Renovation in a small bathroom combined with a toilet. Renovation of a bathroom combined with a toilet Finishing renovation of a bathroom and a toilet

Toilet and bathroom renovation is one of the most difficult processes. Most of the problems arise due to the small area. Many people prefer to combine a bathroom. This solution allows you to purchase several additional meters. However, before starting repair work, it will be necessary to coordinate the planned actions. What does this mean? First of all, the need to study the technology and sequence of repairs, choose the right materials, carry out communications and, of course, purchase the necessary plumbing.

In order not to be mistaken when making these decisions, you need to carefully read the material provided. And then the repair of the bathroom and toilet (photos of the most successful examples are attached in the article) will be performed as professionally as possible.

Repair types

The need for repairs may be unplanned. As a rule, professionals call these works spontaneous. Very often this situation occurs in old houses. Khrushchev houses have bad pipes and floors, outdated plumbing, which can fail at any time. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that, when replacing the drain pipe, you will have to completely change the toilet bowl along with the crosspiece.

The planned renovation of the toilet and bathroom can be major and cosmetic. Each of these types is distinguished by the complexity of the work and the size of the financial investment. Redecoration is possible only if the communications are in perfect order and there is no fungus and other bacteria on the surfaces, and the plumbing is in good order. During it, they simply update the appearance of the walls and ceiling.

Overhaul will require large investments, since it involves a whole range of work: sweeping pipes, plumbing, redevelopment, which is most relevant in Khrushchev, floor insulation, etc. Before embarking on such a repair, you need to carefully prepare. Therefore, let's start with theory, study the step-by-step description of construction work.

The first stage is the development of a project plan

Repair in the bathroom, combined with a toilet, must be done according to a clear plan. It is better to entrust the preparation of the project to professionals, since it is difficult for an inexperienced person to take into account all the nuances.

As a rule, the area of ​​the bathroom is small, and you need to place a lot of items in it, therefore, it is relevant to combine the bathroom. It is also worth considering the correct wiring and communications. Basically, when drawing up a project on your own, it is at this stage that many mistakes are made.

Stages of drawing up a repair plan:

  1. Distribution of space, taking into account the size of the room and the layout.
  2. Diagram of communications and wiring.
  3. Choosing a location for installing sockets and switches.
  4. Ventilation wiring.
  5. Arrangement of plumbing and electrical appliances.
  6. Finishing work.

The second stage is the acquisition of materials and plumbing

After drawing up the project plan, you can start choosing finishing materials, equipment and appliances that will be used in the bathroom. Why is the procurement better to carry out at the initial stages? The answer is simple. Sometimes the necessary equipment is not available, and you have to order it directly from the manufacturer. As a rule, this process takes a certain amount of time, so in order not to stop the repair of the bathroom and toilet, it is better to take care of everything in advance. In a properly drawn up project, all items have exact dimensions. When buying, in no case should you deviate from them.

You also need to follow the general style closely. For example, all plumbing should be in the same color. White is considered the classic option, but it is not at all necessary to follow this rule. The main thing is that the interior should be as harmonious as possible.

Stage three - dismantling

Repair of the toilet and bathroom, however, like any other room, begins with dismantling. It is simply impossible to do without these works. Where do you start? First of all, cut off the water supply. After that, you will need to take out all the plumbing, having disconnected it from communications in advance. Special plugs are installed on the pipes in these places. Now you can start cleaning the surfaces from the old finish. These works are performed in a specific sequence:

  1. Cleaning the ceiling.
  2. Removing old pipes.
  3. Removing the decoration from the walls.
  4. Dismantling the floor.

In some cases, the last step can be skipped if the surface is firm and level. In this case, the new floor covering is installed on the old one, this will raise the floor level by no more than 1 centimeter.

The fourth stage is the installation of internal communications

How to renovate a bathroom and toilet to meet modern standards? First you need to decide on the material, in particular, with water and sewer pipes. Professional consultation will help you choose the correct diameter and wiring diagram.

In modern interiors, it is not customary to put communications in the foreground. For this, it is recommended to use plasterboard structures. For example, there is a large sewer pipe near the toilet. Outwardly, it looks, to put it mildly, not aesthetically pleasing, so here you can build a decorative partition. It is imperative to provide a door in it through which there will be access to the meters and central valves. The rest of the pipes are laid inside the wall. To do this, with the help of a grinder, grooves are cut, which are subsequently sealed with a starting putty. It is imperative to leave outlets for mixers and drains. This solution will significantly transform the interior of the bathroom.

Fifth stage - wiring

If you make repairs to a bathroom with a combined toilet, you can allocate a place in the Khrushchev to install a washing machine. And this implies the presence of an outlet. It is also worth taking care of good lighting, since this room has no windows. To do this, you need to carry out additional electrical wiring. However, in order to do this work correctly, you need to have special knowledge.

Important: electricity in a damp room is a source of danger!

There are several rules that must not be ignored:

  1. Wiring must be internal only.
  2. Sockets, switches and lighting fixtures are installed away from water sources.
  3. It is necessary to make the grounding correctly.
  4. Only one-piece double insulated cable is used for wiring.
  5. The junction box is installed outside the bathroom.

Sixth stage - preparatory work

After the communications and electrical wiring have been carried out, you can begin to prepare the main surfaces, that is, the ceiling, walls and floor. To do this, you will need to assess their condition: check for the presence of fungus and mold, identify cracks and other deformations, as well as evenness.

  • If a fungus is found in the room, then you need to completely get rid of it, otherwise a new renovation of the bathroom combined with the toilet will not give good results. To do this, it is proposed to first thoroughly treat these places with a special antibacterial solution, then apply putty or plaster, and then prime again.
  • All cracks must be repaired. First of all, their edges are expanded in such a way as to form a kind of triangle. After that, they are closed with a solution. If the wall is gypsum, it is recommended to additionally use a self-adhesive tape (serpyanka).
  • The last step is alignment. Performing these works can affect the final result. Therefore, it is imperative that all surfaces are carefully leveled. Material is chosen depending on the base. It can be a starting putty or a cement-sand mortar in a ratio of 1: 4. Such work is rather laborious and can take about a week in a time period.
  • The finishing coat is applied immediately before the front finishing. It should be flawlessly even and smooth. As a rule, the requirements for it are imposed in accordance with the choice of a certain finishing material.

Seventh stage - cladding

High-quality bathroom and toilet renovation largely depends on the correctly selected finishing materials. They must meet the following requirements:

  • be moisture resistant;
  • durable;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • antibacterial;
  • easy to clean.

For the ceiling, water-based paint is suitable. It is sold in a large assortment of shades, which will allow you to give the room the desired color scheme. Recently, stretch ceilings have become quite popular. They meet all the necessary requirements.

The finishing of the floors must be approached very carefully, especially when it comes to repairing a small toilet and bathroom. In such rooms, the cladding should be not only practical, but also contribute to the visual expansion of the space. First of all, the floors must be non-slip, as this can lead to injuries. Also, importantly, you need to take care of the heat. For example, porcelain stoneware tiles are strong enough, but very cold, so you can carry out a "warm floor" system. Currently, several new types of coatings have appeared. The most interesting is the self-leveling floor. True, his technology is very complex, and the work turns out to be quite expensive. However, its appearance and technical characteristics fully justify these costs.

Eighth stage - equipment installation

So, the renovation of the toilet and bathroom is coming to an end. After carrying out the above work, you can safely proceed to the installation of plumbing. It is worth starting with a bathtub, as a rule, it is installed along the wall. It is necessary to check the level of the feet. The upper and lower drain is connected to the sewer pipe. After that, a mixer is mounted in order to immediately check the operation of the water supply. If errors are found, they must be eliminated at this stage. A washbasin and a toilet are installed in a similar way.

The ninth stage - installation of electrical appliances

When repairing a bathroom and toilet (see photo below), it is necessary to foresee the installation of electrical appliances, such as a washing machine, water heater, meters, etc. In this matter, it is necessary to strictly follow the safety rules. During operation, these devices are connected to electricity, which exposes people to certain risks. Therefore, in no case save on their installation, entrust this work to professionals. Subsequently, this will not only save money and nerves, but, possibly, save the lives of household members.

Stage ten - furnishing

As we said earlier, it is more expedient to repair a bathroom with a toilet in Khrushchev by combining these premises. In this case, there will be only one entrance to the room. This solution will provide more options for arranging furniture. For example, you can set up a small pencil case to store towels and other supplies. Also, a cabinet that can be placed under the washbasin does not hurt. Wall cabinets will not take up much space at all. And if their facade is decorated with mirrors, then they will also visually enlarge it.

Of course, it is quite difficult to make repairs in the bathroom on your own, however, having carefully studied the sequence of work, it is quite possible.

Repair of a bathtub combined with a toilet is often difficult. Many people try to divide this bathroom into two zones, but this rarely happens. Most often, even a combined bathroom is very small in size, and it makes no sense to split it into two rooms. An exception can be made in the case of a large family, when it is often required to have a free toilet or a separate bathroom.

Since the combined bathroom is usually small, it is recommended to save its space in various ways. For example, instead of large cabinets, it is better to use several wall-mounted or built-in cabinets, and make the toilet tank hidden. Saves space and the presence of a shower cabin, which takes up less space than a bathroom, and is many times more functional. It is not recommended to decorate the walls with plasterboard, as it can reduce the space, which is very highly valued in such a small room. The finished renovation of the combined bathroom, a small photo can be viewed in the gallery of our site, in the case of interior decoration, it will help you decide on the choice.

To save some space and make it as comfortable and functional as possible, you can listen to a few tips from the masters of their craft:

  • there should be from 70 centimeters to one meter of free distance in front of the bathroom;
  • in front of the toilet - up to 60 centimeters, on both sides of it there should be 40 centimeters of free space;
  • in front of the washbasin - up to 70 centimeters of free space;
  • the heated towel rail should be at a distance of half a meter from the bath;
  • the most comfortable height and width of the shell is 80-86 and 50-60 centimeters, respectively;
  • the sink must be at least 25 centimeters from the toilet;
  • the distance between the side wall and the sink should be at least 20 centimeters for ease of use;
  • the distance between two shells should also not be less than 20-25 centimeters.

The convenience of the location of all the necessary elements of the bathroom also depends on the shape of the room itself. Four common shapes and locations:

  • in a rectangular bathroom, it is better to place the bath opposite the door, and the toilet bowl and sink opposite each other;
  • in a square to increase space, all elements are located along the walls. You can also divide space with a screen;
  • the elongated shape of the room allows you to arrange everything on one wall. Often these bathrooms are very small, so it makes sense to install a shower instead of a bath.

It is not necessary to follow these rules, but they are worth listening to. It is better to take them into account when planning the repair, and not when it is carried out directly. But if you follow all these simple tips, the bathroom will become much more convenient. To see what such a renovation of a combined bathroom and toilet looks like, the photo can be viewed in this article or in the gallery of our website.

Increasing space

There are a lot of options to increase the bathroom space, and it is impossible to use everything at once. An approximate completed renovation in a bathroom combined with a toilet, a photo can be viewed in this article, you can immediately see options for a possible convenient layout. When designing the future type of premises, as well as when choosing the plumbing, furniture and building materials used, you can use some tricks to increase the space:

  • special compact washing machines of low height fit perfectly under the sink;
  • the door can be installed in such a way that it is possible to open it in any direction;
  • the use of shower cabins sometimes significantly increases the area of ​​free space, in addition, for bath lovers, you can choose a shower cabin with a built-in bath;
  • special compact models of toilets are also able to increase the space;
  • plumbing made of glass or with glass inserts will visually enlarge the room;
  • instead of a free-standing bidet, you can purchase a toilet with this function;
  • if you place plumbing in the corners of the room, you get more free space in the center;
  • mirrored tile inserts or fully mirrored tiles will create the effect of a large room;
  • correctly installed lighting also affects the visual perception of the room;
  • for decoration it is better to use small drawings or other similar elements;
  • in a small bathroom, it is best to use a light color scheme.

A bathroom / toilet can get smaller with these little tricks. You can also come up with your own original idea for the design of the bathroom, the space of which will be as ergonomic as possible.

Small bathroom design

Ceiling. The most economical and common ceiling design is whitewashing. Ceiling decoration with ceiling tiles is also quite common. For a small bathroom, it should also be small in size - larger tiles are suitable, respectively, for more spacious rooms. With its help, you can lay out a drawing on the ceiling, or you can make a mirrored ceiling, which will visually expand the space of the room. The stretch ceiling is quite durable and easy to clean, although it will somewhat reduce the height of the bathroom, it will visually make it a little larger due to the glossy finish. If there is a desire to glue photo wallpapers on the ceiling, then you need to know that they must be moisture resistant, otherwise they will have to be changed very soon. This also applies to the rest of the finishing materials that will be used for finishing the bathroom.

Interior decoration of a bathroom with a small toilet

Walls. The most common wall decoration with tiles. With its help, you can get almost any type of design due to the variety of its shapes and sizes. For a small bathroom, small tiles of light shades with a glossy surface are best suited. The drawings laid out from tiles should not be large: it is better to focus on smaller details. Also, with the help of tiles, you can visually expand the premises with the help of several tricks: a vertically laid out rectangular tile will increase the height of the room, and horizontally will slightly expand it. Laying diagonally will also visually increase the size of the bathroom. The same goes for floor tiles.

Wall decoration can also be carried out using plastic panels, but then they must be moisture resistant. Thanks to them, you can get a huge number of design options. You can even order custom-patterned panels. A combined design of the bathroom is also allowed: for example, the lower part can be trimmed with panels, and the upper part can be tiled. The mosaic looks beautiful: it will add a zest to the interior, it can look classically strict, or it can be bright and cheerful. A bathtub combined with a toilet, photos of the design options for both the walls and the ceiling are presented in this article.

Decoration of a small bathroom with a toilet

Repair sequence

  1. Initially, a project plan is drawn up, in which everything will be detailed. It includes the location of all plumbing fixtures, heated towel rails, furniture and other items. It is also desirable to know the amount of material required and its price: this is necessary when distributing funds for purchases. The correct calculation will show which materials can be purchased from a higher price category, and which ones can be saved.
  2. All old plumbing and furniture are being removed. All old materials are removed: tiles or plastic panels, pipes. If the door is to be replaced, then it should be removed as well. If possible, old plaster should also be peeled off.
  3. Wiring is carried out, the creation of points for sockets and lighting, pipes are installed. Pipes are best chosen from cross-linked polyethylene: they are the easiest to install and do not require experience for this, they are also reliable and protected from leaks. The guaranteed service life is from 50 years. Reinforced-plastic pipes do not require installation experience, but they are less reliable. Polypropylene pipes are slightly better than the previous ones, but they are difficult to install without experience; for their installation, a welding machine is required. It is also better to replace sewer pipes made of cast iron with new ones. At the same stage of work, the hood is installed.
  4. If it is necessary to level the walls, then it is carried out with plaster. Before that, the walls are grounded. It is better to level the floor with sand concrete, but before that it also needs to be primed. In order for the water in the bathroom not to overflow during a leak, you need to leave a small threshold 5-7 centimeters high.
  5. It is most reasonable to make a plumbing box from moisture-resistant drywall. It is not recommended to make a wood box, as it can rot from moisture.
  6. The tile is laid using a level. In the process of laying, you need to monitor the seams: they must be even, go parallel, and also coincide in the right places. Then everything is overwritten. The places of contact between the tile and the bathroom, as well as the corners between the tiles themselves, are sealed with a sealant. Its color can be matched to the grout.
  7. Stretch or slatted ceiling is installed after the main finish. If it is of a different type, then its installation is carried out immediately after plastering.
  8. After finishing work is completed, plumbing is installed and the necessary furniture is brought in.
  9. The door is installed after all work with a special foam. Too large an opening can be increased with plasterboard, and with a large wall thickness, it is sometimes necessary to use an extension.

Interior decoration of a bathroom with a toilet

This is how the joint bath and toilet are repaired, a photo of which is presented in this article. An example of a phased repair, as well as its video, can be viewed in the gallery of our website. Having looked at the work of professionals, it will be much easier to carry out repairs yourself.

What do you associate a bath and a toilet with? Maybe a place where you can think about the meaning of life? Or a place to relax in the bathtub with sea salt and foam? Or maybe with an invigorating, contrasting shower? In any case, the bathroom is a personal space in which we spend a lot of time. And therefore, the design of the bathroom and toilet should correspond to the personality of the owners of the house, to be comfortable and, at the same time, multifunctional.

Some features of bathroom and toilet renovation

Repair of a bathroom and toilet largely depends on whether they are separate or combined.

Many people oppose a bathroom combined with a toilet, especially if there are more than two people in the family. But, from the point of view of the use of space, the combined bathroom with a toilet wins significantly.

When starting to repair a bathroom and toilet, you need to carefully plan everything, think over all the details and elements. The bathroom is a rather limited space in which all the necessary plumbing and furniture should be placed.

In addition, today, the requirements for modern bathroom and toilet equipment have increased significantly. There were washing machines, ultra-fashionable showers and washbasins, and a variety of accessories. Also, you should consider the presence of a knee, wiring of water pipes and ventilation, which it is desirable to hide from view.

All items, plumbing and decoration in the bathroom and toilet must meet the following requirements:

  • hygiene;
  • water resistance;
  • reliability;
  • practicality.

Photo - 12 Practicality is one of the requirements of a combined bathroom

Photo - 13 Combined bathroom - even more space

Which bathroom and toilet interior to choose?

The interior of the bathroom and toilet largely depends on the nature of the owner and his personal preferences.

You need to start with wall cladding. Better to use ceramic tiles or other water-repellent material. You have a huge selection of colors, shapes and types for wall decoration. For example, a bright, cozy, spacious bathroom will speak of your openness and hospitality.

By the way, even if you have a small bathroom, you can visually expand the space with the help of mirrors.

If you want to create a cheerful, summer atmosphere in the bathroom, use colorful tiles in bright colors, such as yellow, green or orange, when decorating the walls.

Don't be afraid to go for navy blue, purple, and even black. They can be combined with light fixtures and fittings. This bath and toilet design will be incredibly stylish and elegant.

When your walls are ready, you can safely start choosing plumbing. Today, many people prefer a shower stall instead of a bathtub. The trendy stand-alone shower takes up less space than a bathtub and is great for the modern day in a hurry. In addition, manufacturers offer such a shower with a built-in massage system and radio.

Do you love to soak up a relaxing bath? And, at the same time, the place in the room allows you to install it? Then you just have to decide on the design of the bath. Modern acrylic bathtubs can be made to order in a choice of color and shape.

Washbasins and toilets are also available in a wide variety. If you like to experiment and want to create an original design for a bathtub and toilet, then get an extraordinary two-in-one washbasin-toilet, for example, as in the photo below.

Do not forget about various cabinets, shelves, hangers, hooks and other decorative things. The photo below shows several ways to place them in the design of the bathroom and toilet.

Bathroom interior, combined with a toilet

The interior of the combined bathroom should largely be based on the style and color scheme. To do this, you should use the tips suggested by leading designers. But some are confused by the appearance of the toilet in the combined bathroom. If you need to do so in order to visually hide it, then there are good ideas that will be useful in a bathroom of any size.

Do you want the hygienic tank to dissolve or level out in the bathroom space? Then it is better to buy a "compact" with a lid - the same color as the walls. It will blend in with the background without drawing attention.

The toilet can be hidden behind the decor of the panels, which replace the cabinet furniture in the bathroom. All kinds of boxes for household chemicals and shelves for shampoos and niches for clean towels can at the same time hide a toilet bowl or urinal in the overall design of a bathroom with a toilet. With a slight movement of the hand, the door or lid is opened, and you can use the hygiene device, and after draining the water, close it again behind you. This design technique is also used in a house without walls with glass partitions.

If there is enough space in the room, the toilet is separated from the bath by an impenetrable partition or a sliding curtain. A spectacular curtain with a thematic pattern on the ceiling cornice looks very beautiful. For example, in a design designed in a nautical style, a drawing of sea fish on a blue background is appropriate.

In a house where there are 2-3 rooms for a toilet, the toilet in the bathroom is used occasionally. Then it is better to install it right next to a bathtub or shower stall in order to use the lid as a stand for a bathrobe and towels. But nothing prevents you from using it for its intended purpose.

When the room for taking hygiene procedures is large, and there should be several plumbing tanks of different functionality in it, the toilet bowl is also lost against the general background. An excellent solution in the design of a bathtub combined with a toilet is to purchase all plumbing fixtures with a memorable decor in a single way. It can be an original drawing along the edge or an unusual shape of all plumbing devices that are pleasing to the eye:

  • shower tray;
  • jacuzzi;
  • bidet;
  • side toilet;
  • low toilet for a child;
  • bathroom or mini-pool with a podium.

Such a bathroom, subject to a stylish and high-quality design of all surfaces, will delight. In the original design of the shower room and toilet, the same reception is acceptable, but there is no bath in the traditional sense. It can be successfully replaced by a shower tray or corner jacuzzi, above which a shower hose with a spray and handles for hot and cold water are built into the wall.

With regard to the stylistic solution, the designers advise to design the appearance of the room for taking hygienic procedures in one recognizable style:

  • loft (urbanism);
  • classic;
  • ethno;
  • high tech;
  • eco-style;
  • modern;
  • Gothic;
  • country;
  • avant-garde;
  • marine style;
  • Japanese minimalism.

Renovation in the bathroom combined with a toilet

All ideas for renovating a bathroom combined with a toilet are directly related to one degree or another of the transformation of the space. This could be:

  • small renovation of the premises;
  • redecoration of all surfaces;
  • complete replacement of plumbing and communications;
  • demolition of the partition between the bathroom and the toilet with a complete renovation.

Advice: If you haven’t decided how to connect the bathtub to the toilet, do not start a big "rebuild" with the removal of the wall. The demolition of the partition, partition and wall in the apartment is associated with obtaining permission, and this takes a lot of time, effort and finances. In a private house, the owners decide everything themselves. But the demolition of the bearing wall is always fraught with the destruction of the overall structure or cracks - due to the redistribution of the total load.

Overhaul of the combined bathroom involves replacing the old plumbing with a new one, completely removing the rotten pipes. This will save you from leaking problems in the coming years. For a high-quality repair of communications and plumbing, it is better to invite specialists. And cosmetic repairs, in order to save money, can be done independently.

Photo - 44 Combined bathroom with a corner bath

Design of a small bathtub combined with a toilet

For a specialist, the most difficult and exciting task is the design of a small joint bath and toilet. In this case, it is required to visually expand the space and unload it as much as possible.

  • In order to see more space in the combined bathroom, it is required to replace cabinet furniture with transparent shelves and chrome decor. In this format, a small bathroom will not be cluttered with wall cabinets and large tanks.

  • It is also recommended to use a modern glass bowl or a low corner basin in a small bathroom interior. A great addition is a mirrored wall that visually expands the room.

  • The best solution for zoning a small bathroom is a glass partition that separates the toilet from the shower area.

  • It is better not to put a tray under the shower, but to use an inclined drainage system for used water. During unfinished construction, this technique is also used as a temporary measure in a house without a toilet. Then they go to the drain hole for small need and wash it off after themselves with a shower hose. And the main restroom should be in the yard. Over time, all the rest of the plumbing will be installed in a small bathroom, including a tray where you can wash and wash while sitting.

  • A wall-hung toilet is another space-saving trick in the design of a small bathtub. It is more convenient to clean the floors under it than around a stationary bowl. The corner toilet also looks good, but it is better for a specialist to install it. Visually, it is smaller, especially when the cistern is hidden in the wall, and there is enough space nearby for a wall-mounted bidet of the same shape.

Photo - 51 Bathroom in pastel colors

Combined bathroom in Khrushchev

The bath, as a rule, occupies almost the entire area in the combined bathroom "Khrushchev", but this is the most common layout in the post-Soviet space. There is little space left for the rest of the plumbing, and there is nowhere to even put the washing machine.

The best solution is to put the bathtub in an angular shape, tapering towards the feet. Then, in the opposite corner, it is advisable to mount the washbasin without a stand, since the "tulip" requires additional space for the siphon. The toilet is only "compact". If a large washing machine does not fit, use the "baby" one.

Photo - 55 Features of the design of a bathroom with an area of ​​4 sq m

It is also worth abandoning the cabinet under the sink - it is bulky and takes up a lot of space. Also remove the wall cabinets, replacing them with glass shelves and corner hinged modules for placing bottles.

If your bathroom is connected to a toilet in one room, every centimeter of this space must be used wisely. Starting a renovation, any owner wants to get a beautiful and functional room, while thinking over the design of a combined bathroom - and even on a minimal area it is possible.

Increased space in the combined bathroom

While doing, you can use:

  • models of low and compact washing machines that fit perfectly under the sink;
  • sliding door (in the manner of a wardrobe);
  • shower cabins with transparent glass instead of bulky bathtubs;
  • special hinged toilet bowls;
  • sanitary ware and furniture made of glass or with transparent glass inserts;
  • mirror tiles or inserts from it on the walls and ceiling, as well as mirror surfaces in cabinets;
  • building finishing materials of light colors.

The most common options for the location of plumbing:

  • for a rectangular room - place the bath opposite the door, and the toilet and sink - strictly opposite each other;
  • for a square room - we put all objects along the walls.

Materials for surface decoration

With a total area of ​​4 sq. m. repairing the floor will take you about 4 thousand rubles, for decorating the walls - from 15 to 50 thousand (depending on the high cost of materials), on the ceiling - 4-6 thousand. However, these figures will increase two to three times if the work is carried out by outside specialists.

Ceiling decoration

Most often, in the repair of a combined bathroom, the ceiling is made out:

  • with whitewash,
  • small ceiling tiles,
  • tensile structure with a glossy canvas,
  • moisture resistant photowall-paper.

Wall decoration

Walls are the first thing that those present see after you have made repairs. A bathroom combined with a toilet imposes some obligations regarding the materials that are used in the decoration of the walls. They should not be afraid of moisture and condensation, and simply have to be beautiful, practical and easy to maintain. Therefore, it is best to choose:

  • moisture resistant plastic panels or PVC panels,
  • specialized plaster,
  • mosaic,
  • a natural stone,
  • tile or ceramic tiles.

Professional advice! The vertical layout of a rectangular tile and its placement along the diagonal can visually increase the height of the room, and the horizontal one can slightly expand it.

Floor finishing

Since the floor in the bathroom and toilet must, first of all, be reliable, moisture-resistant and non-slip, we recommend the three best options for its design:

  • ceramic tiles,
  • porcelain stoneware,
  • artificial stone.

In addition to basic materials, do not forget to purchase tile adhesives, plaster mixes, waterproofing mastic, ceiling lining solutions, as well as new plumbing and furniture.
Photos are enlarged, click!

Repair stages

  1. Drawing up a detailed design project with a plan for the location of all plumbing, furniture and other elements.
  2. Calculation of the required amount of building materials, their purchase.
  3. Dismantling of old plumbing and furniture.
  4. Removing past building materials from surfaces.
  5. Carrying out wiring, creating places for sockets and lighting.
  6. Replacement of pipes.
  7. Carrying out the floor screed.
  8. Priming and leveling the walls with plaster.
  9. Finishing work.

Repair tools

There is a basic set of tools that you may need if you have to renovate a bathroom / toilet. You can't do without such items:

  • tile cutter,
  • level,
  • sink wrench;
  • hacksaws,
  • tile tongs;
  • rollers,
  • scrapers, etc.

To perform a good repair of a bathroom together with a toilet, you do not need much effort, time and money, the main thing is to think over everything in advance, having painted every centimeter of space.

Repair of a turnkey bathroom is a series of activities, the implementation of which relieves the headache of a customer unprepared for repair.

Turnkey bathroom- this is a competent and detailed estimate, the development of redevelopment and the creation of interior design, scrap and removal of garbage, the purchase of material, rough work, the laying of new sewerage and water pipes, electrical installation, tiling of all walls and floors, plumbing connection.

We make repairs, both in combined bathrooms, and we carry out redevelopment of separate bathrooms - we combine a bathroom with a toilet.

The main argument that guides our customers in favor of bathroom remodeling- this is an increase in the usable space of the bathroom and toilet!

For example, removing the partition between the bathroom and the toilet and making one doorway, we will get several useful solutions:

  • find a place for a washing machine
  • move the toilet and heated towel rail
  • we will increase the space for a comfortable and wide sink
  • there is an option to change the bathtub to a shower corner

Renovation of a combined bathroom with a toilet

In Moscow apartments, you can find both a very modest combined bathroom (2.2 - 3.5m2) in old houses, and more comfortable combined bathrooms with an area of ​​4m2 or more.

Renovating and ultimately getting a large, comfortable bathroom is a challenge we face all the time. The modest dimensions of the separate bathroom and toilet "hint" to us for redevelopment - combine bathroom with toilet.

Photo gallery

Found 104 artworks

Moscow, Bolshaya Akademicheskaya st. Redevelopment of a separate bathroom into a combined one, with a reversal of the toilet and with freeing up space for a washing machine

Moscow, st. Kharkiv Repair of a bathroom without demolition of plumbing / cabins, because repairs in the kitchen and in the corridor done 1

Moscow, Leninsky prospect Redevelopment of bathroom and toilet - combination. Bathroom in Brezhnevka, brick house series II-29. Sorbonne tiles by Kerama Marazzi 2

Moscow, st. Vavilova Comprehensive renovation of a combined bathroom with broken walls 1

Moscow, Northern Boulevard White bathroom, walls - Kerama Marazzi ceramics imitating white marble with washed out gray veins

Moscow, st. Marshal Zakharov Bathroom 170x200 in the house P-44. Complex repair with replacement of pipes, without demolition of plumbing / cabins 10

Moscow, Gorokhovsky per. We are repairing a combined bathroom 210x150 in a house of the I-209-A series. The walls are tiled with white Spanish tiles Aparici Enigma.

Moscow, LCD Varshavskoe highway 141 Renovation of a guest bathroom in the apartment, installation of a shower corner with a ladder, wall tiles Uralkeramika Terri 4

Moscow, 9th Parkovaya st. Repair of a combined bathroom 185x120 in a brick house of the II-18-01 / 08 series. Replacing the cast iron sewerage system, transferring meters, laying tiles, installing new plumbing 2

Moscow, st. Sukhonskaya Renovation of a bathroom (we combine it with a toilet) in a house of the I-522 series, we combine two collections of Kerama Marazzi tiles (white and porcelain stoneware) 7

Moscow, Schelkovskoe highway Renovation - we combine a 135x150 bathroom and a toilet in house II-18. We enlarge the bathroom, change the plumbing, unfold the toilet. Black tiles for wall and floor decor 4

Moscow, st. ac. Artsimovich Renovation of a bathroom with redevelopment in Konkovo ​​- we attach a toilet to the bathroom. Tile collection Uralkeramika Island 8

Moscow, avenue Karamzin Renovation of the bathroom and toilet with an extension to the corridor, the toilet was combined with a bath. The bathroom now accommodates a washing machine and a 170 cm bathtub. 10

Moscow, city-park Peredelkino Blizhnee Renovation of a 3.2 m2 bathroom in Rasskazovka, complex decoration with the replacement of plastic panels with tiles, new routing of all pipes 13

Moscow, Pyatnitskoe highway Repair of the combined bathroom P-44, black and white tiles KERAMA MARAZZI 25x40 Dorset, Ikea furniture. 38

Moscow, Yaltinskaya st. Repair of a standard bathroom of 2.5 m2 in a panel house, with the replacement of the water supply system and the demolition of partitions and the ceiling 8

  • removing the old plumbing cabin (if there was one), the ceiling became higher
  • installation of a washing machine in the bathroom (for tiny bathrooms in "Khrushchevs")
  • you can implement some design solution
  • there is one less door in the corridor
  • In a small bathroom, every square meter of area should be used as efficiently as possible. It is necessary to correctly arrange the plumbing and immediately decide whether to leave the bath or replace it with a shower stall. If the toilet takes up a lot of space, it can be replaced with a wall-mounted or wall-mounted toilet and installation. This should save you a few precious centimeters.

    It is better to use ceramic tiles of light colors and small sizes (from 15 to 50 cm) as wall cladding, so the combined bathroom will seem larger. If the tiles are rectangular, it is best to lay them horizontally. Don't forget the mirror, a large mirror increases the space in the bathroom.

    The ceiling should be white. It doesn't matter what material to use: tension, painting or hanging. This is a matter of taste for the owners.

    With an integrated renovation in the combined bathroom you cannot do without replacing all communications. Plumbing pipes must be hidden in a box and covered with tiles, so the bathroom will look more modern and aesthetically pleasing.

    In the examples of our work, you can find many different and interesting solutions in the reconstruction of combined bathrooms. From compact "Khrushchevs" and "Brezhnevoks" to quite spacious new buildings.