What to cook scrambled eggs with. How to cook hard-boiled scrambled eggs - a step by step recipe. Cooking hearty scrambled eggs for lunch

What's happened good breakfast? This is a guarantee of a good mood for the whole day, this is a grateful smile of her husband, this is a satisfied and well-fed child going to school ... This is an opportunity to pamper yourself with something tasty in the morning, even if it is a very, very simple dish, for example omelette... Oh, just don't frown - even scrambled eggs can be beautiful and appetizing if you approach the issue creatively. I often cook it in the morning - firstly, they love this in my family, and secondly, it is always very simple and quick, and in the mornings, especially on weekdays, I always do not have time. But I always have a couple of minutes for scrambled eggs! If scrambled eggs do not take root in your family, you may simply not know how to cook scrambled eggs delicious... This is sad, but fixable - because I will gladly share with you my secrets, and at the same time the best recipes. fried eggs.

Secret # 1: good starting material. This rule, in principle, applies to all recipes, Well, and especially to scrambled eggs. Why? Because it is very important that you have bright, orange yolks on your plate, and not some gray-yellow and incomprehensible ones. Conduct an experiment - fry an egg from a store and a country egg from a homemade chicken in the same pan - and you will immediately see the difference. Yes, you will have to go to the market for home eggs or visit some acquaintances who have a private house and a chicken coop. Yes, you have to pay a little more. But it's worth it, believe me!

Secret # 2: The degree to which the eggs are cooked. Yes, yes, it matters, almost like a steak. Someone likes the white to grab, and the yolk remains liquid, someone prefers that the yolk is solid, someone only recognizes the option when everything is liquid ... Perhaps you just did not cook the way you like your household Ask them about their tastes before making scrambled eggs for breakfast. You can even conduct a comic tasting - prepare several options and ask for your opinion. Then you will be sure exactly what kind of roast the spouse prefers, which one is the son, and which one is the mother-in-law.

Secret number 3: kitchenware. Now I will talk not only about beautiful plates (God forbid you from the chipped old saucers of their grandmother's service). The most important utensil for scrambled eggs is a good skillet. No matter how hard you try, so as not to invent, if you can hardly tear off the eggs from the frying pan with the Teflon coating peeled off three hundred thousand years ago, you will not succeed, alas. The thing is that such scrambled eggs simply cannot be tasty - they burn, break and generally look terrible! This doesn't suit us at all! Better to spend a little money and buy a good frying pan (there are enough offers now) - so that you are 100 percent sure of the frying process!

Secret # 4: cooking time. Scrambled eggs are the dish that must be eaten fresh and warm. Options with reheating, preparing in the evening, or having breakfast prepared 2 hours before it is eaten, does not go away. Only the freshest, only scrambled eggs from a frying pan. I'll even tell you more. In general, I try to make my family sit down at the table, and then I just break the eggs in a frying pan. While they chat about plans for the day, butter their bread and argue over the largest piece of cheese, I have time to do everything. But I’m sure that my eggs will not cool down.

Secret # 5: variety of recipes. It only seems to the uninitiated that scrambled eggs have no recipe at all. Oh, you can't even imagine how many types of it there are, what nuances certain methods conceal, how different ingredients change the taste ... No, I don't want to frighten you with some complexity, as a rule, all fried eggs are quite simple , but that they can be very, very different, that's a fact. Thus, you can constantly surprise your household with new recipes, one more beautiful than the other.

Well, since we have already started talking about different types and types of scrambled eggs, I will share with you some of those that are my favorite.

It is very tasty and healthy too! I cook it with spinach and parsley, but you can experiment with green onions, asparagus and even sorrel: it will be unusual, interesting, tasty and very green!

In the morning it will take you to wonderful, sunny Italy, which gives all its guests the sea and the sun, good mood and delicious dishes. Even simple scrambled eggs are turned into a culinary miracle by the inhabitants of this country. This recipe is proof of that.

Almost everyone knows how to cook scrambled eggs. It is not without reason that this dish is unofficially called "bachelor". Even inexperienced cooks will be able to break an egg and fry it in a pan. Despite the fact that such a dish is easy to prepare, today there are an incredible number of recipes with which you can make not only a delicious and nutritious, but also a beautiful and hearty breakfast for your whole family.

Features of the dish

Scrambled eggs for breakfast are the perfect meal for an adult. It is so high in calories that it can saturate your family members so that they will not want to sit down again until a late dinner. However, it should be noted that such a dish, especially fried in a pan with butter, contains too much cholesterol. In this regard, it is highly discouraged to use it for those who have this indicator overstated. I would also like to say that scrambled eggs and sausage is not the most ideal breakfast for a small child. For children, it is better not to fry such a product in a pan, but to make, for example, a delicious omelet in milk.

How to cook classic scrambled eggs?

To make such a breakfast, you only need to spend 5-10 minutes of free time. By the way, it is the speed of preparation of this dish that played a major role in making it the most popular among those who do not like to stand at the stove for a long time.

So, before cooking classic scrambled eggs, you need to purchase the following ingredients:

  • fresh butter - 3 dessert spoons;
  • large chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • fine iodized salt - a couple of pinches;
  • allspice black pepper - one pinch;
  • fresh dill - 2 branches;
  • fresh parsley - 2 sprigs;

Cooking process

Fried eggs can be cooked in different ways. After all, someone prefers such a dish with liquid yolk, while someone likes it when the egg completely hardens under the influence of temperature. Below we will tell you how to cook both of these options.

If you need to quickly make breakfast for your family members, you need to take a large skillet and put it on low heat. Next, put fresh butter in a saucepan. After the dishes have heated up and the cooking fat has melted and begins to boil, it is necessary to break large chicken eggs into it. In this case, it is recommended to make sure that the yolk is not damaged, but ends up in the pan intact.

To give the eggs a pleasant taste and aroma, the laid out product must be immediately seasoned with salt, pepper and sprinkled with fresh parsley and dill, which must be rinsed and finely chopped in advance. Next, close the pan with a lid, and increase the heat to maximum. The eggs should stay in this position for about two minutes. Next, the pan must be removed from the stove, kept under a closed lid for another 60 seconds. Prepare breakfast this way. You will have delicious fried eggs with liquid yolk and hard protein.

If you prefer to consume fully fried eggs, it is recommended to keep them on fire for about four minutes, and under a closed lid - at least five. The extended time will help the yolk harden and you will achieve your goal.

Serving correctly for breakfast

Now you know how to cook classic scrambled eggs with liquid and hard yolk. It is recommended to serve it on a flat plate along with ketchup and white or rye bread. Bon Appetit!

Cooking hearty scrambled eggs for lunch

Scrambled eggs with sausage will serve as an ideal dish for a hearty lunch if you are sorely short of time to prepare any other culinary masterpiece. For this we need:

  • large chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • fresh dill - 2 branches;
  • fresh parsley - 2 sprigs;
  • arrows of green onions - several pieces. (add at discretion);
  • boiled sausage - about 150 g;
  • spicy ketchup, white or rye bread - for serving.

Food preparation

Cooking scrambled eggs with sausages does not take a lot of time. But before frying all the ingredients in a pan, they must be carefully processed. To do this, wash the green onions, parsley and dill, and then chop them very finely. Next, you need to cut the sausage into 4 thin wheels. In addition, break large chicken eggs into a deep bowl and whisk lightly using a hand whisk or fork. In this case, it is advisable to immediately salt and pepper the resulting mass to taste.

Heat treatment

To create such a dinner, you need to take a large frying pan, pour sunflower oil into it and heat it over high heat. Next, reduce the temperature to a minimum and lay out all the sliced ​​sausage. After the underside of the products turns slightly red, turn them over with a fork, and then immediately pour over the whipped egg mass. On top of the formed dish, it is advisable to sprinkle with chopped parsley, dill and green onions. At the end, the pan must be tightly closed, and the heat must be slightly increased. After 2-3 minutes, it is recommended to remove the dishes from the heat and leave aside for the same amount of time.

How to properly serve for dinner?

After a short exposure under a closed lid, the eggs and sausage should be cut into portions and put on plates. From above, such a hearty and aromatic lunch must be decorated with sprigs of fresh herbs and a ketchup net. Serve scrambled eggs with sausages to the table, preferably hot, along with bread and vegetable salad. Bon Appetit!

How to make an unusual breakfast of eggs?

Few know how scrambled eggs in bread are cooked. To remedy this situation, we decided to present a detailed recipe for the presented dish. For this we need:

  • odorless sunflower oil - 3 large spoons;
  • large chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • fine iodized salt - a couple of pinches;
  • fresh carrots - a small piece;
  • allspice black pepper - one pinch;
  • fresh dill - 2 branches;
  • white or rye bread - ½ brick;
  • fresh parsley - 2 sprigs;
  • onions - small head;
  • hot ketchup - for serving.

Preparation of components

Scrambled eggs are beautiful only if you show your imagination and make a little effort during cooking. It should be noted that there are a large number of people who prefer to eat not only a fried chicken egg for breakfast, but also slightly toasted toast. To combine these desires together and please your loved ones with a delicious, satisfying and beautiful dish, we suggest using the presented recipe. To do this, rinse the greens thoroughly and chop them finely. Next, you need to peel the onions and carrots, and then chop the vegetables into cubes and grate, respectively. You also need to slice ½ a brick of bread into 1.5 centimeters of toast. From the resulting pieces, carefully remove the pulp, leave only a not very thin crust.

Roasting process

After the main ingredients are processed, you should put the pan on the fire, pour a little oil into it, and then put the grated carrots and onions. Having salted and pepper the components, it is advisable to fry them until transparent. Next, the vegetables need to be laid out on a saucer, and slices of bread without a core should be placed in the pan. It is necessary to break one chicken egg at a time into a kind of "plates" so that it fits completely into a flour product. It is recommended to salt it on top, and also put fried onions and carrots (in a large spoon). Breakfast should be cooked over medium heat and covered until the egg white is completely cooked.

Serving correctly for breakfast

After the filled toast is cooked, it should be carefully transferred to a flat plate and sprinkled with fresh dill and parsley on top. It is advisable to serve such a breakfast to the table hot, along with ketchup and sweet tea. Bon Appetit!

Delicious breakfast with tomatoes and cheese

Preparing scrambled eggs and cheese is as easy and simple as the previous options. For this we need:

  • odorless sunflower oil - 3 large spoons;
  • large chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • fine iodized salt - a couple of pinches;
  • fresh small tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • allspice black pepper - one pinch;
  • hard cheese of any kind - 90 g;

Ingredient processing

Before preparing such a delicious and aromatic breakfast, you should process all the previously purchased ingredients. To do this, break the chicken eggs into a bowl, salt and pepper them, and then beat lightly with a fork. Next, you need to wash the fresh tomatoes and cut them into not very thick circles. You should also grate hard cheese on a coarse grater and finely chop fresh herbs.

Roasting dishes

After preparing all the ingredients, pour the oil into a frying pan and put it over medium heat. Next, in a heated dish, it is necessary to alternately place slices of fresh tomatoes, add the beaten egg mass, sprinkle it with grated hard cheese and fresh herbs. After covering all the ingredients with a lid, it is advisable to keep them on high heat for about three minutes. After this time, the pan should be removed from the stove. After 2-3 minutes, the dish will be completely ready for use. It must be cut into portions and laid out on flat plates. Top with scrambled eggs with tomatoes and cheese should be decorated with sprigs of fresh herbs. You can serve such a dish to the table with boiled sausages or sausages. Bon Appetit!

Delicious and bright scrambled eggs in the microwave

Surprisingly, you can cook scrambled eggs for breakfast not only using an ordinary stove, but also using a device such as a microwave. To do this, we may need the following components:

  • fresh butter - 25 g (for greasing the mold);
  • large chicken eggs - 1-2 pcs.;
  • fine iodized salt - to taste;
  • small fresh tomato - 1 pc .;
  • allspice black pepper - one pinch;
  • dill, fresh parsley - 2 sprigs;
  • canned green peas - 60 g;
  • cream 30% - 3 large spoons;
  • green onions - several arrows;
  • mayonnaise - add to the finished dish;
  • rye or white bread - for serving.

Product processing

Scrambled eggs in the microwave are not only very tasty and satisfying, but also beautiful and bright. To prepare it, we need to wash the tomato well and cut it into small squares. You should also chop fresh herbs (onions, dill, parsley) and drain the liquid from the canned green peas.

Formation process

To get beautiful and tasty scrambled eggs in the microwave, it is recommended to use a not very deep ceramic pan. For this, ordinary bowls may be suitable. They must be generously greased with butter. Next, in the form you need to put chopped tomatoes, green peas, fresh herbs and pour in a few tablespoons of heavy cream. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, add chicken eggs to them. Moreover, they should not be whipped beforehand, since the yolk should remain intact. At the end, the formed dish must be seasoned with spices to taste.

Heat treatment of the dish

After the breakfast is formed, it must be placed in the microwave. It is recommended to cook scrambled eggs at maximum power. To begin with, the timer should be set for 1.5 minutes. If after this time the protein does not harden, then the time can be increased by another 30-45 seconds.

Serving scrambled eggs to the table

When breakfast is fully cooked, it should be removed from the microwave, allowed to cool slightly, and then immediately served. On top of such a dish, you can additionally sprinkle with fresh herbs, decorate with a net of mayonnaise. Bon Appetit!

Let's summarize

As you can see, there are many ways to cook scrambled eggs. Moreover, it is served not only for breakfast, but even for dinner. However, in this case, it is recommended to additionally add some nourishing ingredients to the main product (for example, sausage, vegetables, sausages, mushrooms, etc.).

The simplest everyday dish is scrambled eggs. It is prepared for breakfast, lunch and dinner. To make the dish tasty, you need to follow some simple rules.

How to cook scrambled eggs correctly

The most important secrets:

  • For scrambled eggs, take the freshest eggs, they are called dietary ones. Fresh eggs have a slightly sweet taste.
  • Pour the eggs only into a frying pan that is very heated with oil - the eggs will not stick to the bottom.
  • For scrambled eggs, use a medium-sized, heavy-bottomed skillet.
  • Salt the fried eggs at the very end. If you do this earlier, then the yolk will begin to spread over the protein and the dish will not look very appetizing.
  • Serve the scrambled eggs hot, they are the tastiest.

How to cook fried eggs

Wash eggs and dry well with a napkin. Pour 1 tablespoon into the pan. vegetable oil and put 1 tbsp. butter. When the butter is completely melted and hot, pour the eggs over it, one at a time. Reduce heat to medium. When the protein becomes completely dense, and the yolk is covered with a barely perceptible film, salt the dish. Spread the eggs on a plate using a flat spatula to prevent damage to the yolk.

How to cook scrambled eggs with tomatoes

For such a dish, take tomatoes with a very dense pulp.

  • Heat the skillet and pour some oil into it.
  • Place the slices of tomatoes in hot oil and let them fry from the bottom.
  • Turn the tomatoes over and salt them.
  • Release eggs on tomatoes and reduce heat.
  • Fry eggs with tomatoes for 2-3 minutes, and then salt and pepper them.
  • Place a lid on the skillet and let the eggs sit on the stove for a couple of minutes.
  • Sprinkle scrambled eggs with green onions when serving.

How to cook scrambled eggs

Put the eggs in a bowl and add a little milk to them. Two tablespoons of liquid are enough for two eggs. Whisk eggs and milk and add a little salt. Pour the egg mixture into a skillet with melted butter and stir it quickly with a spatula. When you're satisfied with the consistency, turn off the heat under the skillet.

Scrambled eggs can also be cooked in the microwave. To do this, grease a plate with oil and pour the eggs over it. Very carefully pierce the film over the yolks with a wooden stick. Place the plate in the oven and set the power to medium. Cooking time is 2-3 minutes.

Omelette- this is a dish, the recipe of which is known to almost all housewives. After all, there is nothing easier than heating vegetable oil in a frying pan and breaking a few eggs there. This is one of the favorite dishes of the inhabitants of the European continent. You just need to remember some of the features of the varieties of scrambled eggs. When you cook fried eggs, the yolk should remain intact and the scrambled eggs should be stirred before cooking.

Thus, chatterbox is one of the variants of the famous French omelet, but in the days of our grandmothers they called a dish made from a mixture of flour, milk and eggs. That is why in our country, chatterbox is referred to as scrambled eggs. In ancient Egypt, ostrich eggs were cooked on fire. Of course, over the next centuries, the methods of preparing fried eggs have changed many times, but the basic principle has remained the same.

Tasty and quick cooking scrambled eggs

In England and Ireland, the local population prefers scrambled eggs and bacon, the Spaniards love to eat fried eggs placed on top of a tortilla, in Hungary delicious scrambled eggs are obtained with the addition of hot red pepper and lecho, Italians mix the dish with pasta, in Belgium they refuse to eat fried eggs without croutons, the people of the Netherlands cook scrambled eggs and potatoes, and in Greece the tradition of mixing eggs with wine, ham and flour has been preserved since ancient times.

Scrambled eggs (photo) is one of the most popular dishes in the world because there are so many recipes. Their main difference lies in the composition of the products used and the method of preparation, the simplest of which is fried eggs. It's a little more difficult to cook her "sister" with a chatterbox. For most students and bachelors, as well as for novice housewives, their favorite breakfast dish is delicious fried eggs.

Her recipe is very simple. Take a frying pan, heat it up, add vegetable oil or fat. Alternatively, you can use olive oil, canola oil, butter, margarine, duck fat, or bacon. The temperature of the pan should be moderate. To check this, a drop of water is enough, if it hisses when it hits the pan, then you can pour oil or put fat.

Gently break the egg so that a fairly wide crack forms in the shell. If the crack is narrow, it will be inconvenient for you to open the egg, and if you break it completely, then the white and yolk will at best flow out onto your kitchen table, and at worst onto the floor. Even if you manage to pour the contents of the egg into the pan, the rest of the shell will get there along with it.

Next, start frying, without waiting for the bottom of the egg to begin to burn, turn it over to the other side. It should take you 45 seconds to 2 minutes to cook one side of the egg. The yolk between the two sides of the toasted protein should remain liquid. Count to ten in your head and drag the dish from the pan to the plate.

Use a flat, wide spatula to help you turn fried eggs. If at the same time the edges of the scrambled eggs are slightly wrapped, do not worry, there is nothing to worry about. A little time will pass, and you will cook fried eggs with fried eggs with your eyes closed. Are you worried about yolks spilling out when turning? Then it will suit you fried eggs recipe without overturning.

Heat some vegetable oil or fat in a skillet. If you want to reduce the amount of fat in your dish, use an olive oil or canola oil spray. Crack the eggs gently and pour the contents into the skillet. Experienced housewives can break an egg even on the surface of the table, while the yolk will definitely not be damaged, unlike breaking with a knife. Choose any method convenient for you, the main thing is to get an excellent result. Next, add salt and pepper to the fried eggs to taste.

Experienced chefs advise pouring a little water on the edge of the pan and close it with a lid. In this case, water should be taken at the rate of a tablespoon per egg. Thanks to the steam coming from the water, the yolks will be covered with a thin layer of film. It is not recommended to remove the cover until this moment. The film should appear within one or two minutes. After that, remove the finished dish from the pan and serve. To scrambled eggs you can do.

How to make scrambled eggs? To do this, it is advisable to take a frying pan with a thick bottom and heat to medium temperature, melt a small piece of butter in it, beat the eggs lightly and pour them onto the surface of the pan. Stir the eggs with a wooden fork while cooking the scrambled eggs and gradually add more butter.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes- a favorite dish of many residents of our country in the summer. Odessans say that it was in their southern steppe regions that this kind of famous food was invented. Maybe this is so, it doesn't matter. Another thing is interesting, the recipe for making scrambled eggs with tomatoes is so simple, and the result is so delicious that it was simply impossible not to come up with this recipe. Tomatoes go well with both fried eggs and scrambled eggs.

What else can you add to scrambled eggs and tomatoes? It can be onions or grated cheese. It is ideal if you fry the tomatoes in butter, then pour over the eggs and stir right in the pan. It should be noted that this dish is seasonal. All the flavors of scrambled eggs and tomatoes are revealed in the summer when you take sweet and aromatic vegetables just picked from the garden and cook a delicious dish with them. Tomatoes such as bovine heart, black prince, cream, or regular pink tomatoes are best suited for this.

Scrambled eggs: the best recipes with photos

For standard scrambled eggs with tomatoes, take three eggs, the same number of small tomatoes or one large, 20 grams of butter, one tablespoon of vegetable oil and salt to taste. Cut the tomatoes into wedges. Melt the butter over low heat and add a spoonful of vegetable oil there. This is to prevent the eggs from sticking to the pan. In addition, if you add vegetable oil to the butter, the first will not burn.

Put the tomatoes in the pan. Add a little salt and fry them on all sides for five minutes. After the tomatoes are juiced, add the eggs to the pan and salt again. Next, fry everything together without stirring until the eggs acquire a denser consistency. In a frying pan, porridge should not be obtained; in appearance, scrambled eggs may consist of small and larger pieces.

Fry eggs and tomatoes for another one or two minutes. Just be careful not to dry out the dish. It is common for tomatoes to release a fairly large amount of juice during frying; it is on it that the process of cooking fried eggs should be completed. The finished dish can be decorated with fresh herbs and served.

The world famous English breakfast is bacon and eggs... The main competitor of this dish among the British, of course, is oatmeal, but experienced British housewives claim that their husbands and children prefer eggs and bacon for breakfast rather than oatmeal. The availability of cooking, excellent taste and satiety of the dish make it super popular not only among the inhabitants of Foggy Albion, but also in many other countries of the world.

Repeatedly, in classic English films, you can see scenes where the main characters are happy to eat eggs and bacon for breakfast. Some talented English photographers manage to create their masterpieces, in which the main subject is scrambled eggs. A framed photo of this dish can be seen in some UK homes on the kitchen wall.

To prepare your favorite British dish, you will need 6 slices of bacon or bacon, 3 chicken eggs, as well as salt and spices to taste.

First, cut the meat into thin slices and fry it in a dry skillet until golden brown. Then break the eggs so as not to damage the yolk and pour over the toasted bacon. Let the eggs sweat a little over low heat. Season with salt a few minutes before cooking and add spices to taste.

Before use, you can sprinkle the eggs and bacon with herbs, and use vegetables instead of a side dish. What if your fastidious husband or capricious children do not want to eat ordinary scrambled eggs for breakfast, and you physically do not have enough time for other culinary tricks? Look in the refrigerator, if besides eggs, you also have sausage, then consider the issue resolved. Make scrambled eggs and sausage. It will take you five minutes more to cook it than a regular dish. And in terms of taste, it will significantly surpass the original.

Scrambled eggs with sausage differs from traditional scrambled eggs in that in the process of its preparation, the sausage is first fried, and then only the eggs are poured onto it. To prepare one serving of scrambled eggs and sausage, you will need 2 eggs, 50 grams of sausage, as well as salt, herbs and seasonings. Professional culinary experts advise using paprika and curry as a seasoning for fried egg dishes.

Start by cutting the sausage into small pieces. Then fry it in vegetable oil for three or four minutes and stir. Crack the eggs carefully and pour them over the entire pan. Try to keep the yolks intact. In this case, your dish will have a luxurious appearance. Sprinkle seasoning on the eggs before curdling the proteins and let simmer for another three or four minutes. Garnish with herbs before serving.

Many people think that it is impossible to cook scrambled eggs in the microwave. They are wrong. We offer you a choice of several options for preparing this dish using modern household appliances. Scrambled eggs in the microwave for a time interval, it is prepared at the rate of 15 to 40 seconds per egg. To ensure the eggs are well baked, cover them with a lid before placing them in the microwave.

What can be added to scrambled eggs, which is cooked in the microwave, additionally? An excellent decoration for such a dish would be boiled carrots, green peas or simple parsley.

To cook fried eggs with fried eggs in the microwave, take a special dish, heat it a little, grease the walls and bottom with butter. Next, break the eggs, pour into the bowl and do not forget to pierce the egg yolks with a sharp thin object. Calculate the time to cook the eggs, keeping in mind that it will take you one minute to cook two eggs while using the microwave at full power.

How to make scrambled eggs fried eggs with canned cucumbers in the microwave? To do this, you need 4 eggs, 3 cucumbers, 2 teaspoons of ketchup and the same amount of mustard, one tablespoon each of fat and vegetable oil, salt, pepper and green onions. First, grind the cucumbers in a meat grinder, salt and pepper, and add ketchup, vegetable oil, green onions, mustard, salt and pepper to this mixture. Pour the eggs into a greased container, and place the mixture prepared before beautifully around the yolks.

Put all this in the microwave, turn it on at full power and wait exactly 80 seconds. After that, take out the ready-to-eat tasty dish. There is another great recipe for cooking a popular dish in the microwave - scrambled eggs and lard. To prepare it, prepare 60 grams of lard, 4 eggs, a tablespoon of chopped parsley and ground black pepper.

Cut the bacon into cubes and place in a heated bowl. Mix eggs with herbs and pepper and pour over lard. Place in the microwave and turn it on at full power for two minutes. But, do not forget, a minute after the start of cooking, stir everything again. What to add to scrambled eggs besides the traditional bacon, sausage and tomato?

This versatile dish will be just as delicious if you cook it with grated cheese, fried meats, mushrooms, onions, stewed vegetables and everything that you have a soul for when preparing it. Start your morning with scrambled eggs and you won't feel hungry until lunchtime.

If you are tired of ordinary scrambled eggs or want to surprise your family or your lover with an interesting and tasty dish, then we offer you 10 recipes for scrambled eggs from all over the world.

Israeli fried eggs Shakshuka

A collection of recipes for scrambled eggs from around the world, we start with scrambled eggs called Shakshuka. Tunisia is considered its homeland, but the recipe gained the greatest popularity in Israel, becoming a traditional Israeli breakfast. This dish is something like a liquid "sandwich". First, prepare a "pillow", a kind of basis. For this, tomatoes and red onions are cut into small cubes and fried in vegetable oil, at the end hot pepper and a little water are added and stewed for about 5 minutes, after which the eggs are broken onto this base. Delicious scrambled eggs, I tried it at the Dead Sea.

Italian scrambled eggs frittata

Frittata is an Italian dish. There, this recipe for scrambled eggs is incredibly popular, gradually spreading through the cuisines of the whole world. we also have it and have already won the hearts of many connoisseurs of haute cuisine. Basically, it is made with fillings of cheese, sausage, meat and, of course, vegetables and herbs. First, everything is fried until half cooked, then beaten eggs are added, another 1 minute in a pan, after which the scrambled eggs are abundantly sprinkled with cheese and sent to the oven, where it comes to readiness. For those who monitor weight, we recommend the dietary version of fritatta with spinach, read the recipe .

Scrambled eggs Orsini

Another recipe for Italian scrambled eggs with the beautiful name Orsini. First you need to separate the whites from the yolks, while leaving the yolks in half of the shell. Add a pinch of salt to the whites and beat until a "strong" foam is formed. Grease a baking dish (usually a small ovenproof dish for portioned dishes), pour the protein foam into it and bake in the oven until tender (at 200 degrees this will take 3 minutes). Add a small piece of butter and yolk to the finished protein foam, put in the oven for another 3-5 minutes, so that the yolk "grabs" a little. Serve with toast, herbs and vegetables.

French fried eggs cocotte

The turn came to the recipe for French cocotte eggs. The inhabitants of the Fifth Republic make cocotte from a variety of ingredients, using literally everything that is at home. Minced meat, vegetables, sausages, mushrooms, sausage, ham, seafood - everything will do. Make a filling out of this "everything", put it on the bottom of a portioned form, break an egg on top, gourmets can sprinkle it with cheese - and that's it, in a preheated oven for 5-7 minutes.

Poached eggs recipe

We continue to indulge in delights from French chefs and present to your attention a recipe for Poached eggs. In order to cook poached eggs, you need to take raw eggs, heat the water in a saucepan until the "silver boil", that is, the appearance of the first small bubbles. Dip a spoon in hot water and start stirring slightly so that a light funnel is created in the center. You need to quickly break an egg into this funnel! When the protein turns white, remove the poached eggs with a slotted spoon. Cooked eggs in this way are obtained with a delicate creamy yolk. The best "partners" for poached eggs are greens, tomatoes and lightly toasted bread.

Scandinavian scrambled eggs

Residents of Scandinavia - Swedes, Norwegians - are very fond of the combination of slightly salted fish (salmon or trout) with lightly fried eggs. Therefore, the breakfast of a true Norwegian begins with just such a dish. To prepare it, you will need lightly salted fish, onions and eggs. Fry the onions in a preheated pan. Make a regular omelet from the eggs and pour them over the onion. When the omelet is slightly white and a little thick, place the fish slices on top of it and cook until tender. You can fry eggs separately with onions and put them on toast with fish.

Spanish Fried Eggs Tortilla

For those who don't know, tortilla is an omelet made of potatoes, tomatoes, onions and herbs. To prepare this dish, cut the potatoes into thin slices (or slices), the onion in half rings, fry the onion and potatoes until half cooked. Beat the eggs with salt, spices and chopped herbs. Add to potatoes and onions, top with tomato slices and bake.

Mexican fried eggs

If you have tried Mexican cuisine, then you understand that in Mexican it means with hot spices. Fry the eggs until half cooked, sprinkle with hot spices and cheese, bring to condition, add the tomatoes grated again with spices (if you don’t like very spicy ones - the usual lecho), sprinkle with herbs and serve. Mexicans eat it with nachos - corn chips. If you don't have any, just cut the pita bread or flatbread into pieces.

Anna Shakhmatova learned to cook scrambled eggs. All rights reserved

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