Garlic husk application. Garlic husks: use in traditional medicine and other areas. Benefits of garlic peel

Garlic is not only a wonderful seasoning, but also a natural healer. Since ancient times, people have been using all its parts, especially the husk, to get rid of diseases.

The composition and medicinal properties of garlic peel

The head of garlic contains 0.1-0.36% volatile oil. These compounds are almost entirely responsible for the pharmacological properties of the plant. The biological compound allicin is found in the husk. It was discovered in 1940, and has antimicrobial effects, destroys viruses, fungi, infections. Allicin provides garlic parts with a non-trivial flavor.

Official medicine is interested in such a component of garlic peel as quercetin. It belongs to the bioflavonoids and one of the types of vitamin P. The concentration of a large amount of quercetin contains the most powerful properties to cleanse the body. It reduces the risk of heart attacks, eliminates allergies and inflammation.

Garlic peel also contains pectin, which fights various types of tumor growths. Garlic is recommended for people living in areas with environmental problems. Plant treatment eliminates the following types of substances from the body:

  • toxins;
  • free radicals;
  • salts of heavy metals;
  • radioactive compounds.

Garlic has been found in every medical book for the past thousands of years. The name of the plant is translated as "sowing". The use of garlic peel eliminates many problems:

  • lowers the concentration of cholesterol;
  • strengthens the vascular and circulatory system;
  • eliminates neoplasms and tumors;
  • cures problems with the stomach and intestines;
  • fights diabetes;
  • contributes to vigor and a surge of strength.
  • has antifungal and antiviral properties.

Garlic husk treatment is especially effective in outbreaks of SARS viruses. The patient will feel much better and recover faster.

It will also cleanse the blood vessels, eliminate cholesterol plaques. All this will reduce the possibility of heart attacks and strokes. The medicine has a beneficial effect on the well-being of the elderly.

Inflammatory processes of the intestines and urinary system can be completely cured by garlic peel.

Radicals that cause cancer are removed from the body based on garlic peel products.

There are more than 20 million people in the world who are diagnosed with anemia due to unhealthy diet, fat intake and protein deficiency. Most people know that iron deficiency in the bloodstream is the cause of the disease. But in fact, it becomes a deficiency in hemoglobin of blood cells, which affect its ability to deliver oxygen to cells and be washed out of carbon dioxide.

Symptoms include fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness and fainting, heart palpitations, pale complexion, excessive menstruation, and difficulty concentrating. The use of garlic in any form increases the absorption of iron into the blood and fights the disease.

The healing properties of the husk (video)

Procurement of medicinal raw materials

To harvest medicinal raw materials, you need to dig up the entire plant after ripening and put it in a sunny and dry place. You do not need to wash the garlic, you can put it in the garage on the shelves for 0.5 months. Ready garlic should have crispy leaves as soon as this happens, they are cut, cleaned of dirt and stored indoors.

Garlic peel in folk medicine from 100 diseases

Alcohol tincture

Take vodka, alcohol at a concentration of 70% and pour the crushed husk: 1 part alcohol and 5 parts husk. The tincture is kept for a week and then filtered. Keep it in a dark room.


You need to make it, bay 2 tbsp. l. garlic peel, 2 cups of heated water. The drug must be prepared using a bath on the water for 20 minutes. Next, the infusion must be filtered and placed in a dark room for 1/2 day. It is used both inside and also as lotions.


To prepare a decoction, ready-made dry husks are thrown into water: 1 part of the husk and 10 parts of water. The broth is cooked on the stove and after boiling for 20 minutes, left to cool. The finished drug is used both externally on the affected area, and inside.


It is prepared from the infusion of the husk, boiling over a fire until half of the volume is evaporated. Everything is cooled and stored in a dark cold room. The drug is taken in portions inside.


The husk is carefully crushed in a mortar. Crushed powder is mixed with fat baby cream: 1 part of cream and 2 parts of husk.

From diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Take 2 tbsp. l. dry husks, fill with warm water. Filter the decoction, let it infuse. Take half a glass twice a day. Stop taking after a month. Reception is held 5 times a year.

Recipe for colds

We will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. crushed husk;
  • 40 drops of tincture of alcohol from the husk.

For a whole week, use 20 drops of this remedy 2 times a day.

Strengthening the immune system

We will need:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of dry rose hips;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of dry garlic peel;
  • some pine needles;
  • 1 tsp crushed licorice root.

Husk, licorice, needles are poured into 2 liters of water, boiled on the stove for a period of 15 minutes. Crushed rose hips are placed in the prepared mixture. After that, boil for a few more minutes. Put the prepared drug in a thermos and insist for a day. Then it is sent to a container and brought to a boil. The mixture is then allowed to cool. Take chilled, several tablespoons per 24 hours.

From hair loss

An infusion of garlic peel is used to improve the quality of hair, rub it into the roots against hair loss and leave for an hour. Then everything is thoroughly washed with water and shampoo. The procedure is carried out 2 times a month.

For luxurious hair

We will need:

  • 1 st. l. husks;
  • 1 st. l. birch leaves.

Leaves and husks are placed in a container and poured with 1.5 glasses of water. Everything is boiled for 15 minutes on a small fire. The finished drug must be filtered and cooled. Then it is rubbed into the scalp and kept for several hours. Then wash everything off with shampoo. The procedure is repeated several times a month.

How to make garlic tincture (video)

Garlic husk in agriculture

The trend of garlic consumption is increasing, the industry is producing more and more waste products such as husks and stalks. It has sufficient nutritional value. Polyphenolic compounds are sources of antioxidants. This means that the addition of husks to broiler feeds can significantly improve the quality of chicken meat.

Garlic peel is used as a component of compost. Diseased plants are treated with tincture from it to prevent the appearance of garden pests. To do this, 150 grams of dry garlic residue is soaked in a bucket of water for a day. Then carry out therapeutic spraying.

The use of garlic peel in cosmetology

  • Allicin and sulfur compounds will help make your hair beautiful and healthy. Garlic peel effectively eliminates the problem of hair loss. Selenium and sulfur will thicken sparse hair.
  • Garlic peel helps in getting rid of acne. Unsightly spots on the skin will be eliminated by antioxidants, they kill bacteria and infections. It can cure psoriasis flare-ups
  • Garlic decoction will be useful as a foot bath with an antifungal effect.
  • Garlic has the ability to kill yeast, so it is not added to the dough. With the help of this property, vaginal infections accompanied by itching, irritation can be treated.

Allicin, an organic compound present in garlic, effectively stops damage to skin cells caused by bacteria and free radicals.

Pharmaceutical preparations and dietary supplements based on garlic

Allylsat is an extract from alcohol based on garlic. It is used for high blood pressure, intestinal problems and atherosclerosis.

Dried garlic is part of allochol, which is used for constipation, problems with the liver and gallbladder. Companies also offer garlic tablets as an allicin-based food supplement. BAA "Alisat" people successfully take to restore immunity during influenza epidemics.

Dry garlic bulb powder is used in capsules, which also have antimicrobial properties. The capsules also include concentrated garlic oil, used for respiratory diseases and heart treatment.

Instructions are attached to each drug, follow the dosage.

Properties of garlic tea (video)

About the side effects of garlic peel

Garlic peel is actively used in folk medicine, but it also has its own contraindications. Folk remedy can not be used:

  • children under 12;
  • pregnant women;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • low pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney disease.

Even in the absence of contraindications, the dosage should not be increased. The amount of broth drunk during the day should not exceed 1 liter. You can not drink the infusion hot or warm, take it only cold.

Garlic is a plant familiar to us, which has an amazing set of healing properties. All its parts, even the husk, are actively used in traditional medicine and help many people. Before treatment, be sure to go to a consultation with a specialist and find out contraindications.

Garlic is a specific vegetable, but its benefits for the body are undeniable. It cleanses the body, strengthens the immune system, stimulates metabolism, promotes weight loss, inhibits the growth of cancer cells, serves as a good prevention of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and respiratory organs. It seems that it can be more useful than garlic? A worthy competitor is garlic peel.

Scientists have proven that the chemical composition of garlic husk compares favorably with onion cloves (cloves) with a high content of micro and macro elements, vitamins and other useful components necessary to maintain overall health, improve the functionality of organs and systems.

From the article you will learn the composition and useful properties of garlic husks, recipes and cooking tips, how and for what diseases to use.

All parts of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials: bulb, leaves, inflorescences, fruits, fruit peel. All components have a different chemical composition, differ in nutritional qualities, the percentage of active biological substances. Garlic husks hold the record for pectin and quercetin content.

Pectins cleanse the digestive tract of toxins and toxins, remove excess fluid from the body, improve digestion, activate metabolism, accelerate the process of fat breakdown, which is especially beneficial for weight loss.

Quercetin is a biochemical substance, part of the vitamin P group. Powerful antioxidant: slows down oxidative reactions, prevents the damaging effects of free radicals on living cells. It also has anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antispasmodic, anti-allergic action, diuretic abilities.

Other substances found in the composition of the peel of garlic:

  • water;
  • beta carotene;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9;
  • nicotinic and ascorbic acids;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin K;
  • vitamin PP;
  • macronutrients calcium, potassium, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, silicon;
  • trace elements boron, iodine, aluminum, vanadium, lithium, cobalt, iron, manganese, copper, nickel, molybdenum, fluorine, strontium, rubidium, selenium, chromium, zinc;
  • starch and dextrins;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

There is also a special substance allicin in the husk. This organic compound, which is not present in the garlic cloves, is formed when the integrity of the clove is broken and the peel is removed. It has bactericidal and fungicidal properties.

Garlic husks in folk medicine - recipes and tips for use

Garlic husks, together with the fruits, act as raw materials for the preparation of tinctures and decoctions at home. It contains biologically active substances that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antifungal, antimalarial and antiviral effects. The composition also contains phytoncides that kill and inhibit the growth and development of bacteria.

Garlic peel is used to treat and prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, improve the functionality of the digestive system. It enhances peristalsis, normalizes the intestinal microflora, increases the body's resistance to infectious and colds, strengthens the immune system.

Garlic peel has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system:

  • stabilizes high blood pressure;
  • reduces the load on the heart;
  • activates blood flow and reduces the tension of blood vessels, which increases the supply of oxygen to tissues and organs;
  • prevents the formation of cholesterol deposits in the vessels.

Garlic peel has antioxidant properties, inhibits the growth of cancer cells, slows down the aging process, protects and maintains epithelial tissues, accelerates the healing process for wounds and burns, and improves skin condition.

Garlic husks are used to prepare tinctures, decoctions, with which they strengthen the gums during periodontal disease, and are used to treat stomatitis. Garlic husk extracts help stop hair loss, get rid of dandruff, and strengthen hair follicles.

Decoctions and inhalations made from garlic husks are popular in the treatment of colds. The herbal remedy well reduces the frequency and intensity of coughing, deprives microorganisms of the ability to grow and reproduce, and prevents their spread to the lower respiratory tract.

Flu and cough medicine

Especially effective folk remedy helps at an early stage of the disease. Its use in addition to pharmaceutical preparations reduces the recovery time, reduces the dosage of the latter.


  1. Put a clean and dry frying pan on the fire, heat well, do not add oil.
  2. Put a handful of garlic husks. To enhance the therapeutic effect, add onion peel.
  3. As soon as the husk acquires a rich brown color and begins to smoke, remove the pan from the stove and put it on the table. Tilt your head over the dishes, cover with a towel and breathe in the smoke. Inhale air through the nose, hold the breath for 1-2 seconds, then exhale through the mouth. The duration of inhalation is 5-7 minutes.

During the procedure, tears and sneezing may occur. This is a natural reaction to irritation of the mucous membranes of the nasal and oral cavities. With the help of these reflexes, pathogens are removed from the upper respiratory tract. Repeat the procedure until the cough stops completely, but not longer than 7-10 days.

Advice. During inhalation, it is important to control breathing. It should be even, deep, without tension. For 60-90 minutes before and after the procedure, stress on the vocal apparatus, eating, smoking, and going outside are contraindicated.

Medicine for the heart and blood vessels, cleansing the body

A decoction based on garlic peel is a universal remedy for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. It helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increases their elasticity, and normalizes blood circulation processes.


  1. Pour 3 tbsp into a metal container. l. garlic husks, pour 1 liter of cold distilled water.
  2. Put the mixture on a steam bath and steam for 10-20 minutes, without bringing to a boil.
  3. Infuse the remedy under the lid for 3-4 hours.
  4. Strain the infusion through gauze folded in several layers.
  5. Take the medicine after meals, 100 ml three times a day.

To equalize blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, and treat rheumatic pathologies, a tincture is prepared from peeled garlic peel. To do this, pour 100 g of clean and dried husks into 500 ml of vodka, insist in a warm, dark place for 10 days, periodically shaking the container. Then strain the infusion, store in the cellar or refrigerator. Take according to the scheme: dilute 10-20 drops of tincture with 50 ml of water. The course of treatment is 30 days. After a month break, repeat the treatment.

General wellness

The tool tones up, increases endurance and performance, activates the processes of self-regulation of the body, increases resistance to stress, adverse environmental factors.


  1. Peel the garlic, dry the skin, put it in a dry, clean container.
  2. Boil water, pour garlic husks, close the lid, leave for eight hours to infuse, you can overnight.
  3. Strain the infusion, take 50 ml orally at intervals of 4-5 times a day.
  4. The course of therapy is 10 days. If necessary, repeat the treatment after two months.

Infusion against tinnitus

To prepare the medicine, one medium-sized head of garlic must be washed, dried, twisted together with the skin in a meat grinder or chopped with a blender. In any convenient way, grind one lemon with a peel. Garlic-lemon mixture pour 600 ml of water, cover and refrigerate for four days. Next, separate the juice from the gruel with gauze or a sieve.

Take the medicine inside 50 ml once a day in the morning before breakfast. Continue treatment for 1-3 months, depending on the body's response to ongoing activities. After a break, if necessary, repeat the course.

Cold treatment

For reference. The antibacterial effect of garlic husks is compared with antibiotics of the penicillin series, but, unlike pharmaceuticals, natural plant materials practically do not cause side effects and are well accepted by the body.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle

To improve the functions of the female reproductive system, normalize the menstrual cycle, eliminate hormonal imbalances, it is recommended to take an infusion based on garlic peel.

To prepare the recipe, you need 3 tbsp. l garlic peel pour 1 liter of hot water. Insist under the lid for 2-3 hours, strain, take orally twice a day - in the morning and in the evening 30 minutes before the main meal.

Treatment of constipation and normalization of bowel function

Garlic peel has a laxative effect, enhances intestinal motility, softens feces, stimulates the act of defecation, reduces the time of bowel movement. To prepare the medicine, rinse the garlic well, dry, remove the husk, chop in a blender.

Dry powder is used in different ways: add ½ tsp to food or use one teaspoon in its pure form, drinking plenty of water.

Powder for diarrhea

Garlic husk solves the problem of rapid, repeated loose stools, reduces the secretion of water in the intestinal lumen. To prepare the medicine, it is necessary to grind the husk and add the powder to food in a small amount.

Strengthening immunity

Infusion ingredients:

  • dry rose hips - 2 tbsp. l;
  • dried garlic husk - 1 tbsp. l;
  • crushed licorice root - 2 tbsp. l;
  • pine needles.

How to cook:

  1. Put the garlic husk, pine needles, chopped licorice root into a metal pan, pour 2 liters of water. Boil.
  2. As the broth boils for 10-15 minutes, crush the rose hips in a mortar, add to the pan. After boiling, keep on fire for another 7-10 minutes.
  3. Pour the broth into a thermos, leave for a day.
  4. The next day, boil the broth again.
  5. When the medicine has cooled, strain through gauze folded in several layers, take 2-3 tbsp. l. every 3-4 hours, but no more than three times a day.

Contraindications to the use of garlic tincture

Despite all the usefulness, the unsystematic use of garlic husks can harm the body. It is forbidden to use vegetable raw materials with individual intolerance to the components of the composition, people with low blood pressure, diabetes.

It is necessary to limit the use of garlic husks in the acute period of diseases of the digestive system, in violation of kidney function, during breastfeeding and pregnancy, in children under 12 years of age.

The use of garlic husks in other areas

In addition to traditional medicine, plant raw materials are used as an ingredient in cosmetics for nutrition, moisturizing, cleansing and toning the skin, improving the condition of nails, activating hair growth and stopping hair loss.

No less popular garlic peel in gardening. It is used to nourish plants and increase soil fertility, in the fight against pests and plant diseases.

Cosmetic use

To improve the condition of the skin, restore epithelial tissues, accelerate the healing process in case of chemical and mechanical damage to the skin, a medicinal decoction based on garlic peel is prepared. Also, the tool has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves itching, peeling, redness.


  1. Garlic wash, dry, remove the skin.
  2. Grind the husk in a blender or coffee grinder to a state of flour.
  3. Add 1 tsp to 500 ml of water. garlic powder, boil. After boiling, keep on low heat for 10-15 minutes. Cover with a lid, insist for 12 hours, you can leave it overnight.
  4. Add strained broth to water while taking a bath. The procedure is repeated every seven days.

The tool can be used to cleanse the skin of the face, treat acne. Moisten a cotton pad in a decoction, wring it out slightly, wipe a clean face twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Phytoncides penetrate the dermis, destroy pathogenic microorganisms that provoke the inflammatory process.

Advice. Store the decoction in the refrigerator in a glass container with an airtight lid for no longer than 30 days.

The rejuvenating effect on the body is associated with the use of garlic tincture. To prepare it, you need to wash one medium head of garlic along with the husk, chop with a blender, meat grinder. Pour gruel into a glass container, pour 500 ml of alcohol, insist in a dark place for five days. Take the medicine inside three times a day - in the morning on an empty stomach, in the afternoon and in the evening. It is necessary to start treatment with one drop, increasing the dosage by 2-3 drops every day, bringing 25 drops to normal.

Strengthening hair and nails

To heal and strengthen hair, activate hair follicles, get rid of dandruff, traditional healers recommend making a mask of garlic peel. To do this, chop dry garlic skin and three cloves, mix with 2 tbsp. l. honey, add 2 drops of olive / burdock oil (if the hair is dry). Mix everything well. Rub the composition into the scalp, wrap with a plastic bag, top with a towel. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water, rinse well with shampoo. Repeat the procedure every 2-3 days.

With the help of garlic broth, nails affected by the fungus are treated. Vegetable raw materials improve the condition of the nail plate: nails become stronger, stronger, cracks and delaminations decrease. To prepare a bath for nails, you need to pour crushed garlic husks with hot water, insist under the lid for 3-4 hours, strain.

Dilute the broth with water, lower the hands / feet into the bath for 10 minutes. Then dry the skin, if necessary, apply an antifungal agent, moisturizing or nourishing cream, put on cotton gloves / socks.

Normalization of the sebaceous glands

Violation of the functions of the sebaceous glands leads to a decrease in bactericidal properties and a change in the consistency of sebum. The secret becomes dense, blockage and inflammation of the hair follicles occur, which creates favorable conditions for the development of acne.

Garlic peel helps to improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reduce the secretion of sebum, relieve the inflammatory process, destroy infections, and serves as a good prevention of the occurrence of new comedones.


3 art. l. chopped garlic peel pour 1 liter of hot water, put on medium heat. After boiling, stand for another 15 minutes. Then cover with a lid, put in a dark place for 7-8 hours until completely cooled. Strained broth to wipe a clean face. Other medications can be applied on top. Continue treatment until complete recovery.

Application in the garden

Garlic husks help extend the shelf life of autumn carrot crops. To do this, the vegetable crop must be poured with husks and moved to the cellar for storage. Due to the presence of phytoncides, the peeled peel of garlic fruits prevents the processes of decay and spoilage of the vegetable, the formation of mold and rot.

For normal growth and development of plants, increasing soil fertility, fertilizer is prepared from onion and garlic husks. To do this, pour two handfuls of onion peel and the same amount of garlic peel into 1 liter of water, bring to a boil, and then keep it on low heat for 20 minutes. When the broth has cooled, strain it through cheesecloth and dilute with 8 liters of water.

This fertilizer is especially useful for and.

Pest control

Garlic husks are used to control wireworms and the Colorado potato beetle. When transplanting or planting seedlings, a handful of garlic husks are poured under the root. An infusion is also prepared for spraying the shoots of trees and plants.

To prepare the remedy, 1 tbsp. peeled garlic peel is poured into 1 liter of water, left in a dark place for 5-6 days. On the day of spraying, prepare a decoction of 3 tbsp. l. garlic husks and 500 ml of water. Infusion and decoction are combined, diluted with water, laundry soap is added. The agent is sprayed onto the plant or soil.

To prepare the medicine, it is better to use the garlic peel of your own harvest. A vegetable grown with the addition of pesticides, instead of the expected benefits, can only worsen the general state of health, cause toxic and allergic reactions.

Before using a tincture or decoction of garlic peel, you need to get the advice of a specialist who will help identify possible contraindications.

Important. When using a medicinal infusion or decoction based on garlic peel, the daily dosage for an adult should not exceed 1 liter.


Garlic peel is a unique vegetable raw material that is popular in folk medicine. Decoctions and tinctures based on garlic peel have a general healing effect, prevent diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems. With regular use, garlic peel improves the condition of hair and nails, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, removes existing comedones and prevents the appearance of new ones.

Gardeners and gardeners also speak well of the benefits of garlic husks. It is used for pest control and to increase yields.

In order not to harm the body, it is important to use garlic peel for its intended purpose, after prior consultation with your doctor.

The chemical composition of garlic peel consists of two of the most important components. Quercetin, consisting of cubic crystals, and related to bioflavonoids. It is the main healing component of the husk, and in its effect is equated to vitamin P.

The concentration of quartzetin in garlic peel is very high.. The only product that contains a high concentration of this most valuable substance is buckwheat. Thanks to quartzetin, the body perfectly copes with the cleansing function, which guarantees a person who consumes garlic husks excellent health and vigor.

An important medicinal component is also garlic pectin, which is absent in the pulp of garlic heads. Pectin in combination with quarcetin helps in the fight against malignant tumors (you can learn how to properly use garlic in the treatment of cancer).

Beneficial features

Garlic peel perfectly copes with the removal of toxins from the body., salts of heavy metals, radioactive compounds and free radicals. The pectin in the husk helps lower cholesterol levels and strengthen the cardiovascular system. For those who suffer from diabetes and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to use infusions with useful garlic peel.

The body noticeably rejuvenates, the appearance of the skin improves, the person becomes cheerful and full of strength. All this is due to the analgesic, immunomodulatory and antifungal properties of the husk (read how to use garlic against onychomycosis).

How else is garlic peel useful for the human body? In the autumn - spring periods of time, infusions from the husk help protect yourself from influenza, SARS and acute respiratory infections. At the onset of the disease, garlic water significantly improves the patient's condition, while relieving headaches and providing antiviral and immuno-strengthening properties.

The cleansing properties of the husk have a great effect on the vascular system, improving blood flow.. At the same time, cholesterol plaques disappear and the development of such dangerous diseases as atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke and thrombosis is prevented (read about how garlic tincture helps cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol, and from you will learn how to use garlic with high and low blood pressure ).

Excellent garlic peel copes with inflammation of the intestines and genitourinary system, and even in their chronic stages, when conventional medications are unable to cope with the disease.

Thanks to the healing properties that garlic peel has, there is an improvement in metabolic processes in the body. This process leads to the normalization of weight and getting rid of malnutrition or obesity.

Removing toxins and slags from the body, husk promotes anti-aging effect and prevents premature aging. The skin takes on a toned and smooth appearance, the face becomes a healthy pink color, hair and nails are strong and even.

Free radicals, which are the cause of the development of malignant neoplasms, are completely eliminated from the body thanks to the cleansing peel of garlic.

What harm can it do?

Garlic peel has a lot of useful and nutritional properties, however, if the recommendations and contraindications for its use are not followed, serious health problems can arise. This is due to the fact that the husk is dominated by a huge concentration of substances that, when consumed, can be harmful.

In addition, it is important to know that while maintaining your well-being and for preventive purposes do not exceed the daily intake of infusions and decoctions based on husks, since a glut of the body with useful elements can have a bad effect on a weakened body. The dose of the most valuable drink should not exceed 4 glasses per day.

The use of infusions in hot or warm form is not allowed. Cool the prepared mixture to room temperature.

Only in this case it is possible to assimilate all the most valuable elements by the human body and achieve a positive result.

Besides, purchased garlic is not recommended for making infusions.

The fact is that only garlic peel from its garden has a guarantee of the safety of its composition. Store-bought garlic can be grown in harmful conditions and contain harmful ingredients.


You can not use garlic peel for the treatment and promotion of health to the following persons:

  • Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 12 years of age. For expectant mothers, exposure to concentrated infusion can affect the course of pregnancy and worsen well-being. Breastfeeding women should avoid these treatments, as the pectin contained in the husk can significantly impair the taste of milk.

    Children do not need high concentrated doses of nutrients, and their overabundance can adversely affect the weak immune system of the child's body.

  • Patients suffering from hypertension or diabetes should use garlic husks with extreme caution in order to avoid possible complications of the disease.
  • Highly concentrated products should not be used for exacerbations of ulcers, gastritis, colitis and other diseases of the digestive system.


From a cold

  1. It will take 2 tbsp. finely chopped garlic peel and 2 tbsp. onion spoons.
  2. Sprinkle all the ingredients in a cast iron skillet without oil and heat on the stove until they begin to smoke.
  3. Carry out inhalation with this smoke, inhaling deeply its vapors for 7 minutes.

Sneezing and lacrimation are the result of the removal of unfavorable bacteria from the patient's nasopharynx. It is enough to carry out the procedure once a day for 1 week.

For kidney problems

The anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties of the husk helps to speed up the process of diseases such as nephritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, as well as bladder diseases.


  • 1 cup minced garlic husks;
  • 1 liter of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the husk and let it brew for 30 minutes.

  1. In acute cystitis, use an infusion of a quarter cup 2 times a day for no more than 4 days.
  2. In chronic - 50 ml. 4 times a day for 7 days.

for diarrhea

For cooking you need:

  1. Take a handful of basic raw materials and prepare 1 cup of boiling water.
  2. Dry raw materials are ground in a blender (1 tsp of ground husk should be obtained).
  3. Pour boiling water and immediately after cooling, take it inside.
  4. During the day, it is necessary to use this remedy in small sips.

You should not drink the infusion on the second day, since such a long use of it can provoke constipation.

For acne

  1. Prepare 1.5 tbsp. fine husks and 0.5 l. boiling water.
  2. The feedstock is poured with boiling water and heated over low heat for 15 minutes.
  3. Then the fire is turned off and the mixture is allowed to brew for about 8 hours.
  4. Wipe the affected areas of the skin with the resulting product at any convenient time.

Use the tincture for its intended purpose until you completely get rid of acne (you can find out other recipes for the treatment of skin diseases (herpes, acne and psoriasis) based on garlic).

For hair growth


  • 2 tsp dry chopped garlic peel;
  • 3 small cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tsp honey;
  • 3 drops of olive oil.


  1. Grind the garlic and its peel in a blender.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients to the mixture and mix well.
  3. The result is a great hair mask. Apply it evenly to the roots of curls and hold for 30 minutes.
  4. After that, rinse your hair well with shampoo.
  5. It is enough to apply the mask 1-2 times a week until the desired effect is achieved.

You can find out why you need garlic hair masks at home, as well as see recipes for their preparation.

For general health promotion

  1. It is necessary to prepare a handful of chopped husks and 1 cup of hot, but not boiling water.
  2. Proper use of garlic peel will transform the body, rejuvenate it. The result will not be slow to be reflected in the appearance.

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Kira Stoletova

Garlic peel has medicinal properties. It helps to normalize the functioning of the heart and kidneys, get rid of colds, prevent premature wrinkles and improve hair condition. Consider the recipes for the preparation of garlic husk remedies, which are used by folk healers. We will also talk about where else it is advisable to use garlic husks.

Beneficial features

Before we talk about how garlic peel is used in traditional medicine, let's look at how it is good for health.

  • Garlic peel is rich in the bioflavonoid quercetin, which is a natural antioxidant. Antioxidants are valued for helping prevent premature aging. Also, the bioflavonoid quercetin activates the process of cell renewal and protects tissues from toxic substances.
  • The bioflavonoid quercetin is not the only component found in garlic husks that has a positive effect on the human body. It also contains pectins. These substances help cleanse the blood of excess cholesterol.
  • Garlic husks are used to rejuvenate the skin, cleanse the blood and regenerate tissues, treat diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract and urinary organs, increase immunity and metabolic processes in the body.
  • Garlic husk improves metabolic processes in the body, thanks to which it turns out to get rid of excess weight.

Husk harvesting

In order for the prepared products to be beneficial, it is necessary to properly prepare the shells of the vegetable crop. Garlic peel is unsuitable for the preparation of medicines if the culture is damaged by pests or diseases.

To prepare an infusion or decoction, you need to stock up on white raw materials, so the outer layer of garlic peel is unsuitable. Use raw materials taken from vegetable crops grown without the use of pesticides. The selected material is dried and crushed to a powder. Garlic peel for the treatment of various diseases is stored in glass containers.

Application in medicine

In traditional medicine, garlic peels have not been used; in traditional medicine, they are popular.

Normalization of the cardiovascular system

A decoction of garlic husks helps to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system. To prepare it, you need garlic powder and water (for 0.5 liters of water, 1.5 tablespoons of powder). The resulting mixture is boiled in a water bath for about 13 minutes, after which it is filtered and left to infuse for 15-20 minutes. The remedy is taken 3 times a day for 1 tsp.

The course of treatment is 30 days. At the end of the course, take a break of 10 days, then repeat the 30-day course again. A decoction made from garlic husks is intended not only to normalize the work of the heart: it helps with kidney and bladder diseases.

Treatment of constipation and normalization of bowel function

Pure garlic powder is used to treat diarrhea. It also helps to normalize bowel function. The powder is prepared in a coffee grinder, used in several ways.

To prevent intestinal diseases, a small amount of powder is added to food. For treatment, the powder is diluted in water or consumed raw with water. As for the dosage, then for 1 tsp. powder accounts for 200 ml of liquid. The product may cause constipation.

Cold treatment

The peel of garlic in folk medicine is also used to treat colds. A small amount of powder is fried without vegetable oil in a frying pan and the rising steam is inhaled.

Strengthening immunity

The benefits of garlic husks are invaluable in improving immunity. To prepare a remedy, you need vodka. The jar is half filled with a garlic shell, alcohol is poured into it, closed with a lid and placed in a dark place for 14 days. Once every few days, the contents of the jar are mixed. After 14 days, the product is ready for use. The tincture is taken on an empty stomach, no more than 30 drops at a time. After a month, take a break of 10-15 days.

After the first course, the general state of health improves.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle

With the help of garlic husks, you can restore the lost menstrual cycle. To do this, you need 1 liter of boiled hot water and 3 tbsp. l. garlic powder. The powder is poured with water and left to brew for several hours. The drug is drunk for 30 minutes. before breakfast and dinner. The tincture is consumed cold.

You should not brew a large amount of powder: the product must be fresh. It is advisable to prepare the tincture every day, preferably immediately before use.

Any infusion or decoction on garlic peel is used after consulting a doctor.

Normalization of the sebaceous glands

Pimples appear on the face due to a malfunction of the sebaceous glands. You can fight them with garlic flakes.

Before using the product, you should check with your doctor about the cause of acne: it does not treat skin diseases and hormonal imbalance.

In addition to normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands, garlic flakes help relieve irritation and prevent the spread of infection that causes suppuration.

3 art. l of garlic powder or unground flakes pour 1 liter of water. The mixture is put on a small fire and boiled for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and leave in a dark, cool place for 8 hours. The product is ready for use. It is not drunk, but applied to problem areas of the skin. After applying the product, you do not need to wash your face.

This infusion is effective against dandruff. They rinse their hair after washing. It is also used as a wound healing agent.


Women with the help of garlic husks prolong youth. For rejuvenation, prepare a garlic drink. It is taken in courses of 10 days. Daily rate - 300 ml. Break between courses - 30-45 days.

To prepare a drink for rejuvenation, you need a handful of prepared garlic powder and 200 ml of hot water. Garlic husks are poured with hot water and left for 7 hours. After this time, the drink is filtered. The tool is ready to use.

Strengthening hair and nails

Due to its beneficial properties, garlic peel is used to strengthen hair and nails.

  • Garlic peel, collected in the garden, is also useful for preparing a healing mask. You will need 10 cloves of garlic, 30 g of bee nectar, 10 ml of olive oil, 2 tsp. garlic powder. Garlic is crushed, bee nectar is added to the resulting gruel, after which everything is thoroughly stirred and olive oil is poured. All ingredients are mixed until smooth. Lastly add the garlic powder. The mask is applied to the head and kept on the hair for 15-20 minutes. It is advisable to wrap your head with cellophane. After the time has elapsed, the product is washed off with warm water.
  • Garlic tea is good for hair and nails. To prepare it, you will need 10 ml of honey, 250 ml of boiling water, 1 tbsp. l. garlic powder. Garlic powder is poured with water and left for 3.5 hours. After the time has passed, honey is added to the drink. Drink 3 times a day, 250 ml.

After applying these products, hair becomes shiny and different to the touch: they become more silky.


Despite the widespread use of garlic flakes in folk medicine, there are contraindications: the husk should not be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers, and garlic flakes are also contraindicated for children under 12 years of age.

Do not use infusions and decoctions of garlic flakes for people with metabolic disorders. In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, you can take any funds only after consulting with your doctor.

Application in the garden

Garlic peel is used not only in traditional medicine and cosmetology, but also as a fertilizer for the garden. Garlic peels and other food waste are put in a container, covered with a lid and left for 14 days. After this time, the contents of the container are crushed and garden crops are fertilized with it.

Garlic peel has also been used as a liquid fertilizer. To prepare it, 2 handfuls of husks are poured into 800 ml of boiling water. The pot is put on fire, the product is boiled for 20 minutes, then filtered and diluted with 8 liters of water. The fertilizer is ready to use.

For colds. And today, many people would more often use garlic cloves for the prevention of various ailments, but the smell from the mouth that accompanies the eaten garlic, which persists for a long time, limits the use of this plant. In folk medicine, not only cloves, arrows and air bulbs (“bulbs”) of plants are used. It is not for nothing that the popular belief has been preserved about the integumentary scales of the cloves that garlic peel is a treatment for 100 diseases and its effectiveness in certain diseases is in no way inferior to other components of Allium sativum in its preventive and therapeutic effectiveness.

General information about the healing properties of garlic

Even the ancient Romans believed that the integumentary scales of onions and cloves of garlic preserve female youth and allow the representatives of the stronger sex to maintain male power. In Slavic folk medicine, the range of diseases that are prevented and treated using garlic husks has been significantly expanded. However, you should immediately warn everyone who wants to self-medicate. It is best to use plant bulbs grown in your own garden. When purchasing garlic on the market, it is possible that pesticides or large doses of nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers were used in its cultivation.

In terms of its pharmacological and medicinal properties, garlic peel is similar to onion peel. Due to the high concentration of quercetin (flavonol), it is believed that its use has an effective effect in the prevention and treatment of oncological neoplasms of the breast, lungs, brain, large intestine and lymphosarcoma. Infusion and decoction of the husks have found application in the treatment of cataracts. In addition, many charmers use the integumentary scales of garlic bulbs in the self-preparation of folk cosmetics aimed at slowing down the aging of the skin.

Of course, garlic peel will not help cure 100 different diseases, but there are diseases and health defects in which the effectiveness of its use has been proven:

  • complex (together with medication) treatment of the cardiovascular system;
  • treatment of fungal diseases of nails and feet;
  • cleaning from toxins and slags with simultaneous rejuvenation of the body;
  • cleansing the skin and eliminating hair defects;
  • prevention of acute respiratory diseases.

The effectiveness of garlic peel treatment is also evidenced by the fact that traditional medicine recipes are constantly updated and improved, and the effectiveness of treatment is recognized by official medical science.

Prevention and treatment of heart disease

In any traditional medicine reference book, in the section on the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, there are recipes for various home remedies based on garlic cloves, arrows, or garlic flakes.

The most common and proven is the following method of preparing a decoction, which not only prevents the work of the heart, but also:

  • rid the body of excess cholesterol, thereby reducing the likelihood of a stroke or heart attack;
  • cleans blood vessels and veins, preventing thrombosis;
  • intensifies the excretion of toxins from the body;
  • helps to cleanse the liver, kidneys and bladder from salts of heavy metals, toxins and excess salt content.

The course of treatment usually lasts for one month, after which it is necessary to take a break of at least 50 days. However, the repetition of the course of treatment - no more than three times during the year.

To prepare a medicinal decoction, three tablespoons of well-washed and chopped garlic husks are poured with a liter of boiling water and steamed in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. The broth should cool and infuse for two to three hours. Drink several sips three times a day. It is undesirable to store a freshly prepared product for more than two days, and if it is not used, it is necessary to pour out and brew a new portion.

Elimination of defects in hair and skin

Garlic peel is widely used in home cosmetology, in particular for the treatment and improvement of the structure of hair fibers and getting rid of skin diseases. To prevent and treat diseases of the hair and skin and improve their appearance, masks, decoctions and rinses are used.

To prepare a hair mask you will need:

  • olive oil (1 - 2 drops are added to the finished product);
  • two tablespoons of natural honey;
  • 3 unpeeled cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons minced garlic husk.

All ingredients are passed through a meat grinder and applied to dry hair before washing. The resulting paste-like mass is rubbed into the hair roots, kept on the head for half an hour and then thoroughly washed off using shampoo. The repetition of the procedure - no more than twice a week.

Even the severity of such intractable diseases as acne and psoriasis can, to a certain extent, be reduced by using garlic peel infusion. To prepare a medicinal solution, 2 dessert spoons of finely chopped husks are poured with 500 grams of boiling water and steamed in a water bath for 10 ... 15 minutes. After the infusion has been aged overnight, it is used for bathing. The repetition of the procedure is 1 time per month.

The same solution can be used to strengthen the root follicles, reduce the formation of dandruff and intensify the growth of hair fibers. The tool will accelerate the healing of open, non-suppurating wounds. With a swab moistened with this folk remedy, you can wipe oily areas of the skin of the face, which will reduce the likelihood of acne.

If you do foot baths at night, then this procedure will help restore muscle tone, relieve a person of fatigue and prevent the appearance of fungal diseases on the nail plates.

There are other recipes that use garlic peel, the treatment for 100 diseases of which is time-tested. However, when using any of them, you should consult with a specialized doctor.