Scenarios for March 8 for female employees. The script of the corporate party "March 8 in the fairy kingdom" in verse, contests and musical accompaniment to them

Scenario for March 8

1 Lead: Our lovely women! Have you noticed that today the sun is shining in a special way, men are smiling at you in a special way, and on these festive spring days everyone wants to do only good, bright, good things for you?

In these days of spring, we want to wish you love, smiles, happiness, success in your feminine (but far from easy!) Work!

What more can I wish for you? After all, all wishes in no way reflect your kindness, femininity ...

And therefore we want to wish you that you were always! .. Judge for yourself, what would happen if suddenly, one day, all the women disappeared ?! You can imagine?!

Unshorn, unfed men wander around the city in unironed trousers ... Hairdressers are closed, service companies - too, and there is nothing to say about maternity hospitals ...

On buses, in the role of conductors, guys swollen from drunkenness with monitors in their hands, who beat out the last money from the passengers - men ...

There are no favorite announcers on TV screens. The "Little Swans" dance is performed by four hefty men in shorts and hairy legs ...

Beauty salons are empty, except for a confused business trip with an unconvincing pimple on his nose. The ensemble "Birch" was accordingly renamed to "Oak".

Many words and expressions have disappeared. For example: "husband", "wife", "mother-in-law" and ... the favorite word of all men is "mother-in-law".

Yes, friends, without women, indeed, there is no life and there can be! .. And, therefore, we proclaim the first toast to you, relatives, desired and most beautiful!

1st toast to the Beautiful Ladies.

I propose this toast
For the one who is called a Woman
A day without Her is like May without the sun,
Life without her is a hungry Fast.
Who created It: devil or God,
All - An Exception To The Rule?
But he brought joy to everyone -
"And I could not have invented a better one!"
So let them hear this toast
Not God, not the devil, but those that are near,
Whose duty is to help Her with a light glance
Walk through life in full growth!
May Her life be long
But She does not seem long,
So that the coming day may be her joy,
Like a glass of good wine!

2nd toast manager.

Table game - "Exercising at the table" chant

The presenter explains that when she shows a gesture with her right hand, the guests on the right shout: (no, no), When the gesture with her left hand, the guests on the left: (yes, yes). If hands over head - all in chorus: (we agree), hands on hips - (hurray!)

I have a question - we will celebrate the holiday (left - yes)

Will we be silent, miss? (right - no)

Need to drink, have a bite (left - yes)

Can offer tea (right - no)

The guests will all sing, probably (with the left - yes)

We wish from now on to surprise with beauty - (left - yes)

And hide it from everyone - (right - no)

So that today in our hall everyone would shout (in the hips - hurray)

Because in fact, your holiday is knocking at the door - (left - yes)

We pour wine for everyone (in the sides - hurray and overhead - we agree)

Thinking outside the box

Leading: Let's remember what qualities help when people want to impress each other. For example, the ability to think outside the box. To develop this skill, let's practice a little. You have to guess what famous fairy tales we are talking about. For example, in "The Tale of How a Psychic Gave the President a Radar Device" we are talking about the Golden Cockerel. The golden cockerel, a gift from the magician, warned the king about the approach of enemies.

About how love turns a beast into a man.(The Scarlet Flower)

The first victim of a bad investment.(Pinocchio)

On the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones.(3 little pigs)

About the difficult path of the bakery product to the consumer.(Gingerbread man)

About how a large animal used child labor in the household.(Masha and the three bears)

Overpopulation of the living area, which led to the destruction of the building.(Teremok)

presenter: Well done!

Princess on the Pea

Only women participate in the competition. Participants face the audience. There is a chair behind each. The facilitator discreetly places a small object on each chair. On command, all the participants sit down and try to determine what kind of object is under them. Watching or using your hands is prohibited. The winner is the one who determines the first.

A fun competition.

Four come out and stand side by side: hand in hand. In pairs, the touching hands are tied, and with free hands, that is, one of the participants with the left and the other with the right hand should wrap a bundle prepared in advance, tie it with a ribbon and tie it to a bow. Whose pair goes forward - gets the winner.

Game moment "Flower Quiz"

Flower - maiden eyes(Pansies)

Flower is a feminine name(Rose, Lily, Daisy)

The flower is a self-lover(Narcissus)

Flower - boy and girl(Ivan da Marya)

Flower - with a good memory(Forget-me-not)

A flower that lives forever(Immortelle)

Flower - fortune teller(Chamomile)

Flower - little bell(Bell)

Flower - star (Aster)

Flower is an affectionate male name(Knapweed)

A flower is a relative of a fabric with a pile(Marigold)


The essence of entertainmentHeroes get their role and words on clue cards. By virtue of their acting talent, they perform their role and, when mentioning the name of their character, they utter a replica of their character.


the Rose ... "I want love!"

Sunny "I will warm everyone!"

Wasp "Zhu-zhu-zhu-zhu!"

Cloud "I fly, I am in paradise!"

Gardener "Lepo-o-ota!"

Violet "And everything is purple to me."

The text of the impromptu fairy tale "Be able to enjoy life!"

The sun shone brightly ... Lonely little Cloud joyfully flew across the sky and, perching next to By the sun covered him with herself. I woke up in the front garden Red Rose . Red Rose quickly patted her eyelashes, spread her petals and smiled sweetly. A little later, her neighbor woke up - sleepy Violet. Violet did a little exercise for my neck and abs, and then yawned. A blue-eyed man came to the front garden The gardener. Gardener froze when he saw unearthly beautyRoses and Violets. The sun peeped out from behind the cloud and blew a kiss first Rose, and then Violet, then tickled with its rays Gardener, but then naughty The cloud again covered the Sun with itself. The gardener fussed around the Rose and Violet and rejoiced in life, meanwhile, circled over the front garden Wasp.

Wasp kissed the top of my head Rose, then Violet , and then, furiously working with wings, disappeared behind A cloud. Cloud turned over on the other side and together with By the sun swam in the other direction. Wasp didn't like it and Wasp stung with frustration Gardener right on the cheek. Left cheek. The cheek was swollen, the left eye was numb, seeing this, for some reason she said Rose, Violet answered her.

But even after that he slyly stretched out a cheerful Gardener , touched his swollen cheek, no wonder, because he was a philosopher. And for a philosopher, life is a huge front garden, where there are many Roses and Violets. And this in itself is a great happiness. And what would Wasps we have not been bitten, be able to rejoice To the Sun, Flowers, Cloud, holiday and life, in general!

Applause to the artists for their talent! And a fairy tale for a hint and a reason for a wonderful toast: “Let's enjoy the holiday and life, gentlemen! Hooray!"

"Marilyn's Walk"

The Marilyn Monroe hip walk is known to many. To make it perfect, the actress sawed off the heel. To reproduce the gait, girls need to tie their knees and try to walk as much as possible. The one who was able to overcome the greatest distance wins.

Unpack your gift.

One person takes the package and unpacks it, guessing riddles.

Musical fairy tale "Vasya-cornflower"

Game for March 8: I like - I do not like.
The presenter asks all the guests sitting at the table to name what they like and what they don't like from the neighbor on the right. For example: "At my neighbor on the right, I love the ear and I do not like the shoulder." After everyone calls it, the host asks everyone to kiss what they like and bite what they don't like.

For a fun feast, it is specially designed for a small (up to 40 people) team. The script is also focused on the feast.

Thus, if your task is to organize a fun feast with communication of colleagues in an informal setting, contests, congratulations on March 8 and several dance breaks, then this scenario is what you need.

Note that to organize such a fun feast on March 8, you will need a minimum of preparations (except for the table itself). All you need to take care of are the prizes for the contest winners on March 8th. Prizes can be any useful or memorable souvenirs of your choice.

According to the idea of ​​this corporate party for March 8, almost all the action takes place directly during the feast. Therefore, to organize a feast, you will need to appoint a person in charge, who is also the presenter, who introduces congratulations to the heroes of the occasion, leads contests and fills in the gaps between congratulations and actions.

As we said above, this scenario of a corporate party for March 8 is focused on a festive feast. Therefore, the presenter, as a rule, takes the floor before each new glass, having previously allowed colleagues to communicate and taste the festive dishes.

Our dear WOMEN!
Today you have the most favorable and happy day according to the "male" horoscope, ie:
March 8 is a solemn day,
Day of joy and beauty,
All over the earth he gives to women
Your smiles and flowers !!!
What a holiday without congratulations? And the first congratulations he expressed a desire to present to our dear women, our dear leader ... He has the first word.

Dear colleagues! If March 8 is a holiday for women, then for men it is most likely a headache!
After all, women have many worries
But dividing them by a year,
You will get three hundred times less
Than the load that fell on us! -
- Men this one day!

Although the blizzards have not yet shaken,
But after another glass,
Our souls have warmed up
And hearts made happy.
Let the winter be full of excitement
Spring has come to us today!
Today is the day of March 8
And we wish you happiness!

The third toast "For Love!" No wonder people say - "LOVE is a toothache in the heart!" And now the head of the transport department will share this love, or his pain with us, ...!

Dear ladies!
We could praise you until the morning!
However, it's time to get down to business.
The moment has come to present gifts!
As our most powerful argument!

(men give gifts to female colleagues).


Dear women, we have already presented some gifts to you today. But in order to receive our special gifts - you have to try. In order to win back on February 23, we tried to come up with contests for you. The winners will receive their legal prizes.

Let's get started!

Scenario of a fun feast for March 8 - contests

so first competition, not even a competition, but summing up the results of our survey conducted before the holiday itself.

(To do this, you need to write the 5 questions below on a sheet and give them to the women so that they answer the questions asked and summarize the preliminary results. You can change the questions at your discretion or add your own options)

Our dear women were asked to answer the following questions:

1. You came home and a stranger is sleeping on your bed. Your actions (of all the respondents, all but one expressed themselves to lie down next to, and only one decided to put him out the door, so the guys shake off whoever has it)

2. You come to work, and another worker sits in your place. Your actions
(There are many options in this direction, but you can group them into about three groups - 1. they want to get to know each other, 2. they’ll be surprised, but sit next to them, 3. they’ll ask to work for themselves, but for free)

3. You were invited to a restaurant, you had dinner and suddenly your companion disappears without paying. Your actions
(50% expressed a desire to change the satellite, 30% decided to run away too, and the rest to take measures to pay for dinner, but in different ways)

4. You bought a hair dye, dyed your hair, but it turned out that it was green, but you do not have time to repaint before the gala reception. Your actions.
(here women wished to stay in socks or stockings, some only in shoes, in underwear, in one wig, but there were also modest ones - they wished to stay in dresses, but all these items of clothing must be in the same color as their hair. women would dare to go with one toothless smile, and only two decided to go in what is and as is, at the moment)

5. You have an important report tomorrow, and your neighbors have a big party that will keep you awake anyway. Your actions
(Some of the women remained indifferent and gathered to watch TV, but at the same time turn up the sound of the TV louder, 40% of women decided to take more radical measures - to score an arrow in their neighbors and conduct a debriefing, and - one decided on a "wet case" out of these 40%, and only two women don't need a neighbor's party - they just decided to relax)

6. You came to work and you were announced a 10-fold increase in wages. Your actions
(almost all women will be happy about what happened, and one will faint with joy, two women will not believe the salary and think that it is April 1, three decided to get drunk with joy, but only one decided to give her colleagues a drink, and two decided to get drunk alone, and only one of all said that she would work even better than before, in order to apparently earn even more), So ... think about whether it is worth raising wages for women, they can give it to men, who, on the other hand, are ready to work even better as one!

The summarized results of the survey are as follows: Our women have a sense of humor, although before the survey, some men believed the opposite. Our women are resourceful - they have their own argument for any situation and a way out of the current situation. Our women have not stopped loving us men - at least in their thoughts! And this is already good! Our women have a large margin of safety - the conclusion is that the department leadership needs to load them more with additional work.

Therefore, a toast is offered to our daring, resourceful, hardworking, abundant love and of course dear women!


Ladies and gentlemen! We all turn to women, but we turn to women. And let's turn to our men: "Dear men, tell me which of you is dissatisfied with the small salary you are getting now?" And I thought everyone was happy. I propose to those who are dissatisfied to give their salaries to our female colleagues, and to work for free themselves. So it always turns out how to share - so everything is in the bushes, not a single one was found! Therefore, we are smoothly moving on to another competition:

Theater competition: Jury all men
4-6 women are invited and asked to portray the following:
1.portate a feminist
2.P portray a man-hater
3. to portray a confused
4. to portray a woman - an official

A prize for the winner, and a consolation prize for the rest

I have a word for congratulations ...

Scenario of a corporate party for March 8 with contests: continuation

It all starts with a woman! Fun, laughter, duels, disappointments, Love, care, warmth and pain and much more, all this is because of you and for you, our dear ones! At whatever age you are, you will always remain the best half of humanity.

We propose to hold a Culinary Competition, for this I will now name each letter from the alphabet, and you dear women will have to name the dishes, within one minute, which of you will name the most, she won!

Let's start clockwise from me and alphabetically, skipping the vowels, and whoever lacks a consonant, let's give a vowel letter. Started: B, V, D, D, F, Z, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, F, X, Ts, Ch, Sh, Sh,

The winner is a prize.

We have expressed a desire to congratulate the winner personally ... and at the same time all the other women.


Dear men, the time has finally come for you. You are encouraged to pay special attention to your neighbors. Our Ladies want to see filled glasses, your happy faces and ears hanging on the carnation of attention. While the glasses are filling, I propose to hold another competition called POPA(or any other word or words "I WANT A MAN")

All women in turn say the word "Popa" or "I want a man!" with increasing volume, i.e. the first speaks in a whisper, the second a little louder, the third even louder, etc. in a circle clockwise from me leading. The winner is the one who speaks the loudest, i.e. after it, no one dares to say (shout) to yell louder. If during the game someone enters the room where it is being played, you should say: "Hello, we called you."

The winner is a prize, and wishes to congratulate the rest ...

Dear women, now we want to determine which of you is the most agile, 4-6 people are invited

Competition "Tear a piece of paper"
With one hand, right or left, it is all the same - to tear a piece of paper into small pieces, while the hand is extended forward, you cannot help with your free hand. Who is the smallest will do the job.

And so they began. The most dexterous prize, I have not congratulated us yet ...


The prize is taken, wrapped in paper. The content of any riddle is glued to the wrapper. Turns around again. And the riddle is glued again. And so ten times. The players sit in a circle. The host gives a prize wrapped in ten wrappers in the hands of one. The player removes one wrapper, sees a riddle, reads to himself. If he guessed it, he says the riddle, if not, he reads the riddle aloud, whoever guessed it, gets the right to further unfold the prize and everything continues according to the same scheme. The winner is the one who, guessing the riddle, gets to the very end.

For the game, sheets of paper and pencils are required according to the number of those present. Each guest is given this set of a young artist and a card with the concept - the funnier, the more interesting. For example: adultery; hellish tension; senility; second youth. In five minutes, players must draw their concept without using words and letters. Then each artist presents his masterpiece, and the rest guess the concept. The winner is the one whose concept was guessed.

RODHOME(the woman is given a note with the parameters of the child - weight, gender, height, and even a name)
Two people are playing. One is a wife who has just given birth, and the other is her faithful husband. The task of the husband is to ask everything about the child in as much detail as possible, and the task of the wife is to explain all this to her husband in signs, since the thick double-glazed windows of the hospital ward keep sound out. See what gestures your wife will make! The main thing is unexpected and varied questions.

This game will help all your guests get to know each other. The guests at the table pass a roll of toilet paper in a circle. Each guest rips off as many pieces as he wants, the more the better. When each guest has a pile of scraps, the presenter announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell as many facts about himself as he has torn scraps.

Two volunteers are called in, preferably guys who know each other well. Others stand around and represent a support group. Players sit on both sides of a small table, a candle is placed in front of each, a lighter (or matches) and an apple are given in their hands. The task is simple - who will eat his apple faster. But an apple can be eaten only when your candle is on. And the opponent can blow out the candle and then the player, before biting the apple again, will have to light it again.

Corporate events are events that help to unite the team. For many, they are associated with the New Year or the anniversary of the company, but everyone needs to have fun much more often, and March 8 is an occasion to congratulate beautiful girls and relax in a pleasant company.

A friendly male team has already come up with, h, but there is another problem: how to find a scenario for a corporate party on March 8 and have a fun and unusual time. If you still do not know how to please your women, we offer you several original options with contests.

“The best girls on the planet. Award ceremony! "

The idea of ​​this event is that all the women of the team gathered during the holiday should be awarded in various nominations for achievements at work or personal qualities. As prizes, choose porcelain figurines, sets of cosmetics and be sure to prepare ribbons with inscriptions. They can be as follows: "The best coffee maker", "For stress resistance at work", "Main vest", "For a bright head", etc. During preparation, do not forget that each woman should be presented with a bouquet of flowers.

It would be nice to decorate the hall in the style of the Oscar ceremony: lay the red carpet and make the stage on which the award ceremony will take place. Set up small tables for the audience, each should have drinks, fruits, snacks.

To make the evening memorable, the men of the company should take care of live music and invite artists performing tricks or parodies, a laser or fire show will make a splash.

The holiday begins from the moment when the presenter solemnly opens the ceremony, fanfare sounds. The first to congratulate women on March 8 is the director of the company, says the first toast. After that, the musicians begin to perform compositions about women and love. When the guests have eaten, drunk and danced, the prizes can be handed over to the winners. Remember that all girls should definitely receive gifts.

What contests to offer?

Princess on the Pea

For the competition, you need to invite 5-6 girls. Place a few peas, small potatoes or apples on the chairs and cover them with a cloth on top. Girls need to sit on chairs and determine how many objects are on it. The one who does everything correctly and faster than others wins.

The best workers

The competition involves couples: a guy and a girl or two girls. A frying pan is hung on the girl's belt, and a ladle for the young man. Within 2 minutes, the ladle should hit the pan as many times as possible.

Men's competition "Sculpture"

The facilitator's task is to create three men's teams of 3 people each. Each one with the help of tape and paper should sculpt a female figure. The team that completed the task the fastest and made the most realistic proportions wins.

Blind auction

The host of the holiday lays out several parcels on the table, in which various gifts are hidden. Men buy lots and give them to women, talking about the benefits of the item. For example, a ladle is useful for soup, curlers for creating a beautiful hairstyle, etc.

Correct contribution

To run the competition, you will need a few glass jars and a lot of small coins. The competition is open to all women who want to test their accuracy. The task of each representative of the fair sex is to throw as many coins as possible into the jar.

Scenario of a corporate party "Evening without men"

Often, girls dream of being in a company without men, they want to gossip and chat with each other. What scenario of a corporate party on March 8 to choose in this case? You can have an "Evening without men". But this does not mean that the male half of the team should be bored at home. Young people who want to attend the celebration should wear women's wigs and dresses and pretend to be girls all evening.

Even the host of the program should put on a woman's outfit and come up with a name for himself, preferably some unusual one.

  1. The presenter hands out letters of honor to all the participants of the party for their active participation in the society "Without men", they meet new girls (that is, with guys in disguise). They tell them what interests they have, what things and styles they prefer, what they think about the guys, etc.
  2. Divide all the participants in the corporate party into two teams: one will consist of women, and the second will consist of men in disguise. Their job is to determine who is best at handling unusual female responsibilities. Every girl should carry a tray on her head and not drop it. For each drop of the object - one penalty point. The team with the fewest points wins.
  3. Another competition is "Pantomime". The teams remain the same, but only now they need to choose a captain who will receive from the leading word and portray them by any means so that the team will figure everything out as quickly as possible.
  4. "Exclusive striptease" is an unusual performance, young people go on stage one by one, dance and show striptease, and dress in men's clothes. And already in their usual form, men congratulate the girls and give them gifts and flowers.

Corporate party in the style of the movie "There are only girls in jazz"

If you are looking for a scenario on March 8 for a corporate party in a female team, then you will not find better options. Every woman will feel like herself, before choosing gifts, be sure to remember that Darling (the heroine of Marilyn Monroe) and the actress herself loved bright and shiny jewelry. They can be made as awards for winning the competition. If the budget of the corporate party allows, then you can buy products with Swarovski crystals. Preference should be given to bouquets of orchids and roses. The basis of the evening should be contests, you can come up with them yourself or use our options.

"Girls' best friends are diamonds!"

To conduct a competition, you will need fishing line or thin wire and large beads of various shapes. The task of each girl is to string as many beads as possible in 2 minutes. The winner is the one with the most chic jewelry.

"Marilyn's Walk"

The Marilyn Monroe hip walk is known to many. To make it perfect, the actress sawed off the heel. To reproduce the gait, girls need to tie their knees and try to walk as much as possible. The one who was able to overcome the greatest distance wins.

Portrait of Monroe

The presenter should prepare templates in advance with the image of the famous actress. Each participant of the competition decorates the template with felt-tip pens, pencils, but it is better if decorative cosmetics are used for these purposes. The winner can be determined with a round of applause.

Lead 1: Dear Ladies! On the eve of a wonderful holiday, we have gathered with you in our music hall. After all, our close-knit female team simply cannot be spilled with water!

Leading 2 : Let's have fun, talk about our little weaknesses, gossip about men and share women's tricks and secrets!

Leading 1: As sung in the song.

The snow will melt the prankster March,

Hearts will thaw from winter.

Let's celebrate a women's holiday

As only we can!

Provided the Wordto congratulate the team ___________________.

Lead 2: And now Lyudmila will sing for us "The Woman Who Loves"

Lead 1:

Today the sun is shining happier

Anticipating the breath of spring

And all the beautiful dreams in the world

Today they must come true easily!

Lead 2: Spring always breathes more freely, and the heart is more cheerful. In spring, not only nature wakes up, but also feelings, hopes, good mood. Happy Women's Day and Happy New Spring!

Lead 1:

Do you know, girls, that if you take a closer look around you, you will notice that the arrival of spring portends many other life changes! And today many surprises await us!

And now I am an excuse for you to go to the center of the hall.Dance entertainment "Round dance of greetings"

Each country and each nation has its own traditions and rituals of greetings. I suggest you try it, and suddenly you like it, and this will become our traditional corporate greeting.

The guests form two circles: interior (guests move, dancing,clockwise) and outer (counterclockwise). When the music stops, the presenter names the country (prompts for movement), and everyone standing opposite each other shares their respective greetings.And here we are met by France

Country and movements:

France - hugs

China - prayer movement of hands in front of the chest

Norway - strong handshakes

Chukotka - rub their noses

Samoa - intense sniffing

Russia - bread, salt

Japan - bows

New Guinea - showing our tongue

Africa - patting his hips with his hands and grimacing with joy.

Lead 2: Dear Ladies! The main inalienable sign of spring. On the eve of March 8, literally in a day or two, there is simply no overcrowding in stores. This is because men choose gifts for us, as always, at the very last moment! And quite often, if not regularly, they give us something completely wrong! What does a woman want?

Answers ……

Lead 2: Believing that the best gift is a book is the lot of librarians. We know the correct answer. Fur coat? No, take it higher. Well? As the dear Leonid Arkadyevich would say: aw-to-mo-bi-l !!! And so, now a new car will be presented to your attention. But I am silent, I am silent: the word to the creators!

One lady comes out.

DESIGNER: Dear friends! Actually, we planned the presentation at the Geneva Motor Show, but for the sake of the holiday (International Women's Day), we will tell you a little insider information.

And so, let Mikhail Prokhorov bite his elbows with his Yo-mobile, we present the first women's car, ZH-MOBILE!

  • Main characteristics. J-MOBILE refills, like the hostess, from one glass of gasoline.
  • Unlike a regular car, a lipstick section appeared - where there was a cigarette lighter. The cigarette lighter itself was eliminated in order to avoid an unpleasant burning sensation. There is a function to find a lost earring in the salon
  • An important point: the car is a chameleon. Automatically changes color to match your purse and boots.
  • J-MOBILE - does not skid on the road, it just wags the bumper.
  • In J-MOBILE there is a disc with compliments. This is done on purpose, so that the cry: "Where are you going to be a fool?" - you heard: "Good girl, you are doing everything right."
  • The J-MOBILE has one drawback, it turns out too well in the pictures of traffic police radars.
  • The steering wheel of the J-MOBILE resembles Brad Pete's torso in shape, which makes him reluctant to let go. The steering wheel automatically gives you a manicure, and the gas pedal gives you a pedicure and a light foot massage.
  • The car senses where there is a new collection or discounts and brakes there itself.
  • A soft toy, a pink pillow and a velvet cloth A good mood function and a favorite perfume scent are already included in the basic configuration.
  • There is not only a rear-view mirror, but also a full-length interior.
  • Well, that's probably all. Does anyone in the audience have questions?

MAN FROM THE HALL : You described everything so colorfully. Does your car have any drawbacks?

  • In our opinion, there is only one: the trunk of the J-MOBILE is made according to the principle of a handbag.

A person from the audience: That is?

  • It has everything you need, just what you need figs you will find.
  • Thanks! Wait for sales! Soon in AVON and ORIFLAME catalogs

Lead2: Let's look forward to it. How many wonderful and interesting things are in our world! Still, the main miracle is a woman! After all, she is a great secret of nature, an unsolved mystery of the Universe, which can be compared only with the brightest star! And today I propose to choose the bright star of our kindergarten.

HOST 1: And now we invite 10 participants.

GAME "BEST ACTOR" Probably, we all know our favorite verse "Our Tanya is crying bitterly"?

The task is simple: now they have to recite this verse, but there is one thing: I will show on the screen in what way the poem should be presented, so that all the nominees would be in the same conditions.

For example, a verse should be recited if you do not pronounce the letter "R" (demonstrates how to recite the verse). Clear? Then we started!

HOST: are Japanese;

2. you are offended;

3. you are very happy;

4. you are an alarmist;

5. you are an old grandmother;

6. you are a little boy who just - that he began to speak; are a bully;

8. you are Georgian;

9. you are very brave; are miss universe 2015 and you just found out.

What great fellows, in our kindergarten there are only the brightest stars, the audience, let's clap our actors. We consulted and decided that all our actors deserved an Oscar for our kindergarten Ascor.

Lead 1: I ask you to get yourself together, as we now have to think and guess the melodies that will now sound. A little clue cartoon melody. So: sit down more comfortably, listen. Prizes await the winners, or rather the winners.

Lead 2: Well done with cartoons coped.

Let's continue nowYou need to guess from which movie the catch phrases sound

Lead 1: Questions:

1) - I demand the continuation of the banquet! (Ivan Vasilievich changes profession)

2) Get out of here! And then I have ... spoons disappear! (Girls)

1) - to live well, but to live well is even better! (Caucasian captive)

2) - Wake up with us in Kolyma, you are welcome, (Diamond hand)

1) - Stole, drank - to jail! Romance! (Gentlemen of Fortune)

2) "They will put you on, but you don't steal" (Beware of the car)

1) - Announce the entire list please (Operation Y and Shurik's other adventures)

2) - It's always like this: you work, you work, and then - bam! - second shift (Big break)

1) What disgusting is this your aspic fish! IRONY OF FATE OR ENJOY YOUR BATH

2) - Hey, citizen! You don't go there, you go here! Snow will fall into the head ... (Gentlemen of fortune)

1) Hello! The hostel is listening! MOSCOW DOES NOT BELIEVE IN TEARS

2) - Komsomol member, athlete and just beauty (Caucasian captive)

Leading 1 : Well done and coped with this task! Now let's try to solve the riddle:

Who is very strict

But he knows how to joke too?

Who us from any commission

Able to protect?

Who is in subjection

More than two hundred preschool children?

Who is responsible for the kindergarten

These long years

And to whom are we for advice

Do we always contact?

Well-versed in all matters,

Of course ... (manager)!

Host 2: ……… .. we spent so much time choosing the words to express our gratitude and admiration to you, that it turned out to be a whole song!

(to the motive of the children's song "Smile").

From the smile of our boss lady

Even the laziest will wake up

And no one will hang their nose

If ours …………. will smile!


And then for sure

The clouds are flying away

From the blue brook2p

The river begins

From the smile of our boss lady

The soul always becomes more wonderful!

Despite vitamin deficiency,

We get to work with a song!


And then for sure

The clouds are flying away

But the plans are being corrected!

From the blue brook2p

The river begins

And the bosses start with a smile!

Leading 2.

What should the guys do?

How to learn and when?

How to walk and have fun?

We do not know, what a problem!

But there is a whole sheet of occupation

Writes to children …… ..!

Handing over flowers ……………………………………….

Leading 1.

Doors, lights, carpets,

And sand for the kids

Curtains and toys

Blankets and pillows

We brought furniture to the kindergarten

Wonderful ………!

Handing over flowers ……………………………………….

Leading 2.

All in papers, in timesheets,

All in worries and deeds.

You need to run away to the management,

Sign her a statement.

To do it all,

She needs to have wings.

We want to wish you good health,

Thank you so much!


Handing over flowers ……………………………………….


Why do we love spring days so much?

Why are we waiting for them with hope and joy?

Because only they are filled

Unusual, special happiness, warmth ...

Presenter1: Attention lady! On March 8, it is customary to give gifts to women. Women bloom like roses! I will have to stay a little in the role of Santa Claus, despite the fact that winter is already over.What does a woman want? Anything that will make her happier and more beautiful. And today just such gifts are in store for you - the most necessary and practical in the world!Please join union members!

Presenter1: And now, another surprise awaits you Video film "My Amazing Life"

Leading 2: In our garden, there is an extremely beautiful team-bouquet! In it, all the flowers are so matched to each other that replace at least one - and it will be completely different! ..

Host 1. Our women are the most - the most!

Presenter 2. The cutest, most beautiful!

Presenter 1. The smartest, the most gentle!

Host 2. The most fun, the most creative!

Together: We wish you to remain so always and in everything!

Show program "Chumachechiy bachelorette party".

Soundtrack: Plague Spring.

Leading: Dear women! This wonderful day has come! Cafe ____________ congratulates you on a wonderful spring holiday! Let smiles bloom on your faces, and let worries and sorrows disappear forever.
Leading: Girls, let's break away at least one day a year, take a break from our daily problems - from washing, cleaning, kitchen affairs. We are women after all, not dishwashers!

And on this March day
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
And reach any heights
In all matters, we wish you!
Let your eyes shine
Let your face shine with a smile!
And may fate give you
One day I will meet with a goldfish!

Soundtrack: continuation of plague spring.

Leading: Women! You are beautiful, in this room there is just a flower garden of the most beautiful roses, it’s scary to approach
Leading:... Why?
Leading: What if they get an injection?
Leading:... I think that roses in this room do not prick or bite. Let's get acquainted? Dear ladies, introduce yourself, come up with a name for your company, tell us about yourself.

Introducing guests. We give each table a flower.

And this is the biggest capital
Whatever will be provided by itself.
I propose to raise glasses, gentlemen,
For the wonderful part of humanity!

Phonogram: The demon has beguiled you.

Leading: Ah, woman, spring, love ... well, what else do you want

And a lot is needed for love:
Two kind words, a couple of phrases!
Reveal your intentions,
Without taking your eyes off your eyes!

Say: You are a miracle! You are a soul!
I'm sick of you! I am your slave!
Oh, my God, how pretty!
Oh, how weak I am before you!

And slightly topping up a glass of wine,
Kiss her palm!
Say: I'm glad you are alone!
No, you are not a spark, you are a fire!

And a lot is needed for love:
Two kind words, a couple of phrases!
Reveal your intentions,
Without taking your eyes off your eyes!

Phonogram: Stas Mikhailov - for all women.

the man's blood boiled with passion.
and, a woman with a smile on her lips
said that she would be allowed to kiss,
but, only in two places….
oh, peasant, holy simplicity!
he moved closer to the woman
and asked to quickly name the places-
she said: "in Rome and in Paris!"
Leading: The woman is always a mystery. Many men would like to know what a woman is thinking.
Leading:... When?
Leading: Well, at least now.
Leading:. Leading: I will give you a magic hat, and you can easily read the thoughts of the women sitting in the hall.

Phonogram: Stas Mikhailov - Queen.

Leading:... Only a woman brings beauty, tenderness and charm into our everyday life.
Leading: And the man complements her with prudence, tact and gallantry.
Leading:... In any case, it should be so. I'm not even talking about how much the female words sound more pleasant: love, spring, music.
Leading: And male? Order, reprimand, asphalt ...
Leading:... What could you do without women? Who gives you food, water, clothes?
Leading: Female.
Leading:... Who is raising the children?
Leading: Female.
Leading:... Who warns us against doing bad things?
Leading: Police.
Leading:... Let's admit. And who creates comfort in the house, maintains cleanliness and order?
Leading: Vacuum cleaner ... No, the woman with the vacuum cleaner.

Phonogram: Alegrova - Women bitches.

Oh woman, delight from delight
and the worst of the creations of hell.
You are both joy and reward to a man,
you are his pain and deadly poison.
We are women! Nature has given us
To love and wait, dream and surprise,
To meet the dawn with a smile on your lips,
And sing when the soul sings

Moose. quiz.

Where is the hero of the song “the month colored with crimson” invites the beauty with him? (Let's go beauty ride)
-Why shouldn't girls fall in love with beautiful ones? (They have a fickle love)
-When did the beautiful and brave cross the road to the girl who was going to get married? (When the gardens were blooming)
-V. Meladze sang that she entered his sinful life, and then left it. How? (Nice)
-What thoughts make the beauty cry in the song "Enchanted, bewitched"
(What will not come true, will forget what will not be remembered, will not come true)
-On what floor can you find out exactly what love is? (on the 7th)
-How did your beloved suffer in Khlebnikova's song "A Cup of Coffee"? (nonsense)
-What would a lady want after she sends him to heaven, for an asterisk? (And want to, want to live!)
- When the woman allowed herself to change, what did she ask the man for? (Love me like that)

Phonogram: Love me like that.


You are as beautiful as roses
Only one difference
Roses wither from frost
And your charm never.

Ladies, we have the opportunity to collect a bouquet of flowers as a gift!

Soundtrack: Background-cheerful.

1. Flower - threads. (Iris)
2. Flower is a feminine name. (Rose, Lily, Daisy)
3. Flower - girl's eyes. (Pansies)
4. The flower is the shoe of the goddess of love. (Lady's slipper)
5. The flower is a self-lover. (Narcissus)
6. Flower - a headdress of a monk (Royal crown)
7. Flower - a guy and a girl. (Ivan da Marya)
8. Flower - with a good memory (Forget-me-not)
9. A flower that lives forever. (Immortelle)
10. The flower is a fortune teller. (Chamomile)
11. Flower - a little bell. (Bell)
12. The flower is a star. (Aster)
13. Flower is an affectionate male name. (Knapweed)
14. Flower - fragrant speck on chintz (Sweet pea)
15. A flower is a relative of a fabric with a pile (Marigold)

Soundtrack: What a dark night.


2 block. Nominations.
Leading: By the way, (Host name), I wanted to ask, if a woman, then for some reason she is always either - Elena the Beautiful, or - Vasilisa the Beautiful, and in fact she is both "The Sleeping Beauty" and "Baba Yaga" .... ... Oh, excuse me, I made a reservation, in one word, that no woman is a fairy tale.
Leading: Yes, the man against her background is clearly losing, If he is a king, then naked, if a knight, then stingy, if a horseman, then of course without a head. Well, and if an employee, then - Balda.
Leading: But that was in the old days, today our man, thanks to the woman, does not feel superfluous in this life. He can boldly walk through life without fear of losing his way.
Leading: And now ______________________ speaks for us. Please welcome!

Miss ERUDIT. Contest "Live buttons".
3 men and 3 women are called, men put on caps, women stand behind, the players are asked who is the first to know the answer, quickly "clicks" on the button (the man's cap) and says the answer. Whoever says more correct answers is the winner. The "button" (man) must answer with some specific sound, "pee-pee", "moo-moo", "ku-ku", "woof-woof", etc.
Questions: 1. In which ditty are both women and the number 8 mentioned? (Eight girls, one me, where the girls, there I go!)
2. What alcoholic drink reminds by its name of the women's holiday? (Martini).
3. Remember films with the word WOMAN. (“Strange woman”, “Sweet woman”, “Beloved woman of mechanic Gavrilov”, “Woman as a gift” ...)
4. And what movie titles contain only adjectives about a woman? (“The most charming and attractive”, “The only one” ...)
5. In which songs are female names mentioned?
("Liza! Don't leave!"
6. What wines are named by female names? (Lydia, Isabella, Dunyasha ...)
7. What plants are reminiscent of female names? (Rose, lily, pansies, daisy, Ivan and Marya ...)


Miss Mary the Artisan.
A woman can make nothing out of nothing: a salad, a scandal and a hat.
Leading:... We are playing the next nomination. Marya is a master! Make a hat.

Soundtrack: for the competition - Uh-uhm-mmmmm !, Dj Vasquez - Tequila,
stripper performance _______________________.

Miss Charm".
We dance to different dances: Eastern, Lambada, Charlesstone,


night queen- Competition who will tie a tie better (Merry music.)

COMPETITION "TELEGRAMS". I ask the men to come up to me. Imagine the situation that you are sending your half a telegram.
Men are offered a choice of 10 telegrams.
The text of the telegram is in your hands. Depict its content with gestures, facial expressions. Lovely wives need to read the telegram aloud, i.e. read the text of the telegram aloud.

Print telegrams.

The final.

So the bouquets ended,
SMS, show-off, candy,
Congratulations, wishes,
Quarrels, screams, partings,
"Why did not you call?"
"You bastard, you forgot me!"
“You bastard, you don’t love me!”
“How are the carnations? What the heck? "
“Where is the fur coat? You promised!"
"Did you congratulate Klavka too?"
"Who have you been calling all evening?"
"What the hell is a meeting?"
"I want like the one in the advertisement!"
"Well, where is the present for mom?"
Without a heart attack?
Guys, since March 9th !!!