Roman blinds for the kitchen: tips for choosing with a photo. Roman curtains: design in the interior of the kitchen, photo Roman curtain in the kitchen unusual ideas

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Various accessories, including textiles, help complete the design of the room. At the same time, in the kitchen it is important to choose them not only beautiful, fitting into the interior, but also they must correspond to the functional purpose.

This task is within the power of Roman blinds, which guarantee practicality and fit any design solution. It is about this excellent accessory for the kitchen that will be discussed in the article.

Pros of Roman blinds for the kitchen

Roman blinds are a fabric fabric that folds when raised. You can raise them with the help of rails that are sewn on the back. In their design and convenience, they resemble blinds, while their beautiful outline is in no way inferior to curtains.

So, the advantages of Roman blinds include the following:

  • Beautiful appearance. Such curtains will transform any interior, add coziness, complement the style of the room with an exquisite pattern or pattern. The main thing is to choose the right material;
  • Practicality. They are compact, do not take up much space, as they are adjacent to the window. In addition, thanks to the weighting agents, they do not scatter;
  • Ease of light control. This is possible due to the ease of changing the length of the web using a special chain;
  • Perfectly combined with curtains. This is true for space zoning, especially in studio apartments;
  • Do not overload the interior. For small kitchens, this is especially important. Since Roman blinds are laconic, do not have a lush assembly, repeat the size of the window, then in a small room it looks more comfortable than large draperies and heavy curtains;
  • Versatility. You can choose the right option for any style, using a certain texture and color;
  • Ease of maintenance. It is enough to occasionally vacuum or wipe with a damp cloth. If the pollution is strong, they can be removed and washed;
  • Possibility to make your own. The presence of fabric, fasteners and weights in a couple of hours will allow you to sew Roman blinds with your own hands. There is nothing difficult in this.

Such curtains are positive from all sides. Small disadvantages can only be highlighted by the fact that they cannot be pushed aside, and to open the window you will need to fully raise them. However, such disadvantages are insignificant compared to all the positive aspects.

What are Roman blinds

Even in ancient Rome, Roman curtains were invented, which were made from a dense canvas, folded into large folds. They were used by wealthy citizens to protect them from the scorching rays of the sun and dust. And to this day, such a design is widely popular and in demand. At the same time, a variety of options appeared.

Classic variant

Such curtains are perfectly even when unfolded. When the cord is pulled, the canvas rises, forming an accordion, the waves of which overlap each other. The folds are also perfectly even due to the presence of horizontal slats, which give rigidity to the structure.

Cascading structures

These are a kind of fabric blinds, which are folded according to the same principle as the classic designs. At the same time, there is a significant difference, which consists in the fact that even in the lowered position, folds remain, and the canvas does not straighten out completely.

Frameless roman blinds

If the previous structures are given rigidity, then in this version it is absent, and the ribs are not used. By pulling the cord, the canvas is collected in the center or tucked up on the sides.

What material to choose for the kitchen

The atmosphere and interior in the kitchen should be conducive to comfort, as the whole family gathers here for a meal. However, it must be remembered that in that place the preparation of this food is carried out, which means that there are various smells, steam, smoke, splashes of grease and water are possible.

In this regard, the practicality of Roman blinds is important. They must repel dirt, moisture, so it is recommended to choose a material with impregnation. In addition, the fabric must be resistant to sunlight.

Advice! To prevent the curtains from fading, you can use a lining. As for the impregnated material, it is unacceptable to wash it, but only dry cleaning is possible.

The types of material used are as follows:

  • Synthetic: rayon, acrylic, polyester. Such material is very light, does not wrinkle and does not accumulate dust. Their main disadvantage is the deformation under the influence of high temperatures;
  • Combined: organza, taffeta. This is a combination of synthetic fabrics and natural. Outwardly, such a material is similar to natural fibers, while its properties are similar to synthetic ones;
  • Wooden. Woven bamboo is used, which is practical and beautiful, in addition, environmentally friendly;
  • Natural: cotton, linen, silk. Such fabrics quickly wear out and fade in the sun. At the same time they are soft, pleasant to the touch and very beautiful.

Color and pattern

Textile design does not have any strict rules, however, some decisions are better to follow.

Curtains to match the color scheme of the walls or furniture. This solution allows you to give the interior integrity and harmony. The combination of curtains in color with walls visually expands the space, so it is relevant for small kitchens.

invoice combination. It is not necessary to select the same tone. Curtains can be suitable for the texture of the furniture, or have the same pattern.

Increasing the volume of the room. This effect can be achieved due to a plain light fabric.

A great way to expand the space is to use white. However, it is better to combine it with other tones, otherwise the room will be deprived of comfort, and it will look sterile and monotonous. Therefore, if the main range of colors in the interior is white, then it is better to choose curtains in coffee, beige, pink or another color.

If the kitchen has wallpaper with a pattern or a bright color, then the curtains are mostly used in plain colors. Dark colors are suitable only for large rooms, otherwise the space, on the contrary, will be reduced.

Subtleties of choice

Every detail in the kitchen matters, including curtains. Therefore, the choice must be approached responsibly. This also applies to the choice of curtains, especially since you can always choose the density and texture of the fabric yourself.

For the kitchen, first of all, practicality is important, so the curtains must be wear-resistant, not fade under the influence of sunlight and not be deformed. In this regard, it is better to choose synthetic materials that meet these criteria.

The density of the canvas should be selected based on the illumination of the room. If this is the sunny side, then a dense fabric is more acceptable, which will not allow the radiant sun to penetrate. On the contrary, if the kitchen is located on the south side, it is better to choose a translucent material to save light.

How to install roman blinds in the kitchen

Before buying Roman blinds, it is important to measure them correctly, and for this you need to decide on the option of attaching them. Perhaps this is in two ways: with the help of a mini-cornice and a standard cornice.

When using a mini-cornice, the canvas is located close to the window. In this case, space is saved, and the window sill can be used as a work surface. This option is also suitable if you plan to use other curtains in the interior.

The standard size of the cornice is set at the level of the wall, due to which the space looks holistic. Such a mount is convenient when it is often torn off for ventilation.

Advice! The cornice may not be used at all. To save money, use double-sided adhesive tape. One part of it is molded over the window, and the second on the curtain itself. However, it is not very convenient to use it.


The most practical option for window curtains are Roman blinds. Accordingly, they are unpretentious in care. At the same time, models created for the kitchen are on the market, namely, they are treated with a special dirt-repellent impregnation, so they remain clean for a long time.

At the same time, in order to extend the life of the curtains, and they looked attractive, it is worth following certain rules:

  • In the absence of strong contamination, it is enough to clean the canvas with a regular brush by performing a dry cleaning;
  • If there is heavy soiling, then vacuuming using a furniture nozzle may be sufficient;
  • When cleaning the kitchen, it is recommended to fully understand the curtains. This will avoid the ingress of dust and dirt;
  • If the curtains are not impregnated, then they are usually washed 1-2 times a year. In this case, the manufacturer's recommendations should be followed. The main thing is to pull out the slats installed on the canvas from the wrong side.

Nuances when using a particular style

Each style has its own interior features. This also applies to Roman blinds, which can have a different color, material, pattern.

In minimalism, the fabric should be monochromatic using neutral or pastel colors. It can be beige, sand, black, white, cream. The pattern is allowed only in the form of strict stripes. Modern welcomes natural soft colors with the use of abstract patterns in a contrasting color.

When choosing a Scandinavian style, a light, thin fabric is required, preferably plain. In Provence, light translucent materials with floral prints should be used. Retro means a striped, checkered or small flowered pattern.

Combination with ordinary curtains

The self-sufficiency of Roman blinds as an accessory for windows is quite predictable due to their functionality. However, it is possible to supplement them with other types of curtains if the interior looks too boring.

In this case, lambrequins or airy curtains will look best. They can be solid or sliding. Lush draperies, heavy curtains in this case will not work. They will only overload the overall interior of the room. This option is valid for living rooms, such as a bedroom or living room.

Thus, Roman blinds are an excellent replacement for long-bored curtains and curtains. They not only bring originality to the design of the kitchen, but also are practical elements that are much more compact than other options, and are also much easier to clean. Therefore, such a solution will always be advantageous and will give freshness to the old kitchen interior.

Roman curtains for the kitchen real photo

The kitchen is a sacred place for every housewife. To make cooking enjoyable for the chef, it is necessary to furnish the room with the right pieces of furniture and accessories. An important detail of the interior is the drapery of the window. Curtains in the kitchen are usually selected in a small size so as not to stain products with stains of grease, sauce or soot. Someone prefers light tulle, and someone likes cafe-curtains that create a romantic French atmosphere.

The fashion trends of 2017 are the practicality and conciseness of curtains in the interior. These features are characteristic of Roman curtains, which are becoming more and more popular not only in kitchen design, but also in the design of other living rooms.

Many have heard about these curtains, but still do not know what this type of curtain looks like. Roman curtains are a rectangular fabric, divided into equal sections with the help of drawstrings with rigid rods made of metal, wood or plastic threaded through them. Rings are sewn to the edges of the folds, through which a rope or tape is threaded, raising and lowering the curtain. At the bottom of the canvas is a plastic strip, fixed on hinges or inserted into the tucked edge of the fabric. It is a curtain weight. Some models can be mounted from the sides in the rails.

The design of lifting curtains has not changed much since the time of the Roman Empire. The folding system was first used in the homes of wealthy citizens, where it protected the premises from the scorching sun and dust. Later, this mechanism was taken as the basis for the manufacture of canopies of the Colosseum and sails for the ships of the imperial fleet. To date, only the appearance of the curtains has undergone changes: with a wide range of materials and shades, numerous varieties of beautiful Roman blinds.

Among the main advantages of lifting curtains, the following should be noted:

  • Versatility: suitable for any room.
  • Practicality: easy to adjust and do not take up extra space.
  • Easy operation and maintenance of the material.
  • Convenient fixation at any height.
  • Variety in design.
  • Affordable price.
  • Possibility to make your own.

Types of Roman curtains, difference from rolled and Greek curtains

Roman curtains are made from a variety of materials. Each type of fabric brings its own touch of charm to the interior. Curtains are usually made from cotton., linen or synthetics. Sometimes a combination of several types of fabrics is used.

Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. Natural fabrics are environmentally friendly and can be used in any room, even in a nursery. And synthetic canvases practically do not accumulate dust.

According to the type of design, Roman blinds are divided into:

There are also frameless Roman curtains., in which there are no rigid strips. When the cord or ribbon is pulled, the fabric gathers in the middle or tucks in at the sides.

Roman models are also distinguished by the type of lifting mechanism:

  • Rope lifting. It is the simplest system that lifts the fabric web. Instead of a rope, a cord can be used, threaded through rings or straps. This method of adjusting curtains is used to create Roman curtains with your own hands.
  • Rotor chain. The system uses the principle of blinds: with the tension of the chain, the rotor blocks and the rotary shaft are actuated.
  • Electronic. The latest electric drive control system allows you to adjust the rise and fall of the curtains using a remote control. The price is affected by the model and power of the electric motor.

Roman curtains are often confused with roller blinds., since both models resemble the blinds we are used to. There are significant differences between them. Roman blinds are folded when raised, and roller blinds are hidden in a special box. Roman models have more special inserts than roll models and are easier to adjust.

Greek curtains differ from Roman curtains in the way they are assembled: the curtains are folded to the side, like blinds. Greek models can be of different patterns, but usually traditional Greek or Egyptian ornament is used for decoration.

How to choose curtains for the kitchen

Every housewife wants to feel comfortable at home. henna, which should be beautiful, cozy and light. Roman curtains will help create these conditions. It is in the kitchen that compact folding models look best.

Standard sizes of curtains are suitable for small window openings, but you can find the right size of Roman blinds for the kitchen and with large windows. For very wide windows, it is possible to combine two or even three canvases.

When choosing curtains for the kitchen room the following rules must be followed:

  • The material should be easy to clean, as the curtains can become dirty during the cooking process.
  • The canvas should protect from bright sunlight from the south side and let in enough light from the north.
  • The material must be highly resistant to temperature extremes.
  • Curtains should be practical and easy to adjust.

In order not to have to wash products often, you can choose models coated with solutions that protect against dust and grease. To solve kitchen lighting problems you need to choose the right materials. Depending on the degree of light transmission into the room, textiles are divided into the following types:

Can't be overlooked fabric characteristics such as the ability to absorb odors and stains of grease, dust accumulation, as well as ease of care. Antistatic and waterproof impregnations help to avoid fungal formations, accumulation of dust and soot in the folds of the canvas. With such curtains, you need to know that only dry cleaning is used for them.

Most often, synthetic materials are used for the manufacture of Roman curtains, for which completely artificial fibers are used. To form beautiful even folds on the curtains, an airy and at the same time hard organza with silk and viscose additives is chosen. Other translucent materials are veil, tulle and chiffon. Dense curtains can be obtained using jacquard, crepe or flock.

For those who prefer natural materials, we can offer Roman models made of satin, linen, satin or silk, which are pleasant to the touch, look noble and are considered environmentally friendly. Among the budget options, you can choose printed chintz and cotton products. But not everyone chooses natural fabrics for the kitchen: materials have a high degree of wrinkling and are prone to fading from ultraviolet radiation. It is not recommended to use Roman blinds in white shades, which after some time turn yellow or gray from external influences. But materials that are attractive in appearance do not accumulate static electricity and do not cause allergies.

A wide range of lifting curtains allows you to choose the right model for any style of kitchen design. Curtains can be decorated with ornamental patterns and various decorative elements.

For hi-tech or minimalist rooms, accent options in a dark or rich color without decor will look perfect. Basically, monochrome models are chosen for such areas.

For kitchen-dining rooms, decorated in old styles, curtains are selected from satin, silk or a combination of several fabrics using lush frills, tassels or fringes. And with luxurious curtains and an original lambrequin, you can achieve a revival of a deliberately simple design.

For modern classic rooms, you can use a duet of floral lifting curtains with an airy translucent lambrequin.

Styles are getting more and more popular. with rustic motifs - Provence, country, rustic. The best solution would be curtains with a floral pattern; canvases with polka dots, stripes and a cage look good.

New for 2017 are Roman blinds decorated with nature-themed photo prints that look crisp, bright and believable.

Combination with ordinary curtains

Some designs of Roman blinds can be combined with curtains and pelmets.

If plain models look too simple, they can be supplemented with a short lambrequin or airy transparent curtains. There are curtains sliding and made with a solid canvas, which is removed to the side with the help of a pickup.

Sheer rims are often complemented with thick, flowing curtains in neutral hues if it is necessary to close the window due to the bright sun. A non-standard solution would be to use alternating transparent and dense canvases: when fully lowered, they look like open blinds.

Roman blinds always look advantageous against the background of other curtains for the kitchen. Variety in design, ease of use and low price make them a universal element for any interior.

Curtains are one of the functional elements of the decor of any room. They are able not only to elegantly decorate the window opening in accordance with the chosen style of the room, but also to hide from sunlight and prying eyes. When choosing curtains in the kitchen, it is necessary to consider not only their appearance, but also practicality. Roman blinds are the perfect choice. They are comfortable, simple and trendy. Designers recommend Roman blinds for the kitchen: they combine the convenience of blinds and the elegance of curtains.

Advantages and disadvantages

A Roman blind is a piece of fabric with special solid horizontal inserts placed at the same distance. In the open state, they are not visible, and when the curtain is raised, these inserts ensure that the canvas is collected in original folds. The upper part of the canvas is bent, an insert is inserted into it, which allows you to mount the curtain on the eaves. The lower part is equipped with a weighting agent that ensures the maintenance of the correct shape.

Beige Roman blinds near the working area of ​​​​the kitchen

The main advantages of Roman blinds:

To wash Roman blinds, you need to pull out the hard slats from them, and wash the fabric in a washing machine with shampoo or powder. To avoid stains on the fabric, rinse it thoroughly. The material is dried in a straightened form. It can be ironed when wet. If the product has embroidery, iron it from the inside out.

Roman curtains made of linen in the interior of the kitchen

Advice! If the curtains are not too dirty, it is enough to clean with a dry brush to remove dust from them, or with a vacuum cleaner using a special nozzle for furniture.

Light Roman blinds in the kitchen dining area

The disadvantages of Roman blinds include:

  • The inability to move the canvas to the side to look out into the street;
  • The need to fully lift the fabric to open the metal-plastic window to ventilate the room.

Roman light curtains for the kitchen

Nuances of choice

Before purchasing Roman blinds, you must:

  • Inside the window opening: the dimensions of the curtains should be a couple of centimeters smaller than the window;
  • In front of the window opening with the installation of the cornice to the ceiling or wall: the dimensions of the segment of the canvas should be 10-20 cm larger than the window.

Bamboo Roman blinds in the interior of the kitchen

Choose color and pattern:

  • To visually expand the space of small kitchens, it is recommended to choose light fabrics, plain or with a small, dim pattern, as in the photo;
  • Curtains in a vertical strip will visually raise the ceilings, and in a horizontal strip they will expand the space;
  • Large pattern is suitable for large rooms;
  • If the interior of the kitchen is decorated in pastel colors, Roman blinds can dilute it and become a bright "accent";
  • For a kitchen with large windows facing the south sunny side, you can choose a cold-colored product, for example, blue or green;
  • In a room with windows facing the northern part of the house, it is recommended to select material in warm colors: yellow, beige and others;
  • When choosing the colors of curtains, it is necessary to take into account the features of the chosen interior style.

Roman blinds with horizontal stripes in the kitchen

Choose the right material:

Roman blinds look elegant on narrow windows, but they also look beautiful on wide window openings. For them, a double or even triple canvas is used, which looks spectacular in the photo.

Thick Roman curtains in the interior of the kitchen


There are two types of Roman blinds:

  1. Classic. When closed, they form folds, and when open, they look like a smooth smooth canvas. Outwardly, they resemble rolls;
  2. Cascading. Unlike the classic version, even in the fully open state they have drapery. These curtains are often used in such interior styles as shabby chic, country and Provence.

Classic roman blinds

Advice! You can decorate Roman curtains with fringes, ruffles, embroidery and tassels, as in the photo.

Roman blinds with fringe

Construction types

When choosing curtains, attention should be paid to the method of controlling the structure. There are three types of mechanisms:

  1. Rope lifting. The simplest option, suitable for light transparent or translucent products. Rope is used instead of rails (slats). It allows you to easily and quickly raise and lower the fabric;
  2. Rotor-chain - a durable and reliable mechanism that can withstand the weight of dense and heavy materials. The mechanism consists of a chain acting on the rotor blocks. Such a system works on the same principle as blinds;
  3. Combined. This design can combine both rope and chain systems;
  4. On electronic control. You can adjust the length by pressing the buttons on the stationary unit or on the remote control. The quality and duration of the mechanism depends on the model. The cheapest options are offered by Chinese manufacturers. They serve for a short time.

Laconic interior of the kitchen-living room with Roman blinds

The choice of material for kitchen curtains

The kitchen is the place where the whole family gathers. The atmosphere of this room should be conducive to eating and pleasant conversation at the dining table. All elements of the interior should create comfort. At the same time, one should not forget that the kitchen is intended for cooking, so the presence of steam, smoke, various odors, splashes of water and grease is inevitable in it. Based on this, it is worth choosing the fabric of Roman blinds for the kitchen.

Light blue Roman curtains in the interior of the kitchen

Kitchen curtains should not quickly become dirty, it is easy to absorb odors. They should be easy to wash without dry cleaning.

Roman curtains in the interior of the kitchen

For tailoring Roman blinds use the following types of fabric:

  1. Synthetic: polyester, acrylic, rayon. They can have various properties: low weight, the ability not to wrinkle and not accumulate dust. Under the influence of high temperatures, synthetic fabric can be deformed.
  2. Combined. Contains natural and synthetic fibers. In appearance, such material is not inferior to natural fabrics, while it has the properties of a synthetic material: it does not require careful maintenance and is easy to wash. Organza or taffeta is usually taken as a synthetic material.
  3. Wooden. They are made from woven bamboo - an environmentally friendly, aesthetically attractive and practical material.

Bamboo roman blinds for kitchen windows

As well as natural, which include:

  • Linen is a natural, pleasant to the touch material that quickly fades in the sun and loses its attractive appearance from frequent washing;
  • Cotton is a natural, environmentally friendly, soft material that is resistant to high temperatures and chemicals, it can be used to create beautiful printed designs; this material is easily wrinkled, turns yellow under the influence of sunlight and shrinks after washing;
  • Silk is a beautiful, thin, flowing, elegant fabric; wears out quickly, is sensitive to sunlight.

Pink roman blinds made from natural fabrics

The photo below shows elegant Roman blinds in the interior of a modern kitchen.

Advice! The problem of fading of natural fabric under the influence of direct sunlight can be solved with the help of a lining.

Thick lined roman blinds

Roman blinds in different interior styles

Roman curtains in the interior of different styles look different. They may differ in material, pattern and color:

  1. Retro. The fabric should be soft with a pattern in a box, stripe or flower. You can see such an interior in the photo;
  2. Modern. The product should be a soft natural color with a contrasting abstract pattern;
  3. Provence. When decorating windows in this rustic style, you should give preference to light translucent materials with a cheerful floral pattern;
  4. Scandinavian style. The fabric should be thin, light, and preferably white, solid color;
  5. Minimalism. The canvas should be solid pastel or neutral colors: beige, cream, sand, white, black. There may be a pattern in a strict strip.

Roman blinds in the interior of a light classic kitchen

Roman blinds are the most suitable option for the kitchen. Due to their practicality, versatility and attractiveness, they will become a real decoration of kitchen design, regardless of the chosen interior style.

Photo gallery (52 photos)

Fabric accessories are the most important design elements, because they give the interior of any room of the house a truly homely feel and warmth. And although the kitchen is a room that is particularly demanding on the quality of materials, you can pick up a spectacular decoration for it. We will talk, of course, about curtains - stylish, comfortable and practical. Therefore, we will consider in detail the photos and ready-made collections of one of the best solutions for the kitchen - Roman blinds, the modern design of which has become especially relevant in interior design in 2017.

Roll-up curtains do a great job of protecting the kitchen from excessive lighting and unwanted peeks from the outside. For a room with a large window or a balcony door, you can choose modern models with fastening on each leaf - this will make it much more convenient to ventilate the room. For small kitchens with a single-leaf window, you can use classic design Roman blinds, which are fixed at the top of the opening. In kitchens combined with a living room or dining room, it is appropriate to combine laconic lifting structures with curtains, pelmets or curtains.

Photocurtains with one-sided curtain

Decorating the kitchen-dining room with large windows

Photo example of window design with a balcony door

Two-tone curtains in a duet with Roman

Photo idea for a modern kitchen in the spirit of minimalism

Types of structures

Dense canvases, folded in large folds with tension lacing, were invented in ancient Rome. According to legend, it was these curtains used by wealthy citizens to bring a little coolness into the house, to protect themselves from the ubiquitous dust and the scorching rays of the southern sun. Subsequently, the folding structure was taken as the basis for the creation of sun canopies in the Colosseum and sails on the ships of the imperial fleet.

Today, the three most popular models of Roman blinds are:

  1. Classic - when pulling a cord or chain, an even fabric rises up, forming large waves of fabric that overlap each other. The rigidity of the structure is given by horizontal guide rails, thanks to which the folds have a perfectly even shape.

In the photo - a classic model with stiffeners

  1. Cascading - outwardly resembles fabric blinds. It is folded according to the same principle as the classic model, but the fabric, even when lowered, does not completely straighten out, leaving horizontal coattails.

Cascading models are ideal for large windows or bay windows

  1. Frameless - when sewing, stiffeners are not used, the fabric, when the cord is pulled, is simply assembled in the center or tucked up on the sides.

Frameless model with semicircular soft pleats

Among the novelties of 2017, you can find all three types of structures:

The models also differ in the type of lifting mechanism. The simplest system is lacing attached to rings or slats, with which the canvas is lifted by hand. It is this option that is most often chosen for sewing Roman curtains with your own hands. Ready-made shop curtains are equipped with a universal rotary-chain mechanism that works on the principle of blinds - the chain tension drives the rotary shaft and rotor blocks. Among the novelties of the year are modern designs with an electrically driven control system that lift the fabric at the touch of a button on a remote control or switch. Their cost depends on the model and power of the electric motor.

The simplest lifting mechanism - lacing and rings

A modern solution is an electric eaves for "Roman". The photo shows the main structural elements of the mechanism

On a note! Home needlewomen can buy a ready-made system with a cornice and a lifting chain in an accessories store, and then home-made fabric blinds will in no way be inferior to store-bought counterparts, however, their cost will increase.

How to choose the best option

To make it easier to choose textiles for Roman curtains in the kitchen, it is important to determine its density and ability to block the sun's rays. Usually, impenetrable textiles are chosen for windows facing east or south, but for rooms that cannot boast of an excess of light, transparent or translucent materials are chosen.

By light transmission, modern curtain textiles can be divided according to the following principle:

  • "Blackout" - completely darkens the room, without leaving the slightest loophole to the sun's rays. If we are talking only about the kitchen, it hardly makes sense to install such thick curtains here, but for rooms combined with a living room or bedroom, you might think.
  • "Dimout" - opaque fabrics through which no more than 30% of external light will penetrate into the kitchen. It is also a very dubious option for a non-residential room, but it can be a real salvation if the room is located on the south side or the windows overlook the avenue flooded with night lights.
  • "Day-night" - alternating transparent and impenetrable stripes allow you to adjust the lighting as you wish. They can be a good alternative to thick curtains if you like the specific color of the "zebra".

Modern day-night models will create a cozy twilight in the room

  • Translucent fabrics do not so much obscure as scatter sunlight. For the kitchen, it is considered the best option, which, if you want complete privacy, can be supplemented with a curtain.

Photo examples of designing a window opening in the kitchen with translucent Roman curtains:

Photo examples of the design of the window opening in the kitchen

Advice! If the kitchen is on the ground floor or its windows overlook a nearby neighboring house, you should choose opaque textiles, regardless of the degree of illumination of the room.

Material samples

The most important parameter for any kitchen draperies is practicality. And the design of Roman curtains fully meets this requirement, it remains to choose the right material that can carry hot steam without losing its appearance, does not absorb odors and is easy to clean. the formation of fungus and does not allow dust, soot to accumulate in the folds and penetrate deep into the fabric fibers.

Important! Curtains with impregnation cannot be washed in the usual way, only dry cleaning is recommended for them.

But there are other traditional and modern materials that have proven themselves well in a kitchen microclimate:

  • Synthetic - this can be textiles made entirely from man-made fibers (for example, polyester, acrylic or nylon) or fabrics with a mixed composition. The "golden mean" can be called curtains made of organza - an airy and at the same time rigid material based on polyester with the addition of silk or viscose, which perfectly forms even folds on Roman curtains. Other options for translucent textures are chiffon, tulle, veil. From dense canvases, you can look at jacquard, crepe, flock or georgette crepe.

In the photo - an organza curtain with a floral ornament

  • Natural fabrics - Roman blinds made of linen, silk, satin or satin are distinguished by noble elegance and guarantee a pleasant tactile sensation. Budget options for the interior of the kitchen - printed chintz and cotton. True, all natural materials have several significant drawbacks - they are wrinkled in folds, colored textures quickly fade from the sun and frequent washing, white ones can turn yellow or gray. But such curtains will never cause allergies, do not accumulate electricity, and with proper care, they will delight their owners with unique colors for a long time.

Practical linen fabrics will perfectly complement the design of a room in Provence or Eco style.

Interesting! For the manufacture of some types of curtain textiles (for example, satin and cotton), the mercerization method is used, which changes the structure of natural fibers, giving the canvas volume and shine. The paint on such curtains keeps without color loss for many years, and the fabric does not fade in the sun and does not shed when washed.

The combination of Roman and ordinary curtains

Roller curtains can be both self-sufficient and an auxiliary element of window decor. If the design of Roman blinds seems too concise, you can bring a cozy touch to the interior by complementing the design with other types of curtains. The best option for the kitchen is a short lambrequin or airy curtains, which can be either sliding or a solid canvas tucked to one side with a pickup. But heavy curtains or lush draperies are best left for living rooms - a bedroom or living room.

A short lambrequin is enough to decorate a kitchen window.

A translucent "Roman", a curtain made of the same material, a curtain and a lambrequin - a complex but sophisticated design, balanced by the rigor of a modern interior

An unusual modern solution - a Roman blind and roller blinds on one window

Another non-standard - double "Romans"

Photo idea for a room with a balcony door

Color combinations should be harmonious. Neutral Roman blinds with white or milky tulle look great, contrasting curtains with a bright floral or striped fabric, original curtains with photo printing. It all depends on the interior range of the kitchen, the design of the walls and other textiles, the leitmotif of the design.

Roman blinds in one color with curtains

Interesting combination of stripes and colors

Important! If the decoration contains colorful ornaments or a bright pattern, it is better to choose curtains in plain colors. But for monochrome walls, you can choose textiles with a contrasting pattern.

Installation and maintenance of Roman blinds

After choosing the fabric and type of construction, you need to decide what and how to attach the curtains, because if Roman curtains with a lambrequin or a curtain can be hung on rings, eyelets, Velcro or hooks on a standard window, then in the bay window in the kitchen you need to install on each sash or special cornice design.

Installation options

Roman blinds in the kitchen look spectacular both in the lowered and open state. To get not only a decorative element of the interior, but also effective protection from the sun and prying eyes, the curtain must completely cover the window opening or each sash separately.

To do this, you can choose any suitable mounting method:

  1. In the window opening - the product is fixed above the upper part of the window or directly on the frame using double-sided adhesive tape or a narrow profile cornice, which will allow the fabric to fit as tightly as possible to the glass. This option is good for small kitchens, rooms where the window sill is used as an additional workplace or dining area, as well as when composing complex compositions from Roman blinds and curtains, lambrequins, curtains.

A narrow cornice with Velcro allows you to attach the curtain directly to the window frame

  1. On the wall - above the opening, you can install a profile or ordinary cornice that will cover the entire window. This option is chosen for kitchens with a narrow window sill that does not perform any practical function, or for small windows with vents.

Hinged curtain that completely covers the opening

Important! The size of the canvas for such a curtain must exceed both the length and width of the opening by at least 10 cm, so as not to let the sun's rays in and not interfere with the opening of the window.

  1. On the ceiling - with the help of the same plank or a special ceiling cornice, the curtain is fixed in the upper part of the room. This option is chosen for rooms with a high height to visually raise the ceilings, or windows with non-standard openings.

Ceiling rod for roman blinds

In kitchens with skylights or slanted windows, it is easiest to attach the curtain with narrow cornices on each sash. This design will not interfere with ventilation, opening / closing the window and will not allow the fabric to sag.

To design arched windows or a bay area, you can use either a sash mount using flexible strips or a special cornice of any shape that fits the size of the openings and the style of the interior. There are round, rectangular, string models that are curved in the shape of a semicircle or at various angles.

How to care for roman blinds

To clean the folds of the curtains from dust, you can vacuum or wipe the canvas with a dry cloth that does not leave streaks. But you can’t get rid of kitchen soot in this way - you need to remove the curtain from the fasteners, remove the weighting strips and wash it by hand or in a typewriter. You can dry both separately the material and the assembled structure.

Features of care largely depend on the selected material. If polymer fibers are present in its composition, it can be washed at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees, otherwise the product will lose its luster. Oxygen stain removers or bleaches should also be used with caution - they can cause tarnishing or discoloration. But it is not necessary to iron synthetic fabrics, they can be hung on the window while still wet - they straighten perfectly without losing their shape.

Natural fabrics traditionally require more attention and care:

  • Silk and satin should not be washed in hot water, twisted or spun in a machine at high speed. Such curtains must first be dried by throwing them over the crossbar, and then carefully ironed with an iron on minimal heat (or use gauze).
  • Cotton, chintz and linen are highly shrinkable. To avoid deformation, they are washed at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees and the still damp fabric is smoothed with an iron. If the curtain is dry, you need to steam it well.
  • Dyed fabrics cannot be bleached - this will irreparably spoil their color.
  • Natural canvases are best dried and ironed well first, and then assembled into a suspended structure (wet fabric can stretch under the weight of the weighting agents).

Roman curtains in the interior (photo)

Roller curtains have a place in any style, because you can give the interior design an appropriate thematic touch with the right color, ornament or decorative details. As you can see in the photo, in modern kitchens decorated in the spirit of hi-tech or minimalism, a Roman curtain with clearly defined folds and textiles in dark or bright colors becomes an interesting accent that enlivens a laconic design. The material is usually chosen in monochrome, but in the design of 2017, canvases with photo printing in the 3D style will also be relevant.

Dark curtains in the laconic interior design of a modern kitchen

In spacious kitchen-dining rooms, decorated in historical styles, a canvas of printed silk, satin or mixed fabrics with a beautiful texture, decorated with fringe, tassels, and a lush frill would be appropriate. And the deliberate simplicity of the design will be corrected by spectacular curtains, an original lambrequin or a frameless model with soft folds.

Luxurious curtains for kitchen interior design in a classic style

Floral curtains with air lambrequin

Roman curtains look very organic in photos in magazines and in real interiors in kitchens decorated in the country style loved by many housewives, as well as all its ethnic varieties - Provencal, rustic, English, American and other "rustic" design options. For such curtains, the best solution would be a fabric with a floral ornament, in a cage, peas, stripes. Combined design options also look good, for example, Roman ones with cozy sliding curtains or a curtain tucked to one side.

Horizontal and vertical stripes - although not a novelty of the year, but always a current trend

Striped Roman blinds with snow-white curtains in the Provence style kitchen

When decorating the interior, you can take note of the design ideas for Roman curtains for the kitchen from our photo selection.

An interesting combination - stripes and peas, this design will look great in soulful rustic styles.

Photo idea for a modern interior

Cascading patterns with floral ornaments

The photo clearly shows how the curtains effectively complement the decoration motifs, continuing the overall design line.

Translucent Roman blinds will be a great alternative to tulle in the kitchen, and not only in modern styles.

Photos of hot new designs in 2017:

On such a curtain you can "write" something meaningful

Instead of traditional curtains - raffrollo - transparent "roman"

Photo printing with natural motifs is the novelty of the year for exclusive kitchen design. Modern technologies make it possible to make photo prints on textiles bright, clear, and as plausible as possible.

Nice and modern

You can choose the subject of the photo from the collection of the manufacturer of photocurtains, which is replenished every year with more than one hundred new products, or you can offer your own photo with your favorite landscape

Such a photo will perfectly complement the design of a Japanese-style kitchen.

Important! Be careful with the choice of ornaments and photo prints for Roman blinds - the meaning of the pattern should not be lost in the folds when folding the fabric.

How to sew Roman blinds with your own hands

Lifting curtains are fairly simple designs that are easy to sew yourself without resorting to the services of an atelier. To make patterns of Roman blinds with your own hands, it is important to determine the size of the curtain, the place for the cornice and the method of fastening the rails that form the folds (tucks, braid, drawstrings). Properly made measurements will help determine the material consumption - at least 20 cm of margin in length and width must be added to the width of the opening, 10 cm is enough to fix it on the sash.

Roman curtain scheme - the photo shows the main structural elements

In addition to the canvas you will need:

  • Cornice - you can make a homemade one from a cut of a wooden plank, a metal profile, or buy a ready-made version in a hardware store.
  • Reiki from wooden window glazing beads or metal rods, the length of which is 3-4 cm less than the width of the future "Roman". The quantity depends on the folds and the length of the product - 6-7 pieces are enough for a standard window.
  • Weighting bar.
  • Adhesive tape along the width of the curtain.
  • Decorative braid 1-1.5 cm wide plus 2-3 rings for each drawstring (the number of rings in a row depends on the width of the curtain).
  • 2 pieces of nylon cord for each: curtain length plus 1 width plus 1 meter.

To make the step-by-step instructions easier to perceive, we offer a photo with a finished pattern and a diagram of the upcoming work.

Step by step work plan:

  1. From the fabric, make a pattern to fit the window, making a margin of 2 cm on each side for processing the edges. For thick curtains, you can sew on a lining or make a double-sided blank by sewing two identical cuts "face" to each other on three sides, then turn inside out and sew the remaining edge. Models made of translucent materials do not need such manipulations - it is better to make them one-sided.
  2. Bend the allowances twice, fix with pins or a hand seam, iron and make an even machine stitch with an indent of 0.5 cm from the edge.
  3. Mark the location of the folds and rings. To do this, you need to divide the canvas horizontally into sections of the same width in increments of 20-30 cm.

  1. Now you need to prepare the curtain braid - remove the tightening threads, fold the tape in half along the entire length, iron the bend with an iron and sew, leaving only one side edge open, into which the rod will be inserted.

On a note! You can make the drawstrings easier by folding the fabric along each line by 1-2 cm and stitching the fold.

  1. Sew the braid on the wrong side according to the markup, then attach 2 rings to each line.
  2. On the bottom edge, make a pocket for the weighting agent. Sew adhesive tape at the top to fix it to the eaves.
  3. Place a rigid bar in each drawstring, and hang the canvas with Velcro.
  4. Tie the cuts of cords to the lower rings, thread them through the row vertically and bring them to the left or right side, fixing on the hook.

Step by step video instruction

We considered sewing a curtain of the simplest design. If desired, the model can be complicated by decorating with a lambrequin, figured frill, fringe, glass beads, or borrow modern decor ideas from the new products of 2017. If there is no sewing machine at home, it is better to buy the fabric you like, print a photo of the model you like, and entrust the manufacture of the curtains to a professional seamstress in order to be 100% sure of the result.

Roman blinds are an original idea for the design of kitchen spaces. They have long won a leading position among other types of window decor, as they combine simplicity and conciseness, as well as elegance and functionality. The ability to gently diffuse sunlight, attractive appearance, a huge selection of shades and a variety of models allow them to be used even in the most strict classical styles.

Despite the long period of its existence, the design of this type of decor has not changed much. This is due to the versatility of the cut and the simplicity of the mechanisms used. The curtain is a flat canvas with special rods sewn into it, with the help of which vertical folds are formed, adjustable with chains or cords. The bottom of the canvas is equipped with a weighting agent that allows you to keep the shape.

Some of the clear benefits include:

  1. Thanks to a wide choice of materials and design imagination, they will easily fit into any, even the most sophisticated and austere interior.
  2. Roman blinds can be harmoniously combined with classic curtains.
  3. Lightweight and easy to use, compact, take up little space.
  4. A huge selection of all kinds of designs and the manufacture of any size allow you to install curtains not only in small kitchens, but also decorate panoramic windows with them.
  5. Several mounting options make these models versatile.

A minor downside is the following: to look out the window or open it, the curtains have to be fully raised. The exception is curtains attached to the sash. In addition, sometimes when lifting the canvas, the folds do not always turn out to be even, so they have to be corrected.

Roman blind options

There are several types of them, which are classified according to the type of folds formed:

  1. One of the most common are classic. There are no special frills in this model: they are simple and elegant at the same time. When lifting, they form even horizontal stripes that neatly overlap each other. This happens with the help of flexible rods located in the drawstrings.
  2. Cascading. These are curtains that retain folds even when fully opened and create a beautiful drapery on the windows. This variety is often used in kitchens made in ultra-modern styles such as loft, minimalism and hi-tech.
  3. Frameless. So named because of the lack of stiffeners. The folds in this type of curtains are uneven: they seem to sag, forming different bends. Unlike strict classical ones, they fill the interior with lightness and airiness.

Regardless of the type of curtains, you can be sure that such window drapery will only decorate the kitchen, as well as give it sophistication and uniqueness.

Features of choice

Among the many options offered, you can choose exactly what you need. The main thing is to decide on the type of mechanisms and a suitable fabric. And also it is worth considering the following nuances that relate to design and color scheme:

  1. When this type of curtain is used in small kitchens, it is better to opt for a solid color canvas or with subtle ornaments that will attract attention. It is recommended to choose a shade that will be combined with the main range used in the interior. As a rule, the color of the curtains matches the tone of the walls.
  2. When choosing a fabric for Roman curtains, you should take into account the brightness of the light flux entering the room. If desired, you can completely darken the kitchen or allow the sun's rays to gently penetrate the room.
  3. In spacious rooms made in neutral colors, you can use curtains with a bright pattern and a canvas of rich dark shades. This will make the space dynamic and positive.

To create a harmonious interior, you need to make sure that all design elements are combined with each other.

There are several types of control, where each option has its own characteristics and is intended for a certain level of load:

  1. The very first samples used cord mechanism, which has proven its effectiveness, durability and reliability. It is based on a system of cords, with the help of which the lifting and lowering is controlled. For safe use, the recommended weight of the finished product should not exceed 3-4 kg. In the event of a malfunction, it can be easily repaired even by yourself.
  2. The most sought after type is rotary chain. This mechanism is similar to the previous one, only a tape is used instead of cords. It is attached to the canvas and, when the chain is pulled, pulls it. This type is designed for cornices weighing no more than 6-7 kg.
  3. Easy to use and the most modern option is auto. Management is carried out using the remote control. It can be used for various canvases, since the weight is practically unlimited.

In addition, there are several ways of fastening: in the window opening or above it. The first option is used with sufficiently wide window sills and assumes that the width and length of the canvas will fully correspond to the parameters of the windows. In the presence of vents, the second method is usually used.

Materials used to make Roman blinds

The degree of density and protection from the penetration of sunlight in the finished product depends on what kind of material will be used to sew this type of decor. Among the most common fabrics, linen is noted. It has a number of advantages over the others:

  • eco-friendly;
  • lasting;
  • keeps its shape perfectly;
  • easy to care for;
  • practical.

This natural material has a medium density. Usually, in its manufacture, stuffed technology is used.

Other types include synthetic fabrics. They are very easy to use: they do not wrinkle, they are easy to wash in a typewriter and you can not iron them, but put them on the slats even when wet.

For the manufacture of curtains, materials are used from mixtures of natural and artificial fibers. This combination creates a large selection of a wide variety of fabrics - from weightless and transparent to dense and opaque.

The combination of Roman and ordinary curtains

In order to give the room a finished look, you can use Roman blinds and tulle - this is a light, transparent material that practically does not protect the room from sunlight and serves for decorative purposes.

Thanks to the horizontal folds located on the canvas and the smooth framing of ordinary curtains, the window looks harmonious, and the fabrics beautifully complement each other. The main thing is to treat the choice of colors correctly.

In order to rationally approach the decision to use such a combination in the interior, it is worth listening to the recommendations of designers who distinguish several types of combination:

  1. Framing of lifting curtains with light fabric only at the edges.
  2. The use of lambrequins.
  3. Use of conventional straight fabric curtains.
  4. Covering the window opening with tulle made of matte material.

This design of windows will help to avoid angular shapes and give the room sophistication and elegance.

The most organic way of design, in which lifting curtains in the kitchen can be used, is considered a cozy and homely country. To create it, a floral print, a cage or a strip is suitable.

This type of decor is also used in the gentle and romantic Provence style: ribbons instead of a rigid frame, soft plain fabric - and now the image is ready.

A distinctive feature of Roman blinds is their ability to fit into even the most modern styles, such as loft, hi-tech and minimalism. They perfectly support the image, giving it originality, strictness of lines and conciseness of forms.

Roman blinds for kitchen and living room

Picking up curtains in the kitchen-studio is not at all easy. After all, two combined zones - work and rest - should look like one space. Textile elements made in the same color as the apron or countertop will help bring harmony. For example, in addition to pull-up curtains, sofa cushions, upholstery or a tablecloth can be used.

The advantage of this type of fabric blinds used for such premises is as follows: firstly, since the structure is easy to lift, the excess textile will not interfere with the safe location of the hob or other household appliances; secondly, the presence of a variety of colors will allow you to choose the most suitable option.

This type of decor in the cooking rooms performs several functions: it decorates the window and gives the whole image completeness, and also protects from sunlight. But sometimes Roman blinds can be used for visual adjustment, that is, visually make the ceiling higher and the kitchen wider and more spacious.

For these purposes, light-colored textiles are selected, as well as with vertical stripes. The main thing is to avoid bright colors and large patterns.


The cost of the finished product depends on the following components:

  • the composition of the fabric and lining: the more natural components it contains, the higher the price;
  • manufacturing technology;
  • reputation of the brand producing such products.

The price also includes the size of the curtains.


Roman blinds are a combination of stylish appearance, ease of care, reliability and durability. When choosing them, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the kitchen space and stop at the option that will fit into the created interior as much as possible.