Screwdriver repair: basic tool malfunctions. Screwdriver repair: basic tool malfunctions Complete disassembly of the screwdriver

The screwdriver is a popular and irreplaceable tool. It is used both in domestic conditions and at various construction sites. In the process of many works, you simply cannot do without it. But as befits a complex and functional technique, the screwdriver is prone to breakage. Even the most expensive and high-quality tool is not insured against this. Today we will take a closer look at how you can fix such a useful device, and also find out what problems happen with screwdrivers most often.

Device and principle of operation

Before proceeding to self-repair of such a tool as a shururpovert, you should understand in detail its structure and principle of operation. Only with this information, it will be possible to repair the device, and not harm it.

The basic components of any modern screwdriver are:

  • electrical engine;

  • planetary gearbox;

  • start button that can be adjusted;

  • reverse type switch;
  • detail that regulates efforts;
  • power Supply.

The electric motor in the design of the screwdriver is characterized by the fact that it operates from a direct current network.By its design, it has a special cylinder shape. In the inner part of the engine there is a special anchor with brushes and magnetic parts. A distinctive feature of such a scheme lies in the fact that the direction of the supply voltage flow always tends to the above-mentioned brushes located inside. If the polarity changes, then the engine is reversed.

The planetary type gearbox is considered a very serious componentresponsible for converting high-frequency gross vibrations of the electric motor into low-frequency revolutions of the chuck shaft. Typically, these components are made of durable and wear-resistant plastic or metal. Often, models of modern screwdrivers are equipped with gearboxes designed for a couple of speeds. The transition to the first speed mode is required to work with self-tapping screws. As for the second speed, if you set it, you can drill wood, metal or plastic bases.

The function button "start" is necessary for the device to start when pressed.With the help of this button, it becomes possible to keep the speed under control. In addition, it will be possible to choose the ideal rotation speed of the chuck shaft for a certain moment. Thus, a strong pressure on the "start" will provoke the engine to work at high speeds. If you press the button weaker, then the power indicator itself will weaken.

A reversing switch is required to carry out measures to change the direction of rotation of the device slider. This functional component is very convenient to use not only for the purpose of twisting, but also unscrewing the fasteners.

As for the element that regulates the forces, it should be noted that it is responsible for determining the speed of tightening the screws. In modern demand copies of the screwdriver, there is often a variable gradation with 16 steps. It makes it possible to identify as accurately and seamlessly as possible which tightening speed will be ideal when working with a variety of materials.

The power source of such a device is a battery. Their voltage power ratings are capable of ranging from 9 to 18 V.

Frequent malfunctions

Having figured out how a modern cordless screwdriver works, you can safely move on and consider what problems are typical for such a tool.

If at some point you notice that the tool simply does not start, then perhaps it was struck by a certain malfunction. In practice, it is the case that a non-working tool can be such for two main reasons:

  1. breakdowns, in which such devices stop working, in many cases are caused by problems associated with their electronic "stuffing";
  2. many breakdowns of modern screwdrivers occur due to mechanical damage.

If we understand directly the objective reasons for the breakdown of such tools, then a number of characteristic features can be distinguished:

  • at some point, the technique stops turning on;
  • the speed regulator stops functioning normally (it may even stop working);
  • the reverse stops its work.

With regard to the mechanical problems of such devices, there is often significant wear on the parts located inside the tool. For example, the characteristic crackling sounds of the mechanism can come from the screwdriver. In most situations, a broken screwdriver will make unusual noises where the bushing is seriously worn or the bearing has collapsed. Hammer tools often encounter these problems.

And also the following problems can be attributed to the most common problems with screwdrivers:

  • malfunctioning of the battery (the charger may stop charging it, or the device stops charging);

  • severe wear of the brushes located in the inner part of the engine;

  • breakage of the starting button;

  • beating of the cartridge;

  • may not grip the bit;

  • lack of response to turning the device on and off;

  • "Uneven" work with noticeable failures.

You can cope with all of the above breakdowns on your own, if you have at least minimal skills in such matters. Here you need to have soldering and measuring instruments on hand - they will help solve many problems with screwdrivers. In some cases, it will not be possible to avoid a complete replacement of important components, since not all parts are sold separately in stores (such parts include gears located in the inside of the tool).

If the repair of the motor or gearbox of a screwdriver seems to you an overwhelming task, then it is permissible to subject these parts to a complete replacement or send them to a workshop, where these elements to be repaired will quickly bring them into working order.

How to disassemble?

Often it will be possible to identify this or that malfunction of the screwdriver, as well as to repair it, only after proper disassembly. Since almost all such tools are similar to each other and have the shape of a kind of angle pistol, when disassembling them, you should adhere to useful recommendations.

  • The first step is to disconnect the battery pack from the device battery. For this purpose, it will be necessary to gently press the latch and unfasten the module equally carefully.

  • You will need to unscrew the screws around the perimeter of the tool using a small Phillips screwdriver.

  • By unscrewing all the fasteners, the two parts of the body base can be easily disconnected from each other. But at the same time, it is extremely important to hold on to the remaining elements of the existing structure, which are fixed in the grooves.

  • Very carefully it is necessary to remove the part responsible for gear shifting. Together with it, carefully remove the start button and the reverse mechanism.

  • After that, you can further carefully disassemble the technique. Remove the reducer from the removed housing half. To remove it from its place, you will need to turn the gearbox at the landing site.

How to repair it yourself?

Knowing the internal structure of the screwdriver, as well as its principle of operation and the method of disassembly, you can safely proceed to acquaintance with the process of its direct repair. Any misfortune can happen with such a tool - most problems can be solved on their own, without resorting to the help of experienced craftsmen. We will analyze in stages how to repair the various elements of this tool so that it works correctly and efficiently again.


In most cases, problems with chargers are arise for the following common reasons:

  • if the fuse has blown;

  • the network cable is broken;

  • the primary winding of the transformer has broken;

  • the diode broke through.

It doesn't matter what brand the screwdriver you own is released under.If, when you turn it on, it simply does not start, then the first thing you need to do is make sure that its battery is charged. To find out, you need to put the battery on charge for a couple of hours. After the specified time, remove the battery and reinstall it in the device. Make sure the battery is working properly. If the screwdriver still does not work, then you will need to carry out a number of manipulations using a device such as a multimeter (you can use a special tester instead). Using this tool, you can diagnose the existing parts of the screwdriver.

If you have a multimeter in your arsenal, then most likely you know how to use it. If not, then you should read the instructions for its use. This tool is very useful and effective.

With the help of these devices, it will be necessary to determine what exactly is the problem of equipment refusal to launch. In this case, either the battery or the charger itself is to blame. To find out what the cause of the malfunction is, you will need to carry out the following procedures:

  • first, fix the multimeter in the DC voltage measurement mode (set the rating to 20 V);
  • if the battery in the screwdriver has a rating of 24 V, then the device will need to be set to 200 V;
  • insert the plug of the charger into an outlet;
  • now measure the output voltage at the terminals of the charging unit.

The reading of this device should be approximately 2 V higher than the rating of the battery being diagnosed. If this indicator turned out to be much lower, or there are no values \u200b\u200bat all, then this means that the problem lies in the malfunction of the charger itself, and not the battery in the device. It will be possible to repair this part only if you can boast of certain knowledge and skills in electronics. If there are none, and you cannot fix the charging unit, then you will need to purchase a new part of the same brand.


If you find out that the screwdriver's charger is working fine, and it's not at all about it, this means that the problem lies in the battery of the equipment. However, take your time to disassemble the battery. Before that, you need to make sure that the screwdriver problems lie in this particular part. There are two methods for this.

  • Connect the tester to the terminals of the storage battery.Determine the voltage level at the output. When carrying out these manipulations, you will need to pre-charge the battery, leaving it to charge for 3-4 hours. If the values \u200b\u200bon the tester turn out to be less than the nominal, then the root of the screwdriver's malfunction lies precisely in the breakdown of the battery.
  • Install another battery in the screwdriver.Make sure the device turns on with it. If this happens, it means that the first battery is faulty, and the equipment does not start because of it. Modern manufacturers strongly do not recommend resorting to self-repairing batteries. It is also not advised to disassemble them. That is why if you moved on to disassembling the device, you need to keep in mind that your every action is completely unsafe. In practice, the situation is that it is still possible to restore the battery, and this is done quite simply. Consider how you can fix a screwdriver battery.

  • Disassemble the battery (at your own peril and risk - do not forget about the recommendations of the manufacturers). Many manufacturers manufacture batteries from a pair of plastic bases that are connected with screws.
  • Removing the top cover, you will see a certain number of small barrels (cans). Their number depends on the direct voltage of the battery. Banks issue 1 V each. To get a nominal value of 12 or 15 V (or other values), the jars will need to be connected in series.
  • Now we need to make sure that the contacts are reliable. If there is a break in the connections between the banks, then we can conclude that the breakdown has been directly identified. But it must be borne in mind that these problems occur in rare cases. In most situations, one or a certain number of cans fail.
  • Next, you should check if there is voltage in each of the cans.If all of them have a voltage of 1 V, and one of 0.8 V, then this means that problems with starting the screwdriver lie in this particular part. They cannot be repaired, but it is quite possible to replace them in order to fix the device's battery.

To replace the jars, you will need to carry out such manipulations.

  • Detach the damaged keg with a soldering iron.
  • In its place, solder a brand new jar of the same size. When choosing a new part, you will need to take into account its face value and content.
  • Collect the battery back, charge and test the correct functioning of the equipment.

Button problems

If you find out that both the battery and the charging unit are operating normally, then you will need to look for the source of the breakdown a little deeper. Disassemble the screwdriver. Next, you will need to perform a series of actions to identify and eliminate breakdowns.

  • Measure the voltage that comes from the battery to the terminals of the start button. If there is voltage, this means that the necessary power is supplied to the button. If the voltage was not detected, then this means that the wire was damaged in a certain area, or one of the important contacts was broken. Continue down the chain to find the problem.
  • Check the operation of the button that turns on the device. Remove the battery to make the necessary checks. Short-circuit the contacts. The output elements of the button will require the connection of the multimeter probes. Set the device to resistance measurement mode. If the button works properly, the readings on the device will tend to zero. If the specified part is still faulty, then the parameters will go to infinity.

A broken start button can be replaced with a new one or it can be repaired. If this component is collapsible, then it is permissible to disassemble it, clean the contacts. Often the buttons break if one of them burns out. It can be cleaned with sandpaper. After that, the screwdriver will work as before. If the button is not separable, then you will need to purchase a new one.


The reducer is a set of gears that increase the chuck rotation torque and reduce the speed. If the gears are metal, it is better to fix the part rather than replace it with a new one. Carrying out the repair of this component, it will be necessary to disassemble it, find a malfunction. Clean the mechanism and all elements from old grease. Then you need to lubricate all components again. Replace defective gears. Then you need to assemble the gearbox. The assembly must be neat.

Replacing brushes

Graphite brushes are located at the end of the engine at the junction with the button. They can be located in the inside of the case, or outside. If at least one brush is worn out, then both will have to be changed. To do this, you will need to disassemble the engine, carefully bend the flare with pliers. Then a part with brushes is taken out. Old elements are extracted from it and new ones are installed. After that, you need to put the base back together.


In modern screwdrivers, there is a DC motor in a cylindrical housing with magnetic elements. To check the condition of the engine, you need to disconnect the gearbox, as well as the wires leading to the start button. Measure the resistance of the armature winding (part inside) using a multimeter. If you did not see any readings on the device, this will indicate that there is an open circuit. Too small values \u200b\u200bwill confirm that a short circuit has occurred in the device.

The collector resistance parameter must be measured on the shaft and on each of the plates. It should be zero. Breakdowns in the anchor can provoke a shutdown of the device during its operation. Power will be lost, sparks and smoke may appear. If the engine breaks down, the gears often remain intact. Because in the lion's share of engines it is pressed onto the shaft, it can be difficult to remove it. Purchase a specialized removable element or resort to using available tools. Do not do this with a nailer or pliers - ruin the gears. You should act differently.

  • Stock up on a piece of profile or channel. Make a neat longitudinal cut using a grinder.
  • Place the shaft in the groove in a direction perpendicular to the profile. Pry up the gear.
  • Lay the prepared profile on 2 rigid bases so that the slider hangs between them.
  • Take the nail and hammer. Tap the edges of the shaft gently. After that, the gear will slide smoothly.
  • Now you can put the gear on the new engine using a hammer and a hard-surfaced base.


If a ratchet breaks in such a tool, then it will need to be detached from the gearbox in order to find the causes of the breakdown. Often, special rods are fixed in the coupling, set aside for adjusting the forces. There are also devices where instead of rods, a pair of balls are installed in each hole. They are pressed with a spring.

In many cases, repairing this part consists of cleaning it and applying fresh lubricant.

If the speed controller does not work, then the transistor has burned out. It will have to be replaced without fail.

Plastic gears can be replaced, but metal gears are better left - repaired and put in place if they are broken.

If the problem is in the cartridges, it is easier to replace them with new ones. Finding spare parts for cartridges is a big problem. It's easier to get a brand new clamping part. It will be inexpensive (about 300 rubles).

Disassemble and assemble the screwdriver very carefully so as not to damage the parts located inside its body.

How to repair a screwdriver with your own hands, you will learn in the next video.

Repair of any equipment means analysis. A screwdriver is a common unit, it is found in every home. Its breakdown occurs at any time and it is not always possible to contact the master. How to disassemble a screwdriver? This is indispensable in the repair process. All units have an identical device, so the principle of work is approximately the same.

Breakage and device

Before disassembling a screwdriver, it is worth examining its device. This includes a number of functional units:

Each unit is housed in a durable material housing. There is a control button, a handle, a place for a battery. There are units on sale that can only work from an outlet. When starting at low rpm, a squeak appears. This is normal. When performing work, you should not worry about it becoming unusable.

There is a ratchet, the task of which is to limit the rotation when the chuck moves. The location is easy to understand - the ring is being rotated. It helps to understand how deep the bolt or screw goes. If the work is carried out with soft material, then the fasteners sink there, sometimes it goes right through. The task of the ratchet is to keep the tool in working order and not to allow the heads of the self-tapping screws to be cut off.

Increasing the number allows you to make turns frequent. The choice is made depending on the job. Often there is a drill icon on a screwdriver, which means that this function is applicable in work. When switching, the revolutions become maximum.

What kind of breakdowns occur?

Before disassembling a screwdriver, everyone should study the information about what breakdowns occur most often. Conventionally, every tool, regardless of brand, has typical breakdowns. It is worth highlighting:

  • Battery malfunction.
  • Broken brushes.
  • Buttons fall.
  • The cartridge vibrates or hits.
  • There is no switching on, off.
  • Unstable work.

Each person is able to cope with such violations himself, but only if he has experience with measuring tools and a soldering iron. More difficulties arise when a gearbox or motor breaks down. In such a situation, it is better to contact the service center. The DIY screwdriver repair procedure has several main stages. The instruction should be the basis.

How to repair?

Before disassembling the screwdriver, it is worth roughly estimating what the problem is. After the body is removed, the main units are disconnected. Do not violate the correctness of actions:

  • The battery is removed.
  • The screws securing the case are unscrewed. There are many of them in it, so each screw is carefully removed so as not to break the case.
  • Detach the top. The entire inner set should be removed.
  • Dismantle the button. This is the hardest part because it is fixed to the main propulsion system with wires. They cannot be torn or broken.
  • Remove the speed switch.
  • Dismantle the gearbox, engine, clutch, cartridge. Most often, you have to unscrew the fixing screws, you can not miss a single one.

Thus, the Vortex screwdriver and others are disassembled. The difference between the systems is insignificant - the instructions are suitable for each model. After that, the repair begins.

Cartridge recovery

The part, depending on the brand, has a different attachment to the shaft. There are few ways:

  1. Morse taper.
  2. The presence of a thread.
  3. Thread and screw for fixing.

There is useful information on the bottom of the appliance case. The instructions should be at hand. How to disassemble the threaded chuck:

  • Release the clamps.
  • Remove the screw by unscrewing it clockwise.
  • The hexagon is fixed in the chuck and pressed (you should start or hit the unit). It's easier to unscrew the part this way.

To disassemble the cartridge, it is worth removing the plugs, depending on the material (plastic or metal), the tool is selected. There are many problems with this component:

  • The bolts do not fit perfectly.
  • Clearance between bit and cam.
  • Cams do not come out correctly.


Repair is carried out strictly according to the instructions, any deviations lead to a new breakdown:

  • The cartridge must be disassembled.
  • The flare nut is dismantled (it is double-sex).
  • Remove the clamping jaws by unscrewing them.
  • View fastener threads. In the event of a breakdown, the parts are changed.
  • The cartridge is going. It is necessary to memorize the unwinding sequence so as not to make mistakes during recovery.

When a thread on a cam or nut breaks down, it is difficult to obtain a part. The only way out is to remove it from another instrument. Often, when a cartridge breaks, it is completely replaced. The Vortex screwdriver has the same parsing procedure. When choosing a new part, the old one should be available for example.

Gearbox repair

It includes:

  • Gears.
  • Drove.
  • Satellites.

For manufacturing, two materials are used - plastic, metal. To make repairs, you need to know how to remove the screwdriver gearbox. The gear has cylinders with internal teeth fixed along the entire perimeter. And the satellite is already moving along them. The motor transfers the rotational process and the work begins. After detecting a breakdown, it is worth analyzing:

  • Dismantle the cartridge.
  • Remove all fixing fasteners on the body.
  • Disconnect the wires from the gearbox to the engine.
  • Remove the plates.
  • Pull out every part in the body. Be sure to follow the sequence.
  • To disassemble the gearbox itself into two parts, the fasteners are removed.
  • Check spring for faster transmission.
  • Remove the retaining ring, washer, bearing (this is an analysis of the coupling).
  • Remove the shaft.

How to disassemble and assemble a screwdriver? To make assembly easy, each part is arranged in order. When the operation of the screwdriver is accompanied by unusual noises, a breakdown of the gearbox gives such a change. After analysis, it will become clear what has become unusable. Bearings and bearing bush are usually replaced. If the engine stops after starting, the carrier or gearbox will have to be replaced. If the gear wears out, work is done with the gearbox. There are enough breakdowns, but sometimes it is enough to disassemble and lubricate. Do not do too much, otherwise the work will become of poor quality in the future.

Button violation

When this part fails, the following is observed:

  • Unauthorized movement.
  • The device does not turn on.
  • There is no consistency in work.

Several wires go from the button to different components - the battery and the engine. You need to know for sure that the problem is in it:

  • The voltage is checked, it should not be in the button.
  • The battery is removed and the upper motor cable is removed from the button itself.
  • The engine starts directly. In the absence of malfunctions, the button is out of order.

How to disassemble a screwdriver button?

The instruction is simple:

  • You should not get rid of the connecting wire. The lower part of the button is dismantled.
  • Remove the protective flap. This requires a screwdriver. They pry it off and remove it, remove the compartment cover. If carbon deposits are on the contacts, they are removed. Often it burns out altogether, then undergoes a complete replacement.
  • Lock the spring to pull out the closing mechanism. There may be dust inside. It interferes with proper work. Everything cleans up well.
  • Another breakdown is the transistor. The contacts are cleaned, then the device is assembled. The transistor is subject to replacement, after collection, a functional test is performed.

Depending on the cause of the breakdown, the screwdriver is disassembled. There is no need to do unnecessary processes, otherwise it will not be possible to return everything back.

Innovative technologies in construction are developing every day, it is no longer a secret that a screwdriver is an indispensable assistant for both an experienced specialist and a novice craftsman. Thanks to him, you can easily tighten all kinds of screws and self-tapping screws when assembling furniture structures, as well as when repairing equipment and living quarters.

The fact that any equipment fails over time is no longer news to us, so it becomes possible to disassemble the screwdriver and try to fix it with your own hands. But only without fanaticism, be careful when disassembling, especially such models as: interskol yes 12er 01, interskol yes 18er.

What problems can be fixed at home? How to recognize this or that breakdown? To give specific answers to the questions asked, let's first understand the internal mechanism of the tool. The main protruding element is the power button. It is used to start the device and to change the speed, direction of rotation of the working part - the chuck.

The setting of the revolutions is carried out thanks to an electronic device based on a transistor. The speed of rotation is directly proportional to the force at which the button is pressed. The reverse is started by replacing the polarity of the electric current at the terminals. Traditionally, the screwdriver is equipped with single-phase collector-type motors that operate on continuous current. The engine includes a housing, magnets, anchor and brushes.

Rotation from the motor goes to the gearbox. Further, it converts high engine speed into reduced cycles on the shaft, a cartridge with active bits is fixed in it. The gearbox can be used classic, as on a conventional drill, and including planetary. Recently, the classic gearbox is almost never used, so we will not stop and go further. The planetary gear includes:

  1. Ring gear
  2. Sun gear mounted directly on the motor shaft
  3. Satellites
  4. two or three carriers

Then comes the force stabilizer, which has sixteen positions. These positions give a specific voltage to the screw, so as not to spoil the material with which they are attached. The last component is the cartridge.

How to disassemble a screwdriver in general + (Video)

Let's analyze the disassembly, an example is a Makita screwdriver:

  • We remove the block housing where the battery is located.
  • We remove the screws that connect the two halves of the case with a Phillips screwdriver.
  • We take out everything that is contained inside the tool body.
  • Disconnect the reverse button.
  • Dismantle the speed switch.
  • Disconnect the engine and gearbox.

Disassembly is complete.

How the cartridge is disassembled + (Video)

If the fixation of the cartridge is conical, then it can be removed simply - by gentle blows with a hammer on the block body. If the fastener is threaded, the following steps are required:

  • Unscrew the screw with a left-hand thread in the clockwise direction.
  • We squeeze the hexagon in a vice, put the key on it and make blows with a hammer. Likewise, the chuck should move from its original position. You can choose another option:
  • Place the screwdriver on a flat surface such as a table.
  • Turn it on.
  • Observe if the cartridge has moved off the table. when hitting the hexagon.

It also happens that all of the above methods do not work, and then one thing remains - to disassemble the screwdriver, after which:

  • Remove the gearbox and spindle;
  • Place the assembly into the vise clamps;
  • Take the pipe wrench and then disconnect the chuck.

And if debris is found in the gearbox, then you need to do so.

How to disassemble the battery + (Video)

  1. Remove the screws at the bottom of the box.
  2. Open the box.
  3. Check and reject components.
  4. Replace and reassemble.

The mounting screws on the underside can vary from four to six. Often unscrewed with a Phillips screwdriver. The screws come in various lengths. This must be taken into account so as not to confuse them during assembly. On some modifications, you can find a non-separable case. Then examine the entire surface and find a special strip along which the factory gluing passes. Next, you need to take a strong knife and insert it into the groove, slightly shaking to the sides. If the case broke into the upper and lower parts, the autopsy was successful. Not a problem if it happens past the groove. All discrepancies can be glued with good superglue. The upper part of the case contains several parts for the battery. On each of these components, the voltage is measured, which must certainly be in the range of the optimal level. If the difference is over 10%, such a battery needs to be replaced.

Each manufacturer strives to create a tool that will be as convenient as possible in the workflow, creating an extensive range of models - from basic screwdrivers to professional samples.

Hitachi screwdrivers prioritize excellent build quality as well as the practicality of their tools. The Bosch model collection of cordless screwdrivers is practically no different from its brothers, which have a cord for connecting to 220 V. Equipped with mode switches, as well as a shutdown button and an accelerator option, Bosch screwdrivers are an excellent solution for home and professional use. In addition, such brands as Interskol, Makita, Cmi, Zubr have proven themselves well.

Zubr model screwdrivers from a domestic manufacturer are widely used in the Russian market today. The model is popular with our population. In this article, we will look at how to properly disassemble the tool, describe its main malfunctions, and also give you some tips and tricks on how to repair this product of the domestic industry with your own hands.

How to disassemble the Zubr screwdriver

To disassemble a screwdriver, you need a screwdriver and a little time. Disassembling the tool should look like this:

  • First of all, you must unscrew the screws that secure the case in which the battery is installed.
  • Then you should use a Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the screws that connect the halves of the tool body.
  • After that, you should extract the contents inside the case.
  • Then we disconnect the reverse button.
  • Carefully remove the speed switch.
  • At the end of the work, unscrew the bolts connecting the engine and gearbox.

Separately, it is worth talking about the disassembly of such an important element of the tool as the battery.

Attention should be paid on which case is in front of you: collapsible or non-collapsible. In the first case, you just need to unscrew the fastening screws, in the second you will have to remove the adhesive and pry the resulting gap between the halves of the case with a screwdriver. After that, you should separate the battery cans.

DIY repair of the Zubr screwdriver

In this paragraph, we will briefly consider the main malfunctions of the screwdriver, arising both in terms of structural elements and the electrical part.

You will have to check the contacts and electrical circuits of the tool if:

  • it is impossible to turn on the screwdriver;
  • there is no possibility of switching the reverse mode;
  • the number of revolutions of the working body of the tool per minute cannot be regulated.

Having found these malfunctions in the device, the first thing to do is pay attention to such an important element as the battery. In the simplest case, you will get off with trivial battery charging. In the rest, you will have to use a multimeter to more accurately detect the problem. The battery voltage is measured. If its values \u200b\u200bdo not coincide with those indicated on the case, either the battery or the charger may be faulty. The charging unit is checked with a multimeter. Each battery included in the battery should be checked. If faulty batteries are found, they must be replaced with new ones of the same capacity.

When repairing the start button, you will need some knowledge in the field of electronics and radio engineering, namely: the ability to read circuits, soldering skills. When disassembling this element, close attention should be paid to darkened or charred contacts, terminals, if necessary, clean them with a sanding paper. A complete replacement of the starting system is possible if it is impossible to adjust the speed of the working body with a button. This can be observed if, with a different force of pressing the button, the revolutions do not change synchronously with this force.

The switch or reverse button in case of breakage can be repaired by yourself. The process of repairing it is similar to repairing the start button. Pay attention to the condition of the contacts and terminals of the structure.

How to remove the cartridge from the Zubr screwdriver

The chuck is one of the most wear-prone structural elements of a screwdriver, so it is dismantled more often than other parts. When disassembling it, you should pay attention to how the cartridge is secured. In total, there are three mounting methods. The simplest and oldest of them is with the Morse taper. With this method, the taper of the chuck and the shaft coincide. Such a cartridge is removed with the help of light hammer blows to the body. The second method is to fasten the chuck with a thread when it is screwed onto the threads of the shaft end. In this case, the procedure will be somewhat different.

  • Unscrew the screw securing the chuck in a clockwise direction.
  • Then you should clamp the hex wrench, after inserting it into the chuck, in a vice, put the spanner on it and hit it with a hammer. The cartridge should move.

In cases where the cartridge does not lend itself to such an effect, you need to do the following. It is required to pull out the gearbox, and with it the spindle, then clamp the entire assembly in a vice and use a pipe wrench to dismantle the cartridge.

In this article, we briefly highlighted the possible problems that arise during the operation of the Zubr screwdriver, considered the main malfunctions, and also analyzed the ways to eliminate them. We hope that the time you have taken to read this article has been helpful to you.

The screwdriver can be repaired by yourself, having studied its structure and the principles of operation of individual units.

Device and malfunctions of the screwdriver

All screwdrivers are similar. They consist of the following functional units:

  • start button;
  • pulse width regulator;
  • electric motor;
  • transistor;
  • planetary reductor.

All components of the device are in a durable and aesthetic case, which has a rubberized handle, control and adjustment buttons, as well as a slot for installing a battery (if the screwdriver is designed only for operation from a 220 V network, it does not have a battery).

When you press the start button not completely, the screwdriver may squeak. It is normal for DC motors to operate at startup and at low rpm.

Why and how to adjust the ratchet

The screwdriver ratchet is a clutch designed to limit the force when the chuck rotates. Its presence in a power tool can be identified by a rotating ring with numbers. Some users do not understand the meaning of the clutch and do not touch it. Using a ratchet, you can adjust the screw-in depth of the screw. In a material that is too soft, the head of the fastener is easily recessed and can go through. When using small fasteners, very high torques can destroy them. The ratchet prevents shearing of the slot at self-tapping screws and wear of the screwdriver bit... To determine the desired value on the adjusting ring, make several passes, starting with the minimum.

Each number on the ratchet corresponds to a certain torque value - the larger the number, the greater the force and vice versa

If the screwdriver has a drilling mode, then the last icon on the coupling will be a pictogram with a drill image. Maximum torque is used in this position.

Frequent malfunctions of the screwdriver

Since all modern screwdrivers have a standard device diagram, their faults are also, as a rule, typical. The main defects of this tool include:

  • battery malfunction;
  • wear of brushes;
  • broken button;
  • beating of the cartridge;
  • lack of response to attempts to turn on or off;
  • work intermittently.

You can fix all these breakdowns yourself if you have experience working with measuring and soldering devices. In some cases, you will have to change the components completely, since not all parts are sold separately... If repairing the gearbox or engine is too difficult for you, these elements can be completely replaced or taken to a workshop.

DIY screwdriver repair

To eliminate most of the malfunctions of a screwdriver, disassembly is required, that is, removal of the case and disconnection of the main units from each other.

How to disassemble a screwdriver

The screwdriver is disassembled in the following sequence:

  1. Remove the battery.
  2. Remove the screws that connect the two halves of the case.

    The screwdriver body consists of two parts, connected by a fairly large number of self-tapping screws - in order to disassemble it, you need to find all the attachment points

  3. Remove its top.
  4. Take out the contents.
  5. Disconnect the button.

    The screwdriver button is integral with the switching mechanism, which is connected to the motor, therefore, when separating the button from the socket on the body, care must be taken not to break the wires

  6. Remove the speed switch.
  7. Disconnect the motor, gearbox, adjusting sleeve and chuck.

    In order to disconnect the screwdriver gearbox from its motor, it is necessary to unscrew the four screws located at the contact point of the two plastic covers

Video: how to disassemble a screwdriver

Chuck repair

The chucks in different models of screwdrivers may differ slightly from each other. They can be attached to the shaft in three ways:

  1. Morse taper.
  2. Threaded connection.
  3. Threaded connection with locking screw.

To determine how the cartridge is fastened, you need to read the inscription on its sleeve:

  • marking "1-6 B10" means Morse taper. Nozzles with shank diameters from 1 to 6 millimeters are used. The coding "B10" indicates the size of the cone. Take a hammer and knock out the cartridge with blows to the body;
  • inscriptions such as "1.0-11 M12x1.2" or "2-13 mm ½-20 UNF" mean metric and inch threads.

If the cartridge is found to be threaded, proceed as follows:

Video: how to remove a threaded chuck using a hex wrench

If these methods do not help, disassemble the screwdriver and remove the gearbox assembly. Take an L-shaped tubular wrench (most often 19 ") and unscrew the chuck, clamping the gearbox mounting bolts on the reverse side with the spanner head of the wrench. It will give the necessary emphasis, with which the cartridge can be unscrewed by hand.

Video: how to remove the cartridge with a pipe wrench

To disassemble the cartridge, you need to remove the plug at its base. The plastic plug is gently pushed off with a knife. Metal - knocked out by hammer blows on the base of the chuck:

  1. Take a large bolt, insert it into the chuck and squeeze slightly to center. The bolt head should protrude two to three centimeters above the chuck.
  2. Hit the bolt head with a hammer. The cartridge will pop out of the case.

Video: removing the plastic plug from the screwdriver chuck

Common cartridge malfunctions:

  • clamps the bits crookedly;
  • play between bits and cams;
  • cams extend unevenly.

To find out the causes and eliminate them, follow these steps:

It should be noted that parts such as cams or flare nut are unlikely to be bought separately, they can only be removed from another similar cartridge. Therefore, in most cases, it is better to take a faulty cartridge to a workshop, and even easier - to buy and install a new one. To buy a new cartridge, be sure to take a screwdriver and a removed old cartridge with you to the store.

Video: parsing and repairing a cartridge with a metal plug

Battery repair

Three types of batteries are used in screwdrivers:

  1. Nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd). They can be charged many times, but they have a memory effect. If you do not wait for a complete discharge and start charging the battery, then gradually its capacity will decrease. Swing the battery before first use. Discharge and charge it three times to maximize capacity.
  2. Nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH). A feature of such batteries is a less pronounced memory effect, but a high self-discharge current. If you intend to store the screwdriver without use for more than a month, be sure to fully charge the battery.
  3. Lithium ion (Li-Ion). These batteries charge quickly, but are frost-resistant. They can be charged whenever convenient.

Store all types of batteries separately from the screwdriver and charger. If not used for a long time, they need to be recharged once a month.

If the battery does not hold a charge, disassemble it. It consists of several batteries. Check the voltage in each with a tester. The operating voltage is indicated on the case (it is the same for all elements). Replace defective batteries.

The screwdriver battery consists of several elements, by ringing which you can find and replace those that are out of order

Video: Eliminate Rapid Battery Discharge

If the battery does not come off, the release button is most likely jammed. It is necessary to remove the upper part of the case, disconnect the battery, disassemble it and adjust the button.

Charger repair

Frequent charger breakdowns:

  • the fuse is on;
  • the network cable breaks;
  • the primary winding of the transformer is cut off;
  • diodes break through.

If we disassemble the charger of the screwdriver, then we will see a step-down transformer and a board. Through the mains wire, voltage is supplied to the primary winding of the transformer. The thermal fuse is connected in series with the mains winding, so it overheats first and protects the winding from breaking. From the secondary winding, the voltage goes to the diode bridge. If the charging passes current, then yellowness forms around the diodes. The transformer windings overheat, the diodes break through.

The screwdriver charger consists of a step-down transformer and a board with electronics
  1. Measure the primary resistance with a multimeter. If it is not there, then the circuit is broken and no voltage is supplied to the primary coil. The fuse is located under the insulation of the transformer next to the wires connected to the mains. Check it with a tester.
  2. If the fuse is intact, check the power cable, it may be broken.
  3. If the wire is ok, check the windings. In case of breakdown, replace the transformer.

Video: diagnostics and repair of the charger

Button problems

A malfunction of the start button can lead to the following malfunctions of the screwdriver:

  • self-propelled appears;
  • the device does not turn on;
  • the device is unstable.

From the button, two wires go to the battery contacts and two to the engine. If there is a transistor, then it is connected with three wires. Make sure the problem is in the button:

  1. Connect the battery. Press the button and measure the voltage at its output with a tester, it should be absent.
  2. Remove the battery and remove the upper motor wire from the button housing.
  3. Connect the motor directly to the battery. To do this, take two wires of the required length and connect them to the battery contacts. Connect the other ends of the wires to the motor housing and to the wire that was inserted into the button. If the engine is running, then the button is faulty.

Video: diagnostics and replacement of the screwdriver button

Button repair sequence:

Force regulator inspection and repair

Behind the chuck is an adjusting ring with a spring that controls the force and snaps off the chuck from the gearbox. This spring presses against the balls, which abut the lugs of the gear ring gear. Disassemble the ratchet, check the integrity of all its elements. Remove dirt with a cloth dampened with alcohol, lubricate the balls.

Video: ratchet repair

Dismantling and repair of the gearbox

The main elements of the gearbox:

  • gears;
  • drove;
  • satellites.

They are made of metal and plastic. A ring gear is a cylinder with internal teeth all around its circumference. The satellites move along the teeth.

The first carrier has two gears at both ends. The first sun is the drive gear of the engine. She enters between the satellites of the first carrier. The second sun on the opposite side enters between the satellites of the second carrier. In a two-stage gearbox, the second carrier is connected to the shaft on which the cartridge is put on. The three-stage gearbox has another mechanism. All of these parts are located inside the ring gear.

The engine transmits rotation to the first stage satellites through the sun gear. The first carrier rotates the second stage of the satellites. If there is a third stage, then the second carrier rotates it. The satellites of all stages rotate inside the ring gear. The last carrier rotates the chuck shaft. With each transmission of torque, the speed drops.

Gearbox disassembly sequence:

Lay out all the parts of the disassembled gearbox in order to make it easier to assemble later.

  1. If, during the operation of the screwdriver, a grinding sound is heard or it twitches, then the gearbox is defective. During work, you have to make lateral pressure and heavily load the tool. This distorts the gearbox shaft and produces noticeable runout. In this case, the assembly is replaced.
  2. If the support sleeve and shaft bearing are worn out, they can be replaced with similar ones.
  3. Breakage of the pin of the satellite is accompanied by the start and instant stop of the engine. Replace carrier or gearbox.
  4. The wear of the gear teeth also requires replacement of the gearbox.

Often, gearbox repairs are all about cleaning and lubricating. Do not overdo it with lubrication, otherwise the device will not work well..

Video: disassembly, assembly, cleaning and lubrication of the gearbox

Replacing brushes

Graphite brushes are located at the end of the motor from the side of the connection with the button. They can be located inside the motor housing under the rear cover or outside. If at least one of the brushes is 40% worn, replace both. Check your contacts. The following symptoms indicate brush wear:

Video: replacing the engine brushes

Engine repair

The screwdriver uses a DC motor in a cylindrical housing with magnets. Inside there is an anchor with windings and brushes. To check the motor, disconnect the gearbox and the wires leading to the button, and measure the resistance of the armature winding with a multimeter. The lack of readings of the device indicates an open circuit, and a very low value indicates a short circuit. The collector resistance is measured on the shaft and each plate. It should be zero. Armature malfunctions lead to shutdown during operation, loss of power, arcing and smoke.

Video: testing the armature winding and collector plates with a multimeter

Often, if the engine fails, the gear remains intact. Since in most engines it is pressed onto the shaft, it is difficult to remove it. Buy a special puller or use the tools at hand. Do not try to do this with pliers or a nail pusher - you will bend the shaft and ruin the gear teeth.

  1. Take a piece of profile or channel. Make a longitudinal groove with a grinder.
  2. Insert the shaft into the groove perpendicular to the profile and, as it were, pry the gear.
  3. Place the profile on two hard surfaces with the engine hanging between them.
  4. Take a nail and gently tap the edge of the shaft with a hammer. The gear will slide easily.
  5. Attach the gear to the new engine with a hammer and a hard surface.

Video: remove the gear from the engine shaft

The screwdriver cracks, but does not twist

If there is a cracking sound in the screwdriver, first try changing the position of the speed controller. Perhaps he was not connected. If this procedure does not help, disassemble the instrument.

  1. If the engine is spinning, disconnect the cartridge. Check the rotation of the gearbox shaft and the condition of the motor gear.
  2. If the shaft does not rotate and the gear is intact, disassemble the gearbox. Check the condition of the teeth of the satellites and gears.
  3. If the motor does not run, check the brushes, windings and armature.

Now you know how to disassemble, assemble and repair a screwdriver with your own hands.