The highest MMP in dota 2 table. New rating system: what has changed

In Dota 2 there is an opportunity to play rating games for which they actually give the rating itself, which is called MMR (MMR). There are different MMP tables, but the main and most important one is considered to be the Valve publishes on This table is updated daily and you need to have a very high solo MMP, to get there. List of leaders depends on the region, but if you have a rating value less than 6,500, you will not exactly get there. And this is a lot, because most players have a value within 3700-4200.

The MMP table exists for four regions:

  • China - two Chinese servers;
  • South Asia - Servers for South Korea, Australia and Southeast Asia;
  • Europe - European servers, Russian, as well as South Africa (do not look for logic, it is not);
  • America is a joint rating for North and South America.

That is, the hit in a certain list depends only on what server you will play, the place of residence does not affect. By default, you will play on the server that relates to your region, but this can be changed in the settings.

  • In order to get into the MMR Table of Leaders in Dota 2, several conditions are necessary (in addition to high rating):
  • Over the past three weeks you must play at least fifteen rating games;
  • In total, you must play at least 100 rating single games and 300 matches in general.

After you deserve a hit in the MMR table, you will be asked to fill out official information, otherwise you will not get there. To fill it, it is worth considering the most closely as possible, since there is a limitation. Then it can be changed after some time (every two weeks). Fill you need:

  • Specify your name and country;
  • Their team and sponsors (if any);
  • The roles that are key and minor for you.

The MMR global table on the official website of Dota 2 at the moment does not exist, it is on other services (for example, to Dotabuff). Ratings updated at 22.00 GMT.

How to get into the MMR table?

What to get at least at the end of the list, you need not only to play a lot in Dota 2, but also play very well. If you look at those who occupy the first places, then usually all the well-known players who speak for professional teams.

They go there much easier, simply because they play in the compositions of strong teams, where a team game is very well delivered, which in Dot 2 is very important. Yes, they have to play the required number of single rating games, but not only they influence the value of MMP and in place in the table. Matches at all tournaments are also considered.

16 players participate in the main event, 4 from each region: American, European, Asia-Pacific and Chinese. Four from each region is determined by regional play-opami. 72 players participate in regional play-opach, 64


16 players participate in the main event, 4 from each region: American, European, Asia-Pacific and Chinese. Four from each region is determined by regional play-opami. The regional film players participate 72 players, 64 participants with the highest rating in the present season and 8 contenders' tournaments through the qualifications.

Regional film offs are divided into 2 stages. The first is a seven-year qualification according to the Swiss system, the top 8 goes on. The second - 2 GSL groups whose winners receive the right to participate in the championship final. All matches are played up to 3 victories in Conquest format with 1 ban.

The championship final is divided into group and play-off stage. Group - 4 GSL groups of 4 players, 2 from each group are held in Play off. Playoff - Mesh on departure, the top 4 get a ticket to the World Cup. All matches are played up to 3 wins with 1 ban in Conquest format.

The portal who hides under the Bishof pseudonym, conducted a study and published the MMR distribution in Dota 2. As can be seen on the chart below, 380 with more than thousands of matches played for the period from July 10 to July 12, 2017 were analyzed. Of these matches, data on 1.22 million unique players were obtained. On the official website it is indicated that over the past 30 days, a little more than 12 million unique users have been registered in the game.

As a result of calculations middle single MMRs turned out to be 2380, median - 2274 (This means that half of the players has MMR below 2274, the second half is higher). If your MMR exceeds 3892 - Congratulations, you enter 10% of the best players DOTA 2! To get to the top 5%, it is enough to type 4,300 single rating points (see percentile to the right of the graph). According to these data, users with a rating of 5k and above in Dota 2 are very small (as a percentage of the ratio).

Using Steam Web API, Bishof "pulled out" from the game data about all the matches that have passed in the specified period in the most popular regions (with the exception of China). Of the total aggregate, he selected rating matches with the All Pick mod and, accordingly, received profiles of all players who participated in these matches. Approximately 30% of them MMR was public. For players who have MMR has been hidden, the rating was calculated as the average value of MMR of all players with a public rating from the last matches played (according to the author of the study, matches in which MMR is hidden from all ten players, was negligible).

The author of the calculation warns that the MMR distribution published by it is not official, "true" - only Valve has such data. However, there is reason to believe that these calculations do not differ much with reality: in 2013 (on the eve of the introduction to Dota 2 rating matches), the developers unveiled the MMR distribution, in which the median value was 2250 (in Bishof - 2274 calculations).

In any Moba and MMO, the game has a rating system. She still motivates players to adjust the gameplay. In Dota 2, such a system was initially, but in Dota Allstars it was artificially introduced on ICCUP and Garena platforms to balance the forces of the commands and the levels of conditions. There are increasing cases when strong players and teams won weak and received the same ranking as equal to themselves. Consider what the rating is how it is calculated how to increase it and is it worth buying it?

How is the rating form?

The cherished number "single rating" will be displayed in the player profile after calibration. It will be necessary to play 10 calibration matches, based on which the MMP is calculated. If earlier it was necessary to apply a lot of damage (for Kerry), control the visibility zone (for supports), and so on., The new calibration algorithm is as follows:

  1. Before the start of each new season, the player disappears only the rank (medal), and the MMR itself remains. On its basis and the opponents are selected for matches.
  2. You need to win as many matches as possible. The criterion for the accrual of glasses will be the ratio of the kDa to the game time. Simply put, the faster the match won, the more likely to get a high rank.

ATTENTION! Previously, calibration took into account past games. For example, if the player at the time of calibration had a low level and began to be calibrated with 3000 MMP, then its maximum 3300. Now the range of scattering points is 1000, and past games are accounted for much less.

Group Rating

Group rating is considered approximately the same. An individual skill of each individual player is evaluated and its interaction in the Common team. If the PKPD (personal efficiency) is higher than the SCPD (group efficiency), the player gets a low estimate. Example:

  • High F / D / A in the Playr's Chair. Conclusion - the player does not know how to work and interact in the team. A bunch of frags took the farm and experience in teammates who could win the match.
  • High heale coefficient, but low treatment coefficient of teammates. For example, a Druid, which the whole game was heard only a bear.
  • High pharmaceutical indicator / GPM. For example, a siren that has blocked the illusions all lines and forest, thereby taking the farm in the teams.

How to raise solo-mm?

The easiest and most reliable way is to learn, learn and study again. Go across, choosing the role of Kerry every time - no way out. It is necessary to understand that the victory is not frags in the table - this is interaction in the team and coordinated actions. This is distinguished by professional players (no matter, in the team they play or not) from lovers - the ability to recognize mistakes and work on them.

Think about it! Do you often come across aggressive teammates who accuse everyone besides themselves in a bad game and low. What is the level of the game in such people? Do they bring much benefit? Think about it every time you spoke the guilt on others. There is no guilty and winners in the team - this is one whole, and while disagreements will be inside, the opponent enjoys it.

You can divide the skill of a single game into several components:

  • Understanding the meaning of the game, stages, tactics. It is important to share the match at the stage (start, MID-Game, Leit). When choosing a hero, it is important to understand at what stage it will benefit. Even the strongest Kerry, who drag the game MID-Game, can be useless at the end of the game, when the opponent players gain power. At the example, the strongest and valuable characters in Leite is Pudge, Legion Commander, Outworld Devouourer and TD. Heroes with unlimited potential, which are becoming stronger with every minute.
  • Knowledge of all skills and talents. Since patches are changing frequently, you need to clarify current bonuses and innovations. For example, on the DOTA WTF channel, funny or ridiculous moments often slip, associated with the fact that in the new patch, bonuses were introduced, which still do not know everything.
  • Microcontrol. The ability to manage multiple units. Do not forget that if the player is difficult to control two or more combat units, then the enemy is also difficult to confront them. Most players avoid such heroes because of laziness, and in vain - remember how hard sometimes comes against MEEPO or Lone Druid.
  • Game on one / similar heroes. If you learn the mechanics of the game on your favorite character, you can be much easier to fit into the team tactics. Pull from 5-6 heroes, which can be useful in any situation. This is suitable for simple characters, such as Ax, Bristleback, Tiny, Drow Ranger, Lina, Leon, Zeus.
  • All the time you need to learn new tactics and try more complex combinations to develop.
    ATTENTION! During the rating match, it is impossible to arrange a "training". Choose those heroes on which you feel comfortable so as not to spoil the game around.

How to lift a pati-mm

To properly interact in the group, it is necessary to accommodively approach the organization and training:

  • Instead of voice chat in the game to use RaidCall or analogues. The whole game needs to record voice comrades.
  • Training must be several times a week. They differ from the standard "rink" by the fact that the team learns to practice new tactics and ligaments and analyzes how high the chance of victory.
  • After the match you need to look back and write down basic mistakes.
  • Be sure to communicate with teammates personally or outside Steam. Have their contacts. We will not extend several spare players in the team.

Such tips will help create a cohesive team, which will compete with professionals and will definitely improve the group rating.

Boust MMR

Also, no need to forget about the facts of fraud and theft of accounts, when the booster changed the password or selling things. Nobody is insured from this, because by itself the boost procedure contradicts the rules of the game and violates the balance between the players.

Little tricks

  • If several games to the row are played - the system slightly relaxes the selection of opponents and you are not so strong players. This does not concern group matches.
  • The recommended frequency of rating games is not more than 6 per day. Alternating them with ordinary angrate matches, you can remove the tension and pressure from the command.
  • Play the role of Support / Line Support more often. Many people underestimate these roles, and in vain, because strong Kerry is often not gaining their power due to a lack of pharmium or problems on the line. So, the responsibility for the outcome of the match is reduced, and interest in the game increases, since the number of actions within the framework of the role is limited.

How to quickly raise a rating?

It is necessary to pay attention to the heroes, strong in the season. The fact is that the balance of the game was approximately equal in 2015. Since then, some of the heroes are cut down, in order to return to place in a couple of seasons. So, the player does not get used to one character, and the game becomes more diverse.

  • Furion. Classic option. The strongest footman in the game, able to precipitate all the lines immediately.
  • Invoker. Build via Forge Spirit will allow the tower to be demolished on the fly.
  • Lone Druid. Thanks to the bear causes a lot of damage to buildings and does not allow you to get closer.
  • Sand King. Can fix a line from the 1st level if we learn passive ability. Having done 1 blow to each crip, you can pick up the entire pack in a couple of seconds.
  • Tiny. After the purchase of Aganim's Scepeter becomes an invincible powder.

Heroes in this ranking are selected in such a way as to quickly kill crips or pointed a line. As a rule, 70% of low-level players are composed on their kill counter, and not on the game process, therefore, taking on the role of the Pusher, you can solve the outcome of the match.

Rating Kerry for 2018:

  • Wraith King. Many damage and the ability to precipitate the tower for a long time. Just being on the line, it gives the advantage of cripm, thanks to Aure.
  • Arc Warden. No comments. With the acquisition of rapier Il Devolator, he can destroy the tower in a couple of seconds.
  • JuggerNaut. Strong Hero Killer, who will keep the team at a distance while the timmes apply damage to buildings.
  • Death Prophet. Also a powerful powder and destroyer of buildings. The last update changed the algorithm of damage to the spirits. Now they attack the goal that the player attacked until he attacks another or does not leave the distance of 950 units.
  • Jakiro. Clears the line and at the same time demolitions. What could be better.
  • Phantom Lancer. Thanks to the illusions, you can endlessly shoot down the tower tower, and if opponents do not stand on the protection of the building, the victory is a matter of time.

Universal heroes in the current season:

  • Enigma. You can play on the rolls of the mass-nuker, or to maximize the perk summier. Eidolon can bring a lot of problems with both heroes and buildings, and Necronomicon will not definitely leave the opponent team.
  • Lycan. Strong dd and no less strong Summamer, which is easy to control.
  • Rexxar. Similarly, item above. Necronomicon is welcome.
  • Brodmother. Classic Pusher, which is capable of standing on the line for a long time. It is worth taking care of the gems / Let's not see the enemy to see you in a web.
  • Visage. After purchasing Aganim's Scepeter, the families apply so much DPS that can put the Kerry enemy that there is some T3-tower there.
  • Undying. As Kerry, he is weak this season, but like the Pusher - it is quite suitable. Building through Tombstone and Soul Rip will definitely bring the opponent and will force back from the line, after which the zombies will destroy the tower.

It can be noted that most of the heroes in the list are Summores. Practice shows that when several units attack the building, the enemy is more difficult to decide for whom to attack the first, but he is thinking about the hero himself last. In addition, more units are more damage.


Summing up, you can select the thesis that Kerry and Herokillers do not affect the outcome of the game. Try to take the role of the Pusher and do not notice how your team makes frag behind the fragment, since the enemy is simply not on the line. Play honestly and enjoy the game, otherwise why to play, killing nervous cells and pouring tons of negative on comrades.

Remember that Dota is just a fun who helps to relax and plunge into the world of battles and magic. And if you chose the path of the professional player - to abandon aggressive behavior is worth it. This is a banal professional ethics and skill marker. Do you often see how chess players score or poker players scold, and because Dota 2 is not known for sale in chess of the 21st century.

Almost in any online game there is a rating system that allows players to measure with each other and Dota 2 no exception.

Few people know, but in the first Dota Allstars, there was no rating. Then, it was impossible to determine how well Gamer plays, which means it is difficult to balance the teams. The situation has changed the output of DOTA 2 and the introduction of the Rating system MMP in 2013. The subsequent system was improved and ranks were added in November 2017!

What is MMR?

MMR - Matchmaking Rating that translated means selection of matches by rating, and rivals at an equal level of the game!

How to start playing MMR matches in Dota 2?

First of all, it is necessary to play 101 game in public, (not rating games) to get the opportunity to go through calibration (10 qualifying games) and depending on how well the qualifying matches will be played - you will be assigned the corresponding MMR and rank.

Dota 2 rank table in 2018!

The MMR Dota 2 table has changed in February 2019 and now the table looks like this:

The new MMP table is collected by the AnyLVL command based on more than 1000 completed rated orders! All orders can be

Total in dote 7 ranks: Recruit, Guard, Knight, Hero, Legend, Lord, Deity!

Each rank may be from 0 to 5 stars. To go to a new rank you need to get 5 stars. To get one star you need about 125 mmm or 5 victories in a row. However, it is always possible to save your time and order raising the rating!

Top Ranks in Dota 2

Players with MMP 6000 and above, special rank badges.

  • The rank system in Dota 2 is constantly changing and recently becomes increasingly similar to the rating system in the game League of Legend.
  • There are seasons, a duration of 6 months!
  • Added ranks that change with an increase in MMR!
  • Made a search by roles. Now you can choose which position you want to play, but for this you need to buy compendium 2018!

How to raise the rank in Dota 2

Normal is considered MMP from 3,500 and higher. If your rating is below, you should improve your game, focus on the game for supports and as many matches can play every day. If you do not have time to spend long hours behind the game, you can order