Multi-colored curtains in the interior. Bright curtains - unusual options for exclusive design (75 photos). Not only fabric, but also rhinestones can decorate and accent

The design of the window opening has a decisive influence on the interior of the room. Even the most sophisticated and opulent furnishings look unfinished and dull if they are not complemented by the right curtains.

Colors are fashionable now

What the final design of the room will be depends on the palette of the combined shades, which we will talk about in this article. You will learn what results can be achieved using curtains of different colors and what you need to build on when choosing a curtain color.

Colored curtains in the interior

The color of the window opening is a factor that determines not only the visual attractiveness of the curtains, but also their functional purpose. With the help of the right decor, you can smooth out the flaws in the layout of the room and highlight the design ideas used in the interior.

Each color scheme affects our perception of the geometry and space of the room in its own way:

  1. It makes sense to use a warm palette - from purple to soft yellow in rooms with small windows. This tonality has the effect of visually enlarging the window opening and approaching the wall on which it is located.
  2. A cold palette, on the other hand, visually removes the window, thereby giving the impression of a longer room. Colored curtains of blue, turquoise, light green and light red tones are rational to use in small rooms;
  3. The spectrum of dark shades has a diminishing effect, while light colors make the room wider and more spacious.

Light tone cheers up

Colored curtains on the windows look appropriate if they are matched to the style of the interior. Modern design trends, such as high-tech, fusion, loft, provide for the use of a palette of light pastels and grays, while the classic design allows the use of bright, rich shades - from blue to burgundy and emerald.

We select the right combinations

The combination of shades in the interior is a whole science that does not forgive rash decisions. There is a set of design recommendations, following which you will select the best option for window decoration. Check out the basic rules for combining a color palette in a room's interior:

  1. The curtains must match the color of the base surfaces. As a base, you can use walls or large interior elements - furniture, carpet, bedspread, canopy;
  2. The presence of a pattern or pattern on the curtain depends on the wallpaper of the room - if the room is decorated with plain wallpaper, the fabric may be patterned. In this case, you will receive a harmonious addition to the interior and new accents in its design, however, if the room is already covered with wallpaper with a pattern, use simple plain panels;
  3. When decorating small, poorly lit rooms, avoid using dark shades, since such a design not only visually reduces the size of the room, but also negatively affects the emotional state of a person.

There are two ways to combine the color of curtains and other interior elements - the harmony method and the contrast method. With harmonious combinations complementary shades are combined - pink, blue, beige, yellow, light green, turquoise. This is a win-win solution for any interiors and especially for small rooms.

Turquoise is a very beautiful color

With a combination of contrast, opposite shades are used - light and bright. This approach is often practiced when decorating interiors in a minimalist style. You can combine almost any color, the main thing is that one of them is less saturated: white and orange, gray and graphite, beige and burgundy - the space for imagination is not limited here.

When using contrasting combinations, avoid the effect of a color spot. It occurs when colorful curtains in the interior are the only bright detail. Contrasting combinations require complementing the curtain with smaller decorative elements of a similar shade - upholstery of upholstered furniture, carpet, pillows or bedspread.

Choosing colored curtains for different rooms

Specific variations in color combinations must be chosen based on the functional purpose of the room, in the same bedroom an overly colorful palette will be inappropriate, while in a children's room the brighter and more energetic the interior is, the better.

  • Choosing colored curtains for the living room;

Beautiful curtains on the windows in the living room will help you emphasize the solemnity of this room. In spacious rooms, beige and blue curtains look beautiful; this is a calm, but at the same time refined combination. If you are interested in contrasting combinations, use bright green curtains or rich turquoise curtains, their use in a bright interior allows you to focus on the window opening, gives the room freshness and coolness.

The panels can be supplemented using colored eyelets. On curtains in rich shades - orange, blue, emerald, use white eyelets or items in metal color, on fabrics of light shades - eyelets of a color similar to the canvas.

  • Choosing colored curtains for the bedroom;

Designers do not recommend the use of overly bright curtains in the interior of the bedroom, since this room requires a restrained, relaxing environment. When choosing a curtain for a bedroom, give preference to calm pastel colors - beige, blue, light green, purple.

Do not use contrasting combinations in the bedroom - complementary combinations of the shade of panels and wallpaper will give the best result in terms of the atmosphere prevailing in the room. Among the dark colors that are appropriate in this room, we highlight burgundy and coffee. They can be successfully combined with any light base surfaces without creating a flashy heterogeneity of the interior.

  • We decorate the window in the nursery;

In the children's room, bright curtains look very useful. For the baby's good emotional well-being, it is important that the interior is decorated in a light but energetic range, without rich dark tones. All colors of the rainbow can be used, with the exception of bright red.

Multi-colored curtains in the nursery will give the room a positive atmosphere. To combine shades in one curtain, use curtains made of thin vertical stripes of different fabrics, or decorate ordinary curtains with a light lambrequin of a different color.


  • We decorate the kitchen with curtains;

A light, cheerful atmosphere is important in the kitchen. To get it, use translucent curtains in warm shades - orange, red, light green.

There are no strict design restrictions in the kitchen, everything should be comfortable and please the eye of the hostess, so you can decorate the canvases with anything - ruffles, fringes, airy lambrequins, the main thing is not to compromise with the practicality of curtains in favor of their beauty.

Curtains are perhaps not the most striking, but undoubtedly an important part of the interior, a necessary element that crowns the overall composition of the room. Approaching the choice of curtains in the bedroom - a space especially personal and intimate for the owner of the house, it is necessary to consciously and think over every detail. About creating the perfect image in the bedroom in order.


Colored curtains are an additional responsibility and risk, because miscalculations in choosing a color palette will inevitably lead to the fact that the interior items simply will not be combined with each other and will become unpleasant for visual perception. To prevent the curtains from becoming a daily eyesore, you should decide on some points before buying, namely:

  • With the style in which the bedroom will be executed.Whether it be classic or Pop art, the main thing is that the curtains do not get out of the general concept.
  • With the main subject of the bedroom interior, namely, that which takes the central place in it. If this is a bed of bright colors, then you should not focus on the curtains, but hang them in soft, pastel colors. Perhaps the other way around - contrasting curtains that will be in the spotlight.
  • What exactly should the curtains be in harmony with: with furniture or walls (maybe just with some kind of accessory in the room, even with pillows).
  • With the role that curtains should play in a given interior.It can be decorative (window and room decoration) or functional (except for room decoration, curtains serve for certain tasks and are darkening, heat-reflecting, noise-absorbing, motorized).


A particularly refined and sophisticated way of draping a window is a two-color voile curtain that will look great in any interior. One solution is to make one color dominate over the other by choosing one veil in the same color as the furnishings and leaving the other neutral.

There are several secrets to decorating curtains of two colors:

  • veils of light shades will be beneficial to visually increase the space of a small bedroom;
  • for large roomsan interesting solution can be a combination of dark and light fabrics;
  • combination of various patterns and ornaments in curtains perfectly emphasize the theme of the bedroom (for example, light curtains with golden embroidery are suitable for historical design);
  • patterns are also used to visually change the skeleton of a room(vertical lines on long curtains will visually make the ceiling higher, a horizontal pattern will expand the room space and enlarge the window opening, a large bright print will bring the window closer, and a small one will move it away).

In any case, you should be guided by the advice of professionals, who, in turn, there are 3 key pillars to create a flawless bedroom design:

  1. Harmony. In spite of everything, the shade of the curtains must be in the same color scheme as the furniture and walls. It can be a few tones lighter or brighter than other interior items, or create a contrast, depending on what the main emphasis will be on - furniture or curtains. In addition, curtains and furniture should form a single ensemble, cooperating with each other. So, in order to correctly emphasize the dark shades of furniture, it is better to opt for light curtains.
  2. Moderation, or otherwise - caution when combining monochromatic designs with patterns. If the wallpaper in the bedroom is monotonous, then you can successfully complement them with an expressive pattern on the curtains, but it is more correct to choose ordinary plain curtains if expressive prints are already present in the interior.
  3. One concept.Each style has its own color palette: in classic-design bedrooms, colorful, rich-colored curtains look ridiculous, but pastel and beige shades are the most advantageous. And curtains in bright colors are ideal for pop-art bedrooms.

Which color should you choose?

Now that you understand the basic techniques for working with bedroom color design, it's time to go directly to color combinations in different styles.

Classic options

Classics are always in fashion. She is calm and restrained, so you will not find bright colors and noticeable patterns in her. Here beige, gray, brown and black and white tones rule. Light beige and chocolate color will go well, and milky will suit literally anyone.

The minimum risk is the simplicity of the bedroom, executed in one color palette. In this case, neutral tones of curtain fabrics are ideal. Snow-white curtains will always look elegant, creating some lightness and airiness in the interior of the bedroom. Even against the background of light walls, such curtains will not get lost, but on the contrary - they will visually make the room larger.

When choosing a print, it is just right to choose a floral or geometric pattern that perfectly complements a room with a light monochromatic design.

Coziness creation

A room climate with blue or blue curtains will be peaceful, conducive to self-contemplation and a sense of security. Combining blue curtains according to Feng Shui will be correct in bedrooms with prevailing light and delicate colors - beige, sand, lilac. Blue is a suitable color of curtains for a room in beige tones, as it can emphasize its simplicity and sophistication, giving the bedroom a sense of completeness.

Since a bedroom is a place in which a person should feel calm and solitude, then it is necessary to choose the appropriate colors, creating such an atmosphere. You should turn to the techniques of Feng Shui philosophy, which insists on choosing a blue palette in the bedroom.

However, it should be remembered that the blue color in the interior, while relaxing, makes the room feel colder. Therefore, in order to dwell in the general concept of the interior (after all, warm colors are rightfully considered cozy), it is better to soften this effect with shades of yellow and beige instead of a combination of blue and white. In addition, you should not use only monotonous blue as it dims the light, making the room darker and visually narrowing it.

Warm pastel shades also contribute to a cozy, relaxing atmosphere in the sleeping area. It can be purple, peach, pale pink. Lilac color harmonizes well with creamy, creamy tones, additionally creating an effect of luxury.

A cozy, warm combination creates a mix of light furniture and coffee-colored curtains. This is a completely unobtrusive contrast, referring to the classic style, but at the same time not letting you get bored with its monotony and formality of the palette.

As is the case with the classic design, it is better to avoid the flashy blue, red, green and orange colors, as they will only “cut” the eyes and excite the psyche, preventing the owner from fully relaxing and taking a break from the daily hustle and bustle.

Joyful moments

The color spectrum gives free rein to emotions, from light olive to neon green. Such curtains will go well with neutral interior colors - gray, white, as well as beige and pastel shades. Still, you should be careful with green, combining it with dark shades of interior items. Emerald green will clearly play out in a small bedroom against a background of burgundy or dark brown wallpaper.

Shades of orange, as well as green, create expression in the interior, symbolizing the spring and summer periods, and with them cheerfulness and growth. A stylish and noble solution is the terracotta shade, which is at the height of fashion today. It can be successfully combined with any light-colored wallpaper - from snow-white to cream and pastel. Orange curtains will look great in a room with a predominantly white color. Especially if you complement the interior of such a bedroom with bright accessories in the color of the curtains (these can be paintings, lamps or vases).

An interesting, pronounced or abstract print, when combined with furniture pieces, will also contribute to creating a festive atmosphere.

When dyeing curtains in two colors, one should selectively approach the combination of two different bright shades so as not to overdo it with the intensity of the overall color scheme of the bedroom.

Feeling fresh

Escaping from the summer heat, it is pleasant to enter a room made in fresh cold colors, as they, like an air conditioner, will create a feeling of comfort and desired coolness. These shades are turquoise, lavender, pearl, blue and mint colors, which create the perfect combination with white wallpaper.

However, such a combination can lose in price if the bedroom is overloaded with a lot of fittings and accessories, while minimalism in the interior will only contribute to creating a feeling of freshness. In addition, this design looks modern and expensive.

An ideal example of a minimalist style is if in the same white room you highlight only curtains and bed linen in turquoise or blue tones.

Turquoise is simply irreplaceable when creating an interior in a nautical style and according to Feng Shui, it stimulates creativity, helps to concentrate. The right combination for turquoise curtains in the interior - walls stylized as white marble - are stylish and elegant. But it is best to use not just plain turquoise curtains, but together with some additional color accent to maintain a sense of proportion. In this case, a combination of turquoise with gilding is suitable.

Curtains are the main element of interior decoration. They create a general atmosphere in the room and emphasize the design style.

The most inconspicuous room with properly selected curtains will take on an unforgettable look.

If you want to highlight the room and give it a cheerful mood, then colored curtains will help.

Correct interior decoration with bright curtains and their combination

  • Colored curtains are never used as a separate element.
  • Variegated colors should complement the overall decoration of the room.
  • Be sure to consider the size of the room and the personal wishes of the residents.
  • Among the design recommendations, there are no chosen rules for choosing fabrics and colors for curtains. But some points still need to be observed.
  • Curtains should fully match the texture and color of the ceiling and walls.
  • Furniture items cannot stand out from the general design of the room; with the help of curtains, they complement the previously conceived style.
  • Curtains are selected taking into account the size of the room.

A photo of colored curtains will help you understand all the nuances of using the selected shade for the entire home.

Curtains, in any case, should be combined with furniture. When furnishing a room, curtains and furniture are rarely replaced and that is why they complement each other.

Also, curtains are combined with flooring, wall and ceiling decoration. Solid colored curtains are used when there are already so many bright elements in the room.

It is worth noting that some variegated shades can visually increase the space, or reduce it.

If the room is small, then it is best to choose curtains in light shades. In this case, it will turn out to relieve the atmosphere of the room and give it a few extra square meters.

Bright orange and yellow colors are suitable for spacious rooms. Colored curtains in the interior of the kitchen should be delicate shades: light green, soft blue, not intrusive lavender.

For rooms with high ceilings, curtains with horizontal stripes are suitable. In large rooms, curtains with a large pattern will look good on the windows, which will be combined with the rest of the elements in the room.

The design of the bedrooms is done carefully, because the room is intended for relaxation and sleep. Here the curtains are not very bright, the best option would be warm tons. Dense material is another main feature of bedrooms.

But in children, fantasy should not be held back. After all, such a room simply has to be cheerful and bright.

Curtains made of colored fabric can have different images of the child's favorite cartoons. Psychologists believe that for the mental development of your child, orange shades should prevail in the room.

When choosing curtains for your own home, you need to try to complement the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe interior.

Remember that all colors have a different effect on people's moods. Do not forget about this factor so as not to harm the psychological state and the space does not tire with the chosen color scheme. If you are unable to arrange housing with bright curtains on your own, then it is better to turn to specialists.

Photo of colored curtains in the interior

Tired of a dull interior? Sometimes we just get used to dullness and do not want to change anything. Try adding colors!

Bright notes in the interior will not only provide a good mood, but also create a general tone in the entire design.

We offer to make a bright accent with curtains, which will be the most win-win option.

How to choose the right curtains

First you need to answer the question: why do we choose curtains?

Some use curtains to curtain windows, others just to decorate the interior, and still others refuse curtains altogether and choose blinds in order to save space.

But well-chosen curtains in bright colors never go out of style. They will help transform the atmosphere, add sophistication and originality to it.

Bright curtains will help both increase and decrease the space. When choosing curtains, consider the following:

It is also important how much the room is illuminated by the sun during the day. After all, if the window is on the sunny side of the house, you can quickly get tired of such illumination.

You can buy curtains in bright, saturated colors, but if they cover the window opening, they will still let in some of the light.

Sometimes the most convenient option can be Roman blinds, since they are easy to install, you can pick up many juicy shades.

They are usually sold complete with a variety of original decorative brushes and metal inserts. Roman blinds will help to decorate the interior both in the living room and in the kitchen. Below are photos of bright curtains.

Japanese curtains will help visually change the space. They will visually enlarge a small room, and reduce a large one. They are also good because the fabric from which they are sewn is multi-layered.

The layers can be alternated and the interior can be changed. They are usually very bright and almost always easily fit into any interior. And the presence of other bright details in the room is not at all necessary, bright curtains alone will be quite enough. The photo below shows several options.

Today there are a lot of curtain sewing companies that you can entrust with the development of original ideas for the interior decoration of the window space. The design of bright curtains can be very unusual.

Turn on your imagination, because human possibilities are endless!

The choice of material for curtains

The modern market offers us the widest selection of various fabrics. But the material for curtains should suit you in all respects and match the functions.

It is better, of course, to choose natural fabrics, possibly with a slight admixture of polyester, which improves the quality characteristics of textiles. Polyester cotton fabric is easy to care for and easy to wash.

Satin curtains look very nice. They fit perfectly into any space and have a noble shine. Cascading satin curtains do not look a little aesthetically pleasing, but if you turn on imagination, gather in several places, add decorative elements, you can create a masterpiece from this fabric! Atlas is also easy to maintain.

Natural silk fabrics, of course, are very much appreciated, and they look quite rich. But, unfortunately, silk curtains are very moody. Any dirt from them is very difficult to remove, and during washing they often decrease in size.

Linen is a very noble fabric; linen curtains have been appreciated at all times. But this fabric has one drawback - it wrinkles easily.

There are also fully synthetic fabrics such as acrylic. They are very lightweight, easy to use and maintain. The only unpleasant moment is the appearance of pellets.


Now we know how important it is to have bright curtains in the interior. High-quality curtains in bright colors will cheer you up and help you create original ideas!

Photo of bright curtains