Independent production of formwork for a belt foundation. How to make a removable formwork under the foundation of the house wooden formwork for foundation

Formwork for a belt foundation is a special form designed to fill concrete. Its installation is carried out immediately after testers and the site for the base of the building. If you wish, it is easy to make it yourself.

Basic information about formwork - why is it needed, and what happens?

During the construction of various structures and houses it is impossible to do without formwork - a structural forming element in which the concrete mixture is frozen. In terms of its competent design, it is possible to minimize the expenditures on the construction of a belt foundation and at the same time get a truly reliable and durable underground basis for any construction, ranging from the fence and ending with a residential building.

The formwork is made of two species. It happens removable and non-removable. The removable is most often used in the conditions of country construction in the construction of private houses on a belt foundation. It is easy to make with your own hands from almost any wooden bars and boards. The construction of more complex boronobilic base foundations involves the use of non-removable formwork. Such a design, as is clear from its name, forever remains part of the foundation of the building, it is not removed after pouring the concrete.

Now the relevance (including in private construction) acquires a formwork of a non-removable type of polystyrene foam. It, firstly, ensures the required form of a concrete solution poured into the foundation, and secondly, performs the function of a qualitative and efficient heat insulator.

Nowadays, ready-made formworks are sold in construction stores. They have a number of undoubted advantages:

  • high strength;
  • the lack of errors and inconsistencies of individual parts;
  • the possibility of choosing a material from which their production is carried out (wood, polystyrene foam, metal).

But ready-made sets are a lot of money. Therefore, private construction usually uses formwork, which can be done with small expenditures. This event is quite laborious. At the same time, you will need to be stocking only boards (plywood), ordinary nails and wooden planks to build a reliable form for the fill of concrete.

Materials for formwork - minimum required

For a tape foundation at home, it is recommended to make a form of interest for concrete composition from plywood or boards. It is manufactured in the form of shields fixed on the basis of wooden bars. The obtained shields are collected in one design by means of clamps, shaped and simple screeds, and then mounted in the trench for. It is important here to ensure that the surface of the shield design is as smooth as possible and smooth as possible.

The outside the "uneven" side with all the elements for attaching individual parts of the formwork is displayed. For the manufacture of collapsible shape under concrete, we use plywood sheets from birch or edged board (it is allowed to work with a second grade material) with a thickness of 2.4 to 3.6 cm. Shield frame is easy to make from bars with dimensions 6x4 cm, fasteners (ties , clamps and so on) - from the remains of wood materials. You just need to ensure that they are firmly fixed. After using formwork, it is removed.

Subsequently this form you can use many more times . In order for its dismantling process quickly and conveniently, it is recommended to put the formwork that you have done with your own hands, a plastic film.

How to make a simple removable design yourself?

In practice, the construction of a form for the foundation is as follows. First cut bars on segments of the same sizes and drag one of them. Then you need to cut plywood or boards as much as possible and correctly - so that they match the geometric parameters of the shields. It is important to firmly fit the elements of the panel structure, trying not to leave even the slightest gnesks between them. With due diligence, this stage of work is carried out quite simply.

  • decompose the bars on a flat surface, withsting the distance between them about 100 cm;
  • make their careful leveling along the upper edge;
  • put the fane (boards) on the bars and fix them with self-draws (fasteners are allowed to do with conventional nails).

Note - Hats of hardware must be located inside the panel design manufactured by their own hands for a tape base.If you do the opposite, the tip of self-sustaining or nails will not allow you after pouring the concrete it is easy to remove the formwork. If you need to make a foundation that has a certain extension in the lower part, the shields must be restored to the board (it will be supported), and bruks to cut through the width of the frame. The latter is allowed not to deepen into the ground.

We continue to make a formwork with your own hands on such a scheme:

  • we stretch between the bars, drove into the ground, the twine from Capron to correctly place the site;
  • digging on the marking of the required depth of the required depth (trench is desirable to plug a mixture of gravel and sand);
  • we put a supporting board if necessary, and then a panel design (at this stage, it is necessary to use the level and plumb that will allow correctly and exactly placing shields).

With a low stability of shields for a ribbon foundation, they can be made more reliable. Strengthen the design is easy with special struts made from covers outside and bars inside. Ship is the same bar, but cut under a 45-degree angle. It is mounted by the versius between the shield frame and the earth. In fact, you have already managed to build the simplest formwork with your own hands. It is only necessary to put the polyethylene dense film onto its walls and the bottom (such protection will not allow to evaporate the cement mixture and will exclude the risk of seeping the concrete solution).

Then the installation of rod reinforcement for a ribbon foundation is made, filling the form made by concrete and aligning its surface. There is nothing more to do. It is required to wait for the moment when the concrete mixture will grab. The formulation of the formwork is performed when the slot is small in size between the concrete base and boards. In order for a ribbon foundation with a minimum of effort, knock on the rubber hammer on the outside of the shield frame.

First of all, you need to dismantle the clamps, covers and screeds. And only after that, remove all the shields that make up the design (it takes it alternately - one part of the frame, then the second and so on). We hope that the installation of the formwork will be held with you, thanks to our advice, simply and quickly. And you will get really durable foundation "for centuries."

One of the most important steps in the construction of any construction with their own hands is the arrangement of the foundation. It is a concrete base that takes the load from the weight of the constructed object. The period of operation of the entire building depends on the durability of this product, so it is important to comply with the right technology in its manufacture.

The foundation of a belt type has good performance, which is equipped around the perimeter of the erected object from heavy building materials, such as brick and monolith. The necessary geometric shape of a ribbon foundation that serves as a support for the bearing walls is given by formwork, into which the concrete mixture is flooded.

Ribbon foundation matured - formwork can be removed

Appointment formwork for foundation

Foundation formwork is a box-made design consisting of panel fences and fastenings in the form of longitudinal and transverse struts and corner stops. Its main purpose is to give a concrete basis the form provided by the construction project.

The formwork is necessary in order to build the foundation of any type, but it reaches the largest size when arranging tape bases. The design should have sufficient elasticity and strength to withstand the pressure of the concrete solution poured into it. For this reason, building materials for its assembly are selected taking into account the designated characteristics.

Choose a formwork: Removable or non-removable?

The currently important variety of formwork types can be divided into two large groups: removable and non-removable type. Removable formwork can be used repeatedly, non-removable - once. The choice is carried out depending on operational requirements.

Failure formwork has its advantages, but the waterproofing of the foundation will not work

Building structures erected using a non-removable foam formwork have excellent characteristics of sound absorption and heat saving. They are caused by polystyrene foam blocks remaining on the outer surface after curing the concrete mixture into the cavity. This technology can be used both in the construction of private houses and when building buildings up to nine floors.

The non-removable option is not used for buildings with the ground floor, since in this case it is impossible to perform a full waterproofing of the foundation.

The elements of the removable formwork after curing the concrete mix with the concrete mixture are dismantled and can be reused. At the same time, the surface of the foundation becomes available for waterproofing. The wood formwork used in the arrangement of the bases of small houses has a limited number of applications, but the cost is small. Metal formwork, most often used in industrial production, has a much longer service life.

Materials for removable formwork

The most expensive formwork material are made of metal sheets with a thickness of one to two millimeters. They are easily bending under any corners, creating the design of the most complex geometric shape. To increase its hardness to metal sheets, you can prigerate reinforcement bars. The disadvantages of such formwork are its high weight and significant cost.

Bar, edged board, plywood or OSB - running materials to create formwork

The most popular material for formwork - wood in the form of boards, plywood or OSB plates. The advantages of wooden structures include simplicity of their installation without the use of special tools and their available cost. The disadvantages include the need to carry out work on strengthening by the resistance and spacers. Formworks from boards and plywood sheets are often used in the construction of private houses.

At the same time, the formwork from the OSB is distinguished by its durability due to the good moisture resistance of the material.

What else can you collect a fence for concrete? Instead of OSB, it is possible, of course, to apply the usual chipboard, but it swells from moisture and will serve only once.A formwork for the house with your own hands can be built from the available remedies, such as old doors, slate sheets and other materials that are actually connected without intervals in their side surfaces. The only advantage of such a solution is low cost. Several options for arranging removable formwork

Negative sides are much larger. These include:

  • increased complexity of installation work;
  • the possibility of leakage of concrete mix;
  • low characteristics of the carrying capacity of the structure;
  • the need to arrange additional fasteners.

This kind of design can only be used when building small buildings. With capital construction, the formwork made from similar materials is not used.

Mount the formwork for the ribbon foundation with your own hands

Installation of the removable formwork for a ribbon foundation with its own hands involves performing a large amount of work. The tape of a concrete base is located around the perimeter of the building, repeating the contours of its bearing walls on both sides.

If the construction is quite large, the financial costs of building the foundation will be very significant, especially if it is significantly shrouded in the ground. For the manufacture of removable formwork in private house-building, boards, plywood and OSB plates are most often used. To work with these materials, you do not need to use special tools.

Assembly and connection of shields

When independently performing installation work, it is important to make shield fences with good strength, they must withstand the concrete mass pressure. Several edged boards of the same length are fasten with threaded fasteners or nails. The optimal length of the collected shield is about two meters, with a larger length with shields it is difficult to work.

Cutboard shields are ready for mounting formwork

When assembling a nail formwork, which are clogged with nails, are located at a distance of fifteen-twenty centimeters from the edges of the shield and through each meter of its length. In the middle and on the edges, it is knocked up vertically longer and pointed reiki below, in order to plunge them into the soil when installed.

Plywood-based shield design or OSB

Shields from sheets of plywood and OSB plates are mounted on a pre-made frame from wooden bars. The illustration shows the design of a shield made of plywood. At the same time, it is convenient to use sheets with dimensions of 1525x1525 mm, which are pilant in half. Finished shields are connected to each other with bolts and nuts through holes in the side bars.

Installing formwork in pit

Before installing the formwork, the platform marking is performed in the kittlement with the help of pegs and stretched between them. The bottom of the pit is covered with rammed sand. The work is performed as follows:

  • vertically adjacent spikes denotes the perimeter of the formwork;
  • shield fences are aligned, the distance between them should correspond to the width of the basement strip;
  • through each meter of length, shield fences are supported outside by oblique stops;
  • joints of the shields, if necessary, are additionally strengthened with wooden bars;
  • in the upper part of the fence, pipes are installed to create technological holes in the foundation;
  • all parts of the design are carefully strengthened, they should not be fused even when there is a significant effort.

The higher the foundation and formwork, the more the fasteners will be required.

The easiest way to put shield fences with vertically pointed racks located on them. They plunge into the ground, and shields are aligned with the construction level.

Fixing shields

The formwork must withstand the underrivation of concrete mass into it, therefore it is to strengthen the elements of the design by the backups through each meter of its length. The disclosures in the corners are looking at the other two, so they need to pay special attention and carefully perform work at this stage. If the height of the shield fence exceeds two meters, the backups are installed by two tiers, with a significant height of the shields, the strengthening is performed in several rows.

Formwork strengthening options depending on the height of the foundation

The internal distance between opposite structural elements, equal to the width of the basement tape, stabilizes with spills made from the rod and segments of plastic pipes. The spacer stiletto pants with threads at the ends are installed in the formwork as follows:

  • a segment of a plastic tube is placed between the opposite shields of the formwork;
  • in her through the drilled holes, the hairpin has been doing;
  • from the inside, metal washers are installed, protecting formwork from damage;
  • from the outside, nuts are screwed into the thread.

Speed \u200b\u200bsleeves and sleeves for communication

When dismantling the formwork, the first works are unscrewed, then the hairpins are pulled out and the stops and disclosures are removed. Boards from shield fences can be used again. It is difficult to disassemble the formwork if the screws were used to attach its elements. Their heads are clogged with mud, they are very difficult to unscrew.

As the design is ready, it is possible to pour concrete into it. About Tom read in a special article.

Features of the arrangement of round formwork

In the case of a rounded facade of the building, a question arises how to make a round formwork for its foundation. It is easiest to put a formwork for the foundation of a round form from factory metal elements. However, this possibility is not always present.

Round formwork is conveniently installed from a metal profiled sheet. Such material easily takes the desired shape in one direction and is well withstanding the load of the mass of concrete when filling the foundation.

After pouring the concrete and dismantling the proflist, the surface of the corresponding form will be obtained. It can be treated with coating waterproofing, but the roll to apply will not work.

Most often, the removable rain formwork is made using bending sheets of plywood or metal. In this case, it is important to correctly mark the markup of the circular part of the foundation. To do this, a metal pin is clogged into the center of the corresponding circle and twine tied to it. Two nodules typze on the twine in accordance with the outer and internal radii of the future formwork. Now you can set any point in the round site of the foundation and score a support timber in the ground with a cross section of at least 50x50 mm.
Round formwork installation options from various materials

Support bars are installed on the inner and outer part of the round formwork, taking into account the thickness of plywood. The distance between them along the perimeter is the less than the less bending radius and below the strength of the sheet material, but not less than 50 cm. On the inside of the formwork to the supports are fastened with self-reserves curved plywood sheets.

It is better not to use nails, as they are difficult to score through Phaneur in loose-based support bars.

Strengthening the formwork is performed using the stops and sinks, as described above. Examples of a circular design device demonstrates a photo. In order to equip the foundation for round walls it is possible to use a large number of small-dimensional fencing elements. In this case, the inner shields are manufactured shorter than outer. Their size is convenient to determine by performing a sketch of formwork on a scale. The design of shields is stronger than from bent plywood, and is preferable to arrange the foundation of large sizes.

Calculate the number of necessary materials

The required amount of material for the arrangement of formwork is determined as follows. The length of the length and height of the concrete base, the length and height of the concrete base, must be divided according to the length and width intended for the use of boards. Moving the obtained numbers is determined by their number required to build a specific formwork. In addition to the boards, you need to purchase wooden bars and struts. Their cost can reach up to half the cost of purchasing boards. It is necessary to take into account the additional spending on the studs and fasteners.

Useful properties of plastic film

Make a shield fence completely without slit gaps, and the concrete mixture is seeping outward, stinging elements of the formwork. Polyethylene film or rubberoid, fixed on the inner side of the formwork perfectly protect the surface of the boards from contaminants with a concrete mixture not only with the inner, but also from the outside of the design.

The use of these protective materials makes it much easier and accelerating dismantling work. If necessary, premature removal of formwork panels The concrete surface of the foundation is not damaged. Wood shields are not exposed to moisture and can be used multiple times.

Also, a concrete surface is also covered with a polyethylene film or rubberoid if it is necessary to make a short-term break in the work or at the end of the casting. They prevent the formation of solid crust on the surface of the material and delay moisture necessary when concrete maturation.

We rearrange the shields and fill the foundation in parts

Filling the foundation in parts involves the vertical or horizontal arrangement of the docking seams. With their vertical arrangement, the concrete base is separated by partitions. After curing the concrete mix in the first section, the partition is removed and rearranged by the length of the next section. Thus, the entire perimeter of the base is filled.

Filling the foundation in parts with vertical division

With the horizontal arrangement of the docking seams, partitions are not installed. Most often, this method is used in the arrangement of the foundations of a ribbon type. The concrete tape is separated in height into several parts and is consistently poured by layers of concrete mix until the soil level is reached. Docking seams cannot be placed on reinforcement belts, they must be higher or lower than their level.

Before proceeding to the construction of a formwork for a ribbon foundation, let's look at how many types of formwork designs exists.

The quality of the whole construction largely depends on the quality of the work performed on the formwork and is based on the foundation, that is, according to the foundation.

Types of formwork

The design of the formwork depending on the type is divided into two groups:

  • Formwork with removable design;
  • Formwork, which has no removable design.

In the construction without the formation of a monolithic, concrete and reinforced concrete design, it is not necessary. And it does not matter this, or a pre-constructed frame, which is called formwork.

In case of independent construction, the formwork for a tape foundation is carried out personally. The main thing to choose the type of formwork and correctly perform all step-by-step construction.

Let's stay in more detail on each of them.

So, the formwork design, as already mentioned, is removable, and no.

The most famous and widely used type of construction. Removable formwork, which means, after filling the ribbon foundation, this type of formwork is subject to dismantling.

In addition, in this case, it is removed immediately after the bay concrete grabbed.

Thanks to this type of formwork, it is possible to form a foundation with any form. This is not only to belong to the tape base, but also for staircases, monolithic walls and so on.

Removable design is manufactured with:

  • Cutting board;
  • Plywood sheets, which differs from plywood with conventional increased moisture resistance;
  • Steel sheets that can be l from any material, that is, steel and aluminum.

But, for the construction of a ribbon foundation it is better to use rifle boards, moisture-resistant faeer and wooden bars. You can also create a formwork for the construction of a formwork to simplify, by using a special metal frame for fastening the rifle boards.

At the same time, remember that it is not worth installing the formwork only with the use of plywood. It can only be used if the foundation has small dimensions.

It is better to stop your choice on bars and wooden boards.

It does not matter what material to build formwork design. The main thing is to comply with the main installation rules during the construction.

The non-removable formwork is considered a favorable type and simple for installation, moreover, the rate of construction in this case is much larger than with a non-removable design.

For its construction, the primary material is most often used. This may be chipboard, fiberboard, metal frame or even metal pipes or asbestos, having a diameter from 150 to 200 mm. Therefore, this is a huge plus.

Such a formwork is easy to install and does not require large earthworks. When erected, you do not need struts and supports.


Types of non-removable formwork


This type is considered the most expensive. It is made of steel sheets with a thickness of 1 to 2 mm.

The advantages of this type:

  • Good
  • It easily takes the necessary formation form
  • Ribbon or monolithic foundation perfectly falls on metal formwork
  • Outer side easy and easy to process
  • high price.
Reinforced concrete

This species is considered a relative option.


  • Depending on the thickness of concrete slabs, you can significantly reduce the consumption of the concrete itself. At the same time, its strength will not fall.
  • Plates are very heavy
  • If the plates are not monolithic and the height of one will not be enough - you have to make struts
Polystyrene foam

This option is considered the most practical. In this case, the formwork is assembled from individual blocks that are fixed with each other.


  • Montage Simple
  • There is an opportunity to give a certain form
  • Insulation
  • Not very low price
  • The complexity of the selection of some elements

You can take plywood or board as a material.


  • Good price
  • Availability of material
  • Montage Simple
  • No need to acquire additional installation equipment
  • Because of the various dimensions of the material, it is possible to use additional means for amplifying and connecting the formwork.
Screw materials

What kind of blowing materials can be used when building a formwork?

  • Pipe
  • Professor
  • Slate
  • Another any suitable material that can provide the desired shape and will prevent cement leakage


  • Cheap construction
  • The complexity of the assembly
  • Concrete leak when pouring
  • It is possible to get a weak carrier capacity
  • Perhaps you will need additional supports.

How to make a non-removable formwork for the foundation with your own hands?

Non-removable formwork for the foundation with your own hands

It is erected in several stages.

First stage - Earthworks

After calculating the required power of the future formwork, the trench rushes.

Tip: Leave the reserve from 1 to 2, 5 cm between the soil and the future formwork. This method will simplify installation.

If you decide to use reinforcement, it needs to be installed at this stage.

Second stage - the construction of formwork elements

At this stage, the reinforcement framework is forming if it is used. In addition, the design with the selected material is erected.

After these stages, concrete flooded. After about 25-30 days, it will be possible to start construction. During this time, concrete grab and hardens and it will be possible to start the following steps.

How to assemble a formwork for a tape foundation

  • The framework frame is only hard, with a solid fixation of all elements;
  • Formwork elements should not have cracks, all parts of the formwork are exactly adjusted to each other;
  • The formwork must withstand the generated pressure of the concrete solution.

The material is blank. It should be rowing boards, 20-45 mm in thickness. The width is not important. But the board is wider, the easier it is to construct formwork and faster.

From the harvested board, a shield is knocked down with a height in accordance with the height of the foundation.

Bumps are bonded with wooden bars using self-tapping screws, and only screws are screwed from the inside hats. The gaps are cooked further by the rails according to the size of the shield.

The same instruction of the formwork looks like this:

  • Preparation of the workplace, that is, digging trenches, harvesting material and tools;
  • Cut the boards in size according to the size of the foundation;
  • Making shields;
  • Fixing the formwork, fixing the strength with the outdoor structure;
  • Test of strength.

Properly performed works of formworking is a complete lack of problems during the manufacture of a belt foundation.


The manufacture of most types of foundation bases involves the use of special panel and accessories performed in the form of a fencing for filling the concrete mix and bear the common name "formwork".

For independent arrangement of such structures, special professional skills are required, so anyone, if necessary, can make them with their own hands.

Everything that this is necessary is the right approach to the task set, as well as a responsible attitude to its implementation. In this article we will analyze the question: "How to make a formwork for the foundation with your own hands."

Types of opaling

It is known several varieties of formwork, which can be made without assistance, i.e. do it yourself. In accordance with the material and type of construction used for their manufacture, they are all divided into the following classes:

  • shield (metal or wooden);
  • prefabs scored from individual wooden blanks;
  • non-refurbished (foam or concrete);
  • from the utility materials (non-standard fences).

Each of the specified species is different from others, both its advantages and disadvantages. However, if any choice is important to consider the possible loads on the wall walls and strictly follow the recommendations for its arrangement. Consider the most common types of these auxiliary structures in more detail.


One of the most universal and widely used structures is a metal formwork, with a common type of which you can find in the photo.

For its manufacture, special shields made of metal sheets of a thickness of about 2 millimeters are used.

A similar design is usually used when pouring tape and monolithic bases.

The advantage of this type of fences is that in this case, the reinforcing foundation fittings may be welded directly to metal shields, which helps to increase the rigidity of the entire design as a whole. In addition, they are simply mounted due to the fact that metal sheets are easily bend and allow you to get the configuration you need.

To the already said it should be added that, provided that the assembly of such a design, the assembly of such a design is sufficiently simple and can be carried out with your own hands. The only drawback of metal fences for the fill of concrete is their relatively high cost.

Wooden team shields (ready and self-made)

Fences of this type are represented by typical shield modules specifically manufactured by construction companies in order to arrange formwork fences.

They are made of selected thick streamboards, reliably fastened with reinforcing elements (crossings), ensuring the necessary stiffness of the structure. Like metal shields, such ready-made modules are simply mounted, which ensures the ease of their assembly with their own hands.

The problemful place of such fences is the need for additional strengthening of their design in zones considered the most weak.

All the above-handed wooden panels are mainly concerned with structures, independently recruited from thick plywood. They differ only in the fact that the designs collected from them are less stable and need to be particularly thoroughly implemented due to the use of the entire system of spacers and screeds.

Unabotable and non-standard formwork

For the manufacture of unknown enclosing structures, standard building materials are most often used, such as concrete or foam.

In front of their arrangement, you should familiarize yourself with your own hands with the following features of these structures:

  • Foam fences are made from special blocks that differ in high rigidity and ensuring the required reliability. Thanks to the ease and a wide choice of configurations of prefabricated elements, their installation is fairly simple and can also be implemented with their own hands.
  • Another embodiment of the facilities of the unloaded type is the use of special reinforced concrete slabs for these purposes, mounted around the perimeter of the future base. The condition of reliability of such a fence is the right approach to the choice of a set of blocks, as well as a thorough library.
  • Due to the high weight of individual elements of block structures, their installation is associated with certain difficulties that can be overcome by attracting special mechanisms. In the manufacture of sufficiently simple (facilitated) foundation foundations allowed to use filling fences from such materials as a hill, sheets of multilayer plywood and even slate.

A significant disadvantage of such enclosing structures is the complexity of their reliable fixation, as well as low bearing capacity.

Calculation and preparation for installation

The calculation of materials for formwork used when pouring concrete is almost the same for all previously considered varieties. In our article, as an example, we will get acquainted with the calculation of the Wooden Design team.

Before buying consumables (boards or sheets of thick plywood), it is necessary to measure the length of the perimeter of the future foundation for its external and inner edges.

The need for plywood is calculated based on the amount of indications related to the size of one sheet (provided that its height is enough to close the future foundation for its entire depth).

The calculation of the requirements in the boards is generally produced similarly, however, the number of blanks in one pinned shield is taken into account. To do this, it follows the depth of the foundation to divide the width of one workpiece, after which the results obtained are simply multiplied.

Important! The specified calculations must also include the cost of acquiring the billets necessary for the manufacture of spacers and screeds, as well as other auxiliary materials used in the assembly of such designs with their own hands.

In addition to acquiring the required amount of consumables, the following preparatory operations are carried out before the installation of the enclusive design:

  • First of all, the plot for the future foundation is thoroughly cleaned by garbage and interfering operation of vegetation.
  • After cleaning the fill zone from the garbage and the jam, its markup is made, carried out with the help of pegs and bells.
  • Then, according to the markup made, the dumping, depth and width of which are calculated adjusted to the placement of formwork.
  • At the end of earthworks, it will be possible to go directly to the installation of the enclosing structure.

Video: Mounting Multi-Formwork

Procedure for assembling opalky

After the completion of the preparatory activities and the choice of components, from which it is intended to do formwork, it will be possible to start it with its installation, the procedure for which we consider on the example of a shield design.

At the initial stage of work from well-rowed boards, shields whose sizes must correspond to the dimensions and configurations of the foundation. The number of shield blanks is determined based on the perimeter length from its inner and the outside.

After that, on the basis of the screed, as well as the inner surfaces of the shields, waterproofing is laid, on top of which the reinforcement framework is mounted.

Upon completion of the installation of the reinforcement frame, it will be possible to move to the pouring of the concrete mixture.
Pilot foundation shields are assembled in a similar way, with the only difference that instead of the screed, pillars are made.

In the same way, a non-removable formwork is made of foam or special concrete blocks. In the latter case, special attention is paid to the right placement and linking blocks among themselves.

Disassembly design

After filling the foundation base of any type, it is important to determine correctly with the removal of the elements of the enclosing structure. At the same time, it is believed that it is possible to proceed to her dismantling immediately after the "setting" of the foundation, that is, from the moment when he will withstand human weight.

Such an approach is not entirely faithful, since in some cases the early disassembly of the structure is fraught with the destruction of the bold concrete. In any case, with a solution to the removal of the formwork fence, it is not necessary to hurry and it is best to withstand a pause sufficient for the final "grasp" of the concrete solution.

Most often, such weather factors such as temperature and humidity are affected by the time of concrete.

Some specialists advise to leave the foundation in a formwork frame for the whole winter and only with the onset of spring begin to dismantle it. When disassembling the design, start with the corners or from the protruding elements of the contour, which are removed with marginal caution.

At the end of the dismantling, another excerpt is made, necessary for the final "setting" of the foundation, after which it will be possible to proceed to the construction of the walls.

The advantages of the structures of the unbearable type include the fact that when they are applied, it is necessary in all procedures described in this section. After the "grasp" of the concrete, the remaining material forms one monolithic integer with it.

Video: Wooden formwork disassembly

No construction is done without concreting, and where the concrete solution is there a formwork. Special attention deserves the design used in the manufacture. After all, the quality of the foundation is largely depends on its reliability.

Filling formwork can cause the following problems:

  • powered under concreting;
  • partial destruction;
  • local leaks of a concrete mix.

To avoid this and find out what makes the design are reliably and cheap and what kind of requirements of the QThers are presented, use the practical experience of experts by Forumhouse.

What to make a formwork

The quality of the design depends largely on what material it was made. The formwork for is made from: laminated plywood, OSP plates, CSP sheets, flat slate, non-reserved sheets of polystyrene foam. There is even an old furniture, as well as "diet" pallets.

But the unconditional leader is ordinary wood.

How to make a design from boards

Forum users advise how to make shields for formwork. To assemble horizontal shields, it is recommended to use a cutting board with a size of 100x25 mm and 150x30 mm, and for vertical it is across - to take the timber 100x50 mm, resting him to the shield reb.

The setting step of the vertical is crosslinked (50x100 mm timber) - from 70 to 100 cm. To give a greater rigidity of the formwork, on each side, two vehicles 50x100 mm are horizontally installed, top and bottom.

With a thoughtful design and competent execution, the strength of the data board of sizes is sufficient to withstand the pressure of large volumes of concrete mixture on the walls of the structure.

Choosing boards for this design, you must immediately think about the option of their further use. Because The formwork under the foundation will require not one cube, the boards are irrational only once. To the boards after dismantling are "businesswood", it is necessary to protect them from direct contact with concrete.

Than secure film

From the inside of the design before concreting, a durable polyethylene film for formwork is lifted, which must be secured by the stapler. The construction is better to lead on the self-tapping screw. In this case, it can be easily disassembled, minimizing the damage to the formwork.

dmitrievich-50 member FORUMHOUSE

After disassembling the formwork, the board 30x120 mm was allowed to doom. Before that, he cleared the surface of the boobs from staples. The main thing is to disassemble everything neatly.

UKSUS70 Member Forumhouse