Romantic photo sessions in retro style. Original ideas for a photo shoot in the "Retro" style: actual photos and poses. Retro style with modern sound

This photo session is also called vintage or photo shoot in vintage style.

For creating retro image for a photo shoot the studio has props: boas, hats, veils, pearls, mouthpiece, gloves, fabrics, antique suitcases, a retro sewing machine, etc.

1500 RUB - photo shoot vintage(1 image), 30 minutes, about 30-50 photos, 2 of which will be processed at your choice.

It is recommended to order professional photo makeup and styling, because the result will be much better. You should not rely on your own strength, unless you are a professional makeup artist and stylist. The cost of such a service is 1500 rubles.

You can also order an additional 1-2 images (should be discussed in advance so that it is assigned to you) + 1500 rubles.

3000 RUB - photo shoot in vintage style (1 image) + professional make-up and hairstyle (total working time in the studio 1.5 hours.) About 30-50 photos, 2 of which will be processed at your choice.

4500 RUB - 2-3 looks + professional make-up and hairstyle (total working time in the studio 2 hours). About 100 photos, 5 photos of your choice will be processed.

You need to send the photo numbers to the photographer for processing within 2 weeks. The photographer will send you ready-made photos to your mail within 2 weeks. All photos are provided in electronic form.


In this tutorial we will create a retro style photo using various techniques using Blending Modes, Opacity, Texture Blending. For this tutorial you will need a photo of the model and a texture. Let's start.

Let's start by creating a new document (Ctrl + N). Its dimensions are 1000x1500 pixels (RGB). Find a photo of curtains in the Internet, insert it into our document.

Create a new Hue / Saturation Adjustment Layer. Reduce the saturation to -100 to make the image black and white.

Here's what we get:

Create a new Curves Adjustment Layer. Adjust the curves as shown below. (We do this in order to make the shade of gray even darker).

Here's the result:

Create a new layer, set the Fill value to 0%, then double-click on the layer to open the Layer Styles window, select the Gradient tab.

Click on the color scheme, a window will open where you can select the colors you need and adjust the gradient. Do it as shown below. Click OK.

Here's what you should get:

Create a new layer and choose a Soft Round Brush from the Brushes panel.

Paint with the selected brush on our canvas (you need white, opacity 100%), you need to make light on the curtains, and in the places where the shadows are located, use a black Brush with an opacity of 10%.

Set the Fill of this layer to 16% and the Layer Blending Mode to Linear Light.

Create a new layer, choose a soft brush, color # 50675A, opacity 15%. Paint with this brush on the left and right side of our image.

The blending mode of this layer is Chroma.

Create a new layer and fill it with white. Create a layer mask by clicking on the desired icon in the layers panel. Activate the mask. Next go to Filter-Render-Clouds.

Set the layer blending mode to Overlay.

Find the desired photo of the model, I used this image. It suits our job very well.

Separate the model from the background in any way convenient for you. Next, transfer the model to our document.

Create a new layer, choose Soft Round Brush Black. Let's make a shadow that falls from the legs of the model. Set the Brush Opacity to 30%. Paint with this brush to the left of the shoes, creating a shadow.

Create a new Hue / Saturation adjustment layer. Reduce saturation to -91.

Our result:

Hold Alt and click between the Hue / Saturation layer and the model's layer. This will create a Clipping Mask (that is, the Adjustment Layer will only affect the model's layer).

Here's the result:

Create a new layer and fill it with # 2E2D2A color.

Also create a clipping mask.

Set the Fill of the layer to 40%, Blending Mode - High Light.

On a New Layer, select a Soft Round Brush with black color (Opacity 20%).

Use this brush to create a shadow from the model's body.

Create a clipping mask for this layer.


Select all layers (using Ctrl + left click) with the model and her shadow, right click on the selected layers, select Create Group.

Now make a Rectangular Selection (M).

Right-click the selection and choose Transform Selection. Rotate it as shown below.

Hold Ctrl and double click on the selection. Then, using the Move Tool (V), move the selection down slightly.

Double click on the layer to open the layer style window. Select the Inner Shadow tab.

Gradient tab:

Click on the Color Picker, adjust the Gradient as shown below. Click OK.

Here's our result:

Repeat the same offset technique, selecting the upper part of the model's body (see image below).

Create a new layer and fill it with # 283A26 color.

Change the blending mode to Color.

On a New Layer, select a Soft Round Brush with the color # 343841.

Paint with the selected brush over the layer as shown below.

Set the fill of the layer to 0%, Blending Mode - Color Dodge.

On a New Layer, select a Soft Round Brush with white color, Opacity 15%. Use it as shown below.

Set the Fill value of the layer to 77%, Blending Mode to Overlay.

Create a new layer, select a soft round brush, paint on a new layer, changing colors (cyan-purple). The opacity of the brush is 40%.

Here's what we get:

Change the blending mode to Soft Light.

On a New Layer, select a Soft Round Brush and paint with # 6EAF6A around the edges of the image (Brush Opacity 15%).

Set the blending mode to Color.

Create a new layer, again choose a soft round brush, color # FFC78C, opacity 15%. Paint around the model's face.

Our result:

Create a New Adjustment Layer Curves, slightly tweak the color of the image.

Create a New Adjustment Layer again, this time with Hue / Saturation. The settings for this layer are shown below:

Here's the result:

Set the Fill of the layer to 0%, open the Layer Styles window, the Gradient tab.

Adjust the gradient as follows:

Here's what we get:

Fill a small piece of the triangle with white.

Reduce the layer's Opacity to 43%.

Place all layers in one group. Create a mask for this group. Choose a Soft Round Brush with black color. Paint over the mask to hide the bottom of the triangle a bit.

Select the Pen Tool, in the Options Bar set the Drawing Mode to Shape Layers and draw the next shape as shown below.

Set the Fill to 0% for this layer and the Opacity to 73%. Click on the Add a Layer Style icon from the bottom of the Layers panel and go to the Blending Options tab, find Advanced Settings and select Layer Mask.

Apply a stroke

We got the following result

Insert a mask for the last layer by choosing Add Layer Mask at the bottom of the Layers panel and pick a soft round brush with black color (set the Opacity to 40% in the Options Bar).

Paint with a brush on the mask to hide the path of the path as shown below.

Do you want to do a retro style photo shoot in a professional photo studio? Here you will find the best professional photographers in Moscow who take retro photography for men and women!

What is Retro Style

A retro photo pack is an interesting idea to capture the most important events in life. This is something for lovers of the first movie stars, jazz, charleston, vaudeville, musicals. For inspiration, before organizing a photo shoot, it is worth revising family photographic albums of the beginning of the century and silent films.

The basis of the photographs will be the study of the play of light and shadow for black and white and sepia. It is worth remembering that in these crazy times, there are many dances, candlelit dinners in restaurants, and playing cards.

We will be happy to help you organize your session, both in the studio and on the street - against the backdrop of interesting landscapes, old buildings, benches and fountains reminiscent of the beginning of the century,


Use the fashionable for that time short low-waist dresses under construction, muffs, fur capes on the shoulders, boas, gloves, boas, frock coats, top hats and bowlers. All this will help to recreate the unique atmosphere of the 20s and 30s.


A cigarillo, a cigar, a cane, a la Charlie Chaplin, a string of pearls, a headband with a feather, gadgets that will help convey the atmosphere of a bygone era. Among them :. Old suitcases, radio, adapter, and even wooden deck chairs and the original bottle closed with a ceramic cap, playing cards, fans, revolvers. Curved chair backs, carved tabletops.

Makeup and hairstyles

Make-up and hairstyle characteristic of the first decades of the last century - quite bright lips, eyelashes, powdered face. Hairstyles - from short "page" or "square", to raised at the back of the head and pinned up long hair, artificial wigs.

Poses for a photo shoot

It is advisable to choose dynamic play poses in the "stop the moment" style - in dance, during conversation and playing cards, a feast (raising glasses), a girl at a dressing table, at a book, on a walk by a pond, etc. But all postures should be natural and saturated with the energy of that time.

Retro images, sample photos

Retro photo shoot cost

How we do thematic photo sessions


The cost

Rent a Photo Studio without our photographer

  • You can come with your own photographer or take pictures yourself
  • Minimum order 30 minutes / 300 rubles

600r / hour

Photo session with our photographer in the studio

  • The price includes studio rental (background to the floor, interior, props, etc.)
  • Minimum order 30 minutes / 1500r
  • General color correction of the most successful photos. (this is NOT a detailed retouch)
  • Designed for shooting no more than 2 people

2 900 rub / hour

Photo session with our photographer on departure

  • Minimum order from 2 hours (only for prepayment!)
  • Shooting with Canon professional photography equipment
  • Recording all footage to disk or your USB flash drive
  • Designed for any number of people
  • General color correction of the most successful photos. (this is NOT a detailed retouch)

2 500 rub / hour

Subject photography

  • The cost is indicated for one item (the cost can increase up to 300 rubles for especially difficult tasks)
  • Minimum order of 20 items

100 rub

Stylist / makeup artist services

  • The cost is indicated for one image (the cost may increase for particularly difficult tasks). Hairstyle + 1000r

2 900 rub

Professional photo retouching

  • Teeth whitening
  • Skin rejuvenation / smoothing
  • Elimination of skin defects (wrinkles, moles,
  • Change in eye color
  • A tan
  • Eliminate glare from the skin
  • Body shaping (weight loss / gain)

300r / photo

Photo slideshow

  • Any photos / videos / music can be used
  • The duration of the video is no more than 12 minutes

Do you like retro photos? Want to learn how to make one yourself? Then this article is for you.

So, there are several ways how to create a retro style photo from a regular photo. The easiest way is online service. Follow this link:, upload your photo to the site or indicate the link where it is located. And in a moment you get the finished result - a photo that looks like it was taken a hundred or one hundred and fifty years ago.

This method, of course, is good for everyone, but clearly not for those who love to create with their own hands. So let's use Photoshop.

1. Retro effect using Photoshop channels.

Uploading a photo:

Open the Channels tab, the Green channel. Select the photo (Ctrl + A), copy (Ctrl + C).

Select the Blue layer, press "Paste" (or Ctrl + V). Remove selection (Ctrl + D).

Next, let's see the result - turn on the RGB channel:

2. Retro effect with Match Color

Open the photo in Photoshop:

Create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N). Select with the Rectangular Marquee. Fill half of the photo with one color, the other half with another, as shown in the picture.

Activate the photo layer. Image - Adjustments - Match Color. In the Source field, we are looking for the document in which we are.

I continue to distribute photolongs;)
Anya Karavaeva came to visit, like that in winter ... and we had a real retro photo session, so I made some pretty retro portraits, and at the same time practiced styling photographs like retro 1920s.

Photo session in retro style.

Speaking of retro photography, this is a special kind of stylization of photographs for vintage antiquity. In our retro style photo shoot, Anya is generally an expert on fashion and style of that era. And she was not only a model, but also a stylist. Therefore, she was wearing an authentic dress, a hat, a grandmother's blouse, a retro hairstyle and so on.

How to organize a retro shooting?

The basis of any successful photo shoot is interaction with a model, which results in a good and interesting studio portrait or several. In our case, it is on a white or dark background. Of course, you need a knowledgeable makeup artist and stylist, a person versed in retro styles and fashion. Any vintage accessories are welcome. There are interior studios with antique furniture or a matching textured wall.

What lighting schemes to use for retro photo shoots?

Light scheme for the first portrait: Two rear side softboxes for highlighting smoke and hair (almost backlighting) and a sunshade in front of the right and top. To soften the shadows on the neck and under the nose, I used a large sheet of reflective plastic in front and below. It is desirable to move away from a dark background.

For the second portrait, I changed the lighting scheme. Highlighted the white background. I highlighted the hair with a softbox on the back-left. And in front and slightly to the right, he put a large umbrella for reflection. Below, a small flash softened the shadows.

How to handle retro photography?

To process the photos, I used one of the DemiArt Photoshop tutorials on aging photos, which can be found under the tag "Old photo vintage effect". On my own, I added some creativity, noise, different brushes and grudge paper textures. Naturally, such processing is unique, it takes about an hour, this must be understood when undertaking commercial retro photography.

  • Converted from RAW, can be converted to BW.
  • Duplicate the layer and Filter\u003e Blur\u003e Surface Blur,then we raise the contrast Curves. Tone this layer to sepia.
  • Duplicate the background layer, move it to the top, make a round mask in the center, invert the selection. Add 10px large noise to the peripheral areas of the retro photo layer, with blending Overlay.
  • Create a new layer, fill it with gray, add 4px fine noise, blend mode Overlay.
  • Add in a new layer with brushes dots, cracks, spots, of any shape and size (in the blending mode Soft Light).
  • Duplicate the background layer, move it to the top, apply a Filter-Other-Hight Pass filter with a radius of 3-5px, apply it to the eyes and sharp parts of the vintage photo.
  • Add paper textures under the background layer. This can be a photograph of an old crumpled piece of paper or cardboard. Apply the texture with masks and adjust the opacity of the photo layer.

And now the retro photo is ready:

And this is an ordinary portrait on a dark background, from that photo session in retro style, with practically no processing.