Runes punish the offender. Runes of mirror protection from enemies and ill-wishers - How to stipulate. Conspiracies to punish the offender

Many people take seriously the offense caused to them by others. But there are many ways to deal with resentment and, moreover, to take revenge on the person who caused the harm. So, this article is devoted to the topic - how to punish the offender. This is quite easy to do with the help of magical methods. Let's consider them in more detail.

We punish the offender with a conspiracy of a photo or piece of paper with his name

Name paper

When someone harms us, it is always very unpleasant. It is even more difficult to realize that a person does this intentionally. But there is such a good saying: "The best means of defense is an attack." Of course, it is not always possible to express your feelings directly. But nothing prevents you from doing it at a distance using a piece of paper with a name or photo. Magic will do its job, a person will suffer from its effects, while he will not even guess who exactly brought trouble to him. So you can not be afraid of a second attack from your offender. At the same time, performing the ritual is quite simple.

Rituals with a photo or with a piece of paper with the name of the offender written on it are carried out due to the impact on the human field. It is possible to use black magic, if necessary. And if you want to forgive a person and reason with him, you can use the arsenal of not black, but white magic. For example, to conduct one of these rituals, it will be useful:

  • thin church candles;
  • a cup made of metal, or any saucer;
  • a small piece of paper.

The ceremony should be performed when everyone is sleeping. You will need to light a candle and write the name of the enemy on a piece of paper. Above a piece of paper, you will need to read “Our Father” three times. Then you need to set fire to a piece of paper with the name of the offender with a candle flame and put it on a dish. Until he has time to completely burn out, you need to say in your own words something like the following:

“Let the fiery arrow fly, full of my anger. It doesn’t fly into the offender’s eyebrow, it doesn’t fly into the eye, but it goes straight into his heart. She will stab and cut the offender and break all his future hopes. The evil that he has committed, let it be shed with tears, everything will return to the servant of God (such and such)! May it be so! Amen!"

It remains only to collect the ashes from the burnt paper. It will need to be dispelled to the wind on the same night. If you want to achieve results faster, in this case, the ashes should be taken directly to the door of your offender and poured there. Here is one good way to punish the offender without harming yourself.

By photo

Now about how to inflict a reciprocal insult if there is a photo of the enemy in your hands. It is important that the person in the photo is alone, he should not look to the side, but directly in front of him. The face and eyes must be clearly visible. To conduct a magical ritual you will need:

  • two candles (one red and one dark);
  • photo;
  • pencil or pen;
  • needle.

It is important to be in the apartment alone (alone). Before starting manipulations, you need to turn off the electricity in the house. The fact is that its fields are able to interfere with magical energies.

How to carry out the ritual? It is necessary to light pre-prepared candles (the red one should be located on the left, and the dark one on the right). The photo should be placed in the center. Before it, you need to say the following:

“The devil sits in a deep hole in a black mountain, he looks into the distance. He is guarded by the angel of Darkness, does not order him to go into the world, does not let him go. I will beg him to release the devil with a lit fire. Go, devil, through the forests and down the valleys, go there, where the Devil himself sits. Take the evil Devil by the paw, and bring the slave (name) to the bright mansions of the Lord. There, let a fair judgment be held, surround it with evil. Let the blood run cold in his veins and let fear not leave him for a long time. Let him receive what he himself deserves, so that he does not have any strength left for repentance. Amen!"

In the flame of a candle, you need to heat the needle well and pierce your finger with it until it bleeds. In the photo on the forehead of the enemy, you now need to draw a cross. Three times you will need to repeat the phrase: “Blood paid for!” Then the photo needs to be hidden. When revenge is done, the image will need to be burned.

If the offender says something bad in a conversation, you can try to imagine that he has a lot of cotton in his mouth. And if possible, you should try to answer the offender with wit for wit. Then next time it will be simply disgraceful for him to say something offensive.

Prayer for retribution, read to the wind

A prayer read into the wind helps a lot. It is important that when reading it, a number of conditions are observed, for example:

  • clear weather;
  • wind (at least a little) on the street.

The ritual is performed at home near the window. At the same time, no one should be around. The text of the prayer is pre-recorded on a white sheet of paper and gradually memorized. During the ritual, it is necessary to visualize them as much as possible when pronouncing the words. imagining all the vile atrocities committed by the enemy.

You need to say the following:

“Lord, my God, everything is completely in Your hands, in Your sovereignty, in Your submission. Everything in the world is controlled by you and everything obeys you. You, Lord, created everything in this world yourself. The light of the sun will fade without you, all the grasses and trees on the earth will wilt, there will be no water, no wind, no harvest. The stars are lit by your name, people are born with your desire and command, and their bodies are inhabited by the soul. I am Your creation, I am Your foolish child, I am Your reflection. Restore, my Lord, justice, return insults to my enemy (name).

You can also, if the offender passes nearby, slowly say the following to his back: “Fly, arrow, with pain and tears, fly along untrodden paths, fly through the blood, get into the heart of my enemy. If you fight him with all your might, take him out. Key, lock, yes the path will truly be like this!” This is a very good, working method from the arsenal of black magic, which was owned by our great-grandmothers. The ritual is performed in windy weather.

One of the most powerful conspiracies of black magic

There are other ways to punish the offender with a conspiracy at a distance. Here is a very powerful, effective plot of black magic. They should only be used as a last resort. Otherwise, you may harm yourself. For the ceremony, those numbers that are a multiple of 6 are chosen. For example, it can be performed on the 18th or 30th of any month. It is important to observe one more rule - you must wait until three in the morning.

What will be needed:

  • white clean large piece of paper;
  • a pen with a red rod;
  • needle;
  • church candle;
  • water consecrated in the church.

How is the ritual carried out? First, a candle is lit. A sheet of paper is taken and written on it in detail, in detail, the specific chosen method of punishment (it can be anything). At the same time, any ambiguity should be avoided - let everything be as specific as possible. After that, you need to take a needle and ignite it over a candle. Even if it turns black. Next, you need to slightly prick your ring finger and cross out the inscription with a cross with blood. Then a conspiracy is pronounced (this is done three times). At the same time, you need to mentally address your offender. You need to say the following:

“Written in blood, sealed in blood. I will enter your life with dark power, let bitterness and tears enter it. You will not be able to hide from my judgment.”

Sometimes, after such a conspiracy, the offender, thief or ill-wisher repents of the bad deed he has committed.

An important requirement for carrying out the ritual described above: the one who performs it must have a photo or at least the name of the offender.


In fact, there are a lot of quite effective rituals that allow you to punish the offender at a distance. A person always himself chooses the means of influencing the enemy. It can be both white magic and black. If you do not want to create irreversible evil, then you should use the means from the arsenal of white magic, if the offense is strong and the person is vindictive and ready for anything - in this case, you can choose some means from the arsenal of black magic.

Supporters of black magic are convinced that evil should not go unpunished, as it will entail new evil and, ultimately, the offender will “sit down on his neck”. It is important to do something in time so that the offender does not consider the victim an easy prey. Yes, indeed, in some cases it helps a lot and even contributes to the survival of people. And if it is difficult to perform some kind of strong ritual by yourself, you can apply for its implementation or for advice from hereditary black sorcerers. But for starters, it’s worth trying to solve the problem yourself - it’s quite possible that everything will turn out to be not so difficult, and justice will prevail - the offender will be punished.

Corruption "Road to Hel". Author marina

Manaz transl. Represents the rabbit
Teyvaz per- will destroy her / his resistance will break her / his strength and will
Uruz per - will deprive her of vitality and health and energies at all levels of her life
Ellie Hvild - will finish off the rabbit, nail her / him to the ground, draining her / his life force and energy, depriving her / him of strength and resistance
Eisingir - will pierce her / his body with rotten damage, spoiling and harming all of her / his health, physical and mental, causing panic, fear, painful illnesses, tears, deprives her / his common sense
Stangin Kaun - inflicts wounds of the disease, causes her / him suffering, exhausts her / him.
Isa freezes any help that will bring relief to her / him
Turizas cuts off cuts off destroys any help and attacks those who helped
Stangin Isa hides these magical effects from prying eyes.

Let the enemy’s health be completely destroyed under the influence of DRS, let her / his internal organs begin to collapse, rot and decompose, let her / his cardiovascular system collapse, ulcers in the stomach grow, the enemy’s kidneys cease to perform their function, the liver becomes enlarged, becomes watery and begins to decompose.
Let under the influence of DRS all positive and useful trace elements are constantly washed out of the enemy’s body, which leads to a weakening of her / his musculoskeletal system, the heart suffers, the bones of the limb suffer, the spine collapses and leads to deformation of the spinal cord, blood circulation in the vessels of the brain is disturbed, which leading to stroke and paralysis.
Let, from the moment of activation, this runic stave works under the protection and patronage of Odin, pumping out of the enemy and her / his relatives by blood all the vitality, all the energy necessary for work and completely closes the enemy from any purges and opportunities to remove the effect of this stav, and if anyone tries to destroy the work of this stave, then let this one, having become the power of the runes, begin to attack the attacker, destroy his defenses, health, material well-being, and also recharge from the attacker, weakening and exhausting him and his family.
DRS works without harm to me and my family, and also without harm to my animals, without causing harm to my physical and mental health, and also without harm to my material well-being.
All the negative from the work of this stav will go to the son / daughter / husband of the enemy
Becoming, freely allows me to produce absolutely any impact on the enemy.
Let this runic becoming strengthen its effect every time the enemy looks at himself in the mirror.
I activate this by becoming the power of the name of the Great Odin and the power of the element of fire, it begins its action right now and will act as long as the bearer of the stav exists. So be it!

Feedback from dear Vannadis:
Marina did a very good job. The runes are well chosen, the description is well written, the structure turned out to be solid, the slander is wonderful, it takes into account all the moments in action, becoming strong, despite the rather simple form, and solid, everything was correctly composed and distributed the runes Can be used to weaken the enemy , can be used for damage to sores, can be used in the aspect of vampirism, say, to pump out the forces from the enemy and take them for yourself, in this regard, in general, a very interesting work turned out. Such a "vampire" becoming, and interesting, and unusual, and in action everything is verified correctly. It can also be used to organize problems for the rabbit that would cause a decline in his strength and health problems. Everything is perfect, well done.

The power of the runes is not known to many. This is a secret knowledge that is revealed to those who are ready for anything. They can heal, cause love and attraction. The same symbols in the right combination can create very strong damage and curses. If you decide to use runic corruption, then be very careful. It is necessary to accurately perform the entire ritual from beginning to end. If you do not treat the runes with sufficient respect, the Scandinavian gods will play a cruel joke with a person. There is a whole family of runes that carry a powerful destructive meaning. Their energy works at a distance. You will need a photo of the person or their personal item. Anyone can perform the ritual - follow the instructions clearly, get ready. You need to be sure that this method suits you, because the effect comes quickly, and it is difficult to reverse it.

The power of Scandinavian runes

The meaning of some Scandinavian runes is very negative. They can only be used for destructive actions:

  • curses;
  • Corruption;
  • Damage to death;
  • Information crazy.

The most famous of them are Hagalaz and Uruz. They carry a force that is difficult for a person to withstand. The object of influence becomes weak, nervous, depressive and angry. His anger is tearing him apart, destroying him. Very often the consequences are irreversible - a person goes crazy. Strong damage to death is not advisable for those who have just begun to get acquainted with the runes.

How to damage with runes

Runes must be drawn with a pen, marker or razor on a photograph of a person. If not, a personal item is used. It can be a pen, a handkerchief, a piece of clothing. The damage is strong and unfolds very quickly. Fast action can come in 2-5 days. All effects are designed not for a single impact, but for a long one.

Nautiz. Hagalaz. Uruz. Isa

Damage Nautiz-Hagalaz-Uruz-Isa

This is one of the simplest, but strong spoilage. It destroys a person from the inside, does not even give him the opportunity to recover. Runa Isa means ice, fading. It conserves the situation, does not allow the object to get out of the icy shackles of this damage. You can stipulate as a permanent destruction of the personality, the suppression of all possibilities, the closing of paths. A person loses all his strength, loses the ability to stand up for himself. You can cross out his successful, happy life once and for all. You will need to activate this becoming with your blood. It takes a little blood, literally to cover the written runes. Runa Uruz bears the burden of suppressing personal will. Be specific about its impact.

Corruption of Isa-Uruz-Uruz-Isa

It is applied as follows:

  • On the face of the object in the photo, two Uruz runes are applied one above the other in an inverted position.
  • Large Ises are drawn on the right and left.

If you look closely at the shape of the resulting tie, you will see Hagalaz. This effect enhances the effect of the entire bond. The two runes of ice show a cyclical repetition that will not stop. Troubles begin that infuriate, call for aggression, anger. Sometimes, prolonged exposure to this tie leads to the fact that the object does not control itself, it can start a fight. The inverted position of the runes leads to a complete collapse in all areas of life. A person can be fired from his job at the same time, he will lose money, his family is falling apart, important property is being lost. This is a cruel curse. Activated by saliva.

Corruption by ignorance of nightmares

A person cannot sleep peacefully, he is tormented by very real visions. Every night becomes a terrible test for the object of corruption. Many begin to drink, use drugs, but this only enhances the effect of spoilage. Constant lack of sleep makes a person very weak, tearful. He makes mistakes at every turn. After sleep, bruises, scratches, bruises may remain. Damage is applied to any personal item in the following order:

  • Top - Isa.
  • The second level is an inverted Perth.
  • The third level - per. Soulo, Pertro lane, Manaz, Perth lane, Evaz.
  • The fourth level is per.Perth.
  • Last level - Fehu lane

Perth, Soulo, Manaz, Evaz

In the center of the tie is the rune Manaz, which personifies a person. It is affected by the negative positions of the Pertro runes - fears, nightmares in a dream. Soulu - lack of help from higher powers. Fehu personifies constant fears, mistrust. Evaz destroys a person's ties with his family and friends. blood activation.

Corruption of failures

The combination of runes Hagalaz - Yera - Hagalaz attracts bad luck to a person. All his undertakings will be destroyed. He loses money, business, position in society. Applied to the photo, activated by saliva. Yera - inspiration, clarity of mind. All this is covered by the powerful negative influence of the two Hagalaz runes.

Destruction of relationships

The formula Nautiz - Hagalaz - Gebo - Hagalaz - Nautiz will help to separate two people and forever block their way to each other. This damage can be used to separate a husband from a rival. In the center of Gebo is the relationship between a man and a woman. If there is a joint photo - draw between them. If not, print a photo of your husband and rival on one sheet of paper, write a formula between them. From above, you can add the Uruz rune to speed up the effect. Activate with blood on the day of Loki.

Scandinavian ritual of the elements

Choose damage and proceed to the ritual. Runes must be learned by heart. During the ritual, you must act confidently and clearly. You can’t look at a piece of paper or at the phone screen.

Protecting Yourself Against Rollback

You can protect yourself with the help of a runic ligature - the Helm of Horror. It must be drawn on the forehead with charcoal. If you look closely, you will see the runes of Hagalaz and Isa in it. They will protect you. It must be on you before the start of the ritual. It is forbidden to wash it off after. Rituals are performed in the evening or at night, so with a protective symbol on the forehead, you will need to go to bed. He must be wiped out of his face. Most often, this happens in the morning.


The helmet will help you protect yourself from the side effect of damage - rollback. Rollback - the return to you of a part of the negative energy from the ritual. This is a kind of price that must be paid for the successful induction of damage. You will pay your price, but not with a kickback, but with a sacrifice to the gods. If they like it, then there will be no negative consequences for you. The only thing that cannot be done is to direct runic damage to a pregnant woman. Even the powerful sign of the Helm of Terror will not help us against such a rollback.

Choosing a day to work

Each day of the week is dedicated to a specific Norse God. Any rites with runes are prohibited on Sundays. You have 6 days left in which you can perform rituals. For revenge, damage and deceit, the Supreme God Odin and the god Loki are responsible. Both of them can help you punish your enemies, inflict powerful damage on them. Before starting the ritual, be sure to contact the chosen god:

  • Monday is Odin's day;
  • Thursday is Loki's day.

The appeal usually takes place in poetic form. Visas are ritual appeals to the gods. You can create your own, or use pre-made ones.

Appeal to Odin

"The name in Odin's braga
I rarely hide
because people
can guess.
Who is skilled in songs
he can feel
in the hang that I folded,
discover the secret."

Appeal to Loki

"Loki the great, mocking-clown,
You are the equalizer of the sinless with the sinner,
Became the twin of the Supreme Ace,
Messenger of the gods and the last hour.

By changing yourself, you change the worlds,
You intoxicate people with the poison of madness.
Wise joker, you come to my aid -
Turn your cunning on your enemies.

Entangle their souls with a cunning net -
My sentence humbly compel to listen.
We will play a cruel joke with them -
It will seem like hell that was their paradise.

Turn your burning eyes on them -
May my judgment be fulfilled! ".

Texts must be learned by heart. The address should be polite, but confident. You must invite to your ritual, and then make a sacrifice. This is a prerequisite for any runic ritual.

Preparing the altar

The Scandinavians believed in the power of the elements. You will need:

  • Water in a bowl (take not boiled);
  • Salt (Earth element);
  • Fire (natural wax candle);
  • Air (incense stick with a forest or sea scent).

These elements must be arranged clockwise. In the center of the altar is placed a photo or personal item of the person who is being damaged. Put a pen or marker there with which you will apply the runes. If the rite requires blood, place the blade or knife in the center of the altar. This is done so that all objects receive an energy charge of the elements. On the candle, you can draw the Uruz symbol in order for the effect to come faster.

Runes are a very powerful tool for working in various directions.

Lesser Runic Ritual

To induce damage, a small, shortened ritual is enough. It is carried out according to a simple scheme:

  • Stand in front of the altar, turn to the god or gods.
  • Raise your right hand up.
  • Point out to her in turn the elemental elements and call them to work with the words:

Water, I ask you to participate in my ritual.

  • When you have summoned all 4 elements, you can begin.
  • Get on your knees, write the runic on the photo so that it is in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe person's head.
  • Be very clear about the action of each rune. When you're done, activate the runic stave. The activation method is indicated for each damage: breath, blood, saliva. When activated, say:

From now on, I will activate the power of the runes. When I decide to finish their exposure, I will burn this photo.

This completes the little ritual. Now thank each of the elemental elements, thank the gods.
After performing the ritual, you need to make a sacrifice.

Sacrifices to the gods

For Odin - light beer, honey. For Loki - dark beer, fire. You must take the gifts outside, the beer is poured under the tree. Ritual fire - a small candle, which you also put under the tree. You can put it in a glass. Before pouring out the beer, take one long gulp. One must go to the sacrifice in silence and return silently. Do not talk to any person, do not answer questions. On the ground in front of the tree, draw the Hagalaz rune as a symbol of destructive corruption.

If you are sure and have protected yourself, start working with runes. The more you use them, the more you see the effect. Practitioners recommend making or buying a set of runes for divination and diagnostics. This will help you track the effect of any of your exposures. Working with runes is not for everyone, but making simple damage is not difficult. All runic damage carries a huge power of destruction of the personality, drives you crazy.

A person is multifaceted, he has both positive and negative character traits. During your life path you have to deal with people who are unpleasant to communicate with. These may be former friends who have turned into rivals or enemies, two-faced colleagues who are jealous of rapid career growth. There are many reasons for dislike.

Often, ill-wishers try to set up intrigues that spoil life. Is it possible to protect yourself and your family from the negativity of enemies and ill-wishers?

It is possible to stop the flow of negative energy with the help of runes.

Protection runes work against hostile people and they are divided into several types:

  • protective formulas.
  • Formulas that send negative energy back to the sender. A person who wants to harm will get back all the negativity.
  • Stakes that stop enemy attacks. They create difficulties around the ill-wisher, and he is not up to the object of attacks.

Often runologists with little experience are interested in the moral side of this issue. If you do not want to harm the offender, then it is better to look for another way. For a person who is serious, runoscripts will come in handy. But before you apply them, you should remember that the actions taken have consequences that may affect you in the future.

The combination of signs is applied to the photo of the offender, then they are negotiated in whole or in full. You can activate it in any suitable way. When the action is weakened, it is allowed to update by circling the signs.

Back kick

Runes will help to remove bad luck from the spheres of life to protect against negativity and enemies. The most popular method is mirror. The bottom line is that any evil thought will be automatically cut off from the operator and returned to the owner, working according to the "boomerang" method. The method will quickly identify the offender, since he will become in poor health, in business he will be pursued by continuous bad luck.

Mirror protection

Mirror protection will help to reflect a purposeful action (evil eye, curse). It works according to the "reflective surface" principle. The sent negative energy will be cut off and redirected to a person who wants to harm.

The combination of Isa, Hagalaz, Kenaz makes it possible to eliminate any magical influence. When making a reservation, it is imperative to indicate the areas of life that need rune protection from negative energy. Be sure to learn how to stipulate the formula before installation.

Signs used in mirror protection

To install the "mirror" amulet with a reservation, the magic letters must be in strict sequence. Often used signs when creating a mirror shield are:

  • Isa is a symbol of ice. It has a wide range of applications: it freezes negative actions, stops the course of ailments, repels external attacks, and reduces the manifestation of rage.
  • Kenaz enhances the susceptibility of the operator, sharpens intuition. The main task is to cut off negative bindings with the help of self-confidence. Maintains excellent physical health.
  • Halagaz means "hail" in Scandinavian. It carries the strongest destructive energy, which is aimed at eliminating any negativity coming from enemies. The runic symbol is multifaceted, so it is advisable to use it in extreme cases.

Return protection rates

Runic staves with a return line will help protect the family or loved ones and punish the offender.


The task of the formula is to protect the operator from the hassle of a reverse blow, which will be directed at the ill-wisher. It consists of:

  • Algiz;
  • Turisaz;
  • Evaz;
  • Inguz;
  • Nautiz;
  • Soul.

Elven runes with Irish letters and signs of confusion enhance the effect. In the middle, the northern sun is depicted, foreshadowing prosperity regardless of the area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. Suitable for weak people. You can activate it simply by saying what you want to receive and back it up with the phrase: “So be it.”

The formula must be fully specified. It is not necessary to activate each one, since the operator's magic is well missed.


The impact of the combination of runic symbols is manifested in breaking the incoming negativity and striking back. The combination works great over long distances.

The runic scheme consists of the following magic letters:

  • Teyvaz and Algiz are defense and reverse strike.
  • The branch of Stunginn Iss, which is an Icelandic rune, creates a blackout and hides the operator from prying eyes.
  • Halagaz, in conjunction with Ur, has a strong reverse blow aimed at the offender.
  • Laguz creates a concentrated stream, and also repels an attack that acts on the principle of a "blast wave".
  • Eyvaz in combination with Turisaz cut off possible attack attempts and protect against energy vampires.

Corruption made on runes

During the period of technological progress, not all people believe in magic and witchcraft, but there are still those who tend to believe in supernatural powers. This part of humanity is afraid of its offenders, who can bring big trouble. They use magic to protect themselves. Scandinavian signs are characterized by the strongest influence:

  • Halagaz.
  • Uruz.
  • Eyvaz.

It is done on a certain area of ​​human life: family well-being, work, love or health.

Runic damage is a certain action that is carried out with the help of staves used to harm a specific person or several persons.

Runic corruption is black magic, so not every person undertakes to conduct these rites. Because any mistake can turn against the operator. In most cases, becoming punishes the person who conducts the ritual.

A person who dares to perform a ritual should be very careful. To carry out, you need personal belongings of the ill-wisher or a photograph. The result will not keep you waiting. Works for a long time.

Which ones to apply

Each Scandinavian symbol has its own purpose. Some carry positive energy and help a person, others can do much harm. During damage, apply:

  • Eyvaz is a Scandinavian sign that has several meanings, which depend on what is nearby. Among them are death, change, the beginning of a new life.
  • Isa - shackling with ice. The action is temporary.
  • Halagaz - disorder, destruction or dependence on other people. May portend a serious illness. But the rune is not negative, since one of the characteristics is the destruction of obstacles.
  • Perth - death and fear, but sometimes in a certain scenario it has a positive meaning.

Before performing the ritual, you should clearly define your desire, carefully study the rules for conducting and activating.

The stakes are instantaneous. When inducing damage, it is not necessary to use complex formulas, it is enough to apply several separate magical signs.

How to deprive the enemy of strength

Sometimes it happens that at work or in the family there is a discord. A strong personality destroys a weaker one, showing its superiority. One of the solutions is to exclude communication with the ill-wisher, but what if this is not possible? You can weaken the enemy and destroy morally and physically by applying the runes of punishment.

The procedure is simple, the main thing is not to deviate from the recommendations:

  1. Take a personal household item or a photo of a hater and apply becoming: Nautiz-Hagalaz - Uruz - Isa.
  2. With thoughts of the desire to deprive the ill-wisher of the strength, cut the finger of the hand using a knife or razor.
  3. Becoming activated by blood.

Blood is necessary to confirm enmity with a person, it also personifies evil intentions.

The magical ritual completely destroys physical and mental activity. The hater becomes easily vulnerable, weak and depressed. He won't be able to take care of himself.

Formula for destruction

The most risky and popular method to punish the enemy is damage to death. Beginners should not try to harm in this way, because it can all come back.

The principle of destroying the enemy with the help of damage is as follows:

  • A photo of the hater is taken.
  • To be applied to the picture with a marker: Hagalaz - Mannaz - Hagalaz.
  • Activation occurs by voiced words of anger towards the enemy. You should also ask higher powers to send an enemy to the next world.
  • Then a spit is made with saliva on the photograph.

Incorrect activation or incorrect spelling of runes and other problems lead to different consequences. It happens that damage to destruction passes to the practitioner himself. It will be impossible to change what is happening.

Many do not believe in magical rituals, including damage. Others tend to think differently, fearing enemies who will be happy with other people's problems and grief. Strong weapons in the hands of such people can be Scandinavian runes - Hagalaz, Uruz and Eyvaz. The last one is the rune of death.

"Eyvaz" - a runic symbol of death

Damage with the help of runes is directed to a certain area of ​​human life. Enemies and envious people can deliver an accurate blow if they select a suitable position that affects the areas of work, family well-being, love relationships and health.

Features of inducing damage with runes

Runic corruption is a ritual that is carried out with the help of magical formulas (staves) used to harm a person or his entire family.

The purpose of the ill-wishers may be different. Some are envious of someone else's happiness and well-being. Others want to avenge personal wrongs.

Therefore, the action of runic damage can relate to a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200blife - work, home, health and financial well-being. Often, it is not enough for ill-wishers to dwell on one thing and they try to deprive a person of the most valuable thing - life.

Any runic damage refers to black magic, so not everyone wants to take on such a dangerous rite. Working with runes is a very dangerous business. Especially if the composition of the stav is not carried out by the most experienced magician.

Any mistake changes the vector of action of magical forces in the opposite direction. And as a result, becoming punishes the one who conducts the ritual of black magic itself. Such a person may experience difficulties with work, conflict with loved ones, become seriously ill and even die.

A person who nevertheless decided on such a desperate and dangerous step should proceed with caution. Scandinavian gods do not forgive mistakes. In addition to the Scandinavian runes used for the rite, personal belongings of the enemy or his photograph may be needed. The effect of the magical action comes very quickly. Runic damage has a long-term effect, therefore, it will bring misfortune to a person for a very long time, and sometimes even for the rest of his life.

The most dangerous Scandinavian runes

Scandinavian runes have powerful energy used in divination and rituals. Each sign of the 24 known runes has its own meaning. Individual symbols are more significant benefit or harm to humans. Most often, when inducing damage, they use:

  1. Eyvaz. This rune of death, bad and good changes. It characterizes the beginning of a new life. But whether it will be good depends on other signs of the stave.
  2. Isa. This rune characterizes the shackling with ice. Its action is temporary, like the power of frozen water.
  3. Hagalaz. It personifies chaos and destruction, dependence on other people and the appearance of serious illnesses. Despite its versatile negative meaning, Hagalaz belongs to the positive runes, because this rune characterizes the destruction of obstacles.
  4. Perth - fear and death. In some layouts, it has a positive meaning - help and experience.

Rune "Peter" means fear and death. However, in some layouts it can symbolize help and experience.

Compilation of formulas in rituals is made from individual signs arranged in a certain sequence and position. It is necessary to follow all the instructions in detail, applying symbols to magical accessories. By activating them, there will be no way back. The stakes act with lightning speed, carrying out the evil plans of the person conducting the rite itself.

It is not necessary to use heavy formulas to induce damage. A negative effect on a person can also be provided with the help of individual symbols applied to the photo of the enemy. An example is damage to the punishment of a gossip. Ansuz and Isa are applied to the photo of the enemy.

You should be careful what you wish for. Incorrect activation of symbols can lead to serious illness in the gossiper or his death.

How to weaken the enemy

Tyranny and violence is a common problem in society. For some, physical superiority is satisfying. Such people should be avoided. Getting rid of the enemy by traditional methods is not always possible. It is possible to weaken the enemy, to suppress him not only morally, but also physically, if you use the runes of punishment.

It is not difficult to damage a strong opponent. The main thing is to follow the instructions:

  1. On the personal belongings of the enemy or on his photograph, depict becoming: Nautiz - Hagalaz - Uruz - Isa.
  2. With the thought of the desire to weaken the enemy, cut the finger of the hand with a knife or razor.
  3. Activate by becoming your own blood.

Nautiz - characterizes the difficulties and problems, uruz - the energy of life. Runa Isa fetters this energy, and Hagalaz destroys it. Activation with one's own blood confirms blood feud with a person and personifies all his evil intentions and desires in relation to the enemy.

Such a formula completely paralyzes the physical and mental activity of a person. The enemy becomes overwhelmed, weak and vulnerable. All his attempts to stand up for himself will fail. Luck completely turns away from the once strong opponent. Any possibility of superiority over the weaker ones is suppressed by the gods themselves. Such a person loses himself and any understanding with others.

How to destroy the ill-wisher

The most popular runic corruption relate to human health and death. Damage to death is the most dangerous type of magical staves. And inept practitioners should not take on its activation. You can also bring death on yourself.

Damage to death - the most dangerous type of magical staves

If you decide to destroy your enemy, then you should:

  1. Take his photo.
  2. Apply with a marker or pencil becoming: Hagalaz - Mannaz - Hagalaz.
  3. Activate the magic formula with spoken words of hatred towards your enemy and asking the higher powers to kill him. Spit on the photo.

The result of such a ritual can be unpredictable. Incorrect activation, errors in applying runes, and other problems can lead to completely different consequences. Often the action of the runes passes to a magical practitioner. And it will no longer be possible to defend against the approach of the inevitable end.

After activating the formula, you should not wait for the quick death of your own enemy. Most often, he has a long black streak in life, the end of which is a painful death. It remains only to observe what is happening and wait until the vital energy of the ill-wisher begins to actively fade away.

Corruption protection

Everyone can become a victim of a magical ritual. It is enough to be able to have an inveterate enemy who solves all his problems with the help of Scandinavian runes. And who knows, maybe he wants to kill his opponent?

Therefore, there is no time to waste suspecting the mysterious intentions of your enemy. A powerful energy protection should be made by using runes from the evil eye and damage in the form of ties and staves.

The most popular are:

  1. Wearing amulets with one of the protector runes (Teivaz, Isa, etc.) These symbols protect a person from any external threat, preserve his material well-being and maintain health.
  2. Nautiz-Soulu-Nautiz is a formula for restoring spiritual and physical strength. It allows you to remove the energy burden from the soul and body, giving new strength for later life. Wear such a cure for spoilage should be for 9 days. It can be depicted on the body or any piece of paper. The main thing is that the talisman should always be near its wearer.
  3. Becoming a "runic cross". It consists of the central symbol of the formula - Eyvaz, on the sides of which the rune of Berkan is depicted, and above and below - Turisaz. Put a cross on the body. Women on the left half, and men on the right. This formula of protection from death rites is especially powerful.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions in order for the protection to bring the desired effect.

The correct application of the stav and its activation does not guarantee the wearer that it will be possible to remove the damage. The most common mistake that people make is about the very object on which these runes are applied.

When depicted on the body, becoming constantly rubbing against clothing or may be erased while taking a shower. The image on a plain piece of paper also lends itself to wear. Therefore, the best option for applying runes is a tree. It is from them that you can make a solid, stable talisman that will not be afraid of water, dirt, friction, etc. Runes can be burned on it or squeezed out.

It is best to apply runes to a tree. So you can get a talisman resistant to negative influences

Measures to protect against rollbacks of death bets

The release of a person from under the influence of the energy of death is impossible without a ransom, payment for the anxiety of the gods. Odin should be given honey or light beer. Loki is a dark beer and a flame of fire. Some magicians advise to secure a deal with the gods not only to remove damage and the evil eye, but also to apply them. If Locke and Odin like such sacrifices, then the person will be pardoned.

It is equally important to avoid the retaliatory strike of the energy of the rite. After all, magic rituals are not always successful. The energy of the runes can also turn towards the performer.

You should know how to save your own health and life if something went wrong. One of the options for protection is the Helm of Dread. For its action, even before inducing damage, draw the runes Hagalaz and Isa on your forehead. Symbols are applied only with charcoal. You cannot wash them yourself. The helmet should remove itself.

We must not forget that such protection from the energy of the runes will be effective only in the event of a ransom from the Gods and if they like the prepared gifts. There is also a ban that applies to pregnant women. Sending damage to them is prohibited. The gods will not support this idea and will turn the energy of becoming on its customer. And getting rid of such energy will not work, even with the help of special talismans and a helmet of Horror.