Highest rating in Dota 2. New rating system: what has changed

The main event features 16 players, 4 from each region: America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and China. Four from each region are determined by regional playoffs. Regional Playoffs have 72 players, 64


The main event features 16 players, 4 from each region: America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and China. Four from each region are determined by regional playoffs. The regional playoffs are comprised of 72 players, 64 of the top ranked players this season and 8 qualifiers for the challengers.

The regional playoffs are divided into 2 stages. The first is a seven-round qualification according to the Swiss system, the top 8 go further. The second - 2 GSL-groups, the winners of which get the right to participate in the final of the championship. All matches are played up to 3 wins in Conquest format with 1 ban.

The final of the championship is divided into group and playoff stages. Group - 4 GSL groups of 4 players, 2 from each group advance to the playoffs. Playoffs - elimination bracket, top 4 get a ticket to the World Championship. All matches are played up to 3 wins with 1 ban in Conquest format.

Two years ago, 7K points in a single rating was considered the highest achievement for players on the personal front, a year ago this bar rose to 8K, and now everyone is paying attention only to 9K MMR. Many people these days openly say that the threshold for entering the professional scene for beginners is 7K and above. But this does not in any way prevent established e-sportsmen from playing matchmaking for their pleasure, without worrying about the numbers. Championship has compiled a list of 10 popular players whose MMR is below the six and a half thousand points mark. Most of them are absolutely not shy about their rating and do not hide information about it in their profiles.

Many openly say that the threshold for entering the professional Dota scene for beginners is at 7 K, which does not prevent some e-sportsmen from successfully performing with a much lower single rating.

Size matters. Professional doters about MMR rating

Joachim "Akke" Actornall, 6.4 K MMR

Legendary Swedish support who became famous all over the world as part of The International 2013 - The Alliance champions. From Joachim's publications on social networks, it becomes clear that, unlike young doters who are plodding over the ratings in an attempt to climb to the top of the list of world leaders, he often spends time with his family, walks in the park, and goes to the movies. Its 6.4K MMR is a perfectly acceptable rating to keep up your daily knack with the best matchmaking players.

Kai "H4nni" Hanbukers, 6.3K MMR

The 28-year-old German esportsman spent his best years under the banner of the Fnatic team along with N0tail and Fly and was considered one of the strongest players in the center line. His signature Invoker was feared and respected by absolutely all the grandees of the world stage. In May 2015, he went intoactive, but at the beginning of this year he returned to the professional scene and now performs with Ninjas in Pajamas. The low singles rating made him give up the center line to his young masterful compatriot Max "Qojqva" Brocher, and Kai himself is now playing as a support.

Kai "H4nni" Hanbukers' low singles rating forced him to give up the center line to a more skilled compatriot and move to support.

Adam "343" Hussein, 6.3K MMR

A single rating of 6.3 K MMR absolutely does not prevent the Malaysian support from being one of the most demanded not only in its region, but also beyond its borders. At the previous The International, together with the Fnatic team, he took fourth place and earned about $ 300 thousand. In winter, he tried his hand at the European B) ears, and most recently replaced Niko "eyyou" Barcelona in the Mineski. Which team will he make his way to Seattle this time is one of the mysteries of the transfer window.

Jonathan "Loda" Berg, 6.1K MMR

The famous captain of the Swedish The Alliance, acting in the position of carry, has a 6.1 K MMR. A low rating and one of the key roles in the game turn out for Jonathan to be credited with the latest failures of the Swedish team. They say that Berg has grown old and cannot boast of the same high rating as his opponents in position. By the way, Loda is the only representative of this list who does not play as a support.

When friendship comes first. The history of the duet "Lokke"

The story of one of the most "old school" duos on the modern "Dota" scene, which in the West was dubbed Lokke.

Zachary "Zfreek" Friedman, 6K MMR

Homing arrows for Mirana, fantastic blackhole for Enigma, stolen ultimates for Rubick - hardly anyone nowadays will believe that this is the work of a 6K MMR player. This is exactly what one of the Friedman brothers, who are at the helm of the American compLexity team, has to his credit. Zachary has a very creative mind, so wherever he is is always a spectacle, regardless of any numbers.

Alexey "Solo" Berezin, 5.9 К MMR

At one time, Solo occupied the first positions in the world list of leaders in a single rating, and was also one of the first to reach the mark of 7 thousand points. Having moved to the position of a support player, Alexey began to fully concentrate on the duties of the captain, devoting less and less time to matchmaking. Now Berezin has about 5.9 K, which absolutely does not prevent Virtus.pro from achieving great heights in the international arena.

Alexey "Solo" Berezin was one of the first players to reach the 7,000 points mark in the single rating. Now he has about 5.9 K MMR in his assets, which does not prevent Virtus.pro from achieving great heights in the international arena.

"Money is not a problem." The story of the people's captain Virtus.рro

In the past, a football player, a frustrated lawyer, and now an e-sportsman. He changed a dozen teams, but only now began to achieve success.


One of the most experienced American supports has 5.9K points in his single rating. Although Brian has recently not been able to boast of great success on the professional scene, he directs his invaluable experience to the development of Dota in the region by recording training videos for beginner players. He doesn't hesitate to apply some ideas from matchmaking to the competitive scene. So, it was thanks to him that the world learned about the roaming Chaos Knight and other extraordinary strategies.

Gordan "g0g1" Prosic, 5.8K MMR

The Elements Pro Gaming team pleases with their results and are slowly making their way to the world stage, including taking part in some LAN tournaments. The roster is led by a Serbian veteran of the game g0g1, known for his performances since the first Dota.

Emiliano "c4t" Ito, 5.5K MMR

Imagine the audience's surprise when Team Secret lost to the Brazilians from SG eSports in The Kiev Major. Most of the complaints were about the draft of the most titled player in the world, Clement "Puppey" Ivanov, who lost to the Brazilian captain c4t, whose singles rating, as it turned out, is only 5.5 K MMR! After following Emiliano's recent games, you can see that he loves Dota with all his heart and, despite his star status, often plays with friends, whose rating is lower by a few thousand more. This does not prevent him from creating problems for the giants of the world stage in the person of such teams as Team Secret and Evil Geniuses.

Most of the complaints were about the draft of the most titled player in the world, Clement "Puppey" Ivanov, who lost to the Brazilian captain c4t, whose singles rating, as it turned out, is only 5.5 K MMR!

Wong "Nutz" Jen Yen, 5.5K MMR

At the bottom of our list is the support of the Singaporean team Team Faceless, who has 5.5 thousand points in the single rating. Why the eminent captain of the squad Daryl "iceiceice" Koch made a bet when forming the squad on this particular player, who does not have so much experience in the international arena, is not clear, but so far Wong is doing his job well.

Almost all members of the list play as support heroes and are age-related by the standards of the professional scene. As a captain or as a support, teams are not required to include players with an exorbitant single rating. The tasks of these team members boil down to a deep understanding of the fundamentals of the game, competently building a draft, and making the right strategic decisions during the game. Also, it is they who most often get the responsibility to maintain the discipline and morale of the team at the proper level.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about the sensational rating (MMR) in Dota 2, and also show you how to find it.

You've probably heard many times about how professional Dota 2 players reach the 9,000 MMR single rating bar, but hardly anyone seriously thought how difficult it is. Note that the first player to reach this mark was Jordanian Amer "Miracle" al-Barkawi from the European team Team Liquid.

It is worth noting that the Russian player of the Virtus.pro team Roman "RAMZES666" Kushnaryov is the first player from the CIS and the fourth in the world after the Jordanian Miracle, the Canadian Arthur "Arteezy" Babaev and the Chinese Hu "KAKA" Lianzhi, to whom the 9,000 MMR bar is obeyed

What is MMR

ММR (MatchMaking Rating)- is a criterion for matchmaking in a ranked match. The game system will try to choose opponents and allies for you with the same MMR level as yours. The number of added or subtracted points directly depends on the balance of the teams.

MMR allows you to sort players for single or team matchmaking to balance opposing teams.

If you won a ranked match with opponents of low MMR level, then you are given less MMR points, and if with opponents of high level, then more. It all depends on the overall rating of your and the opposing team. Usually it is 24-25.

How MMR is calculated

KDA (Kills / Deaths / Assists - translated into Russian Kills / Deaths / Assistance in kills) is a coefficient of efficiency in the game that affects the calculation of your MMR rating as long as it is not assigned to an account.

KDA is calculated as follows: (K + A) / D, where K is the number of kills, A is the number of allies' support, D is the number of your deaths. For example, in a match you killed 5 opponents, helped 7 in killing, and died 2, so the KDA will be (5 + 7) / 2 \u003d 6.

If a player does not have a rating, he is asked to play rating qualifications, about 10 games, during which the system determines your approximate initial rating. To get a high MMR rating, you need to try to play with a high KDA. After that, points for winning a ranked game are on average 24-25 points.

You can learn more about this in this video:

What is the difference between single and team MMR

Who has the highest MMR right now

The full list of players can be viewed at. Note that this Top 200 is broken down into four main regions: America, Europe, Asia, China and is updated daily.

How to view your MMR in the Dota 2 client

In the game client, click on the "Play" button.

Here you can see your singles and group ratings.

Is it possible to buy MMR

It is impossible to buy MMR points for a specific account, but it is common practice to buy and sell accounts with a certain amount of MMR on the Internet. From 500 to 5000 rubles, you can purchase accounts from 1000 to 5000 MMR single rating.

How much MMR do you need to get into esports?

RuHub studio analyst Yaroslav "NS" Kuznetsov in a recent interview with "Soviet Sport" commented on it this way: "People play professionally and under 6000, because they treat MMR" not as something important for themselves. It is more important for them to win the tournament, but playing in public is training. There are a lot of 5000 people who play well and with a little help from professionals could play at a serious level. But no one needs people with so many MMR, because it's hard to know if they play well or not. they look at people with 5000 and 6000, but only with 7000+, because this is a top-100 rating and it is already possible to work with such indicators. "

How to increase your MMR in the game?

So, the matchmaking system in Dota 2 according to the promises of the developers from Valve, it had to endure a lot of significant changes, since most of the community was unhappy. IN patch 7.21 the complete elimination of the current MMR level on all accounts and the introduction of a new rank system were announced.

Having passed the new calibration, the player should now receive not a digital value, but an icon of a certain rank corresponding to his level of play. As before, ten separate games were allocated for calibration, both for solo rating and for party MMR.

New rating system in Dota 2 7.21 table

Recruit Guardian Knight Hero Legend Overlord Deity
0 0 840 1680 2520 3360 4200 5040
I 140 980 1820 2660 3500 4340 5180
II 280 1120 1960 2800 3640 4480 5320
III 420 1260 2100 2940 3780 4620 5460
IV 560 1400 2240 3080 3920 4760 5600
V 700 1540 2380 3220 4060 4900 5740

Judging by the table, there is no difference in the level of play after 5000 MMR at all, which seriously saddened the professional scene, within which everyone insisted that MMR was not important, but stubbornly strove for the coveted figure of ten thousand, which could lead a player to a small elite club and make it a kind of legend for ordinary users and fans.

How the rating is now conducted in dota 2

But this system, like all the innovations in Dota 2, has not yet been fully debugged, and it does not fully meet the promises.
For example, for the most part, the calibration, no matter how it goes, does not seriously change the previous indicator, on average the value changes by 200-400 points, no more. Also, the number of MMR is still in the form of numbers, however, now it is hidden in the depths of statistics. And what is really strange is that periodically the same indicators on different accounts can be displayed in different ranks, which introduces discord and confusion in the circles of players.

On the issues of recalibration, it is still sadder - the difference is no more than two hundred MMR points, that is, only a dozen wins or holes in the old system. Of course, the developers could appeal that the count is accurate, and even past performance was just the current level of the game. But even when calibrating on old and other people's accounts with a radically different level of play, the results did not change too much. This may be interesting for those who wanted to order a professional calibration on their low-skill accounts, hoping for the promised system "from scratch". For such purposes, it is better to create a new account and give it to professionals to be torn apart at once, otherwise 10 calibration games will not change the situation.

On whom to calibrate mmr in DotA 2 7.21

The players about the scenes were seriously disappointed not only by the fact of equalizing 9000 and 5000 MMR, but also by the results of new calibrations and recalibrations. A slight difference in results only works up to five thousand, all the indicators above were seriously underestimated. Thus, all the notorious 9k and 10k now simply do not exist. At the moment, the highest MMR is just over seven thousand. So, even well-known players with a very high level such as Sumail, Zai, Miracle, Main Control were equated to 6000-7000, which really upset them.

How to raise the rank in Dota 7.21

Another reason for dissatisfaction among all the players was that their wishes for the search and selection of teams were not taken into account. For example, the idea of \u200b\u200bmatching players by role was very popular, which Valve apparently did not even consider.

As a result, we can say that while all the efforts of the developers have not been crowned with success and the new system still differs little from the old one, all its negative aspects have remained unchanged, the list has even increased, which did not have a beneficial effect on the number of players and daily online, which continues to fall.

We figured out what has changed in MMR games and how it will affect the gameplay in the next six months.


Now your level of play in Dota 2 is shown on numbers, and special icons. Seven different divisions, from the Herald to Divine, each include five levels. It was decided to bring the system closer to Counter-Strike, and the doters, tired of matchmaking, were even delighted with such changes (although CS: GO players, on the contrary, often expressed their desire to switch to a digital analogue of the rating).

However, in our case, Valve simply hid the rating value in the Statistics section. That is, in fact, the numbers remained, and it is on them that the players will continue to focus, given the misunderstanding of the division system. Sure, the season's highest badge and Divine rankings will add aesthetic beauty to the game, but essentially nothing will change the matchmaking mechanics.

Herald Guardian Crusader Archon Legend Ancient Divine
0 0 840 1680 2520 3360 4200 5040
I 140 980 1820 2660 3500 4340 5180
II 280 1120 1960 2800 3640 4480 5320
III 420 1260 2100 2940 3780 4620 5460
IV 560 1400 2240 3080 3920 4760 5600
V 700 1540 2380 3220 4060 4900 5740

If it is correct, then it is clear that the developers did not bother themselves with dividing the divisions - all seven distinguish between 840 rating points, and 5000 and 8000 MMR now do not distinguish anything. Except, of course, the place in the ranking.

Curiously, a survey of players (over 500 respondents) on Reddit shows a slightly different situation - sometimes people with different ratings have the same rank, and vice versa, at 3000 MMR you can find both Legend and Herald. Nevertheless, the overwhelming majority of those surveyed confirm the table above with their results. What is the reason for such serious deviations is not yet clear.

However, it was much more interesting to understand the essence of regular recalibration, which was supposed to help get out of the usual rating.


Alas, it only brought disappointment to most players. No matter how hard you try, in most cases you will get a rating that differs from the initial one by 100-200 points - that is, what you could have gained or lost in 10 regular matches on MMR.

Let's take a look at another table:

205 respondents told how they went through the calibration and what has changed in their game. So, let's try to figure it out. The closer the points in the form of geometric shapes are closer to the black line, the less the rating change - as we can see, in the overwhelming majority of cases it is minimal, which proves our thesis from the previous paragraph. Interestingly, most of the dots are above the line; this means that the new rating indicators are generally slightly lower than the previous indicators.

But pro-players have lost several thousand ratings: for example, Suma1L was very surprised with the result of my new calibration.

In general, the top results will now remain in history:

  • Fnatic.Abed 10,025;
  • Secret.MidOne - 10,015;
  • VP.RAMZES666-10,011;
  • EG.Arteezy - 10,010;
  • VG.Paparazi - 9,875;
  • SmAsH 9,766;
  • Saksa- 9 620;
  • Immortals.Forev - 9,373;
  • Liquid.MATUMBAMAN - 9 373;
  • NewBee.Kaka - 9 361.

For instance, RAMZES666 received as a result of the new calibration slightly less than 7000 MMR, and the leader of the new table became Miracle with an indicator of only 7200 rating.

More and more users are disappointed with the new system. Firstly, the game search mechanism has hardly changed - and group games only increase the possibility of abuse. We did not see any search by roles, nor additional measures to improve matchmaking (at least, the developers did not report them).

The seasons turned out not to be what users expected - they are too dependent on the player's previous results, and the replacement of the numerical rating with divisions has not yet found unequivocal support.

In addition, bugs at the start of the season and problems with calibration added skepticism. A common mistake - before the end of calibration, the profile displays Herald... Some players were unexpectedly ranked too low, and the qualifiers are also questionable.