they called.

Vitya went up to them. Holding hands, all three glided merrily on the ice. And the girl was sitting on the bench, rubbing her bruised knee and crying.

Three comrades

Vitya lost his breakfast. At the big break, all the guys had breakfast, and Vitya stood aside.

Why do not you eat? Kolya asked him.

Breakfast lost ...

Bad, - said Kolya, biting off a large piece of white bread. - It's still a long way to lunch!

Where did you lose it? - Misha asked.

I don't know ... - Vitya said quietly and turned away.

You probably carried it in your pocket, but you have to put it in your bag, - said Misha. Volodya didn’t ask anything. He went up to Vitya, broke a piece of bread and butter in half and handed to his friend:

Take it, eat it!

Two women took water from a well. A third approached them. And the old old man sat down on a pebble to rest.

One woman says to another:

My son is clever and strong, no one can cope with him.

What won't you say about your son? - ask her neighbors.

What can I say? - says the woman. - There is nothing special about it.

The women took full buckets and went. And the old man follows them. Women walk, stop. Hands hurt, water splashes, back aches.

Suddenly, three boys run out to meet them.

One tumbles over his head, walks on a wheel - women admire him.

He sings another song, floods like a nightingale - his women listened.

And the third ran up to his mother, took the heavy buckets from her and dragged them.

The women ask the old man:

Well? What are our sons?

Where are they? - the old man answers. - I see only one son!

Blue leaves

Katya had two green pencils. And Lena has none. So Lena asks Katya:

Give me a green pencil. And Katya says:

I'll ask my mom.

The next day both girls come to school. Lena asks:

Mom let me?

Katya sighed and said:

Mom allowed something, but I didn't ask my brother.

Well, ask your brother more, - says Lena.

Katya comes the next day.

Well, my brother allowed? Lena asks.

My brother allowed it, but I'm afraid you’ll break your pencil.

I'm being careful, - says Lena. - Look, - says Katya, - don't fix it, don't press hard, don't put it in your mouth. Don't draw too much.

I, - says Lena, - only need to draw leaves on the trees and green grass.

This is a lot, - says Katya, and she herself frowns. And she made a displeased face.

Lena looked at her and walked away. She didn't take a pencil. Katya was surprised and ran after her:

Well, what are you? Take it!

Don't, - Lena answers. In the lesson, the teacher asks:

Why are you, Helen, blue leaves on the trees?

There is no green pencil.

Why didn't you take it from your girlfriend?

Lena is silent. And Katya blushed like a cancer and says:

I gave it to her, but she doesn't take it. The teacher looked at both:

You have to give so that you can take.

Send three boys into the forest. There are mushrooms, berries, birds in the forest. The boys took a walk. Didn't notice how the day passed. They go home - they are afraid:
- Will get to us at home!
So they stopped on the road and think what is better: lie or tell the truth?
“I’ll say,” says the first, “as if a wolf attacked me in the forest. The father will be frightened and will not scold.
- I will say, - says the second, - that I met my grandfather. Mother will be delighted and will not scold me.
“And I’ll tell the truth,” says the third. “The truth is always easier to tell, because it’s true and you don’t need to invent anything.
So they all went home. Only the first boy told his father about the wolf - lo and behold, the forest watchman is coming.
- No, - he says, - there is a wolf in these places.
The father got angry. For the first blame he got angry, and for the lie - twice.
The second boy told about his grandfather. And the grandfather is right there - he goes to visit.
Mother learned the truth. For the first blame she got angry, and for the lie - twice.
And the third boy, as soon as he came, obeyed everything from the doorway. His aunt grumbled at him and forgave him.


The dog barked furiously, falling on its front paws. Directly in front of her, huddled against the fence, sat a little disheveled kitten. He opened his mouth wide and meowed plaintively. Two boys stood nearby and waited for what would happen.
A woman looked out the window and hurriedly ran out onto the porch. She drove the dog away and angrily shouted to the boys:
- Shame on you!
- What is embarrassing? We didn't do anything! - the boys were surprised.
- This is bad! The woman replied angrily.

In the same house

Once upon a time there lived in the same house a boy Vanya, a girl Tanya, a watchdog dog, a duck Ustinya and a chicken Boska.
Then one day they all went out into the yard and sat on a bench: the boy Vanya, the girl Tanya, the watchdog dog, the duck Ustinya and the chicken Boska.
Vanya looked to the right, looked to the left, lifted his head up. Boring! He took it and pulled Tanya's pigtail.
Tanya got angry, wanted to give Vanya back, but she sees - the boy is big and strong.
She kicked Barbosa. Watchdog screeched, offended, bared his teeth. I wanted to bite her, but Tanya is the mistress, you can't touch her.
Watchdog snatched Ustinya's duck by the tail. The duck got alarmed and smoothed its feathers. I wanted to hit Boska's chicken with its beak, but changed my mind.
So Watchdog asks her:
- What are you, Ustinya the duck, are you not hitting Boska? He's weaker than you.
“I'm not as stupid as you,” the duck replies to Watchdog.
- There is more stupid than me, - says the dog and points to Tanya. Tanya heard.
- And there is more stupid than me, - she says and looks at Vanya.
Vanya looked around, and there was no one behind him.

Who is the owner?

The big black dog was called Beetle. Two pioneers, Kolya and Vanya, picked up Zhuk on the street. His leg was broken. Kolya and Vanya took care of him together, and when Zhuk recovered, each of the boys wanted to become his only owner. But who was the owner of the Beetle, they could not decide, so their dispute always ended in a quarrel.
Once they walked through the forest. The beetle ran ahead. The boys argued heatedly.
- My dog, - said Kolya, - I was the first to see the Beetle and picked him up!
- No, mine! - Vanya was angry. - I bandaged her paw and fed her. Nobody wanted to give in.
- My! My! - both shouted.
Suddenly two huge shepherd dogs jumped out of the forester's yard. They rushed at the Beetle and knocked him to the ground. Vanya hastily climbed a tree and shouted to his comrade:
- Save yourself!
But Kolya grabbed a stick and rushed to help Beetle. The forester came running to the noise and drove away his shepherd dogs.
- Whose dog? He shouted angrily.
- Mine, - said Kolya. Vanya was silent.


Yurik woke up in the morning. Looked out the window. The sun is shining. It's a good day.
And the boy wanted to do something good himself.
Here he sits and thinks:
"What if my sister was drowning, and I would have saved her!"
And the little sister is right there:
- Take a walk with me, Yura!
- Go away, don't bother thinking! The little sister was offended and moved away. And Yura thinks:
"Now, if the wolves attacked the nanny, and I would shoot them!"
And the nanny is right there:
- Take away the dishes, Yurochka.
- Take it away yourself - I have no time!
The nanny shook her head. And Yura thinks again:
"Now, if Trezorka fell into the well, and I would have pulled him out!"
And Trezorka is right there. Wagging its tail:
"Give me a drink, Yura!"
- Go away! Don't bother thinking! He closed his mouth and climbed into the bushes. And Yura went to his mother:
- What would I do that good? Mom stroked Yura's head:
- Take a walk with your little sister, help the nanny clean up the dishes, give Trezor some water.

On the rink

The day was sunny. The ice glittered. There were few people at the rink. A little girl, with her arms spread out in a funny way, rode from bench to bench. Two schoolchildren were tying up their skates and looking at Vitya. Vitya performed various tricks - either he rode on one leg, or he whirled around.
- Well done! One of the boys shouted to him.
Vitya dashed like an arrow in a circle, dashingly turned and ran into the girl. The girl fell. Vitya got scared.
“I accidentally ...” he said, brushing the snow off her fur coat. - Did you hurt yourself? The girl smiled:
- Knee ... Laughter rang out from behind.
"They laugh at me!" - thought Vitya and turned away from the girl in annoyance.
- What an unprecedented knee! Here is a crybaby! He shouted as he drove past the schoolchildren.
- Come to us! They called.
Vitya went up to them. Holding hands, all three glided merrily on the ice. And the girl was sitting on the bench, rubbing her bruised knee and crying.

Three comrades

Vitya lost his breakfast. At the big break, all the guys had breakfast, and Vitya stood aside.
- Why do not you eat? Kolya asked him.
- Breakfast is lost ...
“Bad,” said Kolya, biting off a large piece of white bread. - It's still a long way to lunch!
- Where did you lose it? - Misha asked.
“I don’t know…” Vitya said quietly and turned away.
“You probably carried it in your pocket, but you have to put it in your bag,” Misha said. Volodya didn’t ask anything. He went up to Vitya, broke a piece of bread and butter in half and handed to his friend:
- Take it, eat it!


Two women took water from a well. A third approached them. And the old old man sat down on a pebble to rest.
One woman says to another:
- My son is clever and strong, no one can cope with him.
- And mine sings like a nightingale. No one has such a voice, says another. And the third is silent.
- What won't you say about your son? - ask her neighbors.
- What can I say? - says the woman. - There is nothing special about it.
The women took full buckets and went. And the old man follows them. Women walk, stop. Hands hurt, water splashes, back aches.
Suddenly, three boys run out to meet them.
One tumbles over his head, walks on a wheel - women admire him.
He sings another song, floods like a nightingale - his women listened.
And the third ran up to his mother, took the heavy buckets from her and dragged them.
The women ask the old man:
- Well? What are our sons?
- Where are they? - the old man answers. - I see only one son!

Blue leaves

Katya had two green pencils. And Lena has none. So Lena asks Katya:
- Give me the green pencil. And Katya says:
- I'll ask my mom.
The next day both girls come to school. Lena asks:
- Mom allowed?
Katya sighed and said:
- Mom allowed something, but I didn’t ask my brother.
- Well, ask your brother more, - says Lena.
Katya comes the next day.
- Well, allowed my brother? Lena asks.
“My brother allowed me, but I'm afraid you’ll break your pencil.”
- I'm being careful, - says Lena. - Look, - says Katya, - don't fix it, don't press hard, don't put it in your mouth. Don't draw too much.
- I, - says Lena, - only need to draw leaves on the trees and green grass.
“That's a lot,” says Katya, and she herself frowns. And she made a displeased face.
Lena looked at her and walked away. She didn't take a pencil. Katya was surprised and ran after her:
- Well, what are you? Take it!
- Don't, - Lena answers. In the lesson, the teacher asks:
- Why are you, Helen, blue leaves on the trees?
- There is no green pencil.
- Why didn't you take it from your girlfriend?
Lena is silent. And Katya blushed like a cancer and says:
- I gave it to her, but she doesn't take it. The teacher looked at both:
- We must give so that we can take.

What is not allowed, that is not allowed

Once mom said to dad:
- Don't raise your voice!
And dad immediately spoke in a whisper.
Since then, Tanya never raises her voice; sometimes she wants to shout, to be capricious, but she does her best to restrain herself. Still would! If dad can't do this, then how can Tanya?
No really! What is not allowed, that is not allowed!

Grandmother and granddaughter

Mom brought Tanya a new book.
Mom said:
- When Tanya was little, her grandmother read to her; now Tanya is already big, she herself will read this book to her grandmother.
- Sit down, grandma! - said Tanya. - I'll read you a story.
Tanya read, grandmother listened, and mother praised both:
- That's what clever girls you are with me!

Three sons

The mother had three sons - three pioneers. Years have passed. War broke out. The mother saw off her three sons - three soldiers - to the war. One son beat the enemy in the sky. Another son beat the enemy on the ground. The third son beat the enemy at sea. Three heroes returned to their mother: a pilot, a tanker and a sailor!

Tannin achievements

Every evening, dad took a notebook, a pencil and sat down with Tanya and grandmother.
- Well, what are your achievements? He asked.
Dad explained to Tanya that achievements are all that good and useful that a person has done in a day. Dad carefully wrote down Tannin's achievements in a notebook.
One day he asked, as usual with a pencil at the ready:
- Well, what are your achievements?
- Tanya washed the dishes and broke the cup, - said the grandmother.
- Hm ... - said the father.
- Dad! - Tanya begged. - The cup was bad, it fell by itself! Do not write about her in our achievements! Just write: Tanya washed the dishes!
- Good! - Dad laughed. - Let's punish this cup so that next time, when washing dishes, the other one is more careful!


There were many toys in the kindergarten. Clockwork locomotives ran along the rails, airplanes hummed in the room, elegant dolls lay in carriages. The guys all played together, and everyone had fun. Only one boy didn't play. He gathered around him a whole bunch of toys and guarded them from the guys.
- My! My! He shouted, covering the toys with his hands.
The children did not argue - there were enough toys for everyone.
- How well we play! How fun we are! - the guys boasted to the teacher.
- But I am bored! The boy shouted from his corner.
- Why? - the teacher was surprised. - You have so many toys!
But the boy could not explain why he was bored.
- Yes, because he is not a gamer, but a watchman, - the children explained for him.


Mom poured cookies onto a plate. Grandmother clinked the cups merrily. They all sat down at the table. Vova pushed the plate towards him.
“Delhi one at a time,” Misha said sternly.
The boys poured all the cookies onto the table and arranged them in two piles.
- Exactly? - asked Vova.
Misha measured the handful with his eyes:
- Exactly ... Grandma, pour us some tea!
The grandmother served both of them tea. The table was quiet. The cookie piles diminished rapidly.
- Loose! Sweet! - Misha said.
- Yes! - Vova responded with a full mouth.
Mom and grandmother were silent. When all the cookies had been eaten, Vova took a deep breath, patted himself on the stomach and climbed out from the table. Misha finished the last bite and looked at his mother - she was stirring the tea with a spoon. He looked at his grandmother - she was chewing a crust of black bread ...


Until the first rain

Tanya and Masha were very friendly and always went to school together. Now Masha went for Tanya, then Tanya - for Masha.

Once, when the girls were walking down the street, it started raining heavily. Masha was in a raincoat, and Tanya was in one dress. The girls ran.

- Take off your cloak, we'll cover up together! - Tanya shouted as she ran.
- I can’t, I’ll get wet! - Masha answered her, bending her head with a hood.

At school, the teacher said:
- How strange, Masha's dress is dry, and yours, Tanya, is completely wet. How did this happen? You walked together, didn't you?
- Masha had a raincoat, and I walked in one dress, - said Tanya.
- So you could hide with one cloak, - said the teacher and, glancing at Masha, shook her head. - It seems that your friendship is before the first rain!

Both girls blushed deeply: Masha for Tanya, and Tanya for herself.

Blue leaves

Katya had two green pencils. And Lena has none. So Lena asks Katya:
- Give me the green pencil. And Katya says:
- I'll ask my mom.

The next day both girls come to school. Lena asks:
- Mom allowed?

Katya sighed and said:
- Mom allowed something, but I didn’t ask my brother.
- Well, ask your brother more, - says Lena.

Katya comes the next day.

- Well, allowed my brother? Lena asks.
“My brother allowed me, but I'm afraid you’ll break your pencil.”
- I'm being careful, - says Lena. - Look, - says Katya, - don't fix it, don't press hard, don't put it in your mouth. Don't draw too much.
- I, - says Lena, - only need to draw leaves on the trees and green grass.
“That's a lot,” says Katya, and she herself frowns. And she made a displeased face.

Lena looked at her and walked away. She didn't take a pencil. Katya was surprised and ran after her:
- Well, what are you? Take it!
- Don't, - Lena answers. In the lesson, the teacher asks:
- Why are you, Helen, blue leaves on the trees?
- There is no green pencil.
- Why didn't you take it from your girlfriend?

Lena is silent. And Katya blushed like a cancer and says:
- I gave it to her, but she doesn't take it.

The teacher looked at both:
- We must give so that we can take.

Three comrades

Vitya lost his breakfast. At the big break, all the guys had breakfast, and Vitya stood aside.
- Why do not you eat? Kolya asked him.
- Breakfast lost ... - Bad, - said Kolya, biting off a large piece of white bread.
“It's still a long way to dinner!” “Where did you lose it? - Misha asked.
“I don’t know…” Vitya said quietly and turned away.
“You probably carried it in your pocket, but you have to put it in your bag,” Misha said.
Volodya didn’t ask anything. He went up to Vitya, broke a piece of bread and butter in half and handed to his friend:
- Take it, eat it!


Yurik woke up in the morning. Looked out the window. The sun is shining. It's a good day. And the boy wanted to do something good himself.

Here he sits and thinks: "What if my sister was drowning, but I would have saved her!"

And the little sister is right there:
- Take a walk with me, Yura!
- Go away, don't bother thinking! The little sister was offended and moved away. And Yura thinks: "Now, if the wolves attacked the nanny, I would shoot them!"

And the nanny is right there:
- Take away the dishes, Yurochka.
- Take it away yourself - I have no time!

The nanny shook her head. And Yura again thinks: "Now, if Trezorka fell into the well, and I would have pulled him out!"

And Trezorka is right there. Wagging its tail: "Give me a drink, Yura!"

- Go away! Don't bother thinking! He closed his mouth and climbed into the bushes.

And Yura went to his mother:
- What would I do that good? Mom stroked Yura's head:
- Take a walk with your little sister, help the nanny clean up the dishes, give Trezor some water.