The recipe for a delicious cherry liqueur. Cherry liqueur for alcohol - benefits and unique taste

Intense tart taste, beautiful bright ruby \u200b\u200bcolor, noble aroma - this is all about the world-famous cherry tincture. There are several basic recipes for homemade cherry liqueur: classic alcoholic drink and alcohol-free tincture.

Selection of berries

There are no strict requirements for the choice of berries, almost any is suitable. The main thing is that the fruits are ripe, juicy, aromatic and intact.

The ideal option is sweet and sour varieties. The fruits are used fresh, frozen or dried. , available all year round, are much better suited for billets than fresh ones (with the exception of naturally fermented liqueurs).

The seeds give the finished tincture a light astringency (pleasant almond flavor). Depending on the recipe and taste, the seeds are retained or removed. At home, the bones can be removed using an ordinary safety pin.

Did you know? A significant amount of hydrocyanic acid and cyanide is concentrated in cherry pits. With prolonged contact with alcohol, these substances have a toxic effect on the human body.

How to make an alcoholic cherry liqueur at home

To make a classic cherry tincture, first of all, you will need sugar and alcohol. Berries insist on any strong alcohol - vodka, cognac, moonshine or alcohol.

Do not forget to pay attention to the quality of the alcohol. Try to use alcohol that is not the cheapest. Vodka must be free of any additives. It is better to take coarse granulated sugar, since it should not dissolve too quickly.

So let's figure out how to make a flavored cherry liqueur at home.

List of required ingredients

We will need:

  • 1 kg fresh or frozen cherry berries;
  • 320 g sugar;
  • 0.45 l / 450 g of alcohol (vodka, brandy, moonshine or 45% alcohol).

Cooking process

  1. First you need to dry up the cherries. We spread fresh or frozen fruits in an even layer and leave in the sun for several days. Another option is to bake the fruit in the oven for 5–6 hours at 60–80 ° C. Thanks to drying, excess moisture leaves the berries, making the tincture watery. However, this step is optional, you can skip it.
  2. We extract the seeds from the fruit.
  3. Distribute the pulp into the jars, add sugar and leave for several hours until the fruits give juice.
  4. Pour alcohol into the prepared jars, close the lids, shake well and transfer to a shaded and warm (15–25 ° C) place for 15–18 days.
  5. Next, filter the resulting liquid through cheesecloth several times until it becomes transparent.
  6. We bottle the finished tincture. You need to store the drink in a cool dark place. The shelf life of the blank is 3 years.

Important! It is advisable not to wash the cherries. Also, try to avoid harvesting immediately after rain. If the dirty fruits had to be washed, treat the berries with purchased wine yeast (in no case pressed or dry baker's).

Cherry liqueur without vodka and alcohol

Sometimes cherry liqueur is made no vodka or alcohol added. Instead of alcohol, use ordinary purified water. Manufacturing technology is more complicated than in the first case. The resulting drink resembles liqueur wine. At the same time, there is no smell of alcohol, and the taste of the drink is much softer (the strength does not exceed 12%).

What you need for cooking

For liqueur without vodka and alcohol you need:

  • 3 kg of cherry fruits;
  • 1.2 kg of sugar;
  • 400 ml of water.

How to make a drink at home

  1. Ripe cherries should be pitted.
  2. Pour 300 g of sugar into the bottom of a three-liter jar. Next, alternating, lay the layers of cherries and the remaining sugar.
  3. Pour water into the prepared jar. Water is poured not up to the neck, but up to the shoulders, since foam and gas are released during the fermentation.
  4. We put on a medical glove on the neck of the jar. We fix the glove with a rope or a rubber ring. In one of the fingers of the glove, you must first make a small hole with a needle. Instead of a glove, it is allowed to install a water seal.
  5. Transfer the workpiece to a dark and warm (18–28 ° C) room or cover it with a thick cloth. After 2–3 days, foam should appear. The glove should inflate slightly and the water seal should start to bubble. These signs indicate that the fermentation process is normal.
  6. The filling usually wanders for about 25–55 days. Then the glove deflates, and the airlock stops bubbling. When almost all the foam disappears, this is a signal that you can proceed to the next phase.
  7. Pour the liquid into a new bottle, trying to get rid of the remaining cherry pulp.
  8. We settle the liquid for 2 days in a hermetically sealed container.
  9. We filter the liquid through several layers of gauze.
  10. Pour the workpiece into bottles (preferably from dark glass), close tightly with corks.
  11. We transfer the workpieces to a refrigerator or cellar with a temperature of 5-15 ° C. To improve the taste, we keep the liqueur under such conditions for about 50 days.
  12. Store your cherry drink in a cool and dark place. The shelf life of the liqueur is no more than 3 years.

Important! In order not to infect cherry juice with mold or other microorganisms, it is necessary to sterilize the jars with boiling water. In addition, carefully sort the berries, getting rid of the moldy fruit. All work is carried out only with washed hands.

Recipe for the lazy: the simplest cherry liqueur

The next homemade cherry liqueur is made according to a proven and simple recipe. In this case, the removal of pits from the cherry fruit is not required. In addition, the manufacturing process is so simple that it requires a minimum of your time and effort.

Ingredients (for a three liter jar):
  • 1 kg of cherry fruits;
  • 3 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 1 liter of vodka.
Cooking method:
  • We mix berries, granulated sugar and vodka in a bottle. Close the jar tightly with a lid and transfer it to a shaded room. The room temperature should be between 20-25 ° C. We maintain the tincture for 30 days. Shake the balloon once every 2-3 days.
  • We filter the finished drink through several layers of gauze.
  • We pour the drink into bottles and close tightly with corks. Store bottles in a cellar or refrigerator. The shelf life is more than 3 years.

Cherry ... Old Russian, because the recipe, although very old, is not aging at all. Because it is approaching, and in some places the cherry season has already begun. This season is not long. Therefore, you need to have time to stock up on this wonderful drink, which will really warm and delight with its summer taste all year round ... until the next cherry season. If, of course, you cook enough of it.

Ingredients for Cherry Pouring:

Recipe "Cherry Pouring":

Of course, this story, whatever one may say, is still an interpretation of an old Russian recipe. Remember the scene in the new film based on Pushkin's "The Young Lady - the Peasant Woman". This scene is brilliantly played by Lanov and Kuravlev. They sit at the table and treat themselves to some liqueurs. ... That's from those times. BUT!!! Of course, somewhat tailored for modern affairs.
But one thing is invariably - it is better for those in a hurry to simply dilute the vodka with cherry synthetic syrup and consume it. Our liqueur is a leisurely business. For six weeks calculated.
The cherry is ripe. We select the most delicious, the most ripe.

Of course, we wash it and sort it out - we don't need rotten berries. We are going to drink the tincture ourselves and treat our friends. So we approach responsibly.

We fall asleep berries in jars. So, or rather so much - for a "lady's" consistency.

And this is "half-and-half". You get a "male" version. Not very strong, but about thirty degrees will definitely come out.

And then we fill it with ... either good vodka, or half-and-half alcohol with diluted well or spring water. Just don't need a tap. Do not spoil the product.
This bottle contains this very good vodka. "Absolute", which we now produce in this very Chernogolovka.
Yes…. Do not use pure alcohol under any circumstances. To put it simply and roughly - burn this delicious berry. Burn out all enzymes. Generally speaking - the very thing that is needed (already tested) of good quality moonshine. Fortress - thirty-eight degrees.

Fill so that the berries on a finger and a half are closed with liquid.
I'll put in a few more words here. This photo shows a variant of the ladies' liqueur. More berries, less vodka.

And this is already "half-and-half". That is, there are fewer berries, and maybe more fuel. And the result will be a little stronger, I repeat. Harder. Although the taste is excellent.

And we remove it for two weeks. All these jars. Can be kept at room temperature, can be taken to the cellar. Don't forget to stick the stickers. With bookmark date. It will not be superfluous.
This will not change the results.

And now - in two weeks.

As you can see, in addition to the color, the liquid level has already dropped. The berries were absorbed and the juice was given. And they themselves swelled, saturated with life-giving moisture. She, this moisture, will still be useful to us.

We merge the resulting product with the help of this device and set it aside. The same cellar.

The berries will turn pale after a two-week vodka bath. Still would! Two weeks of drunkenness….

And half-and-half like this.

They could not resist. We tried it. There is already both taste and aroma. It, of course, can be stopped. BUT!!! Firstly, we strive for the authenticity of the recipe, and secondly, we do it "for the ladies" too, and the resulting product is still quite strong and not very sweet. That is, even sourish. Although saturated.
And the halving is completely ... close to the original product.

And now we take granulated sugar. At the rate of approximately four hundred grams per can. Want it sweeter? Then take more. In general, adjust to your liking.

And they fell asleep in jars of berries. There is an opinion that sugar should be left on top. He kind of dissolves and settles. But! I went the other way. Took it and shake it up to mix the sugar with the berries.

Pour less sugar into the "half". There is no need for excessive sweetness.

These jars, filled with sugar with berries, we leave alone ... also for two weeks.

And in two weeks. We took out cans from the basement, into which we poured sugar.
By the way, I walked them every two or three days, shaking them up. No fanaticism, but thorough. It may not have been necessary. But what has been done has already passed.
And this syrup was poured through a strainer.
Here he is. We tried it too. Sweet, dog. But the taste of alcohol is also felt. Sugar pulled vodka juices from cherries ...

We mix what was merged last time and what happened this time.
Let's try. It tastes sweet. In my opinion - even too much. Although the ladies said - tight!
BUT!!! I wouldn't say that.
So I decided to do this. He acknowledged the half-and-half ready-to-eat and put it aside, and with the "lady's" we finish the recipe according to the instructions.

So, the cherry, which ... you see after the sweet life, the cherry has darkened again. The taste ... acquired such a concentrated bright ... sweet and alcoholic shade.

So - fill the berries with water.
Don't take any, God forbid, the Creator, boiled water. You need to take, best of all, a well, fresh. Delicious.
So we fill it. And from time to time, do not forget to turn over the cans. While they will stand in the cellar, another two weeks.

And here it is - the final act.
We take out the jars into which we added water. They stood for two weeks, as was said, with occasional shaking.

We drain, filtering. And then we mix it with what has accumulated “in the bins”. Of the "ladies'" stock, of course. There was no dish more suitable than this pan. You need to mix the whole product, for purity, so to speak, compliance with technology.

Here I ... in general, I decided to measure the fortress. While I found the alcohol meter in pharmacies, I sweated ten times. And the weight was so proud that the fortress did not exceed ten degrees.
And then one friend of mine, a chemist, he very tactfully explained to me that an alcoholometer is the essence of a hydrometer and correctly measures the density of a pure water-alcohol mixture. And in my liqueur both cherry juice and sugar were added. And no, not that the correct value will not work, and even more or less close to the true one.
So - a photograph, that is, but the strength of the drink is not determined.

We pour it into decanters, then into glasses ... (this is "half-and-half").

And here it is !!! "Polamovka". And so it happened, as he said. Feels like about thirty degrees. But a mildly sour taste. With a slight sweet touch. You know, as if the cherry, not quite ripe, was consumed as a snack. And no vodka taste. Color is also clear. Vishnevo is unsaturated, so to speak.

Ladies'. Here the picture is different. Taste ... although there is sourness, but with a big slant in sweetness. That is, just a highly intense taste of a well-ripened cherry. Even a little overripe. And the fortress ... still about ten degrees. Plus or minus two. Not more. And it is very easy to drink. BUT!!!
What "but"? More on that later.

But all the same, comrades, it turned out to be the purest ambrosia !!!

Now I will summarize.
1. "Boneiness". When discussing this recipe, a lot was said about the need to remove the bones, because they contain any harmful byaka, and this drink will poison the byaka. I do not know. I've been making this liqueur for three years. Ten buckets have already been used for sure, and no one has ever complained about any negative factors.
Tried doing a little pitted one this year. I do not advise. It seems to be beautiful, but the taste, when compared, is absolutely nonexistent. So ... a pitiful excuse.
2. "Ladies". Be careful. Behind the apparent lightness is quite heavy, like any other "liqueur" after…. This is the ladies' version! Therefore, the format of use should be the same. Ladies'.
And do not try to add a clean vodka, something stronger it comes out, but already "not that". It turns out surrogate.
3. "Polamovka". Really very appetizing, aromatic and tasty liqueur turns out. And it feels very acceptable "for men".
If someone suddenly wants to have a product that is, as they say, stronger, then simply reduce the amount of cherries to be placed in the first tab, as well as sugar in the second. The result is a less sweet and stronger liqueur.
4. "Drunken cherry". We tried it. It, of course, can be used for, say, eating (even without bread), as we would have done in the years of our unforgettable youth, or what kind of cake, for example, to bake. But!!! I do not advise. In general, I did not like it. And ... the owner is a master. Maybe someone it will be just right.

Before making the cherry liqueur at home using this recipe, pour the berries into a bottle.

Sprinkle with sugar. Tie the bottle with gauze and set in the sun for 6 weeks to ferment the cherry.

Then we pour out the cherry juice, bottle it, cork it and put it in a cold place.

Pour the cherries remaining in the bottle with vodka, close tightly and let stand at room temperature for 2 months.

Pour off the second liqueur, filter, bottle, cork.

After 5-6 months, you can drink the liqueur.

How to make a classic cherry liqueur at home

To prepare the classic cherry liqueur, you need the following ingredients: cherry, vodka to taste, vanilla alcohol at the rate of 50 ml per 1 liter of liqueur.

Before making the cherry liqueur according to the classic recipe, sprinkle the ripe berries of my sweet and sour varieties on a baking sheet and wither in the sun or in the oven at a temperature of 50-80 ° C for 4-6 hours. Then we pour the cherries into a bottle, fill it by 2/3 of the volume and fill it with purified vodka so that they are covered by 1-2 cm, cork the bottle and put it in a warm place.

Infusion lasts 4-5 weeks (at this time, the bottle should be shaken periodically and done three expressing). This liqueur is usually prepared without added sugar, but can be slightly sweetened if desired. When the liqueur is ready, drain it, add vanilla alcohol at the rate of 50 ml per 1 liter of the liqueur and keep it in a warm place again for 3-5 days.

Before making the cherry liqueur using this recipe, you need to make vanilla alcohol.

For this we take 5-6 tsp. vanillin, pour 200 ml of 70% alcohol and leave for several days. Then we filter and use it to prepare liqueurs and other drinks.

Recipe for cherry liqueur with home-style vodka

According to the recipe for this cherry homemade liqueur, you need to take: 1 kg of cherries, 300 g of sugar, 400 ml of vodka.

To prepare cherry liqueur according to the "home" recipe, dry my ripe berries (the bones are not removed), prick with a toothpick and pour into a bottle or jar, sprinkling with sugar to taste. After filling the bottle with cherries up to the shoulders, fill it with vodka to the top, close it and put it in a dark place at room temperature.

For 2 weeks, shake the bottle every 2-3 days to dissolve the sugar. Then we leave the bottle in the same place for another 1.5 months. After that, pour out the liqueur, filter, bottle and seal.

Old recipes for cherry liqueur

Below are two options for making cherry liqueur at home according to old recipes.

Option 1.

Ingredients: 1 kg of cherries, 1.5 g of cinnamon, 1 g of nutmeg, 250 g of sugar, 400 ml of vodka.

We crush the prepared cherries together with the seeds, put in a bottle and set to ferment for 3 days. After that add vodka, cinnamon, nutmeg and put in a warm place for 8 days. When the liqueur becomes transparent, drain it, filter it, add a thick syrup, stir it well and pour it into bottles.

Option 2.

Ingredients: cherries, sugar at the rate of 300 g per 1 liter of liquid, vodka to taste.

My cherries, we peel half of the norm, we do not peel the other half. We pour all the cherries into a bottle for one quarter of its volume, fill it with strong vodka and put it in a warm oven or another warm place.

After 3-4 weeks, pour the liquid into another bottle, add sugar at the rate of 300 g per 1 liter of liquid, seal, place in a warm place and shake from time to time to dissolve the sugar.

You can make the cherry sweeter if you wish. To do this, we take twice as much sugar, cook a thick syrup from it and, while it is hot, gradually dilute it with cherry liqueur. When the cherry has cooled, we filter it, bottle it, seal it and store it for up to 6 months. The older the cherry liqueur, the tastier it is.

It is undesirable to use lump refined sugar for fermentation. It contains the blue dye ultramarine, which inhibits the activity of yeast fungi.

How to make a Cossack style cherry liqueur

Ingredients: Cherries, vodka to taste.

Cherry liqueur "Cossack" is prepared, as they say, "by eye" - there are no clear recommendations on the proportions of ingredients. My cherries, we peel half of the norm, we do not peel the other half. We fill up three quarters of the bottle with ripe cherries, top up with strong vodka and put in a cold place for 6-8 weeks. After that we drain the vodka, squeeze the juice out of the cherry, pressing the linen bag with the load, where it was placed.

A day later, when the cherry juice becomes transparent, mix it with vodka, pour it into bottles, and seal it. This cherry must ripen for a whole year.

How to make cherry liqueur? A good liqueur has a rich berry aroma and rich taste. Despite the fact that the preparation of this drink is losing popularity in modern society, not everyone will refuse its taste. Sweet cherry-based drink is a favorite delicacy of women on holidays. How to make a delicious drink at home? How are homemade cherry tincture recipes different? Is it helpful?


In modern society, which buys everything in supermarkets, not every family knows the recipe for cherry liqueur. Although it’s as if one of the ancestors cooked about this drink or even prepared it. Lovers of traditional medicine to this day prepare for the treatment and prevention of diseases. However, it cannot be argued that the drink is healthy without mentioning its negative sides. Why is the drink useful and harmful?

Delicious cherry liqueur

In small quantities, cherry liqueur improves digestion and appetite. She is able to protect against colds and help in their treatment. The filling helps to improve blood circulation, acts as a diuretic and choleretic agent. The tincture can be used as a disinfectant externally and for rubbing.

Like any alcoholic beverage, cherry liqueur is harmful in large quantities. It can cause alcoholism. The drink has a detrimental effect on the liver and heart, which leads to premature aging, failure of vital organs, and even death.

Cherry pouring is categorically contraindicated for pregnant women, because it can negatively affect the life and health of the baby. In no case should a sweet drink be taken by patients with diabetes mellitus.

It is important to know!

The destructive effect on the brain is one of the most dire consequences of the effects of alcoholic beverages on a person. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE WINNED! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


Pouring from cherries used to be prepared very often. Cherry pouring is one of the few alcoholic beverages that is pleasant to the female part of the population. The choice of alcohol in ancient times was not great, and friends and relatives always wanted to surprise with a unique drink made at home. Corrections were made to the classic recipe: herbs and spices were added, they experimented with alcohol and other ingredients. This is how many recipes and options for making liqueur at home appeared.

Sweet cherry liqueur

No recipe is inferior to another in its taste, aroma, color and other parameters. However, they are all different from each other. The traditional cherry liqueur is a drink made with cherries and sugar. Recipes may contain different proportions and additional ingredients that affect the taste of the drink and the speed of preparation.

Sometimes even yeast starters are used to obtain tinctures, but you can do without them. An alcoholic base may be present, but not always present. It can be different: instead of the vodka indicated in all the recipes below, you can use good moonshine without an unpleasant odor or another 40-degree drink.


Cherries and sugar should be taken at the rate of 1 kg of berries - 200 g of granulated sugar. Wild cherry has the best characteristics for tincture, as it is she who has a rich palette of aromas that will fit well into home tincture. Other varieties of cherries will work as well. Removing the bones is optional. They will add a bitter astringency to the drink. The berries do not need to be washed. It should contain microorganisms that can cause natural fermentation.

Large cherry for liqueur

Before you send the cherries to ferment, crush them in a bowl with a wooden mashed potato tool or other handy item. If there are a lot of cherries, you can knead the berries with your feet. Next, cover everything with sugar and mix.

The cherry-sugar mixture should be poured into 10-liter glass bottles. The bottle should be 1/3 empty. This space is needed for the fermentation process. Cover the neck of the container with 3 layers of high-quality gauze.

During the preparation of the liqueur, the temperature in the room should be between 25 ° and 30 ° C. In 2-3 days after pouring, fermentation will begin. As soon as air bubbles appear on the surface of the cherry-sugar mixture, you can close the bottle with a tight lid through which the tube is brought into a container with water. You can also use a rubber glove as a venting cover.

In a closed state with air removal, the liqueur is kept for as long as necessary in order for the fermentation to completely complete. This can go on for months. When bubbles no longer appear, it means that the fermentation process is over. It will be necessary to pour the liqueur into another vessel so that there is no sediment. If after the first time it appears, you need to drain it again. Can now be bottled.

The cherry liqueur is ready immediately after fermentation has finished. However, it is best to store the liqueur in a cool place for a year before use. Then it will ripen and give a rich taste and aroma to the one who drinks it. If there is no time to endure, the drink must be kept for at least 1 day after the end of fermentation in the cold so that it rests and is enriched with taste.

If the taste of the drink seems to a person strong, you can make a cherry cocktail from liqueur and cherry juice. The proportion is chosen according to your taste. The thickness and astringency of cherries can be diluted with water. Making liqueurs at home is a long process, but not laborious. If desired, anyone can prepare a wonderful drink with an unforgettable taste even in a city apartment.


This homemade liqueur will be ready in 2 months, or even earlier. It is in no way inferior to the classic cherry. If you want to prepare a delicious liqueur for a holiday that is already on your nose, you can use the following recipe for liqueur:

  1. For 1 kg of cherries, you need to take 3 liters of vodka and 600 g of sugar.
  2. Wash the berries, but do not pull the seeds.
  3. Pour the berries into a container that will hold another 3 liters of vodka.
  4. Pour alcohol over the berries.
  5. Leave to stand in the cold.
  6. The container needs to be shaken from time to time.
  7. After 14 days, you can proceed to the next stage of making vodka-based liqueurs. Now you need to separate the cherries from the vodka infusion.
  8. Sprinkle the cherries with sugar, close the lid and leave in a dark, cold place for the same period - 14 days.
  9. Pour the vodka, separated from the cherries, into a jar and roll up.
  10. When the specified time has passed, syrup should appear in the jar with cherries and sugar. It must be drained and added to the vodka from a sealed can.
  11. Cover the remaining berries with water. They should stand for another 2 weeks.
  12. After that, add the water from the cherries to the previously prepared concentrated drink, and you get a good homemade tincture.

Making cherry liqueur

In the same way, you can make a drink that is less strong or sweeter. For 1 kg of cherries, you can take, for example, 300 g of sugar and 1 liter of vodka.

The next recipe is for those who like not only the rich taste, but also the rich color of ripe cherries.


To prepare this drink, cherries need to be dried. 3.5 kg of berries should be laid out on a grid for preparing dried fruits and left to dry in the sun for 2 days. Bring them indoors at night to prevent the cherries from picking up moisture. If there is no time or place to dry in the summer cottage method, this can be done for an hour in the oven at 150 ° C. In any case, you should get even more juicy berries.

From them you need to remove the bones, which should be crushed and poured into a 5 liter bottle with a wide neck. Cherry leaves in the amount of 20 pcs. it is necessary to crush, after pouring boiling water over them. They will need to shift layers of cherries, which are sprinkled with sugar (approximately 1.5 kg).

Cherries in a jar with sugar

Next, the bottle is covered with gauze in several layers and heated in the sun for about 5 days. You need to shake the container every day so that the sugar does not stagnate. It should dissolve. After the expiration date, the bottle should be moved to a dark place for 35 days.

After that, you need to strain the cherry tincture, squeezing the berries. The precipitate is filtered off with gauze. 2 tbsp is added to the drink. l. vodka in order to stop fermentation. The liquid is poured into dark glass bottles and sealed. Bottles of homemade liquor should be stored flat in a cellar or other cold place for 3-4 months. The most optimal variant of the first tasting is the next cherry harvest.


This is a way to prepare cherry liqueur in an original way, without adding any third-party impurities like spices or herbs.

Baking cherries in the oven

In order to prepare such a drink, you will need 1 bucket of cherries, 2 liters of vodka and 1-3 kg of sugar. The washed berries are neatly laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment. It is advisable that the holes on the cherries look up: this will prevent the juice from flowing out. In the oven at 80 ° C, the cherries should shrivel slightly, but not dry out.

You need to fill a glass bottle with cherries, pour vodka there. It is necessary to insist 10 days. When the specified time has passed, the vodka is poured into another container, and the berries are sprinkled with sugar and infused for 10 days. The juice is drained and diluted with half of the vodka. The berries are poured with the remaining vodka. After 14 days, vodka with syrup is added to the vodka with berries. You need to let it brew for 7 weeks. It can then be filtered and bottled. Don't forget about endurance.


It can be consumed as a sweet ingredient in cocktails or as a standalone drink. It depends on individual taste preferences. Someone loves sweets, but for someone the sweetness is cloying and sickening. However, this does not prevent you from trying to make your own drink, which will become the gem of the home bar.

To make a drink you will need:

  • 1 liter of cherries;
  • 3 tbsp. powdered sugar;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid.

The cherries need to be washed and pitted. Liqueur doesn't need bitterness.

In a 2-3-liter jar, lay the cherries in layers, sprinkling with powdered sugar. Pour in vodka, moonshine, or other high-quality alcohol without an unpleasant odor. Add citric acid. This is necessary to slightly interrupt the smell of vodka.

The can is tightly closed, and the cherry-sugar-vodka mixture must be left in a dark place for 1 month. At the end of the period, the liqueur is ready for use. Naturally, the longer the aging, the tastier the drink. Therefore, it is better to bottle it. The liquor should be kept in a dark, cool place.

Now many people know how to make delicious cherry liqueur at home without any serious effort and expense. You can choose any method you like, but there is one most important rule for everyone - exposure. It is better to enjoy a delicious drink long after its preparation.

There are many other recipes for making cherry liqueurs. But the ones described above are the cleanest - without the addition of extraneous components. Guided by the basic rules of preparation, you can play with the taste of the drink, adding spices to it at the initial stages. You can use nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, mint, honey. The ingredients should be added to the tincture in accordance with the recipes. It is important not to interrupt the rich cherry flavor with an abundance of spices. Any component in the drink should accentuate the other, not discolor it.

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There are many varieties of liqueurs that are prepared on the basis of berries, yet the cherry-based drink is more popular than all others. Due to the pleasant taste and aroma of the liqueur, the drink is very easy to drink and will be liked by sweet lovers.

If we consider the traditional version of making liqueur, then it takes a lot of time. Berries languish in the hot sun for a very long time along with granulated sugar, while you will have to strain the product several times, not many will agree to such a process.

We will tell you simpler options for making cherry liqueur with vodka, such a drink at home is prepared quickly and very simply. According to such recipes, you can prepare not only cherry liqueur, but also a product from other berries.

Classic version

This is the simplest way to prepare an alcoholic drink; the composition will contain the simplest and most affordable components.

Required products:

  • ripe - 1.2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 400 grams.

Cooking steps:

  • To make cherry liqueur with vodka at home, you should first sort out the cherries and remove the spoiled ones. The seeds are not removed from the berries.

  • Next, a three-liter container is prepared, berries are poured into it and everything is poured with the necessary amount of vodka.
  • The container is placed in a dark place that is well cooled, there the liqueur costs at least two weeks.

  • Stir the liqueur periodically so that the berries give their taste better.
  • After the allotted period of time, the resulting liquid is filtered from the berries, and the fruits are added granulated sugar according to the recipe. The container is shaken to mix the berries.

  • In this form, the berries are left in a dark place for another two weeks, during this period of time the berries will have time to give juice and the granulated sugar will dissolve in it. Using a colander and gauze, squeeze the resulting syrup.
  • The finished syrup and liqueur are mixed with each other, and then immediately bottled for storage.

It remains to let the drink brew for about a month to make the product more tasty.

Cocoa drink

This recipe involves using not only ripe cherries, but also a small amount of cocoa powder. The finished drink turns out to be very aromatic and rich. To prepare cherry liqueur with vodka, you should prepare 3 liter cans, this recipe at home is done quickly enough.

Required products:

  • ripe cherries - 300 grams;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • good quality vodka - 550 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • cocoa powder - 4 tablespoons.

Cooking steps:

  1. Ripe cherries are thoroughly washed, after which the seeds are removed from them and transferred to a prepared jar with a volume of one and a half liters.
  2. Next, the prepared vodka is poured into the container and the container is covered with a lid. They send the jar with the future liqueur to a dark place, there it will be infused for about two weeks.
  3. When the allotted time has expired, you should strain the resulting drink. If you leave the fruits in vodka, the berries will reduce the degree of future liqueur.
  4. If you manage to keep the quality, then the strength of the liqueur will eventually be about 25 degrees.
  5. Water is brought to a boil, a few tablespoons of high-quality cocoa are put in it, and granulated sugar is sent there.
  6. The composition is stirred until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, while the solution should not be removed from the stove.
  7. When the mass is ready, it is poured into another container using cheesecloth to strain the cocoa.
  8. The chocolate mixture is added to the liqueur, then mixed well and left in a dark place for another couple of weeks.
  9. It is very important to stir the cherry infusion with vodka every three days, otherwise the drink at home will not turn out so tasty.
  10. It is recommended to store the finished drink in the refrigerator, pour the liqueur into glass bottles. As a result, the drink will turn out to be a little viscous, while it will have a sediment.

The sediment can be eliminated by straining the tincture several times. But you can use the drink without straining, just pouring it carefully.

Frozen berry drink

You can easily make cherry liqueur from frozen cherries. In this case, the product is prepared at home using vodka, but other pure spirits can also be used. This is a great drink option for those who don't have the option to use fresh cherries but still have a lot of frozen berries.

Cherries must be defrosted, and the juice obtained after defrosting is also added to the drink.

Ingredient List:

  • frozen cherries - 1.1 kg;
  • good quality vodka - 1.5 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 2 cups.

Cooking method:

  • The berries are lightly washed and sorted, but only after they are completely defrosted.

  • After that, the cherries are transferred to a jar with a wide neck.
  • Prepared vodka is poured into the container and the future filling is closed with a nylon lid. They put the jar in a cool place and leave for fourteen days.
  • After the allotted two weeks, the liquid should be drained into a separate bottle, after which the bottle is moved to a cool place, protected from the sun. The workpiece is left there for a couple of weeks.

  • The cherry remains in the jar, granulated sugar is poured onto it and mixed thoroughly. Pour about half a liter of water into a container and let it brew for about fourteen days, so that a syrup is obtained from juice and sugar. The composition is stirred every three days.
  • After fourteen days, the syrup and tincture are mixed and poured into glass bottles. The drink is defended for another two weeks in order to obtain the desired taste and strength of the liqueur.

Cherry leaf drink

This cherry liqueur on vodka contains cherry leaves and a little citric acid. A vodka-based drink is prepared in a three-liter jar, the leaves give the product a unique taste and aroma at home. In addition, this is recommended to be used if the harvest is small, but you want to make a lot of liqueur.

Required products:

  • purified water - 1 liter;
  • fresh berries - 300 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1.3 kg;
  • cherry leaves - 25 pieces;
  • good quality vodka - 1 liter;
  • citric acid - 15 grams.

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Cooking steps:

  1. The berries are washed, after which the seeds are removed from them, then the leaves are washed well and the ingredients are transferred to a saucepan. Pour the ingredients with water and cook for about 15 minutes, the cooking process is carried out over low heat. After that, the resulting broth is filtered through cheesecloth.
  2. Sugar is poured into the finished broth and citric acid is immediately added. The drink is brewed further for about seven minutes with constant stirring. The sugar should be completely dissolved.
  3. The prepared cherry syrup is cooled to room temperature. Vodka is poured into it and the blank is poured into bottles. The containers are tightly sealed, and in order to give the liqueur a stronger aroma, you can put two cherry leaves in each bottle.
  4. The drink is insisted for about twenty days, while the temperature should be room temperature. In some cases, the cherry liqueur at home turns out to be cloudy, in order to quickly clear the drink with vodka, it can be filtered with cotton wool.

The strength of the liqueur comes out about 10 degrees, the product is stored for about two years.

Pouring for the lazy

A fairly simple option for preparing a drink, which is more suitable for those who do not like to fiddle with the preparation of ingredients and prolonged infusion. There is no need to remove the pits from the cherries, so the cooking process will be significantly reduced in time.

Preparing products and creating a tincture takes a minimum amount of time.

Required ingredients:

  • ripe cherry fruits - 1.5 kg;
  • good quality vodka - 1.5 liters;
  • granulated sugar - 2.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. In one glass container, mix all the berries, add granulated sugar and the required amount of vodka there.
  2. The container is closed with a lid, and then placed in a dark place, where it will not be lower than 20 and not higher than 25 degrees.
  3. The tincture is aged for about thirty days, while every three days the bottle with the filling is shaken well to mix the components.
  4. When the drink is ready, it is filtered with gauze, and then bottled and well corked.
  5. The liqueur should be stored in the refrigerator and has a shelf life of three years.

Cherry honey drink

This is a fairly simple cherry liqueur that you can make with your own hands at home. According to this recipe, the product is infused with vodka, but you can also use alcohol or purified moonshine.

Required products:

  • good quality vodka - 2 liters;
  • ripe cherries - 2 kg;
  • vanillin - 2 packs;
  • natural liquid honey - 2 liters.

Cooking steps:

  1. The cherries are washed, after which the seeds are removed from them. The finished berries are transferred to a jar and vanilla powder is added there. Immediately pour vodka into the container.
  2. The jar is closed tightly with a lid and left in the sun for about one month.
  3. When the allotted period of time has expired, the resulting drink should be filtered, the product should be poured into a clean bottle, and the cherries should not be thrown away, as they are still needed.
  4. A bottle of tincture is sent to a cool place, while the cherries are being prepared.
  5. The berries are transferred to a glass jar and two liters are added to them. The container is closed again and placed on the windowsill, on the sunny side. In this form, the cherry is worth exactly a month.
  6. When thirty days have passed, the honey with cherry juice is filtered to remove the berries. Next, combine the two obtained products and shake. Can be consumed immediately after cooling.

Cherry Pouring with Mint

This version of the alcoholic drink will be more to the taste of those who love unusual liqueurs. This recipe uses mint, it gives a very bright aroma to the drink, while making the product very tasty.

Required products:

  • lemon zest - 5 grams;
  • ripe cherries - 640 grams;
  • cherry pits - 12 pieces;
  • good quality vodka - 50 ml;
  • fresh mint leaves - 12 pieces;
  • granulated sugar 130 grams.

Cooking steps:

  1. All berries are washed well, after which the seeds are removed from them.
  2. You can cut the cherries in half and crush them a little for more juice.
  3. Cherry pits are crushed in the required amount, and then placed in a gauze bag.
  4. Such a bag is placed in a jar where the liqueur will be prepared. Prepared berries and granulated sugar are also sent there.
  5. After the zest is removed from the lemon, and the product is added to the berries, the mint leaves are washed and placed in a container.
  6. At the last stage, the components are poured with vodka, the jar is tightly closed with a plastic lid or gauze.
  7. For seven days, the drink is kept in the sun, and after that, it is removed to a dark place, where it is cool enough, there the liqueur remains for one month.
  8. The finished drink is filtered with gauze and then poured into prepared bottles.
  9. To improve the taste and strength of the product, it is recommended to additionally withstand the filling for about two months.

Pouring in French

A fairly simple and quick option for making a strong drink. The composition includes cloves, so the liqueur gets a bright aroma.

Required components:

  • carnation - 3 buds;
  • cherry berries - 1.2 kg;
  • good quality vodka - 630 ml;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • granulated sugar - 430 grams;
  • lemon peels - to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. The berries are washed well, after which the seeds are removed.
  2. The prepared cherries are placed in a jar and covered with lids.
  3. Water is heated in a container and jars are immersed there for five minutes.
  4. After the container is taken out and the berries are allowed to cool for several hours.
  5. The lids are removed and vodka is poured into each container.

The containers are sealed with lids and the drink is sent to a dark place for three months. To distribute spices and sugar evenly throughout the drink, you should shake the jars sometimes. The finished drink is filtered and bottled.