Roses Prevention of diseases in spring. Treatment of roses in spring from diseases and pests. How to process roses? Garden Khrushche, other beetles

Roses Care: Secret Recipes from Victoria Radzevskaya

The rose flower is a symbol of beauty, since the refinement of its gentle petals is harmoniously combined with sharp spikes.

We bring to your attention a few unique secrets of growing roses in the country. Thanks to the execution of these tips, you will get a beautiful bush with gorgeous flowering.

How to grow a gorgeous rose. Verified method!

I bring to your attention a few secrets of growing roses. Thanks to this secret, the rose grows a strong and chic bush.

1. Rose saplings varieties should be resistant to diseases and frosts, since in almost all regions of Russia, winter enough cold roses may die.

2. In the spring, we definitely carry the rose trimming to get a lush bush. At rosescut the old and dry branches. And the frozen branches cut to live kidneys, the new shoots will go into the growth.

3. After trimming, it is necessary to feed the bush with a fertilizer. For the preparation of the solution in the water bucket, we divorce 1 tbsp. l. Ammonium nitrate. After that, we water the rose and on top we mulch with a power layer 6-8 cm.Roses need to trim in the spring, and not in the fall, as it is considered. After all, over the summer, the rose is equipped with nutrients for wintering, and with autumn cropping, we deprive the plant of these stocks. Therefore, always cut roses in the spring.

4. Mulch rose by a humor or compost.

5. Watered need a rose abundantly, but rarelyand only warm water. On hot days, roses water twice a week. But not superficially, but it is thorough that the water leaked to a good depth.. In the spring, in the period of rain, the plant should not be watered. From the oversupplication of moisture of the roots of the plant can be undermined.

6. Fertilizers begin to make in spring and finish in the middle of summer. When roses blend, it is necessary to make phosphoric feeding to the rose bushes get all the necessary nutrients.

7. In order for the rose to be a lush and beautiful bush it needs to be able to correctly form. To do this, pinch the tops of the shoots when the escape grows in length 15-20 cm.

8. Regularly process roses by means of diseases and pests. These can be both folk methods and chemical, biological agents.

What to put in the well when landing roses

In the spring, so that they fit well, add organic and mineral fertilizers into the landing pit. From such a feeding rose will actively grow and bloom gorgeously.

So, I'm well leaving the earth and give the organic. Once again I give up and let the soil stand. After that, I dig a landing hole and I put in 500 g of a stroke into each well. From above, humoring a thin layer of land so that the roots of roses do not get a burn from fertilizer.

After that, I put a rose. I spray the earth and spill well with warm water. When the rose is strengthened and goes into growth, it is a fertilizer for each bush. During this period, the rose feeds the dung alive, which contains all the necessary elements for rose growth.

For the preparation of a solution, by half a scrub, pour water to the edges of the bucket and insist for a week. The resulting solution is tormented in the ratio of 16:10 and with each bush pour 1 liter of fertilizer. I spend such a feeder three times every two weeks. Before making a liquid fertilizer, rose sheds simple water.

When to open last year's roses in the spring.

Spring has come and the sun has already well hesitated, so many gardeners are asked when you can open roses placed in previous years. Consider how and when to open roses in the middle lane of Russia.

Roses must be opened gradually. First you need to open ends. If it does not go out, then you need to make an intense to come fresh air, and the plants were not hot. After that, we open the underfloor material so that the roses do not fall straight sun rays.

Starting to shoot shelter from rose bushes need gradually. As soon as snow comes down, shelter from the northern side we open and carry out roses. It is necessary so that roses, under the sunburst sun, did not begin to go.

When the temperature on the street is about 0 degrees, the shelter is completely removed and gently we clean the rose from the sketch - leaves or sawdust. After that, during the day, we leave the rose open, and at night it is again coated with a special material or film.

After the roses are accustomed to the spring temperature, you can remove the first shelter. Many gardeners hide roses in 2-3 layers. Therefore, gradually remove the layers, so as not to open roses at once completely.

Fully remove the shelter when the snow grows and the soil hides at a depth of 15-25 cm. During this period, it is necessary to monitor the temperature. Although roses and tolerate up to -10 degrees of frost, but you need to open them correctly, observing the conditions described above. After all, in the spring, with the wrong opening, a plant can be ruined, which is well overwhelming.

After finalizing the shelter, we carry out rose trimming and fertilize it with nitrogen fertilizers. For feeding, urea or ammonium nithel will fit well.

Be sure to pay attention to when removing shelters from roses. This is on the field of climate of the region: when it comes to the snow when the optimum temperature is installed. Therefore, the removal of the shelter from roses in each region takes place at different times. But necessarily until the ripening and dissolution of the kidneys.

I suggest your attention a proven and efficient method of saving roses after wintering.

My wonderful roses poorly moved the winter. When I removed the shelter from them, then I saw that they had warred. At this time I remembered the solution that my aunt told me. I decided to apply her way, because worse roses will not definitely.

For the preparation of the solution on the water bucket, we divorce 1 cup of vodka. The resulting solution we immediately water roses. After the first feeding, my roses began to grow actively, and bloomed more chic buton.

How to crop roses in the spring. Right ways!

The season of spring work in the garden comes. After the roses were open, it is necessary to crush to rejuvenate, heat the bush, as well as stimulate the growth of new shoots.

Swimming roses , like other varieties of roses, it is necessary to trim in the spring. It is difficult that the branches are intertwined with each other, and it is very difficult to work with them.

It is not necessary to do a strong trimming of this variety, you need to form a bush so that it grows beautiful. Since unnecessary shoots can grow strongly and pick up the nutrient elements, this will result in flowering. Roses can crush and blossom well.

Washing roses must begin to cut off from extreme branches and deepen inside the bush. Basic branches cut to the first kidney. Very long branches can be done shorter, so that the bush looks lush.

All side, thin branches cut off. Also cut the branches that grow inside the bush. They need to be removed so that the bush does not thicken and ventilate well. Then all branches will get enough light and oxygen.

Procedure on trimming roses branches are carried out only by a disinfectant secaterator so as not to infect healthy plants. After the bush was cut off, all sections of the sections need to be lubricated with a greenflaw or extrapped activated carbon.

White roses. The bush roses are very beautiful and that they grow and gorgeously bloomed and it is necessary to trim in the spring. After all, the status of the plant will depend on how the pruning process.

White roses cut in the spring after removed the underfloor material. At the bush, we remove dry and frozen branches and branches that look inside the bush. The bush roses do not need to trim strongly, we only carry out this procedure for the formation of the bush.

If a lush krone is required, then the stem cut together with the first top kidney. If you need a small bush, then the side shoots cut to the first top kidney. Rose can be shaped by a ball, dome, a bush with a crown or other way. Spring trimming depends on it.In front of the trimming, we look at the bush, cut out old and frozen branches. Then we cut the branches that are addressed inside the bush. It must be done so that the bush does not thicken, as well as beautifully formed.

If there are sick branches on shoots, they must be cut off a disinfected knife to a healthy part. With a cut, a healthy branch should have a green part and a white core. Such trimming allows you to leave only healthy branches to grow a healthy rose.

On breeic shoots, we leave 2-3 kidneys, in annual 5 kidneys. If shoots are weak, it is better not to overload them, we leave 1 kidney. Cut the shoots by 0.5 cm above the swollen kidney.

After trimming, all sections of the sections must be treated with a garden boiler or a discharged tablet of activated carbon. It is necessary in order to avoid infections and disease occurrence.

What to feed roses for active growth.

Many gardeners cultivate a rose on their sites, she decorates the garden and gives a wonderful fragrance. To rose all summer pleased with its magnificent bloom. It is necessary to take care of the plant in the spring. To do this, make fertilizers to rose actively grow and develop, increasing the new boots and multiple green mass of leaves.

It is necessary to make fertilizer for roses in early May, when warm weather is already installed on the street. In the cold time, useful substances are poorly absorbed, so there is no result from feeding in cold weather.

First feeder will be done using cowhide. For the preparation of the solution in the vera of water we divorce 1 liter of liquid cow. Insperate the solution during the week in a warm dark place. After that, the solution is once again diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. The resulting solution is pouring roses by damp soil so that the roots of the plant do not receive burns.

Second subcord We spend two weeks after the first. To prepare a solution in a water bucket, we divorce 10 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium sulphate. The resulting solution is pouring roses also by wet soil.

Rose will absorb substances from fertilizers. After the plant receives all the necessary elements, the active growth of rose bushes will begin. After some time, you will need to make another feeder for gorgeous flowering. For this, potassium and phosphorus fit well.

What to fertilize roses in the spring for growth.

So that the rose is perfectly blossoming in the summer you need to feed it in the spring, then the bush will actively grow and gain a good green mass. As a result, it is a strong and healthy bush that gives gorgeous flowering.

Tip: fertilize Rose immediately after trimming.

During this period, the colors are needed nitrogen fertilizers. For the preparation of the solution in the water bucket, we divorce 1 tbsp. l. urea. We water roses with the resulting solution, but only in wet soil so that the plant does not get burns roots from fertilizers. Under each bush we introduce 5 liters of solution.

Two weeks later, the donkey is an appointment of the organic. To do this, at 10-15 cm from the bush, we make a circle, in this grooves we smear the humus and sprinkle the earth, we water the ventilate. As a result, the rose will absorb all the necessary useful substances.

At the end of May, a rose must be fed with liquid fertilizer. To do this, you can use a green fertilizer or a korlard. Consider both options for the preparation of fertilizer. In the bucket of water we divorce 1 l of liquid cowboat or 500ml chicken litter. We insist the solution of the day, after which we dilute in the ratio of 1: 1 and water the rose. Under each bush, we pour 2-3 liters of solution.

Green fertilizer is made from nettle and dandelions. We collect grass, fold in a bucket and pour water. Add 1 tsp. Dry yeast and withstand the solution in the sun during the week. During this period, fermentation will occur as soon as it is over, we remove the grass. The solution is divorced in a 1: 1 ratio and water a rose.

All the above, the listed fertilizers are natural. There are no chemicals in their composition. In addition, this is a budget option, since the humus, the korovyan can be easy to find. Fertilizer data will stimulate roses, and saturate them with all the necessary nutrients.

What to feed roses in the spring for lush flowering in the country.

Best recipe for my grandmother!

So that roses have grown a chic bush with a good green mass and large buds, the plant must be checked in time. It is desirable to make the fertilizer in spring during the period of active growth. Such recipes suggested me my grandmother.

For the first time feed the rose When the kidneys begins to bloom. To do this, we prepare the next fertilizer: in a bucket of water we will be divorced 1 liter of cowboy. After that, we water the plant on wet soil. Watering a plant in front of a liquid fertilizer is necessary so that the roots of roses do not get burns.

Second subcord We introduce in the end of May. To do this, in the bucket of water we are divorced 10 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulphate. The resulting solution is pouring a rose on wet soil. Mineral fertilizers as well as organic are needed to grow the development of leaves and rose stems.

Third subcord We introduce in July. For this purpose, 1 cup of ashes is divorced in a bucket of water. The resulting solution spray the leaves of roses. With such a feeding rose, the useful elements will absorb faster and will be actively blossoming.

What feeding need roses? Main fertilizers

To roses grow well and gorgeously bloomed them must be picked up several times per season. For roses, organic and mineral fertilizers must be made.

In the spring after trimming, rose must be filtered nitrogen . It stimulates the growth of leaves and new shoots. As a result, after feeding, Rosa begins to grow faster and blossom.

Organic fertilizers It must be made during the formation of buds. Liquid fertilizer from the cowboy contains a plurality of elements that are required by the plant in this active period.

Kalaise and phosphorus It is necessary to feed roses after they are swinging and the autumn trimming will be held. During this period, roses need a fertilizer, which positively affects a rich bookmark of buds and saturates elements for wintering.

A unique method of rejuvenation of roses Soda.

Food soda use to rejuvenate roses bushes. To do this, in 5 liters of water launches 1 tbsp. l. soda and 0.5 h. Summer alcohol, 1 tsp. Magnesium sulfate and 1 tsp. grazing household soap.

The resulting solution spray the rose bushes. We carry out the processing in the morning or in the evening so that there is no direct sunlight. Thanks to this solution, roses will begin an active growth of new shoots. As a result, the bush is rejuvenated.

Iodine and milk to destroy the round on roses

The secret secret of my mother-in-law!

The trouble is the most dangerous belief of roses. It is powered by juice, leaves, stems and even gentle roses buds. The failure not only spoils the appearance of the plant, but also adversely affects it. Therefore, at the first signs you need to immediately destroy the plant.

It is possible to destroy the TRU on roses without the use of chemical preparations. To do this, you need simple iodine and milk. For the preparation of the solution, we need 100 milk of real cow and 50 drops of iodine. Shop milk for this solution is not suitable, it is necessary that natural cow's milk needed.

In the milk we divor the iodine and add 1 liter of warm water. The resulting solution is poured into the pulverizer and spray the bushes of roses, affected by the tool. We spend processing in the morning or in the evening so that the leaves do not get burns. After 7 days we repeat the procedure.

This solution not only effectively destroys the TRU, but also is prevention against phytoophulas, pulse dews and other fungal diseases.

How to treat a rose from a paw-tick at home.

Juicy, gentle leaves of roses is the main power of the cute tick. With the defeat of insects, the rose loses its attractiveness, she will dry and fall leaves, the plant is covered by a web. Therefore, at the first signs of infection, it is necessary to immediately destroy the spider tick. Consider how to treat a rose from the pest without the use of chemistry.

1. Quarantine.

If on the leaves of roses, small moving light points and stains discovered. It is necessary to immediately insulate the plant so that pests do not shift on other plants. After that, we remove the appeared web, freeing the leaves and stems.

2. Soap solution.

After that, wash off pests under the shower runs so that the main part is washed away from the leaves and the stem. Then we get a soap solution in the basin and dip the roses into it. After that, we rinse again from the shower with simple water. Such a procedure will destroy most of the pests.

After the water procedure, we remove the room rose into a warm place, away from sunlight so that the plant does not receive burns.

3. Leek husk.

After the main part of the web tick was destroyed, now it is necessary to get rid of the larvae and possible surviving pests, since insects can restore the population very quickly.

For the preparation of a solution into a liter jar, we emballon 1 cup of onion husk and pour hot water. Let's breed a day. After that, they flicker and spray roses.

4. Garlic.

To prepare a solution into a liter jar, we put three crushed garlic heads and pour water. Let us breed about an hour, then spray the plants.

5. Alcohol.

Roses spray simple water, then wet your mob in alcohol solution and process the leaves. As a result, the web tick will disappear.

How to treat roses from gray rot.

In case of non-compliance with the rules for the care of a rose, the plant affects gray rot. Buds, stems and rose leaves amazeing fungal disease. What to treat roses from sulfur rot?

At the first signs of the lesion of the plant with gray rot, it is necessary to treat roses with biological pesticides and bacterial fungicides. For those who do not want to rose, they can be treated with folk remedies.

1. Copper vigor.

Copper vigor must be used to treat roses in the spring, preferably immediately after pruning. For the preparation of 1% solution, 100 g of powder will be required. In a glass of hot water wept the copper vigorous, after the mixture is dissolved, we pour into a bucket with water.

The resulting solution spray a rose in the morning or in the evening. In summer, the air temperature during processing should not exceed +30 degrees.

2. Wood ash.

For the preparation of a solution of 300 g of wood ashes, we drag into 1 liter of water and insist the day. After that, they focus and dilute in a bucket with water. The resulting solution spray a rose.

3. Milk solution.

In the bucket of water we divorce 1 liter of milk. This milk solution spray a rose. On the leaves, a film is formed, which protects the plant from gray rot. This solution is more suitable for the prevention of the disease.

What to treat roses from caterpillars. Verified folk remedies!

Caterpillar, settling on roses, feed on kidney roses and eaten a soft part, leaving big holes on the leaves. As a result, the plants weaken and lose their decorative appearance. To save the rose, you must regularly inspect the bushes and process them, using proven folk remedies.

1. Burning.

Treat roses must be decorating from the burdock, this effective means will help get rid of caterpillars. To prepare a decoction of stems, roots and leopa leaves crushed and fill up to half a bucket. Then poured with 10 liters of water and boil 30 minutes. Then we withstand three days. Then fillating and divorced in the ratio of 1:10. The resulting solution spray roses.

2. Tomato tops.

A decoction of tomato tops is a pesticide. Therefore, effectively destroys pests on a rose. For cooking, leaves are needed and stalking finely cut. 5 kg of the resulting green mass fill with water and boil 4 hours on slow heat. After that, cool the decoction and spray roses them. This decoction must be applied, following the safety rules.

3. Wormwood.

Wormwood shredding, 1 kg of grass fill with 3 liters of water and boil in 10 minutes. After that, we drain the water and bring up to 10 liters. Then stand the decoction of 7 days. After that, we are processing a solution of the plant.

How to make a rose from rust in spring. Verified tool!

In the spring of rose, like the remaining plants, it is necessary to process. First of all, preventive rust events should be carried out. Rust is manifested in the spring in the form of orange spots on young shoots and leaves. Many gardeners are wondering than treating a rose?

Handle rose from rust is needed in spring immediately after trimming. With warm spring weather, insects from winter hibernation crawl. It is at this time that plants need to be treated. For the first processing of roses, we use a 3% bordrian fluid solution.

For the preparation of a solution in a glass of water wept 300 g bordeaux mixture. Then we pour the mixture into 5 liters of water and well stir. Another capacity is diluted with 400 g of lime. In the dissolved lime of a thin jet, the borodic mixture is affected. The result is a blue solution, they carefully spray roses.

7-10 days after the first processing, we carry out the second treatment, but already with a 1% mortar of the bordeaux mixture. The second processing will allow completely destroying the pathogens of diseases and insects.

In case the plants did not have time to process, and the rust has already struck roses, it is necessary to remove contaminated leaves and stems. Then burn them to avoid the spread of the fungal disease. After that, process roses by a fungicidal biopreparation.

What to treat roses in the spring. Verified tools!

Spring has come, and now actively work on the plant processing site, including roses. I bring to your attention a few proven recipes for treating roses from pests and diseases. From these recipes, it is enough to treat roses with one tool.

1. 3% Bordeaux fluid solution.

Bordeaux liquid for long known gardeners as a very good tool that protects roses from pulse dew, black and rusty spots, as well as from other diseases. We carry out treatment after trimming rose bushes.

For the preparation of a 3% solution of burgundy fluid, we need two tanks, but not iron. In one container, we divorce 200 g bordeaux liquid. Since it is poorly divorced in cold water, first wept the preparation in a glass in hot water, then we pour in 5 liters of water room temperature.

In the second capacity wept 300 g of lime. Then in this mixture with a thin jet pour borodic liquid. As a result, oily blue liquid is obtained. We water the rose with this solution. Together with the bordeaux liquid we bring humus.

2. Ammonium nitrate

Ammonium nitrate use as nitrogen fertilizer. Spring roses require nitrogen for good growth of leaves and laying buds.

For the preparation of the solution in the water bucket, we divorce 1 tbsp. l. drug and pour roses. Under each bush we introduce 1 liter of the solution.

3. Manganese.

The processing of roses of roses by manganese is needed if the mold appeared on the shoots. And also if the branches are crushed at wintering. In this case, each damaged escape is wiping with a cloth moistened in a weak solution of manganese.

4. 3% iron sulfate solution

Iron sulfate is also effective, as well as a burglar fluid solution.

5. Boric acid

Boric acid is not only a fertilizer, but also the best remedy for fungal diseases of plants.

Born acid must be used for roses once a month. It concerns indoor roses and rose bushes in the garden. To do this, we process plants with a special solution.

For the preparation of a solution in 1 liter of hot water wept 10 g of boric acid powder. The resulting raster spray roses.

Applying boric acid is also necessary when rose staring. To do this, we prepare the solution: on the bucket of water we divor into 20 g of powder. In this solution, immerse the cuttings for 2-3 minutes.

Miracle rose breeding methods

1. Charms

Thanks to the bottom unique method, you can get a good strong plant.

In the spring when trimming roses, very often detect the dead shoots. In this case, I do not cut them, but spread the rose to a unique way.

For this, the dead shoots fasten with wooden or metal hooks. At the base, I remove the bark on a width of 4-6 cm. Then this place in a few layers we bind the film and impose a thin layer of garden bottle.

In June, this naught escape from healthy kidneys appear sprouts. To accelerate the formation of roots under the kidney, I do cuts.

After that, dig a groove with a depth of 8-10 cm along the faded shoots. At the bottom of the groove, lay a mixture of peat, sand and humus in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. Savages neatly lay in the groove and sprinkle the earth.

After some time, I rewind the earth again, because it will fall a little. Through two of their planted roses, I water. While the cuttings were not rooted, constantly follow the moisture content and loosen the soil.

2. In the newspaper

Thanks to this method, you can reproduce even those branches that were damaged in winter.

In the spring, when we open our overwhelming roses, often they, to my disappointment, turn out to be damaged by snow. But fortunately, they did not frozen and they can be completely rooted and growing a new lush bush. Cut them with cuttings for 15-20 cm and prepare for rooting. Bottom cut cutting under the kidney, and the top between the two kidneys. On the finished cutlets there are about three or four kidneys.

Prepared cuttings we collect in the bundle and gently wrap in the newspaper so that they are covered on all sides. Copyright spray water and wrap in a plastic bag. Watch so that roses cuttings have received fresh air access.

The finished bundle is put in a dark place where the air temperature will keep about +18 degrees. Let's lie down with cuttings for 2-3 days and inspect so as not to start refusing. If the temperature and humidity are observed that all cuttings will be healthy and will give root. .

After all our cuttings give good roots, you can land them into the open ground as soon as the soil warms up enough to land. Looking down the cuttings in such a way that only one kidney was above the earth, and the rest were in the soil. Lached cuttings are covered with a film or a cropped plastic bottle to create a microclimate. It remains only to regularly monitor the development of roses, water, loosen and, if necessary, to diatense from the bright sun.

How to transplant adult rose

Many gardeners are wondering if it is possible to transplant an adult rose? In my own experience I know that you can. But only replant to a new place neatly, observing all the rules. I will tell you about your experience to replant with an adult rose.

We transplant an adult rose bush early spring or autumn. This time is the best for the plant so that after resetting this year to get abundant flowering.

To begin with, prepare a place for roses, you need to choose a smooth illuminated area. Then we remove the roots of weeds.

A few days before the adaptation of an adult rose to a new place, I dug a landing pit, I am adding ash, sawdust for the looseness of the Earth. Then he began to prepare the roses themselves.Rose We bind the rope to facilitate the work with it, we richly shed roots with warm waterSo that the earth is better held on the roots. After all, the rose is good, if they transplanted it together with a lore earth from the old place. Then the trench was breathed around the bush, gradually deepening to the base of the bush. The longest roots that could not dig and simply chopped the shovel. It practically did not affect the further growth of the bush.

After that, the rolled rose bush put on the film and moved to the landing pit. Deepened a rose at the same level that grew before. Popped the earth and conalted so that there were no voids among the roots.

First, you dig a trench around the perimeter of the rose, then gradually shut up and dig roots with an earthen room. If it is difficult to pull the bush, long roots can be chopped and pulling the bush with scrap using it as a lever.

Next, we look at the dug rose, damaged and patients with the roots remove. Then we put a bush in a pre-prepared landing pit. Then they shed with water, we wait when the water leaves, and once again we pour water into the pit. Then we spite the earth at the same level, on which rose was planted before.

The cunning is that the rose is very lively plant and very often does not respond to transplantation, therefore, even after a transplantation, it can bloom and delight with their fragrant buds.

Cut the roses correctly - we get a lot of colors

I suggest you spend the spring unusual rose trimming. After such trimming roses will bloom perfectly on the flower.

Crossing roses for cultivation on flowerba need to be produced early in the spring, to swelling the kidneys. It is necessary to cut in such a way that 3-6 kidneys for growth remain on the cropped shoots.

Thanks to such a trimming on the bushes there will be many shoots, as a result, many colors. But taking into account such trimming flowers will be smaller than usual.

Rose - a priori regal flower, because it is completely not surprising that it requires maximum care and attention. Moreover, it is necessary to exercise these qualities throughout the year, because ignoring cultivation requirements is fraught with sad consequences.

The minimum that may happen - the beauty will turn into an unnecessary rosehip, the maximum - the bush just will have to target. Particularly important is the correct and full-fledged spring preparation of plants for the upcoming summer season. And on how true all activities will be fulfilled, the abundance and duration of flowering bushes depends.

Than handle

The most interesting thing is that in the spring of roses there is one main enemy - the sun. It sounds paradoxically, but it is his rays, unusual after the gloomy and a cold winter, can provoke strong burns, because of which the bushes are not recommended to get rid of the shelters very early. Experienced summer residents noticed that it is best to do this after a complete revelation of the kidneys on shrubs and trees, correctly noting that if so gentle greens does not yellow and burns, then everything will be fine with roses. Again, there are no plants on one day, but gradually, starting on the northern side of the bush, and moving in a circle.

To force the roots of roses to "earn", plants need to shed a pretentibly with heated water, and then fertilize with an associate or urea. The latter are taken at the calculation of the tablespoon on the bucket of warm water. Each bush is relying no more than 4 liters of such a solution. If you do not want to mess, then under each rose you can bury 3 g of dry fertilizer, but this method should not be considered equal to effective.

Additional processing of stepman shoots is needed only if after wintering there were moldy spots. In this situation, use a bright pink solution of manganese, or copper vigorous, divorced in the ratio of 10 g per declined bucket.

Fertilizers with a complete set of trace elements are also entered after the disclosure of the bushes. For this, the granules (powder) are scattered around the plants, close to the ground in the ground, after which the latter is murdered peat, sawdust or foliary.

Prevent pest attacks

Roses - an object of close attention not only of people, but also numerous pests (tolls, ticks and caterpillars). Do not lose sight of the probability of damage to rotten, fungus or mold, damage from which is not less than from insects. What can be taken to order in order to be gentle young shoots still managed to resist the upcoming adversities?

First you need to navigate the assortment of existing care products for similar plants and choose the most universal. In particular, the processing of roses in the spring, which will continue to protect them from diseases and pests, can be carried out using Rose Clear. In the last manufacturer managed to connect the properties of the fungicide insecticide. Thanks to such qualities, the product is able to prevent the attacks of the Tly, the development of rust, pulse dew or blaracing of foliage / buds.

In order to eliminate further problems with clerks or tool, early in the spring it is worth treating the Earth under the bushes of a solution of copper sulphate of a 35% concentration. Bordeaux liquid is used to spray new kidneys and shoots, and it should be repeated after a couple of weeks after the first procedure.

Early preparation of roses to the upcoming attacks of pests and diseases also implies spraying based on cowboat or wood ash. With their help, it is possible to protect the young foliage from the signs of pulse dew.

The development of rose bushes largely depends on whether the owner of the site will not be laid out to climb their roasting zone. The presence of such a mulch made properly contributes to the rapid growth of the root system, maintaining the necessary level of humidity, air exchange, heat and nutritional compounds in the soil.

Mulching bushes follows after preventive actions against diseases and pests are completed, all fertilizers have been made and warm watering. No more than 7 kg of overworked compost is spread around each plant, which falls asleep with chips or bark of trees. It is extremely important not to close the closet of the basis of the bush, but simply to improve the soil around it.

So that all the preventive measures taken were not in vain, spring work with roses should be carried out with the following moments:

  • bushes are processed exclusively into mad and dry weather;
  • if the air temperature has already increased significantly, spray and fertilize better in the evening;
  • cool day of work can be performed as free time;
  • preventive procedures are produced not only in spring, but after the end of the first wave of flowering;
  • do not reject the recommendations given by the manufacturer of garden chemistry, and do not improvise with a home organic. Use verified recipes feeding and spraying compounds;
  • using chemicals, do not neglect personal protective equipment: gloves, glasses, etc., be sure to wash your hands and face (erase clothes) after completing the work with those.

As practice shows, it is not always necessary to spend money on strong chemicals, risking provoking burns on gentle shoots. Despite its royalness, roses are responsive to feeding and processing with a cow, overworked litter, wood ash and other ecoproducts.

Spring rose treatment lies not only in pruning shoots, establishing supports and mulching, but also in compulsory spraying of plants with special preparations that protect them from insect invasions. All work must be carried out until the kidney of roses start developing. The main indicator of favorable time for working with plants is the establishment of the positive temperature and the complete disappearance of the snow.

Processing root system and shoots

Stimulation of the growth of the root system is performed using the spring pruning of the plant. To do this, choose the main healthy branches and shorten them to one of the strong kidneys. Also remove those shoots that they grow inside the bush and interfere with the creation of a beautiful crown with an open center. For feeding the roots and stimulation of their growth, healthy bushes are watered with warm water with the addition of one tablespoon of ammonium nitrate on the water bucket. The soil should be sufficiently enriched with nitrogen compounds so that the optimal growth of leaves and laying buds occurs.

If the winter shoots were damaged in the winter, as a result of which the mold appeared on them, in addition to watering with the addition of nitrate or urea, the plant branches must be treated with a solution of manganese, making its saturated pink color. Each damaged escape is wiped with a cloth moistened in a solution or apply a manganese with a small brush. Potassium permanganate solution can be replaced with diluted with copper sulfate: 100 g per bucket of water.

Protection against pests and diseases

The most common insect pests found in different varieties are various caterpillars, aphid, a web tick, triples, a rose sawder. Preventive measures must be taken before the leaves begin to bloom, otherwise it will be much more complicated to fight with the pest sprinkled throughout the bustice.

Treatment of roses from insects is performed by spraying plants with a saturated soap solution, tobacco or pepper infusion. You can get rid of the rosary behaviser using informative inferior, tomato tops, bitter wormwood or yarrow.

To protect roses from mildew, black or rusty spots caused by various microorganisms, plants are treated with a 3% solution of iron sulfate or burgundy fluid solution - 200 g per water bucket. Spraying roses must be carried out in glacial weather by taking measures to protect the respiratory organs. In addition, to protect roses with simultaneous, their feeding can be used a solution of cow manure: 1 kg per bucket of water.

Roses Fungal Rose Rose in the photo

With fungal diseases of roses, a mildew on young leaflets, shoots and buds, a torment appears; There is thickening and curvature them.

As can be seen in the photo, malievable dew on roses is manifested by a whitish flare, which is a fungal and spioning mushrooms:

Puffy dew on roses
Puffy dew on roses is manifested by a whitish raid (photo)

Overres the causative agent of the disease in the form of mycelium in the kidneys. The development of the disease contributes to excess nitrogen fertilizer, lack of calcium in the soil, soil drying, too light sandy or, on the contrary, cold raw soils.

The disease develops especially strongly with insufficient lighting and high humidity. The sharp change of temperature, drafts, the dryness of the Earth and other conditions that disturb the normal life of plants reduce the resistance of their disease. Tea and chain-grained roses are especially affected with more gentle foliage.

Resistant to mildew are varieties of roses having dense glossy leaves of Gloria Dae.

For the treatment of powdered dew on roses, when the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to spray the bushes "Topaz", "Celestice", "Fundazole" or "Sight". At temperatures above 22 ° C, it is possible to spray with "gray colloidy" or "tiotite jet". If necessary, to combat this disease, the processing is repeated as the new growth and spots of mildew on them appear.

Rust roses in the photo

With this disease of roses, the colors affected parts of the shoots are twisted and thicken. In the spring, orange dust appears on the stems of blossoming kidneys and the root neck appears. This is spring sprouting of the mushroom - the pathogen of the rust stem form. Overres mushroom in plants fabrics infected in previous years. Intensive disease develops in years with warm and wet spring.

Rust mushrooms not only take away nutrients in the plant, but also strongly disturbing its physiological functions: enhance the transpiration, lower photosynthesis, make it difficult to breathe and worsen the metabolism.

In case of roses rust diseases on the leaves on the bottom of the summer, small, red-yellow summer spores are formed, which can give several generations and infect new plants.

In the second half of summer on the bottom of the leaves, winter spiones begins to appear in the form of small rounded black pads.

Look at the photo - if this disease roses hit the plant, the leaves are completely yellow and prematurely fall:

Affected parts of roses shoots (photo)
In case of roses rust diseases on the leaves on the bottom of the summer, small, red-yellow pillows of summer spores are formed (photo)

The spread of the spore of the rust mushroom occurs with the flow of air, water, with the planting material.

To protect roses from this disease, one-sided fertilizer with nitrogen should be avoided. In the fall, it is necessary to remove and burn the affected foliage, and early in the spring (to the dissolution of the kidney) spray plants and the soil around them with iron vitrios (1-1.5%). The soil under the bushes should be loose and mulched in order to reduce the infection.

To treat rust rust, it is necessary to thoroughly and in time to trim shoots affected by the stem form of rust, since the renal's dissolution of the kidney re-spray the plants with a burgue mixture (1%) or its substitutes ("Oxychich", "Abiga Peak", "Hom", " Copper oxychloride, "Ordan").

Disease leaf roses black spottedness in the photo

Rose disease Black spotty is also called Marsonina by the name of the mushroom - the causative agent of the disease. In the second half of summer, dark brown, almost black, stains of different sizes are formed on the leaves. The leaves will be raised and often falls out. Spots can appear on the green bark of annual shoots.

Plants with prematurely fallen foliage sometimes bend again into growth, as a result of which they strongly weaken and the next year they bloom badly.

Under the skin of the leaves, the mushroom mushroom is developing - the causative agent of the disease of the roses. Spottility forming radiantly growing tramplets.

As can be seen in the photo, with the disease of roses, the radiation is well noticeable on the edge of the spots:

In this case of roses, the radiantness is well noticeable on the edge of the stains (photo)
Under the skin of the leaves develops mycelium fungus - the pathogen of the disease of the roses Scribes (photo)

It is stronger that this disease of the roses leaves is manifested during a thickened landing, in shaded places, with poor production of the site.

Measures to combat this disease belong:

  • proper agrotechnology that increases the stability of plants;
  • careful collection and autumn of affected leaves and burning them;
  • plant spraying during vegetation with drugs containing copper, which are used in the fight against rust.
  • for the treatment of this disease, the use of a special preparation is recommended for spraying (soon to protect roses), which is a systemic fungicide of preventive and attending action.

Processing must be started when the first signs of the disease appears and repeat after each rain or abundant grew.

On these photos, it is shown to treat roses disease Black spotlight:

Disease bacterial rose cancer in photo

With bacterial roses cancer on the root cervix and roots of plants, different magnitude of the growths are formed. Sometimes they are barely noticeable, but often reach multiple centimeters in diameter. The growths have an uneven tuberculous surface. They consist of soft tissue, first white, then brown and in the soil decompose by bacteria.

There are also solid weathered growths, which are growing every year. It is less likely to be affected by the above-ground part - trunks and branches, mainly at the plenty and strambered repair roses. Here are formed different magnitudes of tuberculous tumors and tumors.

Bacteria causing cancer affects many plants belonging to various families. Infection occurs through wounds on the roots of plants, from the soil, where bacteria can be maintained for a very long time.

The development of the disease contributes to high moisture content of the soil, abundant dung fertilizer, root damage, alkaline soil reaction.

When transplanting a plant with an affected root neck, it is necessary to destroy, and cut the growths on the side roots. For the treatment of this rose disease, the roots are immersed for 5 minutes in a 1% copper sulfate solution, and then washed in water and loose in a liquid mixture of clay with sand. Avoid excessive dung fertilizer, destroy insects, damaging roots, do not pump the soil near the bushes.

See photo of roses cancer treatment:

Fungal disease burn branches of roses in the photo

Burn burn is a fungal disease, In which, on the branches appear first, reddish, later darkens in the middle of the spots; Red-brown bourgeing is preserved for quite a long time. Running, stains are angry branches. Above the affected places can form cloth influx. Sick branches usually dry at the end of summer.

The development of the "burn" contributes to excessive humidity under winter shelter.

To avoid a strong lesion of roses, in the spring you should earlier to remove the shelter. Patients and frozen branches need to trim and burn and burn.

As shown in the photo, in the treatment of this disease, the plants should be sprayed with drugs containing copper, as in the fight against rust:

A reducing maliciousness of the disease contributes to the correct agricultural engineering (timely fertilization, loosening and watering). It is necessary to seek a good aging of wood until the end of the vegetation of plants.

For the winter of plants with already fallen leaves, it is necessary to strengthen if possible in dry weather, so that the increased humidity under the shelter is not created. Before the shelter, non-invalid shoots with green leaves are removed, and plants spray with a 3% burglar mixture or 1.5% iron sulfate solution.

Cytosporosis is a mushroom rose disease in the photo

Cytosporosis is a mushroom disease, common everywhere. A number of decorative shrubs are striking roses, as well as trees of seed and bone rocks, nuts.

Cytospose is called still infectious drying. In some years, it leads not only to the drying of individual branches, but also to the death of plants. This disease is especially susceptible to bushes, weakened as a result of frozen, droughts, solar burns, untimely trimming, etc.

At first, the causative agent of the disease is settled on the dying separate sections of the crust. On the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe affected bark, large, well-visible orange-red tuberculk-picnides of the mushroom, protruding from the skin, appear.

Look at the photo - with this disease of roses on the border of the affected and healthy fabric, cracked are formed:

The causative agent of the disease in the tissues and vessels of plants is first advanced, and after drying off the branch - down, killing the cells adjacent to the zone of its toxins.

The cytospose disease should be considered as a secondary phenomenon associated with a common weakening of plants, therefore, choosing control measures, first of all, it is necessary to protect bushes from mechanical and other damage.

Also regularly carry out events that increase the vitality of plants - timely and proper trimming, fertilizer, soil treatment, watering, protection against solar burns, increase in winter hardiness, cutting and burning branches with signs of illness with a capture of up to 5 cm of a healthy part of the branch.

Early spraying of roses 1.5% solution of copper sulfate on "sleeping" kidney and 3% burgundy fluid on a green cone to some extent restrains the dissemination and development of the disease.

Conducting bushes for optimal terms protects roses from the appearance of cytospose.

Gray rot on roses (photo)

Sulfur Roses (Botritisa) suffered mainly buds with flowers, the tops of young stems and leaves - in crude weather they are covered with gray fluffy nails.

First of all, this disease of the garden roses attacks weakened plants, and most often with white and light pink flowers. Buds on the raging roses are not revealed, reveal and fall. Small brown spots appear on the petals, the leaves are yellow and fall yellow.

The foci of infection is preserved in plant residues in the form of a mushroom, which in the spring forms disputes. Then the disputes of the mushrooms are spreading insects and wind. Therefore, an undesirable "neighbor" for roses is, for example, a garden strawberry, very susceptible to Botritis.

Gray rot is appearing on roses with thickened landings, or if Rosary Watering is produced late in the evening, when roses leaves do not have time to dry up to night.

How to deal with the gray rot from roses on the household plot? Measures to combat and prevent this disease of roses are the same as against other mushroom diseases.

Interesting facts about roses diseases

Speaking of diseases of roses, you can highlight some interesting facts:

  • It is possible to determine how much roses are resistant to diseases, it is possible on the leaves: if they are dense and shiny, covered with a wax raid - a grade is stable. The fact is that the wax prevents the penetration of infection into the sheet, and therefore prevents infection.
  • There are no absolutely resistant varieties. Even those varieties that in the catalogs have a margin of "disease-resistant", after 5-6 years lose this valuable quality, since the diseases adapt to changing conditions and mutate, like a flu. Therefore, old roses varieties can only be found in the gardens of lovers, but not in flower households and on the streets of cities.
  • Gray rot, for example, in crude weather it is particularly quickly multiplied, and if we consider that many rose gardeners plant densely, soil under the plants does not quickly breathe after the rain or irrigation.
  • For a long time, do not graze foliage or cool nights, dew in the morning favors black spotlights. Puffy dew, and from pests - a web tick, on the contrary, love dry and hot weather. Therefore, roses growing from southern walls or fences are especially affected by these harmful organisms.
  • Flowers can to some extent influence the development of diseases and the appearance of pests, as well as predict their appearance. Strong, well-groomed plants are less likely and weaker is sick, intensively resist the inset of pests.

Check out the video of "roses diseases", where all major plant diseases and methods of combating them are shown:

How to process roses from diseases: effective means

All the flower products, without exception, are interested in processing roses from diseases. The most effective means of roses are the following drugs.

"Alin-b" - Biological preparation based on useful microorganisms isolated from natural sources. Effective in the fight against the powdery dew of flower-ornamental and other plants.

"Glocladin" - Analogue of the famous preparation "Triphodermin". Effective in the fight against a wide range of mushroom diseases, such as fusariosis, white and gray rot, phytoofluorosis, root and stroke rot, black leg and keel cabbage.

"Gamair" - The drug intended to protect against a wide range of bacterial diseases: bacterial leafy spotting, bacterial burn, bacterial cancer.

"Topaz" - systemic fungicide to protect decorative, seed, bone, berry, vegetable crops and grape vines from real mildew. This drug for treating roses from diseases can be used as a protective, therapeutic and fighter means also against rust. The drug is produced in the form of an emulsion concentrate.

As a fighter means, at a high degree of damage to the torment, "topaz" is used in elevated concentrations (up to 10 ml), conducting 2 spraying with an interval of 7 days.

The drug provides reliable protection against pulse dew even on a high infectious background. Topaz is not phytotoxic, does not leave stains on the treated leaves and fruits. As a prophylactic agent reduces the number of treatments, as it acts within 40 days. The drug meets modern safety requirements for humans and the environment. Quickly absorbed by plants, which reduces the risk of flushing the drug with rain.

In order to avoid the appearance of the sustainability of the causative agents of the torment, "Topaz" is recommended to alternate with contact copper-containing preparations and sulfur colloid and not use on the same culture more than 4 times per season.

"Topaz" Compatible with most drugs used in the gardens from diseases and pests. Exposure speed - 2-3 hours after spraying.

And how else to treat roses from diseases and for the prevention of infections on the household plot?

"Celestice" - a new drug to protect flower and decorative crops from diseases (fungicide).

Method of application: The necessary rate of the drug in a special container is dissolved in a small amount of water. Then, with constant stirring, the volume of the working solution is adjusted to 5 or 10l. The working fluid is prepared immediately before use and use completely on the same day. The term of the safe way out of people for holding manual works - after 7 days. The speed of exposure to the drug: 2 hours after processing.

Protective period: during preventive treatment - 7-15 days, in conditions of intensive development of diseases - 7 days.

Therapeutic effect of the drug: within 4 days from the moment of infection. Lovers gardeners are not recommended this drug when spraying plants, mix with other means of protection.

"Celestice" It is an analogue of the preparation "Raek".

"Fundazoll" - Systemic preparation and wheels of planting material to protect against complex disease.

When using the preparation, the tank for drying the planting material is filled with water by 1/3, then pour the required amount of the drug, mix thoroughly and attach the remaining amount of water.

Spray plants with freshly prepared solution into dry, windless weather, preferably in the morning (up to 10 hours) or in the evening (18-22 hours) is evenly wetting the leaves. The working solution is not subject to storage!

"Sound to protect roses" From black spottedness, decorative and fruit crops from a complex of disease. This is a systemic fungicide of preventive and attending action. The contents of the ampoule must be divorced in water.

Spray with freshly prepared solution into dry mad weather, uniformly wasting plants.

Consumption of working fluid: on a rose - up to 1 l per plant; On flower plants and decorative shrubs - up to 10 liters per 100 m2.

Working solution Do not store! The timing of the exit for manual works: 3 days. Compatibility with other pesticides inexperts. Protective period of 7-14 days. Exposure time: two hours after processing. Not phytotoxic. Cultures tolerant to the drug. Resistance does not occur. Loft waist for bees (grade 3). Toxic for fish, prevent falling into reservoirs.

"Copper Oxychloride"(wetting powder) is one of the copper-containing drugs to combat diseases of vegetable and fruit crops.

When using the contents of the package (40 g) dilute in 10 liters of water. Sprinkle plants need freshly prepared solution into dry, windless weather, preferably in the morning (up to 10 hours) or in the evening (18-22 hours), wetting leaves evenly. In the recommended doses, the drug is not phytotoxic. Protective period - 7-10 days.

The drug is dangerous for bees and fish, not to carry out processing during flowering. DO NOT MAKING IN RAWS.

These photos show effective means for the treatment of roses diseases:

How to make roses from diseases: the best drugs

Do not know how to make roses from diseases to protect flowers? Then take advantage of the following preparations that are alone one of the best.

"Abiga Peak" - This is a copper-containing fungicide of contact action designed to combat the complex of fungal and bacterial diseases on vegetable, fruit, ornamental and flower cultures, grape vines and medicinal plants.

Apply the drug during the growing season by spraying plants.

Packaging 50 g is calculated on the preparation of 10 liters of working solution for processing 100 m2.

The contents of the bubble are pre-dissolved in 1 liters of water and with thorough stirring bring to 10 liters with water to 10 liters - the working solution for spraying is obtained.

Spraying is carried out prophylactically or when the first signs of the disease appears. Plants are treated, evenly covering shoots, leaves and fruits with a working solution.

Attention! All solutions should be prepared in plastic, glass or enameled dishes.

This drug from roses disease provides reliable protection of plants from diseases, even with adverse weather conditions. The drug includes an adhesive, which allows the active substance "Abiga Peak" to be firmly held on the treated surface of the plants.

Very important! "Abiga Peak" is compatible with almost all well-known modern insecticides and fungicides. It is convenient for use, not toxic. The drug is not dust in the preparation of the working solution. Prepared, but due to weather conditions, the non-consumed solution can be stored for a long time.

"Abiga Peak" Beneficially affects the quality of the grown products. When it is used, there is a good aging of young shoots.

The best means to combat roses disease are shown in the photo:

"Tiovit Jet" - Means for the fight against diseases of floral and fruit and berry crops.

The method of application: the rate of the drug, dissolve in a small amount of water, then, gradually stirring, add water to 10 liters. Treatment to produce freshly prepared solution into dry windless weather, providing uniform wetting of the leaves.

"Tiovit" It has good adhesion, has a contact effect and active gas phase; Practically non-toxic for birds, bees, fish.

The advantages of the drug is that it is both fungicide, and acaricide, and a microelegen; Provides reliable plants protection within 7-10 days; It can be used for prophylactic spraying, has good compatibility of other eradicates.

"Sere Colloid" It is used mainly to combat the powdery dew and various types of vegetative ticks on flower cultures. Efficiency exhibits only at air temperature above +20 ... + 22 ° C, since sulfur pairs work.

Mode of application. When preparing a working fluid, the drug is stirred first in a small amount of warm water to a creamy state, and then water is added, mixing well (the drug is better to soak the day before, 2-5 hours before processing).

The term of the latest processing before harvest is 3 days.

For humans and warm-blooded animals, the drug is not dangerous. "Sere Colloid, as a rule, does not burn the leaves.

However, many gorge varieties drop leaves after processing. Therefore, it should not be used to combat American milder dew gooseberry and spray roses near this shrub.

Remember! Before treating roses diseases, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions for the use of a particular drug.

Beautiful and luxurious. Queen gardens and flowers. It is not only the main decoration of floristic compositions, but also an indispensable basis in cosmetology. This bush plant has a feature of blossoming several times over the summer and delight with their delicate buds the whole warm season.
Unfortunately, sickness and pests of roses are not less common than other garden colors. Even the novice gardener is struggling with them. Otherwise, bushes will not bloom so often, and the leaves will become weak.

Rose disease - description and methods of treatment

Incorrect care or its absence, will lead to the weakening of the pink bush.
The lack of light and moisture make the flower unstable to various diseases:
  • Black spotty
  • Puffy dew
  • Chlorosis
  • Rust
Black spotty is a fungal disease in the form of ferrous spots propagating on the surface of the leaves. Spots are similar to the rays, with a strong infection, the leaves dry out and fall. Effectively help the removal of patients with leaves, followed by their combustion. Pumping and soil treatment with chemical solutions.
Puffy dew, most often amazing young shoots. It appears on the surface of the leaves in the form of a mild flying, spreading completely along the bustle leads to the elimination of leaves and the death of young shoots. Tip, autumn carries off bushes, collect and burn the leaves. To resist the earth with the turnover of the formation. This will reduce oxygen to a minimum in fertile layers. The fungal pathogen dies.
In chlorose, the leaves whiten or yellow, thicken and become fragile. Their edges are twisted. Most often, young pieces of pink bushes are sick, and the tops of the shoots die. For treatment and prevention it is necessary to establish the composition of the soil. After all, this disease arises due to a lack of zinc, magnesium, manganese, boron, etc.
Rust manifests in spring on the stems around new leaves in the form of a mass of rusty. This disease is particularly enhanced during a wet spring. In pink bushes, the metabolism and photosynthesis is disturbed. Leaves dry, stalks are deformed, the buds are weak. Popple soil helps from rust. Pruning patients with elements, burning leaf and stems. Rose diseases require timely treatment.

How to treat the TRU on roses

The insect is located in huge quantities on the back of the leaves. The larvae is so small that sometimes it is impossible to see. They grow rapidly, turning into females without wings, which produce offspring to 10 times a year. By the end of the summer season, individuals with wings appear. Such a wave is already postponing the eggs that will be winter and in a favorable period will appear new hordes of pests.
The bushes, damaged tool, are poorly growing, ugly flowers are blooming on them, fall leaves, shoots become curves. How to handle bushes?
Suitable means for spring treatment, before the kidney has chemicals: carbofos, metation, Rogor. You can mix kerosene with water - 200 grams: 10 liters.
The folk remedy has proven well.
  • garlic or bow - 300 gr.
  • tomato leaves - 400 gr
  • water - 3 l
Leaves to grind and onion (garlic) crush, pour water and give it in heat for several hours. Strain and bring to the volume of 10 liters. For greater efficiency, add a household soap. Processing the bush for a week at least five times a day.

How to treat roses from a spider tick

Weather tick - dangerous pest. If roses grow in greenhouses, it can multiply all year round. They harm leaves from the bottom. Saw juice, thereby damping the plant of nutrients.
You can process roses from a tick by spraying. The easiest way is daily treatment with cold water. Insecticides:
  • Akrex - 0.08%
  • Isofen - 0.05%
  • Omaith - 0.01%
When and how to treat roses from a spider tick depends on open or closed soil. In the latter case, phytodeter and actor are better suitable. They also destroy the larvae in the ground.

Means for treating roses from pests: video

Roses pests are selected depending on the time of year, the features of the insects and soil themselves. If the processing is carried out competently, the shrub will be gratefully delight for more than one year with its colors.