Do-it-yourself hut in the forest in winter. DIY hut: it's easier than it seems! Hut type "wigwam"

How to build a hut with your own hands on a tree?

Clear space to build a house, remove debris and large weeds and thorns. Choose the right tree. When choosing a tree, rely on its robustness and branchiness.

  1. Build a platform.
  2. Install additional supports by placing them on adjacent sides of the trunk
  3. Install a rectangular frame, which in the future will be the floor for a tree hut.
  4. Make a roof from the branches, with the largest number of leaves and lay the branches fastened together on the beams prepared in advance for this.
  5. Arrange the entrance to the tree house - it can be a ladder, wooden or rope.
  6. You can put hay underneath, or an armful of leaves to soften the blow when falling down the stairs.

How to make a hut from branches?

  1. To build a hut, you first need to choose the right place, for example, a group of fallen trees, the southern side of the hill, the roots of old large trees twisted.
  2. To build a hut in the forest without tools, you need to make a base - a hole or a small depression in the ground.
  3. After that, impose a frame of branches, preferably conifers, but if there are no such, then any will do.
  4. On top of the branches, you can put a large piece of cloth, film, oilcloth, and pour snow on them. This will provide reliable protection from the cold.
  5. The next step in the construction is the interior of the hut. To soften and warm the day of the home, you need to spread spruce branches, dry grass, or hay.
  6. At night, the entrance to the hut must be covered with branches or hay to keep warm. Despite the fact that the hut is made of snow, it will be even warmer in it than in a wooden shelter.

How to build a hut without tools?

To build a hut without tools, materials at hand will come in handy in the form of dry branches, leaves and trees. For support, the easiest way is to take a tree felled at an angle, but before building, make sure that the tree is reliable so that later it does not fall under the weight of the load. Cover the top with branches of coniferous trees or alder, if nothing else, any other branches.

Another option for building a lean-to hut with your own hands in the forest without tools (when only one part of the hut is closed) is possible by using a pole consisting of a strong long branch, which is inserted into the gap between the branches of two neighboring trees. After that, as in the previous version, large branches are placed on one side, and everything is sprinkled on top with leaves.

How to build a hut from boards?

  1. First of all, you need to make a frame for the future hut from boards on the ground using two poles with spears at the ends.
  2. Now you can lay out the boards by digging one end of the board into the ground and the other by nailing it to a horizontal pole. The result should be a shape similar to the roof of a house. Boards should be laid as close to each other as possible, fastening them with rails.
  3. Further, on both sides inside the hut we put one log, and on top we put boards, fastening them to the logs with the help of nails.
  4. To decorate the front and back sides of the future house, we prepare triangular parts made of tarpaulin, fabric, polyethylene and any other available material and attach them to the structure. The hut is ready!

Features of building a hut at home

It is much easier to build a hut at home with your own hands, doing it not in the forest, but in the country in the village, since all the necessary tools and materials are always at hand, and the structure will add uniqueness to the summer cottage.

Construction of a hut in the country and in the village

The construction of a hut from boards in the country is not very different from the above method of building a hut on the ground.Also, first a frame is made, then the bases or slopes, using boards and logs, and to decorate the front side, figures in the shape of a triangle are cut out and attached to the building with nails but there are some details.

So, when building a hut house, you should take care of its durability and versatility.

Construction of a hut in the city

Do-it-yourself construction of a hut in the city is most often limited by space, time and materials.

  • We create a blank of the future hut from cardboard, cutting out two rectangles of such a size that would be suitable for the size of the future hut.
  • After that, we attach the blanks to the plastic pipes at the edges, and connect them together to give stability to the structure.
  • We throw a suitable blanket on top, and tie it with ropes to the pipes, and put pillows inside the hut.

Many nature lovers sometimes stay overnight in the forest. In this case, you can get a job sleeping in a car, in a tent or in a sleeping bag. However, the best option would be to spend the night in a hut built from improvised means. In the fresh air with a pleasant scent of wood, in good weather, a comfortable atmosphere for sleeping in this uncomplicated structure is created. But many people have a question about how to make a hut. Instructions for the construction of this structure will be provided below. More on this later.

Creation of a hotel for insects

Depending on the space you have in your garden, you can specify the sizes you want for your work and leave your creativity free. However, keep in mind that your insect nest will need to be lifted from the ground by about 30 centimeters, and the ideal height ranges from 50 to 300 centimeters.

Select the location of my insect shelter

It should then be located near food sources for your new friends. A flower bed, flower box, mixed hedge, or meadow will do the trick. The main purpose of these shelters is to protect insects from the harshness of winter, so they should be oriented south or southeast to make the most of the sun's warmth while in the morning. You can also shelter it from prevailing winds and bad weather.


The hut is a universal short-term shelter. It is used for overnight stay, protection from the sun, strong winds, temperature and atmospheric changes, precipitation in the form of rain and snow.

Varieties of hut

There are many variations of this structure. However, there are three types of simple huts. Namely:

Don't have a garden or don't have a large one?

If you don't have enough space, you can turn to creating one or more insect nests. These small shelters still allow you to get some insects in your arrays, on your balcony or terrace. Don't be afraid to change the diameter of the stems. Such a device may, among other things, include solitary bees or osmosis, which you can observe from the first rays of spring sunlight. Your fagot, a true insect nest, will allow these harmless bees to lay their eggs and store food supplies there for larval development.

  • freestanding;
  • attached;
  • huts in the recess.

Each type has its own construction features, which have a lot in common. They depend on the time of year, weather conditions and type of terrain.

How to make a hut with your own hands?

First you need to choose a suitable place for the construction of this temporary shelter. It cannot be installed in narrow gorges, on river banks, at the bottom of canyons. Because there may be floods, floods or sudden rainstorms. The danger is the creation of a hut under the rocks that hang over the parking lot, as well as at the foot of the steep mountains. When choosing a parking space, the cardinal points must be taken into account. Let's consider the main options for location.

Another method is to drill a hard, dry wood log using drills and drills of different diameters. The ladybug enjoys a good reputation as an aphid hunter so as not to suffer from our attacks. And yet it makes a very good ally to prevent the invasion of aphids. To attract him to the gardens, it is enough to offer him a habitat that is hospitable enough.

It is not uncommon to find it under a flower pot or a dead tree, favoring damp areas from light. The most common method used to cover the ear is by filling a clay pot with a diameter of just over ten centimeters in a straw.

  1. How to make a hut in a mountain forest. For this area, the specified attachment type structure is well suited. This means that one of the walls, or even two walls, will be made of wood or stone - part of the rock. In this case, you should try to avoid precipitation. That is, do not put a hut in hollows with obvious traces of water flows. Since if it rains, then a stream of water will flow down. Otherwise, the rules for installing the specified structure are the same as for a tent. The entrance to the hut should be on the side opposite to the top. Grooves should be made around it around the perimeter so that the water can drain in case of rain.
  2. How to make a hut in a lowland forest? The answer to this question is pretty simple. In a forest where there is a plain, it is possible to build an in-depth, classic or side hut. In this case, the place is chosen based on the weather. This is important. In cold weather without rain, it is necessary to find such a depression, which will serve as a place of temporary refuge. In case of rain, the indicated structure is placed on an elevated place.

Choosing the type of hut

1. Classic hut. A structure of this type is made in the form of a fireplace for cooking. In this case, two poles or branches are installed vertically. The third is laid horizontally on them. The dressing is done with improvised means: flexible twigs, stems of herbs, vines.

It is then sufficient to cover the hole with chicken wire netting or potato netting to hold the straw in place, and then secure it with a wire that will protrude through the drain hole during the cycle creation. Use this loop to hang the whole on a branch of a tree or shrub that you know is susceptible to aphid infestations. The pot should touch the trunk or branch to facilitate movement of the forgings.

If you have more space and want to play a biodiversity card in your garden in the spring, you can start building an insect inn. The secret of his success in conquering our vegetable garden lies in the variety of shelters and materials he uses.

In this case, there are still several types of installation. For example, 2 poles or even branches, cut with a knife, are set to each other at an angle at the exit from the hut and the back wall with a distance of 2-2.5 meters. This is not difficult to do. Then the main rail is laid horizontally on them. The next option is the wigwam. In this case, you can lay the poles in a circle at an angle to each other in the form of a fire pit, and also use a living growing tree as a fulcrum for them.

Inspired by insect plans

You can divide your hotel into several compartments, where each area will be designed to accommodate insect species. Here are some ideas for nest development by species for attraction. The slots in a box filled with straw will attract chrysophils. The 10mm hole, accompanied by the bead, will be the perfect nest for bumblebees. You can also crawl your cane fagots to attract bees and solitary wasps. Shards of tiles or stones, hollow bricks, etc. ... When embarking on this adventure, keep in mind that whatever size and look you give it will be preferable to choosing natural materials and, if possible, restoration.

2. An attached hut. This also includes the wigwam type around the tree. In this case, there may still be a hut, created on the basis of poles that rest on a rock in a mountainous area. The walls are made in the same way as for the indicated classical structure.

3. Recessed hut. This type of building looks like a classic one in a hollow or represents something between a dugout and a hut. That is, when only the top (roof) is covered.

It is anchored to the ground by two piles, protected from decay by two metal bushings. The roof consists of metal corrugation plates. The branches are made up of straws, hollow bricks, a pile of branches, a punctured tree, and cane fagots. Everything is surrounded by natural stones coming from the falls the size of the low wall.

Do you want to build your hotel in insects?

In this book, you will find a set of specifications for creating insect hotels targeted at each species. Situations of survival and life in nature in general can be divided into two main categories: those in which the goal must move, and those in which the goal is simply to survive, waiting for relief.

The main principles of construction

Before you make a hut with your own hands, you need to know the following:

  1. Location.
  2. Hut type.
  3. The basis of this structure should be several poles with sharp ends, sunk into the ground. One of them is installed as a load-bearing ceiling beam.
  4. The poles of the walls of the hut are installed with a slope of 45-60 degrees. Except when one wall is vertical.
  5. The roof must be stitched with branches (poles) in several tiers parallel to the ground along the perimeter between the installed beam and the ground. Then it will be easier to lay spruce branches or branches.
  6. In deciding how to make a hut, it is necessary to correctly lay the spruce branches on the base of the pole. In this case, it all depends on the individual desire. This should be done so that the upper part of the lower spruce branches is laid under the corresponding side of the layer on top. This is done in the same way as when installing tiles. Then the raindrops will roll down freely.
  7. Instead of spruce branches, branches with large leaves, as well as polyethylene with a tarpaulin, will also go.

Internal arrangement of the hut

This process is also an important point. In the forest, when the usual sleeping bags, folding beds, air mattresses and bedding are not available, one must be able to adapt to such conditions. There are two types of flooring arrangements: with and without a hearth. In each case, a separate approach is needed. Usually in the cool season, as well as when you need to protect yourself from mosquitoes and mosquitoes, you should protect walls and dead wood from the sparks of the hearth. Therefore, it is laid out in the center, limited with stones, the earth is sprinkled between the stones, and a quarantine zone of about 15-20 cm is made around it. Deadwood is laid on the floor of the hut (on the ground) - last year's leaves with branches, shoots. Material in the form of tarpaulin, excess clothing, polyethylene will also work.

The same thing depends on your tools or not. Thus, this article will suggest various possibilities and it will be necessary to choose which one is best for your situation. First of all, you must carefully choose the location of your refuge. Not too far from the water source to avoid having to exert too much effort to have water, not too close to be disturbed by insects and other animals living around.

If possible, also try to build your shelter at an altitude, avoiding valley valleys or situations that are most likely to be wet. Dry riverbeds are also a bad idea as they can fill up quickly in case of heavy rainfall. Finally, depending on the situation, be careful to remain discreet if necessary. Also look out for animal shelters and don't get in the way.

Construction of a hut in the forest

In this case, there are also some nuances. Experienced travelers know how to make a hut in the forest. In this case, you can build a shelter of different types. The simplest option is considered a classic hut. Any lying tree is suitable for the construction of this structure. It will serve as a kind of skeleton for the hut. The branches of this tree will become a retaining means for those rods with which the roof is created. Before you make a hut, the photo of which is provided in the text, you should remember that before starting this process you need to make sure that the lying tree does not crush you. Next, you need to cut off with a knife or tear off the excess branches that are inside the structure with your hands. This is important for convenience. The resulting branches are folded so that the roof slope of the hut is formed. It depends on the thickness of the laid layer whether raindrops get inside the structure. With a tree lying, you can build both a one- and two-slope hut, depending on what position it is in. A lean-to hut can easily be completed to the second specified option. Let's take a closer look at this later.

Take a well stocked tree and pour it as shown, without cutting if possible. Then remove the branches “inside.” Use these branches by removing pieces of wood that are too thick to make a kind of mattress on the ground. It is generally best to avoid caves. They can be populated and you can intoxicate the fire. However, a canopy, or better yet, a small cut in the rock can be very helpful: if there is a canopy, complete it by building "walls" with a branch, making sure to leave a hole large enough so that the smoke does not smoke.

Construction of a lean-to hut

This process is not complicated. The simplest lean-to shelters begin to build from a frame, and a film or tarp is attached to it from above. The lower edges are pressed with stones or a log. This shelter serves as a screen. From the spruce branches, you can make a lounger like a bed. The fire should be built at a distance of about one meter from the lounger. This is important. Firewood is thrown into the fire at night. At a temperature of about +5 degrees, you need to stock up in advance 2-3 dry thick two-meter logs. They can be used to make a "nodya" bonfire. To do this, two or three logs are placed on top of each other with embers between them. This provides warmth throughout the night.

Make your fire at the entrance to a building built in such a way that the smoke escapes, but you take advantage of the heat. Temperature changes much less as one sinks into the ground. This difference is quite noticeable without even digging a very deep hole. Therefore, this is another option for shelter: dig a hole in the ground and cover it with branches. You have several ways to make your life easier. You can also raise your roof with a "lean type" construction. Here we devote a little time to creating a shelter.

It will also be slightly less insulated, but will allow for fire to be made. The idea is to this time take two trees at a reasonable distance from each other and act in the same way as in the photo: place a branch between the trees that will serve as a beam, and then mount an oblique to that beam.Then build a wall that will have the dual function of protecting you from the wind and returning the heat of the fire you make to the shed. The fire should not be under the rays, but 50 or 60 cm behind, which requires placing the wall one meter behind the trees.

Gable hut

In this case, there is also nothing complicated. You can use any available means in the form of spruce branches, reeds, hay, grass or straw. You need to start with the preparation of thin rods, a support rail and two strong flyers on the base of this structure. In this case, you need to have some skills. The flyers are installed by vertical strong driving into the ground for a third of the length so that they do not stagger. On top of them, a strong horizontal rail is installed, on which thin rods are laid with a slope in the form of rafters. Then the material is laid on them from bottom to top. This should be done so that the top row overlaps the bottom one. The back and side walls of the hut are covered in the same way. A fire with a heat shield is made at the entrance to this building. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the specified heat shield must be inclined towards the inlet.

You can also glue one side of your awning or both. In a snowy area, it is much more difficult to protect yourself from the cold. The best solution is to dig a hole, either completely in the snow or under the tree to serve as a roof. Dig to the ground to make fire.

Before you make your hideout, if you have time, shoot the area where you are going to sleep. This will dry it out and keep insects from the soil. Then remove the ash and build your shelter above it. Then you have to build a mattress to insulate you from the ground: ideal for this is getting the branches of the conifers from which you have removed the largest branches. Feel free to make a very thick mattress from the start, it will sag anyway and you will be better for sure.

How do-it-yourself huts are built from branches?

Let's take a closer look at this process. Before making a hut out of branches, you need to prepare:

  • large knife or ax;
  • tree branches;
  • strong rope;
  • stakes from thick branches.

First you need to decide on the form and materials of construction. The gable version is considered optimal, that is, in the form of a tent. To do this, you need to prepare 6 thick branches about a meter long with a diameter of 5-7 cm. In this case, two of them should be slightly shorter. These branches will form the basis of the frame of the hut, serving as the back and front walls. After choosing an even place, the stakes are installed, digging them into the ground in the form of two tripods, one against the other. The distance between the stakes will be the length of the hut. In this case, the tripods should stand to each other with one side of the imaginary triangle. Then thin twigs or rope are horizontally attached to the formed empty walls. Climbing plants can also be used in this case. There are many of them in the southern regions of Russia. The vertical distance between the branches should be about 20 cm. These cross-members will be used to fasten the sheathing branches.

Always think about the wind before building your shelter: try to find out where the dominant wind is coming from and orient your shelter to protect you. Feel free to give advice on shelter construction and layout! More tips will be added soon.

Look for a site based on the type of shelter or protection you need. Also ask yourself the following questions. How much time and effort does it take to create it? Will this hideout adequately protect the elements? Do I have the tools to create it?

In general, nature itself tells you how to make a hut with your own hands in the forest. Correctly laid branches will screen each other. The crown of the tree will provide shelter from the rain. Walls are also being erected. In this case, you should take fluffy branches or spruce branches from conifers. After that, it is necessary to break them off so that a hook forms on the broken end. It is needed to subsequently attach the branch to the crossbars. In this case, it is necessary to begin the construction of the walls from the bottom side. This must be done in such a way that the upper branches are overlapped on the lower ones. Then the raindrops will roll down. If you wish, you can lay the floor from the branches. As a result, the question of how to make a hut out of branches can be solved very simply.

Do I have the type and amount of materials needed to create it? And what materials are needed for their construction. It takes little time and material to build this shed. Before choosing trees or pole locations, check the wind direction and make sure your bedside shelter is built in the breeze. To build a barn.

Poncho Cap Retract: Tighten the lace, twist the cap lengthwise, bend the roll in three and tie it with a lacing. Cut the rope in two and tie the first half to the corner nut on one side of the poncho and the other half to the eyelet on the opposite corner.

Construction of the specified structure for children on a tree

Many of the children thought about how to make a tree hut. In this case, everything is also quite simple and straightforward. With the right approach, you can build a hut for children and grandchildren on a tree. If there are 2 trees next to a summer cottage, then a good structure will turn out between them. This does not require much time and building materials. Before making a tree hut, you need to stock up on the following devices and tools:

Attach to each rope about 2.5 cm from the eyelet, a drip stick that will prevent rain from sinking along the ropes and then into the shelter. Tie a piece of string to each ear on the top edge of the poncho. Thus, water will flow along these lines rather than dripping into the shelter.

Tie ropes to nearby trees at about waist height. Make a quick release knot with a dead turn and two semi-circular keys. Unfold the poncho and tie it to the ground using sharp pins set in the ground through the eyelets.

If you need to use your barn for more than one night, or if you think it's raining, raise the center of the shelter by stretching a rope, one end of which is attached to the hood of the poncho and the other to the branch above. You can also build a stick under the center of the shelter, but this method limits the room to maneuver in the shelter.

  • plywood sheets: one with a thickness of 18-20 mm and two with a thickness of 8-10 mm;
  • bolts;
  • timber with dimensions 50x150 mm and 50x100 mm;
  • a hacksaw or circular electric saw;
  • galvanized nails;
  • roofing material;
  • birch bark.

At the heart of the construction of the hut, 2 boards of 50x150 mm should be used. In this case, they are attached to two thick trees. There is nothing difficult in this regard. It is necessary that the diameters of the tree trunks be about 20 cm. Then the bottom of the hut with side walls, as well as the triangles for the brackets, are cut out of a sheet of plywood. It will take a lot of patience and meticulousness. Further, triangular sidewalls are assembled from the pre-prepared and sawn half-wood bars. After that, they are bolted together. Then the process of joining the assembled triangular sidewalls with a ridge bar will follow. It should have a cross-section of 50x100 mm. After that, it is necessary to connect the indicated sidewalls with the two bars below. Next, using brackets, the resulting frame is attached to two support boards with a section of 50x150 mm, which are already fixed to the trees in advance. Now we need to take the bottom, sawn out of plywood. It is necessary to drill holes for nails in it. After that, you need to nail the bottom to the lower beams and logs with galvanized nails with large heads. Now we need to think about the construction of a roof and hatch windows. Best of all, in this case, you get a multi-layer roof. This will ensure reliability. In 1 layer, plywood with a sheet thickness of 8-10 mm is used. The second can be made of roofing material or glassine. And for the third layer, birch bark will go.

For better protection from wind and rain, place leafy twigs, a backpack, or other suitable equipment on the sides of the shelter. To reduce heat loss from the ground, cover the bottom of the cabinet with insulation such as pine leaves or needles. To better hide from the enemy, you can make two changes that reduce the visibility of your hideout. Tie the ropes to the trees at the knee first, not the waist. Then place two knee-height sticks in the two center eyelets, on the sides of the cover. Fold the poncho down and secure it to the ground with sharp stakes as above.


After reviewing the above, everyone can decide for themselves the question of how to make a hut from boards, branches and other improvised means or building materials, as well as find out what types of these structures exist.

We all love to relax in nature. And it doesn't matter where exactly we want to rest, in a flat forest, or in rocky mountains. Naturally, when planning your vacation, you know in advance where you will spend the night, in your car, in a tent or sleeping bag. However, there is another option for an overnight stay.

This option is convenient because in it you will not only feel protected, but will also be able to breathe fresh air in a pleasant atmosphere. This option is the construction of a hut. This article will show you how to build a tree hut.


The hut is a universal shelter that is built for a short time. First of all, it is built for an overnight stay, as well as for protection from snow, prolonged rain, temperature changes, strong winds, and the scorching summer sun.

There are such types of huts:

How to make a hut in the forest with your own hands

First you need to find a suitable place to build a hut. This place should be safe for your life. We do not advise you to build a hut on the banks of a river, in narrow gorges, at the bottom of a canyon. Because in the event of flooding or heavy rain, this place may become unsafe. Also, do not build a hut under sagging rocks, and near steep mountains.

You can build a hut without any tools. However, you need a standard set to work:

  1. Axe.
  2. Rope (tape).

It is noteworthy that these tools, most likely, you will always have with you. They will significantly reduce the time of the robots, and the process itself will be more enjoyable.

As you can see in the photo, most huts can be built with a simple twig weaving technique. In order to make a high-quality roof and walls that will be reliable in all weather conditions, you just need to use those materials that are in the forest at almost every step, these are branches, bark, moss, leaves, grass. Having collected all these materials, you can make a good do-it-yourself hut.

Huts come in different shapes and sizes, it all depends on how many people it should fit in, as well as what its purpose is - it will be for you a shelter from the sun or protection from cold and wind. But with all this, you need to consider the type of terrain, weather conditions and the time of year.

Making a lean-to hut

The lean-to hut represents only one wall, made by yourself. This wall should rest on something, it can be a littered tree or a large stone or two trees growing nearby. You can make this wall or visor out of branches and cover it with leaves. This type of hut will protect you from light rain, scorching sun or other circumstances. However, you will not be able to fully protect yourself from strong winds, snow or rain. Also, this building is not as practical. Since you can have a good rest in it, however, you will not be able to comfortably spend the night there.

In order to build a building, you need two strong logs with branches at the top, 2-2.5 meters long. Drive these logs into the ground at an angle to the base and secure the crossbar at the top. At a distance of 30 cm, you should place branches (poles) that will be pressed into the ground with one end, and rest on the crossbar with the other.

Making a gable hut

A hut of this type is more convenient and practical. A gable hut is made according to the same principle as a gable hut. But the difference is that the poles that are installed from the crossbar to the base of the ground must be installed on both sides. This can be seen in the photo.

One side should be completely covered with small branches or leaves, and the other will be used as an exit. If you have a film or tarp with you, then use it as additional protection from rain and wind.

After you're done with the exterior, move on to the interior. What is meant? You need to take care of the floor covering. Especially if you don't have sleeping bags or other warm clothes with you. If you have to sleep in cold and wet weather, make sure that you do not sleep on the ground. Build something like a stretcher with your own hands and cover them with dry leaves and grass that you can find, or unnecessary things that may be in your backpack.

Advice! If you are making a tent in rainy weather, then do not forget that water can get inside the tent. To prevent this from happening, dig a moat around the tent.

Important note: in order for the shelter to keep out heavy rain, its thickness must be 20-25 degrees, and the angle of inclination must be at least 45 degrees to the base of the earth.

Remember, if the question is about preserving your health or even life, you should not look for the most convenient types of materials. Use whatever is at your fingertips. The main thing is that the material you choose is dry and reliable, but, probably, few of us may need to build a hut in the forest due to various extreme situations. Therefore, in the next part of this article, we will talk about how to help our children build their own hut.


We build the frame: on a flat surface, draw a circle. In a circle around the circle, you need to dig in a row of sticks. The upper ends of the sticks need to be connected with rope, tape or wire. However, everything must be very reliable so that your children are safe. At this stage, we can say that the frame is ready.

After making the frame, you only need to sheathe the wigwam with colorful cloth or film, as you can see in the photo.

If you have a summer cottage or your own garden, then do not lose this opportunity to make an original and very beautiful tepee from sunflowers for children. To do this, you just need to plant a few sunflowers in a circle. And when they grow up tie them together. You can only imagine how happy your child will be when playing in such a hut that was built by you.

To feel like a real survivalist, you need to be able to craft shelters in the forest from scrap materials with a minimum set of tools. Experienced outdoor enthusiasts in the wild can build a hut in a couple of hours.

This skill is useful and can save lives in extreme situations. For example, if a person gets lost in the forest and gets out in a few days, then he will have to survive in a harsh environment.

Design options and site selection

For construction, you will have to invest a lot of effort, since the structure consists of branches that must be looked for throughout the forest. Weather and terrain are also taken into account.

To make a hut, you need to choose the type of building:

  1. With one slope... A standard open-type shelter, that is, the shelter consists of several supports and a roof. The roof is installed on poles and rests on the ground.
  2. Attached... They choose a site with trees standing close to each other and lay them with branches, forming a house.
  3. Underground... A dugout in winter will really save a person's life. The wind does not blow, it does not rain in December, January and February, which means that the roof will not leak. Given the good thermal insulation, heat is retained throughout the day. Minus - digging a pit for a long time, and without a shovel - it is impossible.
  4. With two slopes... A two-piece shelter consisting of central pillars and two branch shields. The roof is placed on pillars and the milestone is closed. The back is completely closed, and the entrance is partially covered with bushes or poles.
  5. Conical... The good thing is that the roof will not leak, because the angle of the roof is too sharp. Due to the narrow entrance opening, a minimum of heat is emitted. They start from the central post, along the perimeter of which branches are driven in a circle.

The hut is built to protect from wind, scorching sun, hail, snow, wild animals, insects and to keep warm.

A lean-to shelter is convenient because you can light a fire and warm up near the lounger, but predators will not dare to approach.

For the construction of a shelter, they choose flat glades with dense bushes and trees, zones near rivers and reservoirs, rocky slopes. The densely spaced plantings will protect the building from strong winds.

Having picked up a good area for an overnight stay, the site is cleared of debris, branches, leaves and thorns. They prepare stones for a fire and go in search of poles.

In order not to get lost in the hike for the extraction of resources, marks are put on the trees through a certain section of the path.

Handy material and inventory

Going on a forest hike, you do not need to destroy trees to build a structure, especially young ones. There are a lot of dry fallen branches, it will take 1-2 hours to find them. But for sheathing, you will have to use a shrub. In an extreme situation, you need to save time, so any forest resources will do.

To make a hut from branches, you will need materials and tools:

  • small ax (or saw);
  • hunting knife;
  • rope;
  • dry poles;
  • bundles of flexible branches;
  • fallen branches;
  • spruce branches;
  • stones.

After a picnic in the forest, people leave bottles, plastic, metal, polyethylene. These things can come in handy when building a hut.

Construction of shelters

Nature gives great ideas for the construction of buildings. Wasps, ants, beavers build strong and stunning dwellings with unique designs. A person needs to understand the essence of the building and apply the theory in practice.

Survivors for a temporary stay in the wild prefer to make single-slope, hipped and conical huts. For long-term living in the forest, a dugout or a primitive log house is built. A thick layer of snow is laid on the roof in winter - this will not only protect the structure from heat loss, but also a good camouflage will turn out.

Shed shelter

This is an easy building. Will not save from frost, wind, since the second half of the shelter is open. A temporary shelter protects from sun and rain. It is used in summer or late spring, when the air temperature allows you to sleep comfortably outside.

Step-by-step installation:

  1. Choose a clearing with two trees or install 2 supports in the ground. Fallen trees will serve as such pillars. To sleep lying down, provide for a width of at least 200 cm.
  2. It will take several poles with a cross section of at least 5 cm. This thickness will withstand a layer of spruce branches or branches from bushes and moss. The poles are laid on the crossbar and abutted against the ground. The distance between the elements is no more than 10 cm. Install the branches so that they go beyond the crossbar, forming a canopy.
  3. Spruce branches, dry leaves, fern, straw are laid on the roof. Form a thickness of 20 cm.

A thick flooring made of branches is arranged inside the lodging for the night. Spruce branches, moss, leaves or straw are placed on top. A campfire site is made near the open part of the building.

Gable shelter

Such a shelter, unlike a lean-to building, will save you from snow, hail and strong winds. The design differs from a simple hut by the presence of a back wall and an entrance.

The gable shelter is made according to this plan:

  • The length of the structure is 200 cm, the width along the ground is 150 cm and the height is 150-200 cm. Two supports with spears at the edges are installed along the edges. A crossbar is placed in the grooves. The connections are fixed with ropes.
  • On one side of the frame at an angle, thick wooden rods are driven into the ground with minimal gaps. On the reverse side, do a similar job.
  • The back wall is formed from straight branches. These wooden elements will need to be trimmed to create a triangular top at the back. The rods at the top are tied with a rope with the main poles located along the edges of the product.
  • The entrance is partially closed up with sticks so that you get not a triangular opening, but a rectangular one.
  • The cracks in the shelter are closed with small branches. They form a thick protective layer, but the strength of the supports must be taken into account. If you put a lot of wooden rods and also add moss, then the structure may collapse. After the distribution of uniform pressure on the roof, the remaining gaps are closed with moss.
  • A lounger is made of poles, moss and leaves 25 cm thick. It is better to make a primitive bed so that a gap is formed between it and the ground.

The plastic wrap will completely protect the person from rain inside the hut. Only oilcloth is laid on the first layer of branches, covered with another, and then leaves are laid on the roof. If you fix the film before laying the moss, then the material will slide off the structure. Rainwater will not flow into the room if grooves are made along the perimeter of the shelter, diverting the streams to the side.

Conical option

A building that looks like a chum or a wigwam is a good protection against unfavorable weather, especially from rain and snow. The advantage of the building is the use of an indoor fire. However, you have to think about the chimney.

Phased assembly:

  1. If a fire is not used inside the hut, then a thick support is installed in the middle of the future tent, digging deep into the ground.
  2. Poles are driven in from the post at a distance of 100 cm around the circumference and placed on the top of the rack.
  3. The upper part of the structure is tied with a rope and pulled together. Excess protruding branches are cut off.
  4. The poles are covered with a thick layer of moss or spruce branches.

To use a bonfire indoors, you will have to make a hut in the forest a little different. At the beginning of construction, a pillar is erected, strong sticks are driven in along the perimeter and placed on the central support. The branches are fixed horizontally at 4 levels. Thin branches or moss are laid on the crossbars.

All connections are tied, except for the middle post, it is removed so that a free space for a fire is formed inside the room, and a hole for the smoke outlet remains in the roof.

Making a dugout

This shelter cannot be tinkered with in a lowland or ravine, streams of rainwater can cause problems or even destroy the dugout.

A lot of time and effort will be spent on the construction, but the shelter will turn out to be spectacular.

Step-by-step installation:

  1. Dig a pit at least 150 cm deep, 200 cm long and 200 cm wide. If a stove is used, then an outlet for the chimney is formed on the side of the groove.
  2. Inside the pit, fold a blockhouse of logs with a diameter of at least 20 cm.
  3. If necessary, a primitive stove is built from stones and clay. The side hole will serve as a chimney, so the structure is placed near the wall, which brings smoke out into the street.
  4. The roof of the dugout is covered with thick branches or logs, it is advisable to use a film. A thick layer of moss is laid on top.

They mount a sunbed and think over a light source for the room: use a candle or make part of the roof collapsible.

A house on a tree

For children, the tree house will be good fun. They will play there, craft something and have a rest. However, safety rules must be followed. In the event of a fall, injuries can be very serious.

Build rules:

  • A branched tree is chosen, on which it is convenient to place the base platform.
  • A shield is knocked down from the boards and attached to thick branches.
  • At the corners of the platform, the racks are screwed on with screws and the walls are formed from the boards. A house 150 cm high, 200 cm wide and 200 cm long would be a good option.
  • Roofing material or metal tiles are suitable for the roof. Slate should not be used, it is heavy and will exert excessive pressure on the structure.

At the end, steps from planks are nailed on the tree trunk or a rope ladder is used.

A temporary structure made from improvised means is called a hut. Such a shelter is used for several situations: for children's games, as a temporary shelter from negative weather conditions, or for an overnight stay while traveling.

In order to make a hut, no special skills are required.

The article tells about how and from what materials you can make a simple hut for children.

A step-by-step instruction is given on how to set up a hut in the forest while traveling. Describes the options for the construction of tourist shelters.

DIY hut for children step by step

A hut for children's games can be built on your own private plot. In appearance and for the intellectual development of children, it is advisable to build such a structure as similar in appearance to.

Materials (edit)

Important! It is imperative to involve children in the process of building a hut.

The process will arouse their interest and the acquisition of certain skills and abilities in handling tools and materials. It is necessary to give full opportunity to implement children's ideas.


It is not necessary to insert frames and door leaf, these materials can be replaced with fabric curtains. It will be even more comfortable this way. It is desirable to cover the floor to prevent the penetration of dust and moisture from the ground.

Attention! All materials for the children's hut are taken only of natural quality, with a smooth surface.

Do not use metal sheets, in order to avoid injury during construction and during further operation.

Nails and self-tapping screws should not protrude beyond the boundaries of materials, the caps must be drowned in patay, and the sharp ends must be cut off.

It is better to build a hut on the ground, there is a danger on the tree because of the height. In places like this, safety comes first!


The finished hut must be painted in bright colors. Water-based dyes for facades are used for this.

They are the most harmless, they are not washed off by sediments, they are not expensive at a price, they have a wide range of colors in standard sets, tinting additives can be mixed to obtain new options. Infinite spaces open up for children to be creative.


It remains to provide the hut with furniture and toys.

Children can also be pleased with the construction of a hut. At the dacha, work is constantly being carried out to improve and clean the territory from overgrowth of trees, bushes and grass. All this can be used in construction.

The shape will already be more like a classic forest hut. It is advisable to choose the most secluded place. You can assemble the structure from thick branches on the frame. Thinner branches to put on the veins, for attaching the covering material. The joints of the parts are secured by rewinding with a rope.

In the classical form of the object, the walls are and. You can cover them with scraps of branches with foliage or grass. Laying starts from the bottom rows towards the top. The material is overlapped so that precipitation flows towards the ground and does not fall inside. It is better to cover the floor with dry grass and cover with fiberboard or linoleum.

Hut in the woods

When traveling for tourists, it becomes necessary to stop for the night to rest on the way.

To preserve health and even, in some cases, life, they build a hut from scrap materials. If you are in the forest, there are no problems with the choice of material.

Set of tools

Minimum tools required:

  1. Sapper shovel,
  2. a large knife, such as a machete,
  3. tourist ax,
  4. rope.

Most often, such a composition of the instrument is purchased in a universal set.

Materials (edit)

For the material of execution are taken:

  • trunks of small trees, poles, for,
  • tree branches with foliage or spruce branches, moss. Alternatively, a sod is cut out to protect it from precipitation and nighttime cold snaps.

Options for huts by location and with detailed instructions

There are several ways to build a shelter.

Ground method of device hut in the form of a shield

Use several trees growing close to each other as the main support. This distance should be at least 2 meters.

Using an ax, we harvest tree trunks with a diameter of no more than 8-10 centimeters and a length of 2-2.5 meters. The quantity is not less than 26 pieces.

It is necessary to fix the pole horizontally between the tree trunks with a rope at a height of 1.8 meters. Then, at an angle of 45 0 from the ground, we apply 20 pieces in turn to the installed part. poles.

We cover the surface of such a shield with branches, moss or turf. Under the base, inside, from the remaining trunks, we arrange a lounger, above ground level. Such a sleeping place can be covered with spruce branches or dry moss, and a cloth can be laid on top. For heating, a fire is made in front of the stove bench in the recess.

In such a shelter, rain, wind and warm sleep are not scary. Construction time takes no more than 1 hour.

Such an object, the next day, can be easily disassembled and hide all traces of an overnight stay, bury a fireplace and return the sod to its place.

Freestanding full frame shelter

A stand-alone shelter with a full frame can be built with a similar version of a ground hut. A more complex and reliable structure. The frame is also assembled from poles in the form of a cone or triangular prism, all parts are fastened with ropes.

Outside, the surface on all sides, except for the entrance, is covered with branches or moss overlapped from bottom to top.

The floor is a layer of spruce or grass on the ground. On the walls, you can use thinner poles and with large gaps between them, which are then densely laid with freshly cut branches.

It will be warm in the hut without a fire. There is enough body heat to warm up the room. But it will take more time and effort to build it.

Shelter made of ropes

The fastest option for a ground hut is a shelter, assembled from ropes stretched between trees and branches of spruce branches or grass laid on them. For heating in such a shelter, a fire is needed.

A hut at the fork of large branches

In an area with high humidity or the presence of dangerous reptiles, it is advisable to make a hut at the fork of large tree branches or between several small tree trunks.

To do this, you must carefully choose a place. Fasten the poles horizontally to the trunks with a rope. A reliable fastening will be facilitated by the presence of branching of the trunk, into which the poles rest.

It is enough to have two parallel fixed parts at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. On them, cuttings of trunks with a length of 1.5 meters are tightly laid perpendicular to the main veins. It is not enough to fix every detail.

The overlap is made from branches laid tightly on stretched ropes. The lounger is covered with spruce branches or grass.

The height from the ground is sufficient at 1.8 meters. The distance from the lounger to the ceiling is 1 meter. These dimensions are calculated for a simple and safe sleeping place.


There is no single form for building a hut. It should provide maximum comfort and protection from insects, animals and weather conditions with a minimum investment of time and effort. An important element is considered only the place of the device and the material of execution.

Children love to build homemade houses. When a child relaxes, he behaves freely and does what he wants. Playing “house” will help kids grow up calm and self-confident, feel safe.
It is important not to prohibit building a house, but rather to support the child without imposing your own rules on him.

Types of huts and choice of location

Determine where the building will be located: inside the house or on the street. This will help you choose the type of construction that will be convenient to use later. There is more free space for games on the site. And the author's design of the child will make the house a decoration of the territory.In this case, the design needs to be thought out taking into account the weather conditions. It is not difficult to build a hut for children in an apartment with your own hands. A correctly selected design option will solve the problem of lack of free space. And the child will be able to play in any weather: a house made of thick paper will not get wet.

How to make a hut with your own hands

Whichever type of hut you choose, pay attention to the general recommendations for its construction. During construction, it is important that the hut is safe. If you do not follow the requirements, the child will receive injuries: bruises from weak fastening of the components, wood splinters, cuts on the sharp end of the nails. The mood will be ruined, and the house will need to be remodeled. To prevent this from happening, carefully process the wood during construction, firmly fix the frame and isolate sharp corners.

Make your new toy loved and appreciated. Do-it-yourself products are often appreciated. Invite your child to decide for themselves what their new house will be like. Allow me to help during the work, completing simple assignments and specify how he would like to decorate his corner. Let the house be a gift, in the creation of which he played the role of the chief architect and designer.

From sheets and rope

You can make a hut both for the game of 1 child, and for the whole company.

The size is determined by the height of the stretched rope and the canopy. It is convenient to place the canopy on a flat area with growing trees. If there are no trees nearby, think about where else you could pull the rope. For example, laundry posts or between buildings on the site. A strong rope is pulled high above the hut, taking into account the fact that it will sag under the weight of the canopy.

Now you need to take care of the flooring. It can be unnecessary blankets, blankets. It remains to secure the canopy. Thick fabric, curtains are thrown over ropes and pressed to the ground with stones. Or pegs are driven into the ground, and the edges of the canopy are tied to them.

A do-it-yourself hut for children will be useful for playing in sunny weather.

From pillows and blankets

It is quick and easy to make a cozy house out of pillows. Prepare 2 double duvets, chairs and pillows. Spread one blanket on the floor - these are the boundaries of the building. Place each chair with its back close, around the perimeter of the blanket. For the entrance, hang the second blanket so that the angle falls between 2 chairs. The edges of the blanket can be folded over and secured with clothespins for a secure fit. The pillows need to be laid out under the chairs around the perimeter, you get walls. The pillow house is ready.

A tent made of gymnastic hoop and fabric

You can make a removable hut for a child with your own hands. It is convenient to hang it both in the apartment and to take it with you for a walk.

For the construction you will need: a hoop, threads, a canopy. The canopy can be made from 1 or several pieces of different fabrics, curtains. The canopy should touch the ground. Select the correct length before securing the material. The height of the structure must correspond to the height of the child so that it is comfortable for him to play.

First you need to make the mount. Measure 4 identical pieces of rope, tie them to opposite sides of the hoop and connect them together. Then fasten the canopy with clothespins or stitches around the entire circumference of the ring or leave a distance for entering the house. If you have to play in the sun, then you can completely hang the house.

The hut is finished, now you can hang it up and make the flooring. And also additionally decorate with wide ribbons, tulle, large beads.

A hut made of branches

Making a classic hut is easy. For construction and installation, natural materials are needed that are not in the apartment. Therefore, it will not work to build a hut from the branches of the house.

The basis of the structure consists of large and small branches. You can use those that remained after sawing trees and shrubs, or prepare yourself.

To make the hut even and neat, you need to draw a circle. Take a shovel and dig in the largest branches around the circumference with an inward slope, forming a cone shape. When digging in twigs, leave a distance between 2 branches to enter the house. Evaluate the strength of the structure and strengthen the frame with the rest of the branches. Set up a floor and invite your child to play.
You can make a halabuda on the street not only strong, but also beautiful. Plant grapes or bindweed around the building. They will grow and beautifully braid the walls of the hut.

Wigwam hut in the nursery and on the street

To make the house in the "wigwam" style, you need to build a wooden frame with 4-6 edges and then stretch the woven cover. The capacity of the future building is determined by the height of the pole, so it should be 2 times the height of the child.

The fixed frame resembles a cone. The sticks are set in a circle with the upper intersection. Then they are fastened together: with a rope or cloth, alternately tying them together. For greater reliability, you can additionally tie 2-3 knots on each pole, or nail them with small nails. If you are more comfortable using nails, be sure to insulate the sharp corners. In the final version, the sticks will rise above the hut itself, forming a smaller cone.

For beauty and practicality, the pole can be painted and varnished: after processing, the material will become moisture resistant. The hut in the room does not require additional reinforcement. On the site, it is advisable to additionally nail the slats along the perimeter between the poles.

The material is stretched onto the finished frame. It is convenient to fix it with a construction stapler or glue, metal buttons. It is important not to stretch the fabric too much as it breaks easily.

A blanket, pillows, rug are suitable as a flooring.

An Indian hut with your own hands turns out to be reliable. It remains to arrange the appearance according to your child's idea.

Gable hut

A hut in the form of a tent for a child can also be made by hand. For the construction, you will need wooden slats, a construction stapler, material and flooring. Reiki is nailed together in the shape of a triangle. The fabric is pulled over the prepared frame. For a hut in the yard, it is advisable to choose a tent fabric. It does not fade from the sun and will protect you from rain. If the child will play in the apartment, then any material will do. It remains to prepare the flooring and, together with the child, think over the decoration of the new house.