Development of logical thinking and memory. What is logical thinking? Exercises to help develop logic

Logic itself is not a human skill given from birth, it is taught throughout life, receiving valuable lessons. Such a tool for understanding the world is not close to the emotional human nature, therefore people prefer to think and do as they are accustomed to. However, this science underlies most of the laws of the universe. The ability to think and reason consistently, consistently, is useful in many tasks. Whether it's building business projects, persuading opponents, or buying from a store. And the question immediately arises: "How to develop logical thinking and live as efficiently as possible?" We will consider the answer to it in the article below.

People often make mistakes that are contrary to logic. They think that it is enough to be guided by common sense and the experience gained, ignoring the laws and special techniques of formal logic. However, this may be sufficient only when making elementary judgments and solving simple problems; when performing large-scale operations, certain knowledge will be required that will not allow making erroneous actions.

What is logic

In order to understand what it is, it is necessary to explain this phenomenon more broadly, dividing it into its components.

Thinking means the processing of the information received by the human psyche, and the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships between objects, events and phenomena of the surrounding world.

Logic is the science of the forms, methods and laws of intellectual mental activity. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that knowledge is obtained not from sensory experience, but in the process of analyzing previously obtained data, inferential knowledge.

Thus, logical thinking is a thought process that forces a person to use logical constructions and concepts based on evidence, prudence and flexibility of thinking. The main goal is to get the most reasonable conclusion from the available data.

The logical laws are based on empirical knowledge of the world through experience. That is, a person makes a conclusion based on the creation or participation in a certain situation and subsequently awareness of its specific consequences.


The development of creative thinking and logic is only possible if the mind is used to working in different directions. The development of logical thinking needs to be trained, here are some practical tips:

  • Study of natural sciences

Take on the study of a science close to you in spirit, which you delayed.
Physics, chemistry or history, other exact sciences perfectly stimulate the flexibility of thinking. They teach how to build chains of cause and effect.

  • Use a reasoned argument

Instead of the standard desire to answer "because I am in charge" or "so it is necessary", try to convey to your opponent your point of view without emotion, constructively. Use logical as well as creative thinking, there can be a huge variety of dialogue options, get rid of familiar phrases and reactions.
Especially interesting is the way of bringing the interlocutor to the necessary conclusion by means of indirect statements with which he initially agrees.

  • Play chess, backgammon, checkers and card games

This is an amazing opportunity to develop logical thinking. After all, there is training in causal relationships, the calculation of the opponent's moves in advance. Learning lessons even from defeats is being trained. Thus, a person gradually removes negative thinking from his life.

  • Find other ways to use items

This exercise contributes to the excellent development of creative thinking in adults. Pick one item, be it a box of matches or a stool. And find all the possible ways to use the item off-label. On matches, you can count, lay out drawings, and use the stool as a stand for the Christmas tree. Get creative.

  • Association game

Use the opposite meanings of the emerging associations to specific words. Let's say hard wool, soft glass, hot ice. This helps our brain to tune in a different way, to remove negative thinking.

  • Read books from the end

In addition to the understandable difficulties in completing this task, there are also nuances. Our brain is accustomed to the fact that the denouement can come only when we perform specific actions. But both in life and in books, this is not always true. Sometimes the most unexpected events lead to the results that they shouldn't have. The gradual transition from the denouement to the foreword will help to debunk your guesses and learn to abstractly see the situation, and also develops mobility, flexibility of thinking.

  • Expand your vocabulary

When you hear an unfamiliar word, look up its meaning in the dictionary. And also: what is the history of origin, original meaning and use now. This will help you look at the world more multifaceted.

  • Reverse words

When in public transport or on the street, read the signs backwards. It will be very difficult. At first, you will only get short words, and then you will master the ability to read entire phrases! This great brain training shows that there are alternatives. And, once in a problematic situation, it will be easier to see other options.

  • Come up with something that doesn't exist

The exercise is to come up with an animal or object, a name that does not exist in nature. Leopersyr or poultry, for example. And to present or depict all this in detail. The bottom line is that it is very difficult to come up with something that does not exist. The brain is still trying to reduce everything to familiar forms, especially in adults.

Sometimes negative thinking takes over, it becomes difficult to complete such a task that seems absurd. The ability to abstract from familiar forms and concepts, concentrate on still little-studied facts, create fundamentally new things, will be useful in any profession.

  • Solve anagrams

From the mixed letters you need to make a word. Develops the ability to quickly find hidden meaning, to see at first glance incomprehensible meanings.

  • Use your other hand

If you are right-handed - left, if vice versa - right. Change your hand while doing everyday activities. This stimulates the work of both hemispheres, improving concentration, activating new neural connections, thus stimulating logical and creative thinking.

Who needs to develop logic

Logical thinking is necessary for any person, regardless of his goals. After all, having the flexibility of thinking, each of us can:

  • find the most profitable solution to a problem situation;
  • always be several steps ahead of enemies or competitors, calculating their possible actions;
  • choose the right way to achieve your goal;
  • express your thoughts in a form understandable to everyone;
  • it is easy enough to find arguments to persuade opponents in your direction;
  • not to make professional and life mistakes;
  • cope with sophistry and demagoguery;
  • be able to quickly formulate an answer to the question posed, avoiding blurting out the first thought that comes to mind, which can greatly harm later;
  • clearly see manipulations by other people, do not become a victim of their deception;
  • be aware of mistakes made by other people or yourself, quickly and easily eliminate them.

Why do you need to develop logic

How to develop thinking? Every person has it developed to one degree or another. But for a better understanding of reality and the ability to operate it, logical thinking is necessary, developed at a sufficiently high level. This can only be learned through training.

Creative thinking can be developed and negative thinking can be eliminated. The brain is trained no less than the muscles, perhaps more. By constantly training thinking and memory, a person can develop throughout his life, methodically improving his performance. The development of intellectual abilities is a guarantee of effective self-improvement.

Thanks to the ability to think logically, a person acquires the ability to think creatively, because a completely different understanding of reality opens up, which gives many advantages.

It is generally accepted that creative thinking is opposed to logic and reason, but this is a false statement. A creative perception of reality is fundamental to creativity. This does not at all mean the need for negative thinking, which is distinguished by a concentration exclusively on the bad. On the contrary, it allows you to train the brain, cleanse it of stereotypes and interfering attitudes, and look at everything from the outside. This opens up perfect horizons. As a result, the ability to solve problems in a non-standard way, to find previously impossible ways.

The development of logic is what every person needs, from small children to quite adults.

Logic helps us, on the basis of a correctly built analysis of a chain of sequences or other circumstances, events and arguments, to draw the right conclusions and, on their basis, make the right decisions. This property of a person helps him in any situations to find the best way out of them, or to predict and prevent all kinds of troubles.

Moreover, logic is an indispensable attribute of making competent management decisions, scientific discoveries and many other success stories in a wide variety of industries. That is why the development of logic is a priority for every person. But to improve logical thinking, it is necessary to systematize, with the help of various tools and methods developed by specialists.
Let's take a closer look at them:

Logic exercises.

A variety of exercises and logical tasks develop concentration and attention, perception, thinking, non-verbal and verbal intelligence, as well as observation.

"Concepts in Order". Exercise for the development of logic.

The point of the exercise is that you need to arrange the concepts in a certain order: from particular meanings to the most general ones.
In such a chain, there should be a gender-to-species ratio (each subsequent word before the previous one.
For example:
"Temple, Parthenon, Building, Ancient Greek Temple, Parthenon, Facility for Ritual".
It should be written like this:
"Parthenon - Ancient Greek Temple - Temple - Ritual Facility - Building".
A few more examples for execution:
"Gas, Liquid Oxygen, State of Matter, Oxygen".
"Pine, Plant, Tree, Woody".
"Tale" turnip ", genre, folk art, fairy tale".
This exercise teaches you to build a well-grounded logical chain and associative array, develops thinking capabilities.

Exercise "Consistency".

For the survey, a form is presented with tasks, which consist of two interconnected categorical judgments and inferences - conclusions (syllogism. They are given in different ways, sometimes correctly, and in some cases - false. It is necessary to determine the correctness of the conclusions and cross out incorrect logical justifications - conclusions.
For example:
"All students 5-b are excellent students. Vasya Petrov is an excellent student. Therefore, he is a student of 5 b." (Is the conclusion correct).
Other options:
"All of Shakespeare's writings cannot be read overnight. Hamlet is a Shakespearean work. Therefore, it cannot be read overnight."
"All metals are electrically conductive. Gold is a metal. Therefore, it is electrically conductive."

Computer games for the development of a logical way of thinking.

Logic games implemented on the pc are very convenient and easy to use. They are created in order to use all the mental capabilities and find the right solution, and some variants of such games allow you to develop memory functions. Moreover, it is an interesting, rewarding and fun pastime.

These are traditional chess, as well as checkers and other logic games that can be played on the computer.

For example, "Scrabble" is an excellent version of such a game, each player on a special field, using his ability to think, collects his own versions of words, composed from the first word, in turn. In addition, "Erudite" (the Russian name for "scrabble"), in addition to thinking and logic, increases horizons and develops memory well.

Reversi is a relatively young game. It is carried out on a special field with two-color chips. It was invented in 1880 in England. Then it was forgotten, but in Japan it was revived again in the early 70s of the 20th century. Reversi "superbly develops large-scale logical thinking, the ability to see the perspective of actions and calculate them several moves in advance.
Such logic games allow you to improve the strategic vision of problems, increase the speed of thinking and the ability to instantly find the right options for problems, which is simply necessary in the modern, rapidly changing world.

So, Wikipedia tells us that the concept of "logic" originated from ancient Greek and means "the science of correct thinking." It can easily be called the cognitive activity of the mind and it is a quality that many would like to cultivate in themselves. And as psychologists say, this quality is formed, because it is acquired, not innate! But how to develop logical thinking on your own? What tasks to pay attention to and how to overcome yourself? The answers are simple and obvious, you just have to think logically!

The basics of the path: constant work and not only

The beginning of the beginnings is a tribute to interesting logic problems that will interest both adults and teenagers. They will become a part of self-development and an excellent training for the mind. Further - examples!

Who can own, lift and move to a different place the bishop and the knight?

Chess player.

How is it that a friend cuts his beard 100 times a day, and bearded in the evening?

A friend is a barber.

Which hand should you stir the tea with?

Stir the tea with a spoon.

That it is easy to lift from the ground, but to throw it even 1 cm is difficult?

Your family uses it every day, even though it belongs only to you. What is it?

Relatives use your name.

Alternatively, a trick question. This is an exercise that will easily and simply help improve everyone's logical thinking and develop ingenuity. The main thing here is training!

Usually, adults, seeing a schematic drawing, instantly forget about the details. The picture is missing doors. So they are located on the right side, the bus goes to the left.

What else can you do to develop logic? Study different sciences for which you had a craving in school. The task is simple: create sequential chains of events, delve into the problem, look for a motive or a starting point and understand where all this can lead. This will help history, mathematics, computer science.

A bright "trick" - keeping a diary, where you will organize new knowledge in the form of notes, sketches and even drawings, learn to sort them and "create" a single picture from scattered pieces. Agree that it is visual perception, that is, presented on paper, that helps to cover the situation.

Mathematics is almost the "sister" of logic

Even the initial development of logical thinking requires training. They are those hobbies that have been loved by you and your family members up to this point, but have not been elevated into a kind of cult of Her Majesty the Logic. Do it now:
  • solving logic tests,. They will help you not only "on the fly" to identify your level, but also point out the "weak links". Maybe just them and it is worth replenishing?!;
  • playing board games in which logic is the main weapon against the opponent. Such as "Activity", "Erudite" will do just fine;
  • solving a few tricky math problems a day. Sometimes it seems like the solution is there, but it's hard to get there;
  • playing backgammon, checkers and chess. They will make it possible not only to "see" the likely moves of the enemy, but also to calculate in advance the situation that he wants to create;
  • calculating mathematical puzzles and even ... watching films that are unique in their genre. An example is the "Fatal number 23", "Pi" and the like. Why not?

Interesting! It is a proven fact that children will quickly give a logical answer to a riddle (if, of course, it is not very difficult). The thing is that kids see events, people, therefore, the relationship between them, cleanly, brightly and uncomplicatedly, without a "touch" of dogmas, rules, traditions, all that "rubbish" that makes the perception of an adult difficult.

Riddle letters: how to develop intelligence with their help

If you are not friends with numbers, but want to see the situation many steps forward, it is enough to make friends with letters in their different manifestations. Exercise 15-20 minutes a day and you will become smart like Sherlock Holmes.

Consonant words, reading detective stories

Tasks that can be classified as conditionally philological, of course, are excellent help to train logical thinking. But we know their essence. You:
  • retell the sentence, fit it into one concept or stretch it per page.

    Example: The leaves turned yellow very quickly, they fall off and the rain is drizzling.
    The answer is in one word - "autumn", but everyone can develop the idea of ​​the onset of autumn in a story using the words: umbrella, fog, blues, hot tea;

  • read detective stories. They train not only logical thinking, but also memory (usually there are many characters in the novels of A. Christie or B. Akunin). Try to understand initially who the villain is !;
  • play the analogy. The bottom line is simple: a certain subject should be translated into a conceived system and described.

    Example: Describe the main character traits of your friends as chemical elements.
    It turns out something like this: hardworking - "mercury", kind - "gold", snide - "sulfur";

  • consider cards from which you need to remove unnecessary.

    Example: pouf, sofa, wardrobe, sofa. What is superfluous?
    That's right, a wardrobe, because it is not a piece of furniture for seating;

  • Pay attention to explanatory dictionaries, coming up with your own interpretations;
  • write rhymes.

    For a "powerful" example, you can take funny ones:
    From vinegar - sulky,
    from mustard - upset,
    from the bow - they are cunning,
    from wine - blame
    from muffin - they get kinder.

    For simple things like this: husband - really, class - in the eye, car - routine;

  • engage in coding proverbs, sentences to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

    Example asked by players from one team to another: The leader in the church had a living being. He loved this living creature very much and pampered in every possible way. But one day the minister killed him for the reason that the creature ate a piece of something of animal origin ...
    Opposite command response: The priest had a dog;

  • combining individual words into classes with certain characteristics.

    Example: you need to take several different words, for example, pillow, fish, triangle and consider the elements of which they are composed and with what they can be associated. So, a pillow is tenderness, rest, peace, fish is food, well-being, a triangle is sharp corners, segments.

Pay attention to these tasks in the video and you will understand that everything is logical and interconnected!

Separately - about the important, or learning to listen to intuition

Intuition is our subconscious, based on conclusions from knowledge accumulated over centuries. You need to listen to them, they are the unconscious part of ourselves that remembers and knows a lot. Is the stranger behaving strangely, spinning and getting lost in speech? Probably, he is up to something, and you are already receiving an attention signal!

Train and everything will work out!

The term "Logic" originated in ancient Greece and literally means "the art of reasoning." It was then that for the first time a person began to be attracted by logical games, he began to be sophisticated in proving philosophical theories on the basis of logical conclusions. Logical thinking is not given to a person at birth, but develops as a personality trait. Man is a social being, and our society has created all the conditions to reduce the influence of logic on the processes taking place. If logic had more weight, and humanity set itself ambitious goals, all wars in the world would end, the number of suffering and poor people would decrease. The paradox of logic is that it is multifaceted, despite the presence of formalized laws, almost everyone can find loopholes for themselves and justify their behavior.

The development of logic in adults - why is it needed?

On the pages of our blog or the BrainApps project, you could often see calls for the development of logic, but how to do it correctly and efficiently? It is worth starting with the understanding that logic is not only a science, but also a system of thinking. If you learn to draw the right conclusions, to understand the essence of things, much more can be achieved.

Logic developed empirically, which means "empirically." It is because of this that a person who has never read the works of Aristotle and Herodotus can operate with the generally recognized laws of logic. Every day we become witnesses of any events, draw our conclusions, learn the opinions of other people. As a result of the frequent repetition of the cycle of "cause and effect".

There are certain logical axioms that are the basis for the thinking of any developed person:

  • Time is a directional, linear and irreversible vector. From an early age, children are taught the concepts of "yesterday", "today" and "tomorrow." Based on the understanding of these elementary logical axioms, the concept of the past, future and present is formed.
  • Cause-effect is another logical axiom that children under one year old learn.
  • The concept of less and more is learned by children in preschool age.
  • Adjacency of concepts and their interchangeability. For example, a person cannot be asleep and awake at the same time, be sick and healthy, and so on.
  • The inductive method of logic is inference from the particular to the general, and the deductive method is from the general to the particular, with an obligatory reservation on logical laws. An example of deduction - autumn has come - the foliage has turned yellow and opal. An example of induction - the foliage turned yellow and opal, the summer has passed, therefore, autumn has come.
  • A sequence of actions to obtain a certain expected result (in other words, an algorithm).

Only having mastered these logical axioms, a person can have developed logical thinking.

Why do illogical people need logic?

Nobody likes people who live only by logic. These are usually indifferent egoists who do not accept such emotions and feelings as love and mercy. Cold calculation and chess analysis of all moves in advance does not give any guarantees, because logical laws have their own errors. You can often hear: “Logic is powerless here,” for example, when a person who has suffered from an incurable disease takes on a new life, or, despite terrible diagnoses, a couple has a baby.

If you think philosophically and imagine a logical world for a moment, then most likely there would be no place for cancer patients, beggars and those who do not work. If a person does not benefit society, he would simply be destroyed. That is why everything is necessary in moderation. Logic is not the only support for a person. In addition to it, there are also emotions and feelings, but the development of logic never hurts, especially if you want to learn how to think effectively.

How to develop logic in an adult?

If in childhood the development of logical thinking was not paid enough attention, then in adulthood a person may have difficulties in making decisions, reasoning, as well as problems with determining cause and effect. People with developed logical thinking are more successful in life, they make fewer mistakes, feel more confident.

  1. Try to solve logical comparison problems. On the site you can find games for the development of attention, exercises such as "Compare figures".
  2. Be sure to compete with your friends and play collective games to develop logic and attention. Instead of the usual conversation or walking, try throwing a friendly party where you compete with each other in mind games. Such an original pastime is suitable for both a noisy company and for two people in love.
  3. Check your IQ level from time to time to see the results of your workouts.
  4. Translate every everyday problem into a logical problem and try to solve it by deductive and inductive methods.
  5. When arguing with people, try to prove your point of view with logical arguments. Practice formulating indirect questions to the interlocutor to draw conclusions.
  6. Reread the good old detectives. Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie are excellent authors who have managed to teach readers logical techniques in an interesting way.
  7. Games that develop the logical component of thinking are chess, preference and backgammon. Diversify your leisure time with these board games.

Our team consists of psychologists and the best experts in game design. We strongly recommend developing on a regular basis not only logic, but also other components of intellectual abilities. By the way, many IQ test questions contain logical tasks. So if you want to be smarter, you need to exercise. The main rule for the development of logic is regular classes. Our service helps to conduct them with benefit, as well as get visual results in your personal account and the recommended program.

Hello dear readers! “Let's reason logically”, “This is logical!”, “Your actions defy logic ...” - you hear such statements every day and you yourself often operate with them. Do you know what logic is and why is it important to be guided by it? Let's understand this concept.

The scientific definition says that logic is the ability to think and reason correctly. It follows from this that logical thinking is a process during which we draw conclusions and make decisions, guided by specific facts and knowledge, analyzing and comprehending them.

It is thanks to logic that you evaluate any situation, easily isolating the most important from the secondary. It helps to find a connection between events, linking disparate facts into one chain. With the help of logic, you solve dozens of problems every day: from complex production processes to such seemingly elementary ones as choosing a type of bread in a supermarket.

But here's the paradox - despite the fact that the ability to think logically is needed not only in psychology, but also in a variety of situations, many do not know how to do it well enough, which is why they sometimes make mistakes without even realizing it. To avoid such mistakes, logical thinking needs to be trained and improved. Spending a little time every day on activities that contribute to the development of logic, you can achieve excellent results not only in children, but also in adults.

What is logical thinking impossible without?

For logical thinking, two components are needed: thinking proper and logic.

  • Thinking is a process during which the human brain processes incoming information and establishes connections between phenomena, objects and their properties. For the conclusions drawn to be correct and correspond to reality, thinking must meet the criteria of logic.
  • Logic is a way to find the right solution not by experience, but as a result of the analysis of previously acquired knowledge. In the process of thinking, it is important not only to analyze in detail the smallest nuances of a particular object or phenomenon, but also to take into account other aspects. For example, its interaction with the environment.

In the process of reasoning, it is important to abandon subjective opinions and emotions. When you use thinking and logic instead, the conclusions drawn are validated and supported by conclusive evidence.

Logical thinking is divided into three types. Having mastered all of them, you can easily solve any work and life tasks.


Figurative-logical thinking is formed at an early age. From about one and a half years old, the child is able to assess the situation and make decisions using his imagination.

Using this type of thinking, you mentally replay a given situation. Images of objects and phenomena play the main role here. While thinking, you visually represent a situation and its features, recreate the characteristics of objects in your imagination.


In the process of abstract-logical thinking, along with real objects and phenomena, abstract images that do not exist in nature are also used. Abstract representations are created by human thinking and can take the form of a concept or inference.


Verbal-logical thinking involves not only the ability to draw conclusions and make decisions by analyzing events and processes, but also skills. Developing this type of logical thinking is extremely important for those who often have to give presentations, read reports or conduct discussions.

How to develop logical thinking?

Some shrug their shoulders - why waste time developing logical thinking, if this skill is necessary for representatives of such as mathematicians, programmers, engineers, philosophers and so on.

Nevertheless, to believe that everyone else will be enough will be guided by personal experience and common sense is very wrong. Sometimes solving ordinary everyday tasks also requires the ability to think logically. Here are just some of the benefits you get when using logic:

  • You can easily navigate non-standard situations
  • You need less time to make the right decision
  • You are not inclined to give in and deceive yourself.
  • You accurately assess your capabilities
  • It is not difficult for you to correct what you or someone around you
  • You are able to convince your opponent that you are right by using the right arguments and arguments

Agree, such skills make life much easier for any person. And if so, it is worth setting aside some time in the daily schedule and devote it to the development of logical thinking.

The good news is that a person's stock of logic is not measured at birth. This means that everyone can learn logical thinking and develop this skill to the level he needs.

In universities, students study the basic aspects of logic, receive a theoretical basis, which they then learn to apply in practice. We will not dive into the depths of theory, but consider the simplest methods that will show you how to develop logic at home.

Mathematics to help

Mathematics is a science that obeys the strictest logic. Therefore, it is good to remember the school course and make the brain work on simple examples. For a start, you can remember the multiplication table. Naturally, randomly, as the school teacher did, testing your knowledge. Then the tasks can be complicated. For example, mentally adding or subtracting two-, three-, and four-digit numbers.

Board games

Checkers, backgammon and, of course, chess - these are the three leaders among board games. Choose the one that you like and improve your skills - this is a great option for training logical thinking. Do you find chess and checkers boring? It doesn't matter - there are other games that will make your logic work to its fullest. Poker, Monopoly, Mafia - everyone can find a game to their liking.

Logic tasks

You probably remember such tasks for the development of logic - in order to find the right solution, you need to break your head and calculate various options. If you have not been fond of such tasks before, do not force events and do not choose tasks of increased complexity. If you spend a lot of time and still fail to find a solution, you will be disappointed and you will no longer be tempted to repeat the failed experience. Therefore, start with the simplest and gradually increase the difficulty level.


Another great mind trainer is all kinds of crosswords. Choose the ones that you like best: classic, sudoku, scanword puzzles, Japanese graphic puzzles or other puzzles. Doing crossword puzzles is good at stimulating your brain activity and forcing you to use your logical thinking to its fullest. If you have already reached the level where even the most difficult crosswords click like seeds, you can try to compose your own crossword puzzle.

Feel like Sherlock

Remember how the legendary detective could easily solve any mysteries, simply analyzing the facts and drawing correct conclusions based on them? You can try doing the same by learning induction and deduction. Try to guess what your new acquaintance is doing, where a colleague spent his vacation, and where your random travel companion is heading. You will not only practice logical thinking, but also have fun.

Do you want to know even more ways to develop logical thinking? So you just need to read the book. "Amazing logic"... In it you will find many interesting facts, as well as original assignments and tests that will help you assess the current level of logical thinking and develop it.

How to teach a child to think logically?

The earlier you begin to develop logical thinking in a child, the easier it will be for him to study at school, as well as the solution to various everyday situations. So that logic classes are not boring, they should be carried out in a playful way. This will make it easier for the child to learn the lessons and look forward to the next lessons.

Logic tasks for different ages

Even the smallest ones are able to solve the simplest logic puzzles. A child aged one and a half to three years is already able to find a certain object among other objects, as well as distinguish colors and choose a given one. For children in such tasks, you can use colored cubes, various shapes, as well as favorite toys.

For older children, tasks can be complicated. For example, offer to find among the objects of one category an object that does not belong to it. A four-year-old is quite capable of finding an apple among vegetables, or determining that a napkin next to a spoon, cup, and plate is not a dish.

Problems for preschoolers can already be based on the basics of mathematics. Also, children aged five to six become familiar with the concept of more or less and successfully cope with tasks where it is clearly required to determine inequality.


Riddles are one of the best ways to develop figurative and logical thinking in a child from the age of two. Of course, their complexity should correspond to the age of the baby. Start simple and gradually build up the challenge. In search of a solution, the child turns on his imagination, analyzes the information received and compares it with familiar phenomena or objects.

Lego and company

You rarely meet a child who is absolutely indifferent to designers. Of course, everyone has their own preferences. Someone is crazy about Lego sets, from which you can assemble a whole city with buildings, vehicles, people and animals. And someone likes simple sets of blocks, from which you can build whatever your imagination tells you. Older children may like kits to assemble models of land, air, or water transport.

Let's play?

Board games are good for training logic in both adults and children. Of course, it may be too early to present chess to a kid. Instead, you can choose one of the age-appropriate recommended games. A thematic lotto or domino is a good option. However, free games also give excellent results. Teach your child to play sea battle or tic-tac-toe - such battles will make his logic work in an enhanced mode.

Collect the picture

Today you can buy jigsaw puzzles designed for a wide variety of ages. Kids will be happy to put together a familiar object from two or four large parts. And as you grow older, the number of puzzles in the set will increase, and their size will become smaller and smaller.

If your child is just getting started with jigsaw puzzles, avoid pictures with a uniform background. It will be difficult for a beginner to collect blue skies or endless sea spaces. Give preference to fragments from familiar fairy tales or cartoons. And if the child has difficulties, be sure to help and direct his efforts in the right direction.

As you can see, in order to develop logical thinking, it is not necessary to study textbooks intended for universities. There are many pleasant and fun ways to train logic daily, without much effort and time.

What methods do you use? Write about it in the comments and share your methods.