At what age can you give your baby carrot juice? At what age can you give apple juice to a child and how to do it correctly

How much water should a baby drink?

In recent years, the opinions of pediatricians have been divided. Should a newborn baby be given water or not? This question still remains open.

Some parents are of the opinion that the baby gets enough liquid from milk when feeding. Others believe that food and drink should not be confused. Let everyone decide for himself how and what to water the baby.

But you can never force a baby to drink water if he does not want to. The child must come to the point where he starts drinking clean water.

However, if the baby constantly demands to drink, especially if the thirst is caused by hot weather or malaise, and the parents give breast milk or formula instead of pure water, then the extra calories consumed can provoke.

And extra pounds will not give a newborn anything good. Therefore, in such situations, it is better to give the baby some water or tea.

The amount of liquid between feedings should not exceed 30 grams at a time. If the baby likes the taste of water, then it is worth giving it in an amount of no more than 100 grams per day.

The baby should drink only after feeding or between meals. Drinking cannot be substituted for feeding. Otherwise, the baby will begin to lose in, and the mother may lose lactation due to insufficient emptying of the mammary glands.

Drinking fluids other than milk is very important, especially if the newborn is bottle-fed and constipated. And in case of illness, it is advisable to add water to the baby so that the body does not dehydrate.

Of course, mother's milk is the best medicine for many, but one cannot live without liquid in such cases. At the same time, baby teas will be an excellent tool for replenishing fluid.

If it is not possible for the parents themselves to prepare juice for the child, then when buying, you should carefully study the recommendations on the package or label. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the manufacturer's regulations and watch the terms of use.

For example, juices for 8 months of age in no case should be given to a baby at 5-7 months.

Taking into account the recommendations of children's doctors and nutritionists, using only high-quality products in the child's diet, parents will give the baby the opportunity to grow up healthy and happy.

Apple juice is considered one of the healthiest and most delicious for children. But untimely introduction of it into complementary foods can cause the opposite result: the well-being and health of the baby will deteriorate. In this article, we will tell you about the age and in what quantity you can give your child this product, as well as in what situations the juice can be not only useful, but also curative.

About product

Apple juice is a unique product. It is considered recommended for baby food from an early age, since it is difficult to find a product that would have such a set of nutrients and vitamins and, at the same time, was considered the safest in terms of the likelihood of an allergic reaction. For most regions, apples are a "native" fruit, a common food product, which is why an allergy to apple juice is a rather rare occurrence.

The apple drink is rich in vitamin C, and therefore it is an excellent helper of children's immunity in the face of various diseases. It contains a lot of iron, which is important for saturating the blood with hemoglobin. B vitamins normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, as well as about a dozen other minerals - not every fruit can boast of such a set.

Apple juice has a pronounced antioxidant property, it helps the body to quickly get rid of waste products of metabolism, removes toxins, improves blood properties. Due to the content of organic acids, such a product improves digestion, has diuretic and choleretic properties.

But it is precisely because of the content of organic acids that it should be taken with great caution by children who suffer from gastritis, have problems with the pancreas. You also need to follow the recommendations of pediatricians regarding the age at which such a product can be introduced into the child's diet.

Age restrictions

On women's and parenting forums on the Internet, you can find a lot of discussions about how and when to correctly introduce apple juice into the baby's diet. This drink is one of the first among other juices shown for baby food. And some even give it to a three-month-old baby and at the same time do not note any negative changes in his well-being.

Still, the recommended age for such complementary foods is 6 months. Why exactly six months? In the first six months of life, the child's digestion and metabolism are arranged in such a way that he does not need anything other than mother's milk or formula (in the absence of milk). Yes, a baby will be able to digest apple juice at 3 and 4 months, but he will not get much benefit from it, since many chemical components of apple juice, for which, in fact, they give it to children, at this age are simply not absorbed and are left the child's body with urine and feces is practically unchanged.

The drink will delight the baby with its taste and will give useful substances to the growing body to the fullest when the enzymes necessary for the breakdown of acids are produced in the child's body in sufficient quantities. And this is an age of six months.

If at 6 months you introduce apple juice to the child, you can continue acquaintance with apples a little later: already at 8 months, the child will be able to eat applesauce, drink a drink with pulp, and after a year you will be able to give the child peeled apple pieces to "sharpen their teeth."

How to give

For the first acquaintance of a baby with an apple drink, you should not use a product that is bottled and adapted for children. And even more so, you should refuse canned and packaged juice from stores, which is not intended for children at all. It is best to prepare the juice for your baby yourself. This is very easy to do, you don't even need a juicer for this.

The apple is washed, peeled, grated and quickly squeezed from the resulting puree juice into a teaspoon. As the first apple, a green apple is optimal, since red and yellow varieties of fruit can cause increased gas production and allergies.

If the juice is given for the first time, they are limited to a very small amount - about a third of the volume of a teaspoon. If a child suffers from a tendency to allergies and atopic dermatitis, even such a small amount of juice is diluted with water in half.

During the day, the mother should carefully observe her child: if there is a rumbling in the stomach, the stool has become liquid, a rash appears in any part of the body, the idea of \u200b\u200bgiving the little one juice should be temporarily abandoned. If nothing like this has happened, you can slightly increase the amount of juice - up to half a teaspoon, then up to a whole spoon. By 7.5 months, the daily norm of apple juice for a baby is 50 ml. This is what you can focus on.

Juice can be given as a standalone drink, or it can be added to multifruit drinks, for example, mixed with pear juice or carrot drink.

Juice as medicine

Apple juice without pulp is recommended for children during the period of acute respiratory viral infections. It contains vitamin C, and although ascorbic acid, according to recent studies, does not accelerate recovery, it helps to strengthen the immune system at this important moment for the body. For constipation children will benefit from juice with pulp: due to the large amount of pectin, the product has an excellent laxative effect.

Low hemoglobin is also a reason to give your child apple juice. A glass of juice will also be useful for cystitis, which often occurs in babies - a moderate diuretic effect will help a speedy recovery.

If you are giving your child homemade juice, never squeeze it for future use, only the drink that is prepared immediately before drinking will be really useful.

If you buy juice from well-known manufacturers of baby food, make sure that the cap creates cotton when you open the bottle, and after opening, do not store the juice for more than a day. What the child has not finished drinking can be drunk by adults - apple juice is also very useful for them.

Before the first feeding, be sure to consult with the pediatrician who is observing the child.The doctor will be able to exclude factors that are a temporary contraindication for the use of apple juice - indigestion, stomatitis, sore throat. You should also not give juice at a time when teeth are actively being cut, as it can irritate already sore gums.

Do not add sugar to your baby's homemade drink and do not buy a finished product with sugar content. After sweet complementary foods, it will be difficult to introduce other foods, for example, vegetable purees, into the infant's diet, since he will like them much less.

Doctor Komarovsky will tell you which is healthier, apple or apple juice, in the next video.

Every parent has heard about the benefits of freshly squeezed juices for children. It is believed that fresh juice cannot harm a child, since it is prepared with his own hand at home without adding, flavors and dyes. However, this is not quite true. In order for freshly squeezed juices to be useful for a child, you need to follow certain rules for their preparation and use.

Many parents believe that natural freshly squeezed juices are a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients for a growing child's body. However, doctors are still arguing about the real benefits of fresh juices for children.

Juice is not just a dessert or a thirst-quenching drink. Juice is a therapeutic and prophylactic drink. In folk medicine, freshly squeezed juices from cabbage, etc. are used as medicines for the treatment of skin, intestinal, and endocrine diseases.

Proven Facts About Freshly Made Fruit Juices:

  1. A glass of fresh juice contains a large amount of fruit acids. The higher the concentration of the drink, the more acids it contains. They provoke the appearance in a child, irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus, increase peristalsis, and cause bloating.
  2. To prepare a glass of natural juice, you need half a kilogram of fruit. Although the peel, pits, core will be thrown away, most of the fructose in the fruit will remain. Drinking a glass of seemingly harmless juice, a child heavily loads the pancreas, the organ may not cope with so much sugar entering the body. The younger the child and the sweeter the fruit, the greater the risk of developing impaired glucose tolerance at an early age.
  3. Drinking freshly squeezed juices in large quantities, the child endangers the delicate enamel of milk teeth. Decay of enamel causes tooth decay at an early age.
  4. Regular intake of fresh juice reduces appetite in children.
  5. Natural juices contain all substances that can cause. Due to the increase in their concentration, children often develop pseudo-allergies.
  6. Using fresh juices to quench your thirst increases your risk of overdosing on fruit sugars, pigments and acids.

Benefits of freshly squeezed juice

To make homemade fresh juice as useful as possible for a child, you need to follow the rules of preparation and use:

  • do not give fresh juice to children under one year old;
  • use fruits and vegetables growing in the place of residence of the child for making juices;
  • choose not very sweet varieties of fruits, do not add sugar to the drink;
  • before cooking, fruits and vegetables must be thoroughly washed and rinsed with boiling water;
  • so that as many vitamins as possible are preserved in the juice and, fruits and vegetables are rubbed on a plastic grater along with the peel;
  • when mixing different juices, they adhere to the principle of "green with green", "yellow with yellow", "red with red";
  • mixed juices should not be given to children under 3 years of age;
  • no need to filter fresh juices, vitamins are preserved longer in juices with pulp;
  • sweet fruit juices should be alternated with vegetable juices that contain less sugar;
  • you can't mix vegetable and fruit juices: different enzymes are needed to digest them;
  • the child should drink natural juice within 15 minutes after preparation.

With light and oxidation with oxygen, fresh juice quickly loses its useful properties. Half an hour after preparation, there will be no vitamins left in the drink, fermentation processes begin, the emergence of pathogenic bacteria, etc.

To fully benefit from the juice, you need to take into account the following rules:

  • after teething, it is better for children to drink juice through a straw;
  • fresh is given to the child no earlier than an hour after a meal;
  • the daily norm of freshly squeezed juice for a child under 3 years old is 30 ml, from 3 to 10 years old - 60 ml (while it is divided into two doses).

Some nuances

Freshly squeezed juice should be consumed no earlier than an hour after a meal and no later than 15 minutes after preparation.

Apple juice can be given even to an older child only in small quantities, since it contains a lot of fruit acids and can increase the acidity of gastric contents. A baked apple is much healthier for a child.

To assimilate the carotene contained in the fresh juice, you need to add a spoonful of cream to the drink or give it to the child along with a piece of bread and butter.

Resume for parents

Before offering freshly squeezed juices to children, especially if they have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or a tendency to allergies, it is imperative to consult a doctor. For your child to get the most out of fruits and vegetables, they need to be eaten whole rather than juiced out.

Of course, a properly balanced baby's diet must contain juices. But there are 2 opinions about when they should be introduced.

Old-school pediatricians advise starting to give a drop of juice as early as 3 months of a child's life. They justify this appointment by the fact that even a small amount of the drink contains many minerals and vitamins that the baby lacks.

However, it is the high concentration that causes the problems with the early introduction of juices.

Even such gentle juices as apple and carrot juices are stress for the not yet formed digestive system. In addition, problems from diarrhea to enzyme deficiency are common.

The first juices should be neutral, regardless of the time of introduction of complementary foods. For example, pear or apple. The first drinks always consist of one type of fruit, vegetables or berries, later you can prepare mixtures.

Juices from brightly colored berries and fruits cannot be given as the first complementary food, because there are frequent cases of allergic reactions. For example, citrus, strawberry, cherry, pumpkin juice. Later, when the digestive system is able to digest these drinks, they can be added to the diet.

Any juice should be made from fresh fruits, vegetables and berries. If you use industrial juice, you should monitor its quality and shelf life.

Each new type of juice should be started with a few drops. If allergy is not observed, increase the dose. In no case should a child under one year old be given more than 100 grams of juice.

It must be remembered that juice cannot replace milk or water.

How to make juice for a baby

Juice for babies can be prepared independently either in a perfectly clean juicer, or with a plastic grater, strainer, gauze.

What the juice will consist of must be washed, then the peel and other unnecessary components must be removed, so that only the pulp remains.

Basically, fruits, vegetables and berries do not need to be subjected to any pre-processing. But, for example, it is better to soften the pumpkin by steam or in the oven, it is recommended to soak the carrots for a couple of hours.

After that, the pulp must be squeezed out in a juicer or by hand (in this case, some particularly hard components of the juice must also be grated).

No matter how you squeezed the juice, you need to strain it and dilute it with cool boiled water before using it.

Apple juice for babies

Fresh apple juice is an irreplaceable source of trace elements (iron, potassium, boron, copper, molybdenum, chromium and others). It contains enzyme substances that help improve the breakdown and digestion of food. Apple juice is able to normalize bowel function with the help of pectins.

Beetroot juice for babies

Beetroot juice is known for its laxative effect. For infants, the use of this drink in small doses (no more than 1 tablespoon per day in a diluted state) often becomes a salvation from constipation, normalizes the digestion process.

Carrot juice for babies

Carrot juice is not toxic at all and is good for babies. Vitamin A or, as it is also called, the growth vitamin is found in carrots in large quantities. This element is necessary for normal growth and development, resistance to infections, maintenance of elasticity and firmness of the skin and mucous membranes. Vitamin A is also essential for the development of bones and vision. Carrot juice also contains a large amount of vitamin C.

Even without added sugar, the drink tastes good and is loved by almost every child. And the excellent digestibility of the child's body allows you to start complementary foods with it.

Prune juice for babies

A small amount of prune juice is usually given to babies with constipation. The drink should be strongly diluted with water, or given in the form of compote, decoction. Prune juice is also able to strengthen the immune system and become a source of many useful microelements and vitamins.

Pear juice for babies

Pears almost never cause allergies in infants, so the juice from them can be given one of the first. Pear drink is rich in potassium, vitamins and trace elements. In case of severe constipation, such juice will not help, but the fiber, which is part of all varieties, has preventive properties against constipation.

Pumpkin juice for babies

Like all brightly colored berries, pumpkin can cause an allergic reaction in a child. Therefore, pumpkin juice should be introduced very gradually.

The usefulness of pumpkin juice lies in the content of rare vitamins K and T, which improve metabolic processes and contribute to the rapid elimination of harmful substances from the body. In addition, pumpkin juice contains: vitamin K, pectin, carotene, potassium salts, iron, vegetable proteins and fats. The components of the juice improve the condition of the eyes and skin, strengthen the immune system, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and help fight inflammatory processes.

All parents are wondering how to introduce juice into their child's complementary foods. Vegetable and fruit are considered the most useful, due to the high content of vitamins and minerals. What juices can be given to infants and with which can you start complementary foods? How to give juice to a 4 month old baby? First, you should learn about its benefits and dangers, everything is not so simple.

When the baby was born, the source of all the necessary substances is mother's milk. But over time, the question arises about additional sources, which can be juices for complementary foods.

The beneficial properties for the baby's body are as follows:

  1. High content of vitamins.
  2. Anti-inflammatory action.
  3. Antibacterial action.
  4. Cleaning the child's body of toxins and toxins, which is a very important factor, since the ecology currently leaves much to be desired.

But despite the huge amount of benefits, it can also have a negative impact:

  1. A side effect of the administration may be the appearance of an allergic reaction.... Perhaps it will not appear immediately, but after a few weeks. Then it is already impossible to find out exactly the reason for the appearance. If a child has a rash, but you do not know what it is - an allergic manifestation or symptoms of the disease, read the material.
  2. Difficult absorption of this product can negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract, as it has an irritating effect. After a while, the baby may manifest such consequences as gastrointestinal pathologies.
  3. The purchased product contains a lot of sugar, which is bad even for an adult body.
  4. Fresh juices are too concentrated. It is worth diluting them with water when taken.
  5. The introduction of the product into the diet of the crumbs can contribute to the thinning of the stool, dehydration of the body, as well as the imminent appearance of excess weight. What other causes of loose stools in infants with HB can be found out.

The timing when babies can be given juices

You should not start juicing your infants too early. Not earlier than six months after birth. This period is needed for those children who are breastfed.

Those babies who are not breastfed (on formulas) can start complementary foods at an earlier date. Already at 3-4 months.

At present, the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has found out that juices should be given to a baby no earlier than 4-5 months of life. Adding a variety of drinks early can contribute to unwanted effects. To begin with, the volume should not exceed 5 ml.

Where and how to start correctly

You need to start with carrot, apple or pumpkin. It is worth diluting them with water first. Give your child a drop for the first time. Then gradually start increasing to two or more. After that, you can try to give the baby puree.

It is advisable to start the baby with apple juice very first and give all types first clarified, since this type of it has less effect on the appearance of allergic reactions in the child's body.

After apple, followed by fairly light clarified products in accordance with the list specified in the paragraph "Norms of fruit and vegetable drinks in accordance with the age of the child." Also, many start with baby carrot juice because it is less acidic than apple juice.

  1. It is important to pay special attention to the product already when purchasing it. It must be free of sugar and must be age appropriate.
  2. Storage should be carried out in accordance with the instructions.
  3. When can you give juice to babies? It should be given immediately after feeding.
  4. For the first time when your child tries a drink, you should not give more than a few drops of volume.
  5. After the baby drank the drink for the first time, observe how his body reacts. If you have symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, severe regurgitation, you should not continue feeding.

Which is better to choose for a baby

There are various types: store and freshly squeezed. Parents decide which ones are better to give to the baby. They differ from each other not only in their appearance and taste, but also in the presence of useful substances in them.


A product designed specifically for children is produced, as evidenced by the inscription on the package. Also, the age of the beginning of juicing is indicated there. Many people consider store drinks to be very harmful for children, but if you choose a specialized one, then it will not have a negative effect on the crumbs' body.


Home-cooked products should also be treated with great care. Fresh juices have a fairly strong concentration. Undiluted, this species will cause more harm to the baby's body than store-bought, containing sugar.

When using a freshly squeezed product, it is worth diluting it with water. You should not introduce such fresh juices into the diet until the child reaches at least one year of age.

Permitted fruits and berries for cooking

If you decide to make a drink with your own hands at home, then do not choose exotic fruits on the shelf, berries and vegetables - give preference to those growing in the nearby area where your child was born and grows. All fruits and berries are allowed for cooking, but you should be more careful about citruses, sour berries, and potential allergens.

The sequence of introduction into the diet

We have already figured out the varieties of berries and fruits that can be used in complementary foods. Now let's look at the main varieties that you can make yourself or purchase ready-made.

Clarified They contain the lowest concentration of acidity, thanks to this they are in the first place during the period when they are introduced into the baby's diet.

Also, specialty baby drinks do not contain sugar.

But according to their characteristics, they are still inferior to products with pulp.

With pulp This type of product contains fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.

Drinks with pulp can be introduced only if the clarified ones were taken well by the crumbs and there were no harmful consequences.

Vegetable They can also become the first as complementary foods for the crumbs, since from the experience of the parents we can say that he can refuse vegetable drinks after he tastes the sweeter - fruity.

Rates of fruit and vegetable juices according to age

An individual approach is important for each child. Many children should not be given juices for the first time before six months. Someone should try the drink for the first time in a year.

For all cases, start with apple or carrot clarified product... If your baby has minor problems with digestion, then it's not worth trying for now.

There is the following list of when to introduce juices while breastfeeding.

  1. Clarified apple from 3-4 months.
  2. From the age of 4-5 months, clarified fruit: pears, apricot, peach, banana; vegetable: pumpkins, carrots.
  3. At the age of 6-12 months, drinks from the following berries and vegetables: cherries, cranberries, cherries, black currants, plums, beets, cabbage. You can also try these combinations: apple and apricot, peach or pumpkin, orange and carrot.
  4. It is advisable, after the child reaches the age of one year, to introduce into his diet such products that most often cause allergies: from citruses, tomatoes.
  5. For artificial feeding, the drink should be introduced 2-3 months earlier.

Homemade Recipes by Age

The preparation of a drink for babies should be treated more carefully and carefully, since the body of the crumb is not yet fully formed and is more susceptible to the negative effects of the same products than an adult.


You need a green apple that does not have any external defects such as spots and dents. Rinse the fruit under running water. Peel, cut out the ponytail and core. Squeeze out the juice by diluting it 1 to 1 with water. Start giving your baby small amounts and no earlier than 5 months.


Peel the vegetable by rinsing under running water. Get rid of the bottom, tops, and core. Leave in water for 2-3 hours. Squeeze juice from soaked carrots. Also, like apple, start complementary feeding with carrot product no earlier than 4-5 months.

From pear

Pear juice for babies is also among the first foods for complementary foods. Rinse ripe, soft, blemish-free fruit under running water. Remove unnecessary ponytail and pith from the pear. Squeeze the fruit by diluting it with water in the same ratio as the apple.


If you decide to start introducing juice into the diet of your baby and summarizing the information given in the article, we will highlight 3 main points that must be followed:

  1. Before introducing complementary foods, you should consult with your local pediatrician, who will tell you about the best options for your child, how to behave if an allergic reaction is found.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to give such complementary foods if the baby has just suffered any illness or has been given a routine vaccination.
  3. The baby will be more interested in complementary foods if you give them from bright and beautiful baby dishes - spoons and bottles.

In addition, you can learn from the video about the timing of the first complementary foods for the child, as well as where to start: