Rune of the Torah meaning. Rune -turisaz (thurisaz). inverted (reverse) position. What does the rune direct Thurisaz say

This rune is often too similar in design to Wunjo, and in some sets, both runes are generally difficult to distinguish one from the other.

Name: THURISAZ or THURS pravelikan tours; the Germans, however, associated it with a tower (Turm) or gates (Tog), and the Anglo-Saxons with a thorn (Thorn). It is also considered a symbol of the Hammer of Thor (Mjollnir).

runic formula — ᚦᚢᚱᛁᛋᚨᛉ

Turisaz action: organizing space.

Deity: Thor, god of thunder (Jupiter). (???)

Top (Thorr), the Germans have Donar: the god of thunder and lightning, the son of Odin and Hlodyun, she is Fjorgyn; his wife's name was Siv, his sons (from the giantess Yarnsaksa) - Modi and Magni. From Siv he had a daughter Trud. Controls lightning while wearing iron gloves. Thunder is the roar of his chariot drawn by goats. Armed with the hammer Mjollnir, he defeated the giants (because of which Tacitus identifies him with Hercules). A symbol of strength opposing Chaos. His beard was red, so animals with red and red hair are dedicated to him - squirrel, fox, robin, red-tail, etc., from plants - mountain ash, etc. with red berries, as well as oak. They were sacrificed to him in the spring. The day of the week Thursday (Donnerstag, Thursday) is dedicated to him.



Character: energy rune.

Essence: reversible rune.

Images of Rune Thurisaz:

  • the farmer cuts down the forest for fields,
  • builders carve out stumps for construction,
  • the child cleans up his room,
  • Entrepreneur pushes competitors out of the market
  • the hypnotist penetrates the client's subconscious,
  • the student erases the record with an eraser,
  • programmer structures databases,
  • the director "builds" subordinates,
  • a mosquito stings a person
  • maniac kills girls
  • sprout breaks through the soil,
  • toadstool poisons a person,
  • a blizzard sweeps snowdrifts,
  • the knife cuts through the fabric,
  • a drill drills a hole in a part,
  • the house equips the adjacent territory with the hands of residents,
  • Duma passes laws
  • an aggressor country attacks another country,

Meaning of Rune Thurisaz

Structured "under itself" space. It makes it easier for the actor to perform other actions and creates a kind of “safety buffer”.

The order in the early structured space is constantly disturbed, chaotic from within and without. Insufficient order in the surrounding space is a stimulus for the action of Turisaz.

The result of this action is the presence around the figure of an ordered "for him" external space.

The use of Rune Thurisaz in magic

"Troll Rune", designed to awaken the deep dormant forces of Nature and the human subconscious. However, one or even three troll runes are not enough to cause "negativity".

Rune of reflection. They write it, wanting to think before a decisive step, think it over again, weigh all the pros and cons. It helps to concentrate, evaluate their actions, avoid a hasty decision, protects against deception and self-deception.

The main focus of the magical power of the Turisaz rune can be described as structuring, ordering chaos - this is due, among other things, to the fact that this rune is dedicated to the god Thor - the god who keeps the city of gods from the forces of Chaos and fights with its representatives - the giants. It is believed that the rune Thurisaz effectively helps with the need to concentrate and achieve self-discipline, during meditation, in any business that requires clear control or self-control.

At the same time, some caution should be observed when working with this rune; it is often believed that its action may have a somewhat unkind color.

Interpretation of Runes Turisaz in divination

Mantic meaning: radical change, a radical revision of established views (often painful); chthonic forces, natural magic, the sphere of the unconscious, threshold states; resolution of the problem through conflict, extreme measures (ideological conflict).

Relocation, forced movement. Do not make hasty decisions, leave yourself time to think (another Norwegian word “ting” begins with this letter - veche, council, modern parliament).

The image of the rune Turisaz is a man standing before a flight on top of a mountain: everything is left behind, everything is left below; wings must grow behind him in order to step into the void, but in fact - to fly.

An important note to reverse Turisaz: action should not come from weakness. Weakness pushes a person to hasty action. When he is strong, he acts quickly, immutably, with conviction in the correctness of his actions. Haste is an attempt to shift the load off the head, to get rid of external troubles without resolving internal problems. If action comes from weakness, it will lead to regret and dissatisfaction.

The primary sign of our life is a frantic rush, vanity. People have no time to be silent, to think, to reflect on what they are doing. They are like a raging washing machine that tears clothes to shreds instead of washing them. Our dissatisfaction with the past is due to ill-conceived and hasty actions. When a person switches to a slow rhythm, he enters the egregore channel. A person who acts slowly becomes strong. He immediately sees what is happening.

Qualitative changes in people's lives are not indifferent to the Cosmos. A change in the level of being attracts the attention of the Higher World. Hierarchy always watches over those who move to a higher stage of development. Therefore, when entering the elevator, you should not fuss especially - there is a very serious company of assistants who know how to transform the human body. It only depends on him to agree, to part with the past - to take the first step, and then everything will happen quite spontaneously.

The further a person develops, the more he understands that the lion's share of what happens to him, even if it is imitated as a free decision, free will, occurs under the influence of automatically operating laws, under the pressure of certain evolutionary mechanics. But this does not at all remove responsibility for decisions made independently before the Gates. The guardian of the threshold monitors exactly how sincere we are, how much we are really ready to reconsider our baggage and enter new ones to another level. Faced with Turisaz, you will find that this is a rune of very important turns and updates, for which, despite the laws in force, a person is naturally responsible, because this happens to him.


Upright: time for reflection, making an extremely important decision. Fate gives time for a brief stop, protecting and providing the opportunity to take an accurate and correct step - into the new. Don't carry the ballast of past experiences with you. You need to take only what is necessary.

Reversed: fate stops you, because you are going in the wrong direction at all! Fortunately, the situation is not too hopeless. Yes, at one time you made the wrong decision, arrogantly overestimated your strength, did not heed wise advice - and your actions brought more problems than they solved.

Provided features:

Upright: make the right choice. Accurately calculate forces. Find a patron. Precise action set off a chain of events leading to success. See the true faces of your surroundings and appreciate their potential.

Reversed: return to the starting point and do it all over again. Although painful, it is very effective to clear yourself of illusions - both of your own rightness and hopes for someone from your environment.

Rune's Warning:

Upright: Turisaz affects not only you. It greatly changes the entire zone of the situation and, above all, reveals the true face of each person. Therefore, everything that was hidden will come out - quarrels, resentment, suspicion, arrogance ... You are given a chance to really evaluate the people around and use their help in accordance with their abilities.

Reversed: reversal is very hard. Lack of understanding of the situation, blind obedience to circumstances, arrogance, stubbornness without a deep understanding of the topic, haste, the desire to get quickly and more - this is what led to failure. Don't blame anyone! Let your plans be great - but recognize their impossibility, at least - for now.

Upright: wisdom, concentration, the ability to wait and let others speak out, and then start the process with one word, gesture, action - this is what you need.

Reversed: humility and the desire to realize your weaknesses - this is your strength. You have been taught a lesson on what not to do.


  1. Kolesov E., Torsten A. - "Runes. Futhark Classical and Armanic»
  2. A. Platov, A. van Dart - "Practical course of runic art"
  3. Oleg Sinko - "Runes: the practice of divination"
  4. Konstantin Selchenok - "Astrological interpretation of the runes"
  5. T. Carlson - "Uthark»
  6. Vladimir Smirnov (HaukwithR Gandwiki) — « Runic. Reference book of values»

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The rune Turisaz is the third character in the most popular Old Norse runic alphabet - the Elder Futhark. This is a very powerful and convenient tool that can help both in divination and in practical magic. However, the meaning of this rune is such that its power should be treated with extreme caution.

In the article:

Rune Turisaz - description of an ancient symbol

Rune Turisaz

The rune Thurisaz is included in att Freya and Frey and occupies the third position in it, which refers it to the runes of magic. Its translation is a giant, or tours. These creatures occupied an extremely important position in ancient Germanic and Scandinavian mythology, representing the primordial forces that existed in the world before the appearance of people and gods. In many ways, the Scandinavian giants-turses are similar to the ancient Greek titans. In the Anglo-Saxon transcription, this rune is translated as "thorn". Most likely a modern English word thorn(thorn) came precisely from the name of this rune, which has lost its original meaning over the centuries.

The meaning of the Thurisaz rune is in many ways similar to the giants. She personifies a frantic onslaught, unstoppable and powerful. At the same time, this onslaught is far from necessarily combined with aggression or physical strength in general. No wonder this rune belongs to the runes of magic.

Like other runes, Turisaz is also mentioned in a runic poem - a monument of Old Norse and German creativity:

Tours - torture of wives,
And the dweller of the cliffs
And Vardrun husband.

Unlike other runes, it is extremely difficult to find practical information in this verse. At the same time, real connoisseurs of Scandinavian magic can easily find hints for action here. In general, the meaning of this symbol in divination and in practical magic is very different.

The meaning of the rune Turisaz in divination and its interpretation

Turisaz inverted

The interpretation of the Turisaz rune during divination, as with all other Scandinavian symbols, depends, first of all, on the chosen alignment and the questions asked. However, in general cases, this sign often denotes some kind of inexorable change and upheaval. This means that soon something in your life will be swept away and it will be useless to resist this event. However, it is far from certain that you will get rid of something useful. So, this rune can mean getting rid of any negative situation.

It should be noted that the destructive aspect of Turisaz in this case is always directed at one thing, at one aspect of your life. In this case, auxiliary dies can give a hint, by which you will find out what exactly will go away from your life. Also, if you use inverted meanings for divination, you can easily determine whether this deliverance will be positive or negative news for you. In the inverted position, Turisaz will strike at you, and in the direct position, you will strike this blow at something unpleasant.

Soon something in your life will be swept away and it will be useless to resist this event.

For example, consider the combination with the rune Odal and Turisaz. In this case, these runes will indicate changes that will affect your family and home. If this sign fell out along with the rune Fehu, then your financial condition will undergo changes. And with the Uruz symbol - you should be more careful with your health. It can both improve and worsen, depending on the position of the dice.

In addition, this symbol can also symbolize your current state. If you are focused on any one goal, you should be more careful. Otherwise, without taking anything apart, you may miss a lot of small but important details.

Rune Turisaz in magic and amulets

Rune Amulet Thurisaz

Thurisaz is one of the runes of magic, as mentioned above. That is why it is in great demand among magicians and zoteriks. So, it in itself is considered the best amulet or symbol for meditation. The onslaught in this case means the destruction of barriers between the material and non-material worlds. The use of Turisaz in practices or entering the astral plane can help you quickly achieve the desired result.

Turisaz also has a serious defensive power. The very shape of the rune, resembling a thorn, speaks of it. In ancient times, the Scandinavian and Germanic peoples often decorated their doorposts with an ornament in the form of a continuously stretching Thurisaz rune. In this case, the jamb was framed by the "thorn" of this symbol outward - from the outside of the door, and inward - from the inside. It was believed that no evil could overcome such protection. Also, in general, this sign denotes active, effective protection from any evil intentions and alien influences. The power of this rune will inflict a powerful preemptive blow on the offender before he can realize his plans. This is precisely the principle of active protection.

The rune Turisaz has an interesting meaning in the magic of relationships. It can be used to strong love spells that are almost impossible to resist. For example, a runic love spell of four repeated signs is known, which causes a strong physical attraction. At the same time, such love spells will definitely turn sideways for both the magician and his goal, since this rune really breaks all the protective barriers of a person. Therefore, they should be used with extreme caution, and they are definitely not suitable for the development of a serious relationship.

You should also be careful with simple amulets with this rune. You can only use its power when you know exactly where you want to direct the unbridled power of the magic hidden in the symbol. Otherwise, it will definitely turn against you. For the same reason, it is highly not recommended to make tattoos with this sign. But for solving clear short-term tasks, in any aspect of life, it fits very well, especially in combination with other Scandinavian symbols.

In general, the Turisaz rune opens up a huge space for both practical application and divination. But we must remember that its power is extremely difficult to control. Be careful and carefully weigh the pros and cons, and then you can succeed with it.

runes Thurisaz(Thurisaz) is translated as “gate”, and it is believed that this is a passage between the earthly and heavenly worlds, a portal to sacred knowledge. In some way, the inner meaning of the Turisaz rune is similar to a long jump across the abyss - the jumper has no right to make mistakes and doubts. The magician has been preparing himself for this for many years, and not everyone decides to do it anyway, because the change in reality is irreversible, it will be impossible to retreat, just like living in a new dimension with an eye to the past.

In its outline, the Turisaz rune is similar to the English letter D and the Vunyo runic symbol; in some sets, due to indistinct engraving, it is difficult to distinguish them from each other. The Scandinavians call it the "rune Turs", the patron deity is Thor, who was a representative of the right-wing giants-Turs. According to mythology, only he protected Asgard from their raids. Giants symbolize chaos, Thor restores his own order. All interpretations of this rune are closely related to this metaphor - including the part in which Thor's hammer repeatedly returns to its owner after being thrown. Each action is followed by a response, and the Tur rune reminds you to consider the consequences.

The main function of the symbol is protective, however, if used incorrectly, the energy essence of the sign will go against the one who directed it. Therefore, the use of Turisaz should be approached as consciously and carefully as possible.

The meaning of the straight rune

In the upright position, the meaning of the Turisaz rune symbolizes cardinal changes in a person's life - external and internal. When this sign appears, you need to weigh all the pros and cons without haste, realize your own readiness to change course. Turisaz makes you make a choice: stay in the familiar reality or prepare for a new life. Even if a person does not decide to change, the negative situation that has developed around him will not go anywhere, sooner or later he will be forced to somehow resolve it. In a certain sense, the spirit of Turisaz resembles the action of karma among Hindus - a collision with it is inevitable, and any delay will make the process more difficult and painful.

Next to the positive runes, Turisaz means the support of higher powers, when everything goes like clockwork and all events turn out to be interconnected. Surrounded by negative signs, the rune means a test of strength, leaving the comfort zone, which will bring many unpleasant minutes, but this must be done to avoid repetition in the future.

The meaning of the inverted rune

The inverted rune Thurisaz carries the same meaning as the straight rune, but with a slight difference. The reverse inscription warns that on the way to change, you can make many mistakes because you haven’t thought everything through. There is no need to rush, the main thing is to act consciously, analyze what is happening and see the signs around you.

An analogue of the rune in Slavic culture

Turisaz is close in its inner meaning to the Slavic runic sign Perun. Perun is a thunderer, like Thor, both deities defend the worlds from the destructive action of chaos, restore order and transform reality. The Slavic rune also symbolizes the triumph of justice - the enemy must be defeated. It should be addressed only with full awareness of one's own rightness. Militant straightforwardness and power unite the two signs.

The use of the rune Thurisaz in magic

The great potential of the symbol makes one approach its use with caution. It is believed that Turisaz is able to "break through reality" and reach out to higher powers with a call for help. The rune is well suited for punishing offenders, inducing nightmares and illusions, sending melancholy and depression. When using it, it is necessary to set additional powerful protection in order to avoid negative consequences.

Turisaz is also used for peaceful purposes - for thinking about the future, when you need to weigh each of your proposed steps in order to avoid hasty decisions and come to inner peace.

One of the magical uses of Thurisaz is ordering, it is also used for meditation. It is effective in those matters where self-control and strict discipline are required. Sometimes a person makes the same mistakes over and over again in similar situations. Meditation on Turisaz will help you understand the true causes of what is happening and work through such problems.

In rituals for love, practitioners often use the sign as a protective one, creating an energy barrier that will protect the couple from the negative actions of others.

The interpretation of the rune is ambiguous and not always positive. The sign symbolizes powerful protection, sometimes it is interpreted as helping to survive the dark times. The meaning of Turisaz depends on each specific case and on the signs surrounding it. Next to positive runes, it has a positive meaning, otherwise it will increase the influence of negative signs.

One of the good interpretations of the rune is good luck in business and sudden gifts of fate. In the layout of the situation, Turisaz means moving, sometimes forced, as well as solving the problem through conflict and changes in life.

In an inverted position, the symbol gives an indication: the person is not where he should be, and the wrong path is to blame. It is necessary to rethink the past and return to the point where the person turned the wrong way. It's annoying, but helpful. We need to get rid of illusions. Unfortunately, people rarely follow the advice of an inverted Turisaz, and in the end they do not get what they hoped for.


  • Ansuz- it is better to ask advice from wise comrades so as not to stumble;
  • Isa- recommends postponing the execution of affairs until better times;
  • Nautiz- you need to be patient and wait out the unfavorable period;
  • Raido- a useless trip that will leave an unpleasant aftertaste;
  • Vunyo(inverted) - it is no longer possible to correct the mistakes of the past;
  • One(Wird) - a person has no one to blame for what is happening, only he is to blame for everything.

For love and relationships

In matters of relationships, Turisaz means that in the near future the fortuneteller will meet with true love, with whom he will live a long and happy life. The symbol also reminds that both partners must give in in a relationship so as not to lose love and make the union even stronger. Turisaz pushes the fortuneteller to become more responsive to the comfort of a loved one. After all, most people communicate with friends on an equal footing, and those who are compatible in friendship will be able to build strong relationships.


  1. Gebo- the union in which the fortuneteller is located will be happy and long;
  2. Hagalaz- the actions of the fortuneteller will cause resistance in the soul of his partner.

If in the scenario Turisaz falls upside down, you need to look at the neighboring signs in order to understand its meaning.

  1. Nautiz- you need to wait for time, do not rush things;
  2. Kenaz(inverted) - the partner of the questioner wants to bend him under himself, despite the fact that he is not an authority in love.

For business and work

In career matters, the appearance of a symbol means that the fortuneteller has patrons who contribute to his advancement in business, or this is a high position that protects against problems. Turisaz warns that you need to approach the work even more carefully, because such power may soon disappear.

In the upright position, Turisaz symbolizes changes, the outcome of which depends on the fortuneteller.


  1. Inguz- the problem that worries the fortuneteller will be resolved by itself;
  2. Mannaz- in order not to be in trouble, a person must take active actions;
  3. Isa- at the moment, nothing can be done so as not to spoil the current state of affairs.

The reverse rune indicates an enemy who is trying to interfere with the fortuneteller's plans, in which case neighboring symbols must be taken into account. Most likely, the fortuneteller does not notice the signs that the Universe sends him and is in captivity of his illusions.

  1. One(Wird) - the fortuneteller himself is to blame for everything that happens to him;
  2. Inguz- it will be possible to get rid of the ill-wisher soon;
  3. Mannaz- the outcome of the situation depends on the sanity of the person.

To health

In everything related to health, the direct and inverted position of the rune puts the fortuneteller before a choice: to agree with the prescribed treatment or refuse it. Before making a final decision, you need to weigh everything properly.


  • Thurisaz – Fehu (inverted) - Raido - one of the most dangerous combinations, warns of a possible criminal attack or car accident. The fortuneteller clearly should be afraid for his own health.

Inverted Turisaz gives advice not to rush into a decision on treatment, most likely it will be unsuccessful.

Why do you need an amulet with the rune Turisaz

Due to the large energy reserve, it is better not to use amulets with the Turisaz rune for novice magicians who lack theoretical and practical knowledge of how the symbol works.

In the creation of amulets, Turisaz is used to attract love to a person, protect from negativity, increase the supply of vitality and make a person decisive and self-confident, increase self-control and clear the subconscious, bypass competitors.

It is important to remember that the owner of such a talisman must monitor the correctness of his actions, otherwise he risks being punished.

Should I get a tattoo with the rune Turisaz

Realizing the powerful action of Turisaz, many will think - is it possible to get a tattoo with this rune? The destructive and transformative power of this sign is best used in talismans, and not on the body. Some people apply a symbol to their skin in order to attract fateful changes into their lives and remove negative factors from life. Such a tattoo can positively affect the life of its wearer, but this responsibility is not for everyone. Turisaz as a runic tattoo is suitable for a person with an extremely high degree of awareness.

If the symbol falls out as a rune of the day, it promises the onset of a white streak, and the results and duration of this stage depend solely on the person and the decisions that he will make.

Turisaz advises: take your time! Think over your every step, evaluate your actions and try to see the signs that higher powers send you.

The rune warns: your luck is the result of your actions. How long can you stay on the right path?

Meaning and interpretation

Turisaz, Thurisaz


According to mythology, Turisaz is the energy that, before the emergence of the Cosmos, paved the way for it in Chaos, and later began to protect cosmic harmony. This power is both constructive and destructive. But destruction in its execution is the removal from the road of everything that interferes with the movement. It is this act that makes growth and development possible. Therefore, one should not consider pressure, aggression and destruction as something malicious, associated with dark forces, etc. This characteristic of the Rune brings us closer to another aspect of it, which is associated with libido and sexuality. In addition to being phallic, the Rune is associated with the powers fertility like the god Thor himself. Initially, the northern deities patronized mainly fertility, and only over time acquired warlike features.

Turisaz - the third hypostasis of the Power of Fertility, and is inextricably linked with the other two forces that are embodied in Fehu and Uruz. Turisaz is the result of the interaction of these two Runes. The power of Turisaz is often associated with the process of not doing, with creation in inaction. Symbolically, her action can be imagined as an elevator: enter, press the button, do nothing and exit at another level.

According to myths, from the union of the forces of fire and ice (Muspellheim and Niflheim), the first living creature was born - the sacred cow Audumla. Following her, the giant Ymir was born. It immediately comes to mind that Rune's name Turisaz translates as giant. The first three Runes form a logically connected sequence process. There is nothing surprising in the fact that in the end Christians who were hostile to the forces of nature were so hostile to Rune Turisaz, it was she who caused particular rejection and hostility. And quite naturally, they tried to eradicate and distort its deep meaning and meaning, because of all natural forces the most persecuted was sexuality. And Turisaz just contains the energy that modern psychologists call " libido».

Powerful, but complex and heavy Rune, including for understanding. It has 3 aspects, the most understandable of them stems from the most common name "tours" - "giant". Initially turses - the ancient generation of gods, the ancestral gods. They later became associated with opposing powers. The main feature of the turses is their power and strength, which reflected in the rune Thurisaz. Later, this power was assigned to the god of a new generation - Thor. Related to this the second aspect of the Rune - its shape repeats the shape of Thor's hammer. And the third aspect of Thurisaz is the symbol of the Gate, so it can be considered a symbol of military initiation.


  • Gate.
  • Concentration.
  • Concentration.
  • The power to make a decision.
  • Male libido.
  • Confrontation.
  • Head.
  • Removing interference.
  • Determination.
  • Onslaught.
  • Cleansing.
  • Radical change.
  • Initiative.
  • Strength.
  • Justice.
  • Breakthrough.
  • Instinct.
  • Adventures.
  • Competition.
  • Stormy emotions.
  • Sex.

Negative values:

  • Weakness.
  • Compulsion.
  • Apathy.
  • Depression.
  • Impotence.
  • Stubbornness.
  • Injustice.
  • defensive position.
  • Conflict.
  • Rivalry.
  • Dominance.
  • Risk.
  • Walk on the edge of a knife.
  • Self-deception.
  • Lethargy.
  • Confusion.
  • Regret for hasty decisions.
  • Desire to take revenge.
  • Sharp reactions.
  • Irritability.



1 Name:

Thurisaz (Thorn, Gate, Giant, Thorn)

2 World tree:

Link of the Worlds - Manages the transition Nifelheim - Asgard.

3 Deity:

Thor is a thunderer, defender of Mitgard. According to mythology, Thor possessed the same strength as the giants, who personified the forces of Chaos, and Thor tried to curb and restrain them.

The shape of the Turisaz Rune repeats the shape of the stylized image of Mjollnir (Thor's hammer).

4 Main qualities:

  • Showing initiative.
  • The direction of the Force along a certain vector.

5 Required qualities:

The awakening of strength, initiative, protection, focused power.

6 Character:

Energy Reversible Rune

7 Element:

8 Color:

  • Crimson.
  • The black.

9 Rune Stone:

10 Astrology:

  • Mars.
  • Saturn.
  • Pluto.
  • Aries.
  • Scorpion.

Rune of the day

Turisaz is one of the names of the god Thor, another meaning of this rune is "giant", giants are often called turses. One rune is associated with both the giants, who personify the forces of chaos and destruction, and the god Thor, who alone can be compared in strength to the Turses, and has the ability to keep the forces of chaos under control.

A day under the auspices of the Turisaz rune portends conflicts, confrontations and active protection of one's interests, clearing barriers, pressure. Tension is in the air and you can literally feel it on your skin. a careless word is enough to spark a conflict. But just as the god Thor is able to contain and neutralize attacks, so you can avoid the fate of a participant in the theater of war. To do this, you need to maintain awareness, keep your emotions under control, not succumb to provocations. Weigh your every word and do only deliberate actions. You can both increase the conflict and extinguish it. By controlling yourself, you will be able to survive this day without quarrels and losses and turn the powerful power of Thurisaz to your advantage, because it was her power that cleared the way among the random forces of Chaos before the advent of Cosmos. This is a great potential for clearing the way, creating order where there was a mess.

Rune Warning

Turisaz warns of danger and therefore do not risk once again either driving or cutting off the road in a dark alley.

The essence of the Tarot hammer is such that when it is already untwisted and thrown, it is impossible to stop it, and it will get to both strangers and their own, who did not have time to step aside in time.

Think and wait. There's no hurry.

Now is the time to reassess the situation, not to act.

Remove obstacles from your path.

Protect yourself from hostile influences.

Get rid of chaos in deeds and thoughts.

Rune Meaning:

Turisaz is one of the most powerful, unpredictable and therefore dangerous rune, with a pronounced masculine energy. This Rune of warriors and wars. Falling out in a scenario, she almost always carries negative value. Even in the upright position, it indicates injury, danger, risk, conflicts, obstacles, opposition, open confrontation. Near Evaz or Raido- car accident.

This Rune very strong and applied as push for something, spark, pulse. It eliminates the negative situation, helps the establishment of a new order, and also protects the new during and after construction. Under the action of the energy of Turisaz, transformation that is the destruction of everything obsolete and the construction of the new. Another keyword of the Thurisaz Runes is " gate", she is good for meditation and gives strength for reflection. Gate is a place not-doing. Stop in front of them, remember your whole past life, with all the ups and downs, joys and sorrows, triumphs and failures. Take a look at it all, bless and let go. In this way, you will release a lot of energy by freeing yourself from the burden of the past, and now - step through the gate. The feeling will be as if you have grown wings, and you are walking without touching the ground.

Turisaz gives protection to a person, it is a kind of occult phenomenon, which is associated with inclusion in egregor. In order to overcome problems and change qualities, you need to get blessing, to feel that you are under the auspices of the Higher Forces. And you can feel this patronage only if you actively reflect on the current situation. You can’t just wait for the right moment without doing the inner work. Only by consciously thinking through the situation, you can receive a blessing. Egregor himself will give the go-ahead for the jump only if he sees that the person knows where he needs to jump, how to do it. The ability to understand and understand situations key to passing the test. And here we are talking not only about understanding your own motivation, but also about simple adequate perception of what is happening. Working in the dark is dangerous, which is why you first need to illuminate all the nooks and crannies with the beam of your mind. After all, the more information you have, the wider the range of possible actions.

Turisaz - suggests time to think before making a decision. Analyze the past, draw conclusions and go. Do not drag the burden of the past into the future. Gates are new horizons and new opportunities.

The symbol of the Rune Thurisaz are the gate that separates heaven and the material world. Turisaz indicates that it has come moment of truth when you need to do some inner work. This will accelerate your spiritual development by launching deep transformation processes. That is why before this one must stop, take a breath, keep inner peace, and while maintaining self-control, rely on heaven.

Turning Turisaz says that the person will act recklessly, not understanding all the cause-and-effect relationships that led to the current problem.

Runa Turisaz also requires legality in actions, neither should be deeply substantiated, recognized as true and correct, even if in personal interests. People who do things without this inner confidence in their actions will not be able to pass the Gate. That is what thinking is for. Having gained confidence in the legality of your actions, you can successfully carry them out. It is important to note that this is not about planning external actions, but about how, in the course of reflection and establish contact with Egregor and enlist his support. This is how you can know for sure how best to proceed. Such knowledge comes as a feeling of inner rightness, a belief in the truth of the decision made. A strong-willed stream from Egregore enters a person, and on this stream he can overcome situations that in the usual state seem beyond his strength.

Turisaz is also the hammer of the god Thor, protector of gods and people. Therefore, this rune has associations with protection, good luck, especially falling next to Eyvaz. You can be in the right place at the right time.

The goal you are striving for is not as easy to achieve as you expect. If runes fell nearby Isa or Hagalaz: the best thing to do is to postpone all attempts for a time determined by the scope of the alignment. Otherwise, you will literally punch a stone wall with your head. If Runes lay nearby Hyera, Ansuz, Mannaz- Consultation with a wise and experienced person will help you.

Meaning in personal relationships:

The presence of an opponent. Clarification of relations with a partner. Crucial moment.

Work and finances:

Competition and rival wars. You will have to protect everything that you consider yours by right.

In medical matters:

  • Surgical intervention.
  • Inverted problems with potency in men.

Negative value:

For the most part, the Runes either have a clearly defined positive or negative meaning (depending on whether the Rune lay down straight or inverted) or neutral (they look the same both in the direct and inverted position). In general, their role in divination can be easily determined. Turisaz - a special Rune. In different positions, it looks different and therefore it cannot be assigned an unequivocally bad or good aspect. This Rune denotes either active energy that is directed outward, or energy that is directed inward, restraining and suppressing.

The negative aspect of Turisaz indicates that People oppose you much stronger and more powerful than you. Little depends on you, and the worst thing you can do now is to justify yourself, find an excuse for wrong reckless actions. Keyword - coercion, weakness. The situation is complicated, actions are committed by a person under duress, he incapable of taking a sober look at the situation and analyze his situation, which only worsens his situation. Freya Aswinn describes the inverted Thurisaz as " internal aggression», « inner evil”, contradictions in the soul of a person that interfere with his life. For this reason, such a person is outwardly inappropriate, aggressive or even dangerous.

Inverted Turisaz indicates stubbornness, a person does not want to listen to anyone, considers himself right and does not intend to change the harmful line of behavior than further exacerbates the situation. After all, in addition to problems, the inverted Rune says that soon your luck will run out and you will have nothing and no one to count on. It will take maximum caution and prudence. A rash, hasty decision will later cause repentance, because it was due to your weakness.

Predictive interpretation for layouts

Mantic meaning:


Powerful forces of luck, protection and health enter your life.

The beginning of the testing period, a lot depends on you. Solving the problem will require concentration, deep thinking. Until you come to a well-thought-out decision, nothing is worth doing. As the proverb says: “Measure this once, cut once.”

Surrounded by negative Runes:

It seems to you that life has played a cruel joke on you, but in fact, fate is leading you to pay attention to something important. Otherwise, you risk passing by your happiness.


Your main enemy now is haste and indiscretion.

An indication of the blocking of creative energies, a person has too many internal prohibitions, often not even realized, which hinder self-realization and personal development. Runes that have fallen nearby will tell you how to remove these blocks.

Surrounded by positive Runes:

Turisaz is a transmitter and carrier of energy and, next to positive runes, speaks of pressure, determination, penetrating power and powerful protection in a person, clearing barriers to the goal and achieving success. Unlike the first two runes Fehu and Uruz, which represent unconscious forces, Thurisaz operates at the very border of consciousness, this rune cannot be called either entirely "unconscious" or completely "conscious", such as the following rune Ansuz, which controls consciousness. Runa Turisaz rather belongs to the realm of the subconscious. It operates on a more accessible subconscious level. Next to the negative runes, Turisaz symbolizes the so-called Shadow - unconscious and repressed associations and ideas that accumulate throughout life, and are also imposed on a person by the environment and social conditions. But as depth psychologists are well aware, the Shadow, if recognized and included in the realm of consciousness, can be of great benefit, it can become a source of creative forces and a reliable assistant. This is precisely its aspect next to favorable runes.

Strong energetically charged runes (for example Teyvaz, Gebo) can enhance the aspect of libido in Turisaz. By itself, this rune, like the god Thor, who patronizes it, is associated with fertility. Turisaz is the third hypostasis of the forces of fertility, which is inextricably linked with Fehu and Uruz, it is like a combination of the first two runes, this is the result of their interaction. So, in the Scandinavian myths about the creation of the world, from the union of Muspellheim and Niflheim (the forces of fire and ice), the first living being, the cow Audumla, is born, then the giant Ymir is born. And the very name of the rune Turisaz means "giant" or "turs", thanks to this myth, we see that the initial runes of the futhark form a logically connected sequence.

Magic value:

Turisaz allows you to stop hostile actions directed at you, and return negative energy to the one who directed it.

The "Speech of the High One" (verse 148) says:

I know the third
in battle with enemies
I dull their blades
their swords and clubs
useless in combat.

Speech of the Tall One, stanza 148

In the disclaimer" when the need is great"There is a double meaning. Since Turisaz works best, when a person is in a desperate situation, he was cornered and there is no other way out. Also the word " need" refers us to another Rune - Nautiz ("need"), which interacts well with Turisaz in such situations.

In magic Turisaz is used as a protective rune. From ancient times it was applied for armor and weapons to crush enemies and strike terror into them. Also used as rune punishment in curses. Special this rune is dangerous for women, not in vain in runic songs she was called " heartbreak for women", because it is popular in the case, when to tell your opponent.

One Icelandic incantation against women says:

If you want to bewitch a woman so that she is not attracted to anyone but you, carve the runes: three times - inverted Mold-turs and three times - inverted Madr

For example, Icelandic rune verses that will hold back a love spell for women:

"I cut saving runes,
I cut guardians:
Once from the elves,
Twice from trolls
Thrice from the giants
I'm sending on you, I'm pointing at you
She-wolf lust (ylgjar ergi) and burning pain (uþola).
May the burning pain embrace you
And need (ioluns) is imminent.
Do not sit down for you ?, do not fall asleep to you
And love me as yourself."

Another area where Turisaz energy works well is realization of intention. In this case, she rushes ahead, efficient but tough. It works very well in cases where you need to break through reality to implement an idea. The energy of this Rune works well in cases where when no persuasion, gingerbread and whips helped.
But using it for these purposes should strictly stipulate all the nuances of the runescript.

To protect yourself and your home The rune Turisaz is depicted with a point up at the entrance from the outside, on the gate and roof, on a belt buckle. She is especially good during active attack. For permanent use, it is still better to take other protective Runes.

A silver amulet in the form of Thor's hammer with the Turisaz Rune depicted on it protects well from black magic.

Inverted Turisaz is used to cause apathy, depression in the victim, self-digging and dissatisfaction with oneself, the state of " I don't want and I can't", as well as impotence in men. In black magic, Turisaz is used as cutting rune, in order to cut protection, amulet, organs of the body, instill passion in the soul.

It is worth using this Rune with great care even experienced runologists, because in essence it is double-edged sword, which can equally damage both subject and operator.

Most a powerful defense option with the Turisaz Rune is to mentally connect 4 Runes into a square with spikes outward. Imagine that these 4 Runes protect you like a fence.

Turisaz belongs to the group troll rune, which are used in aggressive magic.

The location of the Runes in staves, scripts, ties:

  • Rune at the beginning of construction: Turisaz at the beginning acts destructively, you can get the opposite of the desired effect.
  • In the middle or end of a build: In order to make the most of the quality of Turisaz as a punching ram, it is placed in the middle or at the end.

Working with Rune:

The thorn is exorbitantly sharp: woe to that
Who touches his hand; mercilessly
Thorns sting all who come close to them.

Old English rune poem

This verse from the Anglo-Saxon rune poem says that Thurisaz is like a double-edged blade that can cut both the enemy and the magician himself. Rune Thurisaz is a powerful tool of harmful magic, it belongs to the group of "troll runes" that are used in aggressive magic, it is an effective restraining and binding rune and it is not for nothing that it is called the "shackles of war". Turisaz helps to stop hostile actions directed against you and even return negative energies to the one who generated them.

In the "Speech of the High" it says:

I know the third
it will protect (if the need is great)
in battle with enemies
I dull their blades
their swords and clubs
useless in combat.

The speeches of the High

Of course, in our time, Turisaz protects against symbolic weapons, and not from a club or a sword in the truest sense of the word. This verse contains the essence of the correct magical action with this rune. Firstly, the phrase "if the need is great" suggests that it is best to fully collect energy to work with Turisaz who can literally be driven into a corner and has no other way, the person is in a desperate situation. Also, the word "need" refers us to the Nautiz rune, which literally translates as "need" and is often used in conjunction with Thurisaz for confrontation. By surrounding yourself with a ring of Turisaz runes, you can protect yourself from unwanted intrusion.

in Magic Turisaz helps:

  • Fight hostile influences
  • Break down barriers
  • Stimulate and activate the subconscious mind
  • Disperse apathy and show enthusiasm

Separately, for magical work with the Turisaz rune, it is worth repeating that it is responsible for true desires, and not those that you voiced. And taking into account the fact that Turisaz is responsible for the subconscious, for the zone that is on the border with consciousness, a person cannot always understand his true desire. A special specificity is added by the fact that Turisaz is associated with the Jungian Shadow, with the fact that a person suppresses and displaces into the subconscious for one reason or another, and by activating the energy of this rune, you can stir up this entire zone. Rune Turisaz is our true desire in an unmanifested state. In its action, it can resemble the wishing room in Tarkovsky's film "Stalker", when one of the heroes went to this room to ask for saving his brother from a fatal illness, as a result, when he returned, he became fabulously rich, and his brother died without recovering . After that, this character hanged himself.

This nuance is also reflected in Scandinavian myths, in particular in the "Speech of Sigrdriva" Odin pricked the Valkyrie Sigrdriva with a "thorn of sleep", because of which she fell into a dream and lost consciousness of her own will as a punishment for the fact that she fulfilled his true desire, but while disobeying his official orders. Having canceled his order to save Sigmund, Odin obeyed the will of his wife Frigga, who in this story symbolizes a conservative beginning, but at the same time he went against his own true desire. Realizing this, Sigrdriva acts accordingly. But her good intentions are not destined to come true, because. Odin intervenes in the battle and kills Sigmund himself.

Additional options for working applications:

  • Initiation of a new process.
  • A catalyst for change.
  • Purge from witchcraft.
  • Breaking barriers, removing resistance.
  • Path clearing.
  • Elimination of the enemy.
  • Gives clarity of thought.
  • Gives a sense of self-worth.
  • Dissolves negative energies.
  • Active protection.
  • Concentration and concentration of will to overcome obstacles.
  • Love magic.

Rune in layouts:

Some of the runes are neutral, some have a positive meaning in the upright position and a negative one in the inverted position, but the Turisaz rune has its own peculiarity. In the upright and inverted position, it looks different, but these forms cannot be unambiguously read as negative or positive manifestations of power. Rune Thurisaz means either active energy that is directed outward, or passive energy that is directed inward or strongly restrained and blocked. The very energy of this rune is neutral, but very powerful. This is literally a nuclear explosion, such a powerful potential is contained within it. The rune adds this feature to the layouts.

The rune Turisaz denotes a huge energy that is directed either to the outside world or to the inner one (depending on whether it is direct or reverse)

rune name

Thurisaz or Thurs - the giant Thurs, who carried a huge hammer; according to the association of the Germans - a tower (Turm) or a gate (Tor); Anglo-Saxons - thorn (Thorn or turn).

Rune deity Thurisaz

God Thor (thunderer). The ancient Germans considered Donar a deity of thunder and lightning, who drove a chariot in iron gloves with a red beard. Defeated the giants, armed with the hammer Mjollnir. For this he was identified with Hercules. Symbolizes the power to resist chaos.

The knightly ideal of the Turisaz rune: combination with the principle of Tao (struggle with higher powers).

Sacred tree of rune Thurisaz: thorn. According to some interpretations, oak and mountain ash. The oak is a confirmation of the powerful symbol of the rune - the god Thor and the red rowan, his red beard.

The zodiac sign of the Turisaz rune is Capricorn at the junction with Pisces. Although Capricorn does not have great strength, it only moves forward without looking back. This is typical for the Turisaz rune: the one who can start a new one, finally rejecting the old, wins.

The color of the rune Turisaz: black, deep purple, but some interpretations indicate a deep scarlet (because of the red beard of the god Thor, which symbolizes the rune).

The rune stone of Turisaz is a sapphire, symbolizing hardness, as it belongs to the corundum class and indicates the right path for making a decision. Drawing of the rune Turisaz - in form and behavior, the rune displays the ax of a god who protected both people and gods.

The essence of Thor's hammer: once it is spun, it cannot be stopped. The magical purpose of the rune is the direct Thurisaz, when the direction of the hammer goes to the right.

No matter how the runes fall, this is an obstacle or a great physical danger. One of the meanings of the "thorn" rune, care must be taken:

  • do not take risks while driving;
  • not to be outside late, etc. Avoid dangerous situations.
  • Another interpretation: "gates" that can be closed, forming an obstacle. You need to concentrate as much as possible and not make any mistakes.

What does the rune direct Thurisaz say

Upon receipt of the rune (a), you need to renounce the worldly fuss. Think about your problem. If you saw that the problem is transient, then wisdom looked through your eyes. When you do not see the exact explanation of the situation, look differently and wisdom will help you see it differently.

With health problems, illness should be considered as a gift, an opportunity to gain wisdom in the crucible of misfortunes. This is a warning that you need to think and reconsider your lifestyle before the worst happens. If the arrival of the rune coincides with the formation of a new relationship with you, use the lessons of the past in the present.

With a drastic change in life, you will be illuminated by the light of hope that comes with a new initiative. For so many, hope is all a person has left. It is inextricably linked with faith. It is the love of the Supreme that operates in our lives. Associative perception of the rune Thurisaz - battle ax, mace.

The Russian proverb “There is no reception against scrap” is about this rune. If a rune fell out to you, then it is intended to take a symbolic ax to clear space, chaos. Therefore, weigh your strength. Thurisaz power is blind, absolute. She does not distinguish between Good and Evil. If you, as a weightlifter, tear the bar without measuring the strength, it will crush you.

Business, if the rune fell straight Thurisaz

There may be stiff competition. In Russian business, even destruction. When falling out with the Inguz rune, you can either win and rise higher, or lose to zero. If it falls out from Ansuz, there will be problems with officials (possibly in business papers).

Personal life, if the rune fell straight Turisaz

The conversation with the second half has matured in a tough form. You need to think hard: is it worth going through such obstacles for the sake of a loved one. If it’s worth it, you need to fight to the end, even if it’s gang warfare.

Health, if the rune of the direct Thurisaz fell out

If the rune fell out, you need to prepare for the worst, up to a surgical operation. When falling out with Raidho and Fehu, it is possible to get into a terrible accident. Take every precaution, down to crossing the street and snow off the roof.

The magical purpose of the rune is an inverted Thurisaz when the direction of the hammer goes to the left

The alignment shows that it is quite possible to avoid trouble and even walk along the knife's edge. This Thurisaz is a symbol of protection. To overcome trouble, you need to feel the protection of the Higher Forces and receive a blessing. This is possible only with an active analysis of the situation that has arisen.

You can get approval for a jump from an egregor only when you really know where to jump. Discretion, the ability to understand the situation, is the key to passing the test. It is impossible to act in the dark, you need to use the ray of reason, the ray of your consciousness. Reverse Turisaz gives a warning that you did not see the difficulty.

The possibility of a decisive nuance is great. As much information as possible so that the range of actions is wider. There are many egregors that a person serves. And selfishness is no exception. Therefore, actions can be selfish. But to pass the Gate you need absolute confidence. That's what you need to think in order to think everything through to the end. And when there is confidence in the correctness of the choice, a person will overcome everything, relying on the support of egregor.

Reflecting, we ask the egregor whether this is right or not. And if there is an inner feeling that we are right, there is a strong-willed flow directed to us by egregor. In it, you can overcome any obstacles that seemed insurmountable.

Business, if the rune fell inverted Thurisaz

The passing storm will not touch you. Small losses are inevitable, but you remain the winner. Perhaps they tried to blackmail or intimidate you, but this only strengthened your spirit. Do not be afraid of inspections and checks.

Personal relationships, if the rune fell inverted Turisaz

On a personal level, it's not all that bad. You need to take a step to improve relations if they began to crack.

Health if the rune is inverted Thurisaz

Although the situation may cause concern, everything is not so scary. There will be no further chronic complications. On the example of a character, let's analyze how Turisaz works. Approaching her grandmother's house, Little Red Riding Hood cannot open the door. And Turisaz said to her: "Pull the rope, the door will open." The girl looks at the rope and does not see it. Analyze your impressions, understand yourself, reflect. And you will understand what is the answer.

The magical use of the rune Thurisaz

Rune protection is very effective, but it causes internal contradictions. This applies not only to what is put on display, but also to what is hidden very deeply. Buy an amulet with the image of this rune. Wear it on your chest, on a leather strap. Mentally build a square of these runes, like a fence, with the sharp ends outward. You need to constantly think and analyze: what you need to guard against. Then the rune will work. And will become your faithful assistant.