Parsing the sentence how to emphasize. Parsing a sentence online

Not all students find it easy to fully parse a sentence. We will show you the correct sequence of actions to help you cope with such a task more easily.

Step 1: Read the sentence carefully and determine the purpose of the statement.

According to the purpose of the statement, sentences are divided into:

  • narrative - "Beauty will save the world" (F. Dostoevsky);
  • interrogative - "Russia, where are you rushing?" (N. Gogol);
  • incentive - "My friend, we will devote our souls to our homeland with wonderful impulses!" (A. Pushkin); “A testament to writers: no need to invent intrigues and plots. Use the stories that life itself provides " (F. Dostoevsky).

Narrative sentences contain a message about something and are characterized by a calm narrative intonation. The content and structure of such sentences can be very diverse.

The purpose of interrogative sentences is to get an answer from the interlocutor to the question posed in the sentence. In some cases, when the question is rhetorical in nature (i.e. does not require an answer), the purpose of such a proposal is different - the pathetic expression of any thought, idea, expression of the speaker's attitude to something, etc.

The purpose of making an incentive proposal is to motivate the addressee of the message to take some action. Motivation can express a direct order, advice, request, warning, call to action, etc. Differences between some of these options are often expressed not in the structure of the sentence itself, but in the speaker's intonation.

Stage 2: Determine the intonation and emotional coloring of the sentence.

At this point in parsing a sentence, look at the punctuation mark at the end of the sentence. According to this parameter, offers are divided into:

  • exclamation points - “What a neck! What eyes! " (I. Krylov);
  • non-exclamation - "Thought flies, but words move in steps" (A. Green).

Stage 3: Find the grammatical foundations in the sentence.

The number of grammatical stems in a sentence determines what the sentence is:

  • simple sentence - "Wine turns a man into a cattle and a beast, drives him to a frenzy" (F. Dostoevsky);
  • difficult sentence - "It seems to me that people do not understand how much misery and misery in their lives arises from laziness." (Ch. Aitmatov).

In the future, parsing a complex sentence and parsing a simple sentence go in different ways.

First, let's take a look at parsing a simple sentence with examples.

Stage 4 for a simple sentence: Find the main members and characterize the proposal.

A simple proposal, depending on the presence of a complete set of main members of the proposal or the absence of any of them, can be:

  • one-piece - "It is not difficult to despise people's judgment, it is impossible to despise your own judgment." (A. Pushkin), there is no subject; "Autumn. A fabulous palace, open for everyone to see. Forest paths overlooking the lakes " (B. Pasternak), there is no predicate;
  • two-part - "A very bad sign is the loss of the ability to understand humor, allegories, jokes" (F. Dostoevsky).

Indicate which main term is present in the one-part sentence. Depending on this, one-piece sentences are nominal (there is a subject: nominative) and verb (there is a predicate: definite personal, indefinite personal, generalized personal, impersonal).

Stage 5 for a simple sentence: See if there are minor members in the proposal.

According to the presence / absence of additions, definitions and circumstances, a simple sentence can be:

  • common - "My goal was to visit Old Street"(I. Bunin);
  • uncommon - “The seizure is over. Sadness in disgrace " (S. Yesenin).

Stage 6 for a simple sentence: Determine if the proposal is complete or incomplete.

Whether the sentence is complete or incomplete depends on whether its structure includes all the members of the sentence that are needed for a complete, meaningful statement. In incomplete, any of the major or minor members is absent. And the meaning of the statement is determined by the context or previous sentences.

  • full offer - "Prishvin's words are blooming, sparkling" (K. Paustovsky);
  • incomplete offer - "What's your name? - Me Anochka " (K. Fedin).

When parsing a sentence for incomplete, indicate which members of the sentence are missing.

Stage 7 for a simple sentence: Determine whether the proposal is complicated or not.

A simple sentence can be complicated or not complicated by introductory words and addresses, homogeneous or isolated members of the sentence, direct speech. Examples of simple complicated sentences:

  • "Ostap Bender, as a strategist, was great" (I. Ilf, E. Petrov);
  • "He, the commissar, had to be on a par with Sarychev, if not personal charm, not past military merits, not military talent, so all the others: integrity, firmness, knowledge of the matter, and finally, courage in battle." (K. Simonov).

Stage 8 for a simple sentence

First, they denote the subject and the predicate, then the secondary ones in the subject and the secondary ones in the predicate.

Stage 9 for a simple sentence

At the same time, indicate the grammatical basis, if the sentence is complicated, indicate the complication.

Take a look at a sample of parsing a sentence:

  • Oral analysis: the sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, simple, two-part, grammatical basis: the doorman trampled on, moved, did not, stopped, widespread, complete, complicated by homogeneous predicates, a separate definition (participial turnover), a separate circumstance (adverbial turnover).
  • Written analysis: subpoena., non-excl., simple., two-part., g / o doorman trampled, moved, did not, stopped, spread., complicated. homogeneous skaz., isolated. def. (participle turnover), detached. situation (adverbial turnover). Now let's look at the parsing of a complex sentence with examples.

Stage 4 for a complex sentence: Determine how the relationship exists between the parts of a complex sentence.

Depending on the presence or absence of unions, the connection can be:

  • union - "Anyone who strives for self-improvement will never believe that this self-improvement has a limit." (L. Tolstoy);
  • non-union - "At the moment when the moon, so huge and clear, rose above the crest of that dark mountain, the stars that were in the sky opened their eyes at once." (Ch. Aitmatov).

Stage 5 for a complex sentence: Find out what ties the parts of a complex sentence together:

  • intonation;
  • creative unions;
  • subordinate unions.

Stage 6 for a complex sentence: Based on the relationship between the parts of the sentence and the means by which this relationship is expressed, classify the sentence.

Classification of complex sentences:

  • compound sentence (SSP) - “My father had a strange influence on me, and our relations were strange” (I. Turgenev);
  • complex sentence (SPP) - “She did not take her eyes off the road that leads through the grove” (I. Goncharov);
  • a complex non-union sentence (BSP) - “I know: in your heart there is both pride and direct honor” (A. Pushkin);
  • sentence with different types of connection - “People are divided into two categories: those who first think and then speak and, accordingly, do, and those who first act and then think” (L. Tolstoy).

The connection between the parts of a non-union complex sentence can be expressed by different punctuation marks: comma, colon, dash, semicolon.

Stage 7 for a complex sentence: Describe the connections of the parts of the proposal.


  • what the subordinate part refers to;
  • whereby the subordinate part is joined to the main one;
  • what question is answered.

Stage 8 for a complex sentence: If there are several clauses, describe the relationship between them:

  • consistent - “I heard Gaidar clean the pot with sand and scolded him for the fact that his handle fell off” (K. Paustovsky);
  • parallel - “It is necessary to take into account the environment in which the poetic work develops so that a word alien to this environment does not accidentally fall” (V. Mayakovsky);
  • homogeneous - "It was difficult to understand whether there was a fire somewhere, or the moon was about to rise" (A. Chekhov)

Stage 9 for a complex sentence: Underline all members of the sentence and indicate which parts of speech they are expressed.

Stage 10 for a complex sentence: Now disassemble each part of the complex sentence as simple, see the diagram above.

Stage 11 for a complex sentence: Make a proposal outline.

At the same time, indicate the means of communication, the type of the subordinate part. Take a look at an example of parsing a complex sentence:


The scheme for parsing a sentence, proposed by us, will help to correctly characterize the sentence in all significant parameters. Use this step-by-step guide regularly at school and at home to help you memorize the reasoning sequence when analyzing sentences.

Examples of parsing sentences of simple and complex structure will help you correctly characterize sentences in oral and written form. With our instructions, a complex task will become clearer and easier, it will help to assimilate the material and consolidate it in practice.

Write a comment if this scheme was useful to you. And if it turned out to be useful, do not forget to tell your friends and classmates about it.

site, with full or partial copying of the material, a link to the source is required.

Parsing plan:

  • Compound.

    The number of parts in a complex, their boundaries (highlight the grammatical foundations in simple sentences).

    Means of communication between parts (indicate unions and determine the meaning of a complex sentence).

    Scheme of the proposal.

Sample parsing:

Was winterbut all the last days stood thaw... (I. Bunin).

(Narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, allied, compound, consists of two parts, opposition is expressed between the first and second parts, the parts are connected by an adversarial union but.)

Offer schema:

1 but 2.

The order of parsing a complex sentence

Parsing plan:

    The type of sentence for the purpose of the statement (declarative, interrogative or motivating).

    The type of sentence for emotional coloring (exclamation or non-exclamation).

  • Complicated.

    Main and subordinate parts.

    What spreads the subordinate clause.

    Than the subordinate part joins.

    The location of the subordinate part.

    The type of the subordinate part.

    Complex sentence schema.

Sample parsing:

When she played down on the piano 1, i got up and listened 2 ... (A.P. Chekhov)

(Narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, allied, complex subordinate, consists of two parts. The 2nd part is the main, the 1st is the subordinate clause, the subordinate part extends the main part and joins it with the union when, the subordinate part is located before the main one, the type of the subordinate part is the subordinate tense).

Offer schema:

(union when ...) 1, [...] 2.


Noun verb union of places. Verb. pr. adj. noun

Travelers saw, what they are on small glade... (Narrative, non-excl., Complex, SPP with explanatory, 1) non-distribution, two-part., Complete. 2) spread., Two-part., Half a day).

[ ____ ], (what…).

The order of parsing a non-union complex sentence

Parsing plan:

    The type of sentence for the purpose of the statement (declarative, interrogative or motivating).

    The type of sentence for emotional coloring (exclamation or non-exclamation).

  • Unionless.

    Number of parts (highlight grammatical foundations in simple sentences).

    Scheme of the proposal.

Sample parsing:

The song ended 1 - there was the usual applause 2. (I.S. Turgenev)

(Narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, non-union, consists of two parts, the first part indicates the duration of the action of what is said in the second part, a dash is placed between the parts.)

Offer schema:

Words and phrases are the components of every sentence in writing and in speech. To build it, you should clearly understand what kind of connection there should be between them in order to build a grammatically correct statement. That is why one of the important and difficult topics in the school curriculum of the Russian language is the parsing of a sentence. With such an analysis, a complete analysis of all components of the statement is carried out and the connection between them is established. In addition, the definition of the structure of the sentence allows you to correctly place punctuation marks in it, which is quite important for every literate person. As a rule, this topic begins with parsing simple phrases, and after that, children are taught to parse a sentence.

Parsing rules for phrases

Parsing a specific phrase taken out of context is relatively straightforward in the Russian syntax section. In order to produce it, they determine which of the words is the main one, and which is dependent, and determine which part of speech each of them belongs to. Next, you need to determine the syntactic relationship between these words. There are three of them:

  • Harmonization is a kind of subordinate relationship in which gender, number and case for all elements of a phrase determines the main word. For example: a train moving away, a flying comet, a shining sun.
  • Management is also a type of subordinate relationship, it can be strong (when the case relationship of words is necessary) and weak (when the case of the dependent word is not predetermined). For example: watering flowers - watering from a watering can; liberation of the city - liberation by the army.
  • Adjacency is also a subordinate type of connection, however, it refers only to unchangeable and non-inflected words. Such words express dependence only in meaning. For example: horseback riding, unusually sad, very scary.

An example of parsing phrases

The parsing of the phrase should look something like this: "speaks beautifully"; the main word is “speaks”, the dependent word is “beautiful”. This connection is determined by means of the question: says (how?) Beautifully. The word "speaks" is used in the present tense in the singular and third person. The word "beautiful" is an adverb, and therefore a syntactic connection is expressed in this phrase - adjoining.

Simple sentence parsing scheme

Parsing a sentence is a bit like parsing a phrase. It consists of several stages that will allow you to study the structure and relationship of all its constituent components:

  1. First of all, the purpose of the statement of a single sentence is determined, they are all divided into three types: narrative, interrogative and exclamatory, or incentive. Each of them has its own sign. So, at the end of a narrative sentence telling about an event, there is a period; after the question, of course, there is a question mark, and at the end of the incentive - an exclamation mark.
  2. Next, you should highlight the grammatical basis of the sentence - the subject and the predicate.
  3. The next step is to describe the structure of the sentence. It can be one-part with one of the main members or two-part with a full grammatical base. In the first case, it is additionally necessary to indicate what exactly the sentence is by the nature of the grammatical basis: verb or noun. And then determine whether there are minor members in the structure of the statement, and indicate whether it is widespread or not. At this stage, you should also indicate whether the proposal is complicated. Complications are considered homogeneous members, addresses, turns and introductory words.
  4. Further, the parsing of the sentence involves the parsing of all words according to their belonging to the parts of speech, gender, number and case.
  5. The final stage is an explanation of the punctuation marks put in the sentence.

An example of parsing a simple sentence

Theory is theory, but without practice it is impossible to fix a single topic. That is why the school curriculum devotes a lot of time to syntactic analysis of phrases and sentences. And for training, you can take the simplest sentences. For example: "The girl was lying on the beach and listening to the surf."

  1. The sentence is declarative and non-exclamatory.
  2. The main members of the sentence: the girl - the subject, lay, listened - the predicates.
  3. This proposal is two-part, complete and widespread. Homogeneous predicates act as complications.
  4. Parsing all the words of the sentence:
  • "Girl" - acts as a subject and is a feminine noun in the singular and nominative;
  • "Lay" - is a predicate in a sentence, refers to verbs, has a feminine gender, singular and past tense;
  • "Na" is a preposition, serves to connect words;
  • "Beach" - answers the question "where?" and is a circumstance in a sentence expressed by a masculine noun in the prepositional case and the singular;
  • "And" - a union, serves to connect words;
  • "Listened" - the second predicate, a feminine verb in the past tense and the singular;
  • "Surf" - in a sentence is an addition, refers to a noun, has a masculine gender, singular and is used in the accusative case.

Designation of parts of a sentence in a letter

When parsing phrases and sentences, conditional underscores are used, which indicate the belonging of words to one or another member of the sentence. So, for example, the subject is underlined with one line, the predicate - with two, the definition is denoted with a wavy line, the addition - with a dotted line, a circumstance - with a dotted line with a dot. In order to correctly determine which member of the sentence is in front of us, we should ask him a question from one of the parts of the grammatical base. For example, the definitions answer the questions of the name of the adjective, the addition is determined by the questions of indirect cases, the circumstance indicates the place, time and reason and answers the questions: "where?" "where from?" and why?"

Parsing a Complex Sentence

The order of parsing a complex sentence is slightly different from the above examples, and therefore should not cause any special difficulties. However, everything should be in order, and therefore the teacher complicates the task only after the children have learned to parse simple sentences. For the analysis, a complex statement is proposed, which has several grammatical foundations. And here you should adhere to the following scheme:

  1. First, the purpose of the statement and the emotional coloring are determined.
  2. Further, grammatical bases in the sentence are distinguished.
  3. The next step is to define a bond that can be done with or without a union.
  4. Next, you should indicate through which connection the two grammatical bases in the sentence are connected. It can be intonation, as well as compositional or subordinate conjunctions. And immediately draw a conclusion what the sentence is: complex, complex or non-union.
  5. The next stage of parsing is the parsing of the sentence in its parts. It is produced according to the scheme for a simple sentence.
  6. At the end of the analysis, a proposal diagram should be built on which the connection of all its parts will be visible.

Connecting parts of a complex sentence

As a rule, to connect parts in complex sentences, conjunctions and union words are used, before which a comma is necessarily placed. Such proposals are called allied. They are divided into two types:

  • Compound sentences connected by means of unions a, and, or, then, but... As a rule, both parts of such a statement are equal. For example: "The sun was shining, and the clouds were floating."
  • Complex sentences that use such conjunctions and union words: so that, how, if, where, where, since, though other. In such proposals, always one part depends on the other. For example: "The sun's rays will fill the room as soon as the cloud passes."


Sentence - this is a word or a group of words that are related in meaning, from one word to another, you can put a question. The sentence expresses a complete thought.

The first word in a sentence is capitalized, with a full stop, exclamation mark or question mark at the end of the sentence.

Each sentence is pronounced with a purpose.

According to the purpose of the statement, sentences are : narrative, interrogative. incentive.

Declarative sentence is a sentence in which something is reported (narrated).

Interrogative sentence is a sentence that asks about something.

Incentive offer is a sentence that encourages action, advises or asks to do something.

By intonation offers are exclamation and non-exclamation.

Exclamatory sentence is a sentence that is pronounced with strong feeling. An exclamation mark (!) Is placed at the end of an exclamation sentence.

Non-exclamation sentence - This is a sentence that is pronounced calmly, without strong feelings. At the end of a non-exclamation point, a period (.) Or a question mark (?) Is used.

The offer contains the main and minormembers.

The main members of the proposal is a subject and a predicate.

Subject - This is the main member of the sentence, which names who or what the sentence is talking about. The subject answers the question who? or what? The subject is underlined with one line.

Predicate - this is the main member of the sentence, which denotes what is said about the subject, calls what the object does. The predicate answers one of the questions: what does it do? what are they doing? what will he do? What did you do? what will he do? The predicate is emphasized by two lines.

Members of the proposal

The main

Examples of Information
Subject - the main member of the sentence, which names the one who acts, experiences a state, has a certain sign.
Answers the questions:
Who! What?
Predicate - the main member of the sentence, which names the action, state or sign of the subject.

Answers the questions:
What is he doing? What? What? Who it?

Subject and predicate are the basis of the sentence.


Examples of Information
Addition - a minor member of the sentence that denotes an object.

Answers questions about indirect cases.

Definition - a minor member of the sentence, which denotes the attribute of the subject.

Answers the questions:
Which one? Whose?

Circumstance - a minor member of the sentence, which denotes the time, place, mode of action.

Answers the questions:
Where? When? Where? Where did it come from?
Why? What for? And How?


1. Role in language Expresses a thought that is complete in meaning and intonation.
3. Types of sentences by the number of grammatical bases Simple ones - one stem, complex - two or more grammatical stems.
4. Types of sentences for the purpose of the statement Narrative (contains message); interrogative (contains a question); incentive (motivation to action).
5. Types of sentences for intonation An exclamation point, in which a thought is accompanied by a strong feeling, and a non-exclamation point.
6. Types of proposals for the presence or absence of secondary members Common (except for the main members, there are also minor ones) and uncommon (they consist only of a grammatical base).
7. Types of proposals for complexity May be complicated by treatment, homogeneous members

Parsing a sentence


Member proposal

Indicates / shows

Answers the questions



main members of the proposal

who or what the sentence is talking about

who? what?


calls what the object does, its state, what it is

what is he doing? what did you do? what will he do? what?


minor members of the proposal

object attribute

which one? which one? which one? what kind? whose? whose?


what object or phenomenon is the action directed at

whom? what? to whom? what? whom? what? by whom? than? about whom? about what?


how the action is performed, when the action is performed, where the action is performed, for what reason the action is performed, for what purpose the action is performed

where? where? when? where from? why? what for? And How?

Write out a sentence.

Do so : FROM high mountains ran voiced brooks.

1.Basis of the proposal:

the proposal talks about brooks, Consequently, brooks is the subject

ran, Consequently, ran Is a predicate.

2. There are minor members in the proposal.

I ask a question from a subject:

brookswhat kind?- voiced Is the definition.

I ask a question from a predicate:

ranwhere from? - from the mountains - this is the circumstance of the place.

from the mountains what? - high Is the definition.

39. Scheme for parsing a sentence (parsing).

I. Type of proposal for the purpose of the statement.

II. Type of sentence by intonation.

III. The basis of the sentence (subject and predicate).

IV. Type of proposal for the presence of minor members.

V. Minor members of the proposal.

Write out a sentence.

Do so : FROM high mountains ran voicedbrooks... (Narrative, non-excl., Distribution)

This proposal

I. Narrative.

II. Non-exclamation point.

III. Basis of the proposal:

the proposal talks about brooks, Consequently, brooks is the subject

about the streams it is said that they ran, Consequently, ran Is a predicate.

IV. The sentence has minor members, so it is common.

V. I ask a question from a subject:

brookswhat kind?- voiced Is the definition.

I ask a question from a predicate:

ran where from? - from the mountains - this is the circumstance of the place.

I ask a question from the minor members of the proposal:

From the mountains what? - high Is the definition.


III. Punctuation

40. Punctuation marks at the end of sentences (.?!).

Write out the sentence correctly. Come up with your own or find a sentence in the textbook with the same sign. Underline the punctuation mark.

Do so : Glory to our Motherland ! Glory to Labor !

41. Homogeneous members of the proposal.

Write out a sentence. Arrange the signs correctly. Underline homogeneous members of the sentence. Draw a proposal outline.

Do so : Rooks, starlings and larks flew away to warm lands. (Oh, oh and oh)

Punctuation marks for homogeneous members:

Oh yes (\u003d u) Oh

Oh yes (\u003d but) Oh

and oh and oh and oh and oh

or O, or O, or O, or O

Oh and oh and oh and oh

42. A complex sentence.

Write out the correct sentence. Underline the grammatical basics. Draw diagrams.

Do this:

Slumber fish under the water, rests catfish gray-haired.

[ ], [ ].

43. Sentences with direct speech.

Write down the sentence correctly. Make a diagram.

Do so :

1) Oleg reassured his mother: "Everything will be fine."

2) He shouted: "Come on guys!"

3) He asked: "Where are you from, boy?"

4) "I will not betray you," Ivan promised.

5) "Fire!" - shouted Tanya.

6) "Who was that?" - asked Olya.

7) "I'm a doctor," he said, "I'm on duty today."

"P, - a, - p".

8) "Our presence is necessary, - finished Petrov. - We leave in the morning."

"P, - a. - P".

9) "Why five? - asked the brother. - It's very early."

"P? - a. - P".

10) "Well, great! - Anya exclaimed. - Let's go together."

"P! - a. - P".

11) "He is from our group, - said Ivan. - Sit down, Peter!"

"P, - a. - P!"


"A memo for working on errors in the Russian language" consists of three sections: "Spelling rules", "Types of parsing", "Punctuation".

In the first and third sections, instructions are given on what operations and in what sequence the students should perform when working on errors. In order for the student to quickly and easily find the desired spelling in the memo, each rule has its own ordinal number.

We propose to carry out the work on the memo as follows. To the traditional designations of errors in the margins, assign the number of the spelling placed in the memo. After the checked work, skip two lines and indicate these numbers on the following lines.

The student, having received the notebook, must complete the work on the mistakes strictly according to the memo. The teacher checks and evaluates each work, taking into account the correctness and accuracy of the correction.

For example: there is a heavy drizzle outside - in the fields the student sees | No. 20. He opens the memo book and reads the work algorithm:

No. 20 Moreau s - moro ss.

Thus, the main types of students' independent work on mistakes are:

Self-correction (then you can offer an independent search) of errors;

Self-writing of words in which a mistake was made;

Selection of test words;

Repetition of rules.

Taking into account the need for the continuity of the initial and secondary levels of education when compiling the third section "Types of parsing" (morphemic, phonetic, morphological, syntactic), we relied on a textbook for grade 5 of educational institutions, the authors T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranov, L.A. Trostentsova and others.

The "Memo on how to work on mistakes in the Russian language" can be used in educational work on any elementary school program, both in a group form of work, and in individual, independent work of a student in the classroom or at home.


1.Russian language: grade 3: comments on lessons / S.V. Ivanov, M.I. Kuznetsova. - M .: Ventana-Graf, 2011.-464 pp. - (Primary school of the XXI century).

2.Russian language: Theory: Textbook for 5-9 grades. general education. study. institutions / V.V. Babaytseva, L.D. Chesnokov- M .: Education, 1994.-256 p.

3. Russian language: textbook for 5th grade. general education. institutions / T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranov, L.A. Trostentsova and others - M .: Education, 2007.-317 p.

4. Handbook for primary classes. A guide for students in grades 3-5, their parents and teachers. / T.V. Shklyarova - M .: "Gramotey", 2012, 128 p.