The most beautiful panels. How to decorate a wall panel in a living room? Secrets of the perfect combination (50 photos). What it is

Wanting to make their home not only stylish, but also cozy, everyone probably thinks about what decorative details should be added to make everything look harmonious. A wall panel is one such option. It is a scenic piece of decorative art that will help fill your home with vibrant accents using a wide variety of materials. With our review, we will demonstrate various ideas for wall panels, as well as features of their stylistic design.

Mirror panel on the wall

Modern designers often use mirror surfaces. Moreover, sometimes these are the most unexpected decisions. Mirror panels on the wall are made not only from natural mirror, which is rather difficult to process. Now there are many substitutes, for example, mirror wallpaper, film, wall tiles, "pseudo-mirrors" made of polycarbonate. They are in no way inferior in their effectiveness, but they make it possible to design a mirror panel on the wall (see photo below) of the most unusual shape.

Panel made of wood on the wall

For centuries, wood has been used as a raw material for the manufacture of many household items and decorations. It is an easily available material, yet easy to process and durable. A decorative panel of wood on the wall can be made using any part of it. The photos show us original works made from dry branches, the decoration of a large wall with "nickels" of a trunk sawn across, as well as the presence, as a wall decoration, of practically a whole array. A wooden panel on a wall must be processed so that various bugs do not start up, and dampness and temperature changes do not affect the material.

Glass panel on the wall

Various glass decor elements will help to fill the interior with wonderful glare, bright accent points. If there is a photo frame lying around at home, it will allow you to create a glass panel on the wall. You can apply a pattern to the outer side of the surface, then open it with varnish, or stick the pattern on the wrong side, setting it in a frame. It is very good to arrange the work surface of the kitchen this way. By the way, such processing of an apron in glass is called "skinned". Frequent drawings on them - vegetables, fruits, landscapes, photographs of megalopolises.

Light panel on the wall

An LED garland will help you create an effective light panel on the wall. The main materials of the canvas can be cardboard or canvas. Apply any drawing you like (there are special stencils on sale). Carefully cut out with a utility knife. Then the canvas is attached to the frame, and a garland is laid from the back, which is also covered with plywood or thick cardboard, leading out the power cord. The light panel on the wall will serve as an original night light in the evening, and during the day - no less beautiful art decor.

3d panels on the wall

A new trend of our days has become three-dimensional images, which are often present in the design of decoration: 3d wallpaper, tiles, curtains. Their price, of course, is an order of magnitude higher than the materials we are used to. A more budget option would be to independently design a 3d panel on the wall. In the photo below you can see examples of this design: a voluminous clock, soaring butterflies and a landscape painting made with plaster. "Soft" 3d wall panels and volumetric paper applications look beautiful.

Mosaic panels on the wall

The first mentions of the creation of mosaic paintings have been known since ancient times. Now this art is no less relevant. If you are interested in it, try, for a start, to create a small mosaic panel on the wall yourself, and then, you can proceed to more complex work, decorating the interior with large luxurious drawings. The work is quite painstaking. The mosaic-panel on the wall is laid on a degreased cleaned surface using a binder primer. It is impossible to make small mosaic elements on your own - they are sold in special sets, which have everything you need. On your part, a painstaking, correct sequence of work is required.

New Year's panel on the wall from scrap materials

Decorating the interior of an apartment for the New Year, in addition to a lush Christmas tree, it is worth embellishing empty walls. At the same time, the simplest household items are taken, creating voluminous compositions. A New Year's wall panel made of scrap materials is often decorated in blue tones, and to emphasize the "winteriness" of the holiday, artificial snow, cotton wool or foam balls are used.

Children's panels on the wall made of paper

So that the child's room does not look uncomfortable, deserted, you can arrange a children's panel on a paper wall. Involve your kid in this work - together you will create the most interesting compositions. Perhaps it will be applications depicting various cute animals, fabulous creatures. You don't have to use stencils, create characters yourself. A branchy paper tree with voluminous flowers and foliage will perfectly complement the room, as the photo shows.

How to make a panel on the wall, observing the style of the interior

When an apartment is decorated with strict adherence to a certain style, the decor must certainly match it. To create a stylish wall panel on your own, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main criteria inherent in one direction or another.

Wall panel in classic style

The classic direction assumes a reflection of luxury in any element of the interior. At the same time, there is aristocratic restraint. For example, a mirror panel on the wall. Modern technologies make it possible to create a variety of effects on mirrors, including artificial "age-old" abrasions, which will give the canvas a particularly valuable look. Frames of paintings, compositions are good to arrange from curly baguettes, which has relief drawings.

Wall panel in Provence style

The originality, grace, comfort of the old French village life can be complemented by a wall panel in the Provence style. Dishes will be a good material. Look at the photo where a luxurious composition was created using painted plates. Here, the colors of the landscapes, as if faded in the sun, are appropriate, combined with the lightness of the French character, plant motifs, rough woody elements.

Eco-style wood panel on the wall

Decorating a room in an eco-friendly direction involves the use of natural materials. Of course, timber occupies the first position here. A wooden panel on a wall in an eco-style can be "weaved" from branches, preserving their original appearance, using varnish compositions, or painted to match the color of the interior. One of the options demonstrates a vertical panel on the wall in the form of a branchy tree, obtained by sawing an array.

Art panels on the wall

The modern art deco trend is refinement, flexibility of lines, alternation of contrasting colors, geometric shapes, versatile lighting. Art panels on the wall can be decorated with glass, mirror surfaces, graceful compositions with additional lighting, as well as abstract canvases.

Wall panel options in modern directions

Modernity dictates its own rules. Popular areas of minimalism, high-tech offer us, practically, to completely abandon decoration, but, in the conditions of an apartment, we still want to somehow diversify the empty space. Modern wall panels have a laconic look, but, nevertheless, are not devoid of originality. Just look at the "high-tech" chessboard decorating the office or the extraordinary mirrored composition of minimalism.

Panel on the wall of the loft interior

A stylish loft stands out sharply against the background of other directions - it is simply impossible not to recognize it. Brick walls, bare concrete of the interior require additional decor details, which will give the appearance of "habitation". To decorate a panel on a loft wall, they often use large meter-long canvases (often wooden) with various images: social posters, symbols, works of contemporary artists, black and white photographs. The photo shows the successful design of a panel on a wall made of a wooden pallet.

Decorative panels are a special kind of monumental art that has appeared relatively recently. To be more precise, they used it in ancient times, but they decided to separate it into a separate style only at the beginning of the 20th century.

It is believed that the founder and discoverer of decorative panels for decorating facades is none other than Leonardo da Vinci himself. Naturally, history knows a lot of other examples when the decor was done in the same way and much earlier. But it was he who created a fresco in this style at the cathedral, where he "cut" the decor directly into the wall (on a Christian theme, by the way). Such wall decors can still be found in Italy - in the Middle Ages this variation of sculptural art was extremely popular.

Directly "panel" as a term appeared already at the beginning of the 20th century. Sometimes they are also called murals. By the way, this type of decoration of the facade of the premises was extremely popular in the USSR, as well as in European countries, partly associated with the popularization of communism in them.

Modern decorative panels are made from:

  1. Stone;
  2. Metal;
  3. Clays;
  4. Textiles;
  5. Polyurethane;
  6. Frescoes (including ceramics);
  7. Stucco moldings (from any basis).

And only later, around the middle of the 20th century, decorative panels began to be actively cultivated in pictorial art and architecture. Now this term simply means a certain section of the wall, covered with a painting, ornament or mosaic with carvings.

Marine ideas for a panel of shells in an article on our website:.

Decorative stone panel: selection concept

A panel made of stone is a very unusual and very relevant fake today, often present even in the development of famous interior designers. But in order to get an exquisite picture, you have to prepare in advance!

In particular, we are talking about choosing the "right" stones, which can be found on the seaside or purchased in a specialized store.

The main thing is that they all fit perfectly into the overall concept of the future panel and the interior design of the room where it will be stored. After all, if you follow these simple rules, the homemade picture will please the eye for a long time!

How to make a decorative polyurethane panel

Polyurethane is a material with the widest spectrum of action. It is used almost everywhere: in construction, domestic and industrial purposes, in heavy and light industry. It's time to use its unique capabilities for artistic purposes as well!

It will not be difficult for even the smallest craftsmen to make figures from polyurethane. However, it is very important to observe the manufacturing interval and wait for the material to dry completely. It will become very dense and will be reliably protected from mechanical stress and moisture. Immediately after drying, you can proceed to the most pleasant action - to shape the panel and give it its final look!

Easy and simple: decorative clay panel

What could be better than a handmade souvenir? No, even the most expensive gift can go in comparison with him! Especially if you want to prepare a surprise for a loved one or a very important person.

A clay panel is an excellent gift option, which both children and adults can master without the slightest difficulty.

All that is required is the utmost attention and desire to create tirelessly. As a rule, the most time is spent on the design of the blanks, from which the picture will be formed in the future. Decorating and transferring figures to the base is one of the most pleasant moments that allow fantasy to work in full force, sometimes creating the most real masterpieces.

Unique design: decorative panels in the interior of a modern home

In the interior of a modern house, decorative panels can be used both modular and traditional, that is, when the installation consists of only one element. The main difference between this decor is that it must be created with your own hands. A kind of needlework. Moreover, you can do it in any variation - there are no restrictions here.

Now, for example, panels from:

  • Paper;
  • Fabrics;
  • Wood;
  • Metal;
  • Glass;
  • Stone;
  • Gypsum;
  • Polyurethane;
  • Food grade plastic (aka PVC).

If a person intends to create a panel with his own hands, it is recommended to first of all just look at the photo of such decors and understand what it is. Further, if there is no experience, it is better to consult with the designer to determine which of the panel options is suitable for the interior of the specified house. It is with this that the majority have difficulties. It is worth noting that the panel can not only be placed on the wall. The floor is also a kind of "canvas" for placing the decor.

What to choose: decorative panels on the walls in the house

These are the easiest things to do, since they can be purchased ready-made. These are, for example, modular paintings or some kind of abstraction made of beads in a decorative wooden frame. Conveniently, such a panel can be used to close rough walls without finishing.

This option for using the panel will be especially useful if a thick false wall was previously installed (for example, for leveling).

What panel options can you recommend for beginners? The simplest decor is. Naturally, you will also need a board or a wood board (fiberboard, chipboard - not so important, because the mass of the structure will be quite small). Further, some pattern is made of nails, along which the threads are then pulled. It turns out quite attractive, and most importantly - inexpensive.

If we talk about walls, then it is for them that the best panel options are:

  • Modular paintings (divided into several parts);
  • Wood carving (also in the form of a picture);
  • Textile ornament or mosaic.

Which option will be the best in this or that case - it is better to consult with the designer. It is worth noting that the panel can also be used to decorate furniture and a fireplace. And someone with its help completely hides some defects, wiring. In general, the flight of imagination is not limited here.

The simplest decor: do-it-yourself decorative panel

The simplest panel decor is the most common painting and textile composition. The first is a picture, but you can decorate it not only with paints, but also with stucco, plaster and even dried puff pastry! The image will receive three-dimensional forms, and at the same time it will look exactly like a mural. You can decorate all this with precious stones, if it is possible to allocate such funds. And for more "modest" variations, simple jewelry, MPK (imitation of drops) is also suitable.

So, the simplest version of the panel is textile. It will require scraps of fabric, as well as a wood base on which the fabric will be attached.

First thing:

  • We cover the wood sheet with varnish;
  • We mark how the flaps will be placed;
  • We sew them in the right order;
  • We glue to the base.

The result is a panel painting made of patchwork fabric. Cheap, beautiful, and fashionable. A more complex option is to decorate directly from wood. Here you will have to base the technique of wood carving. However, all this will still need to be supplemented, for example, with metal inserts, stones, ceramics, plastics and paints.

DIY decorative panel (video)

The main rule for creating a panel is the absence of rules. It can be a painting, a whole sculpture, or a forged installation. Their creation has become the main source of profit for many. But it's better to at least try to do it yourself. There is nothing difficult in this.

Examples of decorative panels (photo)

Decorative panel - decoration for walls, can combine several items. This is his main difference from the usual picture. The name comes from the Latin word "pannus" - "piece of cloth". The manufacturing methods known for a long time have been retained and modernized to create completely new types of wall decor today.

In addition to models of mass production, designers create exclusive handmade panels. Such decorative ornaments, as a rule, contain many small details and are expensive.


Decorative panels are divided according to three principles - according to materials, method of execution and the number of details in the composition.

Based on materials:

  • From fabric - decorative embroidery, tapestries or fabric applications.
  • From stone - natural stone (marble, granite) is used for creation. They are performed using a mosaic technique or a solid piece.
  • Gypsum - gypsum wall decor is suitable for classic interiors.
  • Made of plastic - resistant to high humidity and easy to clean, so they can be weighed in the bathroom or kitchen.
  • Carved decorative objects are made of wood. Often performed in ethno and eco styles.
  • From ceramics - models made in the form of a mosaic. They are resistant to moisture, which means they are also suitable for the bathroom and the kitchen.

By technique:

  • Sculptures. Volumetric figures that weigh on the wall. Volume is a distinguishing feature from conventional hand-drawn or woven products.
  • Graphic. Modern technology. Mass Production Items - These are made by printing (including photo printing).
  • Panel paintings. Artistic models can be either hand-painted or made from textiles. They are often modular.

By the number of objects:

  • One object. If the product consists of one object, then it is most likely voluminous (poured or molded) or woven.
  • Modular panel. It may not be volumetric, but consists of two or more objects in the composition.

Buy in Moscow

You can buy interior decorative panels in the BasicDecor online store. On the left side panel there is a filter in which you can select a price range, materials, color. There is also a filter with a list of all brands available in this category.

Any environment tends to be annoying and the first thought is to start renovating to meet aesthetic needs. However, this will result in high costs.

You don't have to do a major renovation to update your interior. Any room can be effectively decorated with a masterpiece of home-made design art

You can do with a little blood, you just have to bring a few new elements into the interior. One option to freshen up a room is to place a wall panel.

Hand-made things are valued much higher and look very organic in the interior of any style. A decorative panel on the wall with your own hands is an opportunity to create comfort and harmonize the design of a room, in which several interior solutions are combined at once.

The first step in creating a panel is to decide on the design of the future decoration

The optimal place for placing the panel is a free wall, where the decoration will be the only one

The use of a wall panel is relevant:

  • when combining different styles of interior;
  • when focusing on certain design elements;
  • help to divide the room into zones;
  • if necessary, hide flaws in the surface of the walls;
  • to bring variety and comfort to the home.

With the help of the panel, you can select the sleeping area, the main thing is to choose the right combination of colors

It is necessary to select panels for different designs very carefully and take into account the color scheme. If in the interior of the room the walls are dark in color, then the panel should be light, but at the same time not stand out from the overall composition. Modern trends accept the creation of panels with views of megacities, classicism involves the use of mosaics or patterns with natural motives.

For a spacious room, use a large panel, even reaching up to the ceiling

A decorative panel for an interior with your own hands is easy to create, and if there was no previous experience in needlework, there is always a way out. You can buy ready-made mosaics that are simply laid out like a puzzle and fixed to the surface, or you can use a photo collage from family photos.

Types of decorative panels

There are many types of wall panels and among them:

A decorative stone panel looks monumental and very durable

Decorative panel made of decorative plaster

A do-it-yourself panel for an interior made of decorative plaster gives the room an extraordinary look and is a three-dimensional image. If you position the light correctly, you can achieve the effect of increasing the space and make you want to feel the wall.

A volumetric panel made of decorative plaster looks impressive and creates visual space

A large selection of decorative finishing materials allows you to create unique effects:

  • under marble and other stone;
  • silk or velvet;
  • aged walls;
  • cracked soil;
  • wood.

Three-dimensional plaster paintings can be created on a surface of any material: stone, brick, wood or metal

Before starting work, walls or other surfaces must be primed. At the next stage, a sketch of the future panel in the interior is applied and plaster is applied layer by layer. After drying, each layer must be sanded for better adhesion to each other. The work is quite painstaking, but worth the time spent. The result is a strong, beautiful, embossed image. And to increase the wear resistance, the finished jewelry can be varnished.

A syringe is used to create a bas-relief

Decorative panel made of wood

At all times, wood was considered an excellent material that can look harmonious in any interior. Carved wall decoration looks expensive and can breathe new life into an old interior. You can burn a picture on a tree, or create a work of art using nails and threads of different colors.

Such a panel will require extraordinary abilities, but it looks gorgeous.

A wooden panel made of branch cuts will decorate even the simplest interior, and it is not difficult to make it

When choosing a material, you should buy expensive types of wood, since the product should serve for many years.

Decorative panel from ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles are a fairly durable material that can be easily used in the interior of a kitchen or bathroom. But their application is not limited to these rooms, as it will look appropriate in the living room and in the hallway.

The panel can consist of several ceramic tiles or fill most of the wall

A ceramic wall panel can be located both on the entire wall and in certain areas. And also, there is an opportunity to purchase an image that does not have clearly defined boundaries. This allows you to create perspective in your design.

Mosaic panels are made of small ceramic parts and require perseverance

The advantages of such material include:

  • durability;
  • image quality;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • a wide range of pictures.

Panel in decoupage technique

Decorating the wall with a panel made using decoupage technique is easy to do with your own hands. For manufacturing, you need to buy a base (plywood), which must be sanded, primed, painted in the desired color and glue a decoupage card or napkin. The finished work is varnished for the convenience of further operation.

Elegant decorative panels using decoupage technique can be made with children

Such a decorative element will be appropriate in any interior, since you can choose any image that complements the design.

Wine cork panel

To create it, you will need the wine corks themselves and the frame where they will be placed. They can be cut in half to increase the number. You can mount them both on a hot gun and on Dragon glue.

The plugs are cut with a sharp cutter and laid out in the desired order

As a frame, it is better to choose materials with a natural origin for wood. Thus, it will not distract attention from the composition.

This picture fits perfectly into the interior of the living room or kitchen

In the interior of the kitchen, such a panel will look appropriate and stylish.

Decorative panels in the interior

In addition to thinking through the material for the decoration of the wall, you need to decide on the correct size. For large rooms, you can use images that occupy most of the wall, and for small rooms, it is better to do with less bulky compositions. Even with the help of a small panel, you can place accents and emphasize the individuality of the design.

A panel from the remnants of wallpaper is a cheap option for decorating your room

This panel required a large stack of old newspapers, glue, paints and a clock mechanism.

As an exception, there may be a decorative panel in the interior, on which the motive has a horizontal or vertical arrangement. Such decorations can occupy the entire wall of a small room, playing the role of a visual expansion of space or an increase in the height of ceilings.

Sawed, sharpened, knocked down and covered with stain - what could be easier?

Wall panel for the kitchen

A decorative panel for the kitchen should be made of durable materials, since this room is saturated with cooking odors and the surfaces are prone to soot formation. Usually the decor is placed near the dining area or on an apron in the center of the working area.

For the panel above the slab, use ceramic tiles

The most suitable material is tiles. But near the table, away from the stove, you can use any kind of wall decor.

Bathroom panel

Due to high humidity, decorative panels for the bathroom interior are possible only from tiles or mosaics. But that doesn't diminish the options.

Ceramic panel with the favorite colors of the hostess of the apartment

A beautiful landscape or other image on the wall behind the bathroom will give the impression of being present. Paintings with sea beaches, mermaids, yachts and more are common.

Beautiful panel for the bedroom

It is advised to place a decorative panel in the bedroom near the head of the bed.

Above the head of the bed - the perfect place for a panel in the bedroom

When choosing a picture, you need to understand that the room is intended for relaxation, so the use of bright colors and dynamic images is not recommended. And also, the decoration can be hung on any free wall, but it is desirable that it is located opposite the door.

Panel for a children's room

You can involve your child in creating a simple wall decoration in the nursery. This will not only contribute to its development, but also help to navigate the chosen pattern.

This panel is made of colored paper and pasted directly onto the wallpaper, and a polystyrene ceiling plinth was used for the frame.

For the panel, you can use fabrics, embroidery or elementary mosaics depicting your favorite cartoon character. In this room, you can experiment with color, but do not forget that this is not only a play area, but also a children's bedroom.

Panel in the interior of the living room

As in any other room, the panel should be in harmony with the overall design and correspond to the dimensions of the room. Often, natural images of a forest with paths stretching into the distance are used to decorate the walls. This allows you to create perspective and expand the boundaries of space. A well-chosen image will turn an apartment into a cozy nest.

The basis of the panel with parrots is a sheet of plywood, on which the fabric is stretched and all this is inserted into the frame

Decorative panel from family photos

Video on how to make a decorative panel from plaster

Photo gallery: ideas for decorating a panel on the wall

A wall panel is one of the most interesting decorative adornments, the creation of which has no restrictions - a full flight of imagination. On such an interesting topic, the editors of the online magazine have prepared an exhaustive material with a small surprise - interesting step-by-step master classes.

Decorative panels in the interior

This element of room decoration can be created from a wide variety of materials. Many believe that exclusivity is achieved not only by creating a special pattern, but also by using a variety of materials in one composition. Here you should take into account the peculiarity of each and their compatibility.

Carved wood panels on the wall

Wood is always considered the best option for creating design elements for any room. This material is durable and beautiful in appearance. Environmentally friendly elements are perfect for creating panels, or.

Different parts of wood can be used to create a unique interior. These can be both branches and small sections of the trunk. Many people use ready-made canvases. For instance, . Using special tools for (wood cutters or), each element is made separately. At the final stage, individual elements are collected in a special pattern.

In order for the wood to serve as long as possible, it must be subjected to additional processing. Coating with varnish, paint and special compounds that prevent rotting and the appearance of a wormhole. At the same time, you can buy a wooden panel on the wall both in a budget version and real works of art.

Wall panel made of ceramic tiles

Mosaic elements are attached to a degreased surface. To do this, you need to use a special glue. When creating your own interior model, you can use ready-made elements. They are sold in stores in kits that include everything you need.

Panels made of glass and mirrors - a little journey through the looking glass with Alice

Glass options for wall panels will add variety to your room. Glare will make the room new every time. This material is recommended for use in kitchen design. We glue individual elements on a flat surface and form exclusive designs. In order for the panel to look complete, it is recommended to use it.

Important! This design option allows the room to be cleaned without risking destroying the composition. Glass is the most durable material that can last for a year.

Recently, mirror panels have been especially popular. But this material is difficult to process. Accordingly, you can use a variety of substitutes:, special and so on. That is, in fact, any materials are used that have the properties of a mirror.

By using glass and mirrors, you can create the most amazing decor options for. Designers recommend using these types of materials for decorating living rooms.

Decorative plaster panel - work for true masters

To create, a special mixture is used, which is based on the use of a finishing one. At the moment, several types can be distinguished. In particular, they are popular. Each drawing will be embossed. Smooth options are, in essence, creating a complete picture.

The surface is coated with special materials that make the surface easy to maintain. You can quickly change the patterns as needed. This material is considered to be the most durable.

Textile as an art form

For the manufacture of panels on the wall, you can use a wide variety of types of fabric. You can even use burlap to create a unique option. That is, you can take any fabric that you find in your bins.

1 out of 5

The elements are sewn with threads. These panel options are enough to sew and hang on the wall. Accordingly, this view can be regularly updated by changing the interior features. You can create for every season and holiday.

Macrame wall panel

Weaving has been famous since antiquity. Modern nodular macrame options allow you to quickly create the most bizarre and beautiful patterns. After you knit this or that product, you need to fix it on the wall. This version of the panel attracts with its originality. Handicraft is considered the most demanded. Needlewomen can create patterns in the national style, which will make it possible to make a unique interior in.

A panel made of paper is beautiful, graceful, but short-lived

To create decorative elements, it is enough to remember labor lessons in kindergarten. To do this, you need to pick up a drawing and take colored paper or. By gluing together small elements, you create individual paintings that can be safely considered real decorations. Therefore, a do-it-yourself paper panel is a rather popular type of decoration among needlewomen. And what is important - the cheapest.

The panel can be attached to the wall in various ways. In particular, the elements are possible. At the same time, it is possible to use buttons and other materials.

Related article:

: what is the difference between these decor elements, what compositions are in trend today, the features of the choice and placement of interior paintings in different parts of the house, tips for decorating the office, where and for what cost you can buy paintings and posters - in our publication.

Photopanel on the wall

Experts consider this view to be the most interesting. In order to create a decorative element, it is necessary to apply the selected item to the wall surface using a special print.

You can select a wide variety of images and combine them into a single composition. This interior design option will allow you to make a real resting place from the room. Many people want to give their rooms a beach or forest look. These pictures bring comfort.

Related article:

The choice of a place for installation, existing methods of fastening, the best fasteners for fixing modular paintings to surfaces of various materials - we will consider in the publication.

Wall mural from wallpaper

There is no need to purchase new ones to create paintings. It is enough to take advantage of the waste that remained after the completion of the repair work. It is enough to choose an image and implement them as a picture on the wall.

In this way, you can arrange any room. By the way, when using detergents, a panel for the bathroom is created.

Panel made of salt dough or 3D images with your own hands from childhood

This option is suitable for families with children. Do not forget that kids just love to make various crafts from plasticine or. Here there are no restrictions for imagination. Each element of the picture is created separately.

Ultimately, every detail becomes an element of the overall picture. A wide variety of decorative ornaments can be created.

Other types of panels

Decorative items can be made from any material. Including using the means at hand. In this case, it is recommended to combine materials. For example, you have wood and glass. Try to combine these materials into a single, cohesive composition. Or you can just make a simple and beautiful wall panel from.

In addition, the panels differ in the type of premises. Only environmentally friendly elements are suitable for the nursery. For the bathroom, you need to use those materials that are not afraid of high humidity. The living room is decorated in light colors. The theme of the image can be emphasized with frames and other accompanying elements.

How to place a panel in the interior

When placing, there are several basic rules to consider:

  1. The panel should look harmonious with the rest. For example, if you are using expressive images, then it is recommended to make the background of other surfaces more calm and monotonous.
  2. We take into account the purpose of the room. The image should be soothing and comfortable. Accordingly, it is not recommended to decorate with elements that are heavy in meaning. The feeling of pressure and nervousness will not allow you to rest calmly. it is not recommended to decorate with dark colors. All images should be joyful luminaries.
  3. Each element must have its place.
  4. The image must be complete and complete. That is, if you decide to decorate the walls with a volumetric panel, then choose a place where the drawing will be visible in full size. You shouldn't cut it. This can cause discomfort.

Thus, in order to give your interior originality and exclusivity, we recommend using various types of panels. Moreover, this decorative element can be safely created without the help of specialists.

How to make a panel with your own hands from newspaper tubes

A decorative panel with your own hands is an affordable interior decoration for everyone who is interested in such a technique. How to prepare newspaper tubes for subsequent weaving, the video below will tell in detail. And we will consider how to make a panel fan.

Illustration Action Description

Prepare two sturdy half circles.

Cut a semicircle from the fabric according to their size + 1cm on each side.

Glue the prepared tubes to one of the semicircles.

Glue the second part with a cloth and also attach it well to the existing workpiece. This will be the face of the future product.

On the back, glue a semicircle with a large diameter to give rigidity.

Weave the first row with a volumetric braid according to the principle shown in the photo.

Weave the subsequent rows simply - through one tube. In our case, we got 6 rows.

Then step back from the first weaving block by 2-3 cm and continue in the same technique. To prevent the work from slipping, make restraints from cocktail tubes.

When the weaving is finished, complete the work by sealing the tubes.

Be sure to plant the last row on.

Cut off excess parts.

Also shorten the main tubes so that there is no more than 3 cm of free edge.

Weave a voluminous braid from tubules.

Glue the resulting braid around the edge of the product. Decorate the fan with lace and a bow.
