Ball valve: where it is used. Which ball valves are best for water supply All types of ball valves

Ball valve- this is a type of shut-off pipeline valve with an internal spherical regulating part. Products of this type have long been very popular in the market due to the reliability and durability of their designs.

Ball valves are successfully used in pipelines for various purposes transporting water, natural gas, oil and other substances. Of course, such progressive shut-off elements have found wide application in citywide and intra-house communications, ensuring the safe operation of water supply and heating systems. In the process of installing new and reconstructing existing networks of this type, shut-off valves are necessarily installed in different sections of pipelines, which are necessary not only for ease of maintenance of plumbing, but also to prevent flooding and more. In the event of an accident or other need to quickly stop the flow of liquid, a ball valve becomes an important guarantee of instantly shutting off any flow.

Every good owner of a private house, apartment or any other building wants all the most important engineering systems in his building to always be reliable and safe. To achieve this result, it is necessary to correctly design water supply, heating and sewerage networks, as well as construct them using high-quality pipelines and other elements, among which shut-off and control valves occupy a special place. When choosing these irreplaceable products, every person is necessarily faced with the question - how to choose a high-quality ball valve? We will try to give an expanded answer to this in this review. But before moving on to the many nuances of choosing a ball valve, for a better understanding of the operating principle of such products, it is worth considering their design features.

Design of ball valves for water

The structure of the products under consideration cannot be called a modern development, since their first prototypes appeared more than a century ago. But, despite the obvious ease of use, the first ball valves did not go into mass production due to the inability to tightly shut off flows. The reason for this was the lack, at that time of technology development, of materials that would fit tightly enough to the movable central element of a spherical shape. Ball valves began to be mass produced and widely used only after the invention of such innovative materials as fluoroplastic and synthetic rubber. With their help, tight closure of these reinforcing elements was ensured, and the effort required to control the valves was reduced. This is how the era of ball pipeline valves began, which soon ousted all other analogues from the market.

One of the keys to the success of these products is the simplicity of their design. As you know, everything ingenious is simple, which is why this structure of ball valves ensures reliability and durability. As you can guess from the name, their main element is a movable and smooth spherical shutter. It is a sphere, along the axis of which a through round hole is cut out, which serves for the passage of a flow of matter. Its almost perfect shape is created using diamond polishing and chrome plating. In a simplified way, the design of a ball valve can be described as follows. The spherical valve is located in the central part of the product body between two sealing rings called “seats”. They are made from various types of plastics, most often fluoroplastic. The bolt, in turn, is mounted on a rotating rod with a cantilever handle (lever) or a butterfly handle (“butterfly”).

To fully open or close the ball valve, you need to turn the shutter using this handle 90˚ until it stops in one direction or the other. In the closed position, the axial hole in the sphere is located perpendicular to the axis of the housing and the pipeline. Accordingly, when the valve is turned, the hole in it takes a position along the axis of the pipe, resulting in a free passage through the valve body. It is important that the position of its handle allows you to immediately understand whether it is open or closed. A nuance - the design feature of the ball valve assumes that it contains a small amount of liquid that remains inside even after its supply has completely stopped. When installing such fittings in an external pipeline, it is necessary to take into account that in all products of this type there is a cavity between the body and the shut-off ball itself. Next, numerous types of ball valves will be discussed.

Classification of ball valves

The prevalence of these shut-off devices has led to the emergence of various types of ball valves, differing in their areas of use and some design features. Therefore, their classification is quite extensive. Depending on the diameter of the bore and the resistance to the flow of the medium, ball valves are divided into the following types:

  • Standard bore- a round hole in the spherical valve of such a product is one size smaller than the internal diameter of the pipeline. In this case, the throughput of the ball valve is from 70 to 90% of the flow. This type of fittings is installed on communications in which partial pressure loss does not play a significant role;
  • Partial bore- the round hole in the spherical valve of such a product is significantly smaller than the internal diameter of the pipeline. In this case, the throughput of the ball valve ranges from 40 to 70% of the flow. This type of fittings is installed on communications in which the pressure of the medium is specially limited.

Depending on the method of attachment to the pipe, ball valves are divided into:

  • Coupling- are connected to pipes using internal conical or cylindrical threads. Often, they are used in intra-apartment and intra-house communications of small diameters - up to 50 mm;
  • Welded- are connected to pipes by welding. It ensures maximum tightness of joints and is used in critical and hard-to-reach areas of long external highways. This type of fittings also includes plastic ball valves, which are soldered to communications made of a similar material. These plumbing products are used only in the domestic sphere - in apartments and houses;
  • Flanged- are connected to pipes using flanges. Their body can be disassembled into several parts or be non-separable, and they are used on communications with a diameter of 50 mm. Flange fasteners are indispensable for pipelines, the design of which provides for their partial connection and disconnection, as well as in rooms where welding work is prohibited;
  • Combined- are connected to pipes in different ways. Products of this type are versatile and are used in various communication systems with connections - thread/welding, flange/welding and more.

Depending on the body material, ball valves are divided into:

  • Brass- also called metal, they are built into steel and plastic pipelines;
  • Plastic- are built exclusively into pipelines made of the same sanitary plastic;
  • Silumin- are made from a cheaper and lower quality analogue of brass. Such products are fragile and require careful installation, and it is recommended to use them only in cold water pipelines.

Depending on the design of the shut-off element, ball valves are:

  • With floating ball- in such products the spherical plug is not firmly connected to the spindle and can move in relation to it. Experiencing the influence of the flow pressure exerted from the inlet side, the valve is pressed against the sealing ring on the outlet side, thus closing the valve. This fittings are used in pipelines with a diameter of no more than 200 mm, since in large-diameter communications with high pressure, the ball creates too high a load on the sealing rings, as a result of which the operation of the valve becomes difficult;
  • With a ball in supports- in such products the spherical plug is mounted and rotated in special supports. At the same time, it is equipped with an axial protrusion, called a trunnion, in the lower part, which fits into a special recess. In turn, the seats are pressed against the surface of the ball under pressure. The advantages of this design include a significant reduction in the effort required to operate the crane, which allows the use of less powerful drive devices than in the case of floating ball cranes. But due to their more complex design, devices of this type are an order of magnitude more expensive than their simpler counterparts.

In addition to all the other modifications discussed, there are also products designed to perform specific tasks. For example, to bleed air from the communications of heating systems, a Mayevsky ball valve with a valve is used, and to provide clean water to household appliances, there are ball valves with a filter. Having understood the classification of these useful devices, it is also worth familiarizing yourself with the extensive list of their advantages and a couple of disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of ball valves

As mentioned earlier, the locking products in question very quickly gained a significant part of the market, thanks to many advantages. Their full list includes the following characteristics:

As for the disadvantages of ball valves, there are only two of them:

  • Restriction in use - such products can be used for environments whose temperature does not exceed 200˚C;
  • “Dead zone” for turning - the need for its presence is manifested in products with a cantilever handle. But this small disadvantage can be easily compensated for by installing a faucet with a butterfly handle.

Having familiarized yourself with all the useful information indicated above, you can move on to the main part of our review, searching for the answer to the question - how to choose a ball valve for water? To do this, you must first study several characteristics of these products.

Since the type of fittings in question is very popular among buyers, it is obvious that the plumbing market could not help but react to this trend. The result was the appearance on sale of a huge number of ball valves of various modifications, among which choosing a high-quality one is not so easy. Especially considering that in the assortment of such products there are many fakes. To do this, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of characteristics that affect the functioning of these products. All of them will be listed below. Well, you need to start the process of selecting a ball valve by studying the location of its future installation. In this case, it is necessary to determine the diameter of the pipe and the type of suitable threaded connection, which can be internal or external. Let us immediately note that you should trust the safety of your own engineering systems only to ball valves for water that have an official guarantee from the manufacturer, indicated in the passport of a particular product. All other important selection factors are:

1. Material and appearance of the ball valve body

One of the main differences between truly high-quality products and their short-lived counterparts is the metal from which the shell is made. The best ball valves are made from brass, the strength of which has been proven over time. It can even be distinguished visually by the light yellow color of the metal, which can be seen by scratching part of the surface coating. Therefore, this is the first factor that you need to pay attention to when purchasing shut-off valves of this type. The problem is that to reduce the cost of ball valves, some manufacturers make them from silumin - a cheaper and lighter material. In some cases, it is also used for the manufacture of branded products from famous manufacturers. But when buying a ball valve made of silumin, you need to know that this metal is quite fragile and requires careful installation. Otherwise, microcracks may appear in the body of the product, leading to leaks over time. Silumin ball valves are most suitable for installation on cold water pipelines.

As for the special type, which are plastic ball valves, they are most often supplied complete with pipes and fittings made of the same material. In order to purchase high-quality fittings of this type, you should first of all first select reliable plastic pipes from a reputable manufacturer. And along with them, you need to buy ball valves made of plastic from the same company and brand. In addition to the material of the product body, you also need to consider how well it is made. This can be easily determined visually. Inspection of all surfaces allows you to determine whether there are cracks on the tap, large chips of the protective coating, unevenness or peeling paint on the swing arm. The presence of such characteristics often indicates a fake. Another indicator is that for a high-quality ball valve, the thickness of the body walls on all sides should be the same, and all elements should be as symmetrical as possible. In addition, a well-thought-out product will have at least 5-6 threads for secure connection to pipes.

2. Ball valve valve sphere material

When choosing a good ball valve, you should also pay special attention to its central part - the locking element. The sphere should shine like a mirror and be absolutely smooth. For branded ball valves, the valve is made of brass and is necessarily coated with an expensive coating, often made of nickel or chromium. All of the above confirms the high quality of the product. If the faucet is a fake, its shutter ball will have a dull shine, a matte finish, or even certain defects. However, even if the locking part looks good, it can be additionally easily checked with a magnet. If it is attracted to the ball, then the latter is made of steel intended for electrical use. This material rusts quite quickly and does not withstand prolonged use in a humid environment. In turn, the magnet will not be attracted to brass.

3. Marking on the ball valve body

Manufacturers must mark the external parts of such products with markings indicating their purpose. Moreover, on good ball valves all markings are always as clear as possible. Vague designations may indicate that the casting molds are worn out or that the buyer is looking at a cheap fake. As for the mandatory presence of marking information, the ball valve must, at a minimum, indicate:

  • Manufacturing company emblem- a mandatory attribute of a quality product;
  • DN- nominal diameter, which can be specified in millimeters (15, 20, 25, 32, 40 and 50), or in inches (½, ¾, 1, 1 ¼, 1 ½ and 2). Standard sizes for common household products are given in parentheses;
  • PN— operating pressure, which is indicated in bars. Depending on the diameter and design features of a particular product, this value can range from 15 to 40 bar.

In addition to all of the above, some manufacturers additionally indicate on their products the country of origin, date of manufacture, and more.

4. Maximum allowable pressure of ball valve

Working pressure is the most important factor in the correct selection of any pipeline fittings. Its value is selected taking into account the characteristics of the engineering system on the communications of which locking products will be installed. Experts recommend using taps with a pressure of 10 bar or more for cold water pipes, and from 20 bar for hot water. In addition, ball valves with a higher maximum permissible operating pressure than that used in communications should always be installed on pipelines. They will serve as a kind of insurance against problems that may arise as a result of sudden water hammer. And water hammer, as you know, are not uncommon in domestic centralized water supply and heating systems.

5. Ball valve weight

In some reviews you can find a recommendation according to which you should buy only heavy locking products of this type - and this is one of the most important selection criteria. It is justified by the fact that high-quality brass ball valves for water are not lightweight, unlike their steel and silumin counterparts. In principle, these arguments are true, but only partly. The fact is that two brass products of the same diameter can have different weights, both due to savings in material by one of the manufacturers, and due to the lower nominal pressure of one of the devices. All this is not critical at all and is quite normal. Therefore, in terms of weight, it is possible to compare household ball valves only with absolutely identical characteristics. Accordingly, it is not necessary to purchase the heaviest product. For example, on the main pipe through which water is supplied to a house or apartment, it is worth installing a ball valve with the highest operating pressure, since it is especially important. And for less important areas of communications, products with a much lower PN are quite suitable.

6. Ball valve handle shape

The most popular household ball valves are manufactured with the two types of manual turning devices already mentioned earlier. The first modification is called a cantilever handle and has the shape of a lever, and the second is called a butterfly or “butterfly” handle. From an aesthetic point of view, the butterfly is more neat, but the lever is more practical. If a ball valve has not been used for a long time, it often requires considerable force to turn it. In such cases, a lever handle turns out to be much more convenient. As for the colors of the rotary devices, they are traditionally produced in blue for cold water pipelines, in red for hot water, and in yellow for gas pipelines. In addition to them, you can find products on sale with aesthetic white handles, which are made specifically for installation on radiators and heated towel rails.

7. Ball valve cost

Price is traditionally one of the determining factors in the choice of shut-off valves. As practice shows, the cost of ball valves for water can differ by 2-3 times, taking into account the very large range of products from different manufacturers. But, as is the case with other types of plumbing fixtures and more, the price of such things reflects their quality quite well. Obviously, reliable and durable products made from durable materials cannot be cheap. The best ball valves are made by European manufacturers such as Bugatti, Giacomini, Danfoss and Tiemme. They are, accordingly, the most expensive. Good quality and average price category are ball valves from well-known brands made in Turkey and China, for example, Valtec and Fado. If we take the cheapest products, they are also traditionally produced in China, but often these are low-quality fakes of well-known brands. As for Ukrainian ball valves, at a low price they have an important advantage - adaptation to domestic operating conditions.

These are the basic tips for choosing quality ball valves for household use. In addition to taking into account all the listed characteristics, when purchasing this fittings, it is worth familiarizing yourself with its certificates of conformity and registration documents confirming the possibility of use in domestic pipeline systems. It is extremely important that the foreign manufacturer adapts its products to the rather harsh domestic conditions of use, otherwise the crane will not last long. After all, for example, the temperature in Ukrainian heating systems is higher than in many European ones. Therefore, O-rings must be made of heat-resistant Teflon or other comparable material. And in order to be guaranteed to buy a good ball valve with a guarantee, it is best to contact the official distributors of products from reputable global manufacturers.

Troubleshooting ball valves

Despite the simplicity of the design and significant service life, ball-type shut-off valves, like any other, do not last forever. At a certain point, ball valves stop shutting off the water hermetically or begin to turn with great difficulty. These are the first signs of wear and tear on such products, the service life of which, unfortunately, is often reduced due to extremely low quality water and coolant supplied to homes through centralized pipelines. In the last part of our review, we will try to give answers to frequently asked questions - “what to do if a ball valve leaks?” and “what to do if the ball valve does not close?” But first it is necessary to understand the reasons why such fittings fail prematurely. As you know, it is better to prevent problems than to fix them later.

The service life of a ball valve depends not only on its quality, but also on the degree of calcination of the water, that is, the amount of salts it contains. Over time, they are deposited on the internal parts of the product, including on the locking sphere, and when it is turned, they begin to scratch the sealing rings. Therefore, the classic household ball valve is not suitable for regulating flows and must be operated either in a fully open or fully closed state. But even if this recommendation is followed, the surface of the shutter sphere will gradually become covered with a coating that has the same effect on the sealing rings as sandpaper. This process occurs faster in pipelines of hot water supply and heating systems. Especially in centralized urban networks, where the quality of the heated liquid leaves much to be desired.

Taking into account domestic operating conditions, to protect ball valves during installation, it is recommended to install a coarse water filter in front of them (in the direction of flow). Of course, it will not be able to eliminate the formation of salt deposits, but it will protect the shut-off element from the negative effects of small particles and pieces of rust. It is possible to protect ball valves from plaque only through high-quality pre-treatment of water entering heating and water supply systems. And it can only be cleaned in a private house with an autonomous boiler room and a personal pump, as well as other related equipment. In centralized city networks, it is unfortunately impossible to ensure good cleaning. Therefore, the ball valves in their communications will inevitably not last too long in comparison with the pipelines of country houses.

After installation is complete, the new product must be in a fully open or closed state. At the same time, as a preventative measure, once a quarter, or better yet, once a month, it must be turned several times. Thanks to this, deposits will not be able to block the operation of the valve. If the ball valve suddenly stopped working altogether, then the issue may not be due to internal faults, but to a banal breakdown of its handle, the mounting hole of which also sometimes becomes unusable from regular use. To make sure that it is working properly, you need to unscrew the fastening screw, remove the handle and try to turn the rod of the product. To do this, you can use an adjustable wrench or pliers. If everything is in order with the stem, then all that remains is to replace the faucet handle. If the rod is blocked, the reinforcing element must be changed.

Having dealt with the reasons why a household ball valve does not shut off the water, let’s move on to methods for troubleshooting its malfunctions. If, when you turn the handle, water continues to flow out of the mixer, and it becomes very difficult to turn the handle itself, this indicates that salts are sticking to the shutter sphere. It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that due to the monolithic body of the ball valve, it will no longer be possible to clean its internal part and return it to its former performance. The product will still have to be replaced, so in this case we are talking about restoring only partial functionality. To do this, you need to turn the handle several times until the tap is completely open and closed, if necessary, using pliers. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to break the product. As practice shows, after such manipulations, some of the deposits fall off the ball and the water begins to shut off better.

Now let's look at what to do if the ball valve leaks. Such a nuisance can occur if the rotary rod seals, which are rubber rings, become unusable. Over time, they lose their sealing properties and then their elasticity, resulting in leakage. This problem can be corrected only on one of two types of ball valves - with a packing nut. To do this, you just need to tighten it, after first removing the handle of the product. If the faucet is not equipped with a packing nut, it will again have to be replaced with a new one. In addition, a leak can also occur due to a crack in the housing. Such malfunctions are typical for cheap models made of silumin - a rather fragile material. Obviously, such a tap needs to be replaced as quickly as possible, and as an emergency and temporary measure, you can try to cover the gap with the so-called “cold welding”.


We reviewed a detailed description of ball valves, their modifications and selection principles. These reliable and practical products are obviously indispensable for any home. At the end of our review, it is only worth emphasizing that the selection of ball valves, their installation and operation must be done with great responsibility. Because only high-quality products of this type will effectively ensure the safety of pipeline systems.

The ball valve can be classified as a modern and useful invention. It is a type of pipeline locking mechanism. Its simplicity, durability and reliability are the main factors due to which the ball valve design is widely used in both industrial and domestic settings. At the same time, due to its characteristics, such a crane is in great demand among the population. The design of the ball valve is made in such a way that it facilitates the hermetically sealed shut-off of not only water in the pipeline, but also oil and gas.

Ball valve assembly diagram.

Design Features

Ball valves were invented a hundred years ago, but earlier versions did not completely shut off the water pressure, since their design was imperfect and the materials were not reliable enough.

With the advent of artificial fluoroplastic, rubber and many other synthetic substances, the design of a ball valve has become better, since seals made from them provide excellent sealing and long service life.

System control has become easier due to the use of high quality lubricants. This greatly influences how often repairs need to be carried out (in this case, not soon).

The design of a modern ball valve is quite simple. It consists of a gate - a moving part, which is a steel ball with a round through hole for the passage of flow. The size of the hole matches the diameter of the pipe.

Ball valve design diagram.

When the ball rotates 90°, the flow is completely blocked. Such an element is called full bore. If the part is open to the end, then there are completely no hydraulic losses during water circulation, which significantly increases the service life of the locking mechanism itself and the pipes.

That is why modern spherical structures have supplanted their predecessors from all major and significant trunk lines.

There are three types of such products:

  • standard;
  • full bore;
  • incomplete bore.

The throughput of the full-bore version reaches 100%, the part-bore version reaches 50%, and the standard version reaches 80%. For manufacturing, brass, various alloys with it, or fairly durable plastic are used.

Brass taps withstand temperature changes well, have a long service life and are not subject to corrosion.

Ball products made of plastic have less strength and are not resistant to high temperatures, so they are used when supplying gas or for cold water supply.

When choosing such an element, you must follow some rules:

Diagram of a single lever mixer with a ball mechanism.

  1. It is necessary to determine what it will be intended for. For example, for cold and hot water supply, as well as when installing a gas pipeline, brass or steel systems are used.
  2. It is very important to decide what type of part will be: flanged or welded. A welded ball valve is installed on lines with a flow of high-temperature liquid, acidic or alkaline medium. This mechanism can withstand high pressure and is quite reliable. Flange type (full bore) is attached via thread, used for liquids and gas, but not in aggressive environments.
  3. When purchasing, you need to carefully inspect it for defects and complete components; otherwise, leaks may occur and the need for repairs may occur. The kit should include: seal rod, control handle, Teflon seal seats, nuts, steel or brass ball, brass rod, rubber seal rod, brass body, adjusting nut, sealing washer.
  4. There are two types of systems on sale: with a collapsible body and all-welded ones.

The priority is a crane with a dismountable body device, and this is due to the following advantages:

  1. This accessory is more reliable because it does not have numerous gaskets, which, when worn out, lead to sudden leaks.
  2. Their design is quite simple, so repairs do not cause any difficulties, even for a person who does not understand plumbing.
  3. Products of this type are very convenient to use. To use them, you just need to lower or raise the lever.
  4. The device has a high degree of tightness, which is achieved due to the tight fit of the ball to the tap.
  5. Compact, unlike all the others.

Diagram of the Mayevsky crane.

A type of shut-off device is the Mayevsky valve (radiator needle air valve), the main purpose of which is to remove accumulated air in radiator batteries.

The design of such a product is somewhat different from that of a water supply. It is much more convenient than a conventional tap used to remove air plugs. Quite often, when hot water is supplied to central heating radiators, air bubbles form, impeding normal water circulation. Only installing a Mayevsky crane will allow you to quickly and easily fix the problem.

Its basis is a needle shut-off valve, which is made for a square key and has slots for a slotted screwdriver.

There is also a special valve with a plug, which is necessary to screw into the top of the radiator. To ensure a tight seal, a plastic casing is mounted between the valve stem and the screw, which prevents the battery from leaking when the tap is opened.

If the radiator does not warm up completely, this indicates air accumulation. To fix this, open the tap with a special key until a trickle of water appears.

Even though ball valves are reliable, for some reasons they fail. But only devices with a collapsible type of housing can be repaired, while all-welded ones are simply replaced with new ones.

How the system is repaired

To begin, prepare:

  • spanners;
  • a screwdriver (almost no repair can be done without it);
  • pliers.

To repair a water tap you need:

  1. Turn off the cold or hot water in front of the tap.
  2. Remove the screw that holds the swing arm in place.
  3. Remove the lever and unscrew the threaded part with a screwdriver.
  4. Use pliers to remove the faucet dome and remove the plastic part.
  5. If a water tap leaks due to wear or clogging of the seal, then it is either completely replaced with a new one or thoroughly cleaned.
  6. Remove the ball from the mount and replace it if there is visible damage.
  7. Dismantle the seals that secure the rotating part. All springs and seals are removed with a flat-head screwdriver.
  8. If the gaskets are deformed or damaged, new ones are installed.

After completing the repair of the ball valve, reassemble it in the reverse order, simultaneously applying a thin layer of lubricant. Lubricant may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and may not be suitable for a particular type of ball valve, which will lead to its failure.

The repair of the ball valve is completed by checking the tightness of all elements and connections; for this, it is connected to the water supply and tested.

Dispute on the topic “What is the correct way to say: ball valve or ball valve?” will arise more than once, so let’s clarify right away: in the singular it is correct to say ball valve, and in the plural - ball valves. However, at the time of writing this article, the auto-fill of Yandex and Google when typing “ball valve” first gives the option “ball valve” - since this option is more often used by technical specialists in “professional jargon” - personally, “ball valve” is closer to us.
For simplicity of presentation, we will consider these phrases identical (from a technical point of view) and leave this dispute to our beloved teachers of literature and the Russian language.
So, in this article we will try to consider in detail all the types of ball valves and which ball (ball) valve is best to choose from the whole variety of ball valves.

We bring to your attention a list of issues that will be considered:

1. What is a ball valve?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ball valves?
3. What types of ball valves are there based on body material?
4. What types of ball valves are there by type of connection?
5. What types of ball valves are there according to the type of passage?
6. What types of ball valves are there by body type?
7. What types of ball valves are there by type of seal?
8. What types of ball valves are there?
9. What types of ball valves are there by type of control?
10. What parameters are important when choosing a ball valve?
11. Where to buy a ball valve (ball valve)?
12. What is better to install a ball valve, a butterfly valve, a gate valve or a gate valve?

1. What is a ball valve?

Ball valve- this is a type of pipeline fittings, the shut-off element of which has the shape of a ball, connected to a handle and designed to block the flow of the working medium in the pipeline. When the handle is turned, the ball rotates around its axis, which is located perpendicular to the flow of the working medium and thereby opens or closes the ball valve.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ball valves?

Advantages of ball valves:

- light weight;
- short construction length;
- low hydraulic resistance of the working environment;
- possibility of installation in any spatial position;
- good price-quality ratio;
- high class of tightness.

Disadvantages of ball valves:

- high torque for turning the handle;
- the occurrence of hydraulic shocks in the pipeline when the tap is opened quickly;
- the need to regularly (at least once a week) open and close the tap to prevent the ball from “sticking”;
- poor applicability of the most common ball valves with fluoroplastic seals at temperatures above 150 degrees C.

3. What types of ball valves are there based on body material?

3.1. Brass ball valve.

Brass ball valves- These are the most common taps in plumbing.

The main advantages of brass taps:
- low price;

- short delivery times;
- good performance characteristics for water and gas;
- resistance to mechanical stress.

The main disadvantages of brass taps:
- a small number of diameters, mainly produced from DN 8 to DN 100 mm;
- lack of welded design;
- unstable operation at temperatures above 200 degrees C;
- impossibility of stable operation on petroleum products.

Steel ball valves- these are cranes made of carbon steel (usually steel 20 or steel 25), which are widely used in industry and housing and communal services.

The main advantages of steel cranes:
- low price;
- large selection of models from different manufacturers;
- short delivery times;
- good performance characteristics for hot water and gas;
- resistance to mechanical stress;
- wide model range.

The main disadvantages of steel cranes:
- unstable operation at temperatures less than -40 degrees C;
- difficulties with long-term operation in cold water supply systems;
- impossibility of operation in mildly aggressive environments.

3.3. Ball valve made of alloy steel (cold-resistant).

Cold-resistant ball valves- these are taps made of alloy steel (usually 09G2S) and intended for operation at low temperatures down to -60C; their other properties are the same as steel taps.

3.4. Ball valve made of stainless steel (stainless).

- these are taps made of stainless steel (usually 12Х18Н10Т and similar), which are widely used in industry.

The main advantages of stainless steel taps:
- wide range of working environments;
- possibility of operation at temperatures down to -60C.

The main disadvantages of stainless taps:
- high price;
- narrow model range, mainly produced from DN 8 to DN 300 mm;
- long delivery times for most cranes.

Cast iron ball valves- these are taps made of gray (malleable) cast iron. Due to the mass production of steel ball valves, cast iron valves have become more expensive and most manufacturers refuse to manufacture them. As a result, since about 2010 in Russia there has been only one manufacturer of cast iron cranes and a large number of illiquid goods that were produced back in the 80s under the USSR. Due to the fact that cast iron taps have no advantages over steel taps, we recommend without any doubt replacing them with steel taps.

3.6. Plastic ball valve

Plastic ball valves- these are taps made mainly of polypropylene and intended for installation on plastic pipes.

The main advantages of polypropylene taps:
- durability comparable to brass;
- price;
- light weight.

The main disadvantages of polypropylene taps:
- Possibility of installation only on plastic pipes.

4. What types of ball valves are there by type of connection?

- these are taps with threaded connections, which are widely used in various fields of industry and housing and communal services. These taps are available from DN8 to DN100, body material: brass, steel and stainless steel. The main advantages of such cranes are: light weight, short construction length, low cost. The disadvantages of coupling ball valves include a narrow range of diameters and difficulty in carrying out maintenance (the valve is clogged with scale, etc.) and repair work.
There are several types of thread:
- ball valve internal-internal with internal thread on both sides;
- ball valve nar-nar(also called a pin-type ball valve) with external threads on both sides;
- union ball valve- this is a type of faucet with an external thread, only fittings are screwed onto each thread;
- ball valve vn-nar with internal thread on one side and external thread on the other side;
- ball valve with “American” with internal thread on one side and a union nut on the other side.

- These are valves that attach directly to the return flanges. These taps are available from DN15 to DN800, body materials: cast iron, steel and stainless steel. The main advantages of such valves are: ease of installation and maintenance, applicability for the entire range of pressures. The disadvantages of flanged ball valves include large weight and overall dimensions, as well as the possibility of the bolts loosening over time and, as a result, loss of tightness.

- these are valves with welded ends. These taps are available from DN10 to DN800, body material: steel and stainless steel. The main advantages of such valves are: complete and reliable tightness of the connection, small weight and overall length compared to flanged ones. The disadvantages of welded cranes include the impossibility of maintenance, the complexity of dismantling and replacement.

5. What types of ball valves are there according to the type of passage?

Full bore ball valve- this is a valve in which the declared diameter of the nominal bore Du coincides with the size of the actual bore in the ball. For example, for a full bore valve DN100, both the diameter and the actual passage in the ball are 100 mm.

Standard bore ball valve- this is a valve whose declared nominal diameter is always larger than the actual hole in the ball. For example, a standard bore valve Du100 has a nominal bore diameter of 100 mm, and a real bore in the ball of 80 mm. The main advantage of standard bore valves is their lower price compared to full bore valves.

Many will ask - why did the standard bore model appear and is it so popular? (more than 90% of all ball valves are standard bore). The answer is quite interesting. Due to the design of the crane, when low hydraulic resistance of the working medium is achieved when passing through the ball, the throughput of a standard bore crane is sometimes even greater than that of valves and gate valves of the same diameter, and since ball valves have become widespread since 2000, they are without any problems, replace similar fittings without loss of pressure and fluid flow.
ATTENTION!!! If you are buying a ball valve and the invoice or delivery note does not indicate that it is full bore, keep in mind that you are buying a standard bore valve.

6. What types of ball valves are there by body type?

is a non-separable faucet made of carbon, alloy or stainless steel, which, due to its welded body, has a lower price compared to collapsible faucets. Considering the service life of the crane is about 20 years, the need for the mandatory use of a collapsible structure arises quite rarely.

Collapsible ball valve is a crane that can be disassembled and serviced. The only significant nuance is that without specialized equipment, it is unlikely that it will be possible to carry out high-quality disassembly and maintenance without loss of tightness.

7. What types of ball valves are there by type of seal?

Our experience shows that 99% of all ball valves are produced with a fluoroplastic seal, with the exception of high-temperature versions where a metal-to-metal seal is used.

PTFE (fluoroplastic, teflon)– a temperature-resistant polymer that ensures stable operation in hot and cold water, technical oils, hydrocarbon mixtures (petroleum products, natural gas), steam (up to 150C). Operating temperature range from -10C..+150C, maximum permissible temperature -40C..+200C.

Metal to metal- This is a seal in which the valve body and ball are in contact with each other without soft seals. The main advantage of metal seals is their resistance to high temperatures. The main disadvantage can be considered the difficulty of ensuring tightness class A.

8. What types of ball valves are there?

- These are two-way ball valves that are designed to completely shut off the flow of the medium. These are the most popular and widespread faucets.

These are two-way ball valves in which the ball design allows for regulation of the flow of the working medium.

- these are two-way ball valves with an extended stem designed for installation on underground communications with the ability to open or close the valve through a carpet installed on the street.

- these are ball valves designed for mixing liquid (T-port) or distributing flow (L-port). Such taps are widely used for installing pressure gauges and pressure sensors, as well as in complex technological processes.

- These are two-way ball valves with the ability to connect a temperature sensor. These ball valves are widely used in the installation of residential heat meters.

9. What types of ball valves are there by type of control?

- these are the most common ball valves with a handle or “butterfly”.

- these are cranes with a mechanical gearbox installed on them. The gearbox must be installed on all valves with diameters over 300 mm, as well as on valves with a smaller diameter, where it is necessary to ensure smooth opening of the ball valve.

- these cranes with electric drives installed on them are used for remote control of technological processes, as well as for emergency closure of pipelines.

Ball valve with pneumatic drive- these valves with pneumatic drives installed on them are used for remote control of technological processes, as well as for emergency closure of pipelines in explosive areas in which the installation of an electric drive is unacceptable.

10. What parameters are important when choosing a ball valve?

Many of our customers are faced with the need to install a ball valve on site, but they do not have a brand. In this case, we can select the valve you need.
Let's consider what parameters are important when selecting a check valve.
- valve diameter, DN- usually it coincides with the diameter of the pipeline. Standard range of diameters in millimeters and inches: 6, 8, 10 (3/8 inch), 15 (½ inch), 20 (¾ inch), 25 (1 inch), 32 (1 ¼ inch), 40 (1 ½ inch) ), 50 (2"), 65 (2 ½"), 80 (3"), 100 (4"), 125, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 700, 800mm .
- conditional valve pressure, Ru- Standard pressure range: 10, 16, 25, 40, 63, 100, 160 kgf/cm2. When choosing a nominal pressure, it is worth considering the fact that for stable and long-term operation of the faucet it is necessary that the operating pressure be 2 times less than the nominal one. For example, the pressure in your pipe is 12 kgf/cm2. It is necessary to install a tap at 25 kgf/cm2. If you set the tap to 16 kgf/cm2, then within a few months the tap may fail.
- body material- the features of the body material of various cranes are described in this article in paragraph 3.
- type of connection- the features of the body material of various cranes are described in this article in paragraph 4.
- valve design- design features of ball valves are described in this article in paragraph 8.
- seal in the valve- the features of seals of various taps are described in this article in paragraph 7.
- equipment manufacturer- this is a very important parameter, because there are now a lot of low-quality Chinese handicraft cranes on the market, which seem to suit all parameters, but during operation they cause so many headaches that savings come at a cost. The second extreme is that many European and American brands try to sell their equipment at 3-5 times more expensive than a normal quality product. What should an ordinary buyer do? In this case, it is advisable to get advice from people you trust - plumbers, installers, reputable sellers.

11. Where to buy a ball valve?

After you have selected the ball valve according to its parameters, all that remains is to simply buy it. When choosing the place where the purchase will be made for you, we will give only a few recommendations that will allow you to avoid mistakes:
- the ball valve must be new and have all the necessary documentation and warranties. By new crane we mean a crane that was produced after 2012, which is a maximum of 5 years old. Many sellers of illiquid assets will say - what will happen to it - a piece of iron is like a piece of iron. There are two subtleties here. If the faucet has soft seals, then after 5-7 years of simply sitting, the polymers may lose some of their properties, which can negatively affect operation. And secondly, if the crane is more than 5 years old, it is unlikely that anyone will bear warranty obligations on it and there will be problems with the accompanying documentation.
- the valve must have a reserve for the nominal pressure- this is very important for long and stable operation. Our experience shows that an attempt to select a valve with comparable operating and nominal pressure ends in equipment failure.
- the faucet must be purchased from a reliable seller- people who value their reputation will not sell faucets of dubious quality.
- take into account the recommendations of people you trust- this is important if there is no certainty with the model. In this case, it is worth consulting with experienced installers, operators or sellers. There are a lot of low-quality products on the market, which even for an experienced person are quite difficult to distinguish from normal ones, and there are many branded products that are made in China and sold at 2-3 times the market price with the assurance that this is super equipment and there is no better one in the world.
And if you have taken into account all the subtleties, then the choice of where to buy a check valve is up to you - the most important thing is not to forget about the price-quality ratio.

12. What is better to install a ball valve, a butterfly valve, a shut-off valve or a gate valve?

Our many years of experience working with shut-off valves shows that there is no universal valve and for different operating conditions it is necessary to install different types. Let's consider cases in which it makes sense to install ball valves:
- household water and gas communications- here we recommend installing brass ball valves.
- industrial gas and oil pipelines
- heating and hot water supply systems- here we recommend the installation of steel flanged and welded valves.
Now let’s look at the most common mistakes when choosing ball valves:
- steel taps cannot be installed in cold water supply systems, since there is a lot of oxygen in the water, and literally within 3-6 months of operation the faucet becomes overgrown with rust and fails. For long-term operation, we recommend installing valves with a rubberized wedge.
- steel valves with a fluoroplastic seal cannot be installed on steam pipelines with a constant steam temperature above 150C, since literally within 1-2 months of operation the seal begins to fail and the valve loses its tightness. For stable operation of steam pipelines, we recommend installing valves with metal-to-metal seals, which can operate at high temperatures without problems.

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The range of enterprises producing pipeline fittings includes more than fifty different types of products. These include valves, all kinds of valves, rotating elements, and many other specific components. However, every enterprise, regardless of its size, also produces so-called ball valves. This is a very common and widely used fitting.

The main purpose

In the most general, schematic form, any pipeline can be described as a sealed pipe with a shut-off element installed on it. A certain working medium is transported directly through the pipe - water, liquefied gas, hot steam, etc. A shut-off element is necessary in order to regulate the flow of this medium and, if necessary, completely block it.

So, the most practical and durable shut-off elements are ball valves. They are used for:

  1. adjusting the volume of medium pumped through the pipeline;
  2. complete or partial closure of the pipeline (this need arises, for example, in the event of a serious accident);
  3. determining the pressure level in the pipe (to do this, open the tap sharply, and then look at the force with which the working medium is transferred through the pipe. The higher the speed of movement, the higher the pressure level).

Where is it used and how long does it last?

The ball valve is installed on both domestic and industrial pipelines. For example, without this element it is almost impossible to lay the most ordinary water supply in an apartment building. Also, this fittings are mounted on:

  1. main gas pipelines;
  2. industrial external sewers;
  3. household gas pipelines.

Of course, a faucet for a main gas pipeline and a regular household water supply will differ markedly, not only in its size and materials of manufacture, but also in design. The larger the pipeline, the more massive the fittings that are installed on it. In this case, the locking element itself can weigh up to several kilograms. During installation, the largest and heaviest products are not only tightened with bolts, but also welded using an inverter or semi-automatic welding machine.

The service life of such a crane greatly depends on operating conditions. Under heavy loads, which valves usually experience during operation on large pipelines, the service life of the product does not exceed 5 years. On a small household pipeline, the tap may well last at least twice as long.

Ball valves for water and gas are a wide range of products that have their own characteristics that must be taken into account when purchasing such a product. This article will tell you in detail what types of ball valves exist, will help you understand their design and repair, and navigate the market for plumbing products.

What are the functions of a water ball valve?

A ball valve for water is called a valve with a shutter or a valve with a spherical shut-off element.

For a long time, craftsmen used valves and gate valves as shut-off elements when installing pipelines. But their use required regular monitoring of their condition and constant maintenance. This was quite complex and expensive, and in addition, the classic piping elements were heavy and large. Constant encounters with difficulties led to the invention of an alternative option that was simpler and more convenient to use.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first ball valve appeared, but technology had not yet made it possible to make it reliable in terms of tightness. The discovery of fluoroplastic materials made it possible to successfully solve this problem. The wear of a seal made of fluoroplastic is much lower than that of rubber gaskets used in valve valve construction. This virtually eliminates the leakage of liquids and gases.

    What media will pass through the tap;

    What will be the temperature of the transported liquid;

    What pressure is planned inside the pipeline;

    What material is used for the pipes on which the faucet is mounted;

    What is the diameter of the pipe used.

The answers to these questions will help you choose the best solution when purchasing a water tap.

Advantages of ball valve:

    Low price;



    Wear resistance;

    Universal, reliable design;

    Can be installed in any position;

    When overlapping, tightness is ensured;

    If necessary, it is quickly blocked;

    The flow movement can go in any direction.

Disadvantages of using such a crane:

    To close the tap manually, you need a long lever, and to do it automatically, you need to install an expensive electric drive;

    A sudden opening of the tap can lead to water hammer, which is unacceptable in some systems;

    There are restrictions on the use of the tap in the heating network (the water temperature should not exceed 100 °C, the pressure should not exceed 16 bar, the pipe diameter should not exceed 100 mm).

What are flanged ball valves for water?

A flanged water tap also has a ball-shaped shut-off element, turning it vertically opens a hole for water movement.

Ball valves of this type are used for pipelines through which steam, oil, water, and air are transported. Typically, flanged designs are used in environments where the use of socket valves is limited due to operating conditions (temperatures above 100 °C or operating pressures above 16 bar).

It is important to ensure that the tap is turned all the way. Otherwise, contamination will appear on the locking element, which will lead to a leak. There will be a need to repair or even replace the entire structure.

There are several types of classifications of flanged ball valves for water:

Structurally, such cranes are divided into:




By capacity they are:

    Standard (70−80%);

    Full bore (90−100%);

    Partial bore (40−50%).

Cranes of this type are made from various materials:

Ball valves can also be with or without a built-in water filter.

When choosing a flanged valve, pay great attention to the quality of components, as this ensures long service life and operational reliability. The price of a ball valve should not be too low. When choosing such an element, check the working environment and the permissible temperature range. In this case, plumbing repairs will not bring additional hassle.

Advantages of a flanged ball valve for water:

    Long service life;

    Reliable tightness when blocking the flow;

    Low hydraulic resistance;


    Small sizes;

    Simple design;

    Mounted in any position;

    No maintenance required;

    Ease of use;

    Faucets with a collapsible body can be repaired;

    If necessary, it can be quickly closed manually.

Disadvantages of such cranes:

  • Long lever for manual operation.

Water ball valve sizes, thread types and operating pressure

Ball valves for water are classified not only by the type of thread, material of manufacture, operating pressure and environment. Another important parameter is the diameter of the internal passage.

The most popular designs used by craftsmen when installing water pipes have an internal passage diameter of ½ or ¾ inches. In terms of standard measurement, this is 15, 20 or 25 mm. Much less commonly used are ball valves for water with an internal passage diameter of 1 inch or 1 ¼, 1 ½ and 2 inches.

A ½-inch diameter water ball valve is more than sufficient for plumbing in a house or apartment. In this case, the diameter of the tap corresponds to the diameter of the pipe. If the heating system has a circulation pump, then you need to take a ball valve for water with a diameter of ¾ inches.

Homes also have heating systems with natural circulation. They must be mounted from pipes and taps of larger diameter, at least 40-50 mm.

To find out the diameter of a water ball valve, you need to find the DN marking on it. If the ball valve says DN25, this means that the diameter of the internal passage is 25 mm or ½ inch.

The thread on a ball valve can be internal or external. In plumbers' jargon, the internal thread is a nut, and the external thread is a fitting. If the tap has external threads on both ends, then it is called a “fitting-fitting”, if there is an internal thread on one side and an external thread on the other, then it is called a “nut-fitting”, etc.

Another important parameter indicated on the ball valve is operating pressure. It is marked with the letters PN, the unit of measurement is atmosphere.

The PN25 marking indicates that the maximum permissible pressure in the system on which the valve will be installed is 25 atmospheres. Practice shows that when installing a central heating system, you can use PN16 taps, which are also suitable for installation on gas and electric boilers and radiators.

How to choose and buy ball valves for water?

Let's take a look at what to look for when you need to buy the best water ball valve:

    Even before you go shopping, read about the water ball valve online. Remember or write down the required markings. Ask about the size and weight of the faucet and check on the manufacturer’s website how to distinguish the original from a low-quality fake.

    Inspect the ball valve carefully and study the markings. All important information should be clearly visible, including the production date and country of origin.

    The surface of the tap must be free of cracks, irregularities and sagging. The walls must be uniform in thickness.

    Take a magnet with you. It will help determine the material from which the shutter is made - brass or steel. Choose a brass ball valve for hot and cold water. Steel ball valves for water are fake.

    The ball valve mirror should have a good shine.

    The original ball valve consists of a brass body, while the fake one is made of silumin or zinc. To understand what you have in your hands, scratch the coating a little - there should be light yellow metal underneath.

    Do not purchase faucets at low prices. A reliable ball valve does not come cheap. Be sure to take the receipt and warranty card. Counterfeits, as a rule, come without a guarantee and they are not in a hurry to issue a receipt.

Helpful advice: It goes without saying that you cannot determine by eye the material from which a ball valve for cold or hot water is made. It is also impossible to understand the thickness of the walls without sawing (this is another parameter when determining the authenticity of the product). The safest way to buy a quality product is to purchase it from official distributors.

If you bought a low-quality product, how to repair a water ball valve?

Typical breakdowns of water ball valves:

    Weak water pressure flowing from the tap;

    Water is leaking from the faucet;

    The water temperature is not adjusted correctly.

Water pressure may be reduced due to blockage in the shut-off element itself. For prevention, it is recommended to place a filter in front of the mixer, or better yet, at the beginning of the entire system, at the entrance to the house.

The tightness of the water ball valve is usually broken due to blockage between the shut-off element and the gaskets inside the cartridge. Even a small grain of sand is enough for this.

In the event of such a breakdown, the mixer must be disassembled and cleaned. If this is not done, the gasket will become deformed and will have to be replaced.

Difficulties in regulating the water temperature using a tap usually appear if one of the holes on the mixer is clogged with gasket fragments or sand.

If it is not possible to understand the cause of the malfunction, the structure must be replaced. Most often this has to be done when the cheapest faucet or mixer has been purchased. Such products are made of silumin, a cheap material with low strength. It can crumble even under slight mechanical load. Remember that the miser pays twice.

It is much more practical to buy a quality product once than to replace or repair a cheap faucet.

To make repairs yourself, you need:



    Hollow screwdriver;

    Durable fabric;

    Special liquid product for quick rust removal;

    Silicone grease for plumbing purposes;

    Allen key;

    Adjustable wrench;

  • Components (depending on the type of breakdown).

Once you have everything you need at hand, reproduce the following algorithm of actions:

    Turn off the water to the tap, both cold and hot.

    Remove the screw holding the faucet swing arm. Then remove this element by rocking it slightly from side to side.

    When you remove the lever, you will see the threaded part of the product. You need to unscrew it with a screwdriver by turning it clockwise.

    (Be careful with water hoses; they can be easily damaged when turning the tap).

    Using pliers, remove the mixer dome and remove the plastic element.

    If leakage occurs, inspect the sealing material. It may wear out or become clogged with scale or sand. Clean the seal carefully to avoid damaging it.

    Remove the ball element from the fastener; if damaged, replace it with a new one.

    Remove the seals securing the rotating part. This is easy to do with a flat blade screwdriver.

    Gaskets that are damaged or have changed shape must be replaced with new ones.

    Inspect and feel the springs; if they lose elasticity, replace them.

This is a typical repair procedure for a water ball valve in a kitchen sink or bathroom. Reassemble in reverse order. Apply a thin layer of suitable lubricant to all seals.

Find out what your faucet is coated with, as manufacturers may use different compounds. Using a different lubricant will again cause the valve to malfunction.

Carry out water ball valve repairs carefully, inspecting every part of the structure.

Pay special attention to the presence of foreign particles in the turning part and on the gaskets.

When you complete assembly, check the connections for tightness and test the faucet by turning on the water. If there are no leaks, the temperature is well regulated, the water pressure is normal, then the repair was carried out efficiently.

However, you can act differently and immediately buy a quality product. For example, AQUALINK can be cited as a popular brand, which sells various designs for plumbing and has a wide range of ball valves for cold and hot water. In addition, the catalog includes various components. Using products from one manufacturer allows you to achieve reliability and performance of the entire system.

Purchasing such products is not an easy task, since you often have to explore many stores, doubting which product to choose.

As an alternative to such searches, we can recommend contacting the SantechStandard company, which specializes in the sale of plumbing products. The assortment includes only those products that have been approved by the best specialists.

The catalog provides only those products that are guaranteed to fit together.

SantekhStandard specialists are ready to help both individuals and companies choose plumbing fixtures. You just need to contact us by phone: