The most interesting facts in nature, science and technology

Newborn is usually about 270 bones, most of which are very small. It makes the skeleton more flexible and helps the child go through the generic canal and grow quickly. As we grow up, many of these bones are growing. The skeleton of an adult make up an average of 200-213 bones.

2. Eiffel Tower grows in summer for 15 centimeters

A huge design is built with temperature compensators, thanks to which steel can expand and shrink without any damage.

When the steel heats up, it begins to expand and takes a larger volume. This is called thermal expansion. Conversely, the temperature drop leads to a decrease in volume. For this reason, large structures, such as bridges, are built with compensators, which allow them to change in size without damage.

3. 20% oxygen is formed in the rainforest of Amazonia

Amazon rainforests occupy 5.5 million square kilometers. The Amazonian jungle produces a substantial part of oxygen on Earth, absorbing a huge amount of carbon dioxide, so they are often called light planets.

4. Some metals are so chemically active that they explode even when in contact with water.

Some metals and compounds - potassium, sodium, lithium, rubidium and cesium - exhibit increased chemical activity, so they are able to light up at contact with air, and if they drop them into the water - even explode.

5. A teaspoon of a neutron star will weigh 6 billion tons

Neutron stars are the remains of massive stars consisting mainly of neutron cores covered with a relatively thin (about 1 km) of a corticle of a substance in the form of heavy atomic nuclei and electrons. The kernels of the stars who died during the outbreak of supernova, compressed under the influence of gravity. Thus formed super-delicate neutron stars. Astronomers found that the mass of neutron stars can be comparable to the mass of the Sun, while their radius does not exceed 10-20 kilometers.

6. Every year Hawaii is approaching Alaska by 7.5 cm

The earth bark consists of several huge parts - tectonic plates. These plates are constantly moving together with the top layer of mantle. Hawaii are located in the middle part of the Pacific Plate, which slowly drifts in the north-west direction to the North American plate, on which Alaska is just located. Tectonic plates are moving at the same speed, with what nails grow in humans.

7. 2.3 billion years on earth will be too hot, so that it is possible

Our planet over time will become the endless desert, similar to today's Mars. Hundreds of millions of years the sun was heated, became brighter and hot and will continue to do it. Somewhere in two more than a billion years, the temperature will become so high that the oceans, thanks to which the Earth is suitable for life will evaporate. The whole planet will turn into a beless desert. As scientists predict, in the next few billion years, the sun will turn into a red giant and completely absorb the land - the planet will definitely come to the end.

Thermal imagers are able to determine the object on the heat, which he radiates. And white bears are experts in the preservation of heat. Thanks to the thick layer of subcutaneous fat and warm fur coat, the bears can endure even the coldest days in the Arctic.

9. The light will take 8 minutes 19 seconds to get from the sun to the ground

It is known that the speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second. But even with such a dizzying speed to overcome the distance between the Sun and the Earth, it will take time. And 8 minutes is not so much in a space scale. To reach Pluto, the sunlight will be required 5.5 hours.

10. If you remove all the interatomic space, humanity will fit in the Sugar cube

In fact, more than 99.99999% of the atom is empty space. The atom consists of a tiny dense nucleus, surrounded by a cloud of electrons, which in a proportionate relation occupy more space. All because electrons are moving wave like. They can only exist there, where the ridges and depressions are folded in a certain way. Electrons do not remain at one point, their location can be anywhere within the orbit. And therefore they occupy a lot of space.

11. Gastric juice can dissolve razor blades

The stomach digested by food due to the eating hydrochloric acid with a high pH (hydrogen indicator) - from two to three. But at the same time, the acid acts on the mucous membrane of the stomach, which, however, is able to quickly recover. Your stomach mucosa is completely updated every four days.

Scientists have a lot of versions of why it happens. The most likely: due to huge asteroids, which influenced her course in the past, or due to the strong circulation of air flows in the upper layers of the atmosphere.

13. Bloch can accelerate faster than space shuttle

Bloch jumps reach the breathtaking heights - 8 centimeters in the millisecond. Each jump attaches a flea acceleration, 50 times higher than the acceleration of the spacecraft.

And what interesting facts do you know?

Among all the well-known science of elements under normal conditions, only two are found in liquid state - bromine and mercury.

Swedish chemist Karl Shelele can be called the record holder in the number of chemical elements open to them. Thanks to him, we learned about the existence of tungsten, barium, molybdenum, manganese, chlorine, fluorine and oxygen. Following the Shelele, his compatriots of Karl Mosander and Jacob Burtsellius, Englishman Gemphri Davy and the Frenchman Pa Lecken De Baabodran. Each of these chemists opened four elements. The proportion of the above scientists accounts for about 1/4 of all known elements.

In the history of chemistry, there is a list of false berifications of chemical elements in which 250 items are included. Thus, it was announced opening more than 100 rare-earth elements, of which only 15 correspond to the truth.

The two elements were initially identified in the solar atmosphere using spectral methods, and only after that they were opened in the Earth materials. We are talking about technetium and helium.

The prevalence of chemical elements on our planet differs significantly from distribution in the universe. For example, silicon and oxygen are leading on Earth, and in space - helium and hydrogen.

In the process of boiling, the water molecule is moving at a speed of 650 m / s.

The service life of plastic bearings is an order of magnitude greater than Babbitet. In addition, they are eight times cheaper, and they are lubricated with water, not butter.

Capron is considered an excellent substitute for non-ferrous metals. Made from Cappon bushings, bearings, parts for metal-cutting machines, presses and textile machines do not require lubrication, resistant corrosion, have a low friction coefficient, silent, much more durable and lighter than metal analogs. In addition, they have a relatively low cost.

Capron thread is 10 times wear-resistant cotton and 2.5 times more stronger than silk. Thread, the thickness of which is 1 mm, is able to withstand the weight of an adult (up to 75 kg).

For the production of 100 tons of natural rubber 100 people should work on plantation for five years.

The cost of artificial leather is 15-20 times lower than genuine. Labor costs for its production almost a hundred times less.

Chemists created new fiber - Winol. It absorbs moisture no worse than cotton. Willy thread can be used in surgery, it will be completely dissolved in the human body a few hours after surgery. Airplanes and cars of Winol will give durable tires. And fishermen will get durable ropes and fishing gear. Winol is not amenable to rotting and no moisture is afraid.

Up until the second half of the XVII century in Venice threatened the death penalty to the one who will reveal the secrets of the production of mirrors. The Venetian state had a monopoly on the manufacture of mirrors.

Alexander Mikhailovich Butlers - the creator of the theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds, a brilliant experimenter and an outstanding theorist, also known as the hedge of rational Russian beekeeping. Beekeeping was not like a simple passion for him. For writing the book "Bee, her life. The rules of intelligent beekeeping "he was awarded a prize from free economic society. In the spring of 1882, the All-Russian Boutler exhibition held in Moscow organized an exemplary apiary at which he personally acted as a guide consultant.

In the annexian mathematicians who lived in two millennia BC. e., there were tables for calculating volumes and areas, negative numbers, a symbol for zero and multiplication table. In addition, they already solved the fourth degree equations in almost the same methods that are used now. They knew about the so-called pythagoronic theory.

Armenian scientist, Mathematics VI century David invincible was the first textbook of arithmetic tasks in history. One of the instances of this task is still preserved in the Yerevan storage of ancient manuscripts.

The first mention of mathematical signs "Plus" and "minus" is found in the textbook on the arithmetic of Johann Vidaman, dated 1489. Until then, these signs denote the initial letters of their names.

The idea denotes decimal fractions with a semicolon belongs to French mathematics Francois Vietu.

The first mention of the famous theorem about the sides of the rectangular triangle was found in the Babylonian clinical texts, written 1200 years before Pythagora.

The famous French scientist Alexi Clero has studied the highest mathematics at the age of ten years old, during twelve years he made the first scientific discovery, and by eighteen years old became an adjunct in the Paris Academy of Sciences.

An outstanding Italian scientist Bonaventra Kavalii suffered from gout. During the next attack of the disease, he was diligently engaged in mathematics, and the pain retreated.

For eight centuries, a new era on the sides of the imperial throne, on which theophile was recresented, gold statues of Lviv were installed. When the emperor went to the throne, they got up, roamed and reiterated in place. Apparently, the ancient mechanics managed to make excellent machines.

In the Roman Colossee, they found a depression in which a giant elevator was once installed for lifting wild animals and gladiators from the dungeons in the arena. The elevator movement was carried out with the help of the gate, on which 60 people worked.

For 48 years every 6 weeks, George Westingauses patented its new invention.

In the writings of the Greek writer Philon of Byzantine, who lived more than two thousand years ago, the oldest description of the water pump was found. However, he described not the first, but only an improved dual-action pump.

To solve the mystery of the electromagnet, Faraday had to constantly carry the model of the electromagnet in his pocket and give it different positions, focusing on the rays.

Mu is an Indian unit of distance, meaning the limits of audibility of cow's mys.

In some cases, the sound can not only hear, but also to see. So, one Englishman standing on the hill had a chance to see a long narrow shadow, moving towards him through the entire valley. As soon as she reached him, the Englishman felt a strong push and heard a powerful explosion. Subsequently, it turned out that a few miles from the place where he stood, an explosion of a powder warehouse occurred. The explosive wave squeezed the air so that he began to discard the shadow.

In 1500, a Chinese official named Wang Hu decided for the first time to use a rocket for a person's flight. The aircraft invented the aircraft had the type of seating that two huge dragon should be carried with 47 missiles for fireworks. This attempt was unsuccessful and ended with the death of his inventor.

The term rocket appeared in the XIX century and comes from the word "rock ketta", which is translated from Italian means a tube, spindle.

During the time, while the passenger of a modern high-speed aircraft will be lit with a cigarette, he will have time to fly through the air of 6 km, and during the dinner, consisting of three dishes - about 800 km.

In the tenth Book of Vitruvia, dated 1 century BC. e., there is a description of the taxi. After passing a certain distance associated with the axis of the crew, the mechanism reset the pebbles into the bronze bowl. The path passed was determined by the number of pebbles. Similar crews received practical application among the population of that time.

On many ancient Greek and ancient Roman roads to this day, traces were preserved for which the crews and arrows on which the counter transport could be broken down.

In ordinary watches there are details, one thousand pieces weighs only 1 g.

The first nylon watches were made in England. Their gears, axes and springs are not afraid of shaking and damp. New hours of accuracy are not inferior to ordinary, metallic.

In 1761, the mechanic Harrison received a huge award in the amount of 10,000 pounds from the English authorities for being able to bring the accuracy of the chronometer to 30 seconds per day. To date, such accuracy is characteristic of an ordinary wrist watch, massively produced watch plants.

For the first time, the wrapping paper was invented in the middle of the last century. This invention is accompanied by a curious history. Worker one of the English paper factories forgot to add glue into a paper mass. For his oversight, he lost his workplace. But subsequently it turned out that the non-cocked paper perfectly absorbs moisture. An enterprising owner of the factory did not fail to take advantage of this property and converted all the factory manufacturing on the manufacture of floccas who found a large market market. Non-jammed paper replaced sophisticated sand, which sprinkled everything written in ink.

To compare two different methods of calculating the machine, the computer calculated the number pi to the hundredsmatic sign after the comma. At this smart car spent about 8 hours. For the same work in a person would take about 30 years.

Inventor Emil Berliner in 1888 produced the world's first grampalis. The first record is still kept in the National Museum in Washington. In the center of the plates of that time there were two holes, they played from the middle to the edges. It was possible to record only on one side of the disk, and on the reverse side there was a name. In the first half of the 20th century chocolate plates were sold.

Flame temperature of an ordinary primus can reach 2000 degrees.

About one and a half centuries ago, the matches were made of a mixture of glue, sugar and beverage salt. Locked such matches, having dipped them into a container with sulfuric acid.

While you are chirking the match on the boxes, the matchhead is heated to 200 degrees.

Metal flint used in lighters does not have a gram of silica. 70% of its composition falls on cerium and 30% - for ordinary iron. Cerium ensures the appearance of sparks, which is lit with the moistened with gasoline phytalec.

At the tip of the needle of the ordinary sewing machine develops a pressure of about 5000 atm.

In Peru, on the ruins of one of the old palaces, they found a phone whose age is about a thousand years. It was made of two pumpkin flasks connected by a tight twine.

In the Beijing Temple of the sky there is a wall, erected in 1530. It is interesting that at the opposite end of the wall, you can clearly hear everything that is said in it. The length of the wall is about 200 m, and the height is 6 m.

1. Rain drops are usually depicted in the form of tears, but it is not. They have a spherical shape.

2. In the process of sublimation, the solid turns into gas immediately, bypassing the liquid state. For example, this will happen if you throw dry ice into the fire.

3. Gorillas sleep in the nests - they are bought from soft foliage and curved branches. Male, as a rule, have their nests on Earth, and females - on the trees.

4. Champagne hits not due to carbon dioxide in it - it hits because of the contact gas with mud and dust. In a completely smooth glass without a single dust molecule, champagne would not be completely sipely.

5. Most of the digestion process is not in the stomach, but in the small intestine. That is why a person may suffer bulimia, keeping overweight for some time.

6. Red juice that comes out of the steak is not blood. This is Mioglobin - a close relative of the blood. By the time the steak falls on the counter, it has almost no blood drops.

7. Those who want to contribute to environmental protection, it is better to use plastic bags, and not paper bags. The production process for the production and processing of paper bags requires significantly more energy than the production of plastic. And on the dump paper bags occupy much more space.

8. White bears are actually transparent wool, and not white, as it seems. And the skin is black, not white. And in a warm wet environment, a white bear fur can become greenish due to algae.

9. Allergies on pets, as a rule, is not caused by no animal wool, as is customary, but by parties of their dead skin or saliva. Regular thorough animal washing can alleviate allergy symptoms.

10. Language card, in accordance with which acid, sweet, salty and bitter tastes are perceived by different languages, is considered incorrect. This theory was debunked in 1901 by German scientists who based their proof on the fact that every taste is recognized by any language zone based on practical experiences.

11. Many are applied to the ear of the shell to hear the sea. The sound you hear is actually noise of my own blood in the veins! You can use any object in the form of a cup to hear this effect.

12. While the person is alive, his brain is pink. Only after the brain dies, it becomes gray. Therefore, the description of the brain as a "gray matter" is slightly incorrect.

13. Mercury is not the only liquid metal. Gallium, Cesium and France are metals that are in solid condition at room temperature, but even in hand they begin to melt from the temperature of the human body.

14. Dolphins do not drink sea water. From her they can get sick or even die. All their drinking needs they satisfy due to the consumption of food containing liquid.

Newborn is usually about 270 bones, most of which are very small. It makes the skeleton more flexible and helps the child go through the generic canal and grow quickly. As we grow up, many of these bones are growing. The skeleton of an adult make up an average of 200-213 bones.

2. Eiffel Tower grows in summer for 15 centimeters

A huge design is built with temperature compensators, thanks to which steel can expand and shrink without any damage.

When the steel heats up, it begins to expand and takes a larger volume. This is called thermal expansion. Conversely, the temperature drop leads to a decrease in volume. For this reason, large structures, such as bridges, are built with compensators, which allow them to change in size without damage.

3. 20% oxygen is formed in the rainforest of Amazonia

Amazon rainforests occupy 5.5 million square kilometers. The Amazonian jungle produces a substantial part of oxygen on Earth, absorbing a huge amount of carbon dioxide, so they are often called light planets.

4. Some metals are so chemically active that they explode even when in contact with water.

Some metals and compounds - potassium, sodium, lithium, rubidium and cesium - exhibit increased chemical activity, so they are able to light up at contact with air, and if they drop them into the water - even explode.

5. A teaspoon of a neutron star will weigh 6 billion tons

Neutron stars are the remains of massive stars consisting mainly of neutron cores covered with a relatively thin (about 1 km) of a corticle of a substance in the form of heavy atomic nuclei and electrons. The kernels of the stars who died during the outbreak of supernova, compressed under the influence of gravity. Thus formed super-delicate neutron stars. Astronomers found that the mass of neutron stars can be comparable to the mass of the Sun, while their radius does not exceed 10-20 kilometers.

6. Every year Hawaii is approaching Alaska by 7.5 cm

The earth bark consists of several huge parts - tectonic plates. These plates are constantly moving together with the top layer of mantle. Hawaii are located in the middle part of the Pacific Plate, which slowly drifts in the north-west direction to the North American plate, on which Alaska is just located. Tectonic plates are moving at the same speed, with what nails grow in humans.

7. 2.3 billion years on earth will be too hot, so that it is possible

Our planet over time will become the endless desert, similar to today's Mars. Hundreds of millions of years the sun was heated, became brighter and hot and will continue to do it. Somewhere in two more than a billion years, the temperature will become so high that the oceans, thanks to which the Earth is suitable for life will evaporate. The whole planet will turn into a beless desert. As scientists predict, in the next few billion years, the sun will turn into a red giant and completely absorb the land - the planet will definitely come to the end.

Thermal imagers are able to determine the object on the heat, which he radiates. And white bears are experts in the preservation of heat. Thanks to the thick layer of subcutaneous fat and warm fur coat, the bears can endure even the coldest days in the Arctic.

9. The light will take 8 minutes 19 seconds to get from the sun to the ground

It is known that the speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second. But even with such a dizzying speed to overcome the distance between the Sun and the Earth, it will take time. And 8 minutes is not so much in a space scale. To reach Pluto, the sunlight will be required 5.5 hours.

10. If you remove all the interatomic space, humanity will fit in the Sugar cube

In fact, more than 99.99999% of the atom is empty space. The atom consists of a tiny dense nucleus, surrounded by a cloud of electrons, which in a proportionate relation occupy more space. All because electrons are moving wave like. They can only exist there, where the ridges and depressions are folded in a certain way. Electrons do not remain at one point, their location can be anywhere within the orbit. And therefore they occupy a lot of space.

11. Gastric juice can dissolve razor blades

The stomach digested by food due to the eating hydrochloric acid with a high pH (hydrogen indicator) - from two to three. But at the same time, the acid acts on the mucous membrane of the stomach, which, however, is able to quickly recover. Your stomach mucosa is completely updated every four days.

Scientists have a lot of versions of why it happens. The most likely: due to huge asteroids, which influenced her course in the past, or due to the strong circulation of air flows in the upper layers of the atmosphere.

13. Bloch can accelerate faster than space shuttle

Bloch jumps reach the breathtaking heights - 8 centimeters in the millisecond. Each jump attaches a flea acceleration, 50 times higher than the acceleration of the spacecraft.

And what interesting facts do you know?