Talking on the phone with a woman. Phone conversation on a dream book

Most dream books consider talking on the phone the most popular way to communicate with the dreamer and other people in the dream world. It is not surprising that in a dream we know exactly who is on the other end of the wire, without even picking up the phone.

Interpretation of Miller's dream book

Why are you talking on the phone? Miller's Dream Interpretation gives an unambiguous interpretation of sleep - soon you will meet people who, with their speeches, will literally bewilder you.

If a woman had a dream talking on the phone, then she has friends who sincerely envy her position. If in a dream the phone conversation was blurry and incomprehensible, then lovers are threatened with separation. Perhaps the quarrel will happen due to empty gossip and evil slander.

Talking on the phone means that in real life you are dependent on the person you tried to reach. Even if you don’t realize it.

Opinion of the dream book of D. and N. Zima

Talking on the phone in a dream marks the expectation and remoteness of an event or object. I dreamed that you chatted with relatives or friends? In the real world, a wall of mistrust and misunderstanding will arise between you.

What is the dream of a phone conversation that did not take place due to communication problems and other reasons? The vision calls for a relationship with the person you tried to call, otherwise a long break will follow.

Phone chatter in a dream with unfamiliar characters warns that conceived plans will be violated through the fault of outsiders.

The meaning of the plot on the female dream book

If you dreamed that you talked with pleasure and without interference, then rivals and envious friends will appear in reality. Life wisdom and female cunning will help to get out of the situation.

If the phone conversation was interrupted or became illegible in a dream, then you risk losing your loved one or becoming a subject for gossip around.

Why else dream of talking on the phone? There will be a meeting with people who will be misleading or shocking with their behavior.

Opinion of a complete dream book of a New era

Talking on the phone in a dream means the need to exchange information. This is a symbol of communication or desire for it. Sometimes the vision hints that you want to attract someone's attention.

In addition, any malfunction during a phone conversation in a dream reflects your unwillingness to share the information received or your desire to isolate yourself from the real world. A broken phone and the impossibility of talking at all is a hint of the subconscious that you should not get someone's attention for at least some time.

Interpretation of the dream book from A to Z

Why are you talking on the phone? Dream Interpretation from A to Z. I'm sure that your spouse or boyfriend will shock you with his ridiculous trick, carelessness or optionalness.

I dreamed that you threw the phone in your hearts, because you could not get through? In real life, get ready for a major family quarrel.

If in a dream you are trying to find a pay phone, but only encounter idle phones, then in reality you will receive false information, the use of which will only bring harm.

Dream interpretation of a white magician - had a conversation on the phone

Why dream of a telephone conversation according to this dream book? In a dream he prophesies: soon you will learn something secret that cannot be passed on to others. However, you can’t resist and talk out the secret. But only much later can you assess how much you have hurt yourself or others.

Had a phone conversation? In fact, you are involved in creating gossip, having pleasure in discussing other people. You will be surprised, but soon this seemingly harmless occupation will bring you many problems.

Why dream of talking on the phone with a loved one, a former

Had a dream that you twitter on the phone with your loved one? This means that you want to reveal your potential or a completely unexpected aspect of your personality.

Most of the dream books are sure that in a dream the image of a loved one is identified with the personality of a dreamer, therefore it is not difficult to understand why there is a telephone conversation with a loved one. Remember what was discussed or what you tried to say and apply it personally to yourself.

Had a phone conversation with an ex-husband or boyfriend? There is some information in your subconscious mind that you are afraid to discover or do not want to know. This is a sign that, despite the separation, you still have unresolved problems, possibly not related to a specific person, but rather with the time when you were together.

What does it mean talking on the phone with a dead person

Why dream of talking on the phone with the deceased? This is perhaps one of the most significant stories that encourages you to think - is everything so good in your life? The fact is that in a dream on the phone you are not talking to the dead man, but rather to your own subconscious, which gives valuable indications for the future.

Such messages cannot be ignored, because they offer a general assessment of behavior. So a conversation with a deceased may hint that you are overly closed, and this harms business and relationships. Sometimes a poor connection in a dream hints at one's own dissatisfaction and understanding of this.

Talking on the phone in a dream - sample stories

In order to understand what a telephone conversation is dreaming of, it is important to take into account such nuances: how and with whom exactly had a chance to talk, what was the connection, features of the phone and other details.

  • mobile - situation control
  • urban - a clear connection of events
  • street - an important meeting, support
  • vintage - doubts, past events
  • strange - surprise
  • toy - vain hopes
  • without wire - luck in a hopeless affair
  • with a cut wire - a loss of reality
  • conversation with loved ones - coldness, misunderstanding
  • with a stranger - interference in the plans
  • with a loved one - desires, aspirations
  • with a friend - news
  • gossip with a friend
  • with mom - unexpected luck
  • with father - perspectives
  • with the dead - change
  • pleasant communication - bring it to the end
  • unpleasant - a hopeless situation
  • eavesdrop on someone else's conversation - you interfere in someone else's life, the discovery of secrets
  • quiet - favorable period
  • loud - stress, conflict

If you dreamed that you didn’t want to answer by phone, then in real life you deliberately do not want to communicate with someone. To dream that a telephone conversation is being conducted with several interlocutors at once means that you will receive the right to make an equivalent choice.

On the phone - it means she has many envious people; however, she will be able to resist the surrounding evil.

If, speaking on the phone in a dream, she does not hear what she is told - means, she faces the loss of her lover. It is possible that she will become the object of evil gossip.

The phone is often called the “second best option after presence” - therefore, the use of the phone in a dream suggests that, despite the fact that the person on the other end of the wire has an effect on your life, he is not connected with you the way you could or how you would like to.

Dream Book of Medea

Telephone - personifies a connection with others or penetration into one’s own inner world.

If you call by yourself - your difficulties will be overcome.

Freud's Dream Book

The phone, like any complex device - is a symbol of the penis.

If you have a mobile phone in your sleep - you are proud of your sexual abilities.

If you have a good and working phone - you are healthy and can lead an active sex life.

If you have many phones - This symbolizes your many sexual relationships, but it is possible that with persons of the same gender as you.

Malfunctioning telephone - symbolizes problems in the sexual area.

Incoming phone call - symbolizes various troubles and complications associated with your sex life.

If you are calling - You are able to solve your sexual problems quickly and without complications.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Phone in a dream - symbolizes remoteness and expectation.

Talking on the phone with loved ones - a sign that some alienation may arise in your relationship.

If in a dream you couldn’t reach a loved one or you don’t hear his voice - a dream tells you that you need to somehow somehow establish a relationship with him, otherwise it can lead to a serious disagreement between you.

In other cases, the phone is in a dream - means that some extraneous events or strangers can confuse your plans and distract from current affairs.

Female dream book

A dream in which you enjoy chatting on the phone - means that soon destiny will present you with envious rivals.

If you, no matter how hard you try, cannot hear the other person - beware of the likely loss of a loved one, as well as the resumption of unpleasant gossip.

Dream Interpretation of D. Loff

Telephone - often appears in dreams as a link between you and other actors who are physically inaccessible but have an effect on the outcome of sleep. In many cases, you know who is on the other end of the wire before picking up the phone. The way you communicate with others over the phone is important. It is also important who you contact.

Dream interpretation for bitch

Telephone - some events and news will cause you confusion.

Talking on the phone - you will cope with envious and slanderous people.

Lose phone - get rid of problems.

Buy - find chores and unnecessary worries.

New family dream book

If you had a phone - Do not let anyone confuse you.

A woman who dreams of a telephone conversation - a lot of envious people. However, she will be able to resist evil and will not become the object of evil gossip.

If, speaking on the phone, she doesn’t hear what she is told - she needs to make every effort not to lose her lover.

Modern combined dream book

If you had a phone dream - in reality you will meet strangers who will confuse your affairs and bring you a lot of anxiety.

A dream in which a woman dreams that she is talking on the phone - promises her envious rivals. However, she will soon come out of this situation with honor.

If she can hardly hear what they say on the phone - she is threatened by evil gossip and the loss of her lover.

East female dream book

The dream in which the telephone appears - testifies: you lack the cheerful company.

Hear a phone call - to the news soon.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Cellular telephone - there will be a currency.

Telephone - You will hotly discuss someone's personal life.

The Complete Dream Book of the New Era

Telephone - the need for information exchange. Reflection of the desire (ability) of communication or fear of communication (receiving information). The need to obtain information or transmit it (also an opportunity or desire for this). Reflection of the possibility of attracting attention (also the need and / or desire for this). Reflection of unwillingness to receive (transmit) information. Reflection of unwillingness to attract attention or respond to an appeal.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of May, June, July, August

Telephone - you will receive an invitation to someone’s house.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Telephone - to the arrival of a friend.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of January, February, March, April

Telephone - to rumors.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Telephone - The course of your affairs is doubtful.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If you dream that you have a long chat with someone on the phone - this portends that the husband will be pissed off by your lack of obligation and inattention to his person.

Throwing a phone using this as the last argument in a family scandal - in reality, expect home troubles.

If in a dream you cannot call from the street due to dangling handsets in all public phones - in reality you will be confused by false information.

Female dream book

Phone in a dream - portends a meeting with people whose behavior will confuse you.

If a woman dreams that she is talking on the phone - surely it serves as an object of envy for so many people. Wise calm will help her resist the petty viciousness of those around her.

If she doesn’t hear what they say on the phone - she may lose her lover. Some interpreters of dreams consider the phone a connecting link between the dreamer and other people who are physically inaccessible but have an effect on you. Very often, even before you pick up the phone, you know who is on the other end of the wire.

Telephone communication in a dream - says that, despite the fact that the person on the other end of the wire has an effect on your life, he is not connected with you the way you could or how you would like to.

Common dream book

If you dreamed you had a phone call - hear the news, which, as it turns out later, will turn out to be untrue.

In a dream, you called someone on the phone - Tell your friends the news, which in fact will turn out to be untrue.

Make a call - you have to communicate with the right people, it is also possible to meet with a friend whom you have not seen for a long time.

Inability to reach the pay phone - is a sign that you are exaggerating your failures, that everything will be all right with you.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Phone call - may indicate that someone wants to attract your attention, or that your subconscious is about to tell you something.

A phone you don’t want to go to - may indicate that information in your subconscious mind is stored that you are afraid to learn about. It may also be a sign that there are people with whom you are afraid to communicate. Take a look at your fears. Do not turn away from them and try to resolve them. Do not let fear destroy your life force.

21st Century Dream Interpretation

See the phone in a dream - to a meeting with insincere people; hear him calling - to the unexpected news.

If in a dream you are calling and calling the subscriber - means you will meet a friend whom you have not seen for a long time, do not call - a sign that you are exaggerating your failures and everything will be all right with you.

For a woman, a dream about her phone conversation - means that she has many envious people, but they will not harm her.

If in a dream you receive a long-awaited message by fax - means that you have to make a lot of efforts to complete the work you have begun; send message - means that you can quickly navigate in a changed situation and find the only right way out.

Dream Book of the White Wizard

The phone appeared a long time ago, but even in the most popular dream books this symbol is absent, since they were composed even before the advent of this miracle of technology.

Today it is very unfair, because the phone - an indispensable attribute of our life, so that in dreams it may well appear.

If in a dream you call someone on the phone - it means that soon confidential information will be entrusted to you, but you, unfortunately, will spread it "secret all over the world"; what will follow you know better, because only you can really appreciate the importance of the information received and the degree of its secrecy.

If they call you on the phone - in the collection of gossip, to which you devote all your leisure time, and not only leisure time, you will not be a starting point, but only one link in the chain of rumors, but this will amuse you, which cannot be said about the person around whom these gossip creep .

Italian dream book

Telephone - a device for indirect communication of two or more people, means personal loss, a link to actions that are not carried out naturally, but are built according to a specific plan or program (limitation of naturalness, ease).

Psychoanalytic dream book

Telephone - contact, an attempt at contact, and thus communication and even sexual intercourse. Create contact with the unconscious.

Cut phone cord - death, the relation of the individual to death. The loss of reality.

Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation

Telephone - need for communication; unexpected news; interference.

Talking on the phone - gossip; spiritual telepathic connection with the speaker; distance in relationship.

Modern versatile dream book

Nothing shortens the distance like a telephone. You can communicate with a person even if you are at a great distance from each other! - maybe the dream speaks of your desire to become closer to someone.

What do you do with a phone in a dream? Are you trying to call someone? Many people dream that they are trying to call someone, but cannot dial a number or dial it incorrectly. If you had a similar dream - determine what you want to report. Who do you want to break through to?

If you dream that the phone is ringing, do you answer the call? If you do not answer the call - it means that in this period of your life you do not want to communicate with people.

To dream about you talking on the phone - a sign that you would like to communicate with some person or discover another aspect of your personality. Sometimes there is nothing as good in symbolizing an invasion as a phone call, especially if the phone rings at the height of the meeting or when you are in the shower.

See the phone in a dream - also a sign that you have a choice. After all, you can not answer the call and continue to do what you did.

See the phone book in a dream - a sign that you can immediately declare what you want, as well as the fact that you have a huge choice. What are you looking for on these pages?

Esoteric dream book

Telephone - household information that you get from conversations or the media and which makes sense to listen to.

Hear the phone ring - additional manifestation of your attention to information: it is advisable to adjust your actions in accordance with the information received.

Ukrainian dream book

Telephone - someone will fool you.

Dream Book

Telephone - listen to others. Maybe your guide is trying to get your attention
Open the faucet and tell a dream of pouring running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt in a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn the bedding inside out.

Do not tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it on paper and burn this sheet.

No matter what we think about the call in a dream, only dream books can give an accurate interpretation of what a telephone conversation is about. And the range of their predictions is quite wide.

Typical Interpretations

What is the secret meaning of a telephone conversation? Seers predict:

  • Important news.
  • Lose spiritual intimacy with my husband or partner.
  • Gossip and quarrel.
  • Sexual disorders or problems in a relationship with a husband or wife.
  • The turning point in fate.
  • Success in trade.

How do you hear that?

To clearly hear the interlocutor in a dream means receiving news of the health of relatives or the state of affairs, and the news will upset the dreamer. I dreamed of hearing a loud telephone conversation in a vehicle or on the street, which means waking up to be accused of excessive curiosity.

Trying to understand in a dream whether you are talking about in someone else's conversation is a sign of a bad relationship with others. Listening, but not hearing, indicates the presence of problems, as well as the uncertainty in choosing a way to solve them.

Miller's dream book about the strength of bonds

Miller draws attention to the fact that the person talking on the cell phone is not connected with the dreamer as tightly as we would like. I had a conversation with my beloved - Miller’s dream book warns of cooling feelings, there was poor audibility — get ready to part with your beloved. An unstable, distorted connection prophesies gossip that will damage trust with a loved one.

In search of sexual harmony

Explaining what dreams of seeing a cellular device, Freud draws an analogy between him and the genital organ. Accepting an incoming call is not a good sign, reflecting the presence of sexual problems, especially if the call was interrupted. I dreamed of making a call from my cell phone myself - the dreamer knows the secrets of good sex.

A call from the past

Why dream of a phone conversation with an ex-boyfriend? Sometimes he recalls unquenched feelings - maybe the girl is ready to repeat old mistakes, and this dream serves as a warning. Dream Interpretations often mention that such a call carries a premonition of bad news related to an ex-boyfriend, even if there are no hard memories left from an old relationship.

Even more disturbing to see in a dream a telephone conversation with a dead person. According to dream books, he can dream at a turning point, on the verge of important changes. If you had a chance to talk with a deceased person who recently passed away, this is a warning about the danger.

A phone call is a dream, which means that in real life, someone wants to tell you important information or wants you to pay attention to it.

Dream Interpreter a phone call to a former, from an ex-boyfriend, to a mobile, a guy who likes

The dream in which you make a phone call to an ex-boyfriend or he calls you (a conversation with an ex, girlfriend, friend) indicates that in real life you would not want to completely break your relationship. It is possible that you will forget the grievances and begin to meet again.

If you had a dream that someone is calling you on a mobile phone - in reality you have to get an important message. What is the dream of a phone call and conversation with a loved one, with a guy who likes, mom, man? In this case, it is said that it is worth paying attention to a loved one, and not answering a phone call, this is a breakdown or misunderstanding.

A dream in which a guy who likes you called means that you have a connection with him at a telepathic level in real life.

Dream Interpretation phone call from a beloved man, from a deceased (deceased), from a rival, from a deceased, from an ex-girlfriend, ex-husband, from a girlfriend, from the next world

If you had a dream in which your beloved man calls you, then he has something to tell you in reality. In some dream books, the same dream means a desire to sever relationships.

The dreaming call “from the next world” from a person who passed away means that you did not let him go from you. This is bad for both you and the deceased. In this dream, it is very important to remember what the caller wanted to say and fulfill his will.

A dreaming call from an opponent indicates that she is experiencing torment of conscience.

A call from an ex-girlfriend or ex-husband is a dream, meaning their desire to be reconciled.

Phone call Miller's dream book

According to Miller’s dream book, a phone call is a dream, which means that in real life, someone wants to manipulate your thoughts and actions.

For women, the dream in which she speaks on the phone means that in real life, acquaintances are not averse to gossiping behind her.

Phone call Dream Book of Juno

In Juno’s dream book, a dream phone call heralds the appearance of strangers who will try to direct you along the wrong path and confuse your plans.

Why dream of a phone call and silence on the phone, a call from the bank, from a stranger

If you dream of a phone call and silence “on the other end of the wire”, then this is eloquent evidence that in real life you have become the object of gossip.
Sometimes this same dream symbolizes the separation or loss of a loved one.

A call from a bank is a dream that predicts a failed transaction or loss of money.

A phone call from a stranger is a lack of communication in reality.

Perhaps in real life you will meet with a new fan.

The egg symbolizes the nascent life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign testifying to an inexhaustible supply of life ...

A dog, both in real life and in a dream, is a symbol of friendship and fidelity. But to see a puppy in a dream is not always interpreted as a good sign, how ...

Dreams are very different. Sometimes we see incredible events and even do something out of the ordinary that we would never have done in reality.

Sometimes we dream, on the contrary, things that are ordinary and familiar, and we miss such dreams without paying them proper attention. But in vain! Because precisely such plots in a dream, the most ordinary and unremarkable, often mean something very important, hint and indicate what will happen soon.

Do not we want to know what will happen soon, what to expect and what to fear, what to do? Dreams can help, and a dream book will always offer wise advice.

We have to talk and communicate constantly, our whole life consists of communications. We live in society, and communication is our whole existence, all spheres of life - work, friendship, love, family - this is communication. But why talk, what does it mean in a dream?

It happens that there is nothing unusual in dreams, and we talk with mom, dad, a beloved man or guy, but it also happens that in a dream we have to talk with a dead person, a dead person, a celebrity, even the president! Alive or by phone, such conversations suggest thoughts and haunt.

What does this mean, the dream book knows, and it is easy for us to find out. Do not lose sight of such visions, because they are sometimes important. Before you look at the interpretation, remember all the details and nuances:

  • Talk to somebody.
  • Talk in a dream with an animal.
  • Hear the conversation.
  • Quiet conversation in dreams.
  • Talk to yourself.
  • Talk loudly.
  • A heart-to-heart talk with a loved one.
  • Unpleasant conversation in a dream.
  • Chatting with your beloved man.
  • Talk to the guy you like.
  • Talking on the phone in a dream.
  • With a celebrity, with a president, dead or alive.
  • Talk to a stranger.
  • With the dead.
  • Talk to a former lover.
  • With a deceased relative.
  • Chatting with mom.
  • Talking with a girlfriend.

All these conversations in a dream carry important information, and it can give you a lot of reality. Be careful not to confuse the details, and find out what the conversation is about - whoever you talk to in a dream, with a living or dead person, with an ex or real man, by phone or live.

Let's talk!

In real everyday life, communication means a lot to us. It can be pleasant or not so, someone likes to talk on the phone, someone prefers to spend time alone.

But everything is different in dreams, and any communication, even with a deceased person or president, for real or by phone, is a sign. What does it mean?

1. According to the dream book, a conversation in your dreams hints that you are loved and there is no need to be afraid of loneliness. Such visions often come in difficult times when there is not enough attention and love, and when it seems to us that nobody needs us. Higher powers remind you that people who love you are nearby, they must not be forgotten. You are not alone!

2. If in a dream you had a chance to talk with an animal, this bodes anxiety. Something in reality will concern you, disturb you, there will be some fears, insecurity. Remember that anxieties most often arise without a real reason; we ourselves invent them.

Try to soberly and really assess the situation, do the maximum, and not bother with unnecessary worries and fears that only get in the way of the goal.

3. If you had a conversation that you heard, honor and glory await you. You may not become a world celebrity, but at work and in society you will be very respected, you know, you are not in danger of loneliness. And your work will be appreciated, so all that you are doing now is not in vain. Do hard and you deserve everything you want, even more.

4. A quiet, calm conversation in dreams is a symbol of a favorable period and a bright, calm streak in your life. A happy time is coming when you will be able to calm down, forget about worries, and relax. Everything will turn out easily and calmly, without tension, harmony and order will come in your life. So the dream book promises.

5. If you talked to yourself in a dream, you are too closed. This is a hint from higher powers that it is time for you to start communicating with people, stop being locked in yourself, open up to others.

Call your friends on the phone, leave the house, start walking somewhere more often. Life is communication, without them you will not be happy, and if you do not communicate with people, you will soon be left completely alone.

6. Loud conversation in a dream, live or telephone - to stress. You do not have the most peaceful period in your life, and you will still have to go through a lot of excitement. But it always depends on your attitude. If you see only problems in life, there will be even more. Focus on positive things, do not wind up, and relate to problems easier!

7. If you had a conversation with a close, pleasant person, a heart-to-heart conversation is a very auspicious sign. The dream book promises that soon everything will work out, any difficult situation will be resolved, and everything will fall into place. A good, calm and favorable period awaits you.

8. An unpleasant conversation with anyone portends a turbulent period and stress. Perhaps it is not the most pleasant event, some difficulties, but nothing serious. There will be no disaster and disaster, do not be afraid.

Any troubles need to be able to survive steadily, without stress and fears, because life consists not only of joy. And difficulties are always a valuable experience.

9. If you talked in your dreams with your beloved man - everything will be fine. The dream book promises a favorable, bright period in your life, as well as getting what you want. What you really want, soon you will receive. Also, this dream may hint at your connection with your beloved man, because you continue to communicate even in dreams.

10. Talking in a dream with a person you like is a fine sign. It doesn’t matter whether the phone was a conversation or lively, the dream book considers this as the early development of a good relationship with someone who is the subject of your dreams. He will show interest in you, and perhaps your relationship will move to a new level!

11. Talking on the phone may be a sign that you are too tired of waking up with people. Perhaps your activity is connected with constant communications, and you also need to rest from this.

Try not to go anywhere on the weekend, turn off the phone and not sit on social networks, stay a couple of days alone, be silent, think. This will have a very beneficial effect on you.

12. If you dreamed of a conversation with a famous person, for example, with a president or a singer, it doesn’t matter with the living or now deceased, this is always a hint of the bright events that await you ahead. Soon your life will be filled with some incredible fresh experiences, you will experience many new things, in general, you will not be bored. You are waiting for something amazing!

13. For a woman, a conversation with a stranger always indicates a lack of male attention. Perhaps your thoughts revolve around this, and you really want to stay in the spotlight of the opposite sex.

Behave with dignity, and not defiantly, leave the house, make new acquaintances. Be more positive and open to attract new people to your life!

14. I wonder why there is a conversation with a dead man. This refers to a person whom you did not know, a conversation with a deceased who was not close to you during his lifetime, but in a dream you know that you are talking to the deceased.

Such a creepy dream, a conversation with the dead, is actually an important sign. You should remember what you were talking about - because it could be important information. Perhaps you are waiting for an important decision or a significant event in reality. As a rule, the dead in our dreams tell the truth and give valuable advice.

15. For a girl, talking with a former lover is often stressful. If in a dream you chatted with your ex, then in reality you will receive news from him, or you accidentally intersect. Or maybe you miss him, and your subconscious mind thus compensates for this lack. Maybe you should see him, chat in a friendly way?

16. Communication in dreams with a deceased relative or acquaintance is also a serious sign. Remember what exactly you communicated with the deceased, what he told you. These are often important tips, warnings, cautions.

You should be more careful in reality, the dead often come to warn us about something, or when we act inappropriately, do wrong things, make wrong decisions.

17. If you communicated with your mother in your dreams - what does this mean? The dream interpretation describes communication with mom as her worries about you in reality. Maybe she just doesn’t have enough communication with you, she’s worried about you. Think about whether you are making waking mistakes, whether your actions are correct.

18. If you spoke with a girlfriend - a dream book warns that your personal life is at risk, and you pay little attention to relationships. You should focus on them, pay attention to whether your partner is suffering because of something, whether you are doing everything right.

Such talk in dreams is no accident. We continue to live and communicate even in the world of dreams, and it is worth remembering this carefully, comprehending and understanding what this means. Listen to the advice of the interpreter, and always do what your heart tells you! Author: Vasilina Serova