The most beautiful wallpaper for the kitchen. The best wallpaper for the kitchen: the rules for combining different colors. Organic combination for kitchen interior

Which room in the apartment experiences the most stress? Of course, the kitchen. It is here that dinners are prepared, households meet at the table, sometimes lessons are done under the supervision of a busy mother, guests are received in the presence of a small apartment. The kitchen is the center of the universe of every living space. And so I want to make it both stylish and comfortable. When choosing materials for decoration, it is required to combine practicality and beautiful appearance. Which wallpaper is best suited for the kitchen, now we will find out.

Wallpaper in the kitchen in African style

Requirements for wallpaper in the kitchen

There are several requirements on how to choose the right wallpaper for the kitchen, which you should follow when buying. This will help to acquire material that is easy to use, more practical and durable.

Light wallpaper for the kitchen in the style of "Provence"

Kitchen wallpaper must be washed. It is necessary! The best option (especially for small spaces) will be those that tolerate cleaning with detergents and a brush. After all, drops of water and splashes from cooking food can get on the walls.

Washable wallpaper matched to the pattern of the apron

Among the finishing materials there are several types:

  • Moisture-resistant wallpaper can withstand wiping with a soft cloth slightly dampened with water. Usually not recommended for kitchens;
  • Washable allow you to remove dust and light dirt (but not grease) with a rag or sponge applied with slightly alkaline solutions;
  • Super washable allow for more thorough cleaning with a sponge and soapy solutions;
  • Super-cleanable, abrasion-resistant, most durable wallpaper that can be cleaned with a sponge and brush.

The use of wallpaper in combination with tempered glass as an apron

Know! Can be purchased for the kitchen and wallpaper for painting. This option will make it possible to change the color of the kitchen without major repairs. For example, paintable non-woven wallpaper is a material that is washable and breathable, and can also withstand up to 8 stains.

Painting textured wallpaper

Types of wallpaper

The choice of finishing materials today is huge. Looking at options for the kitchen, you can get confused in the assortment of Russian and foreign production, in various textures and colors. Let's first try to identify those that are not suitable for our premises, and then consider the best options. Examples of how to choose the right wallpaper for the kitchen, so that it is both beautiful and practical, look at the photo.

Silk-screen printing on the wall above the working kitchen area

In a number of outsiders, we immediately write down natural wallpapers made of textiles, bamboo, leaves, and so on. Do not be tempted by their environmental qualities, they will be very appropriate in other rooms, but not in the kitchen. Even with a powerful hood, their shelf life will be quite short. And such impractical properties as odor absorption, soiling and impossibility of cleaning will make their use in the kitchen almost impossible.

Wallpaper with a "cage" pattern in the interior of the kitchen

Also not suitable for the kitchen and paper wallpaper without impregnation. Their tendency to abrasion, rapid pollution and fading in the sun will be the reason for the next repair a short time after gluing.

Luxurious floral print kitchen wallpaper

We now note the materials that will be appropriate in the kitchen.


This is one of the best and suitable options. They consist of a microporous plastic layer applied to a base of interlining or paper. At a relatively low price, such a finishing material has all the qualities necessary for the kitchen. Thanks to a special protective layer, vinyl wallpapers do not fade, it also prevents dust and dirt from sticking. And resistance to moisture and detergents allows you to care for them without fear of damage.

Embossed vinyl wallpaper for the kitchen

Plus such wallpaper - a wide variety of colors, patterns and textured embossing. The downside is the lack of vapor permeability, which is why there is a possibility of condensation under them, which can lead to the appearance of fungus and mold.

Vinyl wallpaper is a great option for pasting walls in the kitchen.

Know! You can prevent the formation of fungus and mold if the walls during the repair are carefully prepared for pasting by applying a special antifungal composition to them.


These wallpapers are made from cellulose fibers pressed with a special glue. This material is natural and safe and has good durability. In addition, by pasting the kitchen with non-woven fabrics, we get a surface that does not swell when wet, and "breathing" walls, on which mold will not form.

Non-woven wallpaper with two-tone floral print on the kitchen wall

The density of the canvases allows them to be pasted over even by people who are not particularly versed in repairs. They do not tear and do not crumple, gently cover all the imperfections of the pasted surface. In addition, the glue is applied to the walls themselves, and the work goes much easier. The non-woven coating has one minus - the price.

Non-woven coating in the interior of the Provence kitchen

Glass fiber

This option is a coating made on looms from glass fibers of various thicknesses. They have good strength, fire resistance, durable in operation and are not afraid of water. These qualities are used when decorating the walls in the kitchen.

Fiberglass wallpaper for the kitchen

In addition, cullets or fiberglass are an environmentally friendly material, as they contain soda, quartz sand, lime, dolomite with binder additives. They are characterized by vapor permeability, which does not allow mold and fungi to start. These wallpapers are hypoallergenic. They are also used for painting, and are also capable of withstanding up to 10-15 staining cycles.

An example of how fiberglass looks on the walls and ceiling of the kitchen

Color and pattern for wallpaper in the kitchen

And although the practical side of choosing wallpaper is one of the most important, but there is no need to dissemble. First of all, we are looking for those materials that we like externally. Color and applied drawings can also play an important role in rooms with various disadvantages: a small area, low ceilings, dark lighting.

Calm pastel colors of the walls in the kitchen

The color of finishing materials will help to visually enlarge a small kitchen. To do this, you need to take plain wallpaper in light shades. Drawing on canvases can also be useful, but only if it is small and dim. Large patterns of active color will already compress an already small space. An example of how to choose wallpaper for a small kitchen by color, see the photo below.

Increased space thanks to a light floral print on the wallpaper

Wallpaper with vertical stripes will visually raise the ceilings. Horizontal lines are able to stretch the room in breadth. Diagonally placed stripes will give dynamics and add a sense of movement. So that such wallpapers do not tire your eyes and do not get bored, it is better to choose such canvases where the colors smoothly and gently flow from one to another. Similar recommendations will be needed to correct the shortcomings of the kitchen.

Delicate floral pattern on the wallpaper pasted over the work area

It is convenient to delimit a large kitchen into zones by using materials of several shades of the selected range. They do this with wallpaper for painting. It is required to apply additional layers of the same paint in the next zone. So you can get deeper and more saturated shades.

A bright and eye-catching floral print separated the wash area by the window

Before you choose wallpaper for the kitchen by color, you need to remember about their psychological impact on a person.

  • Blue color calms, helps to relax, promotes a good rest after a working day. It is noticed that it reduces appetite, which will be important for people prone to overeating;
  • Green color will create a feeling of summer and warmth. It will perfectly refresh the interior and create an atmosphere of calm and tranquility. These wallpapers will look good in combination with gray, orange or beige furniture;
  • The white color of the wallpaper will give the kitchen a lot of air and space. Bringing purity and harmony into any room, it creates a feeling of peace and quiet. Can be combined with all colors and applied in any style;
  • A kitchen with orange wallpaper has a warm and cozy feel. It just has a friendly atmosphere. Such a color scheme can increase appetite and cheer up.

What color of wallpaper is better to choose for the kitchen, you can decide by looking at the photos presented.

Light blue floral pattern of wallpaper in the design of the walls

Accent wall with a large floral pattern

Green wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen

Wallpaper for the style of the kitchen

If a certain design style is adhered to in the decoration of the kitchen, then wallpapers are bought that are best able to support the desired interior.

Light, pastel wallpaper with an ornament in the decoration of the walls

Modern style

Such a kitchen can be decorated with wallpapers of various colors and patterns. To match them, you can also pick up the working surfaces of tables with imitation of stone or wood. Wall murals laid out on one of the walls, for example, next to the kitchen table, will also look great. Materials with bright striped prints, with various geometric shapes are also appropriate.


For a classic kitchen, wallpapers with complex muted colors of light and dark shades are more suitable. Bright neon walls are out of place in this elegant style. Oriental patterns, medallions, monograms, stripes and cages, complex ornaments will fit well into such a room. Stylish will look among elegant furniture and plain canvases.

Laconic wallpaper in a classic interior


An urban atmosphere in the kitchen can be created with natural brick, plaster, stone finishes. In its absence, wallpapers imitating these materials are suitable. They can also be used in combination with others, for example, black or dark blue textured canvases, creating a feeling of attic spaces, from where the fashion for this style came from.

Floral wallpaper diluted the industrial atmosphere and brought the interior closer to home


The kitchen of this style is distinguished by the spirit of simplicity and freedom. Therefore, monophonic smooth wallpapers of all shades of gray, brown, white or with small patterns are chosen for decoration. Often the interior uses a contrast between white furniture and gray walls.

Purple embossed wallpaper in a minimalist kitchen


In the design of such a kitchen, light wallpapers with a certain pattern look good, for example, a vertical strip, delicate flowers, a check. Suitable and combined wallpaper with borders, which depicts rustic motifs: household utensils, still lifes of vegetables and fruits, rural landscapes, animals. The shades of such materials are calm, soft: sand, beige, olive and others. You can apply coatings with imitation of cracked plaster, old wood, home textiles.

Vintage pattern on the wallpaper used in the Provence style kitchen

When thinking about how to choose the right wallpaper for the kitchen, you should heed the advice of experts who have been engaged in design for more than one year:

  • It is usually customary to choose wallpaper for furniture, and not vice versa. And here one recommendation is important - you do not need to overload the interior with a lot of bright details. Focus on one thing: either pick up a calm wall finish for a bright kitchen set, or juicy tones of canvases for cabinets and tables with a laconic design;

    Wallpaper with a laconic ornament in the interior of the kitchen

  • With bright lighting in the kitchen, when the windows face south, cold shades, for example, purple, blue, green, will look better on the walls. If there is not enough lighting in the room, natural and artificial, it is worth stopping at light warm shades, which in addition will visually enlarge the kitchen;

    Wallpaper with a bright floral print on a dark background in the interior of a kitchen with white furniture

  • If there is a desire to use a combination of wallpaper in the kitchen, it is advised to purchase materials from one collection. For partner wallpapers, for example, a plain and patterned version, you can also choose various borders. Convenience here lies in the same thickness and density of the canvases. An example of how to choose the right wallpaper in two colors for the kitchen can be seen in the photo;

    Wallpaper with a pattern of a cut of a tree in the interior of the kitchen

  • For those undecided on the color, you can be advised to purchase material for painting. If the applied shade does not suit you, just repaint it. Moreover, modern materials can easily endure repeated color changes.

    Painted textured wallpaper on the walls of the kitchen

When choosing which wallpaper is best suited for the kitchen, you need to remember that they can not only decorate, but also keep the room clean and fresh, create comfort and order, and also really push back the timing of the next repair. Why change something that can look stylish and neat for a long time.

Canteen- not only a food zone, but a common territory of all households, filled with warmth and comfort. Therefore, when furnishing this room, it is important to keep in mind all the details of interior design. In particular, determine which wallpaper is best suited for the kitchen, and which for the dining room.


When choosing wallpaper for a small kitchen in Khrushchev, you need to answer the following questions:

  • What properties do they have, what parameters should be based on when determining and choosing a color, texture, type of coating?
  • Is there a large or small kitchen in Khrushchev? What is the best way to increase or decrease space?

To choose the right kitchen wallpaper, you also need to focus on your preferences and ideas.

Wallpaper Properties

The best wallpapers for the dining room are non-woven, vinyl, fiberglass coatings. In the kitchen, they are subject to a number of physical, mechanical influences and rapid wear. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the markings and do not buy low-quality wallpaper for the walls.

How to choose wallpaper for the kitchen? You need to select canvases that meet the following criteria:

  • Moisture resistance. In the kitchen, on several square meters, something is constantly steamed and fried. Here you need to choose wallpaper that can only be wiped with a soft, damp cloth or sponge without powders and gels. You can choose washable canvases that are cleaned with special products.
  • High density. The choice of canvases for the kitchen should be based not only on aesthetic criteria, but also on their technical characteristics. On high-density wallpaper, grease and dirt accumulate less.
  • Steam resistance. The walls in Khrushchev should dry quickly after cooking.
  • Burnout protection. Burnt spots have no place in an ideal interior.


New dining room It's not always a huge investment. Sometimes it is better to replace the old coating in order to completely change the design and freshen up the atmosphere. To make it pleasant to admire the wallpaper in Khrushchev or the house, you need to choose a color based on the following criteria:

  • large or small kitchen in Khrushchev;
  • ceiling height of apartments;
  • sufficient light in the room;
  • general style of the interior.

A small white kitchen will look better than. Pastel colors visually expand the space. It can be not only white and beige, but also green, blue and other light shades.

It is worth taking into account the psychological component of shades. When there is an overabundance of bright and flashy color (in a black-and-red, black-and-white palette, etc.), a tense atmosphere is created. Another thing is if there is enough space in the room. Then you can combine dark and contrasting colors (black and white, black and purple, black and yellow paint will do).

Important! It is not advisable to oversaturate the design with cold compositions, as such a kitchen will be deprived of comfort and warmth.

If there is not enough sunlight in the room, then you should make a choice in favor of warm beige tones of finishing materials. Ideas for interior design of apartments in soothing shades of light paint, such as brown, orange and yellow, will look good.

If there is an excess of sun in the room, then it is better to refuse bright colors. They will only become more saturated and will burden the atmosphere and interior of the kitchen. The same goes for white paint. Beige is suitable. brown, blue paint.

Green tones are considered the best option. They will not only harmoniously fit into the decor of the room, but also improve the digestion process and appetite. Soft salad, mint, and pistachio are ideal.

Important! Modern interior design involves the use of red and orange glossy furniture. In this case, it is better to use white for the walls, which will fit into any style and design.

Texture and patterns on the wallpaper

The choice of wallpaper for the kitchen should be carried out not only in color, but also in texture and pattern. Figure meanings:

  • if you make a choice in favor of horizontal lines, the room will visually expand;
  • to increase the height of the room, you should consider wallpaper design ideas with vertical lines;
  • a large kitchen in Khrushchev will visually decrease if large black drawings prevail in its design; on the contrary, small drawings will make the room more spacious;
  • if you make a choice in favor of geometric patterns in the form of intersecting stripes, then an illusionary optical illusion will appear - a continuous space;
  • the choice of diagonal lines will bring movement and dynamics to the interior.

If you stick textured beige wallpapers, they will add zest to the design of the dining rooms of ordinary apartments, because they look extraordinary. They are able to give the room a new quality, add originality, visually create additional dimensions, as well as light play of shades, shadows, texture overflows and other unusual effects.

Finishing materials to match the furniture

It is much better to take into account the color and style of the furniture when choosing wall material for the kitchen. Before you think about the design of the room, you need to figure out how these two components fit together:

  • You can choose almost any color of finishing material for white furniture: green, red, yellow, blue, brown, peach. They always add dynamism.

  • Classic brown set(including those made “under the tree”) looks great against the background of a white, peach or beige wall.

  • orange furniture a design in muted colors (white, beige, gray and green) is perfect. A successful shade of white paint, perfectly combined with delicate orange paint, is a milky scale. Tranquility and nobility are distinguished by kitchens in this design.

  • Green kitchen set is based on the simplest compositional rules: bright furnishings - muted wall decoration, calm tone of the facade - juicy details in the wallpaper. In such a palette, white, beige color is perfectly combined.

  • Black and white furnishings involves the selection of coverage in light colors. You can choose a coating with a finished pattern. Preference can be given to a black pattern with a soft ornament, but not for the entire perimeter, but only in certain areas. Then black and white furniture will look advantageous.

Modern furniture in white, green and orange palettes is often presented in a glossy finish, so additional decor elements are not suitable here. It is better to stick a plain neutral coating on the walls, for example, beige wallpaper. This is a great option for a bright headset.

Wallpaper for tiny kitchens

The following wall decor ideas will help you understand how to choose the right one:

  • It is better to stick light pastel paint material on the walls(pink, blue, light green, mint or pale purple). Do not use black, black-blue, black-brown, marsh and other gloomy colors.
  • It is necessary to exclude large drawings and patterns, vertical stripes. Such techniques can compress the space, even if the kitchen is white.
  • If bright shades are used, then they should be secondary, in no case dominant. With a black-pink or black-orange version of dark paint, you need less, light and white - more.

What wallpaper for the kitchen is now in fashion (3 videos)

Types of wallpaper for the kitchen (40 photos)

Wallpaper is one of the most affordable finishes suitable for the kitchen. A wide variety of textures and patterns makes it possible to choose the perfect option for any style. What you should pay attention to before buying wallpaper and how to make a delightful interior with them will be described below.

Types of wallpaper, their advantages and disadvantages

Since the kitchen, along with the bathroom, is one of the most humid rooms in the house, it is better to choose wallpapers that are resistant to such a microclimate for its decoration.

So, for example, inexpensive paper ones will quickly lose their aesthetic appearance and in a year, or even earlier, repairs will have to be done again. Periodic exposure to water vapor also has a very negative effect on textiles - it can stretch, sag, shed, become stained.

But vinyl, non-woven, acrylic, bamboo, cork wallpaper, as well as fiberglass - will perfectly cope with the function of a beautiful and durable wall covering for the kitchen.

The main drawback of polyvinyl, which is its inability to pass air and moisture, in the kitchen turns into a solid advantage. The only exception is, perhaps, only wallpaper with a foamed top layer, in the micropores of which water can collect. At the same time, vinyl coverings with a smooth surface or hot stamping resembling mother-of-pearl embroidery (silk-screen printing) can be washed even with a wet sponge with the addition of some neutral detergent.

Such wallpaper is a flexible canvas made of cellulose. Usually they are used for painting, but there are also colored ones. For better protection against moisture, it is desirable to use latex or acrylic paint. In order not to spoil the embossed relief, this type of wallpaper should be repainted no more than 3-5 times during the entire period of operation. The advantage of non-woven fabric is its environmental friendliness, and the disadvantage is the ability to absorb moisture (less than paper).

In composition, this material is similar to vinyl, but in this case, the surface substance is applied to the paper or non-woven base by the dot method, leaving micropores for air. Acrylic wallpapers weigh about half as much as polyvinyl, so they are easier to glue, but moisture resistance and durability leave much to be desired.

Bamboo wood is distinguished by its ability to repel water, and besides, it looks very beautiful. Natural wallpaper in warm straw shades will create a comfortable homely atmosphere in the kitchen. In addition to the high price, there are no disadvantages of this type of finish.

Another eco-friendly and original material for wall decoration in the kitchen is cork in rolls. Moisture resistance, durability, resistance to mechanical damage, the ability to hide wall irregularities, unique texture - this is not the whole list of advantages of such wallpapers. By the way, denser cork textures are also suitable for floor decoration.

A flexible translucent glass filament canvas is ideal for those who value simplicity and reliability. Smooth or with a barely noticeable relief, cullet will “tightly” stick to the walls for at least 30 years, during which time they can be repainted up to 20 times. Made entirely from natural raw materials (sand-quartz, soda, clay), they allow moisture and air to pass through, while they do not get wet, do not absorb odors, and mold or stains do not appear on them.

A nice bonus - cullet protects the plaster from cracks and perfectly hides all surface imperfections.

It's all about style!

Each direction in design is characterized by a certain set of colors, textures, and decorative details. Wallpaper, on the other hand, acts as a kind of background, which is simply obliged to harmonize with the general idea, emphasize the beauty of all the details in the kitchen setting and combine them into a single ensemble.

The Provence-style interior provides for delicate pastel shades: lavender, eggshell color, light gray, bleached pink, greenish and light turquoise. The relaxed atmosphere of southeastern France will help to create floral prints, small non-contrasting checks, polka dots.

In a rustic, simple and romantic kitchen, wallpaper with images of poultry and animals, country household items (watering cans, flower pots, bicycles, baskets, watches, lace) as if drawn with a slate pencil on kraft paper will be appropriate. If you need a wooden texture, then it should be an imitation of lightly painted and fairly worn boards.

If you see a clear and concise design, then it is most likely modern. To maintain the interior of the kitchen in a modern style, it is advisable to paste over the walls with plain wallpaper in discreet colors: white, gray, black, beige or light blue.

Photo wallpapers, discreet monochrome drawings, alternating glossy and matte textures, the effect of polished stone, wood, metallic luster are also acceptable.

Silk-screened vinyl wallpapers are perfect for a classic-style kitchen. Mother-of-pearl patterns, shimmering silver and gold will create a unique harmony between the walls, appliances and facades of the suite.

To give the interior more luxury, the finish can be supplemented with decorative columns, plinths, frames or cornices in the form of plaster moldings.

Cool freshness of the Nordic design will be provided by the walls, the colors and textures of which are designed in the palette of the winter landscapes of Norway, Sweden or Denmark. It can be the sparkling purity of virgin snows, the mysterious depth of lakes and rivers, the smoky airiness of the sky, the mystical play of sunset.

You can add warm notes to the interior of the kitchen using the textures of bleached oak, coarse wool knitting, as well as dark red ethnic patterns on a linen background.

Wallpaper for a high-tech kitchen, you can choose white, gray, black, blue or coffee colors. They must be uniform and glossy. In extreme cases, it is possible to imitate iridescent mosaic tiles, silicate brickwork, wood polished to a shine.

How to choose wallpaper color

The color of the walls has a big impact on the overall atmosphere of the kitchen. To make it pleasant for the whole family to gather at the dining table, it is very important to choose the right most favorite and cozy shades.

Snow-white and close to it pastel colors of the wallpaper are the perfect backdrop for any additions. Such walls will make the kitchen more spacious, and any contrasting patterns and bright furniture will look as advantageous as possible.

Shades of steel, stones, silver, chromed metal, mirrors - with such a rich spectrum, gray can be a real find for a designer. A simple combination of textures with different saturations results in a laconic functional interior. If desired, it can always be diversified with bright details and additions.

Black wallpaper in the kitchen is a bold and eccentric solution. However, if you combine them with a white or steel set and make the right lighting, you get a very interesting interior without the effect of reducing the area.

Natural shades from dark chestnut to beige, including the whole wood palette, are the best choice for those who do not chase fashion, but prefer cozy classics.

Unlike cold achromatic colors, brown always brings some warmth. Solid or printed wallpaper in the form of a wooden, bamboo wall, with painted autumn leaves, coffee beans, simple lines or in an English check - this color will always remind you of something calm, of home and family.

The color of the sun and tropical fruits is the most cheerful kitchen design option. It improves mood, invigorates and warms. The brightness of yellow can be adjusted from delicate sandy to rich orange.

Yellow wallpapers are in perfect harmony with white, green, gray, black and purple shades. In this case, it is better to select bright colors of the same level of saturation.

Walls with wallpaper in emerald, light green, mint shades will be the best frame for a wooden, orange or gray kitchen set.

Green is subconsciously perceived as the safest color, because it symbolizes life itself and the prosperous abundance of the warm season. It combines the warmth of the sun's rays and the coolness of the spring breeze, so the shades of herbs are wonderfully suited for both hot southern and cold northern rooms.

Wallpaper for a small kitchen / kitchen in Khrushchev

To make a small kitchen in Khrushchev seem more spacious, then when choosing wallpaper, you should give preference to light, plain coatings. Drawings should be small, without contrasts. Gloss, mother-of-pearl and golden-silver reflections will not be superfluous.

Vertical lines will help to visually raise the ceiling, but for this it is not at all necessary to buy striped wallpaper. It is better to simply combine plain and patterned rolls of similar shades, placing them from the floor to the top of the wall.

You can add the missing volume with the help of panoramic or 3D wallpapers with beautiful distant views and the effect of sunlight.

Wallpaper for the kitchen-living room

In studio apartments, where the kitchen is combined with the living room, wall decoration will help to beautifully zone the space.

So, on the cooking area, imitation of tiles, stone, brickwork will be appropriate, and the guest part will be decorated with more elegant wallpapers, for example, with silk-screen printing, unusual photo panoramas or even exclusive freehand drawings. At the same time, it is desirable to maintain common stylistic features and adhere to a single color palette.

Wallpaper for the kitchen - photo

An inspiring selection of photos with the most beautiful design solutions will help you quickly navigate among a huge variety of textures and colors.

In the pictures you will see how monochromatic glossy and matte wallpapers, all kinds of drawings and prints, photo wallpapers, as well as cork, bamboo and other exotic coatings look in the interior of the kitchen.

Lemon color fills the room with sunlight, it is bright and cheerful in its mood.

The interior of the kitchen in lemon color will never seem gloomy to you due to its positive influence. It will bring a warm feeling of summer to the kitchen.

But in order for such a range not to be too flashy, it is necessary to choose the right shades and color combinations for a particular room.

The combination of lemon with other colors

To find the right shades that will harmonize in the kitchen in lemon color, just remember the color combinations in nature. With lemon color, green looks very good, in the color of the foliage on the trees.

But such a shade of green is also very bright and saturated, therefore, as a rule, both green and lemon are superimposed on calmer tones. As such, a sand, beige or white background can be used.

For a harmonious combination, even a muted, not bright light green or blue color can be a background color.

Different shades of the brown palette will always organically fit into the design of a lemon-colored kitchen. It looks especially attractive in kitchen furniture. With this combination of colors, it is better to make the wall set in a beige shade or in the color of light wood.

Firstly, it will make an accent wall with kitchen furniture.

And secondly, many bright colors become irritants, and such a kitchen literally “survives” its owners.

Black and yellow kitchens have always been popular and are already considered classics.

Such colors are usually chosen for fairly large kitchens, often combined with other spaces, such as a dining room or living room.

Modern interior styles involve the use of gray in its various variations. These can be matte and reflective surfaces in combination with metal elements. In such kitchens, lemon color will bring freshness and brightness.

Lemon kitchen decor

If you chose lemon color as the main finish in the interior of the kitchen, then in such a space there simply cannot be a bright headset. This is due to the fact that the lemon color itself is already bright and attracts attention.

In kitchens with the main accent color yellow, it is not advisable to use a red set, as such a kitchen will be too active and it will be difficult to stay in it.

You can use yellow to highlight only some part of the room. It will be appropriate when decorating a wall with a window. In this case, a photo of a kitchen in lemon color shows that this technique creates the illusion of a sunny day.

Bright yellow can be used to accentuate certain areas of the kitchen, such as the dining area. It is also possible to use lemon on the work surface and apron.

If your kitchen has a fairly monochromatic interior, you can use lemon in textiles, such as curtains and tablecloths.

In cases where the finish in the kitchen is an active yellow, it is better to choose a more restrained cream or warm beige shade. Ideal for any interior furniture made of solid natural color.

The combination of finishes with a lemon set

Quite restrained, but at the same time, the set looks cheerful, which combines lemon and white colors.

Since the background for such a headset is most often chosen white with some splashes of lemon, black or dark brown can be used as delimiting shades.

The set of lemon-green shades looks very dynamic. Gray and brown, as well as white and beige, will fit into such kitchens. In the case of the execution of kitchen facades in lemon color, you can make an apron green.

A lemon set will refresh the room if the walls in it are made of natural wood with their natural shades. Although usually this combination is limited to classic interior styles.

Separately, it is worth noting that the lemon set is equally suitable for kitchens located on the north or south side of the house. In any case, the yellow color will bring a sunny mood to the room. It also suits any style. It all depends on combinations with other colors and finishing materials.

Photo of a lemon-colored kitchen

When you think over the entire interior of a room, much attention is paid to the design of the walls. Today, there are a lot of options for their decor: wallpapering, painting, tiling, and so on. It all depends on the style in which the entire interior is designed, and on the financial capabilities of the customer. But still, most people prefer wallpaper.

Types of wallpaper for the kitchen

When choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, it is necessary to take into account some factors that will help determine the most suitable option. Let's consider some of them.

Vinyl wallpapers. The most popular type. They have such an important property for the kitchen as moisture resistance. Do not fade under the action of sunlight. Easily glued, while masking the uneven surface of the walls well. Resistant to mold and mildew. The disadvantage is the inability to pass air. The kitchen should be ventilated frequently.

Texture wallpaper. In another way, they are also called compact vinyl. Their main purpose is to imitate stones, brickwork, and plaster. Easy to wash and do not scratch. Available in a wide variety of designs and colors. The main disadvantage of such wallpapers is the high price.

Wallpaper that can be painted. The basis of this type of wallpaper is vinyl. It tolerates the sun's rays well and prevents color fading. It also tolerates moisture and temperature changes well. Wallpaper can be repainted several times.

Non-woven wallpaper. A significant advantage of such wallpaper is the fact that it is not necessary to apply glue to them, but only to the walls. Do not wrinkle and do not tear when sticking. They also do a good job of masking the unevenness of the walls. They are made from cellulose fibers, so they are quite environmentally friendly. Well pass air and transfer moisture. The disadvantage is the high price. Also, dust collects on the textured layer, which at times will have to be vacuumed.

The modern type of wallpaper is glass wallpaper. They have a number of advantages: they tolerate moisture and temperature changes well, are fireproof, resistant to the appearance of fungus, and do not deteriorate when various acids come into contact with them.

Plain wallpaper made from pre-impregnated paper. Their main advantage is low price. The quality leaves much to be desired: they crumple, tear, burn out, are not resistant to water and alkalis. However, it is quite an ecological option, as it is easy to let air through.

What type of wallpaper should be avoided

The kitchen is the place where food is prepared and eaten. Therefore, fat, moisture, high temperature constantly affect the wallpaper. The most inappropriate solution for the kitchen will be paper wallpaper. They quickly deteriorate due to the impossibility of cleaning or painting them.

You should also avoid wallpapers made from natural materials: linen, cotton, silk, bamboo, wood. They quickly and permanently absorb all sorts of odors and smoke.

Wallpaper with a relief pattern will not look very practical in the kitchen. The corrugated layer will quickly collect all the dust and dirt, and it will be impossible to wash it without harming the pattern.

What color to choose

Color plays an important role in the perception of the entire interior. It also helps to hide some imperfections.
The most suitable color scheme for wallpaper will be the choice of yellow and all its shades. But it is worth remembering about the rest of the style of the kitchen. Everyone prefers their own color: country and Provence love green and other colors of nature, modern - white, black.

For large areas of the kitchen, any color of wallpaper is suitable. Even dark shades that visually reduce will look very impressive. But with a small kitchen, it is best to give preference to light colors of wallpaper. On the contrary, they visually enlarge the room.

Now let's dwell on some colors and their impact on humans.

Yellow, light beige, orange, golden stimulate the appetite. The person feels at home. All this leads to heartfelt conversations. However, everything is in moderation. An excess of this color can tire the eyes.

Red color and its shades. In addition to increasing appetite, they can also act as an irritant for the nervous system.

The blue tint of the wallpaper reduces appetite. A great option for those who follow their figure and are afraid of overeating.

The blue color has a calming effect. Looks great in a nautical theme of interior design. Such wallpaper should not be glued in countries with a cold climate. This will create even more chill.

Green color as well as yellow, conducive to communication. A great option for those who love nature. This color is able to calm and create a friendly atmosphere.

White color. Gives the kitchen some airiness. However, a perfectly white kitchen will look more like a hospital room. Therefore, this color is diluted with bright objects.

Black and purple are not welcome in the kitchen.

wallpaper pattern

Not everyone likes plain wallpaper. Some prefer to glue wallpaper with a relief or other pattern. Here are some tips for choosing such wallpapers:

  • A kitchen with a low ceiling is best covered with wallpaper with a vertical or diagonal pattern. This option will significantly increase the height of the ceilings and give the room a larger area.
  • If the kitchen furniture is without bright frills, then it is better to choose a wallpaper with a wild pattern that will attract all the attention to itself.
  • With small areas of the kitchen, it is better to avoid any pattern on the wallpaper. This will visually reduce the kitchen even more.
  • As for the pattern on the kitchen wallpaper itself, it can be very diverse: geometric patterns, animals and plants, birds, hieroglyphs, stripes, and so on.

Wall mural

For many people, photo wallpapers are still associated with those that were still in Soviet times: poor quality, fast fading, heavy sticking, a small assortment. However, now modern technologies make it possible to create photo wallpapers of amazing beauty plus high quality.

For the kitchen, you should choose a special type of photo wallpaper that perfectly tolerates moisture, grease, and temperature changes. So The most suitable photo wallpapers for the kitchen will be vinyl or non-woven.

They are impregnated with a special solution that protects them from fading and dirt, and allows repeated cleaning with water. If the photo wallpaper is placed in front of the working kitchen area, then it is imperative to protect such wallpaper with an additional layer of glass or a water-repellent coating.

Wall murals are a separate element of the interior. Therefore, they should be placed on a free wall, away from the cooking area. You should not choose too bright wallpaper. This can lead to eye fatigue quickly.

If desired, you can glue not only the walls, but also doors and other elements of kitchen furniture. This will create a more "deep" interior. For small kitchens, window murals will serve as a wonderful decor element.

Combined wallpaper

There is no better place for combined wallpaper than the kitchen. This is a great opportunity to designate a working area and a zone for eating and relaxing in this way. More and more often, designers are resorting to this option for wallpapering. To make everything look beautiful and harmonious, you should follow some tips:

  • All wallpapers must be of the same quality and price segment. The main difference between them will be in color and texture.
  • The thickness of the combined wallpaper should be the same. This will avoid difficulties when gluing and docking wallpaper.
  • If some wallpapers are plain, then others should be chosen with a bright pattern.
  • Bright colors go well with neutrals.

The most common option when combining wallpaper is the vertical division of the kitchen walls. It can be symmetrical when wallpaper with wide stripes, but different in color, is glued to two opposite walls.

This technique allows you to make the room more square. The asymmetric option implies that one wall is glued with wallpaper with wide stripes of one color, and the opposite wall with narrow stripes of another color. Such sticking will shorten the kitchen, but at the same time give it volume in width.

Modern wallpaper for the kitchen

With all the variety of wallpapers, there are modern trends that should be taken into account, since repairs to the kitchen are not done for one year. To date, kitchens are designed in a modern style: modern, high-tech.

This option involves the use of minimalism and rigor. Therefore, the wallpaper should be moderately bright in order to attract the main attention, but at the same time be restrained in order to fit into the whole style of the interior.

More and more preference is given to wallpaper in light shades or just white. This option allows you to expand the kitchen, give airiness and rigor. You can also choose plain light wallpaper with bright motifs or patterns.

Since much attention is now paid to quality, the best option for the kitchen would be to choose glass or vinyl. It is also allowed to combine different wallpapers according to the color scheme. As for style, oriental motifs are very popular lately. And lovers of home comfort will suit modern wallpaper with a pattern on a plant theme.

The latest trend of the year is wallpaper with a pattern in the form of decorative plates. Still in vogue are various stickers. They will perfectly complement the wallpaper in any style, but here the main thing is to choose everything correctly in order to avoid pretentiousness.

Wallpaper for a small kitchen

As mentioned earlier, the smaller the room, the more light shades should be present in the interior. This will help visually increase the area. However, a pure white kitchen is not worth doing. This will create the illusion of being in a hospital room, and will also create the need for frequent and very thorough cleaning.

The best option for a small kitchen would be wallpaper in bed shades with a very small pattern. If you have chosen a photo wallpaper or a 3D drawing, then you need to glue them on a free wall, which acts as a dining place. This will make a bright accent.

When choosing wallpaper, you should also focus on the entire kitchen interior. So, for example, if the furniture has a glossy sheen, then the wallpaper should also be glossy. The color should be neutral.

As for quality, wallpaper for a kitchen, especially a small one, must be washable and withstand sudden changes in temperature, as well as steam.