A plant for the home of family happiness. Plants that bring money and prosperity to your home. Houseplants bringing good luck

Growing indoor plants allows you not only to decorate and revitalize the interior, but also to influence a particular area of ​​life. Among the great variety of home flowers, there are those that bring prosperity, prosperity, loyalty and love to the house. These include Aichrizon, Anthurium, Spathiphyllum, Oxalis, Hoya, Myrtle, Calathea. In the course of observations of many generations, the unique properties of the so-called flowers of love have been identified.

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    Blooming aichrizon

    Aichrizon has become popular relatively recently. This is a typical representative of the Fatty family, which does not need frequent spraying, a humid microclimate and special care. It is enough to put the plant on a light windowsill and water it as the top layer of soil in the pot dries up, and the flower will thank it with active growth.

    Popular rumor ascribes to aichrizon the ability to bring love and happiness to the family, therefore it is often called the tree of love. Indeed, the lush bush of aichrizona is very similar in shape to a small tree, strewn with fleshy heart-like leaves.

    Aichrizon can be presented to everyone, be it a friend, colleague or relative. Such a gift will be successful for newlyweds or new settlers starting a life together in a new apartment: together with the tree of love, mutual understanding and the well-being of the family will grow.

    Aichrizona bloom is considered a good omen. But, from a botanical point of view, the appearance of many fluffy yellow flowers means the approach of death of the plant. During flowering, the tree of love is almost completely bare, it loses most of its leaves and strength for its further existence. But there is a way out of the situation: at the beginning of flowering, you need to cut and root several cuttings. But if you do this after flowering, you will hardly be able to save the flower.



    Women's happiness - this is how spathiphyllum is often called by amateur flower growers. This elegant plant with graceful semi-drooping leaves and slender peduncles proudly towering over the green mass will be a worthy decorative element in any room. In caring for a flower, the main thing is to provide increased air humidity. This is easy to do if you spray a green bush every day or put an electric humidifier in the room.

    According to legends, spathiphyllum feels good in those houses where spouses live in peace and harmony. In such an environment, it blooms with light yellow "ears" wrapped in a white veil. The shape of the inflorescence can hardly be called attractive, but the general appearance of the flowering bush makes an indelible impression and gives aesthetic pleasure.

    The appearance of spathiphyllum in the house is favorable for both unmarried women and married couples:

    • single girls will definitely find a constant life partner;
    • childless spouses dreaming of a child will have their cherished wish come true;
    • couples who have lost their former passion will revive their old feelings;
    • large families will be able to establish peace and tranquility.

    It is believed that if spathiphyllum does not bloom for a long time or leaves turn yellow, then there is misunderstanding and discord in the family. If you experience adverse symptoms, you need to pay special attention to indoor plants and work on relationships with your soul mate.



    In contrast to the spathiphyllum, anthurium is called "male happiness": the proximity to the plant provides single men with success with the beautiful half of the population, and gives the married ones peace, prosperity and family harmony. Blooming anthurium cannot fail to attract attention, because its inflorescences-cobs, wrapped in a red, pink or white petal-bedspread in the shape of a heart, look simply gorgeous. Such a gift will be useful not only for males, but also for lonely ladies: it is noticed that having received a blooming anthurium as a gift, a woman will soon meet her betrothed.

    A prerequisite for the anthurium to "work" is to receive it as a gift. This sign applies to all flowers of love. Although you can try to purchase the plant yourself and care for it with love, and then the Universe will send the missing link in the chain of personal happiness.

    But not everyone can take care of the anthurium, because the flower needs warmth, high humidity, the absence of drafts and careful watering. It is dry air and bay that become a frequent cause of plant death. In addition, like most members of the Aroid family, anthurium is poisonous: its tissues contain milky juice, which, if it gets on the mucous membranes, can cause irritation, and if accidentally swallowed, it can cause poisoning. Therefore, it must be placed so that the hands of unintelligent babies and the fangs of pets do not reach the dangerous leaves.

    In many literary sources, in order to achieve family harmony, it is recommended to plant two different flowers in one pot - spathiphyllum and anthurium. This combination will look great. But we must not forget that these two plants need individual care, and planting them in a common container will certainly lead to the death of both male and female happiness.


    The second name of oxalis is oxalis. The lobes of its complex leaves are shaped like hearts, and their general appearance resembles clover leaves. There are several varieties of sorrel with different colors of flowers and leaves. Specimens with a purple or two-tone color of butterfly leaves look spectacular. The small white, pink or yellow buds towering over the bush give the sour cherry a special charm.

    According to popular belief, a short bush of fragile-looking oxalis can change the situation in the family for the better:

    • prevent quarrels and conflicts;
    • solve problems in your personal life;
    • cure fatigue and depression;
    • give good luck and luck;
    • find family happiness for those who are lonely.

    Therefore, in many countries of the world it is customary to give acid sour for various celebrations and housewarming. Caring for the flower is simple: it needs regular watering, constant diffused light and a dormant period in winter. Even a beginner can provide these easily achievable conditions.


    Hoya Kerry with valentine leaves

    One of the most controversial plants, which is simultaneously credited with both positive and negative effects on married life. According to some beliefs, this blooming liana with fragrant flowers-umbrellas is able to "expel" the husband from the family, push him to cheating or cause alcohol addiction. However, such a negative opinion has developed among people in relation to all vines, ivy and ampelous plants.

    Wax ivy, as it is commonly called hoya, is the patron saint of lovers, a symbol of loyalty and tenderness. Many experts advise even to put a flower in the bedroom. One of the varieties, the Kerry hoya, has dense heart-shaped leaves, and this can in no way be a bad sign. The only contraindication for growing vines in the house is if someone in the household is allergic to pollen or the rich aroma of flowers that unfold in the evenings.

    For the rest, the hoya will not bring much worries, it needs to be put in a well-lit place, watered with settled water, occasionally sprayed and fed. Under favorable conditions, the plant will bloom in the 3-4th year of life with many umbellate inflorescences of white or pink color.

    Hoya bloom directly depends not only on its age, but also on the volume of the pot: a cramped pot is an excellent stimulus for the appearance of fragrant "stars".


    Myrtle tree

    Myrtle is another plant that brings happiness and love to the house. The ancient Romans considered him a symbol of chastity, loyalty and mutual affection. It is not easy to grow such a charm at home. It needs moderate temperatures, a dormant period in winter, plenty of fresh air, soft water for irrigation, and protection from direct sunlight.

    In houses where myrtle grows, residents feel a double benefit: in addition to establishing family relationships, the shrub helps to neutralize pathogenic bacteria and fungi that are in the room, and is also a medicinal raw material for various infusions and decoctions.

    Despite the fact that myrtle is a symbol of marital happiness, it is not recommended to put it in the bedroom: its presence is fraught with headaches, which can be provoked by the essential oils secreted by the plant.


    One of the varieties of calathea

    Calathea is acquired because of the love for spectacular leaves: there are many types and varieties with a variety of patterns and color combinations. But not everyone knows that the presence of Calathea in the family can give the spouses peace and tranquility. Due to its unique property of absorbing waves of aggression, the plant tunes households in a positive way and helps to find the right solutions in conflict situations.

    Eastern sages have long appreciated calathea for its ability to attract wealth to the family and fight negative energy. To enhance the positive effect, it is recommended to place a flower pot in the southeastern or eastern part of the house.


    The houseplants listed are proven talismans for attracting happiness and well-being. In order for flowers to exude positive energy, it is necessary to take care of them: like all living things, they will reward them with active growth and flowering only in response to constant care and attentive care. It is not necessary to start several useful plants at once, it is enough to start with one or two of the most unpretentious ones. And maybe it is they who will bring happiness and love.

Few people know that there are house plants that bring good luck to the house, as well as make the grower himself happier and richer. Several such plants will be presented below.

Such a plant is considered the flower of the world. It has long been known that if a violet is grown in an apartment, then quarrels between households are extremely rare. Also, this flower is a symbol of fidelity. A white violet will help get rid of mental suffering. It is recommended to plant it for the person who is currently having a rather difficult period in life.

This plant is the symbol of Malaysia, as well as the emblem of Hawaii. It is recommended to plant it so that peace reigns in the house. It is also considered a passion plant.

In a large number of countries, this flower is presented as a living valentine, symbolizing a declaration of love. This very delicate and beautiful plant is recommended to be grown in the bedroom.

There is no better gift for people who have recently tied the knot than myrtle. The fact is that such a flower is able to attract happiness to the house, and also peace and understanding will always reign between the spouses.

It is known that this plant is able to save the family, preserving marital happiness. Experienced people advise to present calathea as a gift to that couple who are on the verge of divorce.

Such a not very spectacular plant has truly amazing abilities. In the apartment where he settles, mutual understanding and peace reign. It is recommended to plant such a flower in an office, where there are a lot of people in the same room, and then there will be much less quarrels between them.

So, chlorophytum also has another unique ability - it can purify the air in the room where it is located. It is recommended to place it in a room where renovations were carried out not so long ago or where there is recently purchased furniture. The plant is able to absorb all harmful substances and unpleasant odors from the air.

This plant is very useful for men. It is believed that it helps to restore and maintain potency, therefore it is also called “male happiness”. Anthurium is recommended to be placed in the bedroom.

So, for example, ivy can "survive" from an apartment a man on whom you cannot rely. This plant has a strong energy, and therefore in the room where it grows, little children sleep very restlessly.

Another strong flower is monstera. However, not everyone can benefit from it. So, it cannot be kept in a house where there are people with a sore throat. To weaken the power of the flower, it is recommended to tie a blue lace on it (best of all with a piece of rock crystal).

If you decide to buy a plant, then you need to do it with a pure soul. That is, you cannot acquire a flower just to attract wealth or love into the house. The plant must be loved and looked after, and then it will answer you in kind.

Helping to improve the situation. We offer Top 8 plants that will return happiness and harmony to the family, revive tender feelings.

1. Spathiphyllum ("Women's happiness") - one of the most famous plants that help to find your soul mate, get pregnant, return mutual understanding and love to the family. It is unpretentious in care: it grows even in partial shade and blooms for a long time. Spathiphyllum needs to be sprayed every day, transplanted into new soil in spring.

2. Usambar violet is a popular flower and can be found in many homes. This is a symbol of eternal love, the plant is able to return trust to the family, relieve quarrels and conflicts. In order for the violet to be useful, it is better to put it on the windowsill from the west or east side. It is important to remember that this flower loves a lot of light and cannot stand watering with hard water.

3. Myrtle endowed with healing properties, translated from Greek means "balm". He will help make your marriage a success. In a house where myrtle grows, there is always peace, harmony and happiness. In some countries, it is customary to give this evergreen shrub to newlyweds for a wedding.

4. Orchid - an ideal plant for strong and cheerful people who know how to make important decisions and never give up. It will help build relationships with your loved one, achieve success and create a strong family. But it is not recommended to grow it for weak-willed people. For an orchid, it is better to find a place in the living room or study.

5. Hibiscus (Chinese rose) will return passion and love to spouses. That is why this flower is best placed in the bedroom. Thanks to hibiscus, the feelings and relationships between husband and wife will become reverent and tender.

6. Chlorophytum may seem to someone a nondescript plant, but among the people it is often called "Family Happiness". If the flower is lush and growing quickly, it means that happiness and harmony will soon come to the house. Spouses who dream of conceiving a child should transplant chlorophytum into a bright pot with children's drawings. And the appearance of arrows means that the house will soon be replenished.

7. Pelargonium is an irreplaceable talisman for family life. This flower is able to cleanse the aura in the house. A plant with red inflorescences will give prosperity, and with pink ones - love. Geranium can help improve sleep and balance. The pots should be placed on the west and south windows.

8. Chrysanthemum will return reverent feelings to spouses who have lived together for a long time. She maintains love and understanding, prevents quarrels. But in order for the flower to reveal its magical properties, it must be carefully looked after. If a chrysanthemum blooms magnificently in an unmarried woman, the owner of the plant will soon find her love.

For many of us, plants are just a decorative element - they decorate, enliven the interior, absorb carbon dioxide ... However, experienced housewives who are actively involved in the cultivation of indoor plants will tell you that the role of flowers is much greater. The plant can become a real family talisman, and if taken care of properly, it will bring love, happiness and good luck to the house.

People have long noticed that some flowers improve the atmosphere in the house, create coziness, while others, on the contrary, negatively affect the energy.

So, here are 10 plants that will bring good luck to your home:

10th place: Anthurium

Anthurium is in awe of the stronger sex and gives its representatives masculine strength. For single men, the plant also brings success in women, for married men - a happy family life in the house.

If you are an unmarried girl, it is worth starting this plant at least because of its beauty and, of course, for future family happiness. The flower has large dark green leaves, heart-shaped, as if suspended from long narrow cuttings. When properly cared for, a plant will flower all year round. Anthurium flower is a fluffy white or yellow spikelet in red-pink ( see photo) or snow-white border.

The maximum growth of a houseplant is 80 cm. Leaves can grow up to 40 cm in length, flowers - up to 20 cm. You cannot call it a long-liver: the flower dies after 3 years.

Important! Anthurium is very poisonous, therefore it is necessary to protect small children and animals from it.

"Male flower" warm and light-loving, which is not surprising: his homeland is the subtropics of Central and South America. To make the anthurium feel at home and bloom better, spray it with water twice a day. Do not direct the stream into the inflorescences of the plant: they may darken and crumble. It is necessary to water the flower once a week in winter and 2-3 times in summer. Anthurium has long been included in the TOP 10 indoor plants of family happiness.

9th place: Oxalis

Oxalis or room oxalis ( see photo) can only bring good luck - this becomes clear from the first glance at the flower. The shape of the leaves resembles a giant clover, painted over with dark lilac in the middle. Therefore, it is customary to give the plant to the house for the holidays. The four-leaf oxalis is in special honor, promising incredible luck to its owner.

The taste of "luck" is slightly sour due to the high content of oxalic acid. The leaves of the plant can have different colors: green, lilac or two-color. At night and in cloudy weather, they add up. Oxalis blooms several times a year with charming small flowers:

  • pink;
  • yellow;
  • white.

Water this plant, your family "happiness" once a week, expose the plant to diffused light, do not allow temperatures above 25 degrees. Pamper the flower with mineral dressing from time to time.

8th place: Chlorophytum

Chlorophytrum has probably caught your eye at least once: it is a luxurious lush plant with oblong leaves of a juicy green color. As soon as they do not call this shock of greenery: "Spray of champagne", "spider", "green lily", "bride veil". But most often the plant is called "family happiness", whose patron it is considered.

A flower can be not only a family talisman, but also bring considerable benefit to the house. Chlorophytrum has been proven to intensively moisturize and cleanse the air from harmful bacteria. The effect will be enhanced if you place a couple of activated carbon tablets in the soil at the roots of the plant.

A couple of pots of chlorophytrum, "charged" with coal, perfectly replace the air cleaner.

In addition, it contains a large amount of essential oils. Therefore, inhaling the scent of the plant has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and relieves stress. In a word, chlorophytrum literally relieves the atmosphere in the house. For this plant, you need to water more often and expose to the sun.

7th place: Calathea

At first glance, Calathea looks restrained and even somewhat strict. This is a real ascetic flower: it is unpretentious in care and can do without watering for a long time. It is known that in the tribes of South America, where Calathea comes from, its strong leaves were often used for weaving baskets. All of this fits in perfectly with the fact that Calathea is the patroness of a long and lasting marriage and brings happiness to the home where she is cherished.

The large and fleshy leaves of the plant are adorned with a delicate pale pattern. By the way, a sign of a healthy flower is a solid base color and clear lines on the leaves.

The size of an indoor flower can reach 60 cm. The length of the leaves is up to 30 cm. By itself, with minimal watering, calathea can last up to 4 years. If a plant is dealt with and transplanted on time, its life becomes endless.

6th place: Aichrizon

Aichrizon is a small shrub that is easily recognized by its thick stem and many round and fleshy leaves. By the way, they resemble hearts to many. Perhaps this is also why the flower is called the "tree of love." Romance is also added by the fact that in the wild aichrizon often grows "through the rocks", that is, in crevices, where little is found.

The flower can reach a height of 30 cm. The color of the plant varies from juicy green to light green, with whitish, reddish or brown spots. In the photo - aikhrizon Gucci.

In order for aichrizon to bloom in due time (second half of spring), you need to try hard. In summer, the flower requires a temperature of 20-25 degrees and frequent watering, in the cool season - 10-12 degrees and one watering per week. It is also necessary to spray it with warm water from time to time and wipe the leaves-hearts. Then at the beginning of May you will receive a bright inflorescence of small yellow or red "suns" into your house.

5th place: Myrtle

Fragrant myrtle is often given to newlyweds. It is believed to promote peace, friendship and trust between husband and wife. Spouses who have myrtle bushes in their homes will always support each other, seek compromises and hold back even in anger. Family happiness will not leave this house. Perhaps the reason for this is the subtle, soothing scent of the plant. Besides, literally from the Greek "myrtle" is translated as "balm".

If the shrub is planted as a houseplant, it can grow up to 1 meter. The plant is demanding: it can be placed only in a sunny place, but the light should be soft and diffused. Likes moderate temperatures: 17-20 degrees in summer and 7-10 degrees in winter. Watering should be so frequent that the soil never dries up. In addition, the shrub needs regular spraying. By the way, tinctures and balms can be prepared from the leaves of an adult myrtle.

4th place: Hoya

Hoya is an alien from Asia. It is also called wax ivy. Indoors, it is a medium-sized shrub with stunningly beautiful spherical inflorescences. Hoya is the patroness of young lovers, tenderness and fidelity. During flowering, it emits sweetish nectar and an exciting scent. Therefore, it is best to put it in the bedroom.

In order for the flower to grow normally and not be capricious, it is recommended to maintain a temperature of 22-25 degrees in summer and 10-15 in winter. Hoya needs diffused sunlight, but, as a last resort, she will manage with artificial lighting. Periodic spraying and watering of the plant with settled water is recommended. Blooming hoya produces inflorescences of small white flowers and purple stars in the middle. The house where the hoya blooms is considered happy.
3rd place: Chinese rose

The Chinese rose or hibiscus won the prize for bringing passion into the house. Moreover, all indiscriminately: if you are free, you will soon meet a couple. If you are already in a relationship, then love will only intensify. In the photo - hibiscus on a trunk.

There are many interesting Asian traditions associated with hibiscus. Large red, yellow and white flowers look great against the background of silky black Asian hair. Therefore, the latter actively use hibiscus as decoration. A flower above the left ear means readiness for a new romantic acquaintance. Above the right one - the girl is already busy. The most immodest ones can decorate themselves with flowers on both sides, hinting that they are not averse to meeting another guy.

As "passionate" as hibiscus is, it is also thermophilic. Do not be confused by the deceptive appearance of a typical deciduous shrub from the temperate strip: the Chinese rose normally tolerates up to 35 degrees of heat. In general, the flower is unpretentious, but in the period from late spring to mid-autumn, more frequent watering is recommended, as well as mineral fertilizing. Bring into the house at the first night cold snaps.

2nd place: Uzambara violet

She is Saintpaulia, which is considered a symbol of endless love. Or love to the grave, as you please. It is quite possible that the stake is placed on the cute look of this plant: small bushes with velvet leaves, and during flowering, small multi-colored flowers can also be seen in them. Small pots with violets are certainly a symbol of endless comfort and home warmth. The bonus is a pleasant smell.

The little one, however, is a little capricious. It requires a lot of light, only soft, settled water, preferably with a mineral additive. Watering must be done carefully - if you spill water into soft leaves, they will rot. The violet should be replanted every 3-4 years. Pink, white, purple - these are the flowers that violets are decorated with for several months of the year.

1st place: Spathiphyllum

Who could have got the first place in the ranking of the best 10 indoor plants of family happiness? Of course, the main female patron - spathiphyllum ( on the picture). They call him so: "female happiness". It gives love to single women, renewed feelings to married women, pregnancy to barren women, peace and tranquility in the family to large families, etc.

Spathiphyllum has narrow, flexible stems on which buds form during flowering. The stems are bordered by large, but rather thin and sinewy leaves. The plant blooms with smooth white buds. By the way, sometimes the flower is called the room "lily" because of the similarity to the calla lily.

Unlike anthurium, it is extremely unpretentious. It grows normally at temperatures between 18 and 23 degrees. If it is hotter or cooler, it will simply "freeze" at one stage of growth. In the photo spathiphyllum with white flowers.

Like most plants, spathiphyllum needs to be watered more often in summer, and in winter, on the contrary, the water supply must be reduced. In the spring, the flower can be transplanted.

But on this we do not say goodbye, come back again!

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Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Beautiful representatives of the flora - indoor plants - have been accompanying a person in his daily life for many centuries. They not only decorate his home with lush greenery, delight with their flowering, but are also amulets of love and prosperity. It is worth finding out which house flowers are useful to keep in your home, and what they give the owners in exchange for caring care.

What indoor plants bring happiness

There are many popular beliefs about the benefits of indoor plants. Can this be explained scientifically? Botany - the science of plant organisms - claims that the beneficial properties of home flowers lie in their chemical composition. Phytoncides - bioactive substances secreted by plants, are able to clean the air of the home from impurities of heavy metals, microbes and viruses. In the process of life, green pets of a person emit oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the health of others.

Many representatives of the flora have not only excellent decorative qualities, but also show healing properties. Some houseplants contain essential oils. Standing out from the surface of leaves and flowers, these substances fill the room with a delicate aroma with anti-stress activity. On the contrary, cacti absorb harmful electromagnetic radiation from household appliances, protecting the human body.

Since ancient times, people have noticed the positive effect of plants on their emotional state. Phytodesign and floristry are engaged in the practical application of flora for the aesthetic improvement of premises and personal plots. Feng Shui is a teaching on how to direct, balance and harmonize energy for the benefit of a person. Using the concept of these teachings, pots of home flowers can be placed in a room to dramatically improve the physical and emotional health of family members.

Esoteric studies study the influence of flora on a person from the point of view of energy. She divides all indoor flowers into plants:

  • "Warriors". Representatives of the group have strong yang energy (male), activate the nervous system of the household. Because of this, it is undesirable to put flowers such as pineapple, palm tree, cactus in bedrooms and children's rooms.
  • "Nanny". They remove negativity, act soothingly, fill a person with strength: aloe, camellia, begonia.
  • "Cleaners". They neutralize the effect of geopathogenic areas of the house, restore the positive attitude of family members: vines, ivy, fern.

Plants of love and happiness

For many people, love and happiness are associated with a comfortable home, well-being, mutual understanding with family and friends. Indoor plants bring a warm atmosphere into the house. The aesthetic appearance of green crops, the ability to cleanse the surrounding space, help housewives to fill houses with tenderness and warmth. Orchids are a symbol of luxury and perfection.

Feng Shui experts say that orchids growing in a person's home will bring him love and prosperity. People devote enthusiastic poems to these unique, graceful flowers. The long blooming of these plants brings a festive atmosphere to the home. It is appropriate to keep orchids in the living room and study, because they have an active energy. In their presence, a person wants to act, to realize his plans.

Those wishing to fill the house with a warm atmosphere, in addition to orchids, need to purchase:

  • spathiphyllum;
  • anthurium;
  • hibiscus;
  • hoyu.

Plants of good luck and prosperity

Good luck charms are oxalis (oxalis) and akalifa. They maintain family relationships. Divorce of spouses is a rare case if they keep sour at home. Its leaves are very similar to clover. According to popular beliefs, the four-leaf clover brings good luck. This is probably why the "four-leaf" varieties of oxalis are so popular. The leaf blades of this flower are similar to butterflies. An amazing property of acid is the ability to connect leaves at sunset. It seems that the plant falls asleep in the evening.

Houseplants of good luck and happiness accumulate the energy of joy, and when its owners are sad, they fill the house with positive. Pessimists feel better around Akalifa. Even when the green pet is not blooming, it is able to improve the mood of the people nearby. Women in the presence of akalifa become more feminine, and men gain pep. This is how the magic property of this child of flora manifests itself - the ability to harmonize space.

For a family idyll

Only some indoor flowers are classified by people as "bringing happiness." Folk wisdom bit by bit collected information about their impact on the well-being, luck and love of family members. Indoor plants for happiness in the home.

  • chlorophytum;
  • calathea;
  • uzambara violet (saintpaulia);
  • myrtle;
  • geranium;
  • pelargonium.

Women should know that Calathea, the beauty of the Amazonian forests, brings peace and tranquility to the home. Demanding on the conditions of detention, especially on the level of humidity. Anyone who is able to "tame" this child of nature will be fully rewarded, because calathea brings joy, mutual understanding, love to the house. This flower is called "prayer" because in the evening it lifts up and folds its leaves. According to legends, Calathea prays for happiness and well-being in the house.

Myrtle, Saintpaulia, Pelargonium are symbols of a strong family. Myrtle is a house tree, the name of which contains the word "peace". In ancient times, he was an attribute of Venus - the goddess of love. Planting myrtle is recommended to those who have not yet found their marital happiness or to newlyweds who dream of their first child. Pelargonium has a positive effect on family members born under the zodiac signs Aries, Virgo, Libra. She will help her owners to cope with irascibility, fussiness, tearfulness, sharp mood swings.

For prosperity and wealth

In their quest to be rich, people often surround themselves with all kinds of talismans that remind them of their goal. Some indoor flowers symbolize wealth and well-being:

  • fat woman - money tree;
  • bamboo;
  • zamiokulkas - dollar tree;
  • Cactus.

They not only bring financial success, but also give clues about the future financial situation. There is a belief: if a tree of luck begins to lose leaves or dry out, you need to expect monetary losses. This is why people take special care of these beautiful flora in their homes and offices. It is known that the fat woman is very sensitive to negative energy. She begins to ache and wither in the zone of constant strife, therefore, it can serve as an indicator of the emotional situation of the family and team.

10 indoor plants that bring happiness

Flowers are amazing creatures of nature. They are able to cause a feeling of happiness in a person admiring them. The most popular indoor crops in different countries of the world are:

  • spathiphyllum;
  • anthurium;
  • Dracaena Sander;
  • violets;
  • hoya;
  • hibiscus;
  • geranium;
  • cacti;
  • fat woman;
  • chlorophytum.

Woman's happiness

Spathiphyllum (Latin Spathiphyllum) was brought to Eurasia from Central America, is demanding on heat and moisture, because the natural habitat of this representative of the flora is marshlands. Its elliptical bracts are white with a yellow, cob-shaped inflorescence that looks like a delicate, exquisite flower. The second name of this plant is “female happiness”. It reproduces by dividing the bush, does not like drafts. Blooms annually for about one and a half months.

There is a beautiful legend that the goddess of love Aphrodite filled the snow-white flower of spathiphyllum with happiness and bliss that overwhelmed her when she fell in love with Ares. The daughter of Zeus told an earthly woman to take care of the magic flower, and the reward for this was female happiness. Spathiphyllum must be kept out of direct sunlight. It is better to keep the talisman of happiness on the windowsills of the east and west windows. He likes moderate but regular watering. The acceptable air temperature for the normal life of a flower is 15-20 degrees Celsius.

It is customary to give Spathiphyllum to unmarried girls. It is believed that he will speed up the marriage and bring the birth of a child, make the marriage happy. For married women, the talisman of happiness helps to create a cozy nest with a peaceful atmosphere, trust, mutual understanding between family members. They say that the magic power of this child of flora unfolds to the full if he grows surrounded by the sincere love of his mistress.

Male happiness

Anthurium (lat.Anthúrium) is an evergreen perennial. The name translated from Greek consists of the words "flower" and "tail". Grows in the forests of Mexico, Paraguay, Argentina. It blooms almost all year round. Anthurium has a leathery structure of the bracts. Breeders have bred new varieties of this culture with pink, orange, purple, almost black bracts, but the red cover of the inflorescence is considered classic. People call this ornamental plant "male happiness" - a symbol of strength and masculinity.

The legend about the origin of the anthurium tells how a young beauty refused to marry the leader of a neighboring tribe. Furious, he attacked her native village and took the girl by force. In honor of the wedding, a festive fire was made. The rebellious girl threw herself at him, not wanting to get the domineering ruler. As soon as she touched the tongues of flame, the gods who watched this turned her into a magnificent red flower, and the place of tragedy into an impenetrable forest.

It is believed that anthurium sets up a man in a positive way, helps to solve emerging problems without unnecessary emotions, makes the mind clear, and the consciousness clear. Anthurium is recommended to be placed next to the spathiphyllum. They look very impressive in the contrast of their unusual colors. There is a belief that if the husband looks after the "male happiness" and the wife - for the "female", the house will be full of love and harmony.

Bamboo of happiness

Dracaena Sanderiana (Latin Dracaena Sanderiana) is very unusual. Outwardly, it resembles bamboo stalks, which is why it received the second name "bamboo of happiness". In ancient China, there was a tradition of giving bamboo for the holidays as a symbol of wealth. Due to the fact that this plant cannot be stored for a long time when cut off, about 150 years ago, Dracaena Sander took pride of place as a talisman, which has since brought prosperity to the house.

An unusual spiral-shaped dracaena stem is obtained artificially by one-sided illumination of a flower or twisting it with wire. Taking care of him is not difficult. This type of dracaena feels great in a vase with distilled or melt water with the addition of special fertilizers. You need to immerse the flower in the liquid only 1-2 cm. You will have to change the water every 2 weeks. You can grow Sandera in hydrogel and ordinary soil.

At home, the flower reaches 1 m in height, but grows slowly. It is necessary to constantly remove young shoots and leaves from the main stem of the dracaena in order to maintain its resemblance to bamboo. In nature, this evergreen crop reaches two meters in height, has an erect stem and lanceolate leaves. The Chinese believe: the more Sandera stalks are in the house, the more positive they bring to their owner. The composition of 20 dracaena sprouts in China is called the "tower of love".


An indoor plant of love and happiness, the violet (Latin Víola) is valued for its amazing flowers. To date, more than seven hundred species of this plant are known. There are several legends about the origin of the violet. One of them tells that while bathing, the goddess of love, Aphrodite, noticed several men spying on her. Aphrodite demanded the death of the unfortunates from Zeus for this offense. The god of thunder and lightning turned them into violets, the flowers of which resemble curious eyes.

Violets bring stability and happiness. They cleanse the space of negativity, level the energy of the home, help to quickly resolve conflicts between husband and wife. Uzambar violet, especially with white flowers, protects households from nervous strain, has a beneficial effect on children. This talisman of happiness can serve as an indicator of the psychological situation in the family. If a plant is looked after, but it still gets sick and withers away, it means that the dwelling contains too much negative energy.

Violets need a warm, well-lit place without direct sunlight. The room air temperature should be 18-23 ° С, the soil should be moderately moist. It is impossible for the leaves to get water, from this they become covered with brown spots. Since the leaf blades of the violet are covered with villi, it is necessary to periodically clean the leaves from dust with a soft brush.

The symbol of family happiness is hoya (lat. Hóya) - wax ivy. This houseplant is capable of transforming negative energy. A flower helps a person to calm down anger, relax, switch his attention to the positive moments of life. This plant is recommended for those couples whose feelings began to fade over time. It is believed that the presence of hoya in the bedroom improves the sex life of the spouses.

The plant is very unpretentious, but requires a certain level of humidity. On hot summer days, hoya should be sprayed with water. Watering should be moderate. Ivy is transplanted once a year in the spring until the plant is five years old. Further - once every 3 years. Inflorescences have a very specific smell that not all people like. It is better to transfer blooming hoya from the bedroom to the hall during flowering, so that the rich aroma does not interfere with the rest.


The homeland of the beautifully flowering tree hibiscus (lat.Hibiscus) - the islands of the Pacific Ocean. It is grown in temperate climates as a houseplant. Polynesian women often decorate their hair with red hibiscus flowers, and in India they are an attribute of wedding wreaths, symbolizing love. The Chinese rose (as the plant is often called) kindles the passion of lovers, permanently fixes affection for each other.

The spreading crown of the hibiscus must be properly shaped by constantly cutting off the tops of the stem and branches. The comfortable temperature for a Chinese rose is 23-25 ​​° С. It grows quickly in well-lit areas without drafts. It blooms poorly in low light. The soil should be light but fertile. Differs in long flowering. From time to time it requires fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.


Geranium (lat.Geranium) has firmly settled in the human dwelling. This beauty with delicate inflorescences has more than 400 species. An indoor flower is often a companion for older couples who have lived not an easy, but happy life. This union is not accidental, because geranium is a green "doctor": it helps a person to relax after a hard day, its phytoncides protect the hosts from viruses.

More and more geraniums are acquired by newlyweds, because it is a “fire extinguisher” of outbursts of emotions that are so characteristic of spouses who are starting their life together. The indoor flower has a specific smell, so it is best to keep it away from the bedroom. Geranium is not afraid of direct sunlight, so it can be safely placed on the windowsills of southern windows. Requires special care in winter. At this time, it is worth reducing watering to a minimum and ensuring the air temperature is + 10 ° C, then in the new growing season geraniums will delight the owners with abundant flowering.

Every married couple will benefit from a green "cleaner" cactus (lat. Cactaceae). This indoor flower not only absorbs harmful radiation from computers and televisions, but, according to popular belief, is a "guardian" from thieves and misfortunes. A photo of the aura of plants, the so-called Krilian effect, shows that representatives of the flora are capable of feelings. The cactus is very attached to its owner and is even able to extinguish the outbursts of passion of a person in love.

Money Tree

In order for a person to have money, it is necessary to acquire a symbol of wealth and prosperity - a fat woman (lat. Crássula). If you plant a "money tree" in a red pot and put it in the zone of well-being according to Feng Shui, you can enhance the magical effect of the flower. Plectranthus (lat. Plectranthus) is considered a great "friend" of the fat woman. By placing their pots side by side, you can attract financial and career success. "Money tree" is a succulent, likes moderate watering, and in winter it needs a significant limitation of moisture.

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What 10 indoor plants bring happiness to your home