Roman and roller blinds: we sew ourselves. What to choose, blinds or roller blinds Order roller blinds or roman blinds

Replacing old windows with new ones, many people are faced with the problem of decent window decoration. The traditional version with curtains and tulle does not always fit into a modern interior, and if you take into account the living space of small-sized apartments, then the count goes to extra centimeters, which you don't really want to give away for such a voluminous decor. If there are children or pets in the house, expensive curtains will quickly deteriorate, so modern blinds or roller blinds will be the way out.

Before buying a device, you should understand some important details that help you make an informed choice, understand what is best and avoid disappointment later.

Types of blinds

Even 5-10 years ago, window blinds seemed to be something outlandish and incomprehensible. Now, of course, such a spectacle will not surprise anyone, on the contrary, ordinary white aluminum blinds are becoming an outdated, more "office" option.

Models of "boring" blinds will help to avoid monotony: multi-colored, made of natural wood or bamboo, multi-textured, with a printed pattern or photograph.

Blinds are divided according to these criteria.

By location:

By material:

  • aluminum;
  • wooden;
  • plastic;
  • fabric.

By mounting method:

  • attic;
  • interframe;
  • protective shutters.

Decorative types:

  • Roman curtains;
  • multifactual;

  • pleated;

Having chosen the main purpose of the blinds and their location, you can narrow your search down to two or three models. Here it should be borne in mind that the choice of material will be the priority: traditionally metal is considered the most durable, but natural wooden blinds are a luxurious option, ideally suited to any interior style. Plastic ones do not differ in special strength characteristics, but they are easy to maintain and relatively inexpensive. A novelty that confidently occupies a leading position - fabric blinds.

Advantages and disadvantages of blinds

First of all, I would like to especially note that the ideal option for all occasions simply does not exist. With proper care and operation, as well as subject to proper execution and installation, even inexpensive plastic blinds can perform their functions for a long time and faithfully.

In case of careless handling, even the protective roller shutters will start to fail over time and fail.

Positive sides

  • Saving space, which is always and everywhere in short supply. Blinds on the windows practically do not take up space, do not interfere with opening / closing windows, the arrangement of potted flowers and other items.
  • Light protection- the direct "duty" of window blinds, which they cope with perfectly, regardless of the material made, color and texture. By adjusting the angle of inclination of the slats, you can partially darken the room or leave the same lighting, but without bright sunlight.
  • Versatility: have not yet come up with such a window on which the installation of blinds would be impossible. Skylights are easily equipped with these handy fixtures, the ability to mount blinds in the window frame will make them comfortable to use for tilted windows. Additional equipment with electric drive and remote control will make the daily task of lighting control easy and quick.
  • Ornamental value the blinds are not quite appreciated, the most attractive in this regard will be photo blinds and the so-called multifactual - a combination of lamellas of different texture and color, creating an absolutely unforgettable spectacle.
  • Durability this design achieves the guaranteed service life of the plastic window. There were cases of irreparable damage to the blinds, but for this it is necessary to specially "try" and make considerable efforts.
  • Easy to clean... Maintenance of the structure does not cause problems: metal blinds are washed with a sponge along with the windows, wooden blinds are enough to wipe with a damp cloth, and for fabric blinds, regular dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner will be ideal.

The advantages of such structures are mass, but there are also a number of inconveniences during use.

Negative sides

  • Metal blinds can heat up in the sun, while wooden blinds can lose their original color, so they are not placed in places that are too illuminated.
  • Manufacturers of plastic blinds sometimes sin with poor quality PVC material, so always ask for a product certificate.
  • The disadvantages of wood and can be considered a relatively high cost, which is not always justified.
  • The use of wooden blinds is undesirable in bathrooms and kitchens. Despite the declared characteristics, over time, the appearance will deteriorate significantly. Plastic varieties are also very susceptible to temperature effects, up to deformation and destruction.

Recently, blinds have a serious competitor - roller blinds. What it is and what are the advantages and disadvantages of using such mechanisms, we will consider further.

What are roller blinds?

Roller blinds, by and large, are a fabric type of blinds, but without separate strips, lamellas, but with a continuous canvas. With their diversity, these devices have long ago carved out a separate niche for themselves in the window decor segment. The lifting / lowering mechanism is a bit similar to the traditional one and assumes the possibility of rigid attachment to the window frame, it can be equipped with an automatic "for the lazy". The exception is that the curtain is, as it were, wound up on a special shaft, which can be additionally closed with a decorative protective box.

The difference, in addition to the obvious - the material used, will be a large degree of decoration of the premises, as well as the characteristic features of care and operation.


Here, just like in a fairy tale: not to say with words, and so on. It is best to choose roller blinds visually from the catalog. One can only envy and be surprised at the variety of colors and textures of the fabric: they seem to have appeared with us not so long ago, but they have already invented so many things.

If we set aside the problem of color solutions (all the same, after all, everyone has individual preferences), then the easiest way to choose roller blinds is to start with the design itself.

Types of roller blind designs:

It will be useful to learn about the advantages and possible disadvantages of using these types of window shades.


  • Ease of operation and ease of maintenance deservedly make this type of window decoration a modern analogue of all traditional types of window decoration, including balcony windows.
  • Now it is possible to purchase "mirror" curtains, the surface of which is capable of reflecting the sun's rays thanks to special impregnations. So you can significantly save on air conditioning, not to mention the safety of using this method.
  • Possibility to fix the curtain opening at any level.
  • Can be used in combination with traditional tulle and curtains without sacrificing stylistic focus.
  • If desired, any drawing or photograph is applied to the fabric.
  • Special impregnations will give the curtains improved characteristics, up to the possibility of wet cleaning.

Of course, nothing is perfect and roller blinds are no exception.


  • There is no way to adjust the lighting, as is the case with conventional blinds. Also, to completely darken the room, it is better to find another option.
  • Not everyone likes the simplicity of this interior design option. Here, of course, it's up to you to decide, but at least such curtains fit well into modern design.
  • The quality of the fittings and the fabric itself does not always instill confidence in the durability of the structure. Everything will depend on the manufacturer, so before buying it is better to find out more about such devices, see them in action and only then choose the right one.
  • Many are discouraged by the need for careful maintenance of the curtain surface, the impossibility of wet cleaning and the dubious durability of this option. In this case, one should not forget about the much more painstaking and problematic care of traditional curtains and tulle, the service life of which is in no way comparable to the roller options.

It will be a little difficult to choose an unambiguous design project for the design of a window opening, because, first of all, everything depends on the individual preferences and financial capabilities of everyone. If everything can be solved faster with the cost by choosing the option that is optimal for the price, then individual preferences are a purely personal matter for everyone.

You can also expand the "search area" to include there another quite worthy "candidate": a Roman blind:

Roman blinds: pros and cons

The principle of operation of Roman blinds is similar to roller blinds, with the exception that the Roman version does not roll up onto the shaft at the top, but is simply draped with aesthetically pleasing folds.

The emergence of this method of window decoration is lost over the centuries, in the most common information, they first appeared in Ancient Rome (hence the name). But widespread in the present, the Roman blind is obliged to Sweden, where they revived the ancient Roman method, making some improvements.

On the video - a selection of photos of Roman curtains:

The advantages of using Roman blinds include:

  • exceptional simplicity of design, which you can make yourself;
  • light weight and the ability to install on a window of minimal dimensions;
  • the ability to choose from a variety of fabric colors;
  • special impregnations of fabrics give additional functions and increase durability;
  • the ability to wash curtains with heavy dirt.

Cons of Roman blinds:

  • exclusively manual control;
  • the inability to move the curtain back for a quick "peeking out", it is necessary to raise / lower the entire canvas.

Having analyzed the range of available stores and familiarized yourself with the latest in interior fashion, you can safely purchase your favorite window decor option!

Light-shielding elements play an important role in the design of the room. Curtains should match the style and design of the room, be easy to use and maintain. Today, the most popular are Roman and roller blinds. Let's take a closer look at these types of curtains, find out how they differ from each other. And we will try to answer the question of what to give preference to.

Roman blinds, what is it

Initially, Roman blinds were rectangular curtains with rings into which a ribbon was stretched. With the help of a tape, the curtains were adjusted in length. Today this model is one of the most stylish and original options for curtains. The curtain rod of Roman blinds can be fixed in a doorway, ceiling or wall.

Modern Roman blinds consist of a rectangular panel, rods, curtains, weights. Let's take a closer look at each component.

  • Drawstrings of Roman blinds are horizontal pockets on the inside. The rods of Roman blinds are rigid or semi-rigid, they are inserted into the drawstring. Another component of the curtains are weights, which are used to tension the panel.

  • To ensure comfortable opening and closing of curtains, the product contains a special mechanism that is attached to the cornice. There are two options for mechanisms. The first option is to open and close curtains with cords. This mechanism is durable and can be easily repaired. The only drawback of this mechanism is the limitation on the weight of the fabric. The essence of the second version of the mechanism is to use a special chain. This method is more convenient than the first and is suitable for curtains no more than 4 meters.

As a result of the action of any of the mechanisms, the fabric goes down and flattens, protecting the room from the sun. When the curtains are lifted, horizontal sagging folds appear. These curtains create a calm atmosphere, thanks to this, they are most often installed in the recreation room. In addition to the horizontal version of the curtains, there is a cascade version. In the unfolded state, the curtains are covered with horizontal folds, they are installed mainly in living rooms or ceremonial rooms.

Differences between roller blinds and Roman

Buyers often think that roller blinds and roman blinds are one and the same. However, they are wrong. There are many differences between these curtains. The main difference lies in the mechanism of the curtains. Roller blinds, unlike Roman blinds, are wound on a shaft and completely hidden in a box (Roman blinds are visible above the cornice). Roller blinds are made from dust-repellent materials, while Roman blinds are made from ordinary textiles. Thanks to the special fabric, roller blinds do not require any special maintenance. Another difference between roller blinds is the price. Roman shades are much more expensive due to their controls and cornice.

What curtains to choose

Speaking about the choice of curtains, you need to take into account the specifics of the interior, as well as the preferences of the buyer. If you need to achieve maximum sun protection, then you need to choose roller blinds. Also, roller blinds are good because they do not need special care. Another argument in favor of choosing roller blinds is the versatility of use. They can be used as a single piece, or together with other curtains or curtains.

Roman blinds have a large selection of canvases. They can be combined with all types of interiors without additional elements. Many people refuse Roman blinds because of the dust that gets clogged between the folds of the curtains, but this problem can be solved with the help of a special impregnation.

I have listed the main reasons for buying Roman and roller blinds. Roller blinds have many advantages, but roman blinds are also good for their task. Therefore, the final decision on the choice of curtains remains with the buyer. By choosing any curtains, he will receive beautiful, original and fulfilling their functions curtains. In the selection process, rely not only on technical and decorative characteristics, listen to your inner voice, what you want and expect from the curtains. Any type of curtains presented will perfectly complement the interior of the house, therefore, by choosing one of the options, you become the owner of the best curtains to date.

Many people dream that the windows in their apartments or houses evoke associations with the palaces of great empires. Custom-made roman blinds will help you make such dreams come true. All you need is to choose the palette, width and design of these room decoration elements.

Features of the design of Roman blinds

Before ordering Roman blinds, you need to study their features and advantages. Such decoration elements look like vertical stripes of fabrics, which, when unfolded, completely close the windows and protect the room from the sun's rays. When lifted, they form beautiful horizontal folds that are fixed at the top of the window frames. Thanks to this, these curtains, when fully folded, take up little space.

On the other hand, there are special rods with rings through which the cords are threaded, and at the bottom of the canvas there is a weighting rail. This design provides good tension, the formation of uniform waves when folded. You can buy Roman blinds with a special chain or a control panel, with the help of which their lifting level is regulated. Such curtains are attached to special cornices with a lifting mechanism.

Based on the design style, the curtains from Rome are single-strip (a separate canvas for each window) or multi-strip (from several fabric cuts). The fabrics from which such curtains are made must have sufficient density and rigidity so that they do not sag, holding the fabric in large folds.

If you want to buy cheap roman blinds, you need to decide on their light transmission. There are sheer, translucent, opaque and completely opaque curtains.

Varieties of Roman blinds

The price of custom-made Roman blinds depends on their purpose. So, these window curtains are intended:

  • For kitchen. This type of curtain is an excellent solution for decorating the kitchen area. Soft horizontal pleats provide an elegant look. Curtains of various colors, patterns, light transmission are ideal for dining areas. The fabrics from which the Roman blinds are made have unique dust and moisture repellent properties, which is very important for the kitchen. Thanks to their excellent sun protection, these curtains are not only elegant but also practical.
  • For the living room. Blinds from Rome are a very popular element of decorating windows in the living room. A huge variety of models will help you choose the best option for a specific interior style. In the living room, these curtains serve as a blackout.
  • For the bedroom. Homeowners always want to create a cozy atmosphere in the bedroom so that the rest is as relaxing as possible. Textiles play an important role in the design of the bedroom. Bedroom curtains should provide a sense of harmony and also protect the room from light. Therefore, Roman blinds are the best option for the bedroom.
  • For the nursery. The mood and style of the rooms for boys and girls differ significantly. Due to the huge variety of models, Roman blinds will be an excellent solution for decorating windows in nurseries.

Buying Roman blinds in Moscow

It is possible to buy inexpensive Roman blinds at the Blinds Online company. Here is a wide range of these textiles, which differ in design, style, materials of manufacture.

Making repairs in an apartment, many people are faced with a very serious problem in the design of windows. In modern interiors, traditional tulles, lambrequins and curtains do not always blend appropriately and harmoniously. And, given that most of today's apartments are not spacious, it’s not really that you want to give extra centimeters to the volumetric elements of the decor. Fortunately, you always have the option of using roller blinds or roman blinds. But before you buy this or that device, you need to thoroughly understand the mechanism of their action, mounting methods, advantages and disadvantages. Only a balanced decision will help you achieve the best result.

The main differences between roller and Roman blinds

As strange as it may be, many buyers still confuse the Roman and. Yes, there are similarities between them, this is the same installation method (on the ceiling, window frame or opening) and the general scope (bedroom, kitchen, nursery, study or office) and a long period of operation. But, despite the listed features, there are a number of differences between Roman and roller blinds.

Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Visual features. When unfolded, both Roman and roller blinds completely cover the window. The first ones, when lifted, form elegant folds, by the way, they were invented in the days of the Roman Empire, from which the name came. The second ones go into the cornice, completely opening up the space.
  • Structural differences. The control of these elements of window decoration is carried out using a chain mechanism or automation. Roller blinds are gradually wound on the shaft and completely hidden in the box, while Roman blinds are only attached to the cornice. For control, special inserts are placed in the curtain itself, which contribute to uniform drapery.
  • Fabrics. Most often, Roman shades are made from ordinary textiles, sometimes fabrics treated with special agents against fading and dirt are used. By the way, they can be washed. As for roller blinds, their fabrics have a special dust-repellent impregnation, therefore they do not require additional maintenance. And it will be somewhat problematic to detach the fabric from the box and, if desired, wash it.
  • Price category. A more budget option is roller blinds. The design of Roman blinds implies the presence of a special cornice and several controls, so it costs more.

So what should you choose?

Summing up, it is worth noting that the decision on curtains for each specific interior depends on the personal preferences of the buyer. In terms of sun protection, ease of use and ease of maintenance, roller blinds are in the lead. The range of fabrics for them currently exceeds more than 700 types, this does not include models with photo printing. Roller blinds can act as a single element of decor, as well as in a composition with curtains or curtains.

Considering the option with Roman shades, no one doubts their beauty and elegance. The choice of canvases for these products is also unlimited. perfectly in harmony with any interior, look complete even without tulles and curtains. But, nevertheless, dust often accumulates on the folds that form during lifting, so from time to time they need care. Although, by purchasing fabric with a special impregnation, this problem can be avoided.

Whichever version of curtains you would prefer, the products of the Sunny-Store online store are always the right choice!

The modern designs of Roman and roller blinds known to us today have appeared since the middle of the twentieth century, but similar devices were used by people from different countries many centuries ago. Their simple functionality and beautiful appearance are winning more and more hearts of consumers in exchange for classic woven curtains.

Roman curtain

The curtain in human life has gone through a long evolution, having undergone many design metamorphoses, but its main purpose does not change

Main characteristics

Roman curtains are a cornice on which a cloth of even fabric is attached, horizontally pierced with control rods, with the help of which folds characteristic of the blinds in question are formed. A special weighting agent at the bottom of the curtain secures its shape. The fabric is adjusted using a chain or cord mechanism: by raising the curtain from the bottom up, which creates neat and strict folds. As with all fabric blinds, in Roman blinds, you can also fix the desired level of lighting from the window.

The curtain can be attached to the window sash or to the entire opening

Types of Roman Curtains

Depending on the peculiarities of opening folds when manipulating the fabric, the blinds in question are divided into cascading and classic.

Classic model

In this modification, the characteristic horizontal folds are formed only during the lifting of the tissue. When the roll is lowered, it looks like a flat canvas. The laconic look and at the same time the sophistication provided by the patterned patterns will organically suit any type of interior and any size of the room.

An example of a classic model

Cascade model

The characteristic folds remain, even when the fabric is completely lowered, forming a kind of "cascades" of drapery. Looks good in interiors designed in the style of art deco, country or classics.

The photo clearly shows us a cascade model in the interior.

Where is it better to apply

If you want to create a twilight atmosphere in the room, choose curtains made of dense fabric, which will provide a high degree of light isolation; for a bright interior, blinds made of thin material are better suited.

Also, you should take into account the ratio of texture and color to the target belonging of the rooms.

In the living room

The living room can be decorated with a Roman curtain due to the organic "supply" of light. For example, if you attach several different models of woven blinds one after the other. Closer to the glass, hang a dense curtain of a saturated shade, and in front of it - a model made of thin fabric with light tones (which will add "airiness" to the surrounding space).

In the bedroom

An appropriately chosen style of bedroom curtains can be a highlight in the design of your home.

For an intimate and cozy atmosphere, choose thick fabric Roman curtains in pastel and dark colors

If, however, you want to add lightness to the atmosphere, hang blinds made of thin fabric with light shades - soft light from the very morning will be provided to you

On the kitchen

For the kitchen, models are chosen from a water-repellent material, or fabrics with special. impregnation, which will protect the curtain from pollution. Given today's demand, Roman blinds are chosen precisely for kitchens, because fabrics from this type of curtain are easy to clean (just vacuum it, or wipe it with the soft side of a sponge, the main thing is not to use hard devices for cleaning).

Also, special impregnation ensures minimal absorption of odors, water and grease.

Roller blinds

Also known as fabric roller blinds. It is generally accepted that the first blinds appeared in the Arab Caliphate (medieval Muslim empire), when families were dominated by the "seclusion of women" and jealous men did not want their wives to become the object of prying eyes from the street. These first products were made of wood and coarse linen with plant painting. There was no adjustment mechanism in them, and the main function was to make it impossible to inspect the house from the outside.

A more or less modern look, roller curtains were acquired in the 18th century at factories in Britain, where the fabric for the curtains was bleached, dyed, starched and rolled with wooden shafts to shape. The processing process then took an average of 10 days.

Today, conveyor production allows the production of dozens of curtains per day. Modern blinds are of two types: "closed" and "open".

"Closed" type of roller blind

The closed roller blind system is suitable for windows where the glazing bead depth exceeds 15 mm. In a closed system, the upper shaft with a curtain is covered with a special aluminum box. U-shaped strips are attached along the sides of the window, which provide a strict vector of movement of the roll without bevels and deviations. Due to the possibility of installing a "closed" system on a window opening, this type of roller blinds successfully harmonizes with the interior of both large and small rooms.

An example of a "closed" design of roller blinds

The "closed" roller shutter system includes the "Uni" and "Profile" subsystems. The principal difference between them, as a rule, is only that the "Profile" is mounted at a distance from the glass, thereby taking up a little more space, visually making the window more convex.

"Open" type roller blinds

A more simplified and cheaper model of roller blinds. The shaft with the fabric is not wound here, as in a "closed" system, but is rolled up. Instead of U-shaped guides, in this type there are parallel strings that press the curtain against the sashes. Installation of the "open" system is carried out without mechanical intervention, which ensures the integrity of the frame.

Typical design of "open" roller blinds

The "open" type of roller blinds belongs to the subtype "Mini", which is suitable for windows with a glazing bead depth of less than 15 mm. In "Mini" there are no boxes and guides, so the roll, even in the folded state, remains open to the space (unlike the roller blinds of the subtype "Uni" and "Profile", where the fabric is rolled into a closed box), in fact, from which the name of the type itself comes - "open".

The "open" type cannot provide significant light isolation, because parallel strings have been beveling the fabric from time to time, and sunlight will penetrate through the cracks formed.

Designer modifications for roller blinds

In addition to the classic versions of fabric roller blinds, in recent years, their original varieties have begun to appear. The most popular of these are photo-printed curtains and day / night curtains.

Blinds with photo printing

Some manufacturers make curtains with already printed images, but if you have any personal preferences, you can also make an exclusive order.

The principle of making such a modification is as follows. The image is applied to the roller blind using ultraviolet printing. Such production is environmentally friendly and harmless, and also ensures the durability of the pattern, its resistance to heat and sunlight.

Even if the windows overlook the neighboring house, with photo-printed curtains you have the best panorama

Manufacturers who are engaged in photo printing on curtains can provide you with a ready-made catalog or embody the image you have proposed on the fabric: various themes of seascapes for curtains in the bathroom; colorful panoramas of cities, nature, family photos in the bedroom or living room; favorite cartoon characters of your children for curtains in the nursery.

Roller blind "day-night"

The uniqueness of this type of design allows you to regulate a uniform flow of light into the room without any effort or additional hassle. The "day-night" roller blind is well suited for those who adhere to the daytime sleep schedule.

A special fabric that alternates between transparent stripes and dark stripes can provide almost 100% light isolation

Choice of colors

Depending on the location in the parts of the world

Where the windows face north, design experts advise attaching curtains in light and warm colors (pink, cream, gold, yellow), which will contribute to a sunny, warm environment.

In rooms where windows face south or south-west - the sun's rays linger in the room for a long time, heating it, therefore, in such places it is advised to use "cold colors" - blue, green, blue, gray (and their possible combinations).

You can also choose the color of the curtains, focusing on the period of time during which the sun illuminates the room the most. So if sunlight prevails in the morning - it is appropriate to choose the color of the curtain with cold shades, and if there are more sun rays in the evening - correspondingly warm shades.

Depending on the interior

Playing on the contrasts of objects in the room and the colors of the curtains, you can focus on the window opening or, conversely, on interior items.

Experts advise not to select the blinds to match the wallpaper, as this can lead to the effect of merging the wall and the wall, which will make the interior too simple and formal. It is desirable that the curtains be darker or lighter in relation to the color of the walls.

The texture of the fabric (dullness, hardness, softness, shine) for a roller blind, with a successful combination, can emphasize your upholstered furniture in the room - pillows, sofas, armchairs, adding contrasts to the entire room.

The successful combination of the texture of the curtain with the surrounding furniture and other interior elements creates subtle "notes" of sophistication

As for woven blinds with photo printing, then one should take into account the attitude of the theme and color scale to the interior features. So, large patterns look bad in small rooms, on small windows.

Also, if you have a small room, it is not recommended to create an abundant color contrast in it. Designers advise to decide on one main color, under which the rest of the interior items can be in harmony.