The size of pipes for heating a country house. Ensuring the full operation of the system, choosing the diameter of the pipe for heating a private house. Forced circulation systems

The comfortable existence of the residents of a modern country house is provided by a powerful network of various engineering communications, among which one of the main places is occupied by the system responsible for heat. When planning to mount it on their own, almost every owner wonders what pipe diameter to choose for heating a private house. For many, this becomes a real problem, since both the final cost and the efficiency of the heating system depend on it.

Factors affecting the choice of pipes

The choice of the diameter of pipes for heating a private house plays a really important role, since the throughput of the heating system, as well as its thermal and hydraulic losses, will depend on this parameter. In addition, it is imperative to take into account the scale of the system being installed, namely the number of radiators and rooms that require heating. Many people think that the larger the diameter of the pipe for heating a private house, the greater its throughput, which means that the number of radiators can be increased.

However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to increase efficiency in this way. Not only will the purchase of pipes with an unreasonably large cross section entail additional costs, but there will also be a risk of a pressure drop in the system to a critical value and, as a result, a decrease in efficiency.

Thermal engineering calculation

The calculation of the diameter of heat supply pipes is carried out taking into account the material from which they are made, the length of the circuit, the wiring diagram and the principle of circulation of the coolant. It is quite difficult to independently perform the calculation correctly, especially if there is no experience in such matters. It is best to contact a specialist who can develop a competent heating project for a private house to resolve this issue.

When compiling it, the following parameters of the future heating system must be taken into account:

  • wiring diagram, on the basis of which the total length of the pipes is calculated;
  • coefficient of resistance of a pipe for a heating system to fluid flow (this indicator is affected by the size, material and smoothness of the inner surface of the product);
  • sections of the outlet and inlet pipes of the boiler (usually they are identical);
  • the inner diameter of the pipe for heating a private house (the inner section is indicated in millimeters or inches; 1 inch = 25.4 mm);
  • coolant cooling level;
  • the maximum rate of movement of the coolant;
  • the amount of heat that will need to be transferred from the heating boiler to all radiators.

Calculation principle

When drawing up a heating project for a private house, the specialist focuses on the optimal indicators that must be achieved when creating a new system. For example:

  • The speed of water movement in the system should not exceed 1.5 m/s. The best option is from 0.3 to 0.7 m / s.
  • The degree of cooling of the water coolant (the temperature difference in the water entering the boiler and leaving it) should be in the range of 15-20 degrees.
  • The amount of heat required by the system must be equal to the total power of all radiators (the maximum indicator is taken from the passport). For heating 10 sq. meters of area of ​​the insulated room requires 1 kW plus a margin of 15-20%.

Natural circulation systems

The maximum diameter of the pipe for heating a private house equipped with a heating system with natural or combined circulation must correspond to the dimensions of the inlet and outlet pipes of the boiler (most often they are the same). Pipes of this section will be needed to complete the initial and final sections of the circuit.

If we talk about which pipe for heating a private house is better, then we must take into account the type of boiler. So for solid fuel boilers, it is recommended to use metal products. If you plan to use polymer pipes, then a metal pipe should still be used to install the first couple of meters.

The starting diameter is the largest. It is kept until the first branching. Further, the wiring is performed with a gradual decrease in the diameter of the pipes after each branch. At the last point, the diameter should correspond to ½ inch (12.7 mm) or ¾ inch (19 mm). When installing the "return" the same principle applies.

Forced circulation systems

Such systems usually operate on gas or electric boilers. The diameter of the pipes for them should be chosen as small as possible, since the forced circulation is provided by the pump. The expediency of small diameter pipes is explained by the following factors:

  • a smaller section (most often these are polymer or metal-plastic pipes) allows minimizing the volume of water in the system and, therefore, accelerating its heating (the inertia of the system decreases);
  • installation of thin pipes is much easier, especially if they need to be hidden in the walls (making strobes in the floor or walls requires less labor);
  • pipes of small diameters and connecting fittings to them are cheaper, therefore, the total cost of installing the heating system is reduced.

With all this, the size of the pipes should optimally correspond to the indicators provided for by technological calculations. If these recommendations are not followed, the efficiency of the heating system will decrease and its noise level will increase.

Connecting radiators

With a collector wiring diagram, the boiler and collectors are connected by pipes of a larger cross section (from 19 to 25 mm). Distribution from the manifolds is carried out using thin pipes, the internal diameter of which is 12.7 mm (1/2 in.).

Radiators, as well as additional equipment, in particular, a safety unit, a pumped storage tank, etc., are also connected with half-inch pipes.

Types of radiators

Regarding what kind of heating is better for a private house, the reviews of the owners are quite diverse, but as for radiators, many prefer aluminum models. The fact is that the power of heating batteries depends on the material. They are bimetallic, cast iron and aluminum.

One section of a bimetallic radiator has a standard power of 100-180 W, cast iron - 120-160 W, and aluminum - 180-205 W.

When buying radiators, you need to find out exactly what material they are made of, since this is the indicator that is required for the correct calculation of power.

for heating

Heated water is transported from the boiler to the radiators through pipes, so their quality directly affects the level of heat loss. Three types of pipes are now presented on the building materials market:

  • metal;
  • copper;
  • metal-plastic.

Each species has its own characteristics, which will be discussed below.

metal pipes

This option was previously widely used in heating systems of multi-storey and private houses. Metal pipes are gradually becoming a thing of the past, as they are not characterized from the best side. Their disadvantages include:

  • big weight;
  • problematic installation (requires professional equipment);
  • ability to accumulate static electricity;
  • limited service life due to inability to resist rust.

Copper pipes

Such products have a number of advantages, for example:

  • the ability to withstand high temperatures (within 200 degrees);
  • high strength (maximum pressure - 200 atmospheres);
  • durability (not subject to corrosion).

However, copper pipes are not popular, and the reasons for this are as follows:

  • complexity of installation (requires professional equipment and special skills);
  • for the installation of copper pipes, special brackets are required;
  • high price (copper is an expensive material);
  • high cost of work due to their labor intensity.

Metal-plastic pipes

This type of pipe is the most popular among consumers. Such products are available in a wide range of sizes and are ideal for the installation of heating systems. They have the following advantages:

  • increased strength and durability (aluminum or fiberglass base coated with plastic generally creates a high-strength structure that does not collapse over time and is resistant to mechanical damage);
  • resistance to corrosion processes (sealed outer coating does not allow air to pass through);
  • minimum hydraulic resistance (such pipes are ideal for heating systems with natural and forced water circulation);
  • have antistatic properties;
  • simplicity and high speed of installation (installation does not require professional knowledge, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the installation technique on the Internet and purchase a special soldering iron);
  • low cost of pipes of any diameters and accessories to them.

Reliable connection of elements is provided by special elements - fittings. If metal-plastic pipes must be connected to metal or stop valves, flanges or adapters for a threaded connection are used.

When installing a heating system from pipes and fittings reinforced with fiberglass, the operation for stripping these elements is not required, which greatly speeds up and simplifies the work.

Thus, metal-plastic pipes are the best option for self-assembly of the heating system. The main thing is to choose the right number and diameter of pipes and accessories (fittings).

Greetings, comrades! Do you know what pipe diameter is needed to heat a private house? If you are interested in the title of the article, then you probably do not know. I am going to correct this defect and introduce you to extremely simple and understandable schemes for calculating the heating system. So, let's go.

Step by step

To calculate the size of pipes in different parts of the heating system, you need to know:

  1. The heat demand of the whole house. It determines the power of the boiler or other heat source and the filling diameter at the inlet and outlet of its heat exchanger;
  2. Thermal load on individual sections of the circuit. It consists of the total power of the heating devices and is determined by the heat loss of the heated room or group of rooms.

We calculate the boiler power

simple circuit

Soviet SNiPs of half a century ago proposed to calculate the thermal power of the heating system, based on the norm of 100 watts per square meter. Let's say a house with an area of ​​150 m2 needs a heat source with a power of 150x100=15000 watts, or 15 kW. Dot.

The scheme is clear, simple and ... gives huge errors. The fact is that it completely ignores a number of factors that greatly affect heat loss:

  • ceiling height. In apartments of houses built in the 60-90s of the 20th century, it was typical - 2.5 meters. In cottages, you can find a spread from 2.4 to 4 meters or more. Meanwhile, with an increase in the height of the ceiling, the heated volume, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls (through which heat is lost) increase and, accordingly, the energy costs for heating increase;

  • Wall insulation quality. A building made of aerated concrete with external insulation with foam or mineral wool will lose much less heat than a country house with walls in one;

When SNiP was created, proposing to calculate heating at a rate of 100 W / m 2, the de facto standard was 2-brick-thick brick walls typical of Stalin-era houses (taking into account the thickness of masonry joints - 51-52 centimeters).

  • Glazing area and structure. In general, much more heat is lost through windows than through walls, therefore, the larger their area, the more heat is needed for heating. At the same time, windows can vary greatly in thermal conductivity: triple energy-saving double-glazed windows transmit 8-10 times less heat than single glazing;
  • Climatic conditions. With the same quality of insulation, heat loss is directly proportional to the temperature difference between the house we heat and the outside air. At +20 in the house, the heat consumption at 0 ° C and -40 ° C on the street will differ exactly three times. The norms of SNiP, true for the European part of Russia, are equally unsuitable for warm and cold regions.

Exact scheme

How to take into account all the variables when designing a cottage heating system?

Very simple. In the calculations you need to take into account:

  1. Volume heated room. It is equal to the product of the heated area and the height of the ceiling;
  2. Quality of insulation walls and heat loss through windows;

  1. Maximum temperature difference with the street.

The formula for calculation is Q=V*K*Dt/860. In it:

  • Q - calculated power (kW);
  • V is the volume of the house or a separate room that we have to heat (m3);
  • K - coefficient of heat dissipation, determined by the quality of wall insulation and the structure of window glazing;
  • Dt is the difference between the temperature in the house (in calculations it is taken to comply with sanitary standards) and the lower peak of winter temperatures (read - the temperature of the five coldest days of the coldest month).

I emphasize: the calculations take into account the temperature of the coldest five-day period, and not the absolute minimum temperature. Extreme frosts happen every few decades, and putting them into the project, to put it mildly, is expensive.

Where can I get the values ​​\u200b\u200bof sanitary standards and winter temperature minimums?

Everything is simple with the first parameter: it is equal to +18 ° С in regions with an average minimum winter temperature above -31 degrees and +20 ° С in a colder climatic zone.

SNiP 23-01-99, dedicated to building climatology, can become a source of information about the temperatures of the coldest five-day days for different regions of the country. If you do not want to rummage through the regulatory documentation - just find your city on the map in the line below.

What is the heat loss coefficient?

It is selected from the following ranges of values:

Image Coefficient and description of the building

0,6-0,9 : insulated facade, triple and / or energy-saving windows.

1-1,9 : walls in 2 bricks and double glazing.

2-2,9 : walls - 25 cm of brickwork or 10 cm of timber, windows - with single glazing.

3-4 : building with metal walls without insulation.

Let's once again calculate the total power of the heating system for a house with an area of ​​150 square meters with our own hands, specifying a number of additional parameters:

  • The house is located in Sevastopol (the temperature of the coldest five days of winter is -14 degrees);
  • Its walls are made of Inkerman stone (local sedimentary rock with good heat-insulating qualities) and are 40 cm thick;
  • Ceiling height - 3.2 meters;
  • Windows - plastic, with single-chamber double-glazed windows.

Let's start with the calculation.

Room volume equal to 150x3.2 = 480 cubic meters.

Insulation coefficient taking into account the extremely low thermal conductivity of the Inkerman stone, we take it equal to unity (1.0).

Temperature delta between indoor and outdoor equal to 20 - -14 \u003d 34 ° С.

Plugging in the values ​​into the formula: Q \u003d 480 * 1 * 34 / 860 \u003d 19 (rounded) kilowatts.

We calculate the power of a separate circuit

The heat load in each individual section of the heating circuit is equal to the sum of the power values ​​​​of the heating devices connected to it. If there are two radiators of 1.5 kW each in the room, then it creates a load on the circuit equal to 1.5 + 1.5 = 3 kilowatts.

The total power of all heating appliances in the house should be equal to the rated power of the boiler or slightly exceed it.

Where can I get information about the power of devices?

For panel, plate radiators and convectors - only in the accompanying documentation or on the official website of the manufacturer.

In the case of sectional radiators, the following power values ​​per section can be used in the calculations:

Image Type of radiator and rated heat output of the section

cast iron: 140-160W.

Bimetallic: 180-190W.

Aluminum: 200-210W.

As always, there is a nuance. Manufacturers indicate power for a very specific mode of operation - for a temperature delta between the radiator surface and ambient air of 70 degrees.

In practice, this mode is achievable only in the central heating system and only at the peak of cold weather: at a heating supply temperature of 95 ° C, the batteries closest to the elevator unit can heat up to 90 degrees at an air temperature in apartments of 20 ° C.

The actual thermal power of the section will decrease in proportion to the temperature difference between the heated room and. At +60 on the surface of the radiator and +25 in the room, the temperature delta will be equal to 35 degrees, and the thermal power of each section will drop exactly by half relative to the nominal.

The calculation of the filling diameter and connections to radiators is carried out for the highest coolant temperature with which it is planned to operate the heating system, and the minimum temperature in the room. In this case, the maximum possible thermal load is included in the project.

Let's analyze the calculation of the load on a separate heating circuit using an example.


  • The room is heated by two radiators with a nominal power of 1.5 kW each;
  • The heating system will operate with a supply temperature of 75 degrees;
  • The air in the room can cool down to +18 °C.

temperature delta equal to 75-18=57 °C, or 57/70=0.81 of the one at which the radiator delivers its rated power.

Actual power radiators (that is, the maximum thermal load on the circuit) is 3 * 0.81 = 2.43.

Calculate the diameter of the pipe

The design diameter of pipes for a heating system is influenced by two parameters:

, which we have just learned to calculate;
  • Coolant speed in contour. The faster it moves, the more heat is transferred per unit of time with a constant internal section of the pipe.
  • In a system with a circulation pump, it is more profitable not to increase the diameter of the filling and connections, but to speed up the circulation by installing a more efficient pump. The price of a running meter of a pipe increases non-linearly with an increase in diameter, so it is unprofitable to install thick pipes.

    However, there is a limiting factor here - hydraulic noise. At speeds above 0.7 m/s, noise appears at the throttles, and at 1.5 m/s and above, at turns and fittings. Therefore, the calculations include a circulation velocity of 0.4-0.6 m/s.

    The inner diameter of the pipe is calculated by the formula D=√354*(0.86*Q/Dt)/V. In it:

    • D - desired diameter (mm);
    • Dt - temperature difference at the inlet and outlet of the circuit (°C);

    A typical temperature difference between supply and return in an autonomous circuit is 20 degrees.

    • V - coolant velocity (m/s).

    So, with a boiler power of 12 kW, a temperature delta of 20 degrees and a water velocity in the circuit of 0.6 m / s, the minimum inner filling diameter is √354 * (0.86 * 12/20) / 0.6 \u003d 17.4 mm.

    For a steel pipe, its nominal size (DU, or DN) is approximately equal to the inner diameter. Taking into account the actual range of sizes, an internal diameter of 17.4 mm corresponds to a water and gas pipe DN 20.

    For radiator connections and small heating circuits, it is difficult to calculate the temperature difference between flow and return. In this case, it is easier to choose the dimensions of the pipes according to the table:

    In private houses, the installation of a heating system is often carried out not with steel pipes, but with plastic and metal-plastic ones. The reason is the lower price per linear meter of polypropylene or metal-polymer pipes compared to steel pipes. These products use a different size designation system: they indicate the outer diameter.

    Only the inner section of the pipe affects the capacity of the filling or supply. To calculate the inside diameter, subtract two wall thicknesses from the outside diameter. Both parameters are always indicated in the marking.

    Example A: We need a pipe with an inner diameter of 17.4mm. The wall of the reinforced polypropylene pipe with a size of 25 mm has a thickness of 3.2 mm. The inner diameter of the pipe is 25-(3.2*2)=18.6 mm.

    Verdict: fits.

    A special case

    The gravity heating system has a couple of features:

    • There is no excess pressure in the system. The circuit communicates with the atmosphere through an open expansion tank;
    • Instead of a pump, the coolant is driven by natural convection: the water heated by the boiler is forced out to the upper point of the heating outlet and returns to the boiler through the outlet by gravity, giving off heat to the batteries along the way.

    The advantages of the gravitational heating scheme are complete energy independence and absolute safety. Boiled water in the boiler heat exchanger will not cause it to explode: the steam will leave the circuit through the open expansion tank.

    The reverse side of the advantages of natural circulation is the minimum hydraulic head in the circuit. The consequences of low pressure are slow water circulation and uneven heating of radiators.

    In order to compensate for the low pressure, it is necessary to reduce the hydraulic resistance of the filling to a minimum.

    How to do it?

    The instruction is obvious: it is necessary to increase its diameter. The pressure loss in a pipe is inversely proportional to its internal section.

    The inner diameter of the heating filling in the gravity system should not be less than 32-40 millimeters.


    I hope that this material will help the reader in designing his own heating system. The video in this article will help you learn more about methods for calculating heating. I look forward to your additions to it. Good luck, comrades!

    When choosing pipes, it is necessary to take into account a large number of their features. For example, in addition to taking into account the physico-chemical properties, it is necessary to take into account what their length and diameter will be. It turns out that the hydrodynamics of the entire heating system directly depends on the diameter. The most commonly used and used for private houses are pipes with a diameter of approximately 16-40 mm.

    Scheme of the device of a polypropylene pipe.

    Pipes of this size are able to withstand the pressure in the heating system, in addition, they are convenient to use in work, they will not create problems during the installation process. Using them, it is possible to ensure the wiring of the pipeline of a hidden nature.

    What diameter of polypropylene pipes is used for heating

    To correctly select the size, the internal diameter of the pipes is calculated using the following formula:

    d = √(4-U-1000/πL),

    where U is a value that is equal to the total water consumption in the house, which will fall on this water supply,

    L is the speed of water flow, for pipes of large diameter it is considered to be equal to 1.5-2 m / s, for a small one - 0.7-1.2 m / s.

    Scheme of the heating system of the house.

    Polypropylene materials for heating are used in a diameter of approximately 20-32 mm. For mounting a warm floor, plastic with a diameter of 16 mm is most often used. It is important at the beginning of work to assess all its complexity and select the necessary material. Given the various factors in the heating system, you need to correctly calculate the cross section of the pipe. Many things are important here: carrier temperature, flow velocity, pipeline length, pipe diameter and hot water pressure.

    It is believed that only a correctly calculated size of the required diameter of polypropylene pipes for heating will help make the entire system reliable and efficient. In cases of an incorrectly selected size, some shortcomings in the operation of the system are possible. For example, if the diameter is larger than necessary, then the pressure in the heating system will become lower than necessary, which will lead to disturbances in the circulation of water throughout all apartments in a large house. And only the repair work carried out, which involves the replacement of pipes with pipes of the correct size, will be able to establish the operation of the system.

    How to choose the right pipe diameter

    In cases where heating is carried out in a private house or cottage, the pipes must be selected taking into account the fact that the diameter will not change only when there is a direct connection to the central heating system. In the case of an autonomous pipe system, any size (different diameter and length) can be used, depending on the preferences of the owner of the house.

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    When choosing the necessary blanks, it is necessary to take into account all the features, especially when it comes to a natural heating system, where the ratio of the cross section to the pump power will not be a primary feature. This fact is attributed to the advantages of this heating system.

    Pipe installation scheme.

    The disadvantage of such a system is the small radius of action and the high cost of the large-sized elements used in this case.

    To ensure the efficiency of the system, it is necessary to maintain a certain level of pressure in it, allowing the water moving inside to overcome all obstacles in its path. Resistance (obstacles) can be in the form of friction of water against the walls, a tap or a tap and a heating device. The most interesting thing is that the resistance and speed at which water will flow depends on the length and diameter of the pipeline pipes. With a high water velocity, a small cross section and a long pipeline, the level of resistance in the path of water increases.

    Which pipes are suitable for the heating system

    Any heating system involves drawing up a project scheme. After that, it is necessary to prepare and select everything you need in advance (materials and tools for installation work): pipes, fittings and the necessary tools. And only after that you can proceed with the installation of polypropylene pipes.

    Elements are selected for a particular room, taking into account all its features and type of heating. It is important at the preparation stage to determine your strengths and understand what the work will be like. After all, installation is not always easy to do with your own hands, sometimes you have to turn to professionals for help.

    For heating systems, it is possible to use polypropylene, metal and metal-plastic materials. All of these materials have their own advantages and disadvantages, which must be considered when selecting for your system. Polypropylene is considered the best material for heating system elements. In turn, metal ones are more expensive, and also difficult to use, they are unstable to corrosion, which leads to a decrease in their service life. Metal-plastic materials are cheaper, easy to use, but their reliability and durability leaves much to be desired, so it is better not to consider this option for installing a heating system.

    Scheme of heating from polypropylene reinforced pipes.

    From this we can conclude that polypropylene is best suited for a heating system, as it serves as a good option for installing water pipes. It is important to know and be able to separate different types of polypropylene pipes that are designed for hot or cold water. You need to use materials only for a certain type of work. For example, pipes for heating, where hot water will flow, should not be used for pipelines with cold water, since the temperature regime will be different and various violations and malfunctions in the system are possible.

    Related article: Timber house: do-it-yourself construction, making dowels

    For the installation of a warm floor or a heating system, you can safely choose polypropylene elements that have a large number of positive characteristics, among which the following points are worth noting:

    1. Reliability.
    2. Durability (exploited for 100 years).
    3. Corrosion resistant.
    4. No mineral deposits.
    5. High level of chemical resistance.
    6. Ease of mounting.
    7. Possibility of carrying out repair work in cases of malfunction or breakdown.
    8. Price availability.

    The only, but the main drawback of this type of material is flammability and instability to high temperatures.

    For heating systems, you need the right choice, which depends on the right diameter.

    The diameter of the pipes should not be very small, but not large either, so as not to affect the cost of the system and the water pressure in it.

    Installation of a heating system using polypropylene pipes

    Installation of the heating system involves the correct choice of the scheme of work. For example, the use of polypropylene pipes provides for several options for work:

    Scheme of installation of hot water pipes.

    1. Gravity circulation of water in the system. In this case, there is no need to install a circulation pump, since the movement of water will be independent. This option is suitable for rooms where there are frequent chances of problems with power outages, which will lead to the impossibility of using the pump.
    2. Bottom spill system in heating. This system has a radial wiring, which involves the presence of a pump used to increase the water pressure, which requires a smaller diameter.
    3. It is possible to use one- and two-pipe systems with connection to the radiator using a side or bottom type of connection.

    Installation of a heating system from polypropylene pipes

    Installation of polypropylene elements can be easily done with your own hands, and it is not necessary to trust this work process to the masters. During installation, welding (soldering) is used, in no case should threaded connections be used for pipes made of polypropylene.

    Before welding, the workpieces are cut into segments of the desired length using special scissors so that the edges are smooth, without burrs, and all this is done very quickly. The welding process is carried out using a special apparatus designed for this purpose. For welding, it is necessary to insert the pipe into the nozzle of the correct diameter (the diameter must match the nozzle) and heat it to a temperature of 260 degrees. The heating time of the pipe depends on its diameter, for example, a 20 mm pipe will heat up for 5 seconds, but a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm will heat up for 18 seconds.

    Pipe diameter for heating: how is this parameter selected?

    When designing and building heating systems, it is extremely important not to make mistakes. Even at the stage of project development, the diameter of the heating pipes and their type should be determined.

    The choice of these important parameters is carried out taking into account the expediency of their further operation.

    Competent selection of pipe diameter - how important is it?

    When designing, it is extremely important to try to avoid possible heat losses, that is, to reduce the required energy costs. Incorrectly planned systems (you can learn how to develop them correctly by reading the material on this topic) work inefficiently. As a result, despite the high energy consumption, the rooms will be cold and uncomfortable.

    Pipes for mounting the system are chosen not only taking into account the physical and chemical properties of the material from which they are made. The length and diameter of the pipes play an important role in creating an economical and efficient system.

    The fact is that the cross section of the pipes affects the hydrodynamics as a whole, therefore, how warm it will be in the house depends on the correct choice.

    Ignorant people often make a common mistake when choosing pipes for heating - the diameter, they believe, should be as large as possible so that the water circulates freely.

    In fact, an excessive increase in the cross section of the pipes will cause the pressure in the system to drop below normal, and the radiators will not heat up.

    If you need to choose the diameter of the pipes for heating a private house, then, first of all, you should find out what type of coolant supply will be used. If the house is planned to be connected to a citywide heating main, then all calculations are carried out in exactly the same way as when equipping apartments.

    When arranging autonomous heating systems, the size will depend on the chosen scheme and type of pipes. For example, the size of pipes for heating for a system with natural circulation of liquid will differ from a similar parameter when installed in a circulation pump circuit.

    Main pipe parameters

    • The main characteristic of any pipe is its inner diameter. It is from this indicator that the throughput of the pipe depends.
    • The outside diameter is also an important parameter to consider when designing systems.
    • It is customary to call the nominal diameter of the pipe a rounded value, expressed in inches.

    When choosing pipe diameters for heating, it should be noted that different measurement systems are used for pipes made of different materials. For example, almost all pipes made of steel and cast iron are marked according to the internal section.

    But pipes made of plastic and copper - according to the outer diameter. This feature should be taken into account if it is planned to assemble a system from a combination of materials.

    When creating heating systems assembled from various materials, in order to accurately select pipes by diameter, you should use the diameter matching table, which can be downloaded on the net.

    In order not to get confused in the calculations, it should be remembered that one inch is equal to 25.4 mm.

    How to calculate pipe diameter?

    When solving the problem of what diameter of pipes for heating is needed in a given room, it is necessary to take into account such a parameter as heat load. It is generally accepted that to maintain comfortable conditions in a room, 100 W of thermal power per square meter of the room is sufficient (provided that the ceilings in the room are of a standard height of 2.5 meters).

    That is, for example, for heating a room with an area of ​​25 square meters, 2.5 kW of thermal energy is required (25 * 100 \u003d 2500 W \u003d 2.5 kW)

    As can be seen from the data in the table, for our example with a room of 25 square meters, pipes with a diameter of 1/2 inch are suitable.

    What should be the pressure and temperature of the coolant?

    Having autonomous heating, the owner of the house himself chooses such a parameter as the temperature of the water in the heating pipes. It should be noted that there is no precisely established norm for this parameter, since it depends not only on external conditions and the desires of the owner, but also on the heat transfer coefficient of the installed heating radiators.

    Cast iron radiators have the lowest heat transfer coefficient.

    The average heat transfer rate for bimetallic models and the highest for aluminum radiators.

    As a rule, the calculation of the number of radiators and their sections is carried out taking into account such a value as their passport thermal power. This parameter is set on the basis that the temperature of the heating water in the pipes will be equal to 75 degrees.

    That is, if you think logically, then this temperature is optimal. However, when the external temperature changes in one direction or another, it is advisable to regulate the heating temperature of the coolant. This will help maintain a comfortable microclimate in the house and save energy.

    Despite the fact that polypropylene pipes can withstand temperatures up to 110 degrees, it is not recommended that the temperature of the heating pipes exceed 95 degrees.

    To increase the air temperature in the premises, it is more expedient to increase the working area of ​​the radiators, and not to heat the coolant above the specified temperature.

    In order for the heating system to function normally, the owner of the house must know what pressure should be in the heating pipes. For an autonomous system, the normal indicator is 1.5-2 atmospheres. If the pressure indicator reaches 3 atmospheres, then this is already a critical situation, threatening depressurization or equipment failure.

    In order to be able to always check what pressure is in the heating pipes, pressure gauges must be included in the circuit. And in order to prevent excessive pressure, expansion tanks are used.


    Thus, when designing and installing heating systems, there are no trifles. Any mistake can lead to a decrease in work efficiency. Therefore, it is desirable to entrust the creation of projects to professionals who are able to carry out hydraulic and thermal calculations.

    Polypropylene pipes, couplings and fittings

    In this article, we will consider polypropylene pipes for heating and their technical characteristics, which are indicated in the marking. Let's dwell a little on the materials that are used for production and reinforcement.

    Materials and characteristics

    Knowing the diameter is only half the battle, but when you come to the store, you will be faced with a variety of materials. Polypropylene pipes for heating comply with GOST R 52134–2003. They are made of three types of plastic, two of which can be used for hot water systems and:

    • consisting of the same structural units. Their molecular bonds do not withstand heating, respectively, are not applicable for systems with a high operating temperature;
    • consisting of different structural units. The heterogeneity of bonds between molecules makes them resistant to heat, while the material does not lose its natural elasticity;
    • made up of crystals. They have the most durable and temperature-resistant structure, while losing elasticity.

    The marking of polypropylene pipes for heating indicates their outer diameter. Pay attention to this when you need to connect the contour of the apartment with the central riser. With an equal outer section, metal and polypropylene pipes have a different internal conditional passage, for metal it is wider.

    Be sure to choose reinforced products. Aluminum and fiberglass are used as reinforcing material. It is better to give preference to the latter, since during installation it is not necessary to remove the reinforcement layer to the depth of the connection of the circuit with couplings and fittings. Reinforcement with aluminum is carried out:

    • monolithic layer;
    • layer with multiple holes.

    Reinforcement of polypropylene with perforated aluminum

    Both aluminum and fiberglass reinforcement layers are sandwiched between two plastic layers. Reinforcement is needed only to compensate for the increase in length of the contour when heated. There is no question of strengthening the product, since the plastic is very durable without it. Non-reinforced products are not suitable, as they have too high a coefficient of linear expansion, which is 0.15 mm / m. For comparison, for reinforced products, it is 0.02 mm / m. Polypropylene pipes for heating have standard sizes. They are sold in segments, the length of which is four meters.

    For clarity, let's do a calculation. Let's take one meter of a circuit in which water heated to 80 degrees circulates. Multiply the temperature by the coefficient of linear expansion and get the following values:

    • for reinforced products - elongation by 1.6 mm;
    • for non-reinforced products - an extension of 12 mm.

    The marking also indicates the nominal value. It is designated by Latin letters РN. For example, a product marked PN16 can withstand 16 atmospheres, but this is not the maximum of its capabilities. It can withstand a larger short-term rise. The nominal pressure is an indicator at which the service life of polypropylene pipes will be half a century. The calculation is made using special programs, where the water temperature is set equal to 20 degrees. This is important, as the temperature increases, the service life will naturally be shorter, since, when heated, the plastic changes its mechanical characteristics.

    Diameter calculation for central heating

    In search of calculations, a lot of material was studied, often not giving a specific answer to the question of what size polypropylene pipes for heating should be. How to choose the diameter so that the system is balanced. In principle, in order to make accurate calculations, taking into account all factors, you need to be a real specialist and get a specialized education. The calculation of the pipe diameter is included in the hydraulic calculation of heating, which is carried out using special profile programs. All other calculation methods will be approximate.

    The thickness of polypropylene pipes for heating in private houses and apartments with central heating usually does not exceed 25 mm. Also use products 20 and 16 mm.

    Everything is simple when you need to determine the diameter of a polypropylene pipe for heating in apartments with central heating. From the riser, which passes through all floors, a branch pipe goes to each apartment. Its cross section, of course, is less than that of the riser itself. To correctly determine what diameter of polypropylene pipes is needed for central heating, you just need to choose the size of the section to the pipe. Make sure that there is no narrowing of the contour. That's all, it's up to the choice of materials. Pay attention to the fact that the inner section should match, and not the outer one.

    Diameter calculation for autonomous heating

    Questions about how to choose the diameter of polypropylene pipes for heating appear during installation

    Calculation of the diameter of a polypropylene pipe for heating

    contours in private houses. We note right away that the calculations are approximate, but this does not mean that they are not correct. They can also be used for the contours of apartments with central heating. Determining parameters of the diameter of a polypropylene pipe for heating a private house:

    • heated area.

    It depends on how much heat is required to heat up to the required level. In order not to delve into the jungle of formulas, you can follow the general example and take into account 0.1 kW of energy per square meter, with a standard ceiling height of 2.5 m. Of course, you need to take into account the degree of insulation of the room, based on which the heat loss coefficient is calculated. But in order not to get confused, we simply add 20% to the required number of kilowatts;

    • coolant speed.

    This indicator varies from 0.2 to 1.5 m/s. The higher the flow rate, the higher the pressure in the circuit. Often this leads to the appearance of noise in the system, due to the friction of the coolant against the walls. To calculate the diameter of pipes, it is customary to use a value of up to 0.6 m / s - optimal for autonomous circuits of private houses. From what diameters of polypropylene pipes for heating are selected, the circulation rate also depends. The thicker the contour, the slower the water flows;

    • temperature difference between supply and return.

    The indicator is quite individual. It depends on the power, and on the material of the pipes, their insulation, as well as on the speed of the coolant. The standards determine that the supply is carried out at a temperature of 80 degrees, while the return flow will be about 60 degrees. The coolant cools down by 20 degrees, usually this value is taken into account.

    What diameter polypropylene pipes should be used for heating a one-story house with an area of ​​​​80 sq.m:

    • there are two constants in the formula, multiplying which we get the value 304.44;
    • then this number must be multiplied by 9.6 (80 sq.m x 0.1 kW of energy + 20% of the reserve), it turns out 2100.636;
    • the result obtained is divided by 20 (temperature difference) and by 0.6 (m / s, coolant flow rate);
    • at the end we calculate the square root of the obtained value and get the value of 13.23 mm.

    Wall thickness of polypropylene pipes of different diameters

    It turns out that the inner diameter of polypropylene pipes for heating a house with an area of ​​​​80 m 2 is 13.23 mm. Once again, pay attention to the fact that polypropylene pipes are marked according to the outer section. Also in the marking there is information about the wall thickness. You can calculate the conditional pass in one step, it’s easier than a steamed turnip. You can also use the table of the ratio of pipe walls to their diameter.

    Based on this, we can conclude that in this case a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm is suitable, since twenty is a little short. For the calculation, we took the coolant flow rate of 0.6 m/s, although a value of 0.2 m/s is allowed. Accordingly, by choosing a pipe with a larger cross section, we reduce the circulation rate, while it remains within the standard.

    Calculation based on the flow rate of the coolant

    Diameter of polypropylene pipes for heating table:

    The ratio of the diameter of the pipes to the heat output of heating

    There is an easy way to calculate the diameter of polypropylene pipes for heating - this is a table. Let's use it and make calculations for the same one-story house of 80 sq.m. To heat it, you need 8 kW of energy, which equals 8000 watts. We find this value in the table and move our eyes to the pink cells, which indicate the optimal coolant speed. In our case, these are 0.5 and 0.3 m/s. We stop our choice on the first value, which corresponds to a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm.

    Now compare with the result of the calculations above. As you can see, they coincide, which means that both methods for determining the diameter of pipes for heating are consistent and can be used for calculations. As a result, you should pay attention to the fact that it is still better to adhere to the standards. the use of too narrow and too wide pipes adversely affects the functional characteristics of the system.