The role of morality in public life. Morality and its role in the life of society

Philosophers argue that morality has three purposes: to evaluate, regulate, and educate.

Morality grades... All our actions, as well as all social life (economy, politics, culture), morality evaluates from the point of view of humanism, determines whether it is good or bad, good or evil. If our actions are useful to people, contribute to the improvement of their lives, their free development, this is good, this is good. They do not contribute, they interfere - evil. If we want to give a moral assessment to something (our actions, the actions of other people, any events, etc.), we, as you know, do this with the help of the concepts of good and evil. Or with the help of other close, derived concepts: justice - injustice; honor is dishonor; nobility, decency - meanness, dishonesty, meanness, etc. At the same time, evaluating any phenomenon, action, deed, we express our moral assessment in different ways: we praise, agree or blame, criticize, approve or disapprove, etc. .d.

Evaluation, of course, affects our practical activity, otherwise we would simply not need it. When we evaluate something as good, it means that we must strive for it, and if it is evil, this must be avoided. So, evaluating the world around us, we change something in it and, above all, ourselves, our position, worldview.

Morality regulates the activities of people... The second task of morality is to regulate our life, people's attitudes to each other, to direct the activities of a person and society towards humane goals, towards achieving good. Moral regulation has its own characteristics; it differs from government regulation. Any state also regulates the life of society, the activities of its citizens. It does this with the help of various institutions, organizations (parliaments, ministries, courts, etc.), regulatory documents (laws, decrees, orders), officials (officials, employees, police, police, etc.).

Morality has nothing of the kind: it is ridiculous to have officials from morality, it is pointless to ask who issued the order to be humane, fair, kind, courageous, etc. Morality does not use the services of departments and officials. It regulates the movement of our life in two ways: through the opinion of the people around, public opinion and through the inner convictions of the individual, conscience.

A person is very sensitive to the opinions of others. Nobody is free from the opinion of the society, the collective. A person is not indifferent to what others think of him. Consequently, public opinion can influence a person, regulate his behavior. Moreover, it is based not on the force of an order, law, but on moral authority, moral influence.

But there should not be a conviction that public opinion, as the opinion of the majority, is always true, more true than the opinion of individuals. This is not true. It often happens that public opinion plays a reactionary role, protects outdated norms, traditions and habits that have become obsolete.

In the comedy "Woe from Wit" Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov showed that the opinion of all these pimples, famusovs, taciturns, Princess Marya Alekseevna can be a dark, gloomy force directed against all living and intelligent, that one person can be right, while everyone around is at the mercy of prejudices, ignorance, stupidity, self-interest. “Evil tongues are more terrible than a gun” - these words of the great writer express his feeling of the merciless power of such public opinion and, at the same time, of its murderous stupidity and narrowness.

Person- not a slave to circumstances... Public opinion is, of course, a great force in moral regulation. However, remember that one person can be wrong, and most people can be wrong. A person should not be a naive woodcutter, blindly and thoughtlessly submit to someone else's opinion, the pressure of circumstances. After all, he is not a soulless screw in the state machine and not a slave to social circumstances. All people are born equal, have equal rights to life, freedom and happiness. Man is a free, active, creative being, he not only adapts to the world in which he lives, but this world itself adapts to himself, changes circumstances, creates a new social environment. Without individuals, humane and courageous, just and courageous, disinterested and independently thinking, society would simply stop developing, decay and perish.

A person living in a society must, of course, listen to public opinion, but he must also be able to correctly evaluate it. And if it is reactionary, protest, fight against it, go against it, defending truth, justice, humanism.

Internal spiritual beliefs of the individual... Where does a person get his strength when he opposes outdated public opinion, against reaction and prejudices?

He takes them, as it was well said before, in his soul. A person relies on his inner spiritual convictions, that is, on his understanding of moral duty, moral ideals. The spiritual convictions of a moral person are guided by universal human moral values \u200b\u200band ideals. A moral person subordinates his activities, his actions, his whole life to them.

Spiritual convictions are the content of what we call conscience. A person is under the constant control of others, but also under the self-control of his inner beliefs. Conscience is always with a person. Every person has success and failure in life, periods of ups and downs. One can free oneself from failures, from an unclean, stained conscience - never.

And a person constantly criticizes, remakes himself, so his conscience tells him. A person finds in himself the strength and courage to speak out against evil, against reactionary public opinion - this is what his conscience commands. Living with conscience requires tremendous personal courage, and sometimes self-sacrifice. But a person's conscience will be clear, his soul will be calm if he acted in full harmony with his inner convictions. Such a person can be called happy.

The educational role of morality... Upbringing always goes in two ways: on the one hand, through the influence of other people (parents, teachers, others, public opinion) on a person, through a purposeful change in the external circumstances in which the educated person is placed, and on the other hand, through the influence of a person on himself, i.e. .e. through self-education. Upbringing, education of a person continues practically all his life: a person constantly replenishes, improves knowledge, skills, his inner world, because life itself is constantly being updated.

Social moral principles form personal principles, most intensively in the process of socialization of a person, but continue to influence throughout his life. At the same time, the change in social moral principles, in turn, occurs under the influence of personal principles. So with the development of capitalism in our country, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe moral character of the leader has changed quite dramatically. The image of an honest, sympathetic, hero-leader in production was replaced by a businessman with good connections and capital, who is able to conduct double-entry bookkeeping, skillfully use, perhaps, illegal, but effective methods in the process of managing a company and fighting competitors. With such an arrangement of things, the image of a modern businessman does not arouse disgust among the public, but is accepted as one of the aspects of our everyday life, leads to a reassessment of values, and, as a consequence, to a change in the general understanding of morality.

A strong factor influencing the transformation of moral principles is also a change in worldview, which can occur both under the influence of personal experiences and events of a national or world level. Indeed, during the Great Patriotic War, concepts such as murder and theft had a completely different perception from the point of view of morality, if it was a question of self-defense and the need to somehow feed themselves. Another example is the chaos of the 90s of the last century, when banditry flourished in the country based on the loss of ideology and fear of the unknown.

The change in moral principles over time is an actual attribute of our modernity. But at the same time, our society is not doomed to demoralization, despite the strong influence of Western ideology, society still retains its moral character. The immediate guarantee of the preservation of morality in modern society is conscience - a sense of moral responsibility for one's behavior in front of the surrounding people and society.

The formation of morality and its development is a long process and is still very far from its culmination. We can say that morality in the proper sense of this concept is still in the process of formation. Its triumph as a social phenomenon, when its historical ties with religion will be forgotten, when it becomes a ubiquitous and defining law of interpersonal relations, is still ahead. And there is nothing discouraging about this. Moreover, this speaks of the extraordinary complexity and duration of the formation of the human being in person, the grandeur and immeasurable depth of the historical process.

The moral values \u200b\u200bof the modern society differ markedly from the traditional ones. For example, out of 10 biblical commandments, five do not work: three dedicated to God (because they conflict with the freedom of conscience), about the Sabbath (contradicting the freedom to control your time), and “do not commit adultery” (contradicting the freedom of personal life) ... Conversely, some of the necessary commandments in religion are missing. A similar picture is not only with the Bible, but also with the attitudes of other religions.

Modern society has its most important values, which were far from being in the first place in traditional societies (and were even considered negative):

  • - “do not be lazy, be energetic, always strive for more”;
  • - "self-develop, learn, become smarter - thereby you contribute to the progress of mankind";
  • - "achieve personal success, achieve wealth, live in abundance - thereby you contribute to the prosperity and development of society";
  • - "Do not cause inconvenience to others, do not meddle in someone else's life, respect the personality of another and private property."

The main emphasis is on self-development, which leads, on the one hand, to the achievement of personal goals (for example, career growth), and on the other hand, to a “non-consumer” attitude towards other people. Of course, all the classic moral imperatives are preserved: “don't kill”, “don't steal”, “don't lie”, “sympathize and help other people”. And these basic attitudes will no longer be violated in the name of God, which is what most religions sin (especially in relation to the “gentiles”). Moreover, the most problematic commandment - “do not lie” - will increase to the greatest extent, which will radically increase the level of trust in society, and hence the effectiveness of public mechanisms, including the elimination of corruption. After all, a person who constantly develops himself is always confident in his own strength and there is no need for him to lie. Lying is not beneficial to him - it can undermine his reputation as a professional. Moreover, a lie is not needed, because many things cease to be “shameful” and they do not need to be hidden. In addition, the attitude towards self-development means that a person sees his main resource within himself and there is no need for him to exploit others.

If we talk about the priority of values, then the main thing for Modern society is human freedom and condemnation of violence and intolerance. Unlike religion, where it is possible to justify violence in the name of God, modern morality rejects all violence and intolerance (although it can use state violence in response to violence).

From the point of view of Modern morality, traditional society is simply overflowing with immorality and lack of spirituality, including severe violence towards women and children (when they refuse to obey), towards all dissidents and “violators of traditions” (often ridiculous), a high degree of intolerance towards non-believers etc. An important moral imperative of modern society is respect for law and law, because only the law can protect human freedom, ensure the equality and security of people. And, on the contrary, the desire to subjugate another, to humiliate someone's dignity are the most shameful things. A society where all of these values \u200b\u200bare at work in full would be perhaps the most efficient, complex, fastest growing and richest in history. It would be the happiest, because would provide a person with maximum opportunities for self-realization. It should be noted that all of the above is not an invented, artificial construction. This is just a description of what millions of people are already following - Modern people, who are becoming more and more. This is the moral of a person who has studied hard, who through his own efforts has become a professional, who values \u200b\u200bhis freedom and is tolerant of other people.

Modern morality is not about indulging selfishness and "base instincts." Modern morality makes more demands on man than ever before in human history. Traditional morality gave a person clear rules for life, but did not require anything more from him. The life of a person in a traditional society was regulated, it was enough just to live according to the order established for centuries. It didn’t require any mental effort, it was simple and primitive.

Modern morality requires a person to develop and achieve success by their own efforts. But she does not say how to do this, only stimulating a person to constantly search, overcome himself and strain his forces. Instead, modern morality gives a person the feeling that he is not a cog in a meaningless machine, invented for some unknown reason, but the creator of the future and one of the builders of himself and this whole world. In addition, self-development, increased professionalism leads to the acquisition of material wealth, gives prosperity and prosperity already "in this life."

Without a doubt, modern morality destroys many meaningless rules and prohibitions (for example, in the field of sex) and in this sense makes life easier and more pleasant. But at the same time, modern morality rigidly imposes on a person the requirement to be just a person, and not to be led by his own animal instincts or herd feelings. This morality requires manifestations of reason, and not primitive emotions like aggression, revenge, the desire to subjugate other people or submit to an authority that "will arrange and decide everything for us." And it is far from easy to become tolerant, to overcome personal and social complexes.

But the main thing is that Modern morality focuses not on "pleasing oneself beloved" and not on selfless (more precisely, self-deprecating) achievement of "great goals", but on self-improvement and perfection of everything that surrounds the Modern man.

The term "morality" in terms of content and history of occurrence is the Latin analogue of the term "ethics". Guided by the experience of Aristotle, Cicero to enrich the Latin language formed the adjective "moral" ( moralis) to denote ethics, calling it philosophia moralis. Later, presumably in the 4th century, the word "morality" appeared as a collective characteristic of moral manifestations.

Morality (from lat. moralis - moral; mores - morals) is a method of normative regulation of human behavior, as well as a special form of collective consciousness and a type of social relations.

Morality is a historical concept. It arose together with man and society and, depending on the level of development of the latter, is subdivided into the following types:

  • primitive;
  • slaveholding;
  • feudal;
  • bourgeois, etc.

It would seem that with the process of evolutionary development of society, human morality should also evolve. However, did the man of the XXI century become? more moral in comparison with a representative of a primitive society. It seems to us that we will not be able to get a definite answer.

Morality characterizes a person in his striving for an ideally perfect state, and is also a characteristic of human behavior. The questions included in the subject field of morality are questions about the organization of a person's own life, the performance of any actions, the achievement of an ideal-perfect state, etc.

There are many definitions of morality that emphasize its various significant properties.

Morality is one of the methods of regulating people's behavior in society. It acts as a system of views and norms that establish the nature of connections between people in accordance with the ideas prevailing in a particular society about good and evil, just and unfair, worthy and unworthy. Next

compliance with the requirements of morality is carried out through spiritual influence, public opinion, inner conviction, human conscience.

Indeed, morality regulates human relationships through the prism of its main categories: good - evil; duty is conscience; shame is guilt; freedom is responsibility; happiness is the meaning of life, etc. it gives everyone a hint on how, in modern parlance, to build the relationship between "I" and "not-I" more effectively.

But we face the regulators of our life everywhere. Starting from the rules of the road and ending with basic hand washing before dinner. The examples can go on. Then the question arises: what is the uniqueness of morality as a regulator of our life? The answer is not simple, as it might seem, therefore, answering it, we will touch upon many aspects of morality that will allow us to "reveal" the secret of ethics.

Personal and world outlook character of "reading" of morality, i.e. everyone interprets the requirement “do good” by virtue of his upbringing, ideas about good and evil, religious preferences, etc. Although throughout the entire period of human existence, people were looking for the only "formula" that would satisfy everyone, regardless of gender, age and religion. It seems to us that the "formula of universal happiness" was derived by Confucius, and already in European culture it was called the "Golden Rule of Morality". In short, it sounds like this: "Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself." Humanity has not yet come up with a more capacious and at the same time laconic phrase.

The requirements of morality permeate all spheres of human existence. Not a single act, not a single thought of a person is left without a moral assessment. When we are left alone, even then she sounds in us with the voice of conscience and makes moral demands on a desert island to Robinson Crusoe. Morality regulates human behavior and consciousness in all areas of life (professional activity, household, family, interpersonal and other relationships). Morality also affects intergroup and interstate relations.

Moral principles are universally valid, affect all people, strengthen the initial provisions of the culture of their relations, formed in the long process of the historical development of society.

Any action, human behavior has different meanings (legal, political, aesthetic, etc.), but its moral side, moral content is subject to assessment on a single scale. Moral norms are constantly recreated in society with the help of tradition, universally recognized power and order maintained by all, public opinion.

Responsibility in morality is spiritual, ideal (censure or approval of actions), manifests itself in the form of moral assessments that a person is obliged to understand, internally accept and, in accordance with this, direct and correct their actions and behavior. This assessment must comply with collective positions and norms, approved by all judgments about right and wrong, worthy and unworthy, etc.

Morale monitors are relative. These legal norms are backed up by the strength and authority of law enforcement agencies. As for morality, everything is much simpler here, since its controlling body is just public opinion. But many live completely ignoring him and feel great. Therefore, the following paradox arises: despite the fact that morality permeates everything and everyone, society does not become more moral from this.

Morality is in close connection with the conditions of human existence, the essential needs of a person, but is determined by the degree of social and individual consciousness. Together with other methods of regulating people's behavior in society, morality is necessary to harmonize the activities of a mass of individuals, transforming it into joint mass activity, subject to established social laws.

Freedom of individual choice. Every time we find ourselves in the borderline situation of choosing between good and evil, no one will decide for us how we should act. The choice of the moral path is the prerogative of the individual himself. It is precisely in the presence of individual freedom of choice that morality differs from such forms of regulation of human behavior as taboo, custom, and the rule of law. However, freedom also presupposes responsibility, which rests on the shoulders of the one who made this free choice.

It would seem that these features made the moral situation much more "transparent". But the following problem arises: evaluating our actions (thoughts) from the point of view of "moral - immoral", we are faced with the following contradictions in morality.

Contradictions (antinomies) in morality:

  • there is no specific author of moral standards, i.e., despite the fact that morality exists in strict imperatives
  • ("Do good", "Tell the truth", etc.) a specific person to whom authorship can be attributed, in fact, seems to be not;
  • from on the one hand, morality is universally valid for everyone, on the other hand, each time it is necessary to proceed from a specific situation and "build off" from personal characteristics precisely « this person. Phrases such as "A lie for salvation" or "Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie" illustrate this contradiction very vividly;
  • altruism of morality. Although the question of the good or evil nature of a person has remained open, we dare to assert that biologically a person is predisposed to evil (as an illustration of this statement, one can observe young children for whom moral norms are still an empty phrase and a long way of socialization into public morality for they are just beginning), however, often contrary to our nature, and perhaps to selfish interests, we take a step towards good. This is the paradox.

The role of morality in culture is ambiguous. Both in special (philosophical, sociological, culturological) studies, and in considerations of ordinary consciousness, there are overlapping and partially mutually exclusive views on what morality is. It is defined as a value, normative and legal system that regulates human behavior, thereby being close, on the one hand, to the norms of etiquette, and on the other, to traditions and law. Morality, no doubt, is present in etiquette, tradition, and law, but morality is neither etiquette nor law.

Thus, speaking about morality in general, one should point out the following features:

  • 1) morality is an area of \u200b\u200bselflessness and selflessness in a person, which does not depend on circumstances (natural or social) and is not reduced to them. It does not serve as an expression of pleasure, greed, profit, interest, necessity;
  • 2) morality in its categorical requirements has the character of prohibitions, which, in principle, are not typical for morality, but are limited by a culture in which prohibitions are presented in all its forms. Morality is associated with prohibitions only when the prohibition itself is the only motive (do not kill, do not steal, do not lie, etc.). This idea was formulated very accurately by J.-P. Sartre: “Desiring to be absolute positivity, morality prevents the use of the means that a person chooses in order to change his destiny. That is why she never talks about what should be done, but always only talks about what should not be done under any circumstances ”1;
  • 3) if we start from such constituent elements of the individual as body, soul and spirit, then morality serves as a characteristic of the soul, which is human in a person and whose state is expressed in morality;
  • 4) morality is what connects human community, makes it possible. Moral virtue is obvious to every intelligent individual, it forms the basis of the unity and cooperation of people. This ability to unite and unite people regardless of the various factors separating them becomes the main feature and purpose of morality. Morality is the focus of people on each other; without morality, the experience of human cooperation could not take place;
  • 5) in human practically oriented consciousness, morality is an absolute reference point. This is the final evaluation authority. Morality is generated on the basis of the free will of the individual, its requirements are free, they cannot be limited outwardly, have an unconditional and generally valid character;
  • 6) a person adheres only to those moral norms that are internally approved by him, and as the best he accepts the moral norms that he would like to see as norms for his own life. Thus, a person not only learns morality, he lives it.

Social studies, grade 9

Citizen. State. Right.

The role of morality in the life of society

Philosophers argue that morality has three tasks: to evaluate, to regulate, to educate.

Morality gives marks.All our actions, as well as the whole of social life, moral assesses from the point of view of humanism, determines whether it is good or bad, good or evil. This is the first task of morality. If our actions are useful to people, contribute to the improvement of their lives, their free development, this is good, this is good. Doesn't help, hinder - evil. If we want to give a moral assessment of something (our actions, the actions of other people, any events, etc.), we, as you know, do this using the concepts of good and evil. Or with the help of other close, derivative concepts: justice - injustice; honor is dishonor; nobility, decency - baseness, dishonesty, meanness, etc. At the same time, evaluating any phenomenon, action, deed. We express our moral assessment in different ways: we praise, agree or blame, criticize, approve or disapprove, etc.

Evaluation, of course, affects our practical activities, otherwise we would simply not need it. When we evaluate something as good, then we want to say that we must strive for it, and if it is evil, we must avoid it. So, evaluating the world around us, we change something in it, and first of all - ourselves, our position, behavior, worldview. Morality helps us in our search for true values.

Morality regulates the activities of people.The second task of morality is to regulate our life, people's attitudes to each other, to direct the activities of a person and society towards humane goals, towards achieving good.

Moral regulation has its own characteristics, it differs from other forms of regulation, for example, state regulation. Any state also regulates the life of society, the activities of its citizens. It does this with the help of various institutions, organizations (parliament, ministries, courts, etc.), regulations (laws, decrees, orders), officials (officials, police).

There is nothing like that in morality: it is ridiculous to have officials from morality, it is pointless to ask who issued the order to be humane, fair, kind, courageous, etc. Moral demands, as you know, are the result of the work of many great thinkers, whole generations of people. Morality does not use the services of departments and officials. It regulates the movement of our life through the opinion of the people around, public opinion and through the inner conviction of the individual, through conscience.

A person is very sensitive to the opinions of others. Nobody is free from the opinion of the society, the collective. A person is not indifferent to what others think of him. Consequently, public opinion can influence a person, regulate his behavior. Moreover, such regulation is based not on the force of an order, law, but on moral authority, moral influence.

However, public opinion is not always true, more true than the opinion of individuals. It often happens that public opinion plays a reactionary role, protects outdated norms, traditions and habits that have become obsolete.

Man is not a slave to circumstances.Public opinion is, of course, a great force in moral regulation. However, remember that one person can be wrong, and most can be wrong. A person should not be a naive woodcutter, blindly and thoughtlessly submit to someone else's opinion, the pressure of circumstances. After all, he is not a soulless screw in the state machine and not a slave to social circumstances. All people are born equal, have equal rights to life, freedom and happiness. Man is a free, active, creative being, he not only adapts to the world in which he lives, he also adapts this world to himself, changes circumstances, creates a new social environment. Without personalities, humane and courageous, just and courageous, disinterested and independently thinking, society would simply stop developing, decay and perish.

A person living in a society must, of course, listen to public opinion, but he must also be able to correctly evaluate it. And if it is reactionary, protest, fight against it, go against it, defend truth, justice, humanism.

Spiritual beliefs of the individual.Where does a person take strength when he opposes outdated public opinion, reaction, and prejudices?

He takes them, as it was well said before, in his soul. A person relies on his inner spiritual convictions, i.e. on the understanding of moral duty, moral ideals.

Spiritual convictions are the content of what we call conscience. A person is under the constant control of others, but also under the self-control of his inner beliefs. Conscience is always with a person. Every person has success and failure in life, periods of ups and downs. One can free oneself from failure, never from a tarnished conscience.

A person constantly criticizes, remakes himself - so his conscience tells him. He finds in himself the strength and courage to speak out against evil, against reactionary public opinion - so the conscience commands. Living with conscience requires tremendous personal courage, and sometimes self-sacrifice. A person's conscience can be pure and the soul is calm only when he acts in full harmony with his inner convictions. Such a person can be called happy.

The educational role of morality.What is parenting? In short, education is a special impact on a person in order to develop his abilities, the formation of certain knowledge, skills, as well as human qualities.

Upbringing- the process is always two-sided: on the one hand, it is carried out through the influence of other people on a person (parents, teachers, others, public opinion), and on the other hand, through the influence of a person on himself, i.e. self-education. Upbringing, education of a person continues throughout his life: he constantly replenishes his knowledge, his inner world, because life itself is constantly being updated.

Everything that has been said about education. Fully applies to moral education: it is also a certain influence on a person and is carried out in two ways (including self-education), it also continues throughout life. But morality also has its own special position in the educational process. The fact is that morality is present everywhere: it is an integral part of all types of human activity, which means that it is also a part of upbringing - mental, physical, aesthetic - and is the highest guideline for upbringing: it puts forward moral ideals before it.

The special position of morality in the educational process also implies its special task in society: to give education (all its directions) the correct orientation, to promote a harmonious combination of personal and public interests, i.e. a person's ability to care for others as well as for themselves. Taking care of a person about himself, from the point of view of morality, is quite normal. There is even such a saying of the ancients: the one who cannot stand up for himself can never stand up for others. But when a person, taking care of himself, does this at the expense of violating the rights, interests of other people, this is already evil, immorality.

Morality teaches us to see the value in every person and calls for a humane attitude of people towards each other. By our actions, we must never oppress the interests and rights of other people. Morality teaches you to do every thing so that it doesn't hurt others. In other words, the educational task of morality is to educate a person who knows how to act fairly and humanely.

What rules the world? What are the Highest guides in their behavior?

The world is ruled by laws. And all the Higher communities of intelligent beings are guided by them in their behavior.

Does morality exist in the Higher Worlds? Thanks to what order is maintained in the Higher Worlds?

In the Higher hierarchical worlds, there is no morality as a principle for regulating the behavior of individual individuals and their relationships. The Highest are guided not by morality, but by the Laws of the Universe, i.e. those higher norms that ensure order and normal functioning of the entire general volume of the Absolute and each particular unit that makes it up.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

Who has morality?

Morality is inherent only in humanity as the lowest form of development.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

What is morality on the earthly plane?

On the earthly plane, morality is the internal expression of the laws of behavior, and laws are the external form of the expression of morality.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

Why is morality the inner expression of laws?

Because, what is the morality of society in its highest manifestation, so are the laws.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

What are laws?

Laws are always a reflection of the moral and ethical side of human behavior.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

What is the dependence of laws on morality?

Morality is low - and the laws are low and cruel. And since they are a consequence of morality and are dependent on it, then this indicates that it is morality and ethics that govern society at the lower stages of its development.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

What do the forms of society go through?

Forms of government pass through laws, norms, art, religion.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

What matters in the management of society?

Art plays an important role in influencing and managing society.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

What is the management of society through art?

Its leadership lies in the fact that it imposes ideals and rules of behavior on various layers through theaters, cinema, the media, through works of art, imposes through those ideals that are embedded in them.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

Do laws change over time if morality changes?

Since the morality of society and the rules of behavior change over time, the laws also change.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

What influences changes in human behavior?

Human behavior changes due to the fact that the level of his development changes; the degree of consciousness, the time in which he lives; the tasks that the Supreme Teachers set for humanity; the energy with which a person works is changing.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

Does morality have any properties that a person does not yet know about?

There is one more side of morality that a person did not know about until now - this is energy.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

What is morality from an energetic point of view?

Morality is an internal mechanism for regulating the energy produced by a person. This quality also speaks of its primary role, and everything else, including the laws that operate within human society, are derived from it.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

Do cosmic laws depend on morality?

As for the cosmic laws, they do not depend on morality, but depend on those main goals that they must ensure for the normal functioning of the total volume of the Absolute. Here, the life of communities is structured somewhat differently.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

Why is morality a mechanism for regulating the production of energies * by a person?

Depending on what the moral of a person is, the nature of his actions is found. If his morality is low, he will act low, meanly in situations, he will sin a lot, give in to temptations, taking them for a form of life, and in accordance with this he will produce through low emotions and low, dirty energies. Any action of a person and his feelings contribute to the production of energies of the physical plane and the subtle. Therefore, what are the actions of a person, what are his emotions and feelings, so are the energies produced.
If the morality of the individual is high, then in the same situations in which the low individual participated, he will act opposite to him and begin to produce energies of a high type.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

Why have the Highest developed morality for man?

By developing new foundations of morality, a person changes his behavior and changes the range of energies produced by him, either upward or downward. Therefore, morality and ethics were developed by the Supreme Teachers for humanity in order to regulate the production of energies by a person, i.e. it is a mechanism for regulating the energy produced by people and a way of improving the soul.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

What changes in society when morality changes?

Changing morality, introducing some new concepts into it, first of all, a new attitude of a person to something, more precisely, to the forms of his behavior, is introduced. For example, when morality is strengthened, a person is stricter about encroachment on public property and does not steal. If society degrades and morality falls, then a third part of society becomes dishonest. This applies to the low and medium level of development. An individual with a high level of development, in whatever direction the morality changes, will not appropriate someone else's to himself.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

What conclusion can be drawn from the concept of morality in human society?

For the earthly plane of existence, a chain of dependencies is traced: morality - laws - energy production.
Therefore, in relation to human society, we can say that morality is given to a person in order to regulate the quality of energies produced by a person for hierarchical Systems and for himself. And on the basis of morality, laws are already created that govern human society, because this or that new behavior of individuals requires either confirmation in the legislative form of the legality of their actions, or its prohibition.

So, for example, after perestroika, entrepreneurs, farmers, managers, etc., first appeared in our society, and between them, one might say, spontaneously some kind of relations, connections, obligations to each other, and then the State Duma, relying on on these new norms of behavior, began to create laws.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

Are there laws other than human laws? What are the Higher Personalities guided by?

In addition to laws intended only for humanity, there are also laws of a higher order - the laws of cosmic development. There is no morality in the Cosmos, because the Higher Personalities are guided in their behavior not by morality, but by high consciousness, high responsibility and the Laws of the Universe.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

How do the Higher Personalities act in situations? In accordance with what?

In any situation, They will not act in accordance with their personal interests, but in accordance with a sense of duty and an understanding of what they need to do in a situation in order to get a result that satisfies their community.
In morality, they are usually based on personal interests and desires, and in laws they are based on the result that must be obtained when passing a specific situation. And this is the difference between the stable form of the law, based on the result, and morality, based on the ideal.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

What is morality? Is there a difference from morality?

Although morality and ethics are combined into one thing, they also have differences.

Morality is the spiritual state of society, which it must achieve through the acceptance of norms and rules of behavior given from Above by the Teachers of humanity or the Highest Hierarchs.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

What is morality from an everyday point of view?

From an everyday, social point of view, morality is the norms and rules of behavior of people, various social groups. But in view of the fact that any behavior, internal spiritual struggle leads to the production of energy, i.e. to the development of products of a certain quality, then all these rules and norms have a goal - to force human society and each of its members to produce what is necessary for hierarchical Systems, or rather, God.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

What quality is morality?

Morality is always given from Above. In another way, we can say that morality is the quality, the state that society should achieve in its spiritual development, to which it should strive. Therefore, moral standards are always higher than those that exist in society.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

Is society able to achieve the morality required from Above?

It's important to catch the difference here. Society, striving for the morality given from Above, lives in its own way, lower, since it is not able to immediately fulfill what is required from Above. And therefore, towards the norms and rules offered from Above, it puts forward its own norms and rules of behavior coming from below. And these norms and rules coming from below are the morality of a given society at this stage of development.
Morality usually has a mobile flow, i.e. changes over time. Therefore, the morality of society in the 20s of the twentieth century, 50s, 80s is different. Society either rises up to the 70s, then begins to degrade sharply from the 80s. And after him morality rises and falls.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

Does morality change over time?

Morality remains with society, like a guiding star, constant, because it carries the highest ideal and preserves it. This is what it must strive for. These are the ideals of mankind that do not fade and that all social strata are obliged to equalize in their behavior.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

Who served as the ideal of morality for humanity?

Christ and many saints who carried the Faith and died for it became such an ideal. Through them moral norms of behavior were given. (Christ gave the Ten Commandments and the Gospel, the saints taught the perseverance of the Spirit, humility and the ability to see and accept new things; taught devotion, dedication and other higher qualities.)
These are examples of how moral standards were originally introduced. Later they were introduced through the founders of the moral foundations of society, through telepathic contacts. They were written and given from Above, and were introduced through people. And what the society has succeeded in striving to fulfill them is already morality, i.e. distortions that these norms and rules have undergone in the course of their implementation.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

We can say that morality and ethics are one and the same, only one comes from below, and the other - from above. Therefore, usually the morality of society turns out to be lower than the morality assigned to it from Above. The quality of morality comprehended by a society is always lower than the quality of morality, to which it must come in the course of its development due to distortions and perversions that exist in any social environment.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

But although the whole society as a whole may not reach those moral heights that are required by the Highest, but individual units are able to come to the desired perfection. Some believe that since all development comes down to a set of energetics, then it is enough to be pumped up with energy by mechanical means without observing moral and ethical standards in order to go to the Higher Worlds. Such views on development are a distorted understanding of the principle of soul improvement. Through mechanical methods, one can only get into the lower worlds, because these methods produce energies of the low range.

What is the main thing in the development of the soul? What should a person remember?

The main thing in the development of the soul is the acquisition of high spiritual qualities, which are acquired only when it passes through the development of moral rules in society. A person must remember: vices do not pass into the Higher worlds of the Divine Hierarchy. They are processed below, they are outlived by acquired positive qualities.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

Can a person gain energy through mechanical methods?

A person remains below until he has worked out his vices and evil inclinations. Any set of energies through mechanical actions, in which the soul does not participate, belongs to the low physical spectrum of energies. Therefore, in these ways, the individual pumps up his etheric shell and only a small amount of energy due to persistence and willpower gets into the astral shell. But the mechanical spectrum of energies does not allow the soul to rise above even the 50th earthly Level. Therefore, in the spiritual plane, a person still has to work a lot on himself in order to reach the border of transition to the Higher Worlds.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

What is the shortest path to God?

The shortest path to the Hierarchy of God is following the Highest laws of development. Without following the rules of morality and ethics, the soul can also enter the Higher Worlds, only these are worlds belonging to the Hierarch of the negative System, i.e. To the devil, which have a different qualitative basis than the worlds of God. God allows souls into his Hierarchy only through moral and ethical foundations.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

What role does discipline play in human society?

In human society, she has always played a primary role in industrial, educational, military and other relations. It replaced morality with the establishment of rigid boundaries of behavior and was a forced measure of organizing the behavior of individuals.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

What is the discipline based on?

Discipline is also based on the morality that exists in society at a given time, and may be more rigid or less. With its help, the behavior of a certain part of the population is regulated.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

Can a human society exist without discipline?

Human society without it is not able to exist at this stage of development.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

Is there discipline in space?

When we turned to the Highest Hierarchs with the question: "Is there discipline in the Cosmos?" It all depends on the Level of the System * to which it belongs. That is, the higher the Level of the System, the more efficient it is, the more clearly each individual in it performs what he is supposed to.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

How is discipline in the Cosmos regulated?

One of the basic laws of the Cosmos is the Law of Subordination. It lies in the fact that Low-Level Systems unconditionally obey the Highest-Level Systems.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

Is discipline obligatory in the lower worlds?

In the lower worlds, discipline is obligatory, and it exists in certain laws of the morality of society in your world. Each society has its own.
Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Man of the Age of Aquarius".

"And no matter how far a civilization is from Us or close to Us, its submission takes place on the basis of the discipline given by Us. We give discipline expressed in certain laws to any lower society. Higher civilizations obey Us automatically. They already have disciplines. as norms of behavior, no.They have risen so much in their development, and therefore, in their consciousness that all the moral qualities of respect for the Higher and love for the lower have formed in their souls their own strategy of behavior, thanks to which they themselves, of their own free will, obey Us and Upstream Systems. "

For the Highest there is no such thing as discipline, because their Reason and moral qualities are already so high that they are not capable of doing anything bad.

All stupidity and outrage - from the baseness of consciousness and reason.

The higher the soul ascends the ladder of Levels, the more conscious and multifaceted the mind becomes morally. Higher consciousness replaces discipline, since it (discipline) already enters his consciousness as a regularity. "