Real interior of a beautiful kitchen. How to decorate the kitchen in a modern style (real photos). Kitchen set materials and their elements

A beautiful interior always starts with a good idea. If you have to plan a kitchen design without the help of a professional, we suggest looking for inspiration, fresh ideas of 2019 and ready-made successful solutions in our selection of 120 real photos of interiors (mainly Russian apartments). Illustrative examples will help you imagine and better think about the layout of the kitchen, color combinations, finishing materials, decor and furniture.

Here you can find interesting photos of kitchen design, and then by clicking on the corresponding active link, you will go to a more detailed article on the topic and learn how to recreate something similar in your home.

15 kitchen design ideas with photos

Idea 1. Discreet interior with golden details

If the interior of your kitchen is tastefully decorated, but it lacks something for a wow effect, then it might be worth adding some gold to it. However, not necessarily gold. Bronze, brass, copper parts will work even better.

Our advice: The main condition for success is that the decor should not be too elegant, colorful, with an abundance of gloss, and there should be very few golden accents. For example, it can be: lamps, headset handles, faucets, picture frames, table accessories.

If you are equipping a kitchen from scratch and have doubts about choosing a color scheme, then we recommend choosing a simple and win-win scheme: gold details + furniture and walls in neutral shades (gray, milky, beige).

Idea 2. Monochrome white kitchen - simple and stylish

When the walls, floor and kitchen set are white, the boundaries of space seem to disappear and even the smallest kitchen begins to seem spacious, filled with light and air. By the way, white surfaces are not at all easily soiled and require the same maintenance as surfaces of any other color. Moreover, they are much more practical than dark materials and even the biggest mess on a light background looks less annoying.

Our advice: In order for a monochrome white interior not to resemble a hospital ward, you need to use a lot of “contrasting” textures and materials. White brick, gloss, glass, white wood, ceramics, textiles and stucco - all this will make the kitchen cozy and stylish, not sterile and boring.

White kitchen design in stalinka

Idea 3. Gray kitchen

Gray is a more fashionable and practical replacement for white or beige. It is ideal for both kitchen and wall decoration. Shades of gray have a lot of advantages: they are practical, combined with all colors, balance the abundance of decor and bright colors in the interior, and generally ennoble the design of the kitchen. In addition, gray walls and furniture have the ability to look equally good in both artificial and natural light.

The design of the kitchen-living room in gray-lilac tones

Idea 4. Kitchen design in white and yellow tones

A white interior with yellow accents is the perfect solution for dark Nordic kitchens. The fact is that yellow shades can replace sunlight and act on households as an antidepressant and energy drink. The main thing is not to overdo it with the dosage, since in large volumes this color can irritate. In this selection of photos you can see photo examples of kitchen design with yellow walls.

Idea 5. Russian style kitchen

The conditional "Russian style" of the interior can be different, for example, country, Soviet, manor or old Moscow. Choose the direction closest to you, carefully consider the color scheme, use only natural materials whenever possible and try not to overdo it with prints, decor and color. If everything is done correctly, the interior of the Russian-style kitchen will turn out to be very cozy and stylish.

And here is a selection of photo examples of the design of the dining area in the Russian style.

Our tip: Sometimes a couple of iconic accessories or decor items are enough to create the right mood. For example, a samovar, a Gzhel collection or Zhostovo trays can be included in the design of the kitchen, as in the photo below.

Idea 6. Colorful tiles on the floor and / or in the backsplash

Variegated tiles (metlakh tiles, azulejos, oriental and Russian tiles), despite their brightness, are quite versatile. It fits into both classic and modern interiors, looks good both in flooring and backsplash, both in the design of a small kitchen and a spacious one. So, for example, in a small kitchen, tiles with patterns, attracting glances at themselves, distract them from the tightness of the room, and in a large room, they bring a feeling of comfort to the interior.

Design of a small kitchen with colorful tiles in Khrushchev

Our advice:

  • Motley tiles look best in a monochrome interior, with walls/furniture in subdued hues.
  • If your apron/floor is already finished with conventional ceramic tiles, then you can paint it using special stencils and chalk paints, for example, from Daria Geiler. You can see an example in the photo below. alterations of facades and apron with just paint and stencils.

Idea 7. Kitchen with a window sill-bar

If you are planning a kitchen design from scratch, then you should consider the idea of ​​converting a window sill into a breakfast bar. In a large kitchen-dining room or in the presence of a separate dining room, the bar counter can play the role of a breakfast and snack table, and in a small kitchen it will become a compact replacement for a dining table, saving space for the work area and storage system. Here are some photos of kitchen interiors with window sills.

Idea 8. Magnetic slate wall

Magnetic slate wall can not only look cool in the interior of the kitchen, but also bring practical benefits. It is convenient to leave notes for household members, write recipes, grocery and to-do lists, as well as attach magnetic shelves, hooks and spice containers.

Our advice: If you want to make a chalk wall thoroughly and permanently, then it is better to use either a ready-made magnetic slate board or slate paint. If the slate surface is needed only for a year or two, then the wall should be decorated with self-adhesive chalk wallpaper - they are inexpensive, easy to glue and peel off.

With a chalk wall, you won't have to worry about children's drawings on the walls.

An apron can also be slate.

Design of a small kitchen-dining room with a slate apron

Idea 9. Mirrors

The most effective way to visually enlarge a space and brighten it up is to hang a large mirror on the wall. The main thing is that it be hardened or plastic (it's safer) and fixed away from the stove and sink (it's more practical).

Our advice: Hanging a mirror in front of a window can increase the lighting and create the illusion of a second window.

An example of decorating a small kitchen with mirrors

Mirror in the design of a classic kitchen in stalinka

Kitchen design in a redesigned Khrushchev

Idea 10. Kitchen with a sofa

A small sofa will allow you to comfortably watch TV in the kitchen, arrange cozy gatherings with friends and, if necessary, accommodate guests.

Design project of a studio apartment

If you want to give the kitchen a more formal look, use an elegant bench or ottoman.

Our advice: If the kitchen is small, then the sofa can be replaced with a bench or a kitchen nook with built-in storage boxes, as in these photos.

Idea 11. Transparent furniture

Another super trick for small kitchen design is the use of transparent furniture. Tables and chairs made of polycarbonate look very stylish, they are quite wear-resistant and practical, and most importantly, they do not clutter up the space.

Idea 12. The focus is on the dining table

We often arrange the dining area in the kitchen so that it is first of all comfortable, roomy and practical. But why not give it a more formal look? After all, this is possible regardless of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen and the size of the table. It is only necessary: ​​visually or physically separate the dining room from the working area, illuminate the table with wall sconces, a lampshade or a beautiful chandelier and decorate it with accessories.

Dining area in the kitchen-living room in Khrushchev

Dining area in a small kitchen in stalinka

Here are some more photo examples of kitchen design with an elegant table.

What should be the interior design of the kitchen? First of all, comfortable, ergonomic, thought out in detail. Interior design at a high level requires an infusion of significant funds and time resources. Repair begins with the creation of a design project, drawn by hand or in a special program. The kitchen, as a complex object for design, needs a preliminary interior design, perhaps more than other rooms, with the possible exception of the bathroom.

Do not limit yourself to thinking through the design in your head, be sure to transfer your thoughts to a piece of paper, correlate ideas with the actual size of the kitchen. Here, some inconsistencies and difficulties in translating design ideas may come to the surface.

Features of kitchen renovation

When planning the interior of the kitchen, it is not enough to decide on the decor and arrangement of objects in terms of comfort. There are a number of factors that either will not allow to implement the design project in all its details, or this will require much more effort, financial resources and time than planned. It must be remembered that drawing up a kitchen design project is not only a creative process, but also engineering work.

Factors that complicate the design of interior design:

  • Bearing walls. Not in all cases, it is possible to expand a small kitchen by combining it with a living room. Sometimes you have to be content with the available square meters.
  • Low ceiling. This detail can correct your tasks. It will be necessary to think over how to visually solve this problem. In addition, complex ceiling structures are not your case.
  • Availability of sewerage and water supply. The location of the kitchen sink is tied to the sewerage and water supply, if you want to move it, then additional plumbing work will be required.
  • A large number of electrical appliances that require power supplied to predetermined locations. Each switch and each socket must be located in strictly defined places.
  • High humidity. Good ventilation will be required so that the climate in the kitchen is always comfortable.
  • Gas appliances. As you know, by law, the kitchen cannot be combined with the living room if a gas stove is installed there. Combining is possible only when replacing a gas stove with an electric one or installing a light partition.
  • Changes in temperature and evaporation of fats. This factor influences the choice of finishing materials. They must be waterproof and washable.

Video: kitchen repair errors

Much in the design depends on the initial dimensions of the room:

Practical solution:

  • A lot of space.
  • Lots of air and light.
  • Great scope for creativity, the embodiment of design finds.
  • Viewability of space, which is good if the family has small children who need constant monitoring.


  • Powerful hood required
  • It is necessary to constantly maintain order so that the room looks presentable. It will not be possible to close the door to the kitchen when unexpected guests arrive.

Standard kitchen (about 10 m2). It is believed that the premises of such an area are quite convenient, especially if there is an exit to the balcony.

In such a kitchen there is enough space to accommodate all the necessary interior elements: household appliances and furniture. However, one should not strive to embrace the immensity, it is better to refuse something, for example, dimensional furniture, a large number of cabinets and shelves.

Of great importance is the shape of the kitchen: rectangular or square. In a square kitchen, an island area would be appropriate, which can play the role of a dining or working area. There is no space in the narrow kitchen of the island zone; it is quite difficult to place a dining table. The best option is by the window. Due to the difficulty in placing the dining area, some resort to redevelopment - combining the kitchen and living room.

When preparing an interior design project for a small kitchen, you will have to think carefully. In a limited space it is difficult to combine aesthetics and functionality. You will have to pay a lot of attention to the choice of color and decor. Such an object requires a separate detailed consideration. We will return to the conversation about the small kitchen.

When designing the interior of a kitchen of any size, one must strive for ergonomics. The basis of the kitchen design project is the working triangle: stove, sink, refrigerator. These three items should be close to each other.

Video: kitchen-living room design secrets

Colors and their combinations in the interior of the kitchen

It is known that colors affect the psyche and well-being of a person. They can both cheer up and calm, improve mood or depress. It is extremely important what color your kitchen is decorated in. Indeed, in this zone they not only often spend time, but also eat, which means that the color design will affect not only the psychological state, but also the physiological functions of the body.

10 colors

Psychologists are not in vain advised to avoid a lot of red in the bedroom. This color has an exciting effect on the nervous system and does not allow you to relax. It will work the same way in the kitchen. On the one hand, the household will have a good appetite, the atmosphere will seem cheerful, on the other hand, a long stay in such an interior provokes headaches and nervous tension in susceptible people. Suitable for extroverts, but introverts in a red kitchen will feel uncomfortable. Also, keep in mind that the abundance of red increases blood pressure.

It should not be used in small kitchens, as this color visually brings objects closer and heavier.

Often combined with white, gray, black colors.

The color of energy, positive and comfort. Pairs well with calmer colors. It, like the red color, increases objects, but at the same time they do not seem bulky. Great for larger than average kitchens located on the north side. In the interior of the kitchen, combinations with white, black, milky, brown, blue and green colors are used.

A cheerful color that literally glows from within and makes the kitchen sunny. In terms of its effect on a person, yellow is similar to red. It's best to use it in limited amounts, as it tends to get annoying. It is known that yellow goes well with its neighbors in the palette: orange, red, green. A successful combination of lemon yellow and turquoise, yellow and brown, purple.

If you want to create a feeling of freshness in the kitchen, then this is what you need. Green can both invigorate and soothe. Green has many shades: muted, with a yellow or bluish tint, with which you can create different moods. It is combined with white, gray, beige, brown, orange and pink.

Blue/cyan. Blue is an elegant and strict color. However, you have to be careful with it. Despite the fact that this color has a positive effect on blood pressure, normalizing it, calms and drives away stress, it, unlike red, orange, yellow, depresses appetite. In addition, when used in large quantities, it causes melancholy and depression. To avoid negative influence, blue should be combined with warm shades, for example, beige, bronze, orange. However, you can pick up light and airy shades of blue or aquamarine. In general, the blue color gives depth to the space and seems to push the walls apart.

Purple/lilac. A bold decision for the kitchen. Each shade of purple, and there are many of them, is perceived differently in the interior. This is the color that requires good lighting, so you should take care of a sufficient number of sources of natural and artificial light. Dark shades of purple give a bohemian look to the room, lilac calms.

Remember that shades of purple do not blend well with each other, but they harmonize well with white, gray, olive, chocolate. This color should not be used in small rooms.

The white interior has both advantages and disadvantages. As for the pros, the white kitchen looks larger than its actual size. With the help of white, you can create a simple or sophisticated interior in the style of high-tech, minimalism, classic, Scandinavian. But such a kitchen is too easily soiled, you will have to clean up very often. A white kitchen is a clean canvas that can be embellished with bright accents. This color goes well with all others.

You have to be extremely careful with this color, which is probably why black is used in design not too often, mainly in modern interiors in the style of minimalism, hi-tech. Especially controversial is its choice as the main one for the kitchen. There can be a lot of black color if, for example, the facades of the kitchen are made in black, or it can be introduced into the interior in separate patches. Black can be depressing, especially when complementary colors are chosen incorrectly. It, like white, is combined with all colors, but most often it is combined with light ones: with white, light gray, milky, beige. An important condition is good lighting.

Gray has many shades: one can be warm, the other cold. The overall impression will depend on the texture of the surface and on other colors present in the interior that will shade the gray. Be careful, a gray interior can easily be made gloomy. In a gray kitchen, the decor of bronze, gold and silver colors will look great.

Beige/brown. If you use predominantly beige and brown colors in the interior of the kitchen, then it will turn out to be cozy and “warm”. Beige combines the best features of white and yellow and is devoid of their shortcomings. Like white, beige visually expands the space and invigorates like yellow. At the same time, the interior, made in beige, is not too easily soiled and does not irritate visually. Brown and beige are suitable for interior design in a classic style, country and Provence styles.

Having thought over the design project, having verified the colors of the future interior and the arrangement of furniture, try not to deviate from your plan even a single step. Otherwise, the end result may be disappointing.

Video: color schemes for interior design

Kitchen interior styles

We have already touched on the topic of choosing the main color of the interior, now let's deal with the style directions of the kitchen interior. The features of the most popular styles will be noted, but this does not mean that the kitchen cannot be decorated in accordance with other styles. Below you can read more about the features of interiors in styles:

  • country,
  • provence,
  • modern,
  • ethno,
  • classic,
  • Art Deco.

But the scope of fantasy is not limited to them. You may well choose loft, hi-tech, minimalism, Scandinavian style, contemporary or other styles.

Country style

Country style and rustic style are one and the same. It is characterized by attention to detail, because it is they who form the country style. A distinctive feature is the environmental friendliness of materials.

Style Features:

  • Massive and somewhat rough wooden kitchen set, specially aged, as well as wicker and wrought iron furniture.
  • Calm natural colors, such as the color of wood.
  • Using bright colors only as accents.
  • The use of untreated wood.
  • Ceiling beams.
  • Finishing with brick, stone, plaster, wallpaper with a small unobtrusive pattern - floral. There may be porcelain tiles on the floor.
  • Clay, copper and wooden utensils hung on the walls or placed on open shelves as decoration. In the same neighborhood you can place jars of cereals, all kinds of boxes, wicker baskets.
  • Natural handmade textiles - two-color or patchwork, crafts.
  • Forged chandelier is a frequent attribute of style.
  • Warm artificial lighting.

The main thing in country style is comfort and coziness. In general, country style is designed to recreate the atmosphere of a village hut.

Classic style

A predictable choice for conservatives. The classic style never gets old, it looks great in a large kitchen space, although exceptions are possible. Emphatically respectable and solid. The linear arrangement of the headset is characteristic. In a classic interior, there should be no plastic elements, if it is not an imitation of natural materials.


  • columns and arches
  • massive furniture,
  • clear lines and shapes,
  • antiques,
  • drapery,
  • stucco,
  • warm tones,
  • natural textiles.

An almost obligatory detail of the interior should be a classic chandelier, perhaps even a crystal one. Spot lighting must be carefully considered if you do not want to completely abandon it.

Traditionally, expensive finishing materials are used, such as precious woods, stone. In order to reduce the cost of repairs, imitations of these materials are used.

The colors of the classic interior: everything in the range from white to brown, as well as gold, green, terracotta, light pink or blue.

art deco style

Luxurious style. And it's not just appearance. Decorating a kitchen in the art deco style can only be afforded by wealthy people, as furniture in this style will be expensive. Art Deco style literally screams wealth. The combination of the incongruous, eclecticism is characteristic: the interweaving of classical forms with technical innovations and modern design finds. This is a mixture of elements of empire, ethno, modern, oriental style.

Style Features:

  • Valuable wood species, in particular wenge.
  • A natural stone.
  • Decor in the form of black and white photographs, mirrors or paintings in gilded frames. It will not be bad manners to combine stucco, gold trim with a chrome oven or glass-ceramic hob. What can I say, even a bar counter in such an interior will be in place.
  • Along with the beige-brown range, lilac and purple colors, dark shades of red, as well as white and black can be used.
  • You can not combine silver and gold shades in the same interior. Blue, green and orange colors are not used.
  • natural materials.
  • Streamlined furniture.

Provence style

This style is also called French country. It's not a mistake. Provence is the rustic style of French Provence. And Provence cannot but echo country. It is also characterized by:

  • open shelves filled with dishes and jars, jugs, vases with bunches of herbs, in particular lavender, cockerel figurines. The walls can be decorated with beautiful plates.
  • an abundance of wicker, forged, copper, lace, embroidered.
  • aged furniture,
  • textiles with a floral or checkered pattern.

The difference is manifested in the chosen color scheme. If the country is characterized by shades of natural wood, sometimes dark, then in the interior, decorated in the Provencal style, light pastel shades should be used, if the wood is bleached. The predominant color is often beige, blue or olive, but the kitchen can be white, gray or sandy. Now, however, they are moving away from pastel colors and, for example, blue or dark olive is allowed. Violet, bright yellow can be used as accents.

  • For wall decoration, plaster, brick, wood, paint are used. Wallpaper is used extremely rarely and locally. Kitchen facades are often decorated with carvings, stained-glass windows, panels, decoupage, craquelure. A characteristic feature are wooden chairs with upholstered seats with drawstrings.
  • All technology that looks modern should be hidden from view. You can purchase "household assistants", the body of which is made in the Provencal style. Many manufacturers make these.
  • The countertop and apron are often tiled.
  • Full compliance can be achieved by placing flowering plants on stands and on window sills; cuckoo clock on the wall; hanging herbs from the ceiling.

Everything in the interior of Provence should breathe hospitality.

Ethno style

The ethnic style is varied. The color scheme and decor elements - that's what creates the desired picture. They will depend on which ethnic culture is chosen. In the kitchen, it is quite possible to create a corner of Japan, Morocco, Africa.

When creating an African interior, kitchens use shades of brown, rare wood such as wenge and zebrano, animal prints, figures of black people. An apron with the image of the African savannah will look great. The Moroccan style, which also belongs to the African style, is rich in details. A distinctive feature is small geometric patterns in which several colors are intertwined. The apron is often laid out with ceramic tiles with this pattern.

The Japanese style is restrained and simple. It is recreated using light rice paper partitions. Bonsai can grow in pots. The walls can be decorated with hieroglyphs, fans, put a large vase with ikebana in the corner. Chandelier lampshade can be made from wood or rice paper. Choose dark brown, red, beige colors.

Indian style is Buddhist figurines, batik, silk. The colors used are bright, botanical. Characterized by rounded lines, small and large pillows, multi-layered curtains. The floor can be made of porcelain stoneware or ceramic tiles with an ethnic pattern. Despite the fact that we are talking about the interior of the kitchen, a carpet will also be appropriate here.

Modern style

Suitable for young and energetic people. This style is concise and devoid of pretentious details. Emphasis is placed on convenience and technical progress, so the interior looks futuristic.


  • Functionality of all elements.
  • Smooth and glossy surfaces, in particular kitchen fronts.
  • The abundance of plastic and metal, glass. Wood may be used.
  • The apron can be made of glass mosaic or glass panel with photo printing.
  • Modular furniture.

As for colors, Art Nouveau is patient with the most unpredictable contrasting combinations.

Often this is an interior characterized by the severity of lines and simplicity of forms. The main attention in the kitchen should be directed to the kitchen set.

If you turn to professional designers for a design project, the cost of the project will also depend on the chosen style direction. Eclecticism will cost more than classics.

Small kitchen interior

Small kitchens are not at all a relic of the past. It seems that only Khrushchev houses were “equipped” with small kitchens, but this is not at all true. In some new buildings today, kitchens are also small-sized, so small kitchen interior design tips will be relevant for a long time to come.

  • In a small kitchen, you can embody any style that allows the use of light shades. In particular, these are Provence and country, hi-tech, classic style, Scandinavian, minimalism.
  • Try to avoid sharp corners and bulky furniture. Choose built-in furniture, small models of appliances.
  • Remember that with the help of mirror surfaces it will be possible to expand the space.
  • The table can be replaced by a bar counter. In addition, it can be reclining.
  • Use the windowsill as a work surface or move the sink there. A multicooker, microwave or food processor can find their place on the windowsill.
  • Arrange good lighting.

More ideas for design appear if the small kitchen has access to the balcony. Its space is used in a variety of ways. The insulated balcony can become a winter garden, a continuation of the kitchen, where the dining area will be located; uninsulated - a place for summer recreation, a refrigerator in the winter. The door to the insulated balcony in a small kitchen is best replaced with a sliding version or French glazing. Instead of a balcony block, a bar counter can be installed.

The main requirements for the interior of a small kitchen: functionality, practicality. For example, hanging cabinets can be very high, up to the ceiling.

Video: how to choose furniture for a small kitchen

How to remake a refrigerator under a window in Khrushchev

The locker under the window in Khrushchev is not in vain called a refrigerator. In winter, perishable products can be stored there. When remodeling the kitchen, you need to do something with the refrigerator:

  • Leave it as it is, for its intended use - it will be necessary to replace the doors with more presentable ones and corresponding to the style of the interior; consider how best to insulate the refrigerator so that the cold does not penetrate the room.
  • Make an ordinary locker, which is especially important if the window sill will act as a work surface. By the way, some equipment, for example, a washing machine, can be located in a niche. In this case, the refrigerator is insulated.
  • Lay it completely, removing the niche or making it small, about 15 cm deep. It is best to move the heating radiator there so that it functions as efficiently as possible.
  • Dismantle a thin wall and make glazing to the floor - the kitchen will be very bright.

10 kitchen design mistakes and shortcomings

When designing a kitchen design, try to avoid the mistakes listed below, or be prepared for the fact that failure to follow the recommendations will complicate the cleaning in the kitchen or the process of moving around.

linear arrangement. If the kitchen has a long wall, then many people prefer to place all the furniture, including the refrigerator, along this wall. This is a mistake, because the working triangle is called a triangle because its three components must be located in different angles. Linear arrangement is relevant only in small kitchens. If the kitchen is quite large and long, imagine how many times you have to go from one end to the other in the process of cooking, it is much easier to place one of the elements against the opposite wall or as an island, then it will only be enough to turn around.

No work surface between stove and sink or refrigerator. After the dishes are washed, they must be left somewhere to dry; when cooking, put spatulas, spoons, lids from pots or pans on the work surface, and finally, food. Without a work surface it will be very inconvenient.

narrow space. Between the kitchen unit and the island; kitchen set placed on two sides; either a headset and a dining table or a bar counter must have a distance of at least 120 cm.

Only central lighting. In the kitchen, there must be an illumination of the working area, if only because you block the light from the chandelier while cooking or washing dishes.

Glossy facades and wooden floors. Such surfaces quickly become dirty and lose their attractive appearance.

Marble surfaces. Keep in mind that marble is a porous material, and this can play a trick, for example, coloring products spilled on a marble countertop or marble floor will leave a stubborn stain.

Built-in appliances too low or too high. Again, it's a matter of comfort. All built-in appliances should be located at the level of the belt, because it will not be possible to rearrange it, placing it more conveniently.

No space for small appliances. Almost no one can do without household helpers in the kitchen. Provide free space for household appliances: a multicooker, a blender, a coffee maker, a food processor and other things, even if these appliances are not available now. Perhaps in the future you will want to buy something.

Open shelves instead of wall cabinets. Many styles allow open shelves in the kitchen. However, there is a great risk that over time they will be littered with unnecessary and by no means decorative items. If you decide on open shelves, then at least leave enough storage space in the lower cabinets.

Wide and deep drawers. Another detail that is often overlooked when trying to provide as much space as possible to store everything you need and not so much. At first glance, it seems that wide and deep drawers are functional. Yes, they will allow much to be hidden in their bowels, but how heavy they will be - think about it.

Photos of kitchen interiors

The kitchen is a special space, which, due to its mission, should be functional, practical, comfortable and aesthetic. How to combine all these qualities and create a non-trivial interior design? In order to achieve the task, you should think through a lot of nuances: style, colors, layout, decoration, lighting, textiles - we will dwell on each point in detail and consider the real design options for the kitchen in the apartment, the photos of which will become guidelines for you in arranging your square meters.

The starting point for organizing the kitchen space is the choice of a general style direction for interior design. There are many pure and mixed styles, but we will look at the five most popular solutions for ordinary kitchens and see what they are remarkable for.

Rational minimalism

Minimalism in all its diverse manifestations is a tribute to practicality, ergonomics and conciseness. There is no place for unnecessary details, color heaps and complex shapes. From here we have the following design features:

  • Dominance of two colors - in the interior there are no more than two primary colors. But their muted derivative shades are used without restrictions.
  • Built-in appliances - large kitchen appliances are hidden under facades with steel shiny or matte surfaces.
  • Elongated facades - the kitchen is dominated by long facades with hidden or equally elongated, but inconspicuous handles.
  • A minimum of decor - the style welcomes only simple and even strict accessories that do not stand out from the general background.

Strict laconic minimalism - not a single extra detail

Actual classic

The classic style does not go out of fashion, although it undergoes some changes. Today, classics are no longer pretentiousness and pompous luxury, but elegance and graceful quality factor. Visually evaluate the classic design of the kitchen in standard apartments will help photos of the interiors:

Distinctive features of the classic:

  • Adjusted proportions - the design is always based on symmetry: the center of the composition is the working area, and the rest of the interior items diverge equally remotely from it.
  • Natural materials - even a modest classic does not tolerate cheap solutions, so furniture, decoration, textiles and decor are made from good-quality natural materials.
  • Designated dining area - in a classic kitchen there is always a clearly defined dining area: even if it is a small corner, it does not merge with the workspace.
  • Accent textiles - curtains, towels, napkins, potholders and other textile details are made of dense fabrics and have an elegant look, therefore they are the main decor of the space.

Classic design in a new way

Warm Provence

The Provence style kitchen is a reminder of the Mediterranean spirit with its serenity and originality. Despite the obvious rustic notes, this style decision is appropriate not only in the house, but also in a standard city apartment - here it finds the following expression:

  • Pastel palette - dominated by warm soft shades that return to nature: peach, olive, lavender, milky, heavenly. And they are diluted with bright colors of lilac, yellow, honey, turquoise.
  • Natural materials - Provence does not accept the use of a large number of artificial details, so natural materials prevail here: wood, stone, plaster, brick.
  • Aged pieces of furniture - to create an authentic interior design, furniture is “gifted” with roughness, patina, small cracks and other manifestations of age.
  • Symbolic little things - Provence style design is not complete without a characteristic decor: forged animal figurines, painted ceramic plates, baskets with dried flowers.

Cozy Provence with Mediterranean notes

Functional high-tech

In the era of innovation, high-tech as a style based on the active use of high technology is more than relevant. It meets the demands of time in all respects, which is confirmed by its characteristic features:

  • Progressive technology - high-tech is unthinkable without a large number of modern multifunctional equipment: from smart coffee makers to multitasking refrigerators.
  • Ascetic furniture - all working pieces of furniture of strict geometric shapes with smooth facades without a hint of a pronounced relief or decor. If you look at photos of real interiors, it becomes clear that upholstered furniture also has a laconic streamlined or rectangular shape.
  • Shiny materials - high-tech tends to materials with a smooth glossy texture: plastic, polypropylene, acrylic panels, glass, stainless steel, metal with a chrome or silver surface.
  • An abundance of light - the high-tech kitchen in the apartment is literally flooded with light: spotlights and spotlights with directional light are mounted in all functional areas of the room.

Practical and ergonomic high-tech design

cheeky loft

Bold, extraordinary, but realistic - this is how we know a modern loft. This industrial style challenges traditional design trends and perfectly calibrated space decorating techniques. For those who want to know what such a non-trivial kitchen design looks like in an apartment, real photos will reveal all the business cards of the style:

  • Brickwork - at least one wall in an industrial kitchen should be lined with brick with a natural texture.
  • Metal surfaces - matte and even slightly aged metal is no less important for a loft than brick: furniture, lamps, and decor can be made from this material.
  • Experiments with furniture - in industrial design you rarely see one-piece sets, since all cabinets, shelves, tables, chairs and other pieces of furniture here are often made of different materials and combined in random order.
  • Original lighting - in the photo of loft kitchens in apartments, instead of standard chandeliers and sconces, extravagant lamps flaunt: lamps on long cords and metal trusses, spotlights, lanterns.

Loft in the apartment - an environment with an industrial character

Color palette

There are no right or wrong colors for a kitchen in a standard apartment, but there are certain subtleties in choosing a palette regarding the dimensions of the space being designed and the influence of shades on the human psyche. The indicated points directly determine how the design will be perceived in a particular color scheme, therefore, having conventionally divided the tones into pastel and bright ones, we will analyze them on both points.

Psychophysics of colors

Pastel shades - milky, cream, blue, peach, light yellow, ivory, pale mint - have a calming effect on the household. Pastel calms the excited nervous system, does not irritate or distract. But it is important that the color palette is not pale cold, otherwise its effect will be completely opposite.

Bright colors have a special energy that can affect a person both life-affirming and depressing. It all depends on the saturation of tones. Juicy red, lettuce, tangerine, turquoise, yellow, indigo, chocolate - these colors stimulate appetite and cheer up. But an overabundance of cobalt, blueberry, cherry, purple, burgundy and various variations of acid shades, due to their sharpness, can create an uncomfortable atmosphere.

Juicy yellow palette in the kitchen interior

Kitchen color correction

Any color scheme is suitable for a large kitchen - here you can focus only on your own tastes and a harmonious combination of shades among themselves. If you have a small kitchen in an ordinary apartment at your disposal, the choice of color palette should be approached as carefully as possible. Your task is to find shades that will visually increase the modest space both in height and in width.

The optimal formula for a small kitchen in a standard apartment: 75% pastel colors and 25% bright dark ones. In this case, you get a double positive effect: a light background that makes the room visually more spacious, and rich inclusions that do not allow the interior to be boring. It is desirable to focus light tones on the upper level, and darker ones on the lower level.

Cozy Provence in pastel colors

Organization of the kitchen space

One of the most pressing questions when creating a kitchen project in an apartment: how to fit all the necessary items in one room and do it in style? Especially if the room is standard or, even more difficult, small. What types of layouts exist, how to organize the interior of a kitchen with a balcony or in a studio apartment - we understand further.

Layout types

There are four types of layout of a standard kitchen in an apartment:

  1. Linear. Three working areas - storage, cooking and washing - are located in one or two rows along one wall. Opposite the working triangle is the dining room. The option is suitable for narrow elongated spaces.
  2. Corner. The sink is located in the corner, and storage and cooking zones depart in two rows to the right and left of it. Opposite the corner area is a dining table. Due to its ergonomics, the option is suitable for both small and spacious kitchens.
  3. U-shaped. The zones are located along three walls: along the narrow one - a sink with a worktop, along the wide parallel ones - storage and cooking areas. The dining room is set up against a free wall. The layout is suitable for rectangular and square rooms with a width of at least 2.4 m.
  4. Parallel. Work areas are located along two long parallel walls. The dining area is against a narrow wall. The option is suitable for wide and walk-through rooms.

Note! In any layout, a distance of at least 60 cm must be maintained between the hob and the sink.

Traditional linear layout

Zoning of the kitchen-living room

For interior design of a kitchen in a studio apartment, island and peninsular layouts are best suited. In the first case, the central place in the combined space is occupied by an island that performs several functions at once: a worktop, a dining table, a storage area with numerous drawers and shelves, and most importantly, a delimiter between the kitchen and the living room.

The island layout is suitable only for spacious rooms, but for ordinary combined spaces with a total area of ​​​​up to 20 sq.m. it is better to choose a compromise option - the peninsula. It is an island table with modules and shelves, but not separately from the kitchen set, but as its continuation. Thus, you get the same effective zoning tool as a full-fledged island, but more ergonomic and compact.

Photo example of zoning a kitchen-studio using a peninsula

Kitchen with balcony

The presence of a balcony in the kitchen is a good opportunity to unload the main space and increase its usable area. This can be done in two ways: remove only the window and the door, and use the remaining partition as an underframe for a work or dining tabletop, or remove the entire wall if it is not load-bearing, and combine the kitchen with a balcony into a single room.

Important! It is forbidden to arbitrarily demolish the wall between the kitchen and the balcony - before starting repairs, you need to coordinate the redevelopment of the apartment with the BTI and get permission for it.

It is most rational to use the new kitchen-balcony space either as a work-pantry or as a dining area. In the first case, such a scheme will be convenient: near the narrow walls - cabinets or racks for large dishes, and near the wall adjacent to the kitchen - a worktop. In the second case, a full-fledged dining table with a mini-sofa or poufs and a cupboard for dishes can be placed on the balcony.

Photo idea: a dining group was placed on the former loggia

Options for finishing the kitchen in the apartment

Finishing the kitchen in the apartment must meet three basic criteria: practicality, aesthetics and durability. By taking these factors into account, it is much easier to understand the wide range of materials for walls, floors, ceilings and splashbacks and find a truly worthwhile cladding for each surface.


The most rational options for finishing the floor:

  • Tile. Tiled and ceramic facings have long become classics - on every second photo of the kitchen interior in an ordinary apartment, you can see exactly the tile. This is due to a number of advantages of the material: practicality, ease of use, a wide range of prices and a variety of designs. But tiles also have disadvantages - they are cold and prone to abrasion.
  • Porcelain tile. The main advantage of this artificial material is its high hardness, which makes it resistant to any physical influences. In terms of aesthetics and practicality, porcelain stoneware is not inferior to tiles, but its price is several times higher.
  • Parquet. The finish attracts with its environmental friendliness, static, non-slip, durability and good appearance. When choosing parquet, you need to be prepared for high costs - for the kitchen you need to buy durable wood finishes with moisture-proof treatment.
  • Laminate. For kitchen coatings, a special laminate with a high moisture resistance coefficient is produced - it is strong, durable, resistant to scratches and aggressive environments. The most important plus of finishing is the ability to imitate almost any natural materials. The main disadvantage is the relatively low environmental friendliness.

Classic checkerboard floor tiles

Ceiling decoration

Given the high humidity of the kitchen, the following finishing options would be most appropriate here:

  • Painting. A standard type of ceiling finish that has not lost popularity due to three advantages: affordable cost, ease of operation and the possibility of local restoration.
  • Stretch fabrics. A modern solution that captivates with design variability and the ability to create harmonious combinations with any other finishing materials.
  • Hanging structures. Includes plasterboard, plastic and slatted ceilings. All three options have an undeniable advantage - they make it possible to effectively hide engineering communications and defects in the draft ceiling.

Stretch ceiling with LED lighting

wall decoration

To decorate the walls of kitchens in standard apartments, they most often use:

  • Wallpaper - non-woven, vinyl and glass. They are not afraid of moisture, temperature changes and sunlight, and can also be wet cleaned.
  • Paint - antibacterial water-based or acrylic. The finish is easy to maintain, affordable, but most importantly, it is presented in a wide palette of colors and textures. In the photo you can see how bright the interior with painted walls turns out, even in a standard apartment.
  • Tiles - ceramics and tiles. Facing attracts not only with its practicality and ease of maintenance, but also with its decorative effect - due to the variety of shapes, textures and colors, tiles can be laid not only in the traditional way, but also in the form of artistic mosaics and panels.
  • Textured plaster - mineral fine-grained or Venetian. It is popular due to its environmental friendliness and the ability to take on diverse relief outlines: from tree bark to linen textiles.
  • Decorative stone - granite, marble, brick. The finish is famous for its durability, resistance to moisture, noise and heat insulation, as well as its extraordinary design - it is the non-triviality that determines the widespread use of stone in the design of the walls of modern kitchens.
  • PVC sheets - PVC lining or wall panels. Materials based on polyvinyl chloride are budgetary, easy to maintain, moisture resistant and hygienic. But their main advantage is ease of processing: the surface of the sheets can be decorated with any pattern, varnished and treated with impregnations to give the necessary texture.

Bright interior with painted walls

Protective apron

Apron - wall covering along the work area, designed to protect kitchen walls from grease, steam, soot, heat, water and detergents. Given the specifics of the coating, its material must be resistant to moisture, temperature extremes, alkaline and acidic environments - four types of finishes meet these qualities:

  • Ceramic tiles are smooth with a glossy surface.
  • Stone - granite, marble or basalt slabs with a thickness of at least 2 cm.
  • Metal - structural brushed stainless steel sheets.
  • Glass - sheets of tempered triplex.

Complex lighting

The main principle of organizing the lighting of any kitchen, whether it is ordinary, combined with a living room or with a balcony, is an integrated approach: it is important to choose lighting fixtures for all functional areas. The first thing to think about is general overhead lighting. It should be uniform, soft and diffused, so here it is better to use two or three ceiling lights with lamps of the same intensity, generating a neutral white light.

The second group is working lighting. In each zone - cooking, storage and washing - there should be spotlights with directional light. The function of working illumination is handled by: LED strips, built-in spots, mobile lamps on "clothespins". For those who design the design of a large kitchen in an apartment, photos of the interiors can suggest another option for working lighting - pendant lights that “descend” from the ceiling. But in small rooms, such a solution is inappropriate, as the effect of a pile of lamps will be created.

And the third group is the lighting of the dining area. Its function is to provide high-quality, but unobtrusive illumination of the dining table and the space around it. For this purpose, can be used: sconces on long brackets, rail systems of mobile lamps, suspension systems with miniature shades, wall-mounted swivel lamps.

Photo example of a successful combination of general and working lighting

Rules for choosing curtains

Curtains are one of the finishing touches in the interior design of the kitchen in the apartment. There are many criteria for choosing textiles: material, color, length, decor. But the most important parameter is the combination of curtains with the overall design of the kitchen space: textiles can complement the interior, contrast with it, or act as an independent art accent.

If, according to the project, the curtains should not come to the fore, select textiles to match the main color of the kitchen, with an inconspicuous print and without pretentious decor. If the task is to play on contrasts, bet on color - it should be the opposite of the basic palette of interior design. An even more interesting option is the use of curtains as an art object: a complex texture, large drawings, layering and original decorative elements - all this will make the curtains an independent player in the kitchen.

So, here are six strong points for kitchen design: overall style, color palette, layout, finishing materials, lighting and textiles. By carefully considering each of these components, you can count on creating a delicious interior design of the kitchen space even in the most ordinary apartment, so do not lose sight of any nuance.

The design of a kitchen in an apartment and its development is a multi-stage process that includes design, selection of materials for the implementation of the plan, decoration of the room, its design and decorative “polishing”. The front of work is impressive, but with a competent approach, the result will be appropriate. The kitchen is a special room in the house. It is arranged in such a way that cooking from a daily duty turns into a pleasant process, and the hostess draws culinary inspiration from the furnishings of the room. Most modern kitchens are combined with dining rooms. Previously, this design move was a necessity to save space, but recently it has become a trendy and stylish solution. Absolutely all family members visit the kitchen at least three times a day, this does not include unscheduled afternoon snacks and evening tea parties. Guests, in addition to gatherings in the living room, will also come to this room for treats or a gala dinner. The kitchen is decorated in two ways:

  • They create decoration in the style that is chosen for the design of the entire apartment as the main one;
  • They decorate a separate room outside the general design concept, which will “live” according to its own laws.

The kitchen at the subconscious level evokes associations with the hearth. This is a kind of “ancestral memory”, because earlier a stove was kindled in this room, which warmed the whole house, allowed cooking and created a feeling of unique comfort. Now the placement of not only a stove, even a fireplace in the kitchen is not considered appropriate, and a sense of comfort is achieved by other methods.

Top styles for the kitchen

The loft-style kitchen is a combination of old and new. It successfully combines brick or plastered walls with a modern "stuffing" of the room. Communication pipes are on display, and the materials use stone, wood and metal. The loft is suitable for spacious rooms with high ceilings, as if they were previously intended for industrial use. But in small kitchens, the flavor of the style will be lost and “eat” extra square meters.

The interior of the Provence-style kitchen is characterized as an imitation of charming antiquity. The style has a touch of romanticism and naivety. It uses an abundance of wooden furniture and natural light. Typically, kitchens with the flavor of the French hinterland are decorated in private country houses, since even during construction, spacious windows are installed indoors. This style can be safely attributed to the budget, as it uses "grandmother's" furniture. It is enough to ennoble it slightly and decorate it with vases with compositions of wildflowers, colorful curtains, and an ornamented tablecloth. The finish design is also simple. Provence uses natural materials (wood is a priority) with a rough texture. For wall decoration, wallpaper of a delicate color in a cute flower is suitable. Of the shades, preference is given to warm colors.

The kitchen in the style of minimalism is designed according to the principle of "nothing more". Only the necessary elements, which often perform several functions at once. In minimalism there is no place for trifles and decor. Dishes, pots and other kitchen utensils are hidden behind closed cabinet doors, and large forms come to the fore. The color scheme is chosen according to the concept of contrasts. Usually in a minimalist kitchen there are white, black and gray colors. The palette is as restrained and strict as possible.

The classic kitchen exudes luxury and elegance. It uses a large amount of stucco, decorative elements, crystal and reflective surfaces. A classic room tends to be symmetrical, which should be considered when choosing a furniture set. Of the colors, preference is given to light shades. It is allowed to use bright accents only against the background of white furniture. By the way, thanks to such color neutrality, the classic kitchen does not get bored and will delight the eyes of the owners for many years without requiring repairs. From materials choose natural wood.

The high-tech kitchen combines simple but expensive finishes with high technology. The direction gives preference to artificial light, the abundance of which is provided at several levels at once. In the room, only one color prevails, which is set off by several calm tones. Grey, black and white symbolize practicality and "complex simplicity".

Art Nouveau or new art in the design of the kitchen is embodied with the help of wavy lines. Sharp corners in this style are taboo. Smoothness can be seen everywhere: in decor, structural elements and even interior decoration. Also in the style there are floral ornaments, mosaic patterns, painting. Remotely, Art Nouveau resembles the classics, which were beaten in a “new way”.

Color palette

When choosing a color scheme, they resort to four classic options for combining shades:

  • contrast. It selects two primary colors that are in different "temperature" sections on the spectral circle. They are complemented by one or two shades;
  • Monochromatic. The primary color is shaded by its nearest neighbors in the spectrum. The tone picture is very calm. This concept is also called monochrome. Choose either cold or warm shades;
  • The principle of similarity. With it, the main color and two shades are chosen, which are located from it at an angle of about 15-20 degrees on the spectrum. It is important that they are both equidistant from the main tone;
  • accent combination. It features four colors: the main one, two of its shades and a bright tone. The latter is chosen on the basis of contrast with the main "hero" of the composition.

Any of the presented color concepts is universal and suitable for all types of premises, and the kitchen is no exception.

A priori, the kitchen should be "warm". Even in elegant or austere apartments, it is necessary to maintain home comfort, and not museum “coldness”. For this reason, it is not recommended to abuse shades with a "low temperature". Cold tones will affect the culinary mood of the hostess and the appetite of the household.

Color psychology

The psychology of color is a complex “science”, which psychologists, marketers, and sociologists have spent a lot of effort on studying. Color imperceptibly and gently affects the human brain. He can, at the subconscious level, induce him to something, cheer him up, cause apathy, provoke an excited state or aggression. The Taoist practice of organizing space and selecting colors for specific rooms is an in-depth study of the impact of shades on the human psyche. Feng Shui helps to equip a living space in such a way that people living in it feel harmony. White is associated with innocence. A blank sheet of paper is a symbolic “door” to a world of new possibilities. White shirts are worn to impress, and festive tables are covered with the same tablecloths. This color prevails in medical institutions, and the "guests" of hospitals, as you know, need peace. His most implacable opponent is black. It causes controversial associations in people. It symbolizes night, twilight, evil, death and negativity. Although there is not a single person who does not have dark things in his wardrobe. They always look stylish and elegant. A similar touch of austerity brings black to the interior. It does an excellent job of providing a backdrop against which other components of the room's color palette play.

Red symbolizes action, activity, passion, challenge and even aggression. This color always attracts attention and excites the mind. For this reason, it cannot be used in rooms that should be set in a calm way. Green is considered the color of nature, youth, freshness, health, peace, grass and tree crowns. Its natural shades will help create a cozy atmosphere in the kitchen. Blue refers to cold colors, however, for most of the inhabitants of the Earth, he is a favorite. Best of all, this tone creates a relaxed atmosphere conducive to communication. How many people have thought about why most social networks have blue logos? Because he acts as a guarantor of a "heart-to-heart talk." For the kitchen, blue and its closest shade, blue, are rarely suitable. They do not contribute to appetite and set up for excessive relaxation. As the main motif of the marine theme, blue is associated with relaxation, so it is added to bedroom compositions.

Yellow acts as a symbol of the sun, optimism, joy and activity. It belongs to warm shades, so it is ideal for the kitchen. Yellow walls or sets will not only look beautiful, but also set you in a positive mood. Purple is associated with religious sacrament, luxury and even a slight "foreignness". The fact is that in nature this color is very rare. In the interior of the kitchen, purple looks only as an accent. Pink means youth, tenderness and lightness (in this it is similar to white). This color is preferred for creating "soft", romantic interiors. Many unconsciously associate brown with spring dirt, ugliness and something outdated that has survived out of fashion. In fact, this color is simply underestimated, because it is also a symbol of fallen leaves, tree trunks and fertile land. Brown is able to create a warm, cozy room in which anyone can feel comfortable. Gray is the result of a combination of two spectral adversaries: white and black. It belongs to the neutral colors that are suitable for those who love simplicity and modesty. Orange is an intermediate option between yellow and red. He is considered a model of extravagance and energy. Many things that we call red are actually orange: campfire fire, sunset.

With "dirty" shades of yellow, unpleasant associations arise. These tones symbolize betrayal, lies, madness. Choose "clean", juicy tones.

Kitchen color correction

In typical Khrushchev houses, there are usually small kitchens. Many believe that the lack of space allows only an economy option in design. The dimensions of the room can be beaten with the help of color. This is a real way to hide its flaws and increase its advantages. As a result, the room will seem larger than it actually is. Use warm shades in wall decoration:

  • Pink;
  • Light yellow;
  • Peach;
  • Beige.

The floor can be designed to match the natural color of light wood, and the top is left white. This will stretch out the space if the ceilings are too low. To expand the kitchen on light wallpaper, horizontal stripes are allowed. They can act as a decorative element, a dividing zone between two different types of finishes below and above. In spacious kitchens, there are more opportunities. They can be safely designed according to the principle of contrasts and not be afraid of cold shades or dark tones.

Finish options

The specificity of the microclimate of the kitchen determines the selection of special finishing materials. They must withstand temperature extremes and high humidity. In addition, the coating will certainly be frequently cleaned, because no matter how well the hood works, a coating of “fat” will still form over time. To get a combination of decorative and operational qualities, the types of finishing materials are combined with each other in different conditional areas of the kitchen. With the wrong selection of coverage, it will quickly become unusable and you will have to re-repair the room.


The floor covering is selected from the materials presented below:

  • Linoleum. It is unpretentious in care, imitates any texture and is one of the most budgetary materials for the price;
  • Cork coating. Hypoallergenic, natural material. Pleasantly "springy" underfoot, which allows you to walk on it barefoot. Repels dust and is easy to clean;
  • Laminate. Imitates any kind of wood, easy to clean;
  • Parquet board. Sensitive to moisture and temperature changes. In the kitchen, it is used mainly for finishing the dining area;
  • Bulk floor. Durable, durable and has a seamless structure. Allows you to decorate the floor with three-dimensional drawings or panoramas;
  • Ceramic tile. Considered traditional flooring. Easy to clean, not sensitive to household chemicals, successfully withstands all the vagaries of the kitchen microclimate, but can crack from strong impacts;
  • Porcelain tile. Unlike tiles, it is shock-resistant, easily tolerates high humidity and temperature changes. Differs in high cost.

Ceiling decoration

When decorating the ceiling, they are guided by the budget and style of the room. Finishing materials are selected from the standard list:

  • Whitewash. A simple and affordable way for everyone to finish the ceiling. Unfortunately, whitewash does not tolerate moisture well, so it will require frequent updating of the coating;
  • Wallpaper. An unconventional option that is difficult to implement. Heavy wallpaper will hardly stay on the ceiling until the glue dries completely. Gluing the rolls evenly is difficult, so you will need an assistant who will manage the process, watching him from the side;
  • Painting. A traditional method that was actively used in the design of kitchens in the last century. The paint is easy to clean, but over time it will crack and lose its “marketable” appearance, it will have to be updated every couple of years;
  • Plastic. It is classified as an economical option. The material is easy to install and will withstand even flooding from neighbors from above. In case of damage to a separate part of the coating, local repairs are allowed;
  • Drywall. Its installation is sometimes fraught with difficulties, but the material allows you to embody the most daring design fantasies. Plasterboard is used to create multi-level ceilings;
  • Rack material. For the kitchen, models with closed seams are used, as otherwise dirt will accumulate in the "gutter". Its installation is akin to assembling a constructor;
  • Stretch ceiling. Finishing will be carried out with the involvement of a master, which is associated with additional costs. The material has no seams, hides surface defects, and is easy to clean.

wall decoration

The following materials are used for wall decoration:

  • PVC panels. They are easy to care for, easy to clean, but may not withstand too high temperatures. Sensitivity to mechanical damage pays off with their low cost;
  • Tiles (artificial and natural). Versatile, durable material that withstands all the challenges of kitchen ambiance. Panel design easily adapts to different stylistic solutions;
  • Brick. Shock-resistant, provides high-quality sound and heat insulation. It is cheap, but without additional finishing it is suitable only for a narrow group of styles;
  • Wallpaper. For the kitchen, you can use only special, heavy-duty options (vinyl). Allow to embody any design fantasies;
  • Wooden lining. Easy to install, relatively inexpensive. The material must necessarily be treated with special substances that will increase resistance to decay processes;
  • Decorative plaster. Allows you to hide flaws and defects in the walls. With its help, you can repeat any texture;
  • Stone. Durable, does not promote the growth of bacteria, easy to clean. Of the shortcomings, only the high cost of natural material is noted.

Recently, cork panels have become fashionable. They are safe for human health, absorb noise and retain heat.

There is another option for decorative wall decoration - mosaics. It will give the room some zest. Moreover, the type of design is suitable for all styles, because there are a lot of variations. Even for solid high-tech, square-shaped mirror pieces are used.

Protective apron

A protective apron is usually designed as an accent. It differs from the rest of the wall decoration in the material of execution, color and pattern. The following materials are used to design a kitchen apron:

  • Ceramic tile. Classic material, which is used both in one color and with patterns;
  • Stone. Effective and stylish design;
  • Glass. Hardened material is used. Such aprons are usually made to order;
  • Mosaic. Allows you to create complex compositions;
  • Porcelain tile. Super strong material, which includes coloring pigments, silicates, quartz sand and two types of clay. Able to imitate any texture. Differs in high cost;
  • Wooden panels. They are gradually becoming a thing of the past, as this material in the kitchen is being replaced by more durable counterparts;
  • Mirror apron. It is carried out in three guys: panels, mosaics and tiles. Such material is not afraid of moisture, temperature, or fungus;
  • Steel. Ideal for high tech kitchens. Note its strength and durability. A seamless sheet of metal will become a stylish design element. Looks especially impressive with backlight;
  • Brick. Suitable for a line of "industrial" styles. A successful combination is ceramic tiles that imitate brickwork. Has many color variations.

Your repost will change the Internet :)

What is the complexity of creating the interior of a small kitchen? The main points that need to be considered in order to equip the room correctly and increase the area. Techniques that allow you to expand the space visually, without moving the walls in the apartment. Examples of successful kitchens from 5 to 9 sq.m.

Do you have a kitchen up to 10 sq m? Scroll through:

  • Real photos of the kitchen:, and

Living examples of layouts

6 sq. m. A single-row arrangement of modules frees up space for a dining table. There was no place for an oven, but a washing machine fit.

With a corner arrangement of furniture of 6.5 square meters. m got a lot of storage space and a separate table. No oven, dishwasher. In this case, the narrow part of the countertop can be increased to 600 mm and a dishwasher can be placed. For the oven, you can use the module under the hob.

For 5 sq. m fit all the necessary furniture, cons - the close location of a free-standing stove and sink. It is better to move the module with the sink to the left edge, thus freeing up space for the dishwasher, and a work surface will appear between the stove and the sink.

The advantage of a one-row layout is that there is room for a dining table in the room.

But if the size of the wall does not allow you to fit a sink, a refrigerator, a stove and a work surface of the right size in one line, use a corner layout.

Good location of all the main elements.

Headset in a room of 7 square meters. m is properly designed and arranged. Possible negative: the refrigerator will block the light from the window during the daytime. Use light fabrics to decorate the opening so that more light enters the room.

The corner layout should use the room to the maximum functionally. For example, a carousel mechanism for storing various accessories is mounted in a corner cabinet.

The best option for a small headset is built-in appliances. This choice allows you to fully use the work surface.

For safety reasons, it is necessary that one or more modules separate the sink and stove.

The window sill has been replaced by a countertop.

In the video, the hostess tells in detail how she chose the kitchen, what happened in the end, what she is satisfied with and what she is not. Voices prices for kitchen furniture and appliances. Design, review of equipment with reviews and prices, life hacks.

How to fit everything?

1. We arrange furniture and appliances

  • In a small kitchen, an angular and linear arrangement of modules is appropriate;
  • Exclude two-row, U-shaped, peninsular and island arrangement of furniture. This design is suitable for spacious rooms;
  • It is necessary to fill a small room with furniture to the maximum. For example, all free walls can be used to store items (additional shelves, roof rails or small cabinets);
  • The refrigerator should be placed in the corner of the room, so the layout is formed more harmoniously.
  • The distance between the hob and the refrigerator must be 60 cm or more.
  • If a gas stove is used, it must be installed near the gas pipe;
  • Drawers with inserts for cutlery and a dish dryer should be close to the sink. This approach optimizes the cleaning process;
  • The minimum distance from the slab to the wall with a window is 20 cm, especially if the opening is decorated with an elongated curtain model;
  • Instead of a window sill, you can install a countertop, thereby increasing the working space;
  • Thanks to the possibilities of modern plumbing, the sink can be installed anywhere. A popular option is a washing device in place of the window sill.

Orient the opening of the refrigerator door towards the wall - this way you will save space for movement.

2. Replacement of the interior door

In order to free up some usable space, instead of a hinged door structure, you can install a sliding mechanism, or an "accordion".

If you remove the door completely, then when decorating neighboring rooms, it is better to stick to the same style.

3. Additional lighting

Installation of additional sources, as well as an increase in the natural flow of light, allows you to visually expand the compact area. To do this, use mirrors, tiles with a reflective effect, glass, glossy surfaces, chrome elements, spotlights.

Mirror mosaic perfectly reflects the incident light. The effect of lightness is created.

Thanks to the local illumination of the working surface, you can use the room for its intended purpose at any time of the day.

Lighting is another way of zoning. Part of the room with bright light is a cooking area, soft lighting is organized in the dining area.

Glossy materials contribute to a visual increase in area due to reflections.

An apron made of glossy tiles and facades with glass inserts are perfect for a small area.

The working surface should be well lit, so more powerful lamps are installed above the headset, or the number of devices is increased.

Various lighting combinations reduce energy consumption and zone the space, creating a cozy atmosphere.

What colors to decorate a small kitchen?

Much depends on the color scheme in design. Experts advise choosing a neutral range of finishes (beige, sand, or light gray).
Light colors in the design of the headset.

The neutral range of furniture facades is ideal for a small room.

Pastel shade of the facades of the headset.

Opt for pastel and monochrome hues, as well as stylized patterns that look unobtrusive.

Contrasting details will make the interior diverse. Be careful when using this technique - active colors can be tiring.

Suitable wallpaper colors

  • Combinations of a neutral base (shades of milk, pearls, peach) with rich tones;
  • A bright accent on the wall looks good in the dining area and creates a special mood;
  • Background wallpaper should not draw all attention to itself;
  • For low ceilings, choose warm or pastel colors.

The beige color of the walls is combined with a richly colored apron.

The wallpaper highlights the dining area with rich color and texture. Lighting devices also contribute to the division of space.

Solid light wallpaper goes well with such a set in wenge color.

Curtains as a bright accent

A small room is best decorated with roller blinds or Roman blinds, as well as curtains made of light fabric. Portieres in this case are inappropriate.

  • When choosing curtains, be careful in using patterned textiles to make the interior comfortable to stay;
  • When decorating a window, you should not close it completely, even if you use a light fabric;
  • Textiles should transmit sunlight well;
  • An alternative to fabric curtains is blinds.

General design style

The most successful option for a small kitchen is (modern, minimalism, hi-tech). Laconic forms and clear lines perfectly complement a small room. The use of glossy surfaces adds the effect of lightness, due to the reflection of light and glare.
Modern style.


Hi-tech style.

Often, the modern style of furniture involves the use of built-in models of equipment, and this significantly saves the consumption of square meters.

A characteristic feature of these styles is the minimum of decor during arrangement.

Ideas for storage. Everything will fit!

1. Increase the height of the top drawers to 90 cm (standard 72 cm). You will have an extra shelf in each drawer.

2. Install carousel shelves in the corner boxes, special baskets in the lower and upper modules. The disadvantage of using is the high cost of mechanisms;

The module with a basket can be of various dimensions in width and height, its capacity depends on it.

3. . Contribute to the optimization of the cooking process, since everyday items and spices for dishes are placed here.

The roof rails are fixed on the apron and filled with various fasteners at your own discretion. The length of the railing can be any.

4. (almost at floor level) will allow you to place some products and items.

Space Expansion

1. If the refrigerator completes the composition of the headset, the height of the room will increase slightly (visual effect), due to the vertical perspective;
2. To enhance the effect of lightness, use furniture made of glossy or transparent materials (plastic, glass);
3. Small items create a sense of clutter. The presence of such furniture will visually reduce the space.
It is better to equip a small room with objects of real size, despite the fact that they take up a lot of space.;
4. Folding fronts for upper cabinets will also save space during operation;
5. The table must be streamlined (oval or round);
6. Purchase an extendable dining table model and retractable cutting boards.
The round table can be extended. When assembled, it takes up minimal space.

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