Make a trickle of stones. Dry stream: features of planning and use in landscape design (145 photo ideas). Create a dry stream

In landscape design, there are now a lot of different elements with which to decorate suburban areas. Designers create new and more interesting projects for the laconic improvement of the local area. One of these options is the creation of a so-called dry stream. Such a stream can be created in the shortest possible time, unlike a full-fledged reservoir, and it looks incredibly beautiful and organic in any landscape.

Characteristics and origins

Often used in landscape design are various types of reservoirs, but not every site can be such a design. In addition, the creation and operation of water bodies in a suburban area is always associated with additional financial and time costs, for example, for purification, construction of a system for supplying water and other components. For those who do not see the point in additional costs and long-term work on the site, the designers offer dry reservoirs.

The dry stream has become very popular in landscape design, especially in those areas that are made in the style of a rocky garden that came to us from Japan. In the Land of the Rising Sun, gardens were decorated with dry beds 700 years ago.

In Eastern beliefs, it is believed that such an imitation of a source attracts positive energy to the owner of the home and affects life in the best way, as well as contributes to the achievement of harmony and well-being.

In fact, a dry stream is an imitation of a dried stream, the bottom of which is lined with stones, sand, rubble and other materials. Ornamental plants are planted along its banks.

The advantages of such a decorative dry element on the site in front of a real body of water are:

  1. No need for constant care.
  2. Minimum financial costs for creation.
  3. Possibility of quick installation.
  4. Attractive appearance regardless of the season.
  5. Lack of attraction to harmful insects.
  6. The ability to hide landscape defects.
  7. Performing the function of a drainage ditch.
  8. The ability to mask communications on the site, for example, sewer manholes, pipes, cables and others.
  9. No restrictions on the choice of plants for planting.
  10. Complete security.

The dry stream is able to visually enlarge the site, divide it into functional zones, and also enhance the impression of other significant landscape objects.

Dry stream options

Conventionally, dry-type flows can be divided into several types:

In fact, there are tons of different subtypes of dry streams that differ in both appearance and stages of creation. We will look at the most popular ones that are used by landscape designers to decorate plots.

Stream source

Such a dry stream has a specially designed source place in its composition. It can be an overturned bowl or jug, rock or well. This imitation looks impressive due to its naturalness.

Sand jets

To design such a dry stream will take a lot of time and effort. The general dry stream consists of several thin jets, which are connected together. This effect is maintained throughout the entire channel. As a rule, these jets have different shades, or are made of materials that are contrasting, but combined with each other.

Important! Simulated waves, which are easy to create with a rake, can bring originality to this element of the landscape.

Merging sleeves

This composition is complex and requires additional design before creation. With proper execution, such a dry stream will look spectacular and natural. In appearance it resembles a dry stream, into which several more flow. In the same way, several sleeves are made out at once, which merge together in a certain place.

In order for a landscape element with the effect of a dried stream to be laconic and harmoniously fit into the overall design, when creating it, you must adhere to the following tips:

It is easy to care for a dry stream, the process consists mainly in loosening the soil around the plants and fertilizing them. It is recommended to water the stones and the plants themselves during the summer months. As necessary, the channel is cleared of moss, debris, fallen leaves in order to preserve its original appearance. If weeds break through the stones, then they should be removed in time to avoid overgrowing the composition. In this case, you can not remove wildflowers, for example, chamomile. They will be an additional decoration for a dry stream. If those plants that are prone to freezing are planted near it, they should be prepared in advance for wintering.


There is nothing difficult in doing a dry stream on a site with your own hands, if, of course, you take the matter extremely carefully and allocate a sufficient amount of time.


Before proceeding to the formation of the composition of a dry stream, it is necessary to determine its size, shape, color and materials.

The first 2 indicators are chosen based on the area of ​​the site. For example, if the territory is narrow and long, then an imitation of a dried lake will look better on the site. A short and wide area is best decorated with a winding stream that visually lengthens the territory. At the same time, for correct perception, the flow width should not be more than 1 meter and less than 30 cm.

The place for laying the stream is also an important component that you should pay close attention to. In general, you can arrange such a landscape decor anywhere, be it the area in front of the house, in the garden or in the backyard. At the same time, the source is located both on a hill and on a plain. If you wish, you can make such a dry stream, which will zone the site when dividing. The object will fit perfectly into the territory along the path.

The most commonly used materials for creating a dry stream are pebbles and gravel. You can buy them on the construction market. If the project requires it, then the material can be painted with water-repellent paint of any color in order to qualitatively fit into the general style of the site. So, small stones of blue color will resemble a real body of water from afar.

If the budget is not strictly limited, then it is quite possible to use basalt and slate for decoration in gray-blue tones. If you dilute the finished channel with splashes of glass balls, then when exposed to sunlight, the stream will sparkle with colors.

If you plan to move away from the classical understanding of the stream and create a red-brown stream, take granite, marble or limestone for decoration.

To create accents, it is the large stones that are used, between which the pebbles are set.

After it has been decided where the stream will be located and how it will look, it will not be superfluous to capture it on paper in the form of a sketch, so as not to get lost in the future and complete the landscape object in accordance with the creative concept.

Stacking stones

Installation of a dry stream begins with marking and surface preparation. So, the boundaries of the future stream are outlined with sand or highlighted with a rope. These contours are used to dig a trench about 15 - 30 cm deep along them. They do not make it too deep.

The bottom of the trench is leveled and compacted with high quality. Geotextile is laid on top - a material that will prevent plant growth and deepening of the trench after creating a dry stream.

Further, you can already proceed to the direct laying of stones. It begins with the design of the shores with large cobblestones. In the crevices, smaller stones are placed in a chaotic manner. After the banks, they create the stream itself in the way that fantasy requires.

If necessary, a dry stream is decorated with stones painted in different colors. You can even arrange a backlight so that in the dark, the stream plays with colors and gives the site a touch of romance and mystery.

Important! The stones are laid only in the most natural order so that no one even thinks that the stream was created artificially.

Flower stream

Not only stones can be used to create a stream. Plants are often used for decoration. Such a semblance of a stream looks incredibly luxurious on the site. As a rule, ground cover and ampelous representatives of the flora are used as a basis. Pansies, buttercups, phloxes and lobelias work great.

Important! Such a stream will have a decorative appearance only during the flowering period of the plants that decorate it.

Selection of plants

Both a flower stream and a dry stone stream need flowers that will support the composition and make it complete. At the same time, it is important to choose plant varieties that will be optimal for this function.

Meadowsweet, swimwear, irises and loosestrife are especially effective when planted along the edges of the stream. Places where the stream takes on a different shape are decorated with ornamental bows or small bushes planted singly.

In places where shade falls, place shade-tolerant plants such as ferns and hosts.

Important! For a dry stream, those plants that are usually used to decorate alpine slides on the site are excellent.

Flowers and grasses are usually planted in small groups to avoid heavy densities that overlap the outward beauty of a dry stream. Large spreading flowers must be combined with ground cover in order to avoid the effect of neglect of plantings.


A dry stream is a great alternative to a full-fledged reservoir. There are a huge number of options for decorating it on the site. It is even possible to perform a completely new and previously unknown type of such landscape decoration, just a little imagination and desire is enough.

Not so long ago, in the twentieth century, a new concept arose, the popularity of which is rapidly increasing in many countries of the world. This is about . In simple terms, this is landscaping and landscaping. In a broader sense, it is an art form that combines architecture, design and construction. During its existence, landscape design specialists have developed many project schemes that allow not only to decorate the territory, but also to give it a natural look, the effect of harmony with nature. Today, you can use ready-made guides for creating a green architectural ensemble to ennoble any site. We will introduce you to one of such projects in our article. It's about a dry stream in the country with your own hands with a photo and step-by-step instructions. It is simple in execution, beautiful in appearance, allows you to hide the flaws of the relief, unpretentious in maintenance.

Dry stream

In landscape design, artificial reservoirs are especially popular. However, not all areas can be equipped with them. In addition, water bodies are always associated with such additional procedures as purification, purchase of purification systems, construction of a water supply system. For those who want to avoid additional hassle, but at the same time have a beautiful natural corner, a stream without water was invented.

A dry stream is one of the main elements in landscape design, namely in a rocky garden that spread throughout the world from the Land of the Rising Sun. The Japanese decorated various territories with dry streams as early as 700 years ago.

It was believed that the flow, which begins from a small, beautifully designed source, passes through the entire site and ends in the form of a funnel, attracts positive energy to the owner of the dwelling, contributes to the achievement of well-being and harmony.

Did you know? The most famous Japanese rock garden is the Kyoto one. It is located at the Reanji Monastery. Founded in the 15th century. It consists of 15 stones placed on a rectangular platform, which are placed in such a way that from whatever side a person looks at them, they will see only 14 of them.

A dry stream is an imitation of a dried water stream, the bottom of which is covered with stones, pebbles, gravel, sand, and planted along the banks.

The advantages of this element over a real reservoir are that it:

  • practically does not require maintenance;
  • will require minimal investment;
  • done in just two to three days;
  • looks beautiful at any time of the year;
  • does not attract harmful;
  • allows you to hide landscape defects;
  • looks good and fits into any area;
  • can function as a ditch;
  • can mask communications (sewer hatches, cables, pipes, etc.);
  • does not limit the choice of plants that can be planted along its banks;
  • is safe for small children.
A dry stream visually enlarges the area of ​​the site, separates various landscape zones, and enhances the impression that other objects make.

Did you know? The term "landscape design" originated in the twentieth century, but the roots of the art itself go back to ancient times and lead to Mesopotamia-it was there that the first attempts to cultivate garden plots were made. In Ancient Greece, parks and gardens were created by human hands, and the earliest mentions of ancient Roman landscape design date back to 65-68 BC.

Popular types

The dry stream element is conventionally divided into three types:

There are many types of dry stream. We will tell you about the most popular ones:

Stream source

A popular solution for creating a dry stream is equipment such as a stone well, jug, rock. In this case, it can be imitated that the water flow flows out of this particular object and that it is where its source is located.

Sand jets

It will take some effort to create sand jets. This composition includes several narrow streams. Throughout the entire length, the effect is made as if they are sometimes connected in one channel, then crossed, then diverge again.

Waves on such streams look very beautiful and original - they are made with the help of a rake, with which separate grooves are distinguished.

Merging sleeves

The fusion of the sleeves is also a tricky composition. It needs to be well planned to make it look believable and beautiful. So, you can pretend that one stream flows into another.

You can also arrange several sleeves, different in width, which in some place merge into one channel.

To create a beautiful and original object that resembles a dried-up reservoir, we suggest you use the following tips:

Important! In the event that the stream is made as a drainage ditch, the stones will need to be strengthened in a concrete solution. Because the current can wash them away.

Dry stream with your own hands

Here are instructions on how to make a dry stream with your own hands in stages.

Where to begin?

Before proceeding directly to the design of a landscape composition, you need to determine its following parameters:

  • the size;
  • shape;
  • a place;
  • materials used.
When choosing the shape and size of a dry stream, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the site. So, for example, if the territory in which you plan to equip this landscape object is narrow and long, then it is better to give preference to a dried-up lake. On a short and wide site, it is good to break up a winding stream. It will visually lengthen the area. The width of the stream itself can vary from 30 cm to 1 m.

Before making a dry stream in the country, it is important to correctly determine the place for laying it. In principle, this object can be located in any corner, both in the distant and most visible: in the backyard or right at the entrance to the house. The source can be both on a hill and on a plain. You can think over the course of the stream so that it will separate all zones of the summer cottage: a vegetable garden, a garden, a place to rest. The object will look good along the path.

The most common materials for creating a dried-up reservoir are:

  • pebbles;
  • gravel.
You can buy them in building supermarkets. If you wish, you can paint the stones with water-repellent paint in any color. Small blue stones from afar will give the impression of natural water.

Also, when decorating a composition in gray-blue tones, more expensive basalt and slate are used. Interspersed glass beads are especially beautiful, creating glare in sunlight.

To create red-brown streams take:

  • granite;
  • limestone;
  • marble.

Accents in the object are made with large stones, granite of various colors. Peak stones are placed in the cracks between the large stones framing the banks.

After determining the location, shape and materials, it is advisable to draw a view of the stream on paper. It is also important to consider what the beginning and end of the stream will look like. The source is decorated in several ways: with the help of bushes, a mountain of stones, a decorative fountain, a pot, an amphora, a vase.

Below we will give you several examples of the design of dry streams, which can be exactly transferred to your summer cottage or you can take any elements, connect your own imagination and design a unique stream.

Styling process

The laying process must begin with surface preparation. First, with the help of sand, the boundaries of the water flow are drawn. They can be easily corrected at any time. Instead of sand, a stretched rope will do.

The bottom of the trench is well tamped and leveled. Geotextiles or lutrasil are poured at the bottom - materials that are designed to stop the growth of grass, erosion of the channel and deepening of pebbles into the soil.

After preparing the trench, you should proceed to the next stage - laying stones. They start with the design of the coastline, which is laid out with large cobblestones. Between them, in the crevices, you can chaotically scatter smaller pebbles and pebbles.

Dry streams are made not only from stone, but also from flowers. A flower stream with your own hands looks very luxurious. During its construction, ground cover plants, ampelous flowers of blue and purple shades are used. Good fit,. However, it is important to remember that such a stream will be decorative only during certain periods and times of the year.

Plant selection

In principle, any plants are suitable for this object.

However, those planted along the edges of the coastline will look especially impressive:

  • spiraea,
Places of bends should be decorated with paradiseas, ornamental onions, as well as large, singly planted bushy plants.

On the sections where the shadow often falls, you can plant shade-tolerant perennials, in particular, hosts and look good.

You can consider decorating with plants that are commonly used in.

Flowers and herbs should be planted in groups and as tapeworms. Dense plantings should be avoided. This will create an unkempt effect. Large spreading flowers should be alternated with low ones.

Important! When choosing plants to decorate the banks of a dry stream, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the composition of the soil, the degree of illumination of the site, the presence of drafts..

Examples with photos

In our selection of options for a dry stream in the country with your own hands with a photo, you can see different design options for a dry stream.

A stream, like happiness, does not need to be expected from nature; you can make it with your own hands. It will be about the most spectacular imitation - stone.

It is difficult to build your own reservoir at a summer cottage, but there is a very interesting and inexpensive alternative to a noisy river - a dry stream. For its construction, you do not have to think about water circulation and buy a pump, simple work can be done on your own, while spending a little money and effort. An imitation of a mountain stream may well appear on your site, even if there is no man in the house. Take on board ready-made ideas, but be sure to complement them with your own zest.

Features and Benefits of Dry Stream

It is easy to guess that the homeland of a dry stream, like other elements of stone landscape design, is Japan. In appearance, the man-made structure resembles a natural trickle after a long drought, it seems that he only fell asleep for a short time, but will soon come to life and play again. During heavy rains, the artificial channel is filled with water, instantly revitalizing it.

In addition to the decorative function, a dry stream in the country house helps to hide communications, organize rainwater drains and hide pipes and flexible hoses for irrigating the garden and garden. You can create an imitation of a babbling river on a site of any size and with any landscape. The advantage of this design element is ease of maintenance and the absence of requirements for plants - almost any specimen can be planted along the impromptu banks, regardless of their requirements for humidity.

Another huge plus of the stone stream is the indifference of mosquitoes to it. On the shore of such a reservoir, you can calmly relax on a summer evening, without poisoning yourself with mosquito repellent.

What decoration techniques are not used by designers to transform ordinary household plots into fabulous corners for a good rest. Dry Stream is one of the most popular modern landscape design tools, in which there is not a single drop of water, but only stones that imitate the bed of a dry stream. The main advantage of this "piquant" design element is that when deciding to create a dry stream with your own hands in a garden plot, the implementation of the idea does not require significant material costs.

The ubiquitous decoration element has its origins in sunny Japan. In the land of the rising sun, the element of water is associated with purity and thirst for life, and murmur is a symbol of the transience of time. Dry streams, which are very popular in Japanese gardens, are necessarily present in areas where water, for whatever reason, cannot be used as an element of landscape design. A dry stream in the garden, as an imitation of this element, makes it possible to create the impression that the water in the channel of the spring has just dried up, and the first drops of rain will fill it with life-giving moisture again.

  • The ability to create a dry stream with your own hands, without much effort and significant financial costs.
  • The speed of construction: it takes only two to three days to choose a place, mark the stream bed and fill it with stones.
  • Ease of maintenance, which is limited only in maintaining the shape of the channel and removing weeds. While caring for a water stream involves timely cleaning of lime deposits and algae.
  • Decorating a dry stream with plants is not limited by anything. While for planting near a natural reservoir, the choice is limited only to moisture-loving flowers and plants.
  • Safe for small children. In addition, in dry streams, unlike natural reservoirs, mosquitoes are not found, causing so much inconvenience for a good rest.

For the channel of a dry stream, the purchase of expensive compressors, water supply and purification systems, which are a necessary attribute of the arrangement of natural reservoirs, is not required.

Dry Stream will be the optimal solution for any garden style plots

Choosing the shape of the structure and preparing the stones

Competent planning of the placement of the bed of a dry stream in the country will make it possible to disguise the imperfections of the terrain. A narrow winding stream visually deepens the space, making the visually small garden somewhat large.

The device of a dry stream is a fascinating and easy-to-perform activity that allows you to embody ideas on creating an original decoration on your site that will emphasize the sophistication of landscape design.

The contours of the stone stream are "drawn" based on the peculiarities of the forms and landscape of the area of ​​the garden plot. The contour drawn by the sand will allow you to preliminarily determine the shape of the future structure and its harmonious combination with the already existing decorative elements. The shape can be easily corrected by "prescribing" new contours with a thin line of sand, choosing the best option that will ideally fit into the landscape of the area. Having decided on the shape and size of the stone structure, you can proceed to the choice of the nature of the material and its quantity.

One of the secrets revealing how to make a dry stream that imitates the flow of water is the elimination of clear boundaries and the heterogeneity of the structure.

A dry stream looks more beautiful and natural on a site that does not have the same width along the imitation of the current

Both large cobblestones and small pebbles are suitable for decorating the stream. The combination of stones of various sizes, colors and textures allows you to create spectacular compositions that will become a bright addition to any direction of landscape design. You can get a bluish-gray stream by using shale, basalt and gneiss.

Ponds made of granite, marble and limestone take on reddish-brown shades. Pebbles painted with waterproof paint, which gives a light light in the dark, can become a spectacular decoration for a stream. Stones covered with a layer of varnish look no less original. Stones playing with tints in the sun give the compositions a “wet” effect.

The illusion of water flow can be easily obtained by complementing the composition of stones with a scattering of glass granules or balls

In order for the stone stream to harmoniously combine with the natural landscape of the area, it is advisable to use local rocks in the arrangement of the structure. Flat pebble stones are suitable for creating a flow effect, and larger boulders for the coastline. The unevenness of the terrain is successfully decorated with waterfalls made of stones of lighter shades.

Stacking stones along the prepared contour

Having chosen a place and having decided on the contours of the structure and the materials of the composition, you can start construction. A "trough" is dug along the contour marked by sand: a layer of earth 15-30 cm deep is removed. The surface of the "pit" is leveled with a rake. In order to avoid the growth of weeds, which can spoil all the beauty of a dry stream, the bottom should be covered with a dark non-woven covering material that allows moisture and air to pass through, for example: geotextile or lutrasil. An alternative option is also a thin layer of concrete or a plastic film. The leveled and covered surface can now be decorated with stones.

The main requirement for the design of a stone composition is laconicism and moderation.

Laying a stone reservoir begins from the "banks". Booth and cobblestones are used to support the inner edges, pebbles are used to fill crevices, the very bed of a stone reservoir is filled with small pebbles.

Decoration of a stone reservoir with plants

Plants are an indispensable element in the design of a stone stream. A dry stream of flowers allows you to get the maximum effect of the similarity of a stone structure with a real reservoir.

Choosing plants to decorate the "banks" of a stone stream, you can use any shrub, decorative leafy and flowering plants. The main requirement is that the flower arrangement must be in harmony. When choosing plants, the illumination of the site, the composition of the soil, humidity and temperature conditions are also taken into account. When decorating the channel of a stone stream itself, it is advisable to use plants that actually grow in water.

Against the background of small pebbles, plants look spectacular, the color of which is associated with the water element, for example: a large-leaved forget-me-not or a creeping tenacious

Plants of blue-green shades with long leaves are also associated with bodies of water. Plants, the flowers of which are painted in juicy shades of blue, will become a spectacular decoration of the stone stream. Among the beautiful blooming beauties of all sorts of shades of blue, the following are suitable for decorating a reservoir: lobelia, obrietta, blue fescue, creeping tenacious, bearded iris, large-leaved brunera.

Chinese cane, pampas grass, willow sunflower, hosta, daylily, plantain sedge can be a successful addition to the composition.

When planning a stone reservoir on your site, you can use this design option with plants: 1 - leaf grate bamboo, 2 - varieties of bearded iris, 3 - lobelia, 4 - creeping tenacious, 5 - Poskharsky's bell, 6 - hybrid forms of obriety, 7 - large-leaved bruner , 8 - awl-leaved bryozoan, 9 - creeping red-leaved tenacious, 10 - reed arundo

When creating a dry stream in the country, for the harmony of the composition, it is advisable to use more natural elements. A decorative wooden bridge looks very impressive against the background of a stream.

The art of landscape design combines many elements, for example, alpine slides, various types of flower beds, ponds, gazebos and much more. One of these elements, which has recently become quite popular, is the so-called dry stream, reminiscent of the bed of a real live stream, along which, until recently, some water gurgled merrily.

The bottom of such a stream is lined with stones, and flowers grow along the banks. One gets the impression that as soon as it rains, the water will re-fill the dried-up river bed and the brook will rumble again.

Idea of ​​creation dry stream on the site came to us from China. According to the convictions of the Chinese, water or, in extreme cases, its imitation must be present in any area or in the garden, which was most successfully embodied in the "stone stream". This element of landscape design is inherently versatile and can easily fit into a classic or modern style. In addition, such a stream has many advantages, for example, due to the lack of water in it, you will never be attacked by mosquitoes, and it does not require special care. Due to the fact that the stream can be made in any size and shape, it is great for any size and surface area, and it will be safe for children to play near it.

How to create dry stream on site?

What seems difficult at first glance is not so difficult on further examination. First, you need to remember what living natural streams look like, and, based on this, come up with what your version will look like. First you need to "draw" the outlines of the channel, you can do this, for example, with sand. Depending on the size of the site, the stream itself needs to be designed. If the site is small, then the winding channel will help to visually enlarge the territory and deepen it. On different segments along the entire length of the stream, there can be different widths, thanks to this technique, you can achieve maximum "naturalness". After you have defined the exact contours of the future stream with the sand, you can start constructing it.

To make your project look like natural will help stones of local rocks. For the bottom, it is better to choose smooth and flat stones, and set small blocks along the banks, as if washed out with water. In order to make “rapids” and “waterfalls”, experts recommend choosing stones of light shades, and for depressions, on the contrary, dark stones. Favorite breeds of device designers dry streams on the site, are shale, as well as basalt and gneiss. White marble inserts can very well revive the appearance of the stream.

If you want to achieve special effects, then you can resort to using paint, and paint some of the stones in dark and light colors. Designers advise to use glass beads or granules to achieve the effect of flowing water, which shimmers in the sun. In general, there is a lot of information on this topic both on the Internet and in landscape design magazines, therefore, using ideas, you can come up with something original of your own.

Dry stream on site - photo

When you have already decided on the details of the project, you can start building dry stream on the site. To do this, you will need to dig a small trench with a depth of 10 to 20 cm along the entire length of the outlined contour. This material allows air and moisture to pass through, but does not allow weeds to grow. Stones for laying out a stream are used of several types and different sizes.

The "banks" are propped up with the largest ones, with smaller stones, for example, the distances between them are laid bare, and the rest of the space is filled with pebbles or rubble. When coming up with an environment for your masterpiece, remember that in this case, simplicity and brevity are welcomed, that is, nothing superfluous, everything should be in moderation and any elements should be in harmony with each other. When choosing plants, give preference to undersized species.