Do-it-yourself bedroom repair for young people. Bedroom renovation - an overview of the best modern ideas from the masters. Non-standard design solutions in the bedroom (110 photos). Where to start - preparatory stage

Making repairs in the bedroom with your own hands is the dream of many room owners. Although this is not a "public" place in a house or apartment, children do not play here, guests or the whole family do not gather here, enough attention should be paid to repairing the bedroom.

At the same time, many want the interior to match all the plans of their owners, they put their most unrealizable dreams into it. This article will tell you how to make repairs in a dormitory with your own hands.

A bedroom is a room where everyone spends a lot of time. The room can be multifunctional or adapted only for sleeping, which requires appropriate technical and design techniques.

This leads to the fact that before renovating a bedroom, you should carefully consider all its stages, taking into account the types of such a room, how it will be used, how the renovated room will look like.

By its aggregate characteristics of the bedroom, the following categories can be conventionally distinguished:

  • Spousal or parent... Here it is necessary to create the necessary psychological mood for both spouses (see).
  • Children (cm. ) . This room, where children not only sleep, but also play, do their homework, which requires a special approach to its design.
  • Bachelor's bedroom(cm. ). Its peculiarities are that it is usually a small room that can easily be transformed from a relaxation area into a study or a bedroom for two.
  • In a one-room apartment... This type of bedroom is characterized by its versatility. She is married, a children's room and a dining room. An example of the design of a one-room apartment is shown in the photo.

Any of these types can have a simple configuration in plan or be with an alcove, have:

  • Niche for the bed.
  • Balcony or loggia (see. ).

What are the types of repair

The degree of increasing complexity characterizes the type of bedroom renovation.

He can be:

  • Cosmetic or simple. In this case, the repair is reduced to cleaning the room, it is possible to replace a window or balcony block, re-pasting wallpaper. Before carrying out it, the main thing is to choose the right wallpaper and new furniture. During this repair:
  1. a new one-piece flexible floor covering is laid over the existing one, without repairing the floor;
  2. curtains change (see);
  3. lambrequin suspension;
  4. screens are installed, if necessary.
  • Decorative. This is a more complex renovation of the premises. This includes, in addition to the above activities:
  1. installation of a new ceiling;
  2. new wall decoration;
  3. the floors are being reshaped;
  4. it is possible to insulate a balcony or loggia;

These are already quite complex jobs, but still quite feasible on their own. Decorative repairs also include the installation of lightweight partitions made of tongue-and-groove blocks or drywall, plywood or sawn timber.

  • Capital... In addition to completely cleaning the room, it includes drying it:
  1. overhaul of walls, floors, ceilings and their insulation;
  2. repair of the floor, in which the screed is changed and its sealing, insulation and vapor barrier is done.
  • Renovated. The concept of "Eurorepair" is a style, the creation of an unusual look for a bedroom, which will express the individuality of its owners. Such repairs can be of any kind, even cosmetic, but it requires either a good artistic taste of the owner of the premises, his mastery of special work techniques, or the recommendations of an experienced designer. The price of European-quality repair, in any case, will be quite high.
  • Renovated with redevelopment... In this case, the following are most often performed:
  1. combining a balcony with a bedroom;
  2. heavy capital partitions are arranged, giving a large concentrated load, which acts on the floors;
  3. device in the sleeping room of a panoramic or French window.

This repair requires the development of a project, a special permit for work, accompanied by complex documentation, professional technical supervision of all operations, their acceptance with confirmation of the act of putting the premises into operation. Performing such work is possible with the experience of a builder, who is able to do technical calculations and who knows SNiPs. Repairs with redevelopment on their own are made only in exceptional cases.

Tip: In any bedroom there should be a corner for the arrangement of a boudoir, which will contain: a chest of drawers or a pencil case, a dressing table, an ottoman. In a bachelor bedroom, the function of a boudoir and a table for work perfectly combines the secretaire with a mirror arranged in its niche.

Room with design features

When it comes to bedrooms, another problem is quite common: the room has a pencil case configuration, that is, it is narrow and long. Let's see how professional designers get out of this situation.

Such a room must be zoned, and in the photo below you can see that this was done with the help of a suspended ceiling with lighting and curtains.


  • The coffered plasterboard ceiling is made only in the part of the room where the bed stands, and it stands under the window. Therefore, the heating battery was covered with a decorative grill, and roller blinds were hung on the window. The curtains were placed not above the window, as is usually done, but in front of the bed, thus creating a kind of boudoir.
  • A similar idea may interest the owners of "Khrushchev", where there are rooms of a similar configuration. By the way, partial zoning can be performed by arranging a curly plasterboard partition. Most often, it is an element of the ceiling-wall zoning structure.
  • One or another option for dividing a room into zones is selected taking into account the location of windows in it. The boudoir example is good when the window is at the far end of the room, as it often happens.
    In the example below, it is located on a side wall near the entrance.
  • The bed is in a part of the room that is not illuminated by daylight, and if it is closed with curtains, the sleeping area will be practically in darkness. Therefore, a different zoning option is chosen here.
  • A short curly partition separates the zones only visually, without blocking the light. Due to insufficient daylight, white and muted pink are taken as the basis for the decoration of this bedroom.
  • And yet, in multi-storey buildings there are long balconies with two exits, one of which is in the bedroom, or it can be an exit to the loggia. One way or another, this is not entirely convenient, and there is a desire to remove this door, especially since in rooms with a balcony there is often unimportant lighting.
  • What can you think of in this situation? The door leading to the balcony can, of course, be removed, but only if it is well insulated and heated there. Now there are all the possibilities to do this - however, they will require certain costs.
  • It is necessary to close up the cracks well, to insulate the parapet and the ceiling of the balcony according to all the rules. The expanded clay concrete screed will raise the floor higher, and the underfloor heating system installed under the floor covering will even save you from the need to equip traditional heating on the balcony.

How to renovate a bedroom

Repair instructions for the premises include:

  • A design project is being drawn up.

It reflects what the bedroom should look like after the completion of the renovation. The sketch is applied to paper or reproduced using a special computer program, if available.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account all the dimensions of the room, to correctly perform the zoning of the room space. Usually the bedroom is isolated from all other rooms of the apartment, but you can organize a dressing room or a place for work here.

  • An estimate is made for the repair.

After determining the design of the room, a list of materials required for the work is compiled, and the cost of repairs is formed. At the same time, the main condition is to correctly maintain the ratio of good quality and reasonable prices for renovating the premises.

  • The workplace is being prepared.

Before starting the repair of the bedroom, you should take out all the furniture from it, remove the chandeliers, sockets and switches. If you do not plan to change windows and doors, they need to be protected with a special film from scratches and dust.

  • Old coatings are dismantled.

This removes:

  1. old wallpaper;
  2. whitewash traces;
  3. paint;
  4. old tiles;
  5. damaged floor covering.

Dismantling is a fairly long procedure that requires certain skills and attention. Skirting boards and thresholds should be removed.

  • The premises are re-planned, and its structural elements are replaced.

Repair can begin with redevelopment of the room, including the demolition or installation of partitions. In addition, when renovating a bedroom, you can do:

  1. replacement of radiators;
  2. installation of air conditioners;
  3. carry out electrical work;
  4. replace windows and doors.

Tip: A bedroom, more than any other room, should be finished with environmentally friendly materials that are safe for human health.

How to finish the ceiling in the bedroom

The ceiling takes a significant place when decorating a room.

He can be:

  • Putty.

This is a rather laborious process that requires skill and experience.

  • From plasterboard.

Such a device can be done independently. The advantages of drywall constructions are:

  1. alignment of surface drops;
  2. hiding all communications;
  3. suitable for any lighting device;
  4. are ideal for creating multi-level structures of any complexity.
  • Stretched.

The features of such devices can be:

  1. they hide all the imperfections of the ceiling surface;
  2. protect the room from unexpected ingress of moisture into the room from the ceiling;
  3. a wide range of textures and colors.

Stretch ceilings can be arranged in multi-level options, where they will bring a touch of uniqueness and originality to the bedroom.

Much attention must be paid to the color scheme of the ceiling. It depends on the dimensions of the room being repaired and on the style used. Dark colors reduce the visual space, and light colors increase.

Tip: In the bedroom, it is not recommended to install glossy and multi-colored ceilings, which are distracting and not conducive to relaxation. All shades are chosen so that they are calm and unobtrusive, and to include rich colors in the interior, it is better to perform a small color accent in the middle.

Repair of windows and doors

Doors are chosen in such a way that they match the design of the entire room. Windows are an important element of the interior. Their shape and size dictate the design of the room.

In addition, they prevent the penetration of cold into the bedroom, they have thermal insulation properties. Sound insulation of a window depends on the thickness of the glass, the distance between the glasses, the density of the joints.

Depending on the type of window opening, they can be:

  • Combined.
  • Swinging vertical.
  • Hinged horizontal.

There are a variety of window models:

  • Standard plastic.
  • Original wooden with an attractive design.

Tip: When designing a house plan, you need to take into account that the windows are facing south or east. Then, sufficient amount of sunlight will enter the room, which improves the functioning of the human body, stimulates the activity of the central nervous system and controls metabolism.

How to decorate the walls in the bedroom

Wall decoration is the main operation when renovating a room. First of all, they align.

To do this, you can use one of the options:

  • Plasterboard wall alignment... This is a simple and time-saving option. With plasterboard, you can hide the rather large drops on the surface of the walls and create a perfectly flat surface. The disadvantage of the material is the reduction in the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the unusual hollowness of the walls of the room.
  • Plastering... This is a more difficult, time consuming and costly procedure. In addition, it cannot be used for rooms with large surface differences. The advantage of this method is to preserve the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe bedroom.

For finishing the walls in the bedroom, wallpaper or decorative plaster is most often used. When choosing wallpaper:

Tip: The most optimal option for wall decoration is paper wallpapers that are environmentally friendly and affordable. Their only drawback is their short service life.

  • For those who are creative in organizing the interior, you can take non-woven wallpaper for painting. Such materials are good air permeability, environmentally friendly, they can be repainted, if desired, change the color and style of the room.
  • Textile wallpapers look quite original in the bedroom:
  1. have a long service life;
  2. great abundance of colors and textures;
  3. provide excellent sound insulation in the room.

It allows you to create an original work of art in the bedroom, and its owner can be sure that the design of his room will be unique and inimitable.

It is best to take color shades for the bedroom:

  • Blue.
  • Light green.
  • Pearl gray.
  • Light pink.

How to repair a floor

The bedroom floor should not be cold. If possible, it is better to arrange the installation of the "warm floor" system.

As a floor covering, you can use:

  • Laminate. It is an affordable material and is easy to fit. The coating does not require special maintenance, but during installation, a sound-insulating substrate should be laid under it.
  • Parquet. The material is quite expensive, very capricious and requires special care.
  • Linoleum. It has high wear resistance and unpretentious operation.
  • Cork floor. The coating is pleasant to the touch, warm, comfortable and environmentally friendly. Does not tolerate aggressive cleaning agents.
  • Self-leveling floor. An original and modern finish. With its help, you can get a very flat surface on which you can apply a 3D drawing.

Tip: If the bedroom is small, a laminate or diagonally laid parquet will make the room visually more voluminous.

Furniture installation in the bedroom

The bedroom renovation ends with the selection of textiles:

  1. curtains;
  2. curtains;
  3. bedspreads;
  4. capes;
  5. decorative pillows.

Podium for bedroom

The simplest version of the podium is a frame made of wooden beams, sheathed with plywood or OSB. As a front finish, the podium body can be finished with carpet, block parquet, laminate, cork.


  • Experienced specialists manage, with the help of the podium, to organize the space of the cramped bedroom so that everything you need can fit in it: from the table to the linen closet. In general, it is believed that the podium should be done: either in a small or in a fairly spacious room - the main thing is that the height of the ceiling allows it.
  • In the interiors decorated in Japanese style, you will hardly see traditional beds - just a soft mattress installed on a low podium. In a large room, it can be located in the center of the room. Then it makes sense to decorate its surface with expensive wood, to make a backlight.
  • If you, starting to renovate the bedroom, decided to make a podium, in this part of the room you will need to dismantle the flooring. Next, you have to level the base and cover it with a cork backing, which usually fits under the laminate. This layer will not only serve as a shock absorber, but also provide normal sound insulation.
  • The size of the timber for the frame should be selected taking into account the expected loads - if it is only a bed, a section of 30 * 30 mm will be quite enough. In principle, an aluminum profile can also be used for this purpose, especially if the podium is sheathed with gypsum fiber board. The distance between the vertical posts should be no more than 40 cm.
  • In those places where the podium is adjacent to the walls, the frame elements can be rigidly fixed to their surface. Horizontal and vertical belts are installed at right angles, if they are bars, then they should be additionally fastened with metal corners.
  • If plywood is used for sheathing the horizontal surface of the podium, then in order not to feel deflection under load, you need to take material with a maximum thickness (21 cm). The use of OSB boards allows you to reduce the thickness to 15 cm - they are much stronger than plywood due to the polymer filler. Gypsum fiber sheets (GVL) can have a thickness of 12 mm, but the step between the lags, in this case, should be less: 30 cm.

To build such a structure, special knowledge is not required - every second man will perfectly cope with this task. For covering visible vertical surfaces, making the front side of a drawer, you can take a chipboard with a laminated coating, or use parts of unnecessary cabinet furniture.

Loggia as part of the bedroom

What disfigures any room the most are pipes and heating radiators, which are not always possible to hide. And if the room also has an exit to the loggia, the whole wall practically does not participate in the design.


  • You can, of course, hang chic curtains, but if you constantly pull them, going out to the balcony and back, their appearance will soon be deplorable. We have to move the curtain so that it does not interfere with free walking.
  • For this reason, the owners of such premises often prefer to connect the room with a loggia. Why with a loggia, and not with a balcony? The answer is simple: a balcony is a portable structure, and making it as warm as a room is quite difficult.
  • The loggia, in principle, is part of the interior, and floor and ceiling slabs are not balcony slabs. Therefore, in winter it is much warmer in the loggia room than on the glassed-in balcony - and this is very important, especially for the bedroom.

Before removing the window and door, you need to get rid of the battery under the window and solve the main question: how the room will be heated.

And the choice is this:

  • If you make the parapet low or do without it altogether by installing a glass wall, the bedroom will have excellent natural light, and you will be delighted with the panorama of the city that opens up. It will only be necessary to raise the floor level of the loggia to the level of the floor of the room, to make the general flooring and finish that is in harmony with the general interior - and you will get a large bedroom with a separate area reserved for rest or study.
  • Do not forget that the interior decoration of the walls and ceiling on the loggia must be done in a frame way. This will make it possible to waterproof the surfaces and lay a layer of insulation under the skin. By the way, when removing the window and the door leading to the loggia, the partition that is under the window can be left - it will play the role of a zoning partition.
  • The opening can be decorated with a contrasting casing by mounting beams of the same color along the wall and along the ceiling, and you will have a design, approximately as in the picture above. And also, above the wall, you can install a decorative partition made of wood or drywall.
  • If you prefer to leave the wall, then the battery can not be removed, but covered with a decorative grill. Alternatively, a table can be made on the basis of the partition, since its height is ideal for this.

All the details on the repair of the sleeping area are well shown by the video in this article on the topic: "We do the repairs in the bedroom with our own hands."

Competently and with their own hands, almost everyone can do repairs in the bedroom. Here you need a competent approach, accurate, consistent actions, the main idea and a plan for its implementation. Having all this, as well as at least a little experience, you can safely start renovating your bedroom in a private house or apartment.

The main stages of bedroom renovation

The first question is where to start renovating the bedroom? Even with inexpensive bedroom renovations, you need to plan carefully. Yes, the renovation of bedrooms in the photo always looks gorgeous and beautiful. But a similar result can be achieved on your own if you make an effort. After all, do-it-yourself bedroom renovation with a competent approach saves money and allows you to get an excellent result.

Some prefer the Mediterranean style, others choose high-tech, and still others prefer the classics. But even if you choose a bedroom in a Mediterranean style or any other, the main thing here is to clearly set a goal and formulate an action plan. Then the beautiful renovation in the Mediterranean-style bedroom will definitely not disappoint you.

When renovating a bedroom inside your own apartment, we recommend that you proceed from the top-down principle. That is, you need to start with the upper surfaces and end with the floor.

There are several main stages of bedroom renovation:

  • Ceiling repair;
  • Wall decoration;
  • Floor repair;
  • Furniture and bedroom interior design.

Now we will talk about each of the stages of repair separately.

But first, a little about the area of \u200b\u200bthe bedroom. When renovation of apartments is carried out, where the bedroom falls to the share of 15 sq m, many fear that such a small space will put an end to Napoleonic plans. But any number of square meters makes it possible to realize the most daring ideas. Let it be a global renovation or a small simple cosmetic Mediterranean renovation.

We recommend that beginners plan each step carefully and not deviate from the intended plan. Only by taking into account the real dimensions of the bedroom, you can find its own place for each piece of furniture, choose the right shades, etc. Emphasize the original ideas from the novelties of 2019 in the interior of bedrooms. Based on your ideas and plan, you will be able to achieve an excellent result. Be sure of this.

Related article: What can be done from an old door (39 photos)

Ceiling repair

When planning a bedroom renovation with your own hands, it is important to start with zero stages. They consist in replacing windows and doors. This is necessary in order to create the necessary conditions in the apartment for pasting the same wallpaper. You all know that when pasting wallpaper, you must not allow drafts inside the apartment.

Once the zero stage is completed, proceed to the ceiling surfaces.

There are several options for renovation and decoration.

  1. Finishing the ceiling of the apartment with plaster. A time consuming but budget option, for which you need to putty the ceiling, level it and apply a finishing layer of decorative plaster or putty. In the future, such surfaces can be painted or renewed by applying new thin layers of plaster.
  2. Ceiling painting. Not the most modern option, which is still in demand in 2019. The renovation is not expensive, but with the help of a varied palette of paints, you can give the room an attractive appearance.
  3. Slabs on the ceiling. There are various ceiling tiles made from light and not so materials. They are glued to a special glue, they create an excellent apartment design, emphasize the chosen interior style. The downside is that covering the ceiling with such a material makes it non-breathable. This negatively affects the microclimate in the apartment. Such solutions are more relevant for the hallway, toilet.
  4. Stretch and false ceilings. Complex ceiling structures, the installation of which is best left to specialists. There are both single-level and multi-level. Their minus is that constructions take up useful space.

Regardless of the material chosen, try to do so that the ceiling does not focus on itself much attention, merges with the interior, fits into the bedroom design and acts soothingly. That is, no bright or dark colors.

Wall repair

In terms of walls, DIY bedroom repairs can be done in a variety of ways. But work should always begin with alignment. Especially when it comes to wallpapering.

Considering the trends of 2019, we offer some of the most attractive ideas for renovating bedroom walls:

  • Wallpaper. Fabric, non-woven, paper, bamboo. At your discretion. Their design is so diverse that it is not possible to classify them somehow. Do not take wallpaper with bright and large, complex patterns for the bedroom. Preference for neat lines, light patterns, geometric shapes;
  • Prints on the wall. In many ways, they are similar to photo wallpapers, only they are made on the basis of those photos that you provide to the manufacturer. They are only made to order, so this is a great way to show your individuality;
  • Paint, textured plaster for walls. Demand for these bedroom wall decoration options remains high in 2019. Choose pastel colors, exclusively natural materials;
  • Tiles on the walls of the bedroom. 2019 has clearly shown that ceramic tiles are not only the lot of the bathroom and the kitchen. Small panels or fully tiled bedroom walls can look chic. If you dare to take such a step.

Related article: Crafts from polystyrene for a summer residence: we make shapes from polystyrene with our own hands (30 photos)

Floor repair

2019 did not bring any special novelties for floor repairs in the bedroom. But why invent something complicated and unusual if there are a number of time-tested options ?!

  1. Linoleum. Timeless classics for apartments where comfort is appreciated and not ready to allocate a large budget for renovation. Fashionable linoleum collections of 2019 are able to emphasize your refined taste, create an atmosphere of peace, comfort or intimacy in the bedroom. It all depends on your needs.
  2. Cork board. Natural, eco-friendly, safe and very warm material that does not require heating.
  3. Parquet. Always in fashion and is unlikely to ever cease to be relevant. Only its price is, as before, high, and the installation should be trusted by specialists.
  4. Laminate. A budget option for parquet that looks similar but requires less investment. It will not be difficult to repair a bedroom with your own hands using a laminate, since this material is assembled according to the principle of the simplest puzzle.

Bedroom furniture

It is the furniture purchased for the home that completes the bedroom renovation. After all, it allows you to form the final appearance of the premises in the apartment.

Since we are talking about a bedroom in an apartment, here you should take care of buying a basic set of furniture. It includes:

  • Full double bed. No fold-out sofas. Otherwise, it is no longer a bedroom, but some kind of living room. One-room apartments are an exception, although there the solutions of 2019 allow you to organize a full-fledged sleeping place;
  • Wardrobe. If you have a separate dressing room in your apartment, you can completely abandon the closet;
  • Bedside tables. Very useful pieces of furniture where gadgets are stored, set alarms, table lamps, chargers. Choose nightstands with doors or drawers to avoid storing things and creating chaos;
  • Dressing table. When living with a girlfriend or wife, this element is irreplaceable;
  • Chest of drawers. Certain types of dressers can be combined with dressing table functions. Your beloved will get a place to store cosmetics and preening, but at the same time, you can save space;
  • TV. Many people think that it is better to give up the TV in the bedroom, and put it in another room in the apartment. But practice shows that TVs are installed by everyone. Place it on a dresser or hang it on brackets.

The bedroom is where every family member rests after a long day. Ideally, repairs in the bedroom should be done once every 2-3 years, but since the room is used only at night, it becomes untidy much less often. How the bedroom renovation begins and what work needs to be done, we will tell our readers in more detail.

First steps for beginners

First you need to decide what kind of renovation in the bedroom is to be done. Conditionally, in terms of costs and complexity, repair work can be divided:

When you have decided on the work, we will begin to prepare the premises for repair.
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The first step is to remove the old wallpaper, ceiling and floor.

Important! It is easier to remove wallpaper by moistening it with water. Spray a small area of \u200b\u200bthe wall with a spray bottle and wait 10-15 minutes. The wallpaper should get wet and start to move away from the wall. They can be easily removed with a spatula.

The second step is to remove the paint from the ceiling using a spatula too. This stage of work depends on what kind of ceiling is supposed to be in your renovation. If you decide to install a suspended or suspended ceiling, then there is no point in removing the old covering.

We do the same with the floor, if it changes, then it is better to remove the old one.

Preparation of walls and ceilings

The surface of the bedroom must be leveled before renovation. To do this, use putty, plaster, cement-sand mixture or gypsum board, gypsum plasterboard.

Important! To work with mixtures, you need to decide which surface of the walls. They are selected individually for wooden, brick or concrete bedroom walls. You should not skimp on mixtures, since inexpensive, little-known compositions can be of poor quality.

For work you will need:

  • roller;
  • spatulas of different sizes;
  • primer;
  • putty;
  • skins of various grain sizes.

Alignment is performed in stages:

    1. Beacons are installed over the entire surface using a level.
    2. Cracks and irregularities are putty.
    3. If the transition on the surface is more than 2 mm, then you need to use a cement-sand mixture for leveling. You can buy it ready-made (price from 120 rubles) or make it yourself (1 part of moisture-resistant cement + 2 parts of sand + water).
    4. Let the putty dry and level the seams with sandpaper. Sanding will be more convenient with a small block. A sheet of skin is wound on it and we work. Sanding is painstaking and slow work. How smooth the walls of the bedroom will be depends on the quality of sanding.
    5. Primer. The composition can be taken inexpensive, the main thing is to choose in accordance with the material from which the walls and ceiling are made. The primer will strengthen the bond between the material and the plaster.
    6. Apply the plaster with a roller and a brush in hard-to-reach places. The bedroom walls are ready to be painted or wallpapered.

You can finish the bedroom with GKL or GVL. For this, a crate is made according to the level and sheets are attached.
The seams between the sheets are putty and sanded. The walls are smoother with less effort and time.
But the lathing will capture part of the area, so the bedroom will become a little smaller.

Renovation of a bedroom where to start in each case is up to the owner. You can prepare the bedroom for renovation with your own hands, but if there is no experience in the work, we recommend hiring specialists. The price of work on average starts from 200 rubles / m2, but you do not have to deal with alterations. Without experience, you can waste extra material, and time is money!

We look at thematic photos:

Video material:

How to make a bedroom renovation with your own hands, informatively, see.

The ideal bedroom is one that harmoniously combines practicality with aesthetics. In the bedroom, an intimate atmosphere reigns; this room reflects the personality of the owners more than others. When starting a renovation, it is better to abandon unnecessary pretentiousness, extravagance. The ceiling, walls and floor in the bedroom should not create an oppressive atmosphere.

The peculiarity of the renovation and furnishings of the bedroom is in maintaining an ideal balance, in which each piece of furniture would be significant in itself, but not an aggressive center of pressure. A good rest, sound, healthy sleep is guaranteed in such a room.

Don't assume that the simplicity of decoration will make the overall look of the room cheaper. Modern building and finishing materials can work wonders, create real masterpieces of design. In this case, it is not necessary to choose expensive ones. Leading manufacturing firms, along with expensive goods, today offer materials for the repair and decoration of the bedroom at quite affordable prices.

You can make repairs in the bedroom with your own hands, translate your own ideas into reality, or spy on some ideas in thematic magazines, Internet resources. Detailed instructions will allow even beginners to put things in order in the apartment.

The main thing in bedroom renovation is correct zoning, lighting, the most environmentally friendly materials for ceilings, walls, floor laying. Draw up a room design project, create a room of maximum comfort.

Where to start: bedroom renovation step by step

Perhaps your old bedroom setting was fine anyway. In this case, the repair (unless it is major) will update, refresh the room. You can re-glue the wallpaper, tidy up the ceiling with your own hands. Even the floor during cosmetic repairs is sometimes left unchanged, if the previous coating has not lost its freshness and attractiveness (if necessary, it is also easy to lay linoleum, carpet or laminate flooring yourself).

If you plan a major overhaul with redevelopment, replacement of wiring, heating equipment, renovation and leveling of the floor, changing the shape of door openings, then you will probably need expert advice (or you generally decide to entrust the entire front of work to builders).

In any case, you will have to control the progress of work. The first thing to do is to draw up a design project, the basis for your renovation. Be sure to mark your vision of the bedroom after renovation. There are special computer programs for this, but even a plan drawn up on plain paper will be very useful.

  • At the design stage, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room should be taken into account (this will help to correctly zone the space), the possible arrangement of the workplace or dressing room (if the bedroom is initially isolated from other rooms in the house or there is no other way to make the room isolated).
  • Further follows budgeting, turn for the compilation of a list of necessary building and finishing materials. Here, too, you can rely on your own experience and strength, or discuss it with experts in the business - builders, designers. Make the main focus on the ratio high enough quality - reasonable, affordable price.
  • Before starting repair work, free the bedroom from all furniture, dismantle switches, sockets, remove the chandelier. Windows and doors, if you are not going to change them, cover them with a cloth or film to protect them from damage and scratches.

  • Get rid of old coatings (clean the whitewash, remove tiles, paint, wallpaper, remove the flooring, if you are repairing the floor, dismantle the thresholds, baseboards). Dismantling can take a lot of time, skill and attention are needed (the better all surfaces are cleaned of old materials, the smoother and better the new cladding will fit on it).
  • The most difficult stage is redevelopment rooms, replacement of structures or their individual elements. Repair in the bedroom will start from this point, if you are thinking of changing something in the redevelopment (demolishing, erecting partitions, for example, installing new radiators, arranging a ventilation system, air conditioning, carrying out a full range of electrical work, replacing doors, windows).
  • Alignment surfaces may not always be needed. If the walls and ceiling were flat before or have already gone through a similar procedure, then there is no need to repeat it. Minor damages are eliminated with putty, leveled with putty compounds, a spatula, primed surfaces, allowed to dry properly (a day or two). The floors are leveled using a cement screed or self-pulling mixtures.

  • The most anticipated and creative process - facing surfaces and furnishings. This completes this bedroom renovation.

Having started a bedroom renovation, help yourself: draw up a design project, exactly follow the steps noted in it. When the budget is formed, proceed to the preparatory stage - free the room from furniture, remove old coatings. Putty and primer will eliminate the defects, then you can start facing and furnishing the bedroom.

What do you need to know about materials?

You should try to choose high-quality finishing materials for any room. However, if your options are financially limited, make sure that the safest, most environmentally friendly materials go to your bedroom renovation.

By choosing window, keep in mind that plastic structures do not allow air to pass through and can cause allergic reactions; for allergy sufferers, the most suitable option is wooden "breathing" windows. But the best sound and heat insulation, the easiest operation and maintenance is provided by plastic windows.

Don't give up doors in the bedroom (today, rooms without interior doors are fashionable), because the door in this case not only serves as a barrier for outsiders, but also prevents sounds and smells (kitchen, sewer) from entering. So choose the door block in the bedroom as responsibly as possible, correctly install it.

A bedroom is a special place in an apartment, where it takes a person on average about 8 hours to sleep. Such a long stay in one room requires a special approach to the choice of finishing materials: maximum environmental friendliness and safety for health.

Ceiling in the bedroom

There are several ways to repair ceilings:

  • puttying;
  • sheathe with plasterboard;
  • mount tensioning structures.

Putting is a serious, difficult job. If you have no one to help, there is no way to entrust the work to a specialist, and the ceiling defects are too obvious and obvious, then use the training video (these lessons give you good skills), or immediately install a drywall ceiling. It is not difficult to work with this material, you can quickly get the necessary skills and make a beautiful, even ceiling in the bedroom with your own hands.

This is advisable for several more reasons:

  • gypsum plasterboard structures equalize surface differences;
  • on their basis, you can create any multilevel ceilings;
  • immediately it becomes possible to hide communications, wiring;
  • any type of lighting can be arranged.

Also, modern stretch ceilings, various in texture and color, hide flaws well. They are also arranged in several levels, lighting is decorated in different ways. An additional plus of such a ceiling is resistance to moisture (you can not be afraid of flooding by neighbors).

The color of the ceiling in the bedroom depends on the taste of the owners, but the classic approach is as follows: you should focus on the size of the room and the chosen style of interior design. Please note that a dark ceiling will visually reduce the room, a light one will add space. Choose not overly saturated, soothing colors that maximize relaxation. Give up the multi-colored ceiling, a small accent in the center will look appropriate.

It is difficult to make a filled ceiling in the bedroom yourself. It is much easier to install a plasterboard or stretch ceiling. In any case, avoid bright colors of the ceiling surface, opt for soft, calm colors.

Renovation of walls in the bedroom

Rough repairs to the wall surface in the bedroom can be done using plastering or drywall. As with the ceiling, plastering the walls is not an easy and skillful procedure. If the walls have too large depressions, then the plaster will not save, the surface, even when a thick layer of material is applied, will still not become perfectly flat. With relatively flat walls, an excellent result can be achieved without losing the usable floor space.

Drywall will come to the rescue here as well, because it is economical and simple, walls with any flaw will turn out perfectly even. However, such wall cladding conceals space, makes the area of \u200b\u200bthe room smaller. To decorate the walls of the bedroom, wallpaper (non-woven, paper, textile) of soothing colors or decorative plaster is most often used.

Line the walls in the bedroom with plaster or drywall sheets. For finishing the walls, decorative plaster or wallpaper is suitable.

What kind of finish is right for your bedroom floor?

A cold floor in the bedroom is unacceptable, if it is not possible to install a "warm floor" system, then choose the most suitable materials - environmentally friendly, pleasant to the touch, easy to clean:

  • laminate;
  • cork;
  • parquet;
  • linoleum;
  • carpet;
  • bulk.

In a small bedroom, lay laminate or parquet diagonally, this will visually expand the space. Any of the materials is presented today in hardware stores in a wide range for every taste.

The completion of the renovation in the bedroom is the furnishing of the room. Try not to clutter up the room, limit yourself only to the necessary set of pieces of furniture. With all these tips in mind, your bedroom will always be spacious and comfortable.

Video: Bedroom interior design - tips and tricks

Living room renovation: how to create a cozy corner?

In apartments of the old stock and new buildings, you can often find small rooms, which many are trying to adapt to a bedroom. While it's not easy to renovate a small bedroom, you can turn a routine renovation into a creative process. The bedroom should be not only beautiful and comfortable, but also moderately functional, so you need to approach the repair in it very seriously and comprehensively.

Design project

Each renovation, as a rule, begins after the design and style that they want to see has been chosen. They are needed in order to imagine how the bedroom will look after the work carried out, as soon as the repair is completed. The project should include the general style of the small room, zoning, furniture arrangement, design. This stage implies putting forward a lot of ideas for the bedroom and finding exactly the one that fits.

Do not forget that the person in the bedroom should rest and relax, therefore, it is better not to implement too extravagant options, but it is better to leave it for the living room. At the moment, there are several styles that will perfectly fit into a small bedroom and decorate it.

Snow white bedroom

Especially this color of walls and accessories will look great if the bedroom is on the sunny side. The snow-white shade will visually expand the space and make the room more airy. You can see this design in the photo:

Classic bedroom

Classics never go out of style, including in interior design. Seemingly ordinary details such as a simple bed, uncomplicated curtains and a small carpet will bring comfort to the bedroom interior and create a special style, as in the photo.


This style looks best in a small bedroom of a private house and gives the room a cosiness.


The absence of unnecessary things in the bedroom, as in the presented photos, will help to relax after a long day in an atmosphere of free space. To create such a bedroom, you will not need a lot of money or effort. It is enough to buy a nice, simple wallpaper, put a bed, complement all this with a light carpet and bedside tables.

East style

This design is quite relevant for small bedrooms. He is able to transfer to the fabulous eastern distance, as in a photo from children's books.

Mirror manifold

By decorating the bedroom with many mirrors, you can achieve a significant increase in space. This design is especially relevant for snow-white wall decoration, as in the photo.

Do-it-yourself repair features

After the basic design has been conceived, you can proceed directly to the very pleasant part of the bedroom renovation - this is the purchase of material and the actual process of turning an ordinary small room into a dream bedroom.

Material selection

Small bedrooms need to be finished with materials that will visually increase the space.

The bedroom floor is finished with laminate or parquet in light colors only. If you lay the boards diagonally, then you can play on the visual increase in space. This type of styling is shown in the photo. Any light-colored materials are suitable for the ceiling. But you don't need to make a two-level ceiling, as it can reduce the height of the room.

It is best to choose wallpaper in dim shades with a neutral or floral pattern. A great option would be canvases with a vertical strip. If it is customary to paint the walls, then they do it only with paints of light colors. In order to diversify the design of the room, you can paint one wall in a more saturated color, combined with the main one.

As soon as all the materials are ready, you need to prepare the tools so that while the repairs are being carried out, you do not need to look for them and be distracted. Judging by the work that will be performed and the tool is being prepared.

To measure the room, you need to use a tape measure; to determine the evenness of the walls and ceiling, use a level or plumb line. Be sure to have a meter ruler and a rectangle on hand to align the corners.

If the room will dismantle old and unnecessary partitions, you will need a sledgehammer, pliers, a hammer and crowbar, as well as various kinds of screwdrivers. In order to make channels for electrical wiring, you will need a chisel, a puncher, a drill with a set of drills.

You may need a jigsaw or a hacksaw to cut wood surfaces, and you will need a sander to finish the walls before painting.

For the treatment of surfaces with plaster, spatulas of various sizes will be needed; for painting and pasting, rollers and brushes will be needed. Do not forget about such necessary little things as buckets, rags, vacuum cleaners, masks, glasses, respirators.

Work process

Before proceeding with the work, you need to write an action plan on a large sheet of paper and hang it in a prominent place. Usually, repairs are performed in this order:

Dismantling unnecessary partitions, increasing the size of the room.

If these works are carried out, then without fail they are coordinated with the BTI. If actions are not agreed, then they are considered illegal and a fine may be charged.

Removing old coatings.

The wallpaper is removed mechanically. Plaster can be removed with a damp cloth or sponge.

Works with electricity.

Previously, it is necessary to mark the places where the light sources and sockets will be located, as well as to install the internal mechanisms for these parts.

Aligning walls and ceilings.

If in the future a suspended ceiling or thick wallpaper, as well as liquid wallpaper, is installed, then alignment is not necessary.

Decorative finishing of all surfaces in the room.

Selection of furniture and accessories

The choice of furniture for a small bedroom must be done responsibly, because in such a room you cannot install a large bed, massive wardrobe or other pieces of furniture that are appropriate in a spacious room.

Important! The main approach for a small bedroom is to use only the essentials.

This way you can save space for installing a wide and comfortable bed, as this is the number one item in the bedroom. Bedside tables are easily replaced by shelves that are built into the headboard.

In a small bedroom, it is best to use a low bed without legs and massive details. An example of the model is shown in the photo. Under it you can mount a storage space for bedding and other necessary items in the bedroom. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is sufficient, then you can install a wardrobe in the bedroom, best of all with a compartment mechanism, a dressing room or a chest of drawers.

Furniture is best used with regular corners, as rounded corners can steal some of the space. All pieces of furniture are best placed around the perimeter, and the bed in the center, while leaving the entrance free.

A mirror installed in one or several places will help to enlarge the room. If the bedroom has a wardrobe, then it must be with mirrored doors. If the mirrors are hung in front of the window, then the light reflected from them will give a feeling of spaciousness.

A flat TV can be wall-mounted opposite the bed. Its surface will also create more room for reflection.

Particular attention is paid to the lighting in the small bedroom. A large chandelier in such a room is inappropriate; small lamps in the corners of the room or spotlights at different levels will look best.

Space optimization

In order that the bedroom does not seem too small, the following conditions must be observed:

  • Set the bed in the center.
  • In order to have freedom of action near the bed, the distance from the entrance to it must be at least 1 m.
  • The rest of the furniture is placed so that the distance between the bed and objects is at least 70 cm.
  • It is better not to block the approach to the window.
  • The space on the walls is best used for placing shelves so as not to add unnecessary cabinets and side tables. One of the ideas is shown in the photo.