Embossed wallpaper for walls for painting. Wallpaper for painting in the interior: photos of successful design solutions. What are fiberglass-based wallpapers?

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There are a huge number of wallpapers on the market today. Among them, a special niche is occupied by those that, after gluing to the wall, create an ideal surface for applying paint. These are paintable wallpapers, the pros and cons of which, as well as features, will be discussed today in our review prepared by the editors of the online magazine site.

Paintable wallpaper is a special material for creating a unique interior

All products of this type can be repainted several times. It is very convenient. Tired of one color or decided to update your furniture? Redecoration and complete renovation of the room will not be difficult.

What are paintable wallpapers: pros and cons

On the shelves of hardware stores, you can find several types of paintable material:

They all differ from each other in the material of manufacture. In addition, there are wallpapers with and without texture, smooth. Anti-vandal items occupy a special niche.

Non-woven wallpaper for painting

This type, along with fiberglass specimens, is most often found on the market. They are made from non-woven material based on cellulose and synthetic fibers. The texture of the wallpaper is thin; in most cases, foamed vinyl is applied to the material.

Glass fiber for painting

This material is particularly durable. It is made from several components:

  • caustic soda;
  • quartz sand;
  • dolomite;
  • lime.

The result is fiberglass that is resistant to external influences.

Advice! The question of what is better for painting, fiberglass or non-woven wallpaper cannot be answered unequivocally. We advise you to choose fiberglass-based material for children's and living rooms, and in other cases, be guided by your own taste and financial capabilities.

Paper models

This option will suit those who want to save significantly on cosmetic repairs. Paper ones were widespread in our parents' apartments. They consist of two layers of paper. In order for the wallpaper to have a texture, the embossing method using wood shavings is used.

Non-woven paintable vinyl wallpaper

As we said earlier, the most common coating for non-woven backing is vinyl. By itself, this material is fragile, over time it shrinks and crumbles. That is why such wallpapers must be painted. The paint creates not only color, but also a protective layer.

Vinyl is a PVC coating. It is also applied to a paper base. Vinyl can be easily wiped off with a damp cloth. The service life of such material is up to 6 years.

Smooth wallpaper without painting for painting

If you want to visually align the walls of the room and cover them with your favorite shade, choose wallpaper for painting without. They are smooth and not embossed. As a rule, the choice falls on this material if the owner wants to decorate the room in a minimalist style. The same option is acceptable for the Scandinavian classics, where any details on the walls will be superfluous.

Structural paintable wallpaper

Most of the products are patterned and structured. The more interesting the structure of the sheet, the more original it will look in the interior after painting.

An expert's point of view

Dmitry Holodok

Technical Director of the repair and construction company "ILASSTROY"

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“Paintable wallpaper can be repainted several times, but texture is lost with each painting. Most often you can paint glass fiber, up to 10 times. "

A wide choice of structures will allow the room to sparkle with new colors, moreover, it will make it unique. Washing them is as easy as smoothing them.

Vandal-proof paintable wallpaper

Separately, I would like to talk about wallpapers that have anti-vandal properties. Their advantage is that they are able to withstand mechanical stress. Such material will be, as it is impossible, by the way in houses where there are small children or pets.

This property is ensured by a special dense vinyl layer. The possibility of multiple repainting is an additional plus of the material. An example of high European quality is the German anti-vandal paintable Erfurt wallpaper. They also have an interesting texture.

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Which paintable wallpaper is better to choose

The choice of finishing material is difficult, even when it comes to wallpaper. When buying, you should pay attention to the following details:

  • price;
  • strength;
  • roll width;
  • appearance.

For and choose breathable materials, for walk-throughs, especially hallways, with a durable surface. If vandal-proof wallpaper seems expensive to you, feel free to choose a fiberglass that has shown itself well during operation. The material on a paper basis will last least of all, followed by the classic ones on the non-woven. The most durable options are considered to be on fiberglass, well, vandal-proof wallpapers, which have no competition. Today, one-meter-wide rolls are increasingly used, which are used to paste over the walls faster, besides, the picture looks perfect, because in this case there are fewer joints.

How to glue wallpaper for painting: work progress and nuances

We will tell and clearly show you for painting. Using their example, you can learn about the nuances of work. The first step is to close all windows and preferably even doors, as they are afraid of drafts. To work, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • glue (special or PVA);
  • wallpaper;
  • pencil;
  • primer;
  • roulette;
  • sharp knife;
  • wallpaper spatula;
  • wide brush for primer and glue;
  • long ruler.

No need for special. We will show the photo in the interior below. The paint will hide all the little things. Before starting work, the surface is carefully primed. To do this, choose a high-quality primer. You can walk 2-3 times to improve adhesion. We also dilute the glue, it should be thicker than usual.

There are two types of wallpapers:

  • without pattern selection;
  • with the selection of the picture.

If working with the first option is not difficult, then the second makes a person think. In fact, the selection of a pattern should not be difficult. Take a look at the packaging, it contains, in addition to dry information, a fitting card. It also indicates how many centimeters the drawing is repeated again. When cutting, you just have to shift the new sheet to this segment. In a separate publication you can find a convenient number of wallpapers required.

Table 1. How to glue wallpaper for painting

ImageDescription of work
Measure the height of the walls and cut the wallpaper into pieces using a ruler, pencil and tape measure.
They begin to glue the sheets from the window or the far corner of the room. Take a tape measure and measure from the corner to the right a distance equal to the width of the roll. We put a mark with a simple pencil.
We apply glue to the area where the first sheet will be glued. Gaps without glue should not remain.
A sheet is taken and aligned along the line that was previously placed on the wall along the width of the sheet. The sheets are glued dry, only the wall is covered with glue.
After leveling, iron with a trowel. Smooth from left to right slowly, in parts.
If a pipe adjoins the wall, boxes and sockets are available, then with the help of a sharp knife, these obstacles are bypassed on the spot.
Further they advance in the same way. They measure the distance, put a mark and determine the line. Only now, smoothing is performed from the joint, going to the left. Everything is ready, it remains to paint the walls. However, first you need to choose the right paint.

Video on how to properly glue wallpaper:

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In the publication, we will consider options for gluing non-woven, liquid and vinyl coatings, what kind of glue is best to use, how to prepare the surface, how to glue the canvas to the ceiling, methods of processing corners.

What paint for wallpaper for painting is better

For each type of material, its own paint is selected. All of them belong to the category of water-dispersed. Its color is the client's desire:

  • for paper and non-woven substrates - water-based paint;
  • for fiberglass - acrylic or latex, at choice.

This rule is not essential. The most popular paint is acrylic. It should be noted that non-woven-based material is also painted with it. Its main advantage is the absence of fear of moisture. The disadvantage of acrylic paint is the dullness of the shades. It will not work to make the surface glossy.

Carefully. It must match the texture and purpose of the room. We also advise you to pay attention to the base of the paint, its composition and characteristics.

For almost a decade, paintable wallpapers have been very popular. This finishing material has a pronounced texture, which, showing through the paint, gives the interior the necessary texture. They lend themselves easily to reusable staining, so you can create a new interior or refresh the old one without major repairs.

Depending on your preferences, you can independently choose a color scheme for wall decoration or even combine several colors within one room. But the main question is: wallpaper for painting - which one is better?

What determines the choice

Before you start decorating the walls, many are wondering which wallpaper for painting in the interior will look the most organic. Rational people immediately think about wallpapering the walls without problems, and, if necessary, it would be possible to paint with their own hands.

The choice will largely depend on the characteristics of the room, and on the place of decoration. For example, wallpaper on the ceiling for painting will differ significantly in its characteristics from those that will be chosen for the walls.

There are still a huge number of additional factors that will affect the choice of this finishing material:

  • Texture suitable for the interior;
  • Material side;
  • The issue of the environmentally friendly state of the material;
  • The need for noise and sound insulation;
  • Estimated number of stains.

Many have doubted for a long time: wallpaper or painting - which is better? And in some versions, instead of softly decorated walls in the room, instead of wallpaper, cold paint is present. Thus, the feeling of comfort and coziness is dulled. Many in the old fashioned way choose material not for painting, and often regret it. Since soon you want some kind of changes, and dismantling the finish and reworking the walls requires a lot of effort, money and time.

Advantages and disadvantages

Wallpaper for painting, the pros and cons of which can be immediately identified, meet certain criteria. First, about the pros:

  • Fast and easy installation, which is done in just a few days.
  • Fast and hassle-free dismantling.
  • Huge selection of colors, patterns, materials. Wallpapers for painting with a palette set off the entire spectrum of colors, but they are mainly presented in pastel colors.
  • Due to the specific coating, they also have a lot of additional properties.
  • Thanks to the soft colors, you can combine various paintable wallpapers with each other.

In most cases, the wallpaper for the walls is nevertheless chosen exactly those that can be painted in the future. So, you can save on the frequency of repairs.

Types of wallpaper for painting

If the decision is finally made, and the choice is made, then it's time to decide on the specific type of this finishing material:

  • They are a fairly dense finishing material that retains heat in the room with high quality and prevents heat loss. Non-woven material is applied to the paper base, which can be a large or small print. Non-woven wallpaper is easier to install than its counterpart. In any case, both the first and second options are suitable for reusable staining. Most often it is embossed wallpaper. Wallpaper for painting Marburg is considered the most popular type of non-woven material. Besides Marburg, rasch wallpapers are considered popular.

  • Paintable paper wallpaper. They can be glued to any wall and in any room. In comparison with conventional paper counterparts, this type is more dense, since it consists of several layers - usually two. Due to special impregnation, paper wallpapers for painting are not saturated with moisture, therefore they are suitable for re-painting.

  • Fiberglass wallpaper for painting. They have a lot of advantages. They perfectly correct wall defects, are made of environmentally friendly materials, multifunctional, durable and multi-textured.

  • They are represented by only a few color schemes, but a huge selection of textures and textures. Thanks to the compacted non-woven base, on which the vinyl is applied, the wallpaper for the walls is difficult to paint, but at the end of the work it takes on a chic look.

  • They are divided into two main types: glass cloth wallpaper for painting and vinyl anti-vandal wallpaper. This type of finishing material for painting is characterized by increased resistance to mechanical damage, exposure to sunlight and dirt. Glass cloth wallpapers are considered more practical in comparison with vinyl anti-vandal counterparts.

When choosing wallpaper for painting, you immediately need to focus on the paint and the method of gluing each type separately.

In the video: selection of wallpaper for painting.

Features of pasting

Since this finishing material is made using special technologies, there is a completely different installation feature in comparison with ordinary counterparts. Not many people know how to glue wallpaper for painting, especially this can be aggravated when repairs are made on their own.

Wallpaper gluing for painting involves the use of the following technology:

1. First you need to choose a suitable adhesive. Wallpaper for painting without texture on a paper basis can be glued using ordinary universal glue. Non-woven wallpaper for painting, as well as non-woven wallpaper, are glued with a special wallpaper glue.

2. Sticking of this type of material is done only on the prepared surface. The walls in the room must be leveled and primed. If there are no such defects, then the surface must be qualitatively cleaned of old finishing materials.

3. Work starts from the window from the left corner. First, measure a line that can be drawn using a plumb line. Then strips of finishing material are cut with a margin of 5 centimeters. Then glue is applied to the walls. If the glass-cloth wallpaper is processed with non-woven or it is a material pasted over with vinyl, then no glue is applied to the strip itself, otherwise it is mandatory.

4. Further actions are no different from the standard gluing procedure. Wall-paper for painting Marburg is mounted according to the same principle. Ceiling painting option is the same as wall painting.

How to glue wallpaper for painting becomes completely clear even for a beginner. The main thing is to install without a lining, but end-to-end. Otherwise, the material may peel off completely or partially.

In the video: how to glue wallpaper for painting.

We select paint

Wallpaper paint for painting must be of high quality. It is also important to choose the desired shades. In the store, it is important to determine which brand of paint is better, for this you should pay attention to the composition - it should definitely indicate the coloring pigment.

Wallpaper for painting Marburg and other similar options can only be painted with oil paint. In other cases, paint for wallpaper for painting can be water-based.

Most often, it is white wallpaper that is chosen, so the color for painting the wallpaper is not too saturated - more often it is pastel or cold colors.

Paints for wallpaper for painting should not only cover the surface with high quality, but also meet several basic requirements:

  • The painted area should not be exposed to sunlight, that is, fade.
  • Do not change the color effect as a result of exposure to chemical detergents.
  • A good guarantor of quality and environmental friendliness.

In order for all these properties to be respected, paint for wallpaper for painting must be latex-based. Such components are used in order to protect the surface of the finishing material from mechanical damage.

Dyeing technology

How to paint wallpaper for painting - this question is of interest to many, since non-observance of this technology can lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the finish.

Each type has its own special processing option:

  • How to paint non-woven wallpaper? It is best to use water-based paint in this case. Non-woven wallpaper can be painted with a glossy or matte base. The product is applied to the surface with a roller.

  • Smooth paintable wallpaper can also be painted with a water emulsion. How to paint wallpaper with water-based paint becomes a whole art. The product is applied for the first time in two layers. You need to paint the walls carefully so that the layers are uniform without the formation of bubbles.

  • Many are interested in whether it is possible to paint liquid wallpaper. This version of the finishing material is very popular, so their further finishing is also important. When painting wallpaper, it is important to preserve the texture of liquid wallpaper, as it is very easy to break it.

  • How to paint old wallpaper that has been decorating the wall for several years? It is important to adhere to the same principle here as with non-woven wallpaper. Old wallpaper should be painted in two or even three layers.

  • Ceilings are painted according to the standard principle. The main thing is that the paint is not too liquid, otherwise frozen drops will appear.

How to paint wallpaper for painting becomes completely clear. Such wallpaper painting does not require adherence to any special rules, so this work can be done quite easily and simply. The technology of painting wallpaper for painting in two colors is the most popular. So one wall is painted in one color and the other in another.

Smooth paintable wallpaper- functional and profitable solution. It is enough to choose them once and easily change the design of the room many times, using different types and shades of paints.

Smooth paintable wallpaper - modern, environmentally friendly finishing material

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of materials for indoor wall decoration. Smooth paintable wallpaper is always in demand. They are actively used for decorative cladding of premises by professional interior designers. These coatings are good in that they allow you to quickly and relatively cheaply not only change the color scheme of the room, but also transform the overall interior.

Smooth paintable wallpaper is good because its gluing provides an absolutely flat surface for painting. You can repaint smooth canvases several times. The most common types of smooth paintable wallpaper are fiberglass and non-woven paint. Both the one and the other material have proven to be excellent as a finishing coat of walls prepared for painting.

Fiberglass and its use for preparing walls for painting

Fiberglass, as a smooth wallpaper for painting, appeared on the domestic market of finishing materials relatively recently, but almost immediately it began to enjoy popularity, both among individuals and contracting teams that are professionally engaged in interior renovation of premises. The indisputable advantages of this wall covering include:

  • Long service life ranging from 10 to 50 years;
  • Versatility - fiberglass is suitable for finishing walls for painting both in residential and non-residential premises;
  • Good vapor permeability, thanks to which the walls can "breathe", which completely eliminates the risk of mold and mildew;
  • High fire resistance - fiberglass not only does not burn, but also stops the spread of flame;
  • Resistance to temperature extremes and high humidity in the room.

Fiberglass is in the collections of famous manufacturers of decorative wall coverings, for example - Vitrulan, Brattendorf, Wellton and others. This modern, environmentally friendly material is a smooth fabric consisting of fiberglass and adhesive. Fiberglass for painting usually has a density of at least 130 g / m2. Fiberglass with a lower density can be used for painting, but it should be borne in mind that the painted surface will not be absolutely smooth.

When gluing fiberglass, the canvases are glued vertically from floor to floor ceiling using special glue. After the glue dries, it is extremely difficult to tear off the fiberglass from the wall, so it is used not only for the final leveling of surfaces for painting, but also for its additional reinforcement.

Painting interlining and its use for preparing walls for painting

Painting interlining can be called a traditional alternative to fiberglass. It also belongs to the category of smooth paintable wallpaper. This material, which is a non-woven fabric that looks like a Whatman sheet, consisting of polyester textile fibers and long-fiber cellulose, interconnected with an acrylic polymer, is widely used for:

  • Wall alignment;
  • Preparing them for painting without using a finishing putty;
  • Cracking prevention;
  • "Masking" existing wall defects;

Painting interlining is excellent for finishing paintable walls in offices and public spaces. This material has good wear resistance, it is not afraid of temperature extremes and high humidity. The average service life of a painting non-woven fabric is at least 10 years. It can withstand many stains, is odorless and does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere. And, most importantly, it is easy to work with the paint interlining, when glued it does not stretch, does not tear and shrinks when dry.

Everyone can deal with the nuances of pasting walls with smooth wallpaper for painting, the main thing is to show the desire and ability to do something with their own hands.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 7 minutes

Every year there are more and more various options for decorating the walls in the apartment. Someone is experimenting, trying different options every few years, someone is making repairs under the motto "high quality and for a long time." But what if every few years you just want to refresh the room, but you don't want to start a full renovation every time? One of the best ways to resolve this situation is paintable wallpaper.

Several reasons why you should choose paintable wallpaper:

  • To change the boring color of the walls, it is not necessary to re-glue the wallpaper every time, it is enough to repaint it. Moreover, this can be done on average 5-6 times, and according to the assurances of some manufacturers, certain types of material can be repainted up to 20 times.
  • Compared to, paintable wallpaper creates a more cozy atmosphere and a home environment.
  • This is an excellent solution in a situation when the interior dictates a certain color scheme, but it is impossible to find ready-made wallpaper of a suitable shade. With this solution, it is enough to simply tint the paint in the desired color.

Types of wallpaper for painting

If you decide to take a closer look at such a finishing material as paintable wallpaper, you need to know that this group of wallpapers is also divided into different types.
Depending on what materials are used in their manufacture, paintable wallpaper can be:

  • paper;
  • made of fiberglass.

It is difficult to say which of these materials are better and which are worse. The choice depends on future operating conditions, on what effect you want to achieve, as well as on the amount that you are willing to spend on repairs.

Wallpaper intended for repeated painting differs in structure from conventional paper finishing material. They are quite dense and consist of two layers - a base and a coating. The top layer is impregnated with a special waterproof compound that allows the material to retain its appearance after staining. Some wallpapers, called coarse-grain, have wood shavings added between the cover and the base to create texture and relief.


  • made from environmentally friendly material;
  • able to hide minor flaws in the walls;
  • ideal for covering the ceiling;
  • relatively inexpensive.


  • shrink, so it is dangerous to glue them end-to-end;
  • the paper gets wet from the glue, the canvas can break, so you need to work with it quickly and accurately;
  • are easily damaged, therefore, require careful handling during operation.

Non-woven wallpaper

Wallpaper for painting of this type can be of two types - smooth and structural. Smooth ones consist entirely of non-woven fabric and do not have a relief pattern. The structural fabric has a non-woven base, the upper embossed coating is made of a decorative layer - foamed vinyl. Such wallpapers can have a wide variety of textures: floral or geometric patterns, patterns imitating wood, ceramics and other materials. A feature of vinyl is its susceptibility to mechanical damage. Therefore, despite the fact that textured wallpapers look great in white, many experts recommend painting them immediately after gluing to protect them and extend their service life. A layer of paint will make them more abrasion resistant.


  • they are very convenient to work with, since they do not tear, do not stretch, slide well on a wall greased with glue and are easily joined;
  • mask small cracks and other defects on the walls;
  • protect walls from cracking;
  • easy to care for;
  • have good water resistance, so they can be washed;
  • resistant to ultraviolet radiation.


  • the vinyl that forms the top layer of non-woven wallpaper requires careful handling, as it can easily be damaged;
  • have low vapor permeability.

Glass cloth wallpaper is a decorative wall covering that combines the properties of glass and fabric. Fiberglass is made from dolomite, quartz sand, soda and lime. Special glass is drawn into fine fibers, from which yarn is made. Thus, the material is woven like a regular fabric. They can have a variety of structures and patterns.


  • have excellent water resistance, so they are suitable for rooms with high humidity and withstand frequent washing;
  • made of natural materials, environmentally friendly;
  • have increased strength, do not tear or scratch;
  • do not attract dust due to protection from static electricity;
  • they pass water vapor well and contribute to the creation of a healthy microclimate in the room;
  • do not burn and do not emit harmful substances under the influence of fire;
  • have a very long service life - 30 years;
  • can be repainted many times.


  • high material cost.

How to choose a wallpaper texture

The texture of the wallpaper is embossed bulges and grooves that form a certain pattern on them. Choosing the right texture is extremely important, because you can change the color, but the pattern will decorate your walls for a very long time.

The drawing can be chaotic or ordered, repetitive. The first, in some cases, can look rather rude and even sloppy. Wallpaper for painting in the interior, if chosen incorrectly, can make a monotonous impression and induce boredom.
If you decide to choose a finishing material with a chaotic pattern, keep in mind that finer texture and more rounded lines are perceived much better. A repeating pattern will not get bored too quickly if the lines of the drawing are smooth and curved, and the elements of the drawing have a complex, intricate shape. In the event that you want to achieve the rigor of the interior, choose a simple, correct, repetitive pattern.

The texture of the wallpaper material can imitate plaster and even cracked paint. Such wallpapers can look spectacular, but do not forget about compliance with the chosen interior style. In any case, be guided by your own preferences, which wallpaper to choose is up to you.
The size of the picture also matters - a large pattern makes the wall noticeable, conspicuous, attracting attention, a small picture creates a background, the background of your interior. In addition, it should be borne in mind that a large repetitive pattern on the walls makes the room look smaller. In the event that the room for which you are choosing wallpaper for painting is small, give preference to a smooth material or canvas with a fine texture.

If you cannot dwell on a certain texture or are afraid that any drawing on the walls will quickly get bored, choose a smooth paintable wallpaper. Do not pay attention to the fact that in the store they do not look very interesting, in fact, they have many advantages:

  • a smooth canvas is easier to paint;
  • wallpaper without relief is a clean canvas for any drawings and experiments;

If you need to paint over the wallpaper with a uniform layer, so that the paint gets into all the grooves, you need to choose a roller with a fur coat. In the event that you want to highlight the pattern on the wallpaper, after the initial one-color painting, a foam roller is taken. It rolls over the wall, applying paint only to the top of the picture, making it stand out and creating a great visual effect.
When it is required to paint the glued wall again, the surface is cleaned of dirt and, if possible, degreased. It is advisable to use paint of the same composition as the previous painting. It is important to consider the previous color. If it is lighter than the one in which you are going to repaint the wall, then there will be no problem. If it is darker and more saturated, then before applying a lighter tone, you will have to apply an additional layer of white paint.