The highest mountain in the Ural Mountains. Geographical position of the Ural Mountains. The highest peak of the Ural Mountains. The height of the Ural mountains and interesting facts

Mount Narodnaya (emphasis on the first syllable) is the highest point of the Ural Mountains. A mountain almost two thousand meters above sea level is located in a remote area in the Subpolar Urals. The history of the origin of the name of this key Ural attraction is not an easy one. Serious disputes have been boiling over among scientists for a long time about the name of the mountain. According to one version, the peak, discovered just on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the revolution, was named after the Soviet people - Narodnaya (with an emphasis on the second syllable).According to another version, it was named after the Naroda River flowing at the foot of the mountain (the emphasis in the name of the peak in this case falls on the first syllable).

Apparently, the discoverer of the mountain - Aleshkov - nevertheless connected it with the people and called it Narodnaya, although he started from the name of the river. Professor P.L. Gorchakovsky wrote in his article in 1963: “As the late professor B.N. Gorodkov, the name of Narodnaya Mountain was derived from the Russian word for "people". A.N. Aleshkov believed that the idea of ​​the highest peak of a mountainous country is in harmony with this word; the name came to him only by association with the name of the Naroda River ... " However, now it is officially customary to put stress on the first syllable - NATIONAL. Such is the contradiction.Meanwhile, scientists have found out that the old, original Mansi name of the mountain is Poengurr.

The history of the surroundings of Mount Narodnaya due to the inaccessibility of this area (hundreds of kilometers from settlements) is very poor. The first scientific expedition visited these parts in 1843-45. It was headed by the Hungarian researcher Antal Reguli. Here Reguli studied the life and language of the Mansi, their traditions and beliefs. It was Antal Reguli who first proved the kinship of the Hungarian, Finnish, Mansi and Khanty languages! Then, in 1847-50, a comprehensive geographical expedition led by geologist E.K. Hoffmann.Narodnaya Mountain itself was first explored and described only in 1927. That summer, the Ural Mountains were studied by the North Ural Expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences and Uralplan under the guidance of Professor B.N. Gorodkov. The expedition consisted of several detachments.

It is curious that before this expedition it was believed that the highest point of the Ural Mountains was Mount Telposiz (Mount Saber also claimed the championship in height). But the detachment of postgraduate geologist A.N. Aleshkov during the expedition in 1927 proved that the highest mountains of the Urals are located in the circumpolar part. It was Aleshkov who gave the mountain the name Narodnaya and for the first time in history measured its height, which he determined at 1870 meters. Later, more accurate measurements showed that Aleshkov "underestimated" the height of the mountain a little. It is currently known that its height is 1895 meters above sea level. Nowhere does the Ural reach great heights, as on this Mount Narodnaya.

Mount Narodnaya and its environs became a popular tourist route only from the late 1950s and early 1960s. At the same time, the appearance of the main peak of the Ural Mountains began to change. Signs, commemorative signs began to appear here, and even a bust of Lenin appeared. Also, among tourists, the custom has taken root to leave notes on the top of the mountain. In 1998, a worship cross with the inscription "Save and save" was installed here. A year later, the Orthodox went even further - they organized a religious procession to the highest point of the Urals.

Mount Narodnaya is surrounded by peaks named after geologists Karpinsky and Didkovsky. Among the truly grandiose mountains of this part of the Urals, Mount Narodnaya stands out only for its height and dark rocks. On the slopes of the mountain there are many kars - natural bowl-shaped depressions filled with clear transparent water and ice. There are glaciers and snowfields here. The slopes of the mountain are covered with large boulders.

The relief in this part of the Urals is mountainous, with steep slopes and deep gorges. You have to be very careful not to get hurt. Moreover, it is very far from housing.

You can climb the highest point of the Ural Mountains along the ridge from the west, but rocky steeps and karts complicate the ascent. The easiest way to climb is from the north - along the spurs of the mountain. The eastern slope of Mount Narodnaya, on the contrary, breaks off with sheer walls and gorges.

Climbing equipment is not required to climb the highest point of the Ural Mountains. Nevertheless, to make a hike in this wild and mountainous area, it is necessary to have a good sports shape, and if there is insufficient tourist experience, it is better to use the services of an experienced guide. Keep in mind that the climate in the Subpolar Urals is harsh. Even in summer, the weather is cold and changeable.The most favorable period for hiking is from July to mid-August. The trip will take about a week. There is no housing here and you can only spend the night in tents.Geographically, Mount Narodnaya belongs to the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.Relatively close to Narodnaya there is a less high, but very beautiful mountain Manaraga.

Ural mountains- a unique natural object for our country. Probably, it is not necessary to think to answer the question why. The Ural Mountains - the only mountain range that crosses Russia from north to south, is the border between two parts of the world and the two largest parts (macro-regions) of our country - European and Asian.

Geographical position of the Ural Mountains

The Ural Mountains stretch from north to south, mainly along the 60th meridian. In the north they bend towards the northeast, towards the Yamal Peninsula, in the south they turn towards the southwest. One of their features is that the mountainous territory expands as you move from north to south (this can be clearly seen on the map on the right). In the very south, in the region of the Orenburg region, the Ural Mountains connect with nearby elevations, such as General Syrt.

Strange as it may seem, the exact geological boundary of the Ural Mountains (hence the exact geographic boundary between Europe and Asia) still cannot be accurately determined.

The Ural Mountains are conditionally divided into five regions: Polar Urals, Subpolar Urals, Northern Urals, Middle Urals and Southern Urals.

To one degree or another, part of the Ural Mountains is captured by the following regions (from north to south): Arkhangelsk Region, Komi Republic, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Perm Territory, Sverdlovsk Region, Chelyabinsk Region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Orenburg Region , as well as part of Kazakhstan.

Origin of the Ural Mountains

The Ural Mountains have a long and complex history. It begins back in the Proterozoic era - such an ancient and little-studied stage in the history of our planet that scientists do not even divide it into periods and epochs. Approximately 3.5 billion years ago, on the site of future mountains, a rupture of the earth's crust occurred, which soon reached a depth of more than ten kilometers. Over the course of almost two billion years, this fault widened, so that about 430 million years ago an entire ocean was formed, up to a thousand kilometers wide. However, soon after this, the convergence of lithospheric plates began; the ocean disappeared relatively quickly, and mountains formed in its place. It happened about 300 million years ago - this corresponds to the era of the so-called Hercynian folding.

New large uplifts in the Urals resumed only 30 million years ago, during which the Polar, Subpolar, Northern and Southern parts of the mountains were raised by almost a kilometer, and the Middle Urals by about 300-400 meters.

At present, the Ural Mountains have stabilized - no major movements of the earth's crust are observed here. Nevertheless, to this day they remind people of their active history: from time to time earthquakes happen here, and very large ones (the strongest had an amplitude of 7 points and was recorded not so long ago - in 1914).

Features of the structure and relief of the Urals

From a geological point of view, the Ural Mountains are very complex. They are formed by breeds of various types and ages. In many ways, the features of the internal structure of the Urals are associated with its history, for example, traces of deep faults and even sections of the oceanic crust are still preserved.

The Ural Mountains are medium and low in height, the highest point is Mount Narodnaya in the Subpolar Urals, reaching 1895 meters. It is curious that the second highest peak of the Urals - Mount Yamantau- located in the South Urals. In general, in profile, the Ural Mountains resemble a depression: the highest ridges are located in the north and south, and the middle part does not exceed 400-500 meters, so that when crossing the Middle Urals, you may not even notice the mountains.

View of the Main Ural Range in the Perm Territory. Author of the photo - Yulia Vandysheva

It can be said that the Ural Mountains were “unlucky” in terms of height: they were formed in the same period as Altai, but subsequently experienced much less strong uplifts. The result - the highest point of Altai, Mount Belukha, reaches four and a half kilometers, and the Ural Mountains are more than two times lower. However, such an "elevated" position of Altai turned into a danger of earthquakes - the Urals in this respect is much safer for life.

Typical vegetation of the mountain tundra belt in the Ural Mountains. The picture was taken on the slope of Mount Humboldt (Main Ural Range, Northern Urals) at an altitude of 1310 meters. Author of the photo - Natalia Shmaenkova

The long, continuous struggle of volcanic forces against the forces of wind and water (in geography, the former are called endogenous, and the latter exogenous) has created a huge number of unique natural attractions in the Urals: rocks, caves and many others.

The Urals is also known for its vast reserves of minerals of all types. This is, first of all, iron, copper, nickel, manganese and many other types of ores, building materials. The Kachkanar iron deposit is one of the largest in the country. Although the metal content in the ore is low, it contains rare, but very valuable metals - manganese, vanadium.

In the north, in the Pechora coal basin, hard coal is mined. There are noble metals in our region - gold, silver, platinum. Undoubtedly, Ural precious and semi-precious stones are widely known: emeralds mined near Yekaterinburg, diamonds, gems of the Murzinskaya strip, and, of course, Ural malachite.

Unfortunately, many valuable old deposits have already been depleted. "Magnetic mountains", containing large reserves of iron ore, have been turned into quarries, and malachite reserves have been preserved only in museums and in the form of separate inclusions at the site of old mines - it is hardly possible to find even a three-hundred-kilogram monolith now. Nevertheless, these minerals largely ensured the economic power and glory of the Urals for centuries.

Text © Pavel Semin, 2011

Film about the Ural Mountains:

The Ural Mountains are a unique natural object for Russia. Why? This will become clear to anyone who thinks about this issue. First of all, because they are the only mountain range that crosses Russia from south to north, while serving as a border between two parts of the world, as well as large parts of our country - Asian and European.

Features of the relief of the Urals

Any geologist will agree that their structure is complex. They include breeds of different ages and types. On the mountains you can trace the history of many epochs of the Earth. There are not only deep faults here, but also sections of the oceanic crust. The base of the Ural Range is a stone belt, a natural border separating Europe and Asia, the Sverdlovsk and Perm regions.
But the Ural Mountains cannot be called high. Mostly low and medium peaks here. The highest point is Mount Narodnaya, located in the Subpolar Urals. Its height reaches 1895 meters. But Mount Yamantau - the second highest point of the Urals - is located on the southern tip of the ridge.

The profile of the mountains resembles a depression. The highest peaks are located in the north and south, while in the middle part their height rarely reaches 400-500 meters. Therefore, when crossing the Middle Urals, only an attentive tourist or traveler will notice the mountains.
The beginning of the formation of the Ural Mountains coincides with Altai. But the subsequent fate was different. Altai often experienced the strongest tectonic shifts. As a result, Belukha, the highest point in Altai, has a height of more than 4.5 kilometers. On the other hand, the Urals are much safer for life - earthquakes, especially strong ones, occur here much less frequently.

Sights of the Ural Mountains

Mount Manaraga (Bear Paw) is not included in the list of the highest. But, of course, is the most beautiful. Its top is a series of sheer peaks, which is why from a distance the mountain really looks like a raised paw of a bear.

The highest point of the Urals is Mount Narodnaya, the top of which is located at an altitude of 1985 meters.

In general, it is quite difficult to list all the sights that the Urals can boast of. Although it will be useful to list a few of the most interesting:

  • Mount Konzhakovsky stone;
  • rocks Seven brothers;
  • national parks Zyuratkul and Taganay;
  • reserve Denezhkin stone;
  • deer streams natural park,
  • Chusovaya river;
    mountains Chistop and Kolpaki.

And this is only a small part of the most beautiful places located in the Urals.

Rivers and lakes of the Ural Mountains

The Urals also boasts many beautiful rivers with crystal clear water and fast currents, dangerous rapids and picturesque rifts. It is no coincidence that many routes have been laid here, both for family holidays and for sports rafting.

There are many beautiful stones and rocks on the banks of the rivers, and the boundless Taiga will impress any nature lover.

These rivers have seen a lot and keep many secrets to this day.

The rivers of the Ural Mountains belong to the basins of three seas: the Caspian, Kara and Barents. The total number of rivers flowing here exceeds 5 thousand! Only in the Sverdlovsk region there are about a thousand of them, and in the Perm region - more than two thousand. The approximate annual flow of these rivers exceeds 600 thousand cubic kilometers.

Alas, today many of these rivers suffer from waste dumped by industrial production. Because of this, the relevance of river water treatment and protection is becoming increasingly important.

But there are few lakes here, and their sizes are small. The largest lake is Argazi (belongs to the Miass River basin). Its area is just over 100 square kilometers.

Ural is a unique mountain system, one of the most ancient and picturesque in the world. They are old, very old, from the Devonian period (about 40 million years ago). This massif looks like a complex mosaic in which hundreds of types of rocks are mixed. Since the time of the Soviet Union, more than 50 types of minerals and hundreds of minerals, precious and semi-precious stones have been mined here.

But ancient mountains are rarely high. Years erase their peaks, grind rocks, build up a layer of soil. Therefore, the highest point of the Ural Mountains cannot compete with the Alpine and Tibetan peaks. But still, for the sake of interest, we will make this list.

The Ural Mountains stretched almost across the entire border of Eurasia, separating two parts of the world from each other. The Ural belt is more than 2500 kilometers long, and it is conditionally divided into 5 zones:

  1. Southern Urals.
  2. Middle Ural.
  3. Northern Ural.
  4. Subpolar Urals.
  5. Polar Ural.

Some researchers believe that Mugodzhary on the south side and Pai-Khoi on the north side should also be added to the system, but nevertheless, officially these five zones are considered the Ural Mountains. And each of them has its highest point.

This mountain, in fact, can hardly be called high: only 1640 meters in height. Nevertheless, all the other peaks of the Southern Urals do not even reach this value. It is worth noting that 1640 meters is the height of the Big Yamantau. The second peak, Small Yamantau, is even lower - only 1510 meters.

It is a low sloping mountain, covered with a thick layer of soil, sufficient to grow a real forest on it. But the top of the mountain is covered with snow and ice suitable for skiers.

Yamantau is an amazingly beautiful and picturesque mountain that attracts thousands of tourists from all over Russia and even other countries. To travel on it, basic training and equipment is enough. True, the pleasure is spoiled by the fact that the locals have long considered Yamantau a bad mountain, which is even reflected in its name. Rumors add fuel to the fire of doubts that Vladimir Putin's secret bunker has been built here. No one knows how true they are, but before you go here, it’s better to think carefully: “Is it worth it?” Moreover, this is not the only large mountain of the Southern Urals that deserves your attention.

A mountain with such a dissonant name is the highest point of the Middle Urals. True, the numbers are not too impressive: 1119 meters. Earlier we talked about the peaks of the Alps and Tibet, high, sharp, rocky, covered with glaciers. Oslyanka is completely different from them: low, sloping, softly rounded ... From a distance. Close up, it turns out that the slopes are quite steep, there are places where a rocky base comes to the surface. Most of the mountain is covered with meadows and forests, in the cold season it is tightly wrapped in snow.

It is perfect for tourist and hiking routes in the warm season, while in winter it is an expanse for skiers and snowboarders. In summer, you can supplement the tourist routes with river rafting.

By the way, this mountain has nothing to do with donkeys. The origin of its name is not known for certain. Most likely, the word “donkey, donkey” is the basis, that is, a stone on which knives are sharpened. The second version - "donkey" - a log. There is a third one, which claims that the name of the mountain is associated with the nearby Oslyanka River, but here the connection can be reversed.

It is always extremely interesting to figure out where the names of geographical objects come from, because there are whole stories behind them. Sometimes the connection can be traced immediately, often you have to figure it out. But in the case of Mount Telposis, it is not even immediately clear where it came from and what it means. The truth lies quite deep. Its original name is Tel-Poz-Iz, which in the Komi language means “mountain of the nest of winds”.

According to legend, it is on this mountain that the local god of the winds lives, so it’s better not to meddle there once again. True, this does not prevent tourists from all over Russia from climbing Telposis in pursuit of beautiful landscapes and thrills. Its height is 1617 meters. Enough to become the first in the Northern Urals.

This peak is the highest point not only of the Subpolar part of the Urals, but of the entire mountain range. Of course, in the same Alps, a peak of 1895 meters would never have made it to such a list, but for the Ural Mountains this is more than enough.

It officially received its name in 1927 during the study of this part of the Urals. The subtlety is that the geologist Aleshkov did not specify in his notes where exactly the emphasis should be placed: NATIONAL or NATIONAL. Both versions are found in the literature. The second looks quite logical, because at that time many objects received similar names. The first one also has the right to life, because the river NAROD flows next to it. And this word from the Komi language has nothing to do with the people.

The first peak of the northernmost, polar part of the Urals is Payer. This rock formation stands out sharply against the background of the surrounding landscape. There are several more peaks nearby - Western and Eastern Payer, 1330 and 1217 meters, respectively.

The total length of the Ural belt is more than 2500 kilometers. Just imagine: 2500 kilometers of picturesque mountains, which have everything: rocks, glaciers, snowfields, caves, forests, meadows, rivers ... These are incredibly picturesque and rich mountains, you can spend your whole life here and not even see a small part of their wonders. But that doesn't mean it's not worth trying.

The main treasure of the Urals, rich in various forests and waters, is the mountains, or rather, innumerable riches (minerals) hidden in their mighty and immense bowels. After all, mountains with their ores make it possible to build cities and factories, and the result of all this is the prosperity of life.

Mountains and the Ural area is famous. Among the amazing indescribable beauty is the highest mountain Narodnaya (Ural), which will be discussed in the future.

Location of the Ural Mountains

From the most marshy tundra (cloudberry) of the coast of the Arctic Ocean to the feather grass steppes of Kazakhstan, a majestic ridge created by nature stretches across the endless plains - the Ural Mountains. They represent a continuous series of diverse, amazingly beautiful landscapes of nature.

The harsh majesty of the peaks of these places impresses with its atmosphere of freshness and eternity.

Mountain country Ural

There is no list by the number of mountains in the Urals yet. However, there are a lot of peaks. And practically each of them has a name (oronym), which is a kind of monument of history, language, spiritual culture. The names of the mountains tell a lot: about the people who lived and live in these parts or who once visited these beautiful places.

According to the names of the mountains, there is an unusual oronymic dictionary. They are presented in the book in the order established by nature - from north to south (from the shores of the Arctic Ocean to the Aral steppes).

The fabulous Ural mountainous country consists of the following sections: Pai-Khoi, Ural Polar, Subpolar, Northern, Middle, Southern and Mugodzhary. Among all the numerous peaks, Mount Narodnaya is located.


In the intermountain valleys there are numerous springs with crystal clear water and lakes with beautiful shades of turquoise.

From here, water flows begin their long journey to the largest rivers in Russia: the Ob, Pechora, Kama.

The slopes were covered with bushes and trees twisted by severe winds. The mixed taiga of the Southern Urals covers the slopes of the mountains with its greenery.

And the river valleys have long been inhabited by the Bashkirs, who gave interesting names to many rivers and hills. For example, the highest peak in these places is called Yamantau (in translation - "bad mountain"). 1640 meters - its height above sea level.

The Middle Urals is notable for being the lowest point of the Stone Belt. Here, only a few hills rise just above the border of the forest. And the rivers somehow enliven these places.

Closer to the north, where Mount Narodnaya is located, the Ural Range is steadily gaining height of its peaks. Here you can see gigantic, reaching to the very clouds, giant mountains: Denezhkin, Konzhakovsky and Kosvinsky stones. Powerful cliffs, clouds constantly hanging over the slopes, strong winds and glaciers - all this can be seen in the vast expanses of the Urals.

Description of Mount Narodnaya

Outwardly, it does not stand out from the rest of the mountains of the Subpolar Urals with anything other than a powerful height.

It is noteworthy that it has cars and circuses with lakes hidden in their depths.

There are also glaciers and snowfields. The terrain is an alpine relief, with deep gorges and steep slopes. In alpine zones there are massifs with flat tops.

Mount Narodnaya (Komi): location

The mountain is geographically located in the Khanty-Mansiysk district of the Tyumen region. Half a kilometer away is the Komi Republic.

Although this peak is located in the Subpolar Urals in a remote area, from the very day the mountain was discovered, this place has become a favorite area for tourists and lovers of romance.

Its geographic coordinates: 65°02 s. latitude, 60°07 east d.

Mount Narodnaya: photo, meaning of the name

Top Narodnaya was discovered in 1927 by geologist A. N. Aleshkov during an expedition to the Northern Urals.

Its name has two forms: with stress on the first syllable and with stress on the second syllable. The first name is justified by the fact that at the very foot of the mountain there is the Narod River (emphasis on "A").

The second name is explained by the fact that from the 20s to the 30s of the last century it was customary in the country to dedicate names to various patriotic symbols of the renewed state (for example, Communism Peak, Lenin Peak). In the case of the Ural peak, this refers to the dedication to the entire Soviet people. This is the essence of the name "Narodnaya Mountain". The height of the most important peak of the Urals is 1895 meters.

The history of the discovery of the highest peak of the Urals

Initially, Mount Saber (its height is 1497 meters) was considered the highest peak of the Ural Mountains. Then this title passed to the top of Telpos-Iz (translated as “nest of winds”), the height of which is 1617 meters. Subsequently, as research progressed, Mount Manarage took the lead (the height was originally determined at 1660 meters).

Then there were scientific disputes about the primacy between the peaks of Manarage (new data on height - 1820 meters) and Narodnaya. The final real height of the first was still 1660 m, and as a result, Mount Narodnaya is recognized as the highest today.

History of territory exploration

Mount Narodnaya has a very poor history of development due to the difficult accessibility of these areas (hundreds of kilometers from the nearest settlements).

The very first expedition of scientists led by the Hungarian explorer Antal Reguli visited these places from 1843 to 1845. This group studied the life and language of the Mansi people, their beliefs and customs. Thanks to Antal, the kinship of the Finnish, Hungarian, Khanty and Mansi languages ​​was proved for the first time.

Back in 1847-1850, the expedition of E.K. Hoffmann. Mount Narodnaya was discovered and explored only in 1927 by the expedition of the geologist Aleshkov, who gave the peak such a patriotic name (from the Russian word for "people").

On this mountain in 1998, a worship cross with the words "Save and save" was installed. A year later, Orthodox believers organized a religious procession to its top. The mountain is also notable for the fact that there are peaks around it that have names in honor of famous geologists, Karpinsky and Didkovsky, who made an important contribution to the study of this area.

All these amazing natural monuments attract with their romantic beauty, inexplicable grandeur and friendliness.