What to combine lime color? Lyme juicy kitchens: extraordinary solutions in the interior Lime combination with wenge kitchen interior color

Before talking about liking in the interior, you need to pay attention to the psychology of this color, which is one of the shades of green.

It has been proven that lime positively affects the psyche and is able to reassure, so and motivate to action. It is thanks to such properties that this color in various shades and combinations are actively used to design both residential space and office or entertainment facilities.

Lime color animated interior, makes it more fresh, vigorous, energetic. Despite the fact that this color is quite calm for perception, it creates a feeling of freshness and encourages action. In the interior, resolved in such a color, is quite easy and pleasant to wake up, work and just be. Lime color is associated with freshness, youth and update.

This refreshing shade of green is better not to fill the entire room, It is necessary to correctly distribute the desired shade in accordance with the planned lighting and future layout and dilute with flower accents, correctly creating the necessary mood. If lime color is planned in the bedroom, it does not need to dominate, but, on the contrary, play the role of a certain color spot, not annoying in the process of sleep and helping awakening.

Lime color in the interior of the rooms

Perfectly, if any of the shades of luminous color is decorated living room.This is the place where interesting conversations are being conducted, where they receive guests playing games, the fun is having fun. Therefore, lime color in the living room as it is impossible to emphasize the purpose of this room. Quite often shades of green decorate the children's, kitchen and dining area. It is believed that lime color has a beneficial effect on the digestive process and appetite, and also stimulates mental activity and promotes development.

Combination with various lime flowers

In combination with different flowers, lime is able to provide a variety of effects. A classic lime tandem with blue or blue creates a little cool, but still a very cozy, gentle combination. Lime color also looks great on contrast with shades of earth, brown, coffee and with warm deep bordeaux, as well as noble gold. Very solemnly lime color is perceived in the frame of white or pearl shades of gray. Salad in the interior should not be too much, it must be diluted, complement with various accessories.

Lime color has a beneficial effect on the psyche, bheads, pleases the eye, reminds of spring, freshness and young foliage in the rays of the rising sun. With this juicy shade of green, you can decorate any interior for whatever goals it is intended. Whether it is a bedroom in a regular apartment, a large company office or a showroom in the shopping center. With a competent approach, this color will create the necessary atmosphere and mood, will delight and inspire, pacify the aggressive mood and direct to action.

Lime color in the interior - Photo

Spring cheerful lime color in the kitchen recently broke into fashion, winning the hearts of designers and ordinary people.

A bright shade of a green spectrum raises the tone, it is cheerful, charges with optimism and hopes.

For active cheerful personalities - this is your color. Children also always love bright colors.

In which styles you can use lime?

For ascetic minimalism, where there is practically no decor, compensation will be a citrus bright green shade in 2-3 elements in the kitchen.

The coldness of constructivism always needs a decor of warm and bright details. Lime colors are suitable for wall clock, painting, dishes or even furniture set.

Bright green greens perfectly fit into the style of Loft, his democraticity makes it possible to apply catchy saturated accents.

A dynamic avant-garde with its originality, also admits juicy paints. Bright lime greens will be more effective in the forefront, emphasizing originality.

The mixture of multiple styles (or eclectication) is in fashion. Elements of 2-3 styles are taken and competently combined in a single design. As a basis, you can take color, texture or shape. Successfully in the kitchen use the color of Lyme even in classic furniture.

Variety of colors

For a juicy linime, neutral tones (gray-white or black) are suitable. Beautifully combined and colored paints: yellow, bright turquoise, orange-terracotta, blue, as well as red, brown or purple.

Saturated bright greenery perfectly harmonizes with a white tone. This couple will give the kitchen ease, visually will seem more.

The unique gray color is generally neutral, so it is easily combined with any shade. Any tone of the gray spectrum: from light to very dark paints is suitable for bright greenery.

A pair of green / black give saturation, emphasizing each other. Be sure to add: cream, ivory, white, creamy or milk colors.

Mute the brightness of Lyme will be a brown beautiful shade (from coffee to the color of Wenge).

The yellowness in combination with green paints is very effectful. These are related tones that are often found in the interiors.

Calm orange shades (ocher or calm terracotta) perfectly fit into the green interior. You can see in advance and choose beautiful shades. Salad terracotta kitchen with several white (cream or creamy) items will be pleasant to the eyes.

Green combinations with blue (turquoise) and purple also look beautiful. Contrasts in the kitchen will give freshness and brightness to the interior, but the balance is important to not disturb the harmony.

Bright colors of greenery in combination with red are often found in nature. These are flowers and leaves that attract insects to pollinate.

In design, bright colors together need to be connected extremely careful not to create an irritating effect. Too screaming paint will quickly tire those present. And the hostess devotes a lot of time the kitchen.

Design of cuisine

If the walls are covered with bright greens, then natural furniture of white-gray or black tones.

With a green facade of the walls, we paint with neutral wallpaper.

Against the background of greenery, a wooden tabletop (or from MDF) of gray (black) tones is very convenient and effectively.

The kitchen apron should fit well into a single image of the kitchen. The best solution will be a tile with a gloss and glass.

With light furniture, a contrast bright apron is possible in green tones. Measure in all so that there are no too many bright tones.

The windows can be issued with rolled curtains, tissue curtains of one tone or with a pattern, different blinds.

Colorful accents in the kitchen can be the technique, casual dishes, pan, tablecloth, etc. Manufacturers began to produce colored coffee makers and even refrigerators.

A selection of different photos with interesting lime color kitchen designs.

Stock Foto Kitchen with lime tint

Thanks to citrus tones, you will feel freshness in any room in any room. The mood will rise, an unusual feeling of joy from staying in a comfortable, cozy interior will arise. Lime entered the fashion at the expanses of Russia no more than 10 years ago. At first, it was preferred in the interior young couples, and now more and more Middle age people and elderly want to revive the interior of the kitchen, for example, by these pleasing eyes with color.

Lyme juicy, beautiful, bright, tasty in some designers leader for kitchen decor, bathroom and other rooms. In the morning he charges the owners positive on the whole working day. Very sunny, radiant, giving breath's cheerfulness.

What is this color?

Lyme shade is a good shift of green with yellow. It is brighter than salad and a stronger, rich than pistachio or olive. It comes from a wonderful neon, attractive magnetism. This color guests notice and celebrate in the interior of any room always.

But keep in mind if you order the kitchen headset Lime and make the same walls, then the atmosphere in the room will be pretty heavy, such a long, even young people who are inclined to an active lifestyle. Still, it happens that I want to sit with relatives and friends for a cup of tea with sweets in the kitchen and talk in souls. In such a bright interior you are psychologically quickly installed, because everything is good in moderation, otherwise you may have dizziness.

Combine the color of the lime with any pastel shades to your taste. The best combinations:

  1. Under oak.
  2. Under alder.
  3. Beige.
  4. Lactic.
  5. Ivory.
  6. White.
  7. Champagne.
  8. Sand and others.

Suppose that the headset has glass doors or glass inserts to create lightness, airiness in the interior. Home appliances Let be metal or plastic black, white, green. The working area glue the dotted lamps and modern design is ready. From him will come the aura of the coziness and the holiday. Oasis of happiness in the apartment - Miracles!


Excellent color Lam is combined in the interior with:

Such a bright shade like lime, use moderately. Too bright in large quantities he rushes into the eyes and looks away. In order to check your color or need green-yellow, paint a piece of wall in Lime and watch for several days for your reaction. If everything is fine, you can paint one or pair, all walls in the elected color.

If you make up the bedroom, then the lemon-yellow is too exciting brain activity color. If the bedroom windows look north, then such a color will be psychologically affected as warming and refreshing the dwelling. Good and kids like a children's room in such a bright tone.

Textiles, Accessories

In the interior of the kitchen, use the color of the lime of different shades. So you can harmoniously pick up textiles and accessories. Good lime curtains on windows, tablecloth and fabric napkins, you can make such a shade of capes on the chairs. There are several nuances that the curtains need to choose a couple of tones lighter than the kitchen set. This is true if the curtains are light, one-sided.

If you like curtains with patterns or pattern, then select them under your setting style. For example, geometric patterns and strictly straight curtains are very suitable for the direction of modern. For eclectic style, a variety of curls and lung patterns are frivolous. They look great on all citrus hues: lime and lemon, with orange.

Modern kitchen in Russian apartments and homes are increasingly not curtains, but blinds. In addition to the design of chairs, you can make capes to make a kitchen sofa and many hostesses buy green-yellow tags and kitchen towels.

Bright, neon color lime and lemon, looks great in different accessories. Pillows, bedspreads and other textiles are very refreshing any room and make any dwelling more joyful. Shake on the walls of the painting with posters, hang the shelves for books and trifles.

First, find your shade of lime. If you take too bright, it can annoy and even cause outbreaks of aggression. Dilute it with yellow or green, turquoise, chocolate, white and other colors in the interior and look for your shade.


In Russia, more and more often the owners choose lime to design facades from plastic kitchen furniture. Well combines such a juicy tone with black or white and their shades. In Russian kitchen headsets on the doors of the Tumb and suspension cabinets often make a print of halves of lime. It is perfectly suitable for a similar picture on work aprons from glass or plastic. Another popular print is bright herbs stems or flowers. Many like abstract images, in which the look stops, and the mind rests.

Foreign kitchen headsets under the tree can be decorated with the same image of half lime. Usually, the kitchen sets make two-color, such as lime and white, lime and pine, lime and sand and other attractive combinations. Most often, the owners prefer furniture in the classic style either in modern, the rest less often.

Lime psychologically acts so that the room seems more spacious. Especially good Lime in the interiors of kitchens, what we talked above. Green-yellow clearly separates the kitchen zone from the residential. It is especially interesting to look when the arched passage and lime is harmoniously combined with white on the site of the kitchen door.

If you make the walls in the lime color, then select the furniture with light tones under a tree or simply pastel: pale yellow, champagne, ivory, white, gentle blue and others. Dark tone, unfortunately, visually "rogs" the radiance of Lyme and from the furnishings in the room there will be another impression.

Wanting to get a stylish and exquisite modern kitchen interior, the future owner needs to decide on the color in which it will be completed. Since modern styles are like simplicity and functionality, then the color accent in the absence of unnecessary parts will make the design of the kitchen expressive.

For people who prefer juicy, bright and bright shades in the interior, please contact the kitchens of lime colors. This is a very unusual shade who is infrequently found in design projects. But its low popularity is not yet a reason to give up this idea.

Colorics and features of the shade

A feature and advantage of this color is its brightness, which, however, does not cut the eye and looks harmonious even with a significant accent in the interior design. Lime is simultaneously sunny and refreshing color, in which there are the qualities of the other two shades of the visible spectrum - yellow and green.

From juicy shades of foliage lime color adopted harmony and freshness, and from yellow color - solar glare and ability to lighten and expand the space.

Additional shades for linom

At the same time, lime is a self-sufficient color that does not require additional emphasis in the interior. To make a bright and expressive design, you can use only 2-3 units of luminous furniture. It is best to combine it with one or two neutral tones so as not to switch attention. Universal color-companion - white, as well as a neutral light gray shade with light metal glitter. It will be better complement to the bright and fresh interior of the kitchen.

Due to its ability to reflect the light, the kitchen is best to look like a kitchen in the northern, western and northwestern part of the apartment. But if you have a southern or oriental cuisine, then you can also use this tint in the interior design.

Thanks to a large number of light in the room, you will not need to have too many pieces of furniture of this color - it will be enough to make the top or bottom of the headset of the lime color, or combine the facades of lime cabinets with white, light gray.

What kind of kitchen design to choose?

The kitchen Lime looks best in a modern style. The traditional forms and lines of the heads with the decorative elements inherent in them in bright color will look strange and ridiculous. The ideal option for such a kitchen is high-tech, in which the minimum of extra details and the high functionality of each element. Build the kitchen Lime in the style of high-tech is not difficult, you can adhere to the following principles:

  • we choose simple geometric forms for furniture facades - rectangular, square, slightly rounded and smooth;
  • do not overload the interior with the jet of modules - it is enough to arrange two or three mounted cabinets on the wall, the main accent is made on the bottom of the headset;
  • we use the main color / background color in the proportion of 1/3;
  • choose simple in the form of bright color accessories;
  • we do not use more than three shades in the interior - the combination of colors should be contrasting;
  • in the choice of furniture in the dining area we give preference to simple streamlined forms;
  • we use additional metallic color interior elements.

High tech is close to minimalism due to orientation on functionality and laconicity in the interior. Therefore, choosing a color of Lime as the main color accent, you can use quite a few elements of furniture. Excellent will look at floor cabinets in the working area with bright facades.

The top of the headset is one or two mounted cabinets of a light gray or beige shade. You can choose a wide module at a low base, which is also characteristic of High-tech style. This cabinet may have a glass door that opens from the bottom up.

Furniture and machinery

If you have a full-fledged headset on the whole wall, you can use the unusual form of furniture to create the characteristic effect of monolithic cuisine, characteristic of a modern style in the interior. Popular radial facades located on the ends of the headset will look appropriate. As for the invoice, the style of High-tech looks best in shiny facades with a slight mirror glitter.

Glossy acrylic facades of bright color are one of the trendy design solutions that designers choose. In combination with embedded furniture with durable metal housings, dark coilented glass facades

The worktop in the working area is better to make a neutral - light gray shade, or the colors of the egg shell. A metal surface is perfectly suitable - its cold glitter is somewhat neutralized by excess light and heat. To make the design of the working area complete, you can combine the bright bottom and bright top headset with the help of apron. It is better to make it yellow - this is a good solution. The shade of yellow should choose a similar "tropical" type - lemon, banana, mango color. This will allow the kitchen interior to wake additional color highlights.

Accessories and decor

Alternatively, a yellow apron can be selected in the form of a self-adhesive film, which is applied to the walls in the working area over the sink and stove. It can be a macro of tropical fruits (preferably citrus). A refreshing effect will give an image of a spray of water around the fruits, and also reduce the color temperature in the kitchen interior located in the southern part of the apartment.

Bright color accents should also be made in the lime-colored lime colors dining area with white or light gray. If it is a table and chairs, then the tabletop is desirable to choose a neutral shade, and the chairs are acidic colors. It is better to choose products in a modern style.

If the space allows, the dining area is better equipped with a high rack that you need to add bar chairs. Seats made of durable brilliant plastic color lime, combined with calm neutral colors of countertops will look incredibly stylish.

Wallpaper and other coatings

Vertical surfaces in the interior of the kitchen of color Lime can choose two types - a traditional neutral and bright leading shade. If there is up to 40% of linomes (furniture, accessories) in the kitchen, the wallpaper is better to choose a neutral muted shade. And if there is only an unobtrusive color emphasis on a lime color in the interior (for example, only the lower modular block in the working area), then as an alternative, it is allowed to use lime to design one of the walls, as well as curtains, curtains.

The narrow wall in front of the window should be covered with bright paint lime, as well as lemon, banana color to bring additional solar glare (especially if the kitchen is north or western).

Additional elements

For the interior of the kitchen of the color of Lime in the modern style, the feeling of completeness and harmony will give a few accessories and household items. Luminaires in the working area will look very stylishly with bright green or yellow plafones from matte glass. The dishes can also choose massive, bright saturated shades.

The most important thing in the design of the kitchen shade Lime is the ability to feel the measure, choosing the number of interior items, made in bright and rich color. Often buyers choose excess acid, having an effect of fluorescence headset with glossy facades, which creates an oversupply of color and a sensation of pressure. It is important to combine the correct two main colors correctly, in which the lime will play the role of "cherries on the cake". If it is difficult for you to choose the optimal amount and combination of colors in the interior, then it is best to refer to the design specialists.

Videos: Installing the kitchen of lime and pearls

Photo examples

Juicy green color in the kitchen interior is still used more and that is because the most popular tint of this year's kitchens is with a citrus note. Do not think that a stylish kitchen color Lime - just tribute to fashion.

Designers love this bright and rich shade, as it is able to visually push the walls of the room, make a small space much volume.

Psychologists argue that such tones are able to charge the owners of the house by the bodity of the spirit on the whole working day.

Lime - the most fashionable and stylish green color in the kitchen interior

Citrus shades give an unforgettable feeling of freshness, bring joy, create a harmonious atmosphere. If quite recently a kitchen in bright green tones could only be in the apartments of young people, now older people also dream of the citrus elements of the interior decor.

Today we tried to collect the most many pictures, so that you can clearly understand what can be the kitchen color lime. Photo Clickable - In the enlarged form, you can consider all the nuances and ideas of designers to apply them when you begin to transform your housing.

Kitchen Lime: What is the color?

Wikipedia about the color of Lime clearly indicates that it is a shade between yellow and green, which is closer to yellow than green. He is known to us as "green lime" - this name comes from the fruit of Lime.

Lime color kitchen design

A diverse and unique can be a Lime kitchen - the photo is best demonstrated how many different ideas can be with the arrangement of the room, which is in many families the center of the apartment.

Someone prefers to purchase a soft sofa in color, a kitchen set, and someone stains the citrus tint only a wall or ceiling. Surrified, juicy green countertops look.

It is possible to focus only on something one, but it will still be unforgettable. Even a small detail will attract attention. If you do not combine the color of the lime in the kitchen interior with pastel, muted shades, then numerous lemon green nuances can even cause dizziness.

Best of the color of Lime combines light beige shades, alder, oak, nut. If adding glass and stainless elements to this, we will get a modern concise kitchen interior. To visually expand the space, you need to add white-honey shades: expensive wood, zebrano, macassar in combination with Lime color panels are ideal.

In what style, in addition to modern laconic, can be performed interior of the kitchen in Lime? The most organic looks of rooms, made:

  • in the classic style - the perfect solution for small rooms;
  • in style - for this, a fairly fashionable shade is added only to the part of the furniture, walls, bar racks or countertops;
  • in colonial style - with massive wooden elements of the decor;
  • in the style of minimalism - it is necessary to do the smallest number of saturated decor;
  • in the style of constructivism - here without dishes and household appliances of lemon-green shades do not do;
  • in the style of Provence - a combination of a purple shade with juicy green looks most organically, as it raises the mood even into gloomy weather.

Kitchen color lime in the interior

The most courageous designers include in the interior of the kitchen Lime not only furniture of this color, pick up the finishing materials in a similar tone range, but also enliven it with the help of a variety of home appliances in Lime. There were those times when refrigerators, combines or dishwashers were produced only by several standard shades.

Take a look at how the Gorenje RB 60299 OGR refrigerator looks. It is filled in retro style, but its body has a rich trendy citrus tint.

Such a bold innovation will have to do so much, because this refrigerator is not just stylish, but also equipped with sturdy glass shelves and comfortable containers, a spacious freezer.

Famous manufacturers of large household appliances are not afraid to produce their products in such a design, because it is very well sold in all European countries. How to be for those who wish to have a lime color kitchen, but there is no money to repair and buy new furniture, technology?

You can purchase dishes and decor elements in such a color. We offer several options for arranging kitchen space - not too costly, but a remarkably reviving room:

  • one wall is to be caught by photographic windows of citrus themes;
  • you can sew curtains, towels and capes on chairs in juicy green colors;
  • order blinds of the same shade;
  • put on the windowsill indoor citrus plant.

Note! Kitchen Lime is afraid of oversaturation. Our advice - be sure to dilute the tensioning eyes of the tint with other inappropriate shades of the palette. No need to make a common mistake when everything in a small room is absolutely green.