What to combine with gray curtains in the interior. Beautiful and fashionable gray curtains in the interior of the living room. Universal color of textiles for the living room

To make the interior look advantageous, it is necessary to link different colors of interior design elements into a single composition. Here, the adoption of a coloristic decision will be acceptable and will allow you to create an unusual interior. Gray is one of the most popular colors used in creating a "home" environment.

How to choose curtains?

Most designers who have a large number of decorated decorations behind them use gray in their work. Curtains under gray wallpaper are distinguished by their diversity. To make the right choice with all the variety of options presented, it is worth consulting with experts who will help you make the right decision.

Quite common is the opinion that the appearance of housing is a reflection of the inner world of people, their character, thinking. In this regard, it is important to show your best side, which will be reflected in the elements of the environment.

Even more interior design options in the photo can be explored on the DizajnHom website!

As a rule, too dark colors with a high color saturation are unacceptable in creating the image of residential premises. Light colors are mainly used, which include light gray tones, green and purple. These tones are very well combined with each other, as well as with more contrasting colors.

To make the room a little more elegant, you should use rich colors. But do not get too carried away with this, otherwise the room will become gloomy and it will not be comfortable to be there. The future character of these square meters depends on the correct selection of the range.

It is also worth abandoning the abuse of slate colors. With a large abundance of these colors, a person develops a depressive mood. At the same time, the presence of drawings in slate color on the curtains will be a good option.

To add elegance to the room, it is necessary to use contrasting curtains for gloomy trellises. Too white curtains against the background of steel wallpaper will rather remind you of medical institutions of not the highest status than an elegant interior.

Possible combinations of gray and other colors

When designing residential premises, many are wondering which curtains are suitable for gray wallpaper. The answer is quite simple - any color. The gloomy suit is universal, so curtains with bright, dense colors, and neutral, transparent curtains will be good next to it. The only thing to remember is that the main color of the curtains and the color of the curtains were not identical.

The fabric on the curtains should have a lot of saturation. Although the option when steel curtains are used is also appropriate, but for this it is necessary that a contrasting ornament be placed on the fabric. In the photo of curtains for gray wallpaper, you can see a variety of variations in the design of furnishings.

Before you start decorating a room, you need to opt for the basic shade of the premises. The main tones are divided into two types: warm and cold shades. The "warming" shades include yellow and red shades. The "cool" tones are blue. In this regard, curtains that have cool colors are the best fit for walls with a cold base.

Use of neutral shades

If, when choosing a curtain, stop at neutral tones, then this will be a 100% hit. This is due to the fact that it is suitable for absolutely all types of trellises.

Let us dwell in more detail on the color scheme of curtains.

Cream and white curtains

This shade is advantageous for a room where cool shades are mainly used. Very well combine gray-white wallpaper with snow-white curtains.

In the event that the priority is to use warm shades, then it will be the best choice to use textiles with a cream color. It is recommended to use cream curtains in the bedroom.


Using this color creates a truly amazing effect. In combination with light gray wallpaper, it creates a special mood of the room and gives great originality to the decoration. But do not get too carried away with this color. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the use of this color.

Green color

This suit is also suitable for all types of base. Olive and grassy shades work well with warm bases, while emerald and jade shades work best with cool bases. Green curtains in the living room will give a special atmosphere of lightness.

Blue colour

Shades of blue are in perfect harmony with the "cool" tones. This option is very well suited for designing the interior of an office and a guest room.


The combination of purple and steel will add dynamism to the room. Most importantly, the purple suit was not too catchy. Otherwise, it will attract all the attention to itself and will cause unnecessary irritation. This can spoil the whole impression of the created image of the apartment.

Now you can also choose curtains for gray wallpaper. Your apartment or house will attract attention. Guests will be happy to come visit.

Photo of curtains for gray wallpaper

If there are no curtains in the room, there will be a feeling that something is missing. But the beautiful draperies on the windows give the interior its own individual style.

You need to be especially careful when choosing curtains for the living room, because this room is intended for guests, which means that everything should be there impeccably: from wallpaper on the wall to window curtains.

But eyes run wide at the sight of a rich assortment of colors and materials. Curtains must be selected starting from the main shades in the interior. In this article, we will discuss gray curtains in the interior and their special advantages.

In any room, a basic shade is needed, based on which other color solutions will be selected. The result in the perception of the interior will depend on how harmonious the curtains and wallpaper, chairs and decor items, etc. are in harmony.

If you choose the right colors in the interior, you can create a calm atmosphere or, conversely, give the room energy.

Create an atmosphere unobtrusive wealth and chic, they will be appropriate both in a classic interior and in modern style.

There are three methods of color combination in the interior:

  • monochromatic range. In this option, all interior items will be selected in uniform shades, and the contrast in the room should be created using small items (pictures, jugs, etc.);
  • matching items. In this option, all shades of the interior should be combined with each other, and so that there is no play on contrasts. You need to remember about moderation. It is not advisable to combine more than five tones at the same time. Gray curtains will effectively complement pink or;
  • contrasting colors. The emphasis on contrasting play can be implemented in a children's or playroom. Thus, you get an original design that will appeal to both adults and children.

The main advantage of curtains in gray tones is that they are universal. This drapery is perfect for designing a living room in gray tones, an office, a children's room or a kitchen.

Gray curtains create great opportunities for overclocking designer fantasies, because they are a wonderful background, while they look elegant, rich and beautiful.

In the general atmosphere of the room appears restraint and elegance. At the same time, other components of the interior play advantageously solo parts against their background.

Curtains in shades of gray have particular neutrality. For this reason, they are often chosen by designers, because against their neutral background, certain items in the interior can be favorably emphasized. But they also look great in a room where gray is the main color.

Just keep in mind that in this case the curtains should be a little lighter than the rest of the interior in the room. Gray curtains with a silver tint will look just right. Such an interior is perfectly complemented by glass, crystal products, as well as chrome-plated items. All together will create a completely modern interior.

The whole apartment is usually evaluated by the type of living room. The kitchen and bedroom can be bright and original, but the hall for the whole family should be indicative of moderate luxury.

The gray color in the living room is good for achieving this goal. The finished composition is created precisely by gray curtains in the interior of the living room. Against a neutral background, all kinds of figurines and panels will look in a more advantageous light.

Textiles in gray tones will allow you not to worry about the fact that the furniture will stand out too much, on the contrary, its originality will be gently emphasized.

To prevent the living room from being too gloomy, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. curtains and wallpaper should be of different colors. At the same time, it is better to choose curtains in lighter shades so that the room looks more positive;
  2. gray color will be in perfect harmony with white or pastel shades;
  3. the room becomes gloomy if only dark colors are used. If you like dark curtains, all other items in the room should be in light colors. If there are gray walls in the living room, it is better to choose furniture in light beige shades.

The gray interior of the living room is perceived as neutral. For some people it is the color of the shadow, something that does not exist. A room in such shades is suitable for those who often like to contemplate the inner world and philosophize.

The interior of the living room in gray is suitable for active people who work hard and can relax in such a room at the end of a hard day.

Some people believe that the bedroom best characterizes its owner. But this does not mean that it is necessary to decorate the room in too bright colors. Experts have proven that bold shades in the bedroom lead to overexcitation of the nervous system and the inability to fully relax. Grayish shades make the room modern, and also add harmony and peace. If you want to feel stylish and calm in the bedroom, you need to stick to gray in a room with a silver tint.

The design of the bedroom in grayish shades allows you to completely relax after a hard day's work and find universal harmony. If such a bedroom seems a little sad, you can add white pillows, pastel-colored linen or a vase with real flowers.

Another plus is that bed linen in luxurious gray shades is much easier to obtain than looking for it in an exotic style, for example. And when a neutral background is created, you can easily change the interior items, depending on personal preferences and fashion.

If the room is made in a monochromatic style, it most often looks modest. The interior in gray tones of the living room can look elegant if the lighting is quite bright, in the kitchen there should be one more color than gray.

You can choose any additional color, since gray is combined with many shades of the color palette. The kitchen will be pleasing to the eye if you choose bright colors for a gray tint.

To make cooking a pleasure, it is necessary to create an interior taking into account the lighting and the size of the kitchen itself.

If the kitchen is well lit, you can opt for cold shades. For a hot summer, combinations such as a dark gray shade with aqua, green, white or blue combination are suitable. To give the kitchen the most expressiveness, you can choose bright souvenirs or a table with a metal surface.

If the kitchen windows do not face south, it is recommended to furnish the room in warm colors. If you choose red or lemon shades, the kitchen will look lighter and warmer. It must be remembered that all colorful colors increase appetite, so it is recommended to opt for a couple of bright souvenirs, and let the rest of the interior items be neutral. To lose extra pounds will help plates with a grayish tint.

Gray curtains are gaining popularity this year. If you correctly place accents, the room will remain as attractive, but at the same time elegant.

Do not be shy to use gray in the interior! Thanks to bright shades, it can become elegant and festive. Feel free to experiment and choose the best color combinations for your home.

Gray curtains in the interior have a very refined and elegant appearance. Their main advantage is multifunctionality. Curtains in gray are able to recreate a great combination, while opening up the widest possibilities for design professionals and their extraordinary projects regarding the improvement of a residential area.

Interior solutions

Arrangement with light gray curtains will bring peace, beauty and comfort to your home. When creating interior windows in such colors, it is necessary to be guided by the following indicators:

  • The color of the matter on the windows.
  • Quality and types of material.
  • Interior decoration and the number of lighting fixtures in the house, the level of illumination in it.

How best to try to use smoky texture curtains and gray tulle for arranging your home:

  • In most cases, smoky curtains are used in spacious rooms with large windows facing the sunny side.
  • Dark grayish fabrics are used much less often, while they are necessarily combined with light shades.
  • Dark ash curtains are hung in a well-lit room.
  • For classic style or baroque, it is best to choose dense silk or satin fabrics.
  • It is not recommended to use cheap materials.

Color combination

Various grayish curtains have great potential when combined with other textures. Consider the rules for combining such curtains:

  • Metallic and ash colors are mixed with light types of textures.
  • To bring warmth to a grayish material, use a combination with cold color shades.
  • The best option is to combine light gray matter with white, black, brown shades.
  • For a combination with a rich red, scarlet, bright yellow texture, you can combine smoky gray or gray-blue curtains.
  • Perfectly combined ash-gray color with golden colors. This combination is suitable for a classic style.
  • Pearly gray products are wonderfully combined with all tones of green fabric.
  • Ash gray tones will look very nice with white, gold and cream shades.
  • The light gray color of the curtains looks good with blue and turquoise tones.
  • Gray-smoky fabric, best in harmony with bright, eye-catching colors.

Smoky-ashy products of the Roman type or light gray curtains are perfectly combined with the interior in all residential and non-residential rooms, regardless of the purpose of the room. For excellent harmony and combination of grayish curtains with the interior design of the room, use the following techniques:

  • Gray-smoky curtains need to be two or three times lighter than furniture and walls.
  • Silver-ash coloring, will look impressive with glossy objects.

A beautiful combination results from the combination of a light, silvery material with interior furnishings in your home, cream and brick tone. If the walls are pasted over with gray wallpaper, what then to do, many will ask the question: what curtains are suitable for gray wallpaper? In this case, the best fit: lilac, burgundy, pink and light green curtains.

Interior arrangement of rooms

Light gray materials can be used when arranging design in residential premises with dark wallpaper. With well-designed indoor lighting, any light gray color scheme will look good. Currently, a huge number of photos of gray curtains are posted on the Internet, which are perfectly combined with various types of room design. Let's look at some examples of such a combination.

Grayish curtains in the living room are a great option for interior design. Sliding models of thick silk curtains or ash gray tapestries, perfectly shimmering with ivory or light lilac products, create a magnificent decoration in the house, giving coziness, comfort, peace and beauty. In living rooms made in ash-violet colors, white-gray textures are perfect for your windows.

Pleated curtains are a great design solution for any office. With the help of these products on the windows in your office there will always be a working environment, but it should be remembered that for this it is best to select dense materials.

Curtains in the bedroom of ash or steel colors are perfect for any interior, and will create an excellent, calm and cozy atmosphere in the room. In order not to create a monotonous design, grayish matter must be combined with light blue, turquoise and beige colors. At the same time, the material can be decorated with patterned lace and beautiful lambrequins.

In the children's bedroom for a girl, light gray and smoky gray curtains, combined with light pink, will be a great solution. For boys, turquoise or gray-blue fabrics are most suitable.

The modern variety of gray fabrics is very widely represented, in specialized stores and outlets in the markets. Customers can purchase almost any product from cold, dark gray to warm, smoky grey.

Photo of gray curtains

Some people, completely undeservedly, consider gray light to be too boring and unsightly. Perhaps they have in mind some specific, boring and nondescript gray color? But gray is both steel, and silver, and mother-of-pearl and ashen, and gray-pink, and a good hundred shades!

Gray is, for almost any interior style, an ideal backdrop against which to create a luxurious visual picture. An interior in gray tones created with a sense of style is always the personification of harmony, good taste and moderate, noble luxury. Gray-blue, light gray, gray-brown and gray-green shades of curtains are very popular today.

They can be found in interiors of different stylistic content. Classic, alpine chalet, minimalism, retro, loft, shabby chic, Scandinavia, Provence.... Many styles will not give up the aristocratic and soothing influence of this color. And black and gray curtains will fit perfectly, for example, in art deco, ethno, again minimalism and neo-classic.

This statement is also true for the selection of a textile ensemble: unsuccessful curtains will "blur" the whole impression of a good repair, and well-chosen (for example, as in the photo) gray curtains will bring a touch of refined elegance and restrained, unobtrusive respectability to the interior of any room.

Today you will see how elegant gray curtains look in the interior of rooms of different purposes, using real photos as an example.

Universal color of textiles for the living room

Gray curtains in the living room interior are an absolutely win-win design option. Such curtains will look very elegant against the background of gray wallpaper a few tones lighter or darker than them. They are neutral, brighter objects, objects and various accessories look very beautiful against their background. There are just a few professional tricks and nuances to consider when choosing gray curtains to avoid the “gloom of Baskerville Hall”:

  • gray curtains should be at least 2-3 tones lighter than the main color of the walls and furniture;
  • gray is best combined with white or neutral shades of pastel colors;
  • a silvery gray tint will give a visual shine and gloss to any surface that is nearby;
  • dark gray for curtains can only be successfully used if the room has thoughtful and sufficient lighting, as well as a lot of chrome or transparent objects - dishes, crystal, vases and so on.

When choosing gray curtains for the hall, consider such elegant fabrics as jacquard, satin, velvet, satin, which are enough to decorate with drapery. The same can be said for gray patterned curtains - they just don't need a padding.

One of the ways to create picturesque folds of matter is curtains on the grommets. The depth and width of the drapery depends on the distance between these fastening rings. What are the results - you can see in these photos. Also, various accessories are used for this, which you will learn about a little later.

Ash-gray curtains create a feeling of harmony and calm relaxation in the living room.

The combination of light gray with brighter colors gives the interior an exquisitely luxurious look.

Noble classic "out of time".

Velvet curtains will harmoniously complement the furniture upholstery corresponding to the material and color. This is a very trendy solution today. If you do not know what to combine with the curtains you like, add a few little things to the living room. Napkins, tablecloths, a rug, a picture, a figurine, a vase, a lampshade or shades, etc. - and harmony is guaranteed.

Elegant gray kitchen

A monophonic kitchen, even if it is made in a combination of different shades of the same color scheme, almost always looks dull and somewhat “official”. If you want to make this room stylish, beautiful and, as they say, expensive, use the right color combinations.

For example, if the kitchen is located on the sunny (east, south or southeast side), then the ideal option would be a “cool” combination of white-gray-blue, blue or green. Gray-violet, gray-blue or dark gray will also be appropriate - it depends on the overall color scheme and design style. If you don't mind bright sunlight, but want to scatter them a little, pay attention to gray tulle or muslin.

If the windows of your kitchen face north or northwest, then the same white, gray and, for example, red, orange-orange, lemon or berry pink will help make it more “warm and light”.

The only thing to keep in mind is that bright colors subconsciously stimulate appetite. If you are severely struggling with being overweight, then you should not make bright accents and appetizing color spots in your kitchen.

Perhaps gray curtains in the kitchen are still better to complement with calmer colors. If the classic grey-white or grey-beige color scheme is not to your liking, consider a trendy combination of gray and yellow.

Curtains in gray tones with an ornament or pattern are another way to dilute the monotony and create a single color ensemble. One caveat - if the kitchen is small, the pictures or images on the curtains should be as small as possible. Large objects - even on curtains - can eat up space. However, it is easy to compensate for this with white furniture and a simple design.

Silvery curtains will look great with tall kitchen modules of the same color - a refrigerator or sideboard. Other household appliances in metallic color will complement them.

Well, our selection of photos will show you that gray curtains for the kitchen are not only practical and not “marco”, but also “in trend”, that is, fashionable, stylish and beautiful.

Calming and cozy bedroom

The interior of the bedroom, created in soft light gray shades (pearl, ash, mother-of-pearl, etc.), creates the effect of maximum physical relaxation and almost universal harmony.

If you are sad in a completely gray interior, then it can be slightly diluted with bright soft pillows, calm shades of brown (brick or terracotta will fit perfectly), pale blue linens or real fresh flowers in a vase.

Gray curtains in your bedroom will provide complete darkness if they are made of blackout fabric. It seems to be specially created for those who can be awakened by a couple of sunlight. If this does not threaten you, you can hang a gray veil or organza. Light, translucent curtains are ideal for rooms of any size.

Well, if you are absolutely and categorically against the monotonous gray color of the walls and furniture, then gray, complemented by companions of other colors, will add the necessary note of calm and relaxation.

Combined curtains

One of the popular modern trends - eclecticism - could not help but touch the curtains. This is a mixture of styles and trends, which gives the most extraordinary results. In addition, combined curtains are very functional, and practicality is another fashion trend. For example, two or three long canvases on each side of the window, differing in color.

For example, use gray, grey-turquoise and turquoise, and for harmony, add a few pillows of the same color on the sofa. Or such an option - two types of tulle - the main one in the form of curtains with a pattern and the background. Also, you see, it looks original.

Roman blinds in combination with tulle is a very popular combination, justified both from the aesthetic and from the practical side. They decorate rooms with a balcony, a bay window, small windows to which it is simply impossible to attach an ordinary cornice.

Plus, you can enjoy the folds of the fabric, but not vertical, but horizontal. Roller blinds also go well with almost all types of curtains - translucent tulle, muslin, curtains, etc. They can be used as a background or, conversely, a bright accent that can always be hidden with companion curtains.

Given that, according to the forecasts of designers next year, fashionable interiors will be decorated with all shades of yellow, yellow-gray compositions will be relevant. They can be present simultaneously on the same canvas or on different types of curtains.

Thread curtains look no less elegant against the background of translucent fabrics, filling any room with romance and tenderness. Gray-red or gray-lilac compositions look especially impressive, although this is rather a matter of taste.


Fans of artistic drapery and pleasant decorative details will be pleased with the fact that curtains also have their own accessories. Braid, frill, edging beyond recognition will transform the most ordinary fabric.

Tiebacks, magnets, kugels, hairpins, boutonnieres, bows, tassels, flounces and other lovely details will help create masterpieces of window decor.

In addition, all these elements will complement the color scheme of the room and provide a unique design. And originality is also, as you know, in trend. To achieve this trendy goal, some of you will go hand-made and make the design of curtains even more relevant. Why - you have probably guessed for yourself.

Do you like gray? Use it without hesitation: try, match, combine and don't listen to the talk that gray is boring. Gray is a harmonious middle between white and black, between light and darkness, it is a symbolic balance and restrained expression. And the gray curtains in the apartment only confirm your inner harmony.

Curtains in a gray living room can be one of the main elements of the interior. In this article, we will look at what shades of curtains are best to use, how to choose the material for curtains, and whether they should have a pattern.

For a living room in shades of gray, well-chosen curtains can become a bright and main piece of furniture. They will be able to emphasize that this color can be beautifully beaten and the room will not look gloomy at all. After all, there is a myth that gray colors are boring and ugly, and generally make you feel sad. Therefore, many people have concerns about the use of this color in the interior.

But a modern and elegant design can be achieved even in a gray room look. It all depends on how well the interior is decorated and what tones of gray (silver, steel, wet asphalt, etc.) were used along with other colors.

Consider a few colors

Gray is a rather complex color. Therefore, combining it with other tones must be approached very carefully. In the classic version of the use of this color in the design of living rooms, a gray-white theme is used. White will give freshness and liven up a sad gray color, and also help it show new shades. You just need to take into account a small note - it is better to use not a snow-white color, but white with yellow or off-white. These shades will not create too much contrast, but on the contrary, they will be a good additional background for the gray color.

Warm and juicy shades of curtains

Among these shades, designers distinguish pink, peach, yellow. These colors will dilute the gray shades of the living room, give the room some gentle and soft colors, and also make the guest room lighter and more comfortable. The design of curtains in such shades is not too deep, but at the same time it is quite boring and playful.

Blue, lilac, pale green tones

Curtains in lilac, blue tones will fit especially well in the interior of the living room, which is located on the south side. This will help visually reduce the excess of the sun, as well as make the atmosphere in the room calmer. And pillows to match the color of the curtains will help the living room look perfect!

The delicate green shade of the curtains, when combined with the gray interior, will provide you with an amazing relaxing atmosphere. After all, green is not at all a contrasting color, but despite this, it perfectly highlights the gray tones in the interior.

Curtains in neutral colors

If you are very afraid of making a mistake with the color, then there is the safest and win-win option for you - these are curtains in nondescript shades. You will definitely not have any problems with them. Any tones, for example:

  • sand;
  • coffee;
  • cream or beige.

These colors will fit perfectly and diversify the gray interior. With the curtains of the listed colors, you will get a stylish and calm decor. Another simple option for curtains in the living room is a combination of several shades of gray in the interior.

Gray curtains are an organic addition to gray walls. In this case, you need to use different shades of gray, for example, purchase curtains a few shades lighter than the walls, or hang curtains with a pattern in the color of the floor or furniture.

For lovers of non-standard solutions

Fans of extraordinary choices should stop at black, purple, red, bright yellow, pink, green textiles. Violet color in the interior creates a sophisticated look. Its combination with gray looks especially impressive and interesting, and it is also a good option for decorating a living room. Yellow and red are perhaps the most daring colors that will not only add bright colors, but also enliven the overall look of the room.

It is very important not to overdo it with the number of bright objects in the interior. If, for example, you have hung yellow curtains, then consider whether you need a carpet or a lamp of the same color. Indeed, with an abundant amount of a bright interesting effect, you will not achieve. The black color matches the gray perfectly. Such interiors have a stylish look.

So, when creating an environment for a living room, there are many options for combining gray with other shades. But we recommend using one additional color, rather than its combination. To achieve the most refined, perfect interior, you need to use a little trick - a combination of light and dark shades.

Choosing a material

The appearance of the curtains depends on the material made, so the choice of fabric is a very important moment in creating an atmospheric composition of the room. To make the right choice, you need to consider several important factors:

  • when choosing the density of the fabric, be sure to consider how intense the sun's light enters the room. In dark rooms, it is worth hanging curtains from light transparent textiles so that they let in natural light as best as possible;
  • for sunny rooms, gray curtains made of heavy material are an excellent option. They will not only protect you from the sun, but will save the room from overheating;
  • when choosing material for curtains, consider the style features in the interior of the room;
  • the texture of the fabric also needs to be looked at. After all, not everyone prefers shiny curtains that reflect color. And someone will not like frosted curtains, which, on the contrary, absorb light;
  • also you need to consider the practicality of the fabric. How it is washed, whether stains are difficult to remove from it, what degree of its resistance to sunlight and various other factors.

If you like thicker fabrics and you are completely sure that they will suit your guest room, then choose among taffeta, tapestry, velvet and velor. For light curtains, in a living room with poor lighting, use organza, muslin or guipure.

Please note that the density of the fabric has an effect on the perception of color! The higher the density of the fabric, the darker the gray color looks, even if the curtain of the lightest colors hangs on the window.

Pattern on the curtains

In this matter, you can listen to your fantasies and desires. With a competent approach, bows, decorations, non-standard drawings have the right to exist. But for wallpaper with one tone, you need to select curtains with a pattern. Natural motifs will fill the living room with romance, abstract patterns will make the room more stylish. Steel drawing on the curtains of any color will add modernity to the interior.

The main thing is that the patterns on the curtains look harmonious. After all, the abundance of decor can completely spoil the impression of the room. Also note that in many cases the material of the fabric or the drapery is sufficient decoration on its own.

Monochromatic material without any patterns is much easier to combine with the decor of the room. But if you want to hang patterned drapes, then you should consider their appearance with patterns on wallpaper, carpets and furniture. For curtains in the living room, you can use various shades, both bright juicy and calmly neutral. Gray colors are also suitable, but keep in mind that the tone of the curtains should not match the tone of the room.

When using rich shades for curtains, the main thing is to ensure that there are not too many bright interior elements in the room. When choosing fabric for curtains, you need to take into account the density of the fabric, the characteristics of the situation, the texture of textiles and practicality. Whether there should be a pattern or a pattern on the curtains is up to you. But in the living room with plain wallpaper, we recommend using patterned curtains.