The easiest way to solve any life problems! How to find an effective solution

The black strip can be a take-off

From time to time we are all faced with problems. Sometimes some situations and circumstances seem hopeless to us. I want to run away, close, forget everything happened. But is it worth it?

After all, then the lesson will repeat again. There is another way to go into the problem, think about her day and night, pour tears, pour it, drink or otk, in general, to disguise anything. And find the guilty!

Complaints on the problem and the search for guilt also only take our strength and energy and will lead from solving the problem.

It is also important to remember that the more we resist, the more the situation will be injected and complicated.

You need to find a way out! And it is better not one. As they say, of any hopeless situation there are at least three favorable outputs.

What ways there are ways to solve problems, and how to choose the most suitable, and maybe combine them?

1. Side view.

This method assumes an independent search for information. In all his history, a person has found a great set of problems. And the results of their decisions, he fixed on material carriers: papyrus, paper, stone, computer.

When solving the problem, it is advisable, first of all, to refer to the sources of infinite information.

2. Contact a specialist.

We live in society, thousands of people surround us, each of whom is an expert in some kind of area. Psychologist, tarologist, astrologer, coach, psychic, there are even specialists to solve problems.

Specialist in solving "problems in general" differs from them only what works with problems that require no extensive knowledge and great experience in a narrow area, but only intelligence, accuracy, common sense, some basic ideas, overall skill work with problems And, of course, inspiration.

Undoubtedly, someone has already come across the problem. Most likely, they were already solved by someone, and many times.

The work of the professional saves your time and nerves, but a good professional is expensive, and dependence on a psychologist, when a person did not solve his problems, does not decide.

3. Ask for the help of people close to you.

This method of solving problems is one of the most traditional. The way is quite reliable, as these are people, communicating with which gives you pleasure. Often such communication can calm down, give support.

Tell your family, friends, people who you really trust. They will always be ready to help the Council, the case. It is much better than drowning in negative thoughts and experiences.

This is a good opportunity to get a "side view." The main thing is not to be annoying and always be ready to provide such assistance.

4. Change focus.

Often we are too close and too emotionally involved in the problem to see and evaluate it with a good perspective. Try to look at the problem as a third-party observer. With a broader review you will see more features.

Often we think about the problem, savor it in the brain, focused on it, but it is not solved. We are trying to solve the mind, drowning intuition. So that it is decided, it is necessary to remove attention from the problem, remove importance.

The contents of the automatic writing are very often drawings, incomprehensible signs, circles and, of course, texts.

You only have to write everything that comes to mind. It is necessary to do it from 20 minutes to an hour. The main meaning and purpose of the automatic writing process is to surrender sensations you perceive.

Understanding the problem and exit from it will come in the letter itself.

6. Hooponopono.

Hoooponopono is an ancient Hawaiian art of solving problems. Translated from the Hawaiian language, the word "Hooponopono" means "to correct the error" or "place everything in places." There are four statements that you must repeat again and again, non-stop:

"I'm sorry".

"Please forgive me".

"I love you".

"Thank you".

If you do not like something in another person, it means that it is in you. Your task is to get rid of it. When you succeed, another person will also change.

When you apply a hooponopono, you do not clean the person, a place or event, but neutralize energy associated with this person, a place or event. The advantage of this method is that everything happens inside you, the mediator is not needed.

7. Arrangements.

This method is designed by the German psychotherapist Berthe Hellinger. The arrangement is an efficient method that allows you to easily and clearly define the problem.

With this method, it is possible to detect the reasons that attribute a person to a certain system of relations, limit the freedom of action and make it difficult for personal development, preventing it from building their own life.

With the help of the arrangement, you can analyze what is happening with you, find an effective solution in your situation and

8. Reincarnation.

« If there is a problem, it is necessary to immerse deep into it. Then you either find the treasure if it is there at all, or you will find one emptiness there. In both cases you will hurt.

Finding the treasure, you naturally get rich. Finding emptiness, you commit all this"This is Osho as if reincarnation.

It is immersion that this method assumes in his memories. There may not be other people's answers, ready-made solutions. Reincarnation is looking for the root of the problem, and through time and space. And then the case is for small - the solution.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev:

If we have enough forces to create a problem or illness in your life, therefore, we have the strength to solve this problem.

Remembering past lives You will understand that they coped with such a problem more than once, and if not, you are aware of what the result was the same approach that you have already used. Perhaps a repeating situation stretches not one life.

Often the problem, the block stores the resource, creative potential, then the treasure, finding which you will no longer be the same. And it does not matter where and when you left it, it is yours, and at any time you can use it.

All you need in order to take advantage of this method of solving problems are trust in yourself, a good conductor and the Internet.

Reincarnation also implies self-help, self-driving, which means that you yourself can become a specialist in solving problems and help others.

There is always a way out. And the most amazing thing is that he is known to you. You know how to solve the most difficult problem, how can you find a way out of the most difficult and confusing situation.

You can and need to learn from problems, create and detect those opportunities that otherwise would not be disclosed.

The plant that produces tomatoes and potatoes on an industrial scale. Urban industrial production of vegetables. The first industrial scale vertical farm opened in the city (Singapore), in order to reduce dependence on food. Actually, such a solution seems quite logical, the locals rated the freshness and quality of the home-grown product. Unlike the goods, where it is difficult to trace the safety of growing technology, in the case of a vertical farm, it is only sunlight and water, and no pesticides. This gave them to gain tremendous popularity from local consumers, and they are bought out very quickly. As a result, the company produces two tons of vegetables per day. Raindater stored in the upper sections, when flowing down the platform rotates, so that their constant change in the orientation in space occurs and the uniform distribution of sunlight is achieved. In this case, the yield is 5-10 times higher than with the traditional cultivation of land on a similar area. The concept of vertical farms, give the only opportunity to feed the population of the future, Singapore laid the beginning, and I am sure, many cities will follow his example, because the idea is worth it. So, the hybrid of tomato and potatoes An independent plant over which the British company Thompson & Morgan worked for 15 years. Instead of the tops, tomatoes are growing on it, and instead of the roots - potatoes. Representatives of the company assure that there can be more than 500 tomatoes from above, which are sweeter than any other varieties. In the same time, wonderful potato tubers will grow in the ground, which is suitable for cooking, frying and cooking chips. The new plant is wearing a patented name Tomtato. The British assure that Tomtato is not the result of a genetic modification, but a natural and safe product.
How to grow them? Closed room is suitable for this, and open air. You can even in a pot. Tomtato loves compost and is afraid of frosts, tomatoes can be removed from July to October. But the crop of potatoes will be only one - it can be digging after the tomatoes end. Production in vertical greenhouses, in the conditions of the city. Approximately 50 years of 80% of the world's population will live in cities. And to the current 7, another 3 billion will be added more than another billion. To feed them all, agriculture should be transferred to the cities, the specific architecture of the farm in a high-rise building may vary, food production will not depend on the whims of the weather. Such a farm will give a few yields per year. Another advantage - isolated plants will be protected from infections affecting fields. The same is true and for pests, the farm is able to provide a full-fledged nutrition of 10 thousand people, inside the building it is much more convenient to organize the care of plants and animals, harvesting, control over the quality and biological safety of products. And this is with the current level of technology. Why "drag" a farm in the city and to burn dozens of floors? It would seem that more advanced agricultural systems can be completely developed and outside the urban trail, and there are still free from the fields. But first - the cost of transportation: fuel, spare parts for equipment and fertilizers from industrial centers in remote agricultural areas and harvest back, "to the center" is not only the cost of transportation, but also fuel for cars, emissions of harmful substances. And the additional growth of forests around the cities - will give the city to sigh. Hydroponic, high-tech farms - all this is already there. People need only to make the next logical step - to compact such production, "growing" to high-rise buildings, expand the list of plants that will be grown, supplement their animals and transfer the farm directly where the consumers are concentrated, that is, in the megalopolises.

Every day you encounter various tasks and problems that require your attention and urgent decision. All of them are different and have different levels of significance and complexity. Simple tasks can be solved easily, without applying special knowledge, but you may not get to cope with serious problems without special advice. The use of such tips will help you not only solve the problem, but also save time and your efforts.

Here are some tips that will help solve any problems easier.

Understand the problem

Describe the essence of your problem in order to understand what exactly you are dealing with. Understand the problem is the same thing that the situation is or circumstance and needs to be solved. Think, perhaps your behavior or action caused this problem, only then you will know, and from what to repel.

Do not try to solve all the problems immediately

Many people are trying to solve all their problems right away, but it leads to their exacerbation. All your efforts can lead to burnout syndrome. Decide the problems alternately. If you focus your attention on one problem, you will have more chances for success in solving it.

You prevent you from your fear

Often, precisely fear prevents us to solve this or that problem. And the path here is one, move contrary to your fear. You can overcome it only passing through it. Try less to think about the problem in a bad key, that is, that something you can not work out or you will look unsuitable in the process of solving the problem. Think with accuracy yes, on the contrary, you solved the problem successfully and everything turned out. Positive mood is half success

Create a plan

The plan is very important in solving any tasks, including in solving problems. Make a detailed action plan for solving a certain problem. Thus, the problem may seem not so complicated, which will also reduce your fear of it and speed up the solution to the problem.

Use other people's experience

Tell someone about your problem or better look for a decision on the Internet. All problems are usually similar and for sure and someone has already come across yours. For this, someone has a lot of services by type questions-answer, but it is better to simply use the search engine, it will tell you the best solutions, if any.

Calm down

Emotional solutions are usually destructive and erroneous. Remember that the more you are upset, the more difficult it will be to find the right decision and do not make even more mistakes. Just forget about your problems for a while, until the normalization of the emotional state, try to relax and distract to something positive.

Ask for help

Do not forget about your loved ones and friends. They will always help and support you in a difficult situation and it will be much easier for you to solve problems together. Moreover, from the side, it is easier to find the best solution to the problem.

Avoid additional problems

Think about ways to use to solve your problem and their consequences. Very often, a solution to any problem can lead to even more problems. Analyze the ways to solve this or that problem to avoid the possible appearance of new ones.

Law of action

Just sit and wait for someone to solve your problems for you or they suddenly dissolve themselves, stupid. Thinking about the problem and make up different places is certainly good, but without action it is absolutely useless occupation. Just start doing something now and in no case delay important and urgent problems for later, it is only aggravating and strengthen the problem.

At the end, I would like to add that it is not necessary to emphasize on the word problem, replace the circumstance or a situation in the word or the situation in order not to cause negative emotions.

In life, constantly has to solve a wide variety of problems. However, most of us solve them in any one proven way - the way that you got used to, which has repeatedly existed. Within the framework of this article, we will try to expand the arsenal of your methods for solving certain problems, we will offer the most effective ways to solve problems. Surely, many of them you have already enjoyed before, but still once again you should read alternative options.

However, before telling you about how to solve problems, you should talk about the following. Everything in this world is interrelated. This is a fact that you will not argue with. The same is the case with problems in your life. We have somehow wrote about it in our previous articles, but it will not be superfluous and repeat.

If you live on earth, you will have to solve problems all your life. Agree, because it is. In this regard, since Humanity did not invent anything with the way to overcome the formation of problems in a flat place in the life of people, therefore, the best way out of this situation: to know and apply in practice the most effective ways to solve problems so that your struggle with " An objective reality "was the most productive way.

However, why does not exist the best way to solve problems? Why do different methods should be applied, because it is sometimes so exhausted that it just sometimes seems to be that life is playing a joke with me? The thing is that in life there are a wide variety of situations that require a variety of actions (in our case of ways to solve problems). There is no one "only faithful and effective way" of resolving life troubles. And, in principle, it is even plus.

What else plus? The thing is that when solving the problem in one way, you become as it were for a new level of development. Your consciousness assimilates your experience in solving the problem and "postpones" this way to solve problems in its "storage room". Then something happens in life, and you are trying to solve a new problem. What way will you decide? Naturally, the one you already know and which has already been applied in practice. However, not always the same way can help out in different situations. We have already said that the problem is a problem.

How do you enter in this case? Clear business - you will try to find a new approach to solving your new problem. As you know, who is looking for, he will always find. In fact, no one billion people lived before you, so probably there were cases like that happened to you, and most likely your "unique" situation or a problem is nothing more than an ordinary manifestation of vital turmoil ordinary person living on earth.

That is why you should constantly learn and know the new one. Again, everything is new - this is well forgotten old. Look for your answers in history. Look for your answers from professional professionals. Thus, you facilitate your life, and accurately save a bunch of your time, inventing a bike into a stop-dollar times. It is better to realize something new and useful for society, and do not waste your time over resolution of the issue, which has long been allowed on the generally strange "Forum".

On this introductory, and it is better to say that setting up to the desired way, part of the article is over, now let's move directly to the ways to solve problems.

1. Solve problems yourself.

The method is the oldest of all famous humanity. A primitive man first always tried to independently provide himself with everything necessary. Although already at that time was a certain kind of cooperation in order to increase the effectiveness of actions

And this is about many things. Thus, even primitive people understood (of course, they did not understand all this scientifically, but a purely from a practical point of view) that all the problems can be solved on their own, but difficult and ineffective.

A person has a certain spectrum of abilities and opportunities, however, it is even more surrounded by a different kind of restrictions. Whatever you are a good doctor and plus to this mechanic, you don't care, in addition to your skills and professional qualities, also not yet to become a cosmonaut, athlete, logistics and metallurgist. You are limited in opportunities.

Although endless in the abilities. Duck use your infinity in the abilities in order to overlap your limitations in the possibilities!

The output from here should be simple: fully 90% of people living in your city. If you study the mechanics or work them already, then if you break the car, then you should blame him yourself, because you are a special in this matter. At the same time, do not try to show your "hacker" abilities, reinstalling the houses operating system.

It is better to invite a specialist and pay him money. This is the charming of a market economy - you get a lot of money for what you are doing better than 90% of people, and you can spend this money on those who fulfill work for you qualitatively and with a professional smell.

2. Instruct the problem of problems of professionals.

This method of solving problems is a logical continuation of the previous method. The whole charm of professional work is that in most cases it is performed better than the "Master for all hands". However, choosing this way to solve problems, remember that a good professional is worth money, and the money is decent. Question: Where to take decent money? The easiest way is to become a professional yourself and receive a good fee! Everything is simple.

Here you have a motivation to action - a magic kick for self-improvement in the area of \u200b\u200bactivity you have chosen for yourself as a life path.

The work of the professional saves your time, and most importantly - your nerves. Good nerves will be useful to you, so try to delegate your problems as much as possible. Do not be stingy. Try to spend your time for useful things for you, and not on this incomprehensible crap.

3. Remote problem solving (frilantalism).

So, step by step, we continue our list of ways to solve problems. The queue is perhaps the most modern of all presented ways to combat life difficulties - this is the instructions of the tasks to freelancers.

Who are freelancers? Freelancer is a person or a group of people who are behind the neighboring wall or on the other side of the planet and solve your problems for a specific fee. At the same time, all your communication takes place with the help of a computer via the Internet, or rather, through the thematic lots of fristries.

The freelancer is, in fact, the same professional (or at least a person who understands your problem much better than you), which works on your task and gets a remuneration for it.

And due to the fact that now everything becomes over computerized, then there are still problems with computer technologies now. At the same time, technology develops so rapidly that no one is able to keep track of them. Especially work with each computer program as a real speaker.

Example: You wanted to draw a postcard in the Adobe Photoshop program, but you don't know how to do it at all. What to do? Ask for someone from your friends? However, you are unlikely to quickly find a person who: a) will have the necessary skills and b) will find time for you to engage in "some postcard".

Therefore, always remember that if you have problems, such as working with graphics, with office applications or other computer rolls, then know that people are always ready to help people from all over the world. Not free, of course, however, their services are really worth paying them. Again - save your precious time.

The output of the above is the following: if you have a computer sense problem, feel free to contact freelancers - help without extra questions. Eh, market economy ...

4. Ask for help from relatives familiar.

This method of solving problems is one of the most traditional. Well, friends and relatives are needed not only to celebrate birthdays and weddings. The method is quite reliable, because You will not help a person from the street.

However, in such a way, it will be often necessary to use problematic. No one loves when he is bored too often. Therefore, it should be treated as much as possible to more people in order not to become an annoying person for someone alone.

It also needs to be understood that relatives and friends solve your problems mainly for free. Consequently, they spend their free (and possibly non-free) time for your difficulties. In connection with what always remember that you are stealing someone else's energy, not compensating for nothing.

In general, be more intelligent in terms of addressing help to your friends, relatives and acquaintances. Contact them only as a last resort. Do not spoil relationships with them - they will be very good for you in the future.

5. Treat Net Maging.

In our past article, what kind of non-nationaling we told you about the basic principles and essence of Networking. If you have a problem, the solution of which can only be provided with a familiar family relative, then it's time to use your dating network in full. In the article about Networking, we mentioned that in the Networking, it is the best long-range relationship, i.e. Just what you need to solve your problem.

It is clear that it is possible to solve this problem only when someone from your nearest environment is familiar with the right person. The conclusion from this should be simple: communicate with the most different people, and you will be happy. The more your dating network, the greater the likelihood that your problem will be solved in the shortest time. Just do not forget that it is impossible to abuse nonmaturging - Networks should be positive.

Conclusion: within this article we considered 5 ways to solve your problems. Try to apply them all, because Each situation needs your way. It would also be nice if you learned to combine these methods to improve efficiency in solving your life problems.

Now you know 5 ways to solve problems.

Today I will share the technology of solving any life problems. It works even in cases where, at first glance, there is no solution options. Take this article to the end, I have prepared a gift.

When it comes to the problems on the mind, one beautiful anecdote comes. At the interview ask the question: "What talents do you have?" The candidate thought and answers: "I have one talent: I can turn any elementary task to turn into an hopeless situation with a bunch of problems."

Such talent has a large part of humanity. Similar words, this is called "make an elephant flies." Why is this happening? The main reason is an attempt to solve the problem while in an excited emotional state. Remember the fragment from the movie "Diamond Hand": Chef, everything is lost. "

In 2008, when my wife was in the eighth month of pregnancy, the head of the company in which I worked announced the closure of the business. How? Why? Why now? Thoughts flooded in the head: "What now?" "How to extinguish a loan taken under 36% per annum?" "In a month, give birth, but there is no debt above the roof ..." What ended this internal dialogue on emotions? Three days of high pressure debris. Whether I solved this problem by screwing myself to white cation. Of course not, I just strengthened it. What happened in three days? I calmed down and engaged in solving this problem. First, phoned all suppliers and asked to help find a suitable job. Most of the machine replied that would keep in mind (it is not clear: me, my situation or ...)

This case gave me the opportunity to determine who is who in my environment. One person responded. His name is Dmitry, to whom I will be grateful to the end of my days. He introduced me to a wonderful and decent person, with my current mentor for business Pavel Viktorovich and in my career began a new round of my career and personal development.

Analyzing this situation now I understand that if any problem occurs, you need to ask my questions not "Why?", And "for what?" The decision of any problem is always the same or more opportunity.

I want to say a few words about questions. Asking himself an endless series of questions "Why?" You are glowing emotions that overshadow all common sense. And drive yourself to a dead end. Of course, it is necessary to understand the reason for this obstacle, but the question should be formulated like this: "What will this problem signals and what will the decision?" Problems and obstacles are training.

How to render the first ambulance when the next test came to your life. Usually everyone says: "Calm down, everything will be fine, etc." How to calm down? And what does it mean to calm down?

So, as soon as life challenges the next challenge, you need to remember the "Gold Rule": "Never solve problems on emotions." Recall what happens to you when you encounter problems? The pulse is readily, breathing is knocked down, in the head of the mess ... Simply put - panic. Calm to help you will help a simple breathing exercise.

Make a deep breath, raising your hands up, as if trying to absorb the maximum in yourself and left hands on the exhale. Let's do this exercise together. Performing it, concentrate on breathing. Try to breathe in order and exhale were as long as possible and each of them occupied from 15 seconds to 30 seconds. If necessary, repeat several times. The result of this exercise will be the normalization of the pulse and respiration and the willingness to move from the problem to its solution.

If this action does not help, go to the plan "b". Postulate the solution to the problem and go for a walk in the fresh air. I am quite serious ... The only exception: someone is bad and the immediate response is required. In all other cases, half an hour in the fresh air will bring benefits at times more than you will continue to sit and shy, not knowing what to do. Believe me, in 30 minutes, nothing fatal will happen.

After the walk, proceed to find the solution. This will help us the most beautiful exercise "Brainstorming". To fulfill it, we need a handle and a sheet of paper. It can be performed alone and attracting other people.

What is it for? If the problem occurs, it stands in front of us by a concrete wall and prevents from seeing what opportunities behind it are hidden. Our task "push" this wall so that it becomes the bridge between the place where we are now and where we want to get. Simply put, turn the problem into the subsees.

Technology is very simple. Write your problem at the top of the paper sheet. Then start writing solutions all that come to mind. Forget about any possible and impossible, nonsense is not nonsense, really or not, do not edit, do not think, do not suppress the imagination, so you can miss the most interesting. Just spill all the ideas on paper. All ideas are good. Brainstorm helps to get rid of "garbage" in the head and helps believe that there is no way out of the situation. Nothing excites us to action as clarity of the direction of movement.

When ideas run out, choose several options that most excite you, despite the fact that they can cause fear of their scale. Do not remove other options. Try to find at least something that can help you.

When solution options are defined, shed out the achievement plan and immediately proceed to targeted actions.

If any problem occurs, you need to understand the main thing: "Never in our lives do not arise the problems that are unbearable to us and the fact that there is also a great opportunity for each problem." This understanding will add confidence that you can cope with any problem.

And now the promised gift. If you have a problem that you cannot solve yourself, voice it in the comments to this video and I will choose the three most interesting options and absolutely free to help find solutions options. If this problem you really hurt, hurry.

Today it's all. To new meetings, friends.