Kitchen refurbishment from a to z. Do-it-yourself kitchen renovation step by step - personal experience with photos. Installing a sink in front of a kitchen window

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 7 minutes

The kitchen is the main place in any home. Here, most often, all family members gather for a meal. Therefore, it is so important to create an atmosphere of comfort that encourages a calm, unhurried meal for pleasant communication. What is the right way to start a kitchen renovation? Its arrangement should be approached with the utmost responsibility. Especially if it is decided not to involve specialists in the repair, but to do the work with your own hands.

Stages of kitchen renovation

The initial stages of repair can be divided as follows:

  1. To endure the idea of ​​​​repair, to think over every little thing, for which you need to clearly understand what you want to get as a result.
  2. Make a decision to bring your idea to life.
  3. Get to work, start making repairs. The first step is the main one.

The process of doing repairs yourself is not as scary as it seems at first. Difficulties will certainly arise, but everything can be solved. In addition, what will be the satisfaction from the work done with your own hands, when you get the conceived masterpiece! Now from the lyrics - to the repair process.

Preparatory work

The kitchen has many functions. As a rule, the area of ​​this space is limited. Therefore, it is very important to correctly arrange all pieces of furniture and household appliances in order to use it comfortably. How to start a kitchen renovation correctly, what should be considered first of all?

When cooking, the kitchen will always be humid. Therefore, the material for finishing surfaces and furniture must be moisture resistant, which are easy to clean. It is difficult to make the right choice without professionals.

  • First you need to draw up a diagram of the future kitchen. The sketch will allow you to decide on the color scheme of the room, the correct arrangement of furniture and other items. This will help in choosing accessories.
  • Calculation of the necessary materials. This stage should be entrusted to specialists. It is necessary to competently think over the plumbing and sewer systems, the location of the electrical wiring,.

Main stages of work

If replacement of door and window openings is required, they begin with the dismantling and replacement of windows. If necessary, create new partitions. Walls, floor and ceiling are aligned.

The walls are usually decorated with washable wallpaper or tiles. tiled.

After all the work has been done, the surfaces are finished and thoroughly dried, you can install household appliances and furniture.

Important! Particular attention should be paid to proper lighting. A high ceiling can be decorated with multi-level lighting fixtures. If the ceiling is low, spot lighting will do.

Separately, it is necessary to create lighting above the working area. Ideally, install the backlight on the bottom of the hanging cabinets. The dining area also requires additional lighting. Here you can stop at the wall lamp.

The last step will be the placement of accents, for which various accessories are used, which are designed to make the kitchen individual and cozy.

When planning a room, one should not forget that the main “backbone” of the kitchen is made up of three items: a stove for cooking, a sink and a refrigerator. They should be in every kitchen. Moreover, the convenience of using the premises depends on their location. These items should be close.

For people who have finally decided to stop living in the monotonous old walls, it comes to mind to make a major alteration of the entire kitchen. There are some dangers here. In order not to make common mistakes, you should figure out where the repair begins, what should you pay attention to in the first place? The main stages of its implementation in more detail.

  • The beginning of the repair is always very long and laborious. It is not too interesting to uproot old floors with your own hands, peel off wallpaper blackened from old age, and raise the flooring. The main thing at this time is to be patient and take out all the garbage. More pleasant work to create a new space will follow.
  • First of all, electrical wiring is created. Marking the location of sockets and switches is done. If you do not do this right away, then it will be difficult to add another element in the right place.

The main places where sockets are required:

  1. electric stove;
  2. hood;
  3. wall near the working area;
  4. a place for a TV;
  5. location of the microwave, dishwasher;
  6. fridge.
  • Finishing is always done from top to bottom, from ceiling to floor. Before you start finishing the ceiling, you need to decide on the type of hood and its location.

There can be two options here:

  1. convector installation;
  2. ventilation duct device.

The second option is great for creating two-level ceilings that allow you to hide the ventilation pipe. The best option for creating a ceiling is. It is easy to use, allows you to realize any form.

  • Wall decoration requires a primer on all old surfaces. Corners are recommended. They are mounted on plaster. Be sure to plaster cavities, cracks.

High-quality putty and priming of surfaces is the basis of a good kitchen renovation.

  • Work area layout. It can be tiled or hung. When decorating a wall with tiles, it is very important to withstand the following parameters:
  1. the horizontal level of the wall must be perfect;
  2. angles should be exactly 90 degrees;
  3. choose the right height for the design of the working area. You should focus on the height of the plate.

Advice! In places where you plan to hang wall cabinets in the kitchen, you can save a little on material.

  • Wall preparation. It includes putty work. It all depends on the chosen design material. Under the wallpaper does not require too much layer. And if the choice fell on, then the work should be done most carefully. The surface is then sanded.
  • The next step is to cover the floor. The ideal material for this is. You can lay it with your own hands, the process should proceed slowly, carefully. Here you should also maintain a horizontal level. This is very important, otherwise the furniture will not stand up straight.

All dirty work is done, you can start finishing.

Common kitchen renovation mistakes

Starting repairs in the kitchen with their own hands, many make the same mistakes. They subsequently turn into the inconvenience of operating the kitchen space. To avoid this and do everything right, you should familiarize yourself with some of the nuances.

  1. When determining the work surface and floors, it is worth choosing non-porous materials. Otherwise, cleaning will be difficult. Smooth tiles are much easier to clean. Especially not worth doing wooden floors.
  2. Do not create bulky air ducts. They do not look aesthetically pleasing and take up useful space. If the stove is located far from the vent, it is better to choose a hood that does not need an air duct.
  3. An unimportant decision - a lot of seams on the work apron. When pasting this wall with wallpaper, you should think about protection, for which you need to choose a holistic material. For example, large glass.
  4. In a large kitchen, you should not make a work surface along one wall. This creates additional inconvenience when cooking. It is better to create a U-shaped zone, where all the necessary devices are located within walking distance.
  5. Narrow aisles between furniture. This prevents free movement in the kitchen and opening drawers and cabinets. Keep a distance of at least 1.2 meters. Furniture should be chosen with slightly protruding handles, especially in corner cabinets.
  6. Replacing hanging drawers with open shelves. This gives the space airiness, lightness. But at the same time, it causes a lot of problems for cleaning and constant maintenance of order. Floor furniture is more convenient with drawers than with shelves.
  7. A glossy facade is beautiful and elegant, but completely impractical. Cleaning will be required daily.
  8. Not enough space for small household appliances can be a big problem. It is worth considering that the hostess uses a lot of small appliances. They require free location and access to electricity.
  9. Heavy hanging cabinets can only be hung on the main wall. Plasterboard partitions simply will not withstand them.
  10. The ideal location of household appliances is at the level of a person’s belt.
  11. Lack of lighting is the main problem of the kitchen. Lighting should be multi-level. It is worth conveniently placing the switches so that you do not have to go to them through a dark room.

  12. (votes: 2 , average rating: 3,50 out of 5)

Renovating a kitchen is not necessarily a costly undertaking. You can do everything quickly and inexpensively with conventional materials. If you use exactly what is suitable for difficult room conditions, the finish will not lose its attractive appearance for a decade or more. Along the way, issues with windows, doors, communications are being resolved. Outdated designs are replaced with new ones.

The whole process is carried out in stages, so as not to miss anything and not spoil what has already been done. Difficulties are caused by the arrangement of furniture and equipment in Khrushchev, where there is very little space. Proper selection of modern products will solve this problem.

Project work

Most kitchens, especially small ones, need to be redesigned to accommodate furniture and equipment. They begin with a careful measurement of the room - an accuracy of at least 5 mm. On a small area, inaccuracy leads to the accumulation of errors, and as a result it turns out that somewhere there is not enough space, something interferes. All data is recorded in order to then draw up a plan based on them. They determine not only the dimensions, but also the position of each object relative to the walls, floor, ceiling. Take indicators from the following elements:

  • the entire room - length, width, height;
  • door and window openings;
  • mezzanine;
  • sockets, switches, lamps;
  • pipes - gas riser, sewerage, water supply;
  • ventilation grill;
  • finishes - cornices, stucco moldings, various ledges.

All data is transferred to a sheet of paper, as a result, a plan comes out. Now you should decide on the location of furniture and household appliances. If they are not updated, remain the same, then the dimensions are removed. But you probably want to update everything. It makes no sense to buy in advance - you will have to place it somewhere, in a small apartment the equipment will only interfere. It remains to choose the products you like in the store, find out the dimensions from the catalog provided by the seller.

Drawing their placement manually or using computer programs for a non-specialist is difficult and time-consuming. They do it easier - they take a sheet of cardboard and prepare a large-scale copy of the kitchen with walls, only without a ceiling, cut out windows and doors. Reduce by 5-10 times depending on the size of the room. From dense foam, models of cabinets, stoves, sinks and everything else are made, signed with a marker. Then they begin to play with cubes, moving them around the space until the optimal arrangement is found. On the walls are glued with pieces of plasticine.

If there is no desire to work with the project on a computer or the proposed method seems difficult, use another one. It will take quite a lot of cardboard, on which the life-size length and width of each element of the decor that will stand on the floor is applied. They are moved around the kitchen space in search of an acceptable solution. It is useful to make models of the rear walls in order to assess the location in height. The disadvantage of the method is that it is impossible to pre-plan, perhaps when all the furniture and household appliances are taken out.

General and particular features of the repair

The kitchen is a room with operating conditions that are fundamentally different from living rooms and even utility rooms. People spend a lot of time here, and cooking takes place, which greatly affects furniture and finishing materials. It must meet the increased sanitary and hygienic and operational requirements. Starting to repair, consider the following factors:

  • temperature fluctuations constantly occur - from normal to elevated and vice versa;
  • the presence of evaporation, leading to excess moisture;
  • installed gas and electrical equipment requires special security measures;
  • aggressive fat particles, soot deposited on the surface - should be easy to wash;
  • enhanced operation of furniture, equipment can only withstand wear-resistant coatings.

These features must be taken into account when repairing, otherwise the money will be wasted. In addition to caring for beauty, care must be taken to preserve it in adverse conditions. This is facilitated by good ventilation. Before repair, they check it: they remove the grate and look where the channel leads. If the vertical shaft is good, you may only have to put a small exhaust fan to increase efficiency. When the direction is horizontal - worse, but can be corrected.

How to cover the floor, walls, ceiling?

A significant role in the durability of the kitchen is played by the choice of materials for decoration. The main thing is high functionality in special kitchen conditions. In terms of design, even the most traditional types can decorate a room if you pick them up with taste and skillfully use them.

Ceramic tiles are often used for flooring - they are resistant to moisture, physical stress, and pollution. The colors are so diverse that they imitate wood, parquet, marble and much more. A significant drawback is poor thermal insulation. A common budget material is linoleum. It is easy to fit with your own hands, not afraid of moisture - the virtues that make it popular. You can buy with varying degrees of thermal conductivity, with or without lining. It lasts a long time, but should be protected from punctures and cuts.

Some beautiful and fashionable materials for kitchen floors should not be used. This primarily applies to the laminate. It is easy to lay, durable, but is afraid of moisture, which is abundant in the kitchen. Getting between the joints, it gradually destroys the coating, which swells. The second undesirable material is parquet. Constant temperature fluctuations, high humidity are destructive.

In the kitchen, the walls get dirty to a greater extent than in other rooms. It is advisable to use coatings that are easy to clean. Washable wallpapers or painted non-woven wallpapers are suitable for such a case. With their help, the room acquires the desired shade, under them all defects disappear. Among the shortcomings - poor resistance to damage.

Coating with semi-gloss paint is cheap, but impractical. The surface is washed, quickly contaminated, flaws stand out, but if necessary, it is updated without problems. Everything will be hidden by decorative plaster, which is easy to clean. It looks great in any interior, but in the event of a subsequent repair, it is not easy to remove it. Ceramic tiles are usually trimmed only with an apron.

Sheathing with waterproof drywall is done quickly, it is inexpensive, the walls are perfectly aligned. It is not necessary to correct surface flaws - they will hide under the sheets. In a kitchen with a small area, the method is not very desirable - so the limited space will be reduced even more.

The suspended ceiling made of plastic panels hides flaws well, which is not afraid of steam, grease, and requires minimal maintenance. Next in terms of functionality is laminate, the wrong side of which is impregnated with PVA and MDF with a similar treatment. The use of moisture-resistant drywall for these purposes is also a good option, but as a last resort. Multi-level structures are created from it, but it is required to periodically update the whitewash, because even the highest quality paints do not last long. Reduces space in a small kitchen.

Cheaper ceiling decoration using polystyrene foam boards. All defects are hidden under them, they are easy to install and also replace. You should choose only laminated material, which is not very dirty, it is easy to wash. Nevertheless, despite the attractiveness of this option, the application is fraught with problems: the relief of the plates after six months begins to turn yellow and blacken.

Options for arranging a small room

Khrushchev and the panel house are distinguished by the extremely limited size of the kitchen. It is uncomfortable, cramped, the plaster is crumbling, the pipes are rusted. With proper planning, even such a "crumb" can be transformed.

To begin with, they take out all household appliances and furniture, otherwise there will simply be nowhere to turn around to carry out repairs. Old communications and finishing materials are mercilessly removed, a half-rotted window is removed. You can start work. After completion, an important moment comes - to place the equipment in a new way, so that it becomes as convenient as possible even in such a limited area. One of the following layouts is possible:

  • single row;
  • angular;
  • L-shaped;
  • the letter P.

To properly organize the space, place only the furniture that is really needed. Do not clutter up with things that you can do without. With all sorts of boxes, boxes, stands parted. Resolutely get rid of everything unnecessary, inconvenient, even if it is expensive as a memory. They make the most of the walls for hanging cabinets, shelves - the floor area is freed. Buy built-in appliances that take up little space. From furniture, preference is given to a folding table and the same chairs. One continuous countertop is installed on the hob, sink and work surface.

If not physically, then visually expand the space, creating a modern design, glossy surfaces in pastel colors. A lot of lamps - on the ceiling, shelves, above the table and work surface. There are no heavy curtains on the windows, the material is translucent or blinds. Several mirrors will further increase the space. Furniture is chosen with a glossy light-colored surface.

Kitchen equipment - what to improve, what to part with?

A complete renovation of an apartment is not only a new finish on walls, ceilings and floors, but also a replacement of pipes. They start with communications that are outdated, interfere, and look ugly. With a metal pipe that supplies gas to the stove, they part. Flexible hoses are now allowed, which are compact and the wall space can be used. It is forbidden to do this on your own, you will have to call specialists. If there is a gas water heater, they also remove it at the same time, having received permission, and transfer the new water heater to another place.

Water pipes are changed before repair. The most budgetary solution is polypropylene, which is not afraid of corrosion. For connection, a special welding machine is required - you can buy an inexpensive one or rent it. In order not to think about it, use metal-plastic. Installation is simple, it is carried out with a special mount. At the same time, the old mixer is also being replaced.

In Khrushchev, one socket was originally installed, located on the far wall, which in modern conditions does not meet the needs. A socket group is required, the place of which is above the desktop. It consumes a lot of electricity, so provide a separate power wiring. Instead of a regular junction box, a shield with automatic machines, an RCD for kitchen equipment, a washing machine, and a boiler are installed.

Ventilation is a weak point and needs to be improved so that odors, steam and grease do not spread throughout the apartment. Using a hood with a carbon filter is impractical - it requires frequent replacement and costs a lot. Install the usual one with an aluminum mesh filter. A separate vent is punched in the regular channel. If the system is not connected to the toilet and bathroom, it is made below the existing hole. The built-in fan will improve traction. At the same time, they get rid of the exhaust pipe, freeing up space on the wall.

The refrigerator is not installed next to the stove - heating increases electricity consumption. If possible, they take them out to a cool room - to a glazed balcony (with the exception of the sunny side in the south), to the hallway. But not every housewife will like to constantly run for groceries. The output is a small single-chamber unit without a freezer. In place of large equipment, space is freed up for a washing machine. A compact refrigerator is installed on top.

Under the window - a niche for a refrigerator

Replacing an old window with a plastic one is the best inexpensive solution. The material is resistant to temperature fluctuations, has good heat and noise insulation, and is easy to clean. The use of a wooden structure with double-glazed windows is preferable, but the cost of a natural product is higher than an artificial counterpart.

Don't leave the door unattended. The old chipboard frame is replaced with a new one - there are many attractive inexpensive options in stores. In a small apartment, the canvas is often simply removed. But a refurbished kitchen with a leftover box is unappealing. In its place, they arrange an arch. It will take quite a bit of drywall and water-based paint. The main thing is that such an opening organically fits into the interior, freeing up space.

Repair and finishing work - sequence of actions

When it became clear what was to be done, materials were purchased, the most crucial moment began - do-it-yourself kitchen renovation. It is important to do everything in stages, avoiding the mistakes that many who do it for the first time sin. If you ignore the design, then this happens much more often. Then it is difficult to accurately calculate the amount of materials needed, few sockets are installed, they forget about the hood and the like.

Violation of the sequence leads to unnecessary waste of time and money, already finished surfaces are contaminated. Work begins with communications: water supply, sewerage, electricity, ventilation. Next up are windows and doors. After them proceed to the room itself. First, prepare the base for the floor, rough finish the ceiling and walls. Then, in the same order, the finishing is done. Completes all installation of equipment and furniture.

Room preparation

After the room has been vacated, proceed to the surfaces. You should start from the ceiling. In houses with a bituminous roof, residents on the top floor often suffer from leaks. Partially saved by foaming rusts - tile joints, so that water flows into the adjacent bathroom, where the material is not afraid of moisture, there is less electrical equipment. Before that, the channels must be freed from the old wiring. Level check horizontality. If the difference exceeds 30 mm, alignment is impractical - expensive and difficult. The problem is solved with a false ceiling device.

Inspect the floor to determine its condition. Laying a new coating on the old flooring does not make sense. There are so many defects that it is better to remove completely before the screed. Its replacement is necessary if cracks with a width of more than two millimeters are found, especially those that intersect. Depressions and protrusions in good general condition can be leveled. They check the horizontal position - it should not exceed 3 mm, but ten diagonally, which is available for correction.

Use a building level at least a meter long. If small irregularities are found, in order not to deal with the screed device, marmoleum is used for flooring. This is actually linoleum from natural raw materials, brought to perfection. For the manufacture of tropical crops are used, which is why it is cheaper than laminate. The pressed cork layer makes it very warm. The material is not afraid of moisture, dirt, even spilled paint does not stick. This is an absolutely environmentally friendly product that lasts 20 years. It does not require any special tools or skills to install.

A screed with extensive holes or protrusions, skewed, should be repaired. The most acceptable solution for such a case is a self-leveling floor based on cement. It is raised 10 mm from the highest mound. The leveler is not too expensive in price, it will take a little for a small area. The finished floor is laid directly on it. Cracks in the old base do not need to be repaired, and a perfectly flat surface will create good conditions for further work, water will not flow into the depressions.

In the old kitchen, the walls have absorbed a lot of fumes, which sometimes penetrate to the base. Simple cleaning is useless - finishing materials do not stick. Pre-soak the coating - paint and plaster soaked in fat. Spray with water from a spray bottle, close windows, doors, stand for 2 hours. Then quickly remove the coating using a spatula or abrasive mesh. If it doesn't work the first time, repeat.

Oil, alkyd paints are removed using a composition designed to remove them. They work with a sponge, apply it to small areas so as not to spoil an expensive product in vain. Our drugs are cheaper than imported ones, but they take time to work. To protect the skin and respiratory organs from aggressive liquids, a respirator and rubber gloves are used. For ventilation, everything is wide open.

On bases soaked in grease, paint and plaster will not hold, and will begin to flake off. Therefore, everything is washed - the ceiling, walls, floor. Use any dish detergent, which is diluted with water 1:20, table vinegar is added. Their compatibility is checked first. If bubbles appear, a pungent odor, take another remedy. A metal sponge is used, which is often dipped into the solution, rubbed with pressure. Washed twice.

In conclusion, when the surfaces are dry, priming is carried out. Use means of deep penetration on concrete. Read the recipe carefully before buying. Biocidal additives are required. If thiuram is present, derivatives from it (thiram, arozone, fernazone) - the composition is not suitable for these purposes, choose another one. Impregnation is done twice with an interval of a day.

Ceiling sheathing, sheathing and electrical wiring under it

It has already been said that in the kitchen, in order of preference for the ceiling, they use:

  • plastic lining;
  • laminate impregnated from the inside with PVA emulsion;
  • MDF with the same processing;
  • green drywall - last.

The crate is made without crossbars, using wooden slats or metal profiles. The distance between the lags is 0.5 m, the fastening step is 0.4 m. They are set up along the stretched ropes, placing pieces of plywood for alignment.

It is convenient to mount the wiring in the false ceiling. In order not to make strobes, channels are cut out in the slats, where it is placed freely hanging. A flexible three-core cable with double insulation is used, with a cross section of at least 1.5 mm2, for a socket - 2.5 mm2. A parallel connection is used: from the shield one wire goes to the socket group, the second - to the main lamp, the third - to the spot ones (a cross section of 0.7 mm2 is allowed). This scheme guarantees increased safety, ease of repair.

A branch for sockets is also allowed under the ceiling. From the center where the lighting network ends, they turn to the wall at an angle of 90 °, laying is carried out in a strobe. In the same way, they make an eyeliner to the switches. The cable is fixed first with masking tape, then with alabaster. For spot lighting, a space of 8 cm is required. An additional crate of 20 × 40 mm is arranged on the central chandelier or ceiling. It is better to limit yourself to the main lighting on the ceiling, because extra holes are a path for evaporation to penetrate.

After laying electrical communications proceed to the sheathing. There is nothing special about the technology. Laminate and MDF panels are installed on a wooden crate using mounting glue, additionally small carnations in the corner of the groove. Plastic fastening is carried out on self-tapping screws. When buying, they check the entry of the tongue crest into the reciprocal groove - ideally, freely or without significant effort.

Drywall is mounted using conventional technology. Sheathing with panels, silicone sealant is squeezed out into the groove of the previous one before installation - it will become an obstacle to the penetration of fumes. Drips are immediately removed with a cloth soaked in vinegar.

Wall finishes and floor finishes

The tile in the kitchen does not fully comply with the rules of hygiene - dirt accumulates in the seams. For their cutting, the composition used in baths is used, adding 10% of an aqueous emulsion. Smooth over with a piece of cable with insulation with a diameter of 5 mm. If with a finger, even in a glove, irregularities remain invisible to the eye - an ideal place for the accumulation of dirt and the reproduction of microbes. It is recommended to use ceramic tiles only for the backsplash. As a budget option - plastic and MDF panels, thanks to the reliable connection of which the working area is protected from dirt and steam.

The best wall decoration in the kitchen is washable wallpaper. They do not accumulate odor, are able to serve for a long time. If you choose the right color, then for sure you won’t have to think about repairs for a few more years. White and bright ones are the least suitable, and light beige pastel shades with a medium-sized pattern do not lose their appearance for more than 10 years. Help is needed, then things will go faster - one person glues, the other combines.

Installing tiles on the floor is a laborious task, the cost is quite high. The cork is warm, but accumulates moisture. Linoleum is an opportunity to quickly make flooring at low cost. An even better option is marmoleum, a little-known natural material that is also inexpensive.

Kitchen with marmoleum on the floor

Finishing the finish with the installation of skirting boards. They are needed not only as a decorative element, but also serve to isolate joints from fumes along the perimeter. Fastening is carried out on liquid nails or silicone glue, spreading over the entire surface. Leaks are removed immediately. If you want to plant tightly, use self-tapping screws, the heads of which are sunk and covered.

On the ceiling, skirting boards will have to be additionally fixed with screws or small nails. Take phosphated black, which are less noticeable. Installed after about 0.5 m, the extreme ten centimeters from the corners. If they are afraid that the elements will be noticeable, they are smeared with liquid nails, choosing the right shade.

Sooner or later, but the moment comes when the owners of the apartment begin to think closely about the overhaul, alteration, modernization of their kitchen. Someone just tired of the old dilapidated walls, ceiling, worn-out furniture. Someone is not satisfied with the too small, in his opinion, the functionality of the room. Someone wants to optimize the cramped space to the maximum. In any case, repairing a good kitchen results in a fairly large-scale and expensive event.

In addition to the fact that you will have to purchase a lot of good quality building materials, select new furniture and kitchen appliances, install or update communications, a very significant part of the costs should be planned for the remuneration of specialists. Is it possible to save on this by renovating the kitchen with your own hands?

To make such a bold decision, you need to be very clear about the amount of work that you have to face. The purpose of this article is to give the reader an idea about the specifics of repairs in the kitchen, about the nuances of arranging this room, in such a way that you can really assess your strengths and capabilities before starting work.

Why is the cuisine so special?

The kitchen almost always has a special “status” compared to other areas of the apartment, and special requirements are placed on its equipment and decoration.

  • Housewives spend a very significant part of their lives in the kitchen. So, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for this. It should be warm here, good lighting is required, drafts should be prevented.
  • Food preparation should be carried out in conditions as clean as possible. So, you need to make sure that the room meets the accepted sanitary standards. Cleaning the kitchen is carried out after almost every use, and therefore should not cause undue difficulties.

  • All necessary communications should be laid in the kitchen - plumbing, with cold and hot water, sewage, gas mains (if the house is gasified), electrical wiring of the required capacity.
  • Products used for cooking often leave oily, greasy marks, and can be quite chemically aggressive. At the same time, the danger lies not only in the direct ingress of such substances on the floor surface and walls adjacent to the working areas - one cannot ignore the abundant evaporation that is inevitable during thermal cooking. This means that even the ceiling is not completely insured against such an impact. Materials for finishing all surfaces of the room and kitchen furniture must be selected so that they are not afraid of such influences and can be easily washed.

  • At the same time, the kitchen is a room with high humidity - this must also be taken into account when choosing finishing materials. Like it or not, no one in the kitchen can be insured against spilling liquid on the floor - hence the increased requirements for waterproofing.
  • In order to minimize the negative effects of fumes and maintain a comfortable atmosphere in the kitchen, it is difficult to do without an exhaust and (and) autonomous air purification system.

An indispensable element of the kitchen is effective ventilation
  • The modern kitchen is full of appliances, without which many housewives can no longer imagine their lives. It requires thoughtful placement of devices and their correct connection, taking into account the rules of safe operation.
  • The very premises of the kitchen and the placement of all the necessary elements in it should be thought out to the smallest detail - it should be as convenient as possible for the owners to use it for its intended purpose.
  • Another important point is that in the vast majority of families the kitchen is by no means only a cooking room. Usually this is a kind of “family club”, where a lot of topical internal issues are resolved and where “gatherings” are held with the closest relatives and friends. And this means that, if possible, a cozy corner should be provided where you can comfortably sit. And the whole decoration of the kitchen should be such that it pleases the eye, and that it is not a shame to receive guests there.

And all this, as mentioned above, is required to be organized, most often, in the conditions of a very limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises, where you won’t particularly “scatter”. So the task is very difficult.

What is to be done?

Actually, the kitchen renovation itself can be divided into many stages, each of which is important in its own way, but most often it is mandatory, with some variations. It is enough just to list these stages to make it clear how ambitious the overall task is. So, "on the way to the finish line" is the following:

  • The release of the premises - usually required to be carried out in full, otherwise it is difficult to measure and plan.
  • Checking the condition of walls, ceiling, floor, windows and doors, communications, etc.
  • Taking careful measurements.
  • Planning the placement of large-sized stationary kitchen and household appliances.
  • Pre-selection of kitchen furniture - both in size and functionality. Drawing up a project for its placement.
  • Thorough cleaning of all surfaces of the room.
  • Carrying out repairs (updating) of the base floor surface.
  • A similar operation is the revision of the condition and the basic repair of the ceiling.
  • Repair of communications or laying new ones, corresponding to the drafted project.
  • Checking the condition of ventilation, possibly making changes to its design.
  • Replacement or thorough restoration of windows and doors.
  • Finishing work, towards top down: ceiling, walls and finishing flooring with installation of skirting boards.
  • Installation and suspension of stationary equipment, furniture, lighting fixtures.
  • Connecting and checking the performance of all systems.

Now it makes sense to consider these stages in more detail. However, not everything will be paid equally great attention: some of them are simple and intuitive, do not require special explanations, others are related to technological processes, which are described in great detail and intelligibly in special publications of our portal (the corresponding links will be offered to the reader). But certain specific points require a really close look.

Primary Activities

Assessment of the general condition of the kitchen

It is impossible to plan a correct repair without a thorough audit of the condition of the room - walls, floor, ceiling, communications. And it will be possible to carry out such a deep check only after the kitchen is completely freed from furniture and equipment, since in most cases it will be necessary to remove the old flooring. Ideally, repairs are best done in conditions where the family temporarily lives elsewhere. If this is not possible, you will have to somehow get out of the situation - temporarily leave the old stove in place, there is water in the bathroom, and even a small desktop can be moved wherever needed.

After that, it will be possible to sharply assess the state of the room - is it worth leaving something in its original state, or is a more radical approach still required? It is necessary to tap all the walls in order to determine the weak, unstable places. We have already mentioned the floor covering - in 99 cases out of 100, dismantling will be required. The condition of windows and doors is assessed - is it worth it to repair and restore them or is it easier to install new ones. The same applies to the heating radiator - perhaps the old battery will not fit into the conceived concept of the kitchen interior.

It is necessary to assess the condition of the water mains and sewerage - whether they need to be replaced, moved to another place, complete alteration in connection with the planned installation, for example, of a column or boiler.

The location of the outlets and their condition should be assessed. True, if repairs are being carried out with the installation of new kitchen appliances, then, Most likely, the wiring will have to be redone for the corresponding increasing load.

After the room has been vacated, it will not be difficult to carefully measure all the parameters of the kitchen - to the smallest detail. This necessary condition for further planning.

Taking measurements

It is necessary to draw on a piece of paper at least an approximate plan of the kitchen so that you can transfer the results to it directly during the measurements. Subsequently, the plan can (and even needs to) be “cultivated”.

What parameters are subject to mandatory measurements:

  • The length and width of the room. The distance between opposite walls is measured, preferably not only along the wall perpendicular to them, but at several points. Do not be too lazy to measure the diagonals to compare them - this will help you find out for sure whether the right rectangle lies at the base. If the room has a complicated shape - with a niche or part of the corridor, this is also transferred to the plan with all sizes.
  • Height from floor to stream.
  • The location of windows and doors - their distance from the walls, length and width, the direction of opening of the valves, for the window - the height of the window sill.
  • The location of the heater (battery) with reference to the wall on which it is located, the passage of the heating riser and pipes to which the radiator is connected.
  • The specific position of the gas riser, the meter (if any) and the mounted pipe with a tap for connecting the gas stove.
  • The location of the entry of water pipes and sewerage. If a transfer is planned, it will then be possible to mark their desired position on the diagram.
  • The size and position of the vent.
  • The exact location of power outlets, general lighting switch in the kitchen.
  • If there are other stationary elements in the kitchen (for example, mezzanines above the door, etc.), then they are also applied to the diagram.

For convenience, the reader is offered an approximate graphical diagram of the necessary measurements:

Measurement scheme. Decryption - in the table below
Designation on the diagramParameter
X The length (width) of the room at the level of the plinth of kitchen furniture
Y - at the level of table top placement
Z - at the level of hanging kitchen cabinets
Such measurements are necessary, since these three values ​​​​are not always equal to each other, and this can cause certain difficulties when placing furniture, for example, if the room narrows upwards. The corresponding levels are indicated by the following symbols:
- but– plinth height, usually 100 ÷ 150 mm;
- b- height of countertops, 820 ÷ 870 mm;
- from– top of kitchen cabinets – 2100 mm
H Total room height
D,G The position of the gas riser relative to the corners, above and at the level of the connection point of the stove
V The height of the ventilation outlet. Its size and position relative to the angle are immediately measured.
R The position of the window relative to the corner of the room
U Dimensions (window length and height)
Similar measurements are carried out for a door not shown in the diagram.
k And h The height of the window opening and the height of the window sill above the floor
W The location of the heating riser. At the same time, the position and dimensions of the battery itself (if necessary) and its connection points are measured.

After taking all the necessary measurements, you can proceed to planning the placement of the kitchen.

Kitchen layout planning

The process of planning a future kitchen will require the owners to concentrate all their creative forces. The work is carried out with the expectation of long-term use without additional alterations, so the rush in this matter is absolutely inappropriate.

Surely the owners already have some established preferences for kitchen furniture, a refrigerator, a gas or electric stove or a hob. This means that it will be necessary to determine exactly whether this choice corresponds to the size of the kitchen, and how it would be more correct to organize the placement of all items in the room with the expectation of the most comfortable operation and taking into account existing rules.

How to approach planning from a practical point of view - everyone decides for himself. People with artistic talent prefer to sketch in color - this way it is easier for them to imagine the future interior of the kitchen.

For lovers of the modern approach, with the appropriate skills, a lot of computer applications have been created, from purely graphic programs (such as CorelDRAW) to real engineering CADs that allow you to work, including with 3D layouts.

You can do it differently. From a piece of packing cardboard, it is easy to glue a model of a room on a scale of, say, 1:10 (1 m of a real room = 10 cm on the model). On the same scale, models of large household appliances, which will be placed in the kitchen, and pieces of furniture are cut out of a piece of foam plastic.

“Playing with cubes”, that is, moving objects around the “kitchen” and hanging “lockers” with a piece of plasticine, it will be possible to arrive at the optimal layout.

Things to consider:

  • The gas riser cannot be moved. True, flexible gas hoses up to four meters long are now allowed, so the owners have a certain degree of freedom with the location of the stove.
  • No one forbids building up water and sewer pipes or completely laying new ones. At the same time, the allowable length of flexible hoses for connecting the mixer in the sink should not exceed 1.5 m (the smaller, the better, since this is always a vulnerable area ).

  • For safety reasons, a gas or electric stove should not be located near a window or near a sink. Also absolutely not allowed its proximity to tall vertical pieces of kitchen furniture and a refrigerator.
  • If exhaust ventilation is planned, then it is more expedient to place the stove as close to the vent as possible so that you do not have to pull a long pipe or box.

Now let's move on to comfort.

There is the concept of the "working triangle of the kitchen." This is a conditionally limited space, which accounts for the bulk of the movements of the hostess in the process of cooking. Typically, such a triangle is defined by three "vertices" - a gas stove, a sink and a refrigerator.

The working triangle of the kitchen is the area where the activities of the hostess are concentrated when cooking.

It is clear that the kitchen will be the more comfortable, the less unnecessary movements the hostess will have to make in the process of work. But, at the same time, it should not be too tight to hamper movements and prevent accidental touches with hands or body to dangerous places (stove) and other objects. Usually, a triangle is considered close to ideal, in which the sink is located approximately 1 ÷ 1.2 m from the stove and 1.2 ÷ 2 m from the refrigerator.

It is clear that in practice it is not always possible to achieve the ideal. Depending on the configuration of the room and its area, one of the main schemes is selected, which can be somewhat varied applicable to specific conditions. Miniatures of such schemes are presented in the table. The red line highlights the working triangle of the kitchen.

SchemeShort description
Linear arrangement. Typical for narrow or elongated rooms. The triangle turns into a line, with a sink, a refrigerator and a stove at the edges in the center. Suitable for wall lengths from 2 to 3.5 meters, otherwise it will be either very crowded or the extreme points will be too spaced.
Corner, L-shaped arrangement, usually used in typical small-sized kitchens, although it is also perfect for a spacious room. Even in the most cramped conditions, it becomes possible to allocate a dining area that does not intersect with the working triangle.
Double row arrangement. It can be as shown in the diagram, or with the arrangement of rows along opposite walls. The latter is relevant in those rare cases, when a through passage is organized through the kitchen.
U-shaped placement covers three adjacent walls. One of the most successful locations, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows, since there should be a space of at least 1.3 ÷ 1.5 m between opposite rows.
Island location - either the sink or the stove is placed in the center of the room. It is clear that such an arrangement is possible only in very spacious kitchens, and, frankly, it is designed “for an amateur”.
A G-shaped or peninsular arrangement suggests a protruding part that separates the workspace from the dining area. Often a bar counter is used for this purpose. It is clear that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen should be very impressive.

Drawing up a project and selecting suitable pieces of furniture and kitchen appliances for it, of course, will take a lot of time. However, it is impossible to move forward without this. There is a laying of communications, wiring of power lines - all this is often associated with dirty and dusty work on chasing walls and even floors, and you need to clearly know what should be done and where.

If the planning is successfully completed, go directly to the practical repair work.

Video: some interesting ideas for a small kitchen

Repair work

Surface cleaning

If the repair is carried out in a kitchen that has served a lot earlier, then for sure the surfaces of the walls and ceiling, doors and windows are soaked with old fumes, which you must definitely get rid of.

All old coatings are removed from the walls - be it wallpaper or painting, tiled lining (if it is not supposed to be left). In matters of cleaning, there is no single advice - all possible means are used: spatulas, scrapers, moistening the wall or firing with a building hair dryer. If areas of swollen plaster are revealed, then they are mercilessly beaten off to the base of the wall. Similar actions are taken on the ceiling - there should not be any weak and dirty places, even if you have to reach a bare brick (concrete) wall or floor slab.

It is recommended not to be limited to cleaning, but also to thoroughly rinse the surfaces with a solution that is made from water and kitchen detergent (1: 20) with the addition of table vinegar. Cleaning is carried out with a metallized sponge, and then washed at least twice with clean water.

After the surfaces are cleaned and washed, it is advisable to carry out the first stage of their “treatment” by treating them twice with a penetrating antiseptic. This will give not only a disinfecting effect - a temporary strengthening of the surfaces will be achieved, before finishing work.

All surfaces must be "treated" with a primer - antiseptic

In the event that old wooden windows and doors are planned to be left, then all their surfaces are also cleaned of old paint - by washing, scraping, firing, grinding, etc.

Prices for different types of primer


Floor and ceiling preparation

On the floor, as a rule, the old coating needs to be replaced. It is dismantled, construction debris is taken out, and the condition of the surface is carefully examined. Very often you have to beat off the old screed in order to get to the "healthy" floor slab.

It will be extremely inconvenient to carry out further work, having an uneven floor after dismantling, so it is better to immediately deal with the screed device. It is poured in such a way that the thickness of the planned finish coating is taken into account.

The skirting boards remain. The peculiarity of their use in the kitchen is that they are not only a decorative element, but the protection of the junction of the floor and walls from moisture and dirt penetrating into the corner. This imposes special installation requirements on them - skirting boards must be mounted to the walls not only on fasteners, but also on a sealed solid adhesive base (for example, "liquid nails"). There should be no gap between the wall and the baseboard. If, nevertheless, a small gap remains (due to the slight curvature of the wall), then it should be sealed with a color-matched sealant.

Mounting the plinth on "liquid nails"

It is not worth installing wooden skirting boards - they do not like high humidity. There are many different models made of plastic or other composite materials on sale.

flooring prices

Floor coverings

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In fact, you can “put an end” - the repair of the kitchen can be considered completed. It remains to deliver the selected and household appliances, carefully unpack and consistently install them in the planned places. Installation and connection are made in accordance with the instructions attached to the products - but this is already beyond the scope of our article.

Here is such an approximately “thorny path” that owners who wish to carry out repairs in the kitchen on their own will have to go through. It is worth evaluating your capabilities very well, and it is possible that the choice will still be made in favor of calling qualified craftsmen. However - "not the gods burn the pots." Be bolder!

Video: transformation of a small kitchen

From this article you will learn:

  • How to draw up a kitchen design project
  • What stages of kitchen renovation you need to know and what are their features
  • How to start a kitchen renovation
  • What are the nuances to consider when starting a kitchen renovation in Khrushchev
  • How to avoid mistakes during a kitchen renovation

What do you imagine when you hear the phrase "cozy kitchen"? Surely the first thing you think of will be a steaming mug of coffee and the aroma of a hot freshly baked pie. A comfortable kitchen area is a place where your whole family gathers. That is why it is so important that this part of the apartment is truly comfortable, with a beautiful and modern interior. If you are wondering where to start repairing a kitchen in Moscow, then you should study this article. You will be able to complete the finish quickly, efficiently and without errors.

Kitchen renovation from the beginning

In order to imagine the future look of the kitchen, which it will acquire after the repair, it is necessary to create a three-dimensional drawing that reflects the arrangement of furniture and kitchen appliances. On each item shown, indicate its exact dimensions.

First of all, we measure kitchen furniture, stoves, sinks (noting the location of the pipeline, ventilation, battery, window sill and sockets). Then we measure the refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, TV and other household appliances.

We measure kitchen appliances (for example, a microwave or refrigerator) in a position with open doors.

The next step is to decide where the measured items will be located. So, if you are going to buy another kitchen set, the drawing should reflect how the new thing will be located relative to the stove, sink or other built-in appliances. We indicate the dimensions of the kitchen apron, the number and size of the drawers, and also note how the handles are located on them. The drawing should also depict the planned lighting, open niches, cornices, glass doors.

Do not forget about marking the places for mounting sockets so that connecting kitchen appliances is as convenient as possible.

Do-it-yourself kitchen renovation: where to start and what steps to consider

Stage 1. So how do you get started with your kitchen renovation? We have previously noted that the decoration of the kitchen should begin with design project development. You can do it yourself or ask a designer for help. The fact is that the functionality of the kitchen area is subject to specific laws. Therefore, if you are developing a design project on your own, you should be well versed in the intricacies of dividing the kitchen space into these very zones. Otherwise, you will have to study the nuances directly during the preparation of the design project, which may adversely affect its quality.

Stage 2. Material counting required for repairs.

  • Walls. Wall decoration can be made of ceramic tiles. Vinyl or cork wallpapers are also suitable for the kitchen. It is necessary to paste over the walls with the use of glue with a special composition in order to prevent the appearance of mold. Do you want to paint the walls? Then pre-treat the surface with impregnation, it will prevent the formation of fungus on the walls. In operation in the kitchen, water-based paint proved to be excellent, which for greater strength should be applied in two layers.

  • Floor. Fine flooring made of cork has high soundproofing characteristics and wear resistance. You can also use ceramic tiles. The parquet looks gorgeous, but the process of cleaning the coating will not cause you delight.

  • Working surface. Usually it is made of laminated plastic. If your budget is not limited, choose a countertop made of artificial stone or unglazed tiles. Materials such as natural marble, granite, slate or wood look great visually, but caring for such a worktop is not an easy task. Increased attention should be paid to the choice of material for the surface at the sink, because water will constantly get on it. It is recommended to select a sink with steel ears to make the process of washing dishes more convenient.

Stage 3.Let's start decorating the kitchen.

  • Ceiling surface.

Finishing the ceiling can be done with drywall, ceiling panels, slabs, or you can choose a tension option. An economical and quick way is to apply water-based water-repellent paint to the surface of the ceiling.

  • Wall decoration.

Kitchen walls must be moisture resistant, especially the work surface. The apron can be made of tiles, plastic or glass panels.

  • Floor finishing.

The material for the floor must be resistant to moisture. Linoleum, tile or cork are widely used as flooring.

Try to stick to the finishing plan. Otherwise, if you decide to paint the ceiling last, the consequences will be sad. The freshly installed flooring will be covered in splashes of ceiling paint.

So you've decided to remodel your kitchen. Where to begin? The sequence of work can be as follows:

  1. We remove excess furniture, carpets, interior items from the room. Preparing a space for renovation begins with its release.
  2. Removing old paint or wallpaper from walls and ceilings. Only after that you can proceed to the dismantling of the flooring.
  3. We collect and take out the collected construction debris and waste.
  4. If necessary, we install new electrical wiring. We display, where necessary, sockets and switches.
  5. We make installation of wires for lighting fixtures.
  6. Installing new plumbing.
  7. We do ceiling decoration.
  8. We level the walls, we carry out cosmetic repairs.
  9. The final stage is laying linoleum, laminate or floor tiles.

Kitchen overhaul: where to start and what you need to know

Suppose you decide to overhaul and reconstruct the premises. Usually, these terms mean the dismantling and transfer of partitions, the increase in space through the use of a balcony or loggia, and so on. Where to start repairing the kitchen with your own hands in this case? First of all, prepare a plan for finishing work. In addition to it, a redevelopment project is being developed, which then needs to be legalized.

Before you decide where to start renovating the kitchen, analyze the scope of the upcoming work. Determine the state of the communications system, load-bearing parts of the room, plumbing, window and door openings. If you suspect that the plumbing, sewerage system or electrical wiring is faulty, you should seek help from professionals. They will be able to estimate the scope of the upcoming repairs. Mark in the plan a list of necessary actions for finishing and replacing parts of water supply and heating systems. Then get acquainted with the offers on the market from several companies. Use the latest technologies and developments to make a kitchen renovation in a short time.

It is important even before you start repairing the kitchen, to understand where to start the phased dismantling work:

Firstly, remove all skirting boards and architraves.

Secondly, remove hanging shelves and built-in shelving.

Thirdly, dismantle the ceiling trim, which can be whitewash or paint.

Fourth, dismantle old door frames and window blocks. Instead, install new double-glazed windows and door structures.

Fifth, remove the finish from the surface of the walls: peel off old wallpaper, paint or whitewash. If the wall was tiled, it is dismantled along with the cement base.

At sixth, remove the old flooring together with the backing.

Upon completion of the dismantling work, construction waste should be removed from the kitchen. After that, it is important to do dry and wet cleaning of the room. This will allow you to eliminate dust and dirt particles that can interfere with a quality repair.

Before you start rough finishing, it is worth conducting installation of the required engineering communications:

How to start a kitchen renovation in Khrushchev

Owners of housing in Khrushchev know firsthand how miniature such apartments are. Usually the size of the kitchens in them is only 5-7 square meters. It is obvious that the owners of such apartments are striving for only one thing: to use the available space as efficiently as possible. How to start repairs in the kitchen in Khrushchev? From the choice of color solutions for decoration, as well as furniture. This will allow you to create a comfortable environment that looks impressive at the same time.

We select a color palette, as well as materials for decoration

To visually expand a small kitchen, endowing the space with “airiness”, choose light shades. Kitchen wall decoration can be done using the following materials:

For finishing the ceiling, it is also worth using light colors. Stretch semi-gloss or glossy ceiling will reflect light, thus, the boundaries between the ceiling space and the walls will be blurred. If you want to make the kitchen more voluminous, then choose a backlit plasterboard ceiling.

Almost every kitchen in Khrushchev is maximally crowded with furniture, since the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is limited. Therefore, it is recommended to use white tones for finishing the floor in order to visually unload the space.

Furniture selection

The location of the kitchen set in Khrushchev is standard: it is placed either linearly along one wall, or along two adjacent walls (corner version). You can visually lighten the furniture by choosing light shades of facades, which can also be two-tone.

Further on the photo - an example of a kitchen set with glass doors, which looks organically in a small room. It doesn't matter which option you choose: with or without a metal frame - in the end you will get a visual effect of lightness. Glass is installed only in the upper doors, however, this will be enough.

Improving the ergonomics of the workspace in the kitchen in Khrushchev is not an easy task and only a real professional designer can do it. A stove, sink, refrigerator should be placed on one or two small walls. It is clear that the working surface is ultimately too small. Therefore, multi-level countertops are very often used.

Another way out is to purchase retractable countertops. If they are not needed, you simply slide them under the main work area. When you need more workspace, pull them back out.

Secrets of how to avoid mistakes during the renovation in the kitchen

Any repair work should be approached with full responsibility. Be patient so that you will be pleased with the end result.

Summing up our article, here is a list of where to start renovating a kitchen in order to minimize the likelihood of errors:

  1. It is possible to start repair work only after a plan with a clear sequence of actions has been developed.
  2. Use repair and finishing materials only in accordance with the instructions that can be found on the packaging.
  3. Finishing should be done from materials with high performance characteristics. Good materials must be resistant to aggressive or chemical attack, be moisture resistant, and not respond to physical and mechanical stress.
  4. Work without violating construction technology.
  5. It is worth buying finishing and building materials only in specialized stores.
  6. When installing electrical wiring, you need to know the number of electrical points, since any mistakes made will be almost impossible to correct.
  7. Compact furniture will fit best in a small kitchen, expanding the space.
  8. A sufficient number of drawers, storage compartments in the kitchen set will make the cooking process the most convenient for you.
  9. Seek help only from professionals who have a work permit and special permits (for example, for working with gas equipment).

Cooperate with the company "My Repair" - it is reliable and prestigious. The specialists working here are professionals of the highest level. The company "My Repair" operates throughout Moscow and the Moscow region.

The kitchen should be cozy, comfortable and beautiful. Creating a stylish interior usually requires tangible financial costs. To save on the wages of the designer and builders, repairs should be carried out independently. Do-it-yourself kitchen renovation description with photos of each stage will help to cope without the involvement of professionals.

Do-it-yourself kitchen renovation

Preparation for repair

How to make a stylish renovation in the kitchen, as in the photo, with your own hands? To do this, you need to muster up the courage, discuss with the household the features of the interior they want, present the final result of the repair and get to work.

Preparatory work for the renovation of the kitchen

Before starting any repair work, you should draw up a design project for the updated kitchen. For this you need:

  1. Measure the size of the kitchen, taking into account ledges, niches, columns, door and window openings;
  2. Decide on the layout of the room, the amount of furniture, the color scheme of the design, the style, the placement of lighting fixtures;
  3. Draw a three-dimensional drawing of the arrangement of furniture on paper or in a special application on a personal computer;
  4. Determine the scope of the budget, choose suitable finishing materials, order furniture from the necessary materials and the right sizes;
  5. Create a list of required materials: paint, putty, wallpaper, glue, tiles, etc. and purchase them.

An example of a drawing for the placement of kitchen furniture

After creating the project, they begin preparatory work, which includes:

  • Cleaning the space from furniture and household appliances;
  • Dismantling of wall, floor and ceiling finishes. Removing the door frame and window frame.

Photos of the kitchen before and after do-it-yourself repairs are presented below.

Photos of the kitchen before and after renovation

Kitchen renovation before and after

Replacement of communications

You can skip this step for cosmetic repairs. But if the old water and sewer pipes are in poor condition, then they must be replaced. For pipes, one of the following materials is selected:

  1. Polypropylene is distinguished by an affordable price, corrosion resistance and low heat conductivity, does not require additional components, is installed by welding;
  2. The metal-plastic has a rigid structure, low heat transfer, resistance to corrosion, it is not easy to install, it requires the installation of gaskets and cuffs;
  3. Copper is an expensive, but the most practical material, distinguished by wear resistance, durability, is not afraid of the influence of high and low temperatures, has antibacterial properties and resistance to deformation.

Replacing wiring in the kitchen with your own hands

Above the location of the stove, it is necessary to install a powerful hood, which, during cooking, will draw smoke and steam into the ventilation shaft.

Advice! The hood should be mounted at a distance of 60-70 cm above the stove.

Do-it-yourself kitchen hood installation

Replacement of windows and doors

With a quick cosmetic repair and when the condition of the window frames and doors can be called satisfactory, this stage is skipped.

Do-it-yourself window repair in the kitchen

Wooden windows can be restored or the frames can simply be cleaned of old paint and repainted.

When replacing old windows with new ones, you must select the desired material:

  1. Wood is a beautiful, eco-friendly and expensive material;
  2. Plastic is a cheap and practical material. It provides a high level of heat and sound insulation.

Preparing a doorway for installing doors to the kitchen

When choosing a door, you should give preference to a plastic model. It is more practical than wood. It all depends on the style of interior design and the financial capabilities of the owners of the apartment.


When choosing materials for decoration, one should take into account their practicality, since the kitchen is characterized by a temperature difference, as well as particles of food and drinks that may end up on the walls, floor or even the ceiling.

Do-it-yourself window painting


To finish the ceiling in the kitchen, you can use:

  1. Tension structure. Installation of a stretch ceiling is carried out only after finishing the walls. This finishing option is durable, attractive in appearance, but it is expensive and requires professional installation.
  2. Paint that is not afraid of water. Before painting, it is required to level the surface of the ceiling with putty. Only after the putty has completely dried is the paint applied. This is a simple and inexpensive finishing option.
  3. Hanging structure. It is made of plastic or drywall. It requires the creation of a crate, which is then sheathed with plastic or plasterboard panels.

Do-it-yourself plasterboard ceiling installation


Before starting work on finishing the walls, their surface can be leveled with putty and primer or isogypsum. The following materials are used to decorate the walls in the kitchen:

Advice! Not all walls can be tiled, but only an apron above the work surface.

Below in the photo you can see the design of a simple version of the kitchen renovation.

Renovated kitchen in a classic interior


As a floor covering in the kitchen, you can use:


The furniture is installed in accordance with the previously drawn drawing. Its quantity and size depend on the area of ​​​​the room.

Kitchen set linear type

A mandatory piece of furniture in any kitchen is a set. It can be straight or angular, occupy one, two or three walls of the room. If the kitchen is small and will be used only for cooking, then the kitchen set and household appliances can occupy almost the entire room. The dining part in this case will be located in another room.

Interior of a small corner kitchen

If the kitchen combines both the cooking area and the dining room, then a table and chairs or a seating area are installed in it. The dining area is usually placed opposite the headset.

Placement of the dining area against the wall, opposite the working area

In order for the furniture to fit perfectly into the space allotted for it, it is recommended to make it to order. Do not forget that the appearance of the furniture should match the style of the kitchen.

Corner kitchen with wooden facades

After reviewing the photos of the repair work, you can safely take up the repair of the kitchen with your own hands. It is necessary to carry out the whole range of work in stages. The most important step is planning. Without a well-thought-out plan and accurately carried out calculations, it will not work to create a harmonious interior.

Photo gallery (55 photos)