Metal ceiling rail. Ceiling rail the advantages and disadvantages of metal and wood products. Frame structure for metal slatted ceiling

It is presented in the following colors: white (matte and glossy), gold stripe, beige touch, mirage, luxury chrome, etc. The collection includes light and pastel shades that are optimal for the design of most rooms. The panels look organic, neat and beautiful. The insert is a decorative material that gives the ceiling individuality and sophistication. They are mounted between the main aluminum rails. Installation of a slatted ceiling is carried out with and without inserts, forming a continuous surface with thin blind gaps.

Slatted ceilings have a number of advantages: relatively inexpensive cost, versatility (can be installed in places with high humidity, in open areas), environmental friendliness, durability (service life of 25 years), fire resistance, hygiene, soundproofing, light reflection, ease of installation of climate systems and electrical wiring and quick access to them, a wide range of colors. Various options for connecting slats allows you to create unusual artistic constructions - the so-called multi-level slatted ceiling. These can be undulating surfaces made of strips of various colors, geometric shapes, hemispheres and stepped hinged structures. Lacquered aluminum panels are easy to clean, always look aesthetically pleasing, and can be dismantled and transported to another location at any time.

Accessories for slatted ceilings

Stringer in another way "comb" - is the main bearing element of the rack ceiling. Mount directly to the ceiling or with hangers. It is made of stainless steel and has a special toothed shape for attaching rails and inserts. U-shaped profile - installed around the perimeter, usually at the border of the ceiling and wall. The U-shape allows you not to fasten it to the wall, thereby eliminating sagging. The wall corner completes the slatted ceiling and must be fixed to the wall. Analogue of the U-shaped profile.

From what just do not make hanging cloth: from drywall, wood panels, vinyl sheathing, glass, cellulose and even gypsum modules. Among all this variety, metal ceilings also take their place.

Rack ceiling: device

The design refers to conventional suspension systems and assumes attachment to the base floor with suspensions. The latter are adjustable, thanks to which it is possible, firstly, to free up the necessary sub-ceiling space for communications, and secondly, to achieve a perfectly horizontal flat surface.

The difference is the structure of the guides to which the slats are attached. They have special teeth, the lamellas are fixed on the guides without additional fastening. This method greatly facilitates do-it-yourself work, but makes it difficult to access ceiling communications.

Varieties of metal ceilings

Reiki or slats are made from:

aluminum - lighter, absolutely not subject to corrosion. They are actively used in rooms with a very high level of humidity - swimming pools, water parks, and, of course, in the bathroom;

from steel - from galvanized steel. They are also protected against corrosion and have greater mechanical strength. Steel is used for finishing at airports, train stations, sports complexes and so on.

The width of the slats ranges from 10 to 400 mm. The length reaches 6 m: when the size is increased, the slats are too difficult to work with and there is a risk of sagging, especially for steel products.

As additional protection, the lamellas are covered with a polymer layer. Without additional decoration, they create a mirrored, very effective ceiling. If this option does not suit you with something, you can use another material:

powder-coated - creates a wide range of colors, does not fade in the sun and is insensitive to moisture;

lamination - forms an imitation of any natural materials - wood, stone, fabric;

aluminum spraying - matt shimmering slats. The photo shows a colored metal ceiling.

Installation method

The rail is fixed to the rail with folded edges. There are two ways to place the lamella on the traverse:

with jointing - or insert. The slats are fixed on the guide in series, and between them an insert is fixed, usually a mirror one.

without joining - the insert is not used, and the lamellas can be installed at a certain interval. This method is usually used in large public areas - the same station, to ensure good ventilation.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of a metal rack ceiling are explained by the material and method of fastening:

absolute incombustibility of the finish;

excellent moisture resistance, not susceptible to mold or mildew;

strength and durability;

high light reflection - only the material imitating wood does not reflect light, other options noticeably increase the level of illumination in the room;

easy installation - does not require a complex frame and does not need a lot of fasteners;

decorative properties - the metal can not only be painted or laminated, but also given any shape. Metal lamellas are laid horizontally, at an angle, and in the form of a wave or other relief. In the latter case, elements of a larger width are used. The photo shows a mirrored wavy ceiling.

The disadvantages of the product include:

quite high price;

reduction in height, like any other harness;

rather complicated renovation. The slats are fixed sequentially and, in order to replace one of them, all the slats before it must be sequentially removed.

Installation technology

Thanks to the mounting method, the installation of a suspended slatted ceiling takes much less time than, for example, plasterboard cladding.

Room preparation

Standard basic floor preparation procedures apply: cleaning, removing old paint and plaster. If the plaster is strong, it cannot be removed.

The surface is treated with an antiseptic primer. If moisture does not pose a particular danger for aluminum rails and suspension systems, then the floor material cannot boast of this, so a primer is required.

If necessary, all hidden communications are started up, cables are laid for the lamps.

Frame device

Installation begins with marking the level - about 20 cm. Then a guide profile is fixed around the perimeter of the room.

With the help of a fishing line and a pencil, the places for fixing the suspensions are marked. The step between them is 1–1.2 m, the outer suspensions should recede by 30 cm from the wall.

Traverses are inserted into the guide profile - a profile with teeth, and are fixed on suspensions. Self-tapping screws for metal are used. The traverses are placed perpendicular to the direction of laying the battens.

If the base floor is even and the communications are not hidden, then the traverses can be fixed directly to the ceiling.

Laying lamellas

The slats are cut to size. As a rule, the outer panels have to be adjusted.

The lamella is inserted with its ends into the wall profile and fixed on the traverse - until it clicks.

Installation of all the following strips is carried out in the same way. It is recommended to install the joining together with the battens.

The last lamella is trimmed and inserted before the last but one.

In the video, the installation of a rack metal ceiling is illuminated in more detail.

The metal rack ceiling is a version of the suspension system that is installed in rooms with high humidity. These structures have proven themselves well in living rooms, thanks to their technical characteristics, corrosion resistance, and the absence of decay.

Purpose and types of slatted ceilings

Many are interested in the question of what is rack metal ceilings and what elements they consist of. Rack ceilings - suspension systems, represented by a frame and facing elements in the form of panels. The planks are made from two types of materials - aluminum and steel. Lacquer acts as an external coating, which not only gives the products an aesthetic appearance, but also protects them from environmental influences.

Metal is a heavy material, therefore the whole structure has an impressive weight, with the exception of aluminum, but at the same time, the strength of the slatted ceilings is superior to plasterboard coatings. If you are wondering which type of panel to choose, install aluminum ceiling ceilings.

Depending on the design features, metal slatted ceilings are divided into:

  • closed - they are mounted without gaps, outwardly they look like one integral coating;
  • open - they are installed with small gaps, which are masked by special inserts of various shades, matching the color to the panels. Moreover, the slats are 5-10 times thicker than decorative plugs.

When buying a metal ceiling, pay special attention to the manufacturer. Geipel (Germany), a manufacturer from the Netherlands - Lualon have proven themselves well. Among domestic manufacturers, Bard, Omega, Agger are highly appreciated.

The frame for metal slatted ceilings does not have to be made on the same level. The system can be installed in several tiers or in the form of broken lines. If we talk about color, then, like any type of finish, white panels will visually raise the ceilings, while dark ones, on the contrary, will reduce their height.

The slats are made in the form of long and narrow strips. The main materials are stainless steel and aluminum. The panels are produced with a standard length of 3-4 meters. Longer strips can be purchased upon individual order - up to 10 meters. The width of the panel also varies and ranges from 5 to 20 cm. If you know the exact size of the ceiling surface area, you can easily determine the required amount of material.

The strips can be coated with one of the following types of decorative coatings:

  • lamination;
  • powder coating;
  • layers of polymers;
  • aluminum spraying.

Different surfaces of the panels give them additional expressiveness, determine the color of the elements and their texture. With the help of various coatings, it is possible to achieve interesting combinations on one ceiling.

In appearance, panels are:

  • with rounded edges;
  • with rectangular edges;
  • with a complex shape of the lateral ribs.

Also, slats can be perforated and solid (solid). On sale, you can often find the second option, represented by solid panels with the absence of any kind of holes.

Perforated products are made in the form of strips made by punching small holes at regular intervals. Experts advise installing such panels in rooms where good ventilation is required.

These systems are very practical and come in a variety of designs. Their main advantages include: long service life, strength, moisture resistance, ease of installation, a wide range of colors and textures. For the installation of aluminum panels, it is not necessary to mount a complicated frame, since the low weight of the material does not exert a significant load on the supporting structure.

The structure of the rack suspension systems includes a frame base, mounted to the ceiling at a certain distance from it, and aluminum slats. The following elements are used to install a suspended rack metal ceiling:

  • wall profile (in the shape of the letter G or P). It is chosen to match the panels;
  • bearing profile or tires (they are often also called combs (stringers), in which grooves are cut out at regular intervals, where specific types of panels are inserted. The dimensions correspond to the width of the slats;
  • suspensions. You can use any elements suitable for;
  • slats with a thickness of 0.3 to 0.6 mm. In small rooms, you can install the thinnest panels that will not sag due to stiffeners;
  • a decorative insert (or slotted profile) masks the gaps between adjacent rails when installing an open type of suspension structure. It is fixed at the end of the fastening of the slats and stays on the ceilings due to the curly edges.

It is possible to install suspended metal slatted ceilings in a small room in a few hours. The greatest difficulty in the process is the cutting of the material and the installation of fasteners.

Such structures perfectly withstand sudden changes in temperature, but are not suitable for use in some types of premises. For example, high humidity and lack of ventilation will shorten the lifespan of these ceilings.

- versatile systems that are not afraid of even the most difficult conditions. Thanks to their high technical characteristics, they can be installed on an open balcony or veranda, in a bathroom or kitchen.

But not only the appearance makes the rack ceiling structures popular. They are also distinguished by high functionality and fire safety. The only drawback is that they are quite expensive, nevertheless, their price is successfully paid off by a long service life and the absence of the need to carry out frequent repairs of ceilings.

An important point is the fact that such systems have low sound-absorbing characteristics. To eliminate this drawback, a special material (mineral or fiberglass) is glued to the reverse side of the strips, and perforated panel models are also used.

In addition to private houses and apartments, similar structures are mounted in public premises: warehouses, cafes, restaurants, gyms, medical or educational institutions.

It takes place in several stages, each of which requires adherence to a certain sequence and technique in work. At the same time, it is not necessary to carry out a thorough preparation of the basic base. The suspended structure will hide all flaws on the ceiling, disguise communications and electrical wiring. It is good if you have the skills in the field of electrical work. If there is no proper experience, then it is better to entrust all electrical work to specialists.

Tools and materials

When installing a suspended structure, you will need the following tools:

  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • scissors for cutting metal.

From the materials you will need to purchase:

  • panels for the selected ceiling design;
  • suspensions;
  • tires (traverse, combs);
  • fasteners - screws, dowels, screws.

The procedure will be as follows:

  • the lower level of the suspension system is outlined. For this, a horizontal line is drawn at a distance of at least 4 cm from the base ceiling, outlining the perimeter of the room;
  • the profile is attached. The first hole is made 5 cm from its edge, the others - at a distance of 30-40 cm;
  • to install the hangers, holes are drilled in the ceiling with a pitch of 120 cm. The hangers are fixed to the ceiling using anchors;
  • tires are installed on the suspensions.

  • panels are cut along the length of the wall surface with a small allowance of 5 mm. The slats are fastened in the perpendicular direction to the carrier tires. To do this, the elements are brought diagonally onto the plinth, and then aligned. The rail is fixed to the guide profile with a special latch;
  • since most often the length of the room does not correspond to the dimensions of the slat, the panels often have to be cut with scissors or broken by bending and unbending along the notch;
  • all slats are installed in the same way as the first panel. Decorative inserts are attached between them, if the ceiling is mounted in an open type.

Certain difficulties may arise with the last panel. They can be bypassed in one of the following ways:

  • if the length of the element exceeds two meters, it is slightly bent down. Using this technique, you can gently slide the bar into the groove of the carrier rail. If the rail is shorter, this method can lead to its breaking;
  • the panel is cut to a length exceeding by several millimeters the distance between the opposite shelves of the plinth. One end is brought into the groove until it stops, the element is aligned in height, and snapped into place with a retainer.

Cost of materials and work

The approximate cost for installing a rack ceiling will be as follows:

  • installation of the ceiling - 650 rubles / m²;
  • ceiling assembly - 600 rubles / m²;
  • for a bathroom, installation of a suspended structure will cost 600 rubles / m²;
  • installation of lighting devices for one unit starts from 300 rubles / piece;
  • dismantling of the slatted metal ceiling will be approximately 100 rubles / m².

The prices are indicated in case the ceilings will be installed in a straight line. The diagonal arrangement of the panels increases the cost of work by half. The price is also influenced by the characteristics of the material and the height of the ceilings.

You can create a rack ceiling with your own hands. The simplicity of the design does not present any particular difficulties during installation. However, if it is supposed to mount curved sections, such work should be entrusted to specialists.

Video on how to make a rack aluminum ceiling in the bathroom with your own hands

Rack ceilings have become very popular in recent years. Sometimes, when looking at them, it is not immediately possible to understand what they are made of - made of wood or metal... And all because the ceiling rail can be really wooden, but it can only imitate any type of wood, being made of sheet metal - steel or aluminum - with a decorative coating.

What material to choose for finishing the ceiling? Should you prefer a durable aluminum ceiling or an eco-friendly wooden ceiling? Let's figure it out.

Metal strip ceilings

Metal ceiling slats are made of galvanized steel, aluminum alloys or anodized aluminum. All of them have a decorative coating that protects the slats from mechanical damage and gives them a certain color and texture.

This is not necessarily a wood imitation. Metal slatted ceilings can have a smooth, almost mirror-like surface, imitate natural stone or other natural materials, be painted in any color with a glossy or matte texture.

Design features

  • Frame for such a ceiling consists of metal profiles with many tongues carved into them, to which the panels are attached. They're called stringers, combs or traverses, and, in fact, are support railsthat hold the entire cladding.
  • Sami traverses can be attached directly to the main ceilingif it is flat enough, or hang from it with the help of special metal spokes, adjustable in length - spring hangers. They allow you to vary the level of decorative coating relative to the base surface.
  • A special corner or U-shaped profile is installed along the perimeter of the ceiling, performing a decorative function. It hides the edges of the slats and their ends at the junction with the walls, giving the slatted ceiling a finished and beautiful look.

  • The slats are attached to the traverse without using any additional fasteners. Their edges have a profile that matches the tongue notches on the traverse, so they easily snap into the rails.

For reference. Metal slatted ceilings can be made solid or with gaps between slats, which in turn can be covered with narrower slats of the same or a different color.

Advantages and disadvantages of metal ceiling slats

  • Steel and aluminum ceiling slats do not emit harmful substances, therefore they are safe for health.
  • They do not warp with fluctuations in humidity and air temperature, retaining its shape.

  • Metal ceilings are fireproof.
  • They can be washedwithout fear of damaging the surface and preventing dust from settling on the ceiling. This can be very important if there are people in the house with dust allergies or lung diseases.
  • Metal slats highly easily attached to the framewithout requiring the use of hardware.
  • They already have a decorative coating, therefore they do not require finishing after installation.

The disadvantages of metal rails include their high cost and lack of heat and sound insulating properties.

Wooden slat ceilings

Wooden ceiling strip is one of the types of cladding boards. It looks like a lining or imitation timber, and is made from both coniferous and deciduous wood species.

Wooden ceiling structure

  • The basis for timber slatted ceilings is carcass from parallel wooden bars.
  • As well as traverses for metal ceilings, bars can be attached to the base with or without hangers... In the latter case, their alignment is carried out by means of wooden inserts of different thicknesses, which are installed under the bars at the points of their attachment.

For reference. For fastening the wooden frame, not spring, but direct hangers made of perforated galvanized steel are used.

  • Wooden slats are attached to the frame in the same way as lining - with clamps and short nails. In addition, they are fastened to each other by means of a tongue-and-groove fastening.
  • After installing the slatted ceiling, its joints with the walls are closed wooden skirting board.

The advantages of wooden slats over metal

You have already seen that metal slatted ceilings have a lot of advantages, but wood structures also have them.

  1. Ceiling slatsfor them are also made of environmentally friendly materialthat does not cause health problems. But besides this, the tree breathes and releases phytoncides into the air.
  2. Wooden ceilings can be washed too.
  3. Unlike metal, wooden panels possess thermal insulation and sound-absorbing properties.
  4. They can be used for finishing baths and saunas - that is, rooms with high temperatures.
  5. Finally, the price of a wooden lath is much lower than an aluminum one.

However, in many ways, wood is inferior to metal, and very often you have to make a choice in favor of the latter.

The classic metal slatted ceiling is made on the basis of aluminum elements that combine two important properties: resistance to corrosion and low weight. It is these qualities that make structures resistant to operation in high humidity conditions for several decades without the risk of failure. Installation of aluminum slatted ceilings is appropriate in rooms for a wide variety of purposes, including bathrooms, toilets, swimming pools, kitchens, hallways and others.

Why suspended structures are made of metal: the advantages

Rack metal ceilings are made of moisture resistant aluminum that can cope with temperature extremes, therefore, during active use, they not only do not lose their appearance, but also retain their functionality. Manufacturers declare a 15-year warranty period, during which the structures will not lose one hundred percent of their original qualities, even under extreme operating conditions.

An equally weighty argument in favor of choosing aluminum suspension systems is the variety of textures and colors of panels. With their help, you can create unique systems, complementing and improving the interior design in any style. There are over 30 color and texture options on the market for any type of room.

An important point is the safety and environmental friendliness of the material. Modern metal suspended ceilings are more often made of special aluminum used in the food industry.

The material meets hygienic, sanitary and fire safety standards, does not pose any health hazard, and can be used in children's rooms, canteens, and medical institutions.

Suspension system design: what it consists of

To understand how to install a suspended metal rack ceiling on your own, you need to thoroughly study its device. The whole structure is a frame and slats with a surface in different versions:

  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • with perforation;
  • imitating natural materials.

Panels also differ in shape. They are rectangular and rounded.

Structural elements can be located diagonally, along or across the ceiling to visually change the proportions and area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Metal slatted ceilings are mounted with several types of joints, which can be without gaps, closed or open. Closed joints mean that the slats go over each other, open - the formation of gaps with a width of up to 1.5 centimeters, without gaps - the installation of the slats close to each other.

A separate important part of the structure is the suspension system, built on a combination of a support rail with profiles, a suspension and a comb.

The rail is a steel strip with grooves provided for fastening the rails. The suspension structure includes a bracket and a rod. The first is attached to the carrier rail, the second to the rough base. The distance between the suspension system and the main ceiling should not be less than 5 cm or more than 12 cm, it all depends on the number of communications intended for masking.

Ceiling mounting tools and materials

It is not difficult to install a ceiling made of metal panels with your own hands, but only after the end of the repair wet work, installation of windows, installation of the floor. Before starting work, it is important to fix the electrical cables to the surface of the rough ceiling, thus securing and simplifying your work.

It will be possible to independently install a rack ceiling, having a standard set of tools and system components:

  • level and tape measure;
  • puncher;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors for metal;
  • slats;
  • guide profile;
  • carrier tires;
  • suspensions;
  • fastening elements.

Begin the installation process with markup. To do this, mark the approximate location of the new ceiling, not forgetting about the minimum distance from the main ceiling of 5 cm. Using a level (preferably laser), put marks on each wall. Connect the designations with a horizontal line, measure the length of the wall, cut off the required amount of the corner profile.

Along the line drawn before, the guide profile is fixed with dowels and screws at a distance of 50-60 cm. The inner corners of the profile are fixed end-to-end, the outer corners at an angle of 45 degrees.

The next step is to mount the suspensions. The places of their attachment are marked using a tape measure, observing the requirements for the pitch between the marks of 90-100 cm. The suspensions are fixed with dowels and screws into the previously prepared holes.

Following the suspensions, the base of the frame is fixed - the tires are at a distance of 1-1.2 meters, they are connected with screws to the suspensions, using a power tool for convenience and speed of work. With a minimum distance between the ceiling and the structure, it is allowed to fasten the tires directly to the rough base.

A distance of 1 cm is maintained between the corner profile and the carrier bus. If necessary, the bus is inserted, fixing the suspension at the beginning of the new traverse, screwing the next one end-to-end to it.

After completing all the above steps, proceed to the installation of the rack structure. To do this, unpack the slats, give them the desired length, given that the final version should be 0.5 cm more than the distance between the opposite walls.

Each new rail is attached next to the previous one, the height of the tires is adjusted by changing the screw-in depth of screws or hangers. The last strip, if necessary, is cut in width along a line drawn along the entire surface. Fasten the trimmed panel with wooden spacers or corner profile particles.

The finishing touch is the skirting board. Playing the role of a decorative element that complements the composition, the skirting board will also cope with masking unaesthetic joints between slats and walls. The more uneven the walls, the wider you need to choose the baseboard.

The installation of moldings is considered the completion of the installation of the rack structure. The process will not take much time, it will require a minimum of effort to bring cleanliness and order in the room before starting operation.