Repair of a one-room small apartment. Design of small apartments. Kitchen space: small area

If it is not possible to solve the problem of the shortage of square meters, it is important to correctly approach the organization of the available space. You can make a small apartment cozy, comfortable and ergonomic. To do this, you just need to use a few design techniques and tricks.

A small, cozy apartment often creates a more vivid impression than a spacious house. But in order to decorate a miniature apartment, you need to have fantasy thinking, good taste and have a sense of color.


Small apartments are not uncommon today. Design ideas for modern apartments are becoming more daring and original every year. New layouts, pieces of furniture, finishing materials and decorative elements appear - everything to make a small apartment cozy and comfortable.

Fresh design ideas and many different techniques can create a unique design even on 30 square meters. But here it is important to take into account the general style of the apartment.

A small apartment with an area of ​​32 meters makes you fantasize, look for individual projects and create truly unique interiors. For maximum coziness and comfort, the interior of the apartment must be organized as easily as possible.

At the same time, the requirements for a small apartment are exactly the same as for a large one - it is necessary to accommodate a bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom and bathroom. And in some cases, there is also a study and a nursery.

Each apartment has its own pros and cons. For example, from the obvious disadvantages - a small footage. And the advantages can be large windows, high ceilings or an unusual layout.

In an apartment with an area of ​​47 squares, you can create a beautiful and practical interior at minimal cost. To do this, it is enough to use laconic forms in furniture and decor, as well as modern technology. The same can be said about apartments with an area of ​​38 or 43 sq. m.

For a mini-apartment of 30 sq. m it is important to choose the right and thoughtful finish. The surface of the walls, ceiling and floor must be uniform. And in a small room you need to fit everything in a limited space. The area of ​​such a room is usually at least 11 sq. m, and in most cases it is 18-20 sq. m.

Therefore, any transformation in an apartment must begin with a clear plan drawn up on paper, every square centimeter must be taken into account. Every detail should be aimed at visually increasing the space.


Not all interior styles can be used in a small apartment. But despite the chosen style, it is better to keep the whole apartment in a single direction. And having thought over every detail, you can get a functional and stylish interior. This can be done in different styles: Provence, Art Deco, Art Nouveau or Baroque. But the most appropriate style is minimalism. The interior should have only the necessary things, a minimum of details and monotony are welcomed. You may prefer subtle shades such as turquoise or mint.

  • English style- associated with the twilight and cramped rooms, but it can be successfully used in a small room. Cozy rooms, discreetness, warm lighting and large armchairs are the perfect solution for a small living room.

  • High tech- combines comfort and innovation, great for small apartments. The style is characterized by the use of the most simple and laconic forms without additional decorative elements and details. The combination of light, monochrome and metallic colors suits the owners of small apartments.

  • Trendy today industrial style loft with a brick wall is costly: metal structures and bohemian decorative elements, such as upholstered furniture, paintings, and possibly antiques, will not be cheap.

  • For conservative people who value tradition, it is better to decorate an apartment in classic style... In addition, the classics are relevant at all times.

  • Lovers of Paris and fans of the Audrey Hepburn era will suit light surroundings in french style, transferring as if for a while to France. Restrained light range, elegance, airiness and aristocratic atmosphere look very attractive.

  • Another French style - chalet- absolutely not like pretentious luxury, this is a cozy and slightly careless interior of the shepherds of a mountain village.

  • Japanese style combines the harmony of beauty, poetic motives of oriental culture and functionality. The Land of the Rising Sun style is great for small spaces. Designers recommend using screens and mobile partitions as zoning.

  • Swedish style brought together all the techniques and methods of visual expansion of the space: light shades of the walls and bright decor, the construction of a hill and the use of partitions, multifunctional furniture and open wardrobes - all this makes the interior of a small room very cozy.

  • Decorating the interior in finnish style, you should give preference to finishing materials and furniture with natural wood shades, as well as a combination of blue and white. Therefore, the interior in the Finnish style always looks laconic, simple, spacious, warm and cozy.

In any style for the floor, it is better to choose light shades of wood, if we are talking about a laminate or a parquet board. In a small apartment in an open area, you can lay boards without thresholds and joints.

The wood-like tiles, laid diagonally, also look great; they contribute to the visual expansion of the space.

Color solution

In a small apartment, it is appropriate to use light, calm and neutral shades. They are able to work a real miracle by reflecting light and expanding even a miniature space. This applies to walls, ceilings, floors and furniture. But any objects and things may not be simple and boring, but designer and attractive.

Shades can be cold or warm. A warm palette is more suitable for dark apartments, and a cold one for sunny ones. In any light, the space in the bright colors of the apartment will seem more airy and voluminous. But in pursuit of white walls, the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to get a hospital interior. Pastels, monochrome and bright details are the best allies in creating a comfortable and cozy design.

Photo wallpapers with perspective, plaster or silk-screen printing are perfect for a small room - a skillful combination of different colors and textures in one room will create a unique and stylish interior.

The vertical lines on the walls will help to visually raise the ceiling and expand the narrow space. And it is not necessary to choose strict straight lines, it is enough to choose an upward-directed ornament or pattern. The color of the ceiling must be lighter than the walls.

Dark and rich shades can only be present in the interior as a decorative element to emphasize contrast and add depth. You can cover one wall or part of it with a bright color. Also, a bright sofa or pouf will fit perfectly into a bright room.

For prints and drawings, it is better to use balanced geometry and simple patterns. But the main background should remain light.

Bright decor can only be used in paintings, textiles and curtains. If you love beautiful cushions, choose bright and cute pillowcases that can be changed depending on your mood. It's good if the color palette overlaps with the shade of curtains or plaid.


As you know, a theater begins with a coat rack, and an apartment - with a hallway. And so that the feeling of a mess is not present in the narrow corridor, it is better to immediately choose a place for a narrow but roomy shoe rack. It will save a small space of the corridor from dirty shoes and help maintain order.

The main rule, which must always be remembered, is that there is no need to clutter up an already small room with unnecessary furniture. All pieces of furniture must fulfill their tasks, and it is better to combine several functions.

Choose functional furniture. The furniture created according to individual calculations is able to turn any environment into a completely comfortable home. So, for example, even loft beds can help unite the living room and bedroom without sacrificing space.

A separate bedroom, hidden from prying eyes, will create a feeling of comfort and tranquility. And if it is possible to separate the sleeping area from other rooms, then you can afford a large double bed.

Basic selection rules:

  • the length of the berth must be at least 15 cm longer than the height of the person;
  • choose a bed with a comfortable width;
  • leave free access to the bed on both sides;
  • the inner body of the bed must have a storage system.

And if you can refuse any subject, then it is better to do so. It is better to fix the TV on the swing arm. This way you can get rid of an unnecessary shelf or console that takes up some of the space.

But if a coffee table is necessary, then give preference to a transforming table, which can turn from a small into a large table for 12 guests. The main thing is that the design of the furniture is simple, and the weight is small.

When choosing furniture, the most important thing is to rationally use the free space near the walls. But at the same time, you should abandon the stereotype to place furniture along the walls opposite each other. For example, a corner wardrobe, which visually takes up a little space, but holds a large number of things, is perfect.

It is better to choose mirrors as door finishes, they will visually enlarge the room and eliminate the need to purchase an additional dressing table.

Choose your kitchen furniture carefully. Better to opt for a roomy headset that will reach the ceiling. The upper shelves can be used to store rarely used dishes or household appliances. And the narrow space between the wall and the refrigerator can be used for vertical roll-out of the shelf-rack.

It is better to choose a folding dining table. You can also use a narrow bar counter for eating in the kitchen, and disassemble the transforming console table when guests arrive. When choosing the color of furniture, give preference to light shades of wood, such furniture looks less massive.


Multifunctionality of furniture can overload the room. Each zone of the room should have its own purpose. To do this, you need to divide the apartment into small functional areas: living room, living room, kitchen and bathroom.

Ideally, if the layout of the apartment allows for the dismantling of some walls. If you get rid of some partitions and make repairs, you can combine the living room, kitchen and hallway, rearrange the furniture so that there is more free space in the apartment and create an original interior.

Apartments of the old fund, the so-called "stalinka", have an obvious potential - high ceilings. Therefore, in such an apartment, you can implement the most unusual and interesting solutions.

You can remove unnecessary ceilings and unload the space with the help of a second tier (often a bed is placed on it) and increase the functionality of each square meter.

Many actions during redevelopment must be coordinated with the executive body and the project documentation must be prepared.

Examples of ready-made projects show that anything can be used as zoning methods: furniture, curtains, screens, partitions, a small podium and even panoramic windows.

If one person or a young couple lives in an apartment, then you can focus on space and freedom, and the fastest and easiest way to zone the space is to use light curtains or mobile shelves.

You can also divide the apartment by choosing contrasting colors for each zone. The main thing is that all shades have something in common and are combined with each other.

Artificial lighting brings warmth and comfort and plays a key role in zoning. Every part of the apartment must be lit. Additional lights in dark corners will not accentuate the boundaries of the room.

It is better to replace the large ceiling chandelier in the center of the ceiling with a large number of recessed lights., directional lamps and LED strips. And use wall sconces and floor lamps as individual lighting. Floor-standing built-in lamps with upward directed vertical light also look advantageous.

Combining the available types of lighting with a stretch glossy ceiling, you can achieve an incredible effect. Reflecting from the mirror coating, the light will stream and visually raise the ceiling. And the reflecting space of the room will not allow you to define the clear boundaries of the ceiling and walls the first time.

Rules for increasing space

The living area should be divided into separate areas: living room and bedroom. And in each zone, an individual design must be thought out and special furniture selected.

The ideal recipe for visually increasing space is simple:

  • Use of multifunctional and only necessary furniture. The main thing here is to keep the golden mean between aesthetics and practicality.
  • Particular attention should be paid to upholstered furniture, since it is here that residents and guests spend most of their time. Do not choose an oversized sofa, it is better to limit yourself to a two-seater sofa and one armchair or a soft ottoman. And during the arrival of guests, you can get folding chairs, which must be in the apartment, in which relatives and friends often gather for a family dinner. These chairs can be stored suspended behind the door and removed as needed.

  • A good design trick is to get rid of conventional doors. You can use sliding structures or make arches with additional lighting in place of openings. Such a simple method will allow you to create the illusion of a large space and use the space on the wall, which is usually left for opening the door.
  • Maximum mirrors and good lighting. The mirror can hang not only on the wall, but also on the closet, door or partition.

The design of a small one-room apartment is a search for a compromise between functionality and comfort, improvement of the ergonomics of premises, an attempt to transform the original inconvenient layout into a more acceptable one. The space shortage sets its own uncompromising conditions, when every centimeter counts. At the same time, one must remain realistic - it is better to design small-sized studio apartments in the Scandinavian style, minimalism, loft or fusion, but for decorating in baroque style there is simply not enough space.

Expanding the space: ideas for small apartments

Techniques for expanding space can be roughly divided into two types:

  • radical (redevelopment)
  • visual

Among the radical redevelopment options, the most popular is the combination of the kitchen and the adjoining room into a common space. The demolition of the wall in a separate bathroom will give an additional couple of square meters of area, and the rejection of the bath in favor of a shower cabin will give the opportunity to place a washing machine. Additional area for a bathroom can be allocated due to corridor(hallway). The meters obtained by joining the loggia to the room will not be superfluous.

But all these radical methods have several significant disadvantages:

  • redevelopment possibilities are limited by the presence and location of load-bearing walls
  • the need to coordinate all ongoing redevelopment with the relevant regulatory authorities

Visual methods do not provide a physical (measurable) addition of space, but due to optical illusions they create a visual effect of increasing space. First of all, due to the correct chosen color scheme: all warm and light shades help to optically expand the space, while this rule applies to both walls and furniture.

And colored accents and dark inserts will help prevent the transformation of the room into an expressionless monolithic light spot. The prevailing dark colors will absorb the interior of the room - because of this, it will visually shrink.

Advice! The wallpaper pattern will allow you to optically adjust the volume of the room - the horizontal pattern will make it longer, the vertical pattern will "raise" the ceilings.

A few more tricks that allow you to "play" with space:

  • mirrors are a win-win, a must-have for a small apartment. Mirrored doors from ceiling to floor of the wardrobe will add "half" of the room. And a mirror placed opposite the window will add light to the room.
  • rejection of massive dark wood - oak furniture will absorb the entire space
  • replace chandeliers, even not very impressive ones, with built-in lamps
  • no blind facades - doors, racks, shelves should have transparent glass doors, this will relieve space
  • light, more light - do not immerse the room in twilight, a well-lit room looks more spacious

  • suspended glossy ceiling will eliminate the feeling of an overhanging ceiling

Interior design in a small apartment: getting rid of unnecessary things

Rational use of premises is a fairly broad concept, often depending on the habits of its owners, lifestyle, taste preferences, mentality and even national characteristics. There are often too many things in our apartments that are absolutely not used. They just take up space, turning the apartment into some kind of a junk warehouse - the habit of not throwing things away with the expectation of “what if it will come in handy later” leads to elementary littering of the apartment. It is enough just to remove the trash - and the space will become much more:

  • Let's start small - photo albums that occupy, at best, one shelf in a bookcase. But the photo can be digitized (scanned) - in this form, they practically do not take up space
  • a larger object - a balcony, which is often turned into a warehouse of unnecessary things, from children's sleds to furniture awaiting repair. You just need to get rid of the trash, insulate the balcony and combine it with the living room - and get additional living space. And the area of ​​the balcony is quite enough to arrange on it a fairly isolated and secluded workplace, where you can do homework during the day (which is very important - in natural daylight), and in the evening - for parents to go about their business.
  • another trick is to replace the old cast-iron batteries with more modern and compact radiators. And in order to increase the efficiency of their heat transfer, a heat-reflecting screen made of foil should be installed in the place of their installation (more precisely, a wall). This will free up an additional 6-10 cm of space along the wall.

When planning the interior decoration of a small apartment, it is worth considering the dismantling of old windows and their replacement with a metal-plastic analogue. This will not only increase the thermal efficiency of the room, but also make it possible to effectively use the window sill.

Traditionally, the window sill, due to its modest size, was used either to accommodate flower pots, or was simply empty. Replacing a window allows you to transform a window sill into a functional element:

  • in the kitchen, a wide window sill can become a working area, and for a small family it can be turned into an analogue of a dining table
  • in the room, the window sill can act as a working area or a desk
June 27, 2016
Specialization: philological education. Work experience as a builder - 20 years. Of these, the last 15 years led the brigade as a foreman. I know everything about construction - from design and zero cycle to interior design. Hobbies: Vocals, psychology, quailing.

Greetings, my dear readers!

The design of small apartments almost always takes into account the arrangement of different functional areas in the same space.

In your own house, the volume of which is determined only by you, you can afford to allocate isolated rooms for the guest room, kitchen, bedroom, dining room, nursery, office. This is not possible in a small apartment. There is a strict rule here - if you want the maximum of functional areas, divide the space that you already have. Here are some vivid examples.

  1. A tiny kitchen and a hall, as a rule, want to be combined in order to save precious centimeters of floor space.
  2. A separate case is the poor family with children. They have no choice but to give one room to their beloved child (so that it grows calmly), and in the second room to organize a real bedlam: at the same time the parent's bedroom and the guest room, and the dining room and study.

I really want to alleviate the situation of the owners of small apartments, so I bring to your attention specific recommendations and design solutions that I have accumulated over 20 years of construction activity.

How to get extra living space

First of all, when working on the interior design of your small apartment, think about methods of expanding its usable space. Only then start choosing colors, furniture and accessories for the premises.

At the moment, many options have been invented for redevelopment of cramped dwellings and changes in the geometry of rooms:

  • joining balconies, hallways, storerooms, corridors to them;
  • transfer of the kitchen to the loggia;
  • combining it with the living room;
  • expansion of the bathroom at the expense of the hallway, etc.

The choice of a specific method depends on the configuration, layout and characteristics of your apartment. So, what can I advise you here.

In most cases, a loggia or balcony is used as a storage room for unnecessary things: old skis, sledges, bicycles, as well as waste paper, glass containers, broken furniture, etc.

  1. However, if you attach a loggia to a living space, then on its area you can equip an office, a recreation area, a dining room, or a fairly comfortable kitchen and even a bedroom.

I want to warn you in advance that this simple and effective method of expanding the living space of an apartment in practice has its pitfalls in its implementation.
The main snag here is that joining a balcony and a loggia is strictly regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

  1. Difficulties are usually caused by the dismantling of the window wall, the expansion of the opening between the balcony and the living quarters, as well as the transfer of the battery. You must obtain permission for this.
  2. However, all these difficulties can be overcome. Save some of the supports between the loggia and the room and play around. For example, they can be converted into a bar counter, columns, shelves, shelves.
  3. To maintain an established microclimate in the house, install a transparent partition.

Tip # 2: Combine the kitchen and corridor (hallway) with the living room

The design of a small one-room apartment is often formed on the basis of combining a kitchen and a guest room. A similar studio version of the organization of housing space is now popular in our country, and not only in the West.

When combining a living room and a kitchen, all the same rules and requirements, voiced in the Housing Code, apply:

  1. For example, the law prohibits the removal of load-bearing walls and structures, as well as the placement of "wet" areas above the living quarters of neighbors living on the lower floors.
  2. It is almost impossible to obtain a permit to branch a gas pipe from a riser. Based on this, when transferring the kitchen to the loggia or living room, it is better to immediately put an electric hob.

Practically unused square meters of the corridor or hallway can be combined with the guest room. This option will make it possible to significantly expand the volume of living space. On the attached area, as a rule, a kitchen area is equipped.

Tip # 3: populate the space more vertically

  1. Set up a second level in it, for example, use bunk furniture.
  2. The second tier can also be organized using the mezzanine. They can be practically salvation for a small apartment. Use a similar option in the nursery if you have two children.
  3. This solution is quite appropriate if the apartment is one-room. Then the mezzanine will play the role of a sleeping place (the so-called "attic" bed).

Tip # 4: use niches in the walls and window sills

When organizing the space of a small apartment, try to make the most of each niche.

  1. For example, a built-in wardrobe can be mounted in a wall recess.
  2. You can also put a kitchen set, a sofa there (if the niche is large enough). This will make it possible to free up an additional area in the living room.

When recreating the interior of a small home, make the best use of every centimeter of its space.

  1. Avoid unnecessary frills like window sills in favor of a compact work table or seat for reading and relaxing.

  1. Usually the windowsill, due to its small size, is used as a stand for flower pots or is completely empty. When replacing windows, equip them with wide window sills. Then they can be used as functional elements.
  2. The design of small kitchens for small apartments will complement the work area located by the window. If the family is small, the window sill can be transformed into a dining table.
  3. In a living room, it is easy to turn it into a workplace or a desk.
  4. The free volume under the windowsill can be turned into a storage system by placing a small cabinet, shelves, and racks there.

Tip # 5: sliding, folding partition doors and thin batteries

  1. Sliding, folding doors, unlike their counterparts with hinged canvases, practically do not take up space when opened. For a small apartment, their installation will be the best choice.
  2. Another example of the rational use of space. Replace massive cast iron heating radiators with compact and modern counterparts, for example, aluminum, bimetallic. This will free up about 10 centimeters along the walls.

You can improve the heat output efficiency of such a device.
For this purpose, mount a heat-reflecting screen made of foil on the wall at the place where the battery will be installed.

How to visually expand the space

As a rule, when decorating the interior of dwellings, it is necessary to use means of visual correction of the room space. Naturally, these methods do not actually increase the volume of the premises. This way you will not physically add space. But thanks to optical illusions, you will reproduce the visual effect of expanding rooms.

In this part of creating a design for a small apartment, I can recommend the following to you:

First of all, choose the correct color scheme for the premises:

  1. All light and cold colors, tones and shades are visually capable of expanding the room. This rule is valid for floors, walls and ceilings as well as for pieces of furniture. All dark and warm colors, tones and shades affect the viewer exactly the opposite.
  2. Bright accessories and decorative details can diversify the interior color palette.
  3. Color accents and dark contrasting inserts will stop the degradation of housing design into an expressionless, monotonous light spot. At the same time, remember that the prevailing dark tones will "swallow" the space of the room, that is, it will visually shrink.
  4. Light colors and tones work especially effectively in combination with panoramic window sides and. They reflect the sun's rays well, making the room optically appear brighter and larger in area.

Khrushchev's houses have cramped and low rooms.
Choose wallpaper with a striped pattern for them, it will help to visually adjust the volume of the premises.
Horizontal stripes will make the room longer, and vertical stripes will "raise" the ceiling.

Tip # 7: the more glass and mirrors in the interior, the better

A good choice for a small-sized interior is large mirrors, sometimes they occupy the entire plane of the wall. Such a reflective surface perfectly expands the space, of course, only visually.

  1. If you place two large mirrors on opposite walls, they create a real corridor of additional "space".
  2. Floor-to-ceiling mirrored door panels on a wardrobe can add "half" the volume to a room.
  3. The mirror opposite the windows, reflecting the rays of the sun, will brighten the room.
  4. Try not to use blind doors and fronts on furniture. Make cabinet doors, shelves, shelves, door leaves, countertops, etc. transparent - glass or plastic. This will make it possible to unload space and fill it with light.

Tip # 8: some more tricks to play with space

  1. Avoid heavy and dark solid wood furniture. They themselves will "eat up" all the space.
  2. Change voluminous chandeliers for sconces, built-in and spotlights with your own hands.
  3. In general, the more light in the rooms, the better. A well-lit room appears to be more spacious.
  4. If you mount a glossy tension structure above, it will increase the height of the walls and relieve you of the feeling of a “pressing” ceiling.
  5. Insert French windows to the floor. They will make the room brighter, fill it with air and lightness.

Methods for zoning a small apartment

In the case of the design of small-sized dwellings, the same room can be intended for different purposes, that is, carry several functions. Based on this, it becomes necessary to delimit different zones. Here is what I can recommend to you as a means of this very distinction.

Stationary partitions are a simple and convenient means for zoning rooms.

  1. In particular, such a wall will be indispensable, if the apartment is a studio, then you just need to distinguish between a sleeping place and a guest area.
    In order not to interfere with natural light, I advise you to use transparent, lattice, patterned, low or narrow (not all the space between the walls) partitions that let the rays of the sun through.
  2. You can also use mobile sliding partitions. Usually, they are used between the kitchen and the living room, or between the guest room and the bedroom. Such piers absolutely do not interfere with the view of the living room from the kitchen and vice versa. However, both zones appear to be isolated.

The screen can decorate not only the "Japanese" or "Chinese" interior of a small apartment. She looks great in neoclassical aesthetics too. In practice, it can be used to divide, for example, a relaxation area and a boudoir in the bedroom. In the living room, the screen will outline the boundaries of the study, and if it is combined with the kitchen, then the dining area.

  1. Curtains, curtains are the most simple and versatile means for zoning. They are effective not only for living quarters. If the bathroom is large enough, a curtain will help separate the hygiene area from the mini-boudoir.
  2. If you want to make the interior look airy, choose a curtain made of light translucent fabric. When you need to recreate the appearance of a blind partition, use a dense material.

You can choose pass-through racks and consoles instead of a stationary partition to delimit the space into functional zones. Thanks to this technique, additional storage systems appear in the room.

Tip # 12: the podium will delimit areas and help store things

Catwalks can be found in the interiors of apartments, decorated in both historical and modern styles.

  1. Such a structure is perfect for arranging a bed in baroque or classic aesthetics. For example, you can put a four-poster bed on it.
  2. The living room, kitchen and loggia can also be separated by a podium.
  3. When choosing a modern style, a roll-out bed can be hidden inside the podium. At night, you can put it on a dais, and during the day you can clean and equip the dining area on it by placing a table and chairs.

  1. As a rule, a dining table is placed on the line of the boundaries of the guest room and the kitchen area. It designates and forms the dining area, at the same time plays the role of a means for zoning the area.
  2. In addition to the dining table, to mark the border of the cooking area, you can also use a bar counter or a furniture kitchen island. They will make it possible to equip the area for quick and easy snacks in the home.

What furniture should be

The problem of space deficit in small apartments can be solved to some extent with the help of furniture.

In confined spaces, it is better not to use bulky items that are large in size.
Choose easily transformable and mobile furniture.
Folding sofas, two-level structures, objects of simple, ascetic forms in modern styles are optimal.

Tip # 14: bunk beds and convertible items

In the photo - a children's room with a bunk bed-wardrobe.

The bedroom is usually very small in small sizes. A bunk bed in it will perfectly save space:

  1. Most often, such structures are placed in children's rooms for two or more children. In a room equipped for one child, such a structure will also serve well. For example, on the lower level, not only a sleeping place can be placed, but a sofa, storage system or a work, play, study area.
  2. In the interior of small-sized, transformable furniture is welcome. So, it can be a folding sofa that additionally plays the role of a bed. Thanks to him, it is easy to transform the guest area into a bedroom at night.
  3. There are also bed-wardrobes, transforming tables, "attic" beds, etc. All these pieces of furniture perfectly serve to save space.
  4. In the course of furnishing the interior, you cannot do without organizing basic storage systems. Most often these are cabinets. The best option is if their bodies are built-in. Thus, you will avoid space congestion.

  1. Chairs made in a modern style have a mobile and lightweight design. Therefore, I recommend that you use them for your small apartment. For example, folding chairs are perfect for a combined dining-kitchen. You can easily fold and remove them as needed.
  2. I will give you one more recommendation: pick up pieces of furniture (armchairs, sofas, ottomans, tables, chairs) on graceful and thin legs. They will peer easier and less than solid counterparts.
  3. Transparent furniture will be an excellent choice for a small size. It will "dissolve" in the rooms, making them visually more free.

Now manufacturers offer many aesthetic models of tempered glass, acrylic, plexiglass. This furniture is strong enough, safe and does not require special care.

My main guideline for furniture in a small apartment: Think outside the box. The limited space should force you to find non-standard and interesting solutions.

At the same time, do not forget that furniture should be multifunctional, technological and comfortable. Here are some examples for clarity:

  1. A suspended modular cabinet will solve the problem of storing things and take up the wasted area above the sofa
  2. Use racks instead of bedside tables. They take up the same volume, but the latter are much more capacious.
  3. Do not let empty areas near the doors. Hang a shelf on top, on either side of the canvas, place a couple of narrow shelving.
  4. If children or elderly people live with you, put one or two box poufs in the hallway. They will be comfortable to sit on while taking off or putting on your outdoor shoes. And inside you can store small useful things.

What style to choose for the interior

I want to warn you right away that even if the small size is two-room, its design will not be successful on the basis of historical styles (antiquity, baroque, rococo, empire, classic). These areas require spacious rooms, high ceilings, massiveness, richness of furniture and decor.

On the contrary, neoclassicism, modern styles, unassuming Provence do not need any pompous interior or a suite of huge rooms.

Tip # 17: neoclassic is well suited for a small size

And in a small apartment you can find a place for classic aesthetics, praising the rich aristocratic decor, natural finish and spacious living space. In this case, you can use a modern branch of the style, in other words, neoclassicism.

It allows the use of artificial materials in the decoration of rooms and furniture, as well as the use of modest decorative details. With the help of neoclassical design techniques, you can recreate the atmosphere of a cozy and aristocratic home even in a small apartment.

Contemporary styles are optimal for very small dwellings. The most popular among them are minimalism and hi-tech. These directions are characterized by laconic lines in compositions, as well as some asceticism and ergonomics of solutions.

The interiors of small-sized apartments, decorated in modern styles, do not accept lush decoration. Furniture in them is distinguished by simplicity of forms, the color scheme tends to monochrome.

Modern or Art Nouveau, as it is more commonly called by designers, is another contemporary style. Now in its pure form, it is rare.

As a rule, only certain aesthetic elements of this direction are added to the interior of the premises. If approached competently, then modern will help transform a small dwelling into a luxurious apartment, without significant investment.

Tip # 19: for those nostalgic for the past - design "a la 60s"

Style "a la 60s" is now at the height of fashion. It will be the best choice for those of you who cannot or do not want to invest serious money in home renovation.

This direction will not require significant financial costs from you, the price of its aesthetics is quite modest. The furnishings and furnishings here are simple, which compensates for the bright colors and stylish décor elements.

This trend will fill small rooms with fresh and natural colors of the nature of the South of France. It will bring the rustic comfort of a European province to the interior of the apartment.

Provence combines the simplicity of country life and bohemian gloss. The style to some extent reproduces the ideas of the aristocracy about the suburban life. Choosing Provence to decorate your apartment, you will recreate a cozy and aesthetic interior that will not be ashamed to demonstrate to your guests.

It is no secret that ordinary average families live in small apartments located in old houses, so the household has an acute question about design. As a rule, the furnishings of such the smallest apartment should combine the harmony of functionality, comfort, make the area of ​​the room more ergonomic and provide convenience to all living family members.

Good design rules

Despite the complexity of the task, furnishing the interior of a small apartment is a very interesting and exciting experience.

To do this, you should adhere to some simple rules:

  • the first step is to decide on the necessary pieces of furniture, since they must be optimally and correctly placed;
  • a small room should always be light, this task is helped by: light wall decoration, transparent light curtains, zoning of lighting devices, a large mirror surface;
  • the most compact functional furniture: a sofa - a book, a folding table, which, if necessary, can be transformed into a large dining tabletop;
  • a regular wall or wardrobe is replaced by tall cabinets to the ceiling, that is, the height is used as much as possible, and not the width of the room.

A one-room area assumes the presence of a folding berth, lifting which, you can see a bookcase from below, or a comfortable workplace.

As an example: it is reasonable to separate the sleeping area with a sheet of drywall or a cornice with a curtain made of thick fabric. So in the daytime the bed can be hidden by simply closing the curtain.

The task of redevelopment will be much easier if there is a loggia or balcony, which, if desired, can be turned into an additional room. For which it is necessary to demolish part of the partition, insulate the walls, perform good waterproofing and equip there a nursery, a bedroom, or an office for work.

Multi-room furnishings

It is much easier when there are several rooms in the house, since it is possible to use every free corner of a small space. The photo of the design of small-sized apartments with two or more rooms shows several options for placing pieces of furniture:

It is appropriate to put a bunk bed in a small nursery, freeing up space for play and activities. If there is one baby in the family, the sleeping place is located in the second tier, and a work area is arranged below, where you can draw, play or do homework.

It is reasonable to put a tall narrow wardrobe (wardrobe) along the wall, cover the walls with pastel light wallpaper and correctly plan the lighting, which visually expands the space.

The second hall can accommodate both a bedroom and a living room, and a study. If there are only two rooms, you can separate the sleeping area by introducing a compact folding sofa. It is reasonable to separate the zones with a screen or curtain to hide a place to sleep from unnecessary glances.

The first thing that catches your eye is, of course, the corridor (entrance hall), which must be furnished as competently and comfortably as possible. Please note that even the smallest hallway can accommodate everything you need, while remaining free and spacious.

When carrying out repairs and design of the corridor, it is worth stopping the choice on light canvases for decorating the walls, the presence of large mirrors, a spacious cabinet with mirrored doors. On the sides of a wide mirrored wardrobe, you should place through shelves for statuettes, books, photographs, vases, cosmetics and other accessories.

If the wardrobe is inappropriate, it is reasonable in the corridor that leads to the hallway to place small roomy cabinets for small things, sectional furniture (a separate wardrobe for clothes, shoes, an opening ottoman).

Kitchen space: small area

Most often, a small-sized dwelling has a very small room for cooking, so it is worth furnishing it as functionally as possible. Usually, next to the kitchen there is a bathtub, combined with a bathroom, several meters of which can be separated in favor of the kitchen.

It is appropriate to put a refrigerator in a niche, or introduce a pantry for supplies and products. By placing the sink under the window opening, you can successfully use the window sill by placing a shelf for dishes, household and cutlery on it.

The free wall will accommodate a shallow panel for decorations, cookbooks, and household appliances. It is convenient to make lockers along the bottom, in which unnecessary or rarely used items and accessories are hidden. Built-in household appliances save space: washing machine, microwave oven, refrigerator.

It's no secret that households love to watch TV in the kitchen. A small flat-panel TV is best placed on a free wall by attaching it to a retractable bracket.

Often, during repairs, the wall of the kitchen and the room adjacent to it is demolished, but keep in mind that it should not be load-bearing! The photo of a small apartment shows a kitchen enlarged in this way - a studio, decorated with an opening with a bar counter.

Modern studio apartment

A modern family at this time quite often strives to create a comfortable design for a small studio apartment, which is not limited by boundaries. During the renovation, all doors and non-load-bearing interior walls are almost completely removed. The studio is an effective way to expand free space, making it an interesting and economical area.

But, it is worth considering that the presence of children in the family excludes this option, since the child needs his own private room in the house.

Naturally, if the apartment has three rooms, only one can be secluded, and the rest of the area can be converted into the original studio of adult family members.

It is better to decorate the space of a small studio apartment, taking into account the following nuances:

  • furniture upholstery, curtains and wall surfaces are made in light soothing colors;
  • the maximum number of mirrors, glass surfaces and partitions;
  • introduction of functional movable pieces of furniture;
  • unnecessary accessories, parts and decorations are removed.

So, competent design of a small-sized space will give comfort, a cozy atmosphere for all family members.

Of course, professional designers provide a much better mix of items and colors, but their services are not cheap. Therefore, it is more economical to do the redevelopment yourself on your own, having studied the rules for the combination of shades and the ergonomic distribution of the necessary items.

Photo of design of small apartments

Working on the design of small apartments allows you to fully show individuality and imagination. Here you will have to abandon the standard techniques, you need to design something original, special in order to create a comfortable and cozy home in a small space. As an example, we give 14 projects with interiors of small-area apartments, some of them already have owners, and the other is only planned for implementation.

Design of small apartments up to 20 sq. m.

Interior design of a small apartment of 18 sq. m.

With an area of ​​18 sq. m. it is necessary to save every centimeter and use all the possibilities in order to increase the small space. To this end, the designers insulated the loggia and combined it with the living room - for this they had to remove the balcony block. On the former loggia, an office was equipped for working with a corner tabletop and open shelves for books.

A bench was set up at the entrance, a mirror and clothes hangers were placed above it. You can conveniently change your shoes on the bench, and store your shoes under it. The main storage system of variable width is also located here, part of it is given for clothes, part - for household appliances.

The living room is divided into functional areas. The kitchen, equipped with all modern appliances, begins immediately behind the entrance area. Behind it there is a living room - a sofa with a small table, open shelves for decor items and books above it, and opposite - a TV area.

In the evening, the living room turns into a bedroom - the sofa folds out and becomes a comfortable bed. A folding dining area is located between the kitchen and living area: the table rises and becomes one of the sections of the storage system, and the chairs are folded and carried out onto the loggia.

Project “Compact studio interior 18 sq. m. " from Lyudmila Ermolaeva.

Design project of a small studio apartment of 20 sq. m.

In order to create a laconic and functional interior, the designers decided to use an open plan and dismantled all the walls that were not load-bearing. The resulting space was divided into two zones: technical and residential. In the technical area, a small entrance hall and a sanitary block were located, in the living area, a kitchen-dining room was equipped, which simultaneously serves as a living room.

At night, a bed appears in the room, which is removed in the closet during the day and does not interfere with free movement around the apartment. There was a place for a work desk near the window: a small tabletop with a table lamp, open shelves above it, next to it was a comfortable chair.

The main color of the design is white, with the addition of gray tones. Black was chosen as a contrast. The interior is complemented by wooden elements - light wood brings warmth and comfort, and its texture enriches the decorative palette of the project.

For such a limited space, minimalism is the best stylistic solution for interior decoration. White walls and ceilings, white furniture of a laconic form, merging with the background - all this visually increases the size of the room. Colored accents and designer lamps are used as decorative elements.

Transformable furniture is another key to successfully solving the problem of placing in a small area everything that is necessary for the comfort and coziness of a modern person. In this case, the sofa in the living area is expanded and the living room turns into a bedroom. The mini office table easily converts into a large dining room.

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Design of small apartments from 20 to 25 sq. m.

Small studio 25 sq. m.

The apartment is equipped with all the requirements for comfort. There is a large storage system in the hallway, in addition, additional storage systems are arranged in the bedroom - this is a mezzanine where suitcases or boxes with things can be placed, and a chest of drawers in the TV area located in the bedroom.

A large double bed with a headboard adjoins the wall, decorated with a geometric pattern. There was a place for a washing machine in the small bathroom. A kitchen with a sofa may well serve as a guest place.

The studio is 24 square meters and is decorated in a Scandinavian style. White walls, doors and light wood surfaces are harmoniously combined with accent colors typical of northern interiors. White is responsible for the visual expansion of the space, bright accent tones add a joyful mood.

The wide ceiling cornice is a decorative detail that adds charm to the interior. A play of textures is also used as a decor: one of the walls is lined with brickwork, the floors are wooden, and the main walls are plaster, all painted white.

Design project of a small apartment of 25 sq. m.

An interesting example of space zoning is presented by the DesignRush studio, whose craftsmen have turned an ordinary small apartment into a very comfortable and modern living space. Light tones help expand volume, while milky tones are used to add warmth. The feeling of warmth and comfort is enhanced by the wooden interior elements.

In order to separate functional areas from each other, designers use multi-level ceilings and different floor coverings. The zoning is supported by well-planned lighting: in the center of the sofa area under the ceiling there is a suspension in the form of a luminous ring, along the sofa and TV area, there are lamps on metal rails in a line.

The entrance hall and kitchen are illuminated with built-in ceiling spots. Three black tube lamps, mounted on the ceiling above the dining area, visually draw a line between the kitchen and the living room.

Design of small apartments from 26 to 30 sq. m.

Beautiful small apartment with an unusual layout

Studio apartment 30 sq. m. is designed in the style of minimalism with elements of the Scandinavian style - this is indicated by the combination of white walls with the texture of natural wood, a bright blue accent in the form of a carpet on the living room floor, as well as the use of ornamental tiles for finishing the bathroom.

The main "highlight" of the interior is an unusual layout. In the center is a huge wooden cube in which the sleeping area is hidden. From the side of the living room, the cube is open, and from the side of the kitchen, a deep niche is made in it, into which a work surface with a sink and a stove, as well as a refrigerator and kitchen cabinets are built.

There are other wooden details in each zone of the apartment, so the central cube serves not only as a separating element, but also as a unifying element for the interior.

Small one-room studio 29 sq. m. was divided into two zones, one of which - farthest from the window - housed the bedroom, and the other - the living room. They are separated from each other by decorative fabric curtains. In addition, we managed to find a place not only for the kitchen and bathroom, but also for the dressing room.

The interior is made in the American style of Art Deco. The stylish combination of light glossy surfaces with dark wenge wood against the background of beige walls is complemented by glass and chrome details. The kitchen space is separated from the living area by a high bar counter.

Apartment design 30 sq. m.

A small apartment, the overall style of which can be defined as modern, has ample storage space. This is a large wardrobe in the hallway, space under the sofa cushions, a chest of drawers and a TV stand in the living room, two rows of cabinets in the kitchen, a drawer under the bed in the bedroom.

The living room and kitchen are separated by a gray concrete wall. It does not reach the ceiling, but an LED backlight strip is fixed along the top - this solution visually lightens the structure, making it "weightless".

The living room is separated from the bedroom by a thick gray curtain. The use of a natural palette and natural materials gives the interior solidity. The main colors of the design are gray, white, brown. Contrasting details in black.

Design of small apartments from 31 to 35 sq. m.

Studio project 35 sq. m.

The best small apartments are decorated with natural materials - this introduces the required solidity into their furnishings, and makes it possible to do without decorative elements cluttering the space, since the color and texture of the materials themselves are used as decor.

Herringbone parquet flooring, marble-surfaced porcelain stoneware, veneered MDF - these are the main finishing materials in the apartment. In addition, white and black paint was used. Wooden interior elements in combination with marble surfaces allow to saturate it with an interesting pattern, while keeping the main volume free.

The living room is combined with the kitchen and dining room, and the sleeping place is separated by a partition made of metal and glass. During the day, it can be folded up and leaned against the wall, so it does not take up much space. The entrance area and the bathroom are isolated from the main volume of the apartment. There is also a laundry room.

Project “Design by Geometrium: studio 35 sq. m. in the residential complex "Filigrad"

Apartment with a separate bedroom 35 sq. m.

The beautiful interiors of small apartments, as a rule, have one thing in common: they are based on the minimalism style, and an interesting decorative idea is added to it. The strip became such an idea in the 35-meter "odnushka".

A small place for a night's rest is highlighted by a wall with horizontal lines drawn on it. They visually make the tiny bedroom look bigger and add rhythm. The wall in which the storage system is hidden is also striped. Track lights in the interior support the idea of ​​horizontal stripes that are repeated both in furniture and in the decoration of the bathroom.

The main color of the interior is white, black is used as a contrasting color. Textile elements and panels in the living room bring subtle color accents and soften the atmosphere.

Project “Design of a one-room apartment 35 sq. m. with a berth "

This is a true masculine interior with a strong character that reflects the views of its owner. The studio layout makes it possible to preserve the maximum possible volume, while highlighting the necessary areas for work and rest.

The living room and kitchen are separated by a brick bar, typical for a loft-style interior. A chest of drawers has been placed between the living room and the home office, to which a work desk is attached.

The interior is full of luscious decorative details, many of which are handcrafted. In their manufacture, old, already discarded things were used. So, a coffee table is a former suitcase, the seats of bar stools were once bicycle seats, the leg of a floor lamp is a photo tripod.