How to start repairing an apartment in a new building with a rough finish? Stages of repairing a “secondary” apartment: we follow the correct order of work Do-it-yourself apartment renovation sequence

The word "renovation" immediately causes negative emotions for many. This feeling is due to the fact that this is a very laborious, lengthy and costly process. Especially if the work is done independently. This article describes in detail how to start repairs in an apartment, depending on its type, what materials to choose and in what sequence to carry out the work so that the repair goes without problems, and the result exceeds all expectations.

The stages of apartment renovation and the cost of work depends on the condition of the premises, the type of repair and the size of the area covered, i.e. it can be the entire apartment or its individual premises. There is a major, cosmetic and renovation. Each of them has its own clear sequence of actions, the correct implementation of which determines the final result and the duration of the period of operation.

Overhaul is considered the most ambitious and time-consuming, which will require not only a lot of effort, but also significant financial costs. It involves a complete reconstruction of the apartment with a possible redevelopment, replacement of windows, doors, utilities, ceiling, wall and floor coverings. It usually starts from scratch.

How to legalize an already done redevelopment of an apartment. How to get permission to redevelop your own home.

Choice of interior design

Where to start repairing a room or apartment as a whole? With the choice of style of decoration of the room. Properly selected interior design will help create a comfortable and stylish home. His choice depends on the taste, character and outlook on life of the owner of the apartment. Today, there is a variety of interior styles with distinctive features that should be studied before making repairs in order to be able to successfully bring the chosen direction to life.

Designers divide all existing style directions into certain groups:

  • classic, which includes Provence, Empire, Baroque, English and antique style;
  • ethnic style covers Japanese, Egyptian, African, Scandinavian and Chinese directions;
  • modern style combines country, modern, classicism and minimalism.

The most popular is the classic interior design. Splendor, grandeur, functionality, defiant aristocracy and noble grace are considered characteristic features of the direction. All elements of the interior indicate the high status of the owners of the apartment.

The rooms are decorated in restrained pastel colors. Massive expensive furniture with carved handmade patterns becomes a visiting card. An unusual painting rises on the ceiling. Large-sized apartments are often decorated in the classical style, in which you can not save on free space.

Modern youth prefers to decorate the room in a modern style. This is especially justified for apartments with a small area. Here everything should be simple, restrained and concise. The premises contain a minimum amount of furniture, which should be compact, mobile, functional and modern. You can dilute the calm palette of decorative interior decoration with the help of bright decor elements.

The ethnic direction reflects the owner's predisposition to a certain culture, the main features of which are embodied in interior design. With the help of modern technologies and finishing materials, you can make your dreams come true and create an imitation of your beloved country in your apartment. This direction is chosen by non-standard-minded people with a great love for adventure and travel. You can more clearly see each style in the photo of renovated apartments.

How to start apartment renovation: the main strategy

After the design project of the apartment has been developed and the question has been resolved in what sequence to make repairs, you can begin to perform work, which consists of the following stages:

  • preparatory stage;
  • draft work;
  • finishing of the room.

How to start repairing an apartment with your own hands? From the preparatory stage, which consists in the implementation of a complex of dismantling works. This applies to both new buildings and old apartments. Regardless of what kind of repair is planned, cosmetic or major, all surfaces must be cleaned of the old finish. At this time, window blocks are being dismantled with the subsequent installation of better products. The front door also needs to be replaced. Here you may need to expand or reduce the doorway. Based on the project, partitions are dismantled and erected, doorways are sealed or arranged to install interior doors or create arches.

Useful advice! Do-it-yourself room repair should begin with the dismantling of interior doors.

Surface preparation is one of the most important steps in DIY repairs. Where to start the process depends on the state of the foundation. This stage includes cleaning the walls, ceiling and floor from the old coating and eliminating all flaws on the surface of the structures using building materials. It is on the quality of the work at this stage that it will depend on how firmly and accurately the new finishing coating will hold.

First of all, the ceiling is cleaned of the old coating. Whitewash is washed off with a brush dipped in water. Old putty is removed using a grinder with an iron brush.

You can remove ordinary wallpaper from the walls with a spatula, after wetting them with water. Vinyl wallpapers are quite resistant to moisture, so you can remove them with a steam generator or ironing. If there is no such device, you can use an ordinary iron with a steam function, which is brought to the wall at a distance of 10-15 cm. Under the influence of steam, the wallpaper easily moves away from the wall. You can remove the paint using a grinder with a special nozzle or a building hair dryer. The next step is to remove the old flooring.

Useful advice! If the project provides for the installation of a suspended or stretch ceiling, the old coating can not be removed. It is enough to treat all problem areas with a strengthening primer and an antiseptic.

Where to start repairing an apartment with a rough finish in a new building

Where to start finishing the apartment depends on the state of its structural elements. Usually, the developer performs the necessary minimum of work, strictly not adhering to the technology of their implementation and without using high-quality building materials. Therefore, all elements of the premises need a rough rough finish of the apartment with their own hands or with the help of specialists, which consists in performing the following activities:

  • dismantling of old and construction of new non-bearing structures based on a new layout;
  • window replacement;
  • preparation of holes in the walls for laying new engineering communications according to the developed scheme;
  • electrical wiring;
  • installation of technological communications: water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, air conditioner inter-unit line;
  • leveling of all concrete surfaces;
  • installation of insulation and sound insulation;
  • floor screed.

After completing the rough repair work in the apartment, the finishing of the premises is carried out. The solution to the question of how to plan repairs at the final stage will depend on the type of finishing material and the way it is laid. For example, if the walls and ceiling are painted or wallpapered, then the finishing work starts from the ceiling, then the walls are lined and the flooring is laid. In the case of a suspended ceiling, installation work is carried out after finishing the walls.

If parquet is being installed, then the work is carried out before finishing the walls and ceiling, so as not to damage the surface. Doors can be mounted both before and after finishing the walls. If there is no platband, then the installation of the door leaf is carried out before finishing, in order to be able to seal the joint between the wall and the door frame. In the case of a platband, the gap is filled with foam, and the platband is attached to the wall after finishing the walls.

After completing all the finishing work, they proceed to the installation of skirting boards, sockets, switches, platbands, lighting and plumbing fixtures. Then a general cleaning is carried out, after which you can proceed to the arrangement of furniture and decor elements. It is in this sequence that repairs are carried out on their own.

How to start repairs in a rough apartment: installation work

The list of installation work when performing repairs from scratch includes:

  • erection of non-bearing partitions;
  • replacement of windows and doors;
  • work related to the laying of electrical wiring and other communications.

The construction of non-bearing interior partitions is carried out on the basis of a previously developed plan. For the installation of structures, gas, foam concrete blocks, brick or metal frame with plasterboard finish can be used.

Concrete blocks create a solid structure that can withstand a significant cantilever load. Therefore, this is the most suitable option if a TV or wall cabinet will hang on the wall. The surface needs base plaster for further decorative finishing.

Much less often, partitions are erected from building bricks. This is due to the fact that the design occupies a significant part of the free space. Indeed, in order for it to be stable, the thickness of the partition must be at least 170 mm. In addition, this design creates a significant load on the base.

The most popular option is to create a partition from a metal frame, which is sheathed with drywall. The design has good sound insulation and does not create a significant load on the supporting element of the building.

Useful advice! In plasterboard partitions, it is necessary to provide for the installation of embedded parts that will withstand the load from possible hinged structures. .

The installation of windows and entrance doors should be entrusted to specialized organizations, the quality of which will determine the nature of the protection of the apartment from the cold and the likelihood of penetration of burglars.

Features of installation of communications

How to start do-it-yourself repairs after redevelopment of an apartment? With the implementation of electrical wiring and laying of other engineering communications. First you need to do all the plumbing work. New radiators are being installed, and pipelines are being connected to the common house heating system. Pipework is being carried out to connect faucets, a toilet bowl, a washing machine, a sink, a bathtub, a shower cubicle, a water heater and a dishwasher. Before installation, you should clearly know the location and connection features of all devices.

Hot and cold water pipes can be hidden in wall niches or mounted in plasterboard or plastic boxes. As a material for pipes, it is recommended to use polypropylene, which has high strength and performance characteristics.

Useful advice! The size of the holes for laying plumbing communications should be twice as large as the diameter of the pipelines, which is associated with a high value of the coefficient of thermal expansion of the material.

Wiring is usually hidden. All cables and wires are laid in wall strobes, above a suspended or stretch ceiling, or in the floor under a screed.

Important! When repairing panel apartments, wall chasing for future electrical wiring is carried out only vertically. Horizontal sections are mounted at the junction of the wall and floor or under the ceiling.

Work must begin with the markup, which is carried out on the basis of the developed plan of the apartment. According to this marking, wall chasing is performed. The size of the holes is determined by the number and thickness of the cables to be laid. In new buildings, all electrical wiring is installed from scratch, starting from the electrical panel. In old apartments, when performing a major overhaul, you can also completely change the electrical cables, or mount its individual sections necessary for connecting electrical appliances based on a new design project.

At this stage, it is necessary to provide for the laying of cables for the intercom, TV, telephone and Internet, which can also be hidden.

How does ceiling repair begin in an apartment?

How to start repairing a rough apartment? All repairs in the apartment are usually carried out from top to bottom. So, you need to start from the ceiling. In new buildings, it is presented in the form of a monolithic concrete slab, the surface of which must be cleaned, plastered, primed and lined with decorative trim. If the repair is carried out in an old apartment, then at the first stage the surface should be cleaned of the old finishing material.

The further plan of action depends on the chosen design option for the ceiling. If the surface is perfectly flat, then the easiest and cheapest option is to whitewash or paint it. If the base requires preliminary elimination of defects using plastering, then this option will be very laborious and costly.

Another budget, but not so time-consuming option is the installation of ceiling tiles, which even a beginner can perform. The surface of the base does not need to be pre-levelled. The main thing is to choose the right quality finishing material and glue.

A more acceptable, but expensive solution is to create a hinged drywall structure, which can be of any shape and have several levels, which determines the cost and time of work. Thanks to this solution, it is possible to obtain free space between the ceiling and the structure for laying and installing spotlights.

A modern solution today is the creation of a stretch ceiling made of PVC fabric. The result is a perfectly even base of any texture and shade. Installation is carried out in a matter of hours by a specialized team. Before performing work, you must first prepare wall structures. Because the installation process of a stretch ceiling involves the execution of edging from baguettes. In addition, all dirty work must be completed in the room so that dust and possible pollution do not settle on a clean ceiling.

Finishing of wall structures

Alignment of the walls is an important event, the quality of which depends on the durability and aesthetic appearance of the future decorative finish. Usually, when repairing apartments with a rough finish, they encounter fairly even concrete walls that need only slight adjustments with the help of plaster mixtures. However, if the walls are made of expanded clay blocks, gas silicate or brick, rather laborious and costly work is required to level them.

Before proceeding with the alignment of the walls, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of the old coating. This is a mandatory step for the overhaul of old apartments. All detected cracks or other defects need to be sealed. To do this, problem areas must be embroidered, primed and sealed with cement mortar, putty or sealant. Wide gaps and cracks in the corners can be filled with polyurethane foam.

Wall alignment can be done in two ways:

  • plastering walls with building mixtures;
  • wall decoration GKL and GVL sheets.

The first option involves the use of plaster mixtures based on gypsum or cement. If the wall has minor irregularities, visual alignment is performed using the building level. If the surface has a significant difference, then it is advisable to carry out the alignment according to the beacons. This is especially important when the walls will be painted. When installing furniture along a flat wall, the likelihood of cracks is eliminated.

Together with the alignment of wall surfaces, it is necessary to finish the door and window openings. To do this, you can use plaster, drywall or plastic panels.

The second option is preferable when the walls are made of brick or have significant irregularities. The use of plaster is unreasonably costly and time-consuming. GKL or GVK sheets are mounted on a previously installed metal frame. As a result of such a finish, a gap is formed between the wall and the cladding, in which various communications can be hidden. This process is characterized by the absence of dirty work and low labor intensity. The walls do not need further plastering before finishing with decorative material.

The main disadvantage of this design is its fragility. Therefore, if hanging furniture or appliances will subsequently be located on the surface, you should take care of the embedded parts that are mounted before performing the leveling layer.

Where does floor repair begin?

The apartment begins with the implementation of the screed, which is used to eliminate significant damage and irregularities in the base relative to the horizon. This is due to backfilling or pouring the floor with a special composition, which forms a perfectly flat surface, necessary for further laying of the floor covering. In addition, the screed serves to strengthen the surface of the concrete slab and increase its strength characteristics. Before its implementation, it is necessary to create a sound and heat insulating layer. For this, expanded clay is often used, which is laid with a thickness of at least 5 cm. Due to the leveling layer, you can raise the floor level or make a technological slope.

Useful advice! In the bathroom, it is advisable to set a certain slope of the floor for water flow in the event of a flood, which will prevent the entire apartment from being flooded.

Floor screed can be:

  • concrete;
  • cement-sand;
  • self-levelling;
  • dry;
  • semi-dry.

The traditional way to correct the floor surface is the use of concrete or cement-sand mortars, which are advisable to use to eliminate significant irregularities and damage to the surface. They are used in the installation of heat and sound insulation.

The most practical and modern solution is the use of self-levelling compounds, consisting of two mixture options: leveling and leveling. The first is used to eliminate significant irregularities in the base, the second is a finishing layer that creates a flat and smooth surface without defects.

However, despite the less laborious process when using these compositions, their cost significantly exceeds traditional mixtures. Therefore, it is advisable to use self-leveling compounds when the height difference relative to the horizon does not exceed 4 cm.

A semi-dry or dry version is used to level the base when the height difference reaches more than 3-5 cm. This is a good alternative to traditional compounds, however, the new layer will create much less pressure on the concrete slab. Therefore, this method is recommended when repairing apartments in old houses and for laying carpet and laminate.

Floor screed procedure

First you need to prepare the base of the floor. To do this, the old floor structure is opened with the dismantling of skirting boards, flooring and the old screed. Next, the surface is cleaned of construction debris and dust. In case of detection of cracks, potholes and chips, it is necessary to carry out repair work using sealing mixtures. To eliminate deep damage, a jointing method is used, which consists in making cuts perpendicular to the crack with a depth of 20 mm and a thickness of 5 mm. Further, all damage must be repaired with concrete mortar.

Leveling the floor begins with its marking, namely the determination of the lowest and highest points relative to the horizon. A level is indicated on the walls, which indicates the thickness of the future fill layer. Based on the markup, beacons and guides are installed. Pouring the mixture starts from the far corner of the room. The solution is distributed and leveled using a metal rule.

The concrete screed should dry for three weeks. After 24-30 hours after completion of work, the surface must be moistened once a day.

Useful advice! In order to obtain a solid and high-quality foundation, it is not recommended to disturb the natural process of moisture evaporation with the help of heating appliances and airing the room.

Similarly, the floor surface is leveled with a semi-dry mortar, which is evenly distributed and compacted with a conventional shovel. After complete drying, the surface must be treated with a wooden grout. The process is carried out until the floor surface is perfectly flat.

Dry screed involves laying a layer of expanded clay with a fraction of 1-5 mm, on top of which gypsum fiber boards are mounted. They are interconnected using self-tapping screws with smearing the end edges with special glue. This is the easiest way to level the floor, which allows you to get a coating of increased strength. After the floor screed is completed, you can proceed with the installation of the selected floor covering.

Turnkey apartment renovation. Price per square meter

Regardless of what kind of renovation is planned in the apartment, you can do it yourself or use the services of professionals. You can also involve specialists to perform specific types or stages of work in the entire apartment or in a specific room.

The cost of cosmetic repairs includes the following list of works:

  • dismantling of the old finish from the elements of the room;
  • painting or whitewashing the ceiling;
  • partial alignment of the walls;
  • sticking non-woven or paper wallpaper;
  • laying flooring;
  • partial replacement of electrical and plumbing;
  • laying tiles.

The cost of such a list of works starts from 2500 rubles / m², which depends on the complexity of the process. Repair will cost 85 thousand rubles, two-room - 110 thousand rubles, three-room - 120 thousand rubles. This is all without taking into account the cost of materials.

If it is necessary to perform draft work, which includes the installation and dismantling of wall structures, the alignment of all elements of the room and electrical work, the price for services is an average of 3500-4000 rubles / m².

When it is necessary to perform all turnkey electrical work in a new building, the price of work will be 25 thousand rubles for a one-room apartment, 35 thousand rubles for a two-room apartment, and 45 thousand rubles for a three-room apartment.

The cost of a turnkey overhaul is an average of 5500 rubles / m². It all depends on the condition of the apartment and the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Many experts offer premium repairs, which include the development of an individual design project. The price of such a repair is about 7500 rubles / m².

Turnkey apartment renovation price with materials

The cost of repair work, taking into account materials, depends on many factors: the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, its current state (new or second-hand housing), the volume and complexity of the stages of work and the quality of the building materials used. You can roughly calculate the cost of repairs using an online calculator, which is located on specialized sites. It takes into account the average cost of repairing an apartment per square meter. More accurate information can be obtained only after drawing up an estimate in each individual case.

So, the cost of budgetary repair of an apartment in a new building with materials will cost an average of 6-6.5 thousand rubles / m². If more expensive building materials are used to repair an apartment, the price of the work will be about 11-12 thousand rubles / m². Those who want to decorate their homes with exclusive finishing products must prepare at least 20 thousand rubles / m². The repair price of secondary housing will be 10-15% lower, which is determined by the condition of the apartment.

Also, the cost of repairs with materials is affected by the functional purpose of the premises. So repairing a living room will cost 6,000 rubles / m², a corridor - 6,500 rubles / m², a kitchen - 8,500 rubles / m², a bathroom - 8,000 rubles / m², a loggia or balcony - 5,000 rubles / m².

When deciding where to start repairs in a house or apartment, it is necessary to study each process in detail. Especially when it comes to do-it-yourself work. If you are not confident in your own abilities, it is better to entrust the execution of all work or a specific stage to professionals who will offer a clear apartment renovation plan. As a result, the work will be performed qualitatively and in a short time.

Do-it-yourself apartment renovation. Video plot

The idea of ​​where to start repairs in the apartment begins to bother future homeowners long before the vending “three-ruble note” or “kopeck piece” was officially issued, and the keys to the front door migrated from the realtor to the new owners. With the purchase of housing in a new building, everything is clear, in this case, the best option would be to do a rough repair of the apartment with your own hands. With housing purchased on the secondary market, the situation is more complicated.

Which option is preferable, capital or cosmetic

It is clear that the decision on how to plan the repair of an apartment, where to start and the sequence of work, will be based primarily on the condition of the dwelling. To a large extent, the planned scope of work, what to pay attention to and where to start repairing a secondary apartment depends on a number of conditions, including plans for the future, abilities and luck of the new owners:

  • If the apartment was purchased in a relatively new house, 4-10 years old, complete with high-quality steel doors, plastic windows, worn, but “living” floors, then it is quite possible that you can get by with a cosmetic renovation of the apartment;
  • Buying an apartment from an intermediary, especially if the residential premises smell of freshly completed cosmetic repairs designed to hide all the flaws and problems, will most likely require a major rework of most of the details;
  • The third option is to buy a very old apartment that has not been renovated for a long time. In this case, you will need to spend a lot of time and effort to identify all the shortcomings and problems.

In the latter case, the solution is obvious, it is necessary to renovate the apartment from scratch, it is easier and more convenient to carry out a major overhaul of the premises before the tenants move into new apartments. In such a situation, you can deviate from the standard sequence of work when repairing an apartment and decide on your own where to start the repair, based on financial capabilities and free time.

Apartment with cosmetic repairs, where to start

The second case is considered the most problematic in terms of planning the stages of apartment renovation. Not only is the cost of cosmetic repairs automatically included in the cost of the purchased housing, it will also require the dexterity of a magician to determine the real state of the most important areas of the premises without breaking the freshly laid finish:

  • The quality of the floor covering, the condition and degree of wear of the subfloor;
  • Serviceability of water pipes, sewerage, heating systems;
  • Wiring condition.

For your information! Flooring, flooring and electrical wiring is easy enough to check with your own hands. For the revision and repair of pipes, radiators and sewers, it is best to invite specialists.

As a result of the audit, the answer to the question of where to start, and what are the further stages of repairing a secondary apartment, becomes obvious. First of all, repair work is carried out in areas on which safety and the possibility of using housing depend. Further, you can make repairs to the apartment in any order, it is clear that it is best to start with the most dusty and dirty work and finish with painting and decor stickers.

How to organize and start cosmetic repairs

When planning the purchase of an apartment in the secondary market, experts recommend reserving funds for major repairs, even if, at first glance, the housing is in a tolerable condition. If you are lucky with the purchase of an apartment, and there are no urgent problems that require urgent capital repairs, then you can start with “cosmetics”, and plan a thorough alteration of the premises for a couple of years in advance, when funds and time appear.

Cosmetic repair of a one-room apartment

The most difficult thing is to plan repairs in the "odnushka", there is not enough free space, there is practically nowhere to place materials and tools for apartment renovation. Cosmetic renovation of the interior has to be done in a situation where there is practically no time left to build up and think about where to start repairs, from day to day the residents will move into new housing.

In this case, repair work in the apartment, as they say, is carried out "from the wheels":

At the end of the work, wooden floors are painted or parquet is varnished. If there is no time and opportunity to complete the redecoration of the apartment in full, then it is better to start with the restoration of the floor covering.

Even if you had to move into an unrenovated apartment with furniture and belongings, in the future you can always find a couple of free days when you can make repairs in the apartment. Always, at all times, floor repair has been the most difficult and problematic, so laying or replacing flooring should be done as soon as possible.

Renovation of a two-room apartment

Cosmetic procedures in a kopeck piece are much easier, since it is possible, before starting work, to transfer furniture and some things to a free room.

Masters recommend starting repair work in the apartment by changing the two most difficult parts to repair - replacing windows and elements of the heating system. In addition to a fairly high price, both parts of the apartment's life support system are tied to weather conditions and seasons.

Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the entire repair plan for the replacement of radiators or window frames, for example, plan to start redecorating somewhere at the end of August, during the next vacation. Prices for double-glazed windows and radiators are already starting to decline, the cold weather is far away, and the central heating system is not yet filled with water.

Already in September, you can begin to close up the slopes and paint the pipes. It is still warm enough outside to make the final repairs in the apartment. If autumn frosts fall during the work, it will still be warm enough in the room to make repairs in a two-room apartment with minimal loss of time.

How to start the overhaul of a problematic apartment

Unlike “cosmetics”, which are planned on the basis of the principle - from dirty to clean, a major repair option must begin with solving the most complex and deepest problems. Repair work can take several weeks, it is best to start in early spring, when most of the specialized craftsmen do not have so many orders, summer is ahead, and there is an opportunity to thoroughly prepare the apartment:

  • Solve the problem of obtaining permits, for example, for the redevelopment of an apartment, the transfer of a meter, the installation of individual heating;
  • Remove some of the furniture, flowers, household appliances in the country;
  • Stock up on garbage bags and plastic covers;
  • Purchase materials and tools.

The main thing is that you will need to draw up step-by-step instructions for yourself if the overhaul in the apartment is done from scratch. A useful list of works will allow you to avoid inconsistencies and loss of time, especially if several craftsmen work simultaneously in the apartment.

Repair sequence

The preparations have been completed, the permits have been received, the materials have been purchased, the process of restoring the apartment can begin. Traditionally, overhaul is planned in the following sequence:

Installation of interior doors, laying flooring, installation of fixtures are transferred, as the least urgent, to the final part of the repair. It is necessary to begin the process of restoring the premises with the removal of old trash.

Dismantling door frames, flooring and old plaster

According to the majority of new settlers, it would be right to start a major overhaul in the apartment with the installation of capital-type entrance doors. It can be armor, metal or double oak doors, anyway, as long as they have a sufficiently large opening, at least 90 cm wide, and have good sound insulation.

We must plaster the outer walls, the interior decoration of the slopes can be transferred to the moment of plastering the walls. At the same time, you need to start cutting out all the doorways inside the apartment, the old wooden frames are being dismantled. We tighten the opening with a thick plastic film. Before starting plastering work, it is necessary to install double-glazed windows.

Moving partitions and leveling walls

Next, the dirtiest part of the work is carried out - the plaster is cut off, the chalk or lime whitewash of the ceiling is washed out. The flooring is removed to the concrete base, the wooden floors are disassembled and removed from the apartment.

If the work plan provides for the transfer of partitions, the next step will be laying out new wall structures from drywall or drywall. First of all, plumbing is removed in the bathroom, plumbing and sewage pipes are changed. Next, the surface of the walls in the toilet, in the bathroom and in the kitchen is leveled for finishing. You can invite craftsmen to lay new communications, but for now you need to start working with plastering walls and ceilings in the living rooms of the apartment.

Unexpected Problems

Capital work associated with the use of a hammer drill, grinders, drills, any other "noisy" power tools should be performed only in the daytime.

Any repair work can be carried out from 8-00 to 20-00. In some cases, by order of the municipal authorities, it is forbidden to work with a tool with a high noise level from 13-00 to 15-00, so it will be useful to know in advance when and how long it is possible to make repairs in the apartment so as not to get into a conflict situation with neighbors.

Laying new electrical wiring

Once the process of leveling the walls with gypsum plaster is completed, the wiring can begin. If the apartment does not plan to transfer the meter, then channels are immediately cut, wiring is carried out, installation of socket boxes and leads for lamps. In the case of transferring the meter, the wiring is taken out to a new installation site, connection and verification can only be started after the device is sealed.

Simultaneously with the wiring, you can start finishing the bathroom and kitchen, first of all the walls, then the floor and ceiling. Plumbing installed at the same time. Before you start repairing the floor, work in the kitchen-toilet must be fully completed.

Door installation and floor repair

As soon as the walls and ceiling are ready for fine finishing - painting or wallpapering, you can begin to repair the floor. Most often, a laminate or parquet slab is laid on concrete, but a real wooden floor can also be assembled. The floor covering is primed, dried and covered with a film.

At the next stage of the repair, interior doors are assembled. The doors themselves are not yet hung, the platbands are not nailed until the walls and ceiling are finished.

The final stage of the repair

The final stage of the repair can begin with the installation of sockets, switches, lamps, and adjustment of window fittings. If the floor involves painting or varnishing, then you will need to install a ventilator, otherwise the drying process will drag on for several days.

Have you finally decided to update the interior of your home? Then knowledge will come in handy, what stages of apartment renovation await us and how to follow their sequence. So there can be many, at first glance, imperceptible nuances.

If you determine the sequence of actions in advance, the result will only please.

  • This is a chance to significantly save the budget, because you don’t have to redo anything and buy it in a hurry, while overpaying.
  • The duration of work will be reduced. Self-organization always contributes to a faster end of the case.
  • Repair will be really high quality.

The first mistake of the owner, who decided to start construction work, was a rash purchase of building materials. Often, because of the haste, he buys a lot of excess, and what is really needed, on the contrary, remains on the shelves. After all, even for groceries it is better to go with a thoughtful list.
Read how to start repairing.
It all starts with a budget. At the same time, it is advisable to invite a specialist for consultation, even if only independent work is planned in the future.

Before starting the repair, it is necessary to develop a project and draw up an estimate

With a well-defined plan and a competent list of everything you need, you can proceed.

Work order

We pay attention again: in order to avoid mistakes, alterations and downtime in the repair process, be sure to stick to the finished plan.

Repair step by step

Dismantling of the old interior

It all starts with total preparation. Such works include:

  • removal of old wallpaper;
  • dismantling of plaster;
  • destruction of walls and partitions not provided for in the new project;
  • floor removal;
  • dismantling surfaces intended for replacement.

Skip the disassembly step, going straight to the next step.

Interior dismantling

Installation of communications

First of all, they carry out work on the installation of communications. Before making repairs, you need to do all the operations that can destroy new coatings: installation of windows, doors, wiring and ventilation. Pipework can also be attributed to this stage.
Read more about it in our articles:

All old electrical wiring is removed and a new one is installed. The safety instructions for placing sockets will help you place electrical elements correctly and use wires with a sufficient cross section. For example, you should take care of the presence of thick wiring and grounding at the point to which the washing machine will be connected.

Creating partitions

At this stage, you can change the entire layout of the apartment, bringing novelty and additional comfort to the interior.

With the help of partitions (especially if the extra walls are removed), you can create an office, a nursery, share a bathroom.
More often, bricks or foam blocks are used for such purposes, less often - drywall. By covering the new wall with soundproofing plaster, you can achieve greater comfort. When creating partitions, it is important to take into account the squaring of the premises, sometimes it is better to leave one large room than to make five small ones. In addition, the creation of unnecessary partitions can lead to a violation of the natural ventilation of the apartment. So when building additional walls, be sure to consult with professionals.
Articles of our site on the topic:


For plastering work, it is recommended to use a ready-made cement-sand mixture (CPS) or gypsum plaster, which will eliminate possible errors in self-mixing the proportions of sand and cement. If there is not enough experience in such work, it is still better to hire specialists. Firstly, it saves time, and secondly, you do not have to redo unsuccessful work.


When pouring concrete, we level the floor. The quality of these works will affect the subsequent placement of furniture in the room. Surely more than once faced with the problem of leveling the table, chest of drawers, armchairs and, more importantly, the washing machine. A good screed will help to avoid such difficulties in the future.
More details: .

Drywall installation

Between the screed and the installation of drywall, at least a week must pass so that the room has time to dry.
We install the iron sectional base, leveling the surface of the ceiling. Then we mount and drywall sheets.
More detailed articles on this topic.

After reading the recommendations, cosmetic repairs can be done even by those who have never held a spatula in their hands. The article is written based on personal experience. If a non-professional woman was able to update the room, then you will succeed all the more.

Not everyone has the means to hire a construction team to carry out repairs. In addition, people who are not always found on the ad will really do everything in good faith. If you do not need a global reorganization of the premises, you can do the cosmetic repairs yourself. This is a very fun and easy process. The main thing is to purchase everything you need, follow the phased work, do everything carefully and with soul.

Necessary materials, tools

Here's what you need to purchase before you start your redecoration:

  • Spatulas - wide and narrow;
  • Primer;
  • Putty (dry or ready-made);
  • Wallpaper;
  • Ceiling tiles and glue for it;
  • Flat brush, rag;
  • Skirting boards for floor and ceiling;
  • Floor covering (linoleum, laminate);
  • Roller on a long handle;
  • cuvette;
  • Glue for linoleum (if you lay it);
  • Film, adhesive tape for covering furniture.

Preparatory work, wallpaper removal

Remove furniture to free up space. Put things from the cabinets in large bags, bags and also transfer them to another room. If the cabinet is heavy, there is no way to tilt it to another room, disassemble it by carefully folding the components. If this method does not suit you either, move the cabinet away from the wall, cover it on all sides with a wide cellophane film, secure it with a stapler or tape.

After everything unnecessary has been removed from the room, proceed to dismantling. First tear off the old skirting boards. If they are wooden, it is convenient to remove them with a nail puller. If these are plastic skirting boards with screws, a screwdriver or screwdriver will help.

If you are doing Khrushchev repair with your own hands, you want to save money, you can lay linoleum on the floor. To do this, it is rolled out, put with the wrong side up, allowed to rest, then glue is applied, turned over and glued to the base. If the floor is uneven, you can lay a solid underlay, such as plywood.

When the wallpaper is completely dry, drape the top of the wallpaper with a ceiling plinth. To do this, apply glue for PVC tiles on its wrong side, attach to the desired place and hold for 10-15 seconds. Once you've glued the first one, move on to the second one.

You will remove the wires in the wall part of the floor plinth, screw it onto the screws. After that, put on the top of the plastic plinth.

  • Read the article about yourself.
Here's how to make inexpensive DIY repairs. The renovated room will certainly please and will cheer you up every time.

Video about cosmetic repairs in 3 days:

Last update: 12-10-2019

Also consider, due to currency fluctuations, seasonal discounts, etc. it may turn out that the same building materials will cost significantly more in a couple of weeks.

Don't forget to get discount cards construction stores, this will save.


If there is no shield in the apartment, then put it.

Make a separate line for the refrigerator, separate for the boiler, separate light, separate sockets, separate stove. This is done for later convenience.

For example when the water is turned off in the summer, I cannot use many appliances at the same time. Either boiler + kettle, or kettle + iron, etc. Otherwise it crashes.

In an apartment with a rough finish, these works will cost less and faster.

We do the floors in the bathroom

Door installation

It is best to book in advance, along with the entrance. So you don't have to color match.

My wife and I somehow didn’t think about it and bought a reddish-brown laminate first. When we began to select doors, we realized that it was easier to change the laminate than to find the right color for the door.

Gluing wallpaper

Wallpaper 0.5 meters wide to glue for a long time, it is better to take meter ones right away. Some vinyl wallpapers can smell strongly and for a long time (from some wallpapers the smell lasted for almost a month), and some are very soft and leave dents on them, easily damaged by stickers. Keep this in mind when choosing.

Now there are many alternatives to wallpaper (paintable wallpaper, decorative plaster, decorative stone, etc.), it all depends on your financial capabilities.

Furniture installation

If you need to assemble or somehow difficult to install, then it is better to order this service. The same applies to wardrobes. In appearance, everything is simple, but you can carry more than one day.