Installation diagram of a gas heating boiler. You can’t do without qualified help! The subtleties of installing a wall-mounted gas boiler. Gas boiler installation requirements

It is not uncommon that many private houses do not have centralized heating and water supply. For this reason, the owners themselves have to resolve such issues. Wall mounted gas boilers can come to the rescue. How to correctly do the installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler with your own hands? How much does it cost to install a gas boiler?

Today they are presented on the market in a huge number and variety of brands. With their choice of problems should not arise. However, it is worth deciding how to mount the boiler - on your own or with the help of qualified specialists? The latter option is not bad, but you have to spend extra money as payment to employees.

The room in which the boiler will be located must have a window for ventilation. The door to the room should open outward. The room should have an area of \u200b\u200bmore than four square meters. The ceiling should be at a mark of two meters or more. As for the doorway, its width should be at least 800 millimeters. A prerequisite for the boiler room is the availability of a working ventilation duct. Often wall-mounted boilers are located in utility rooms, kitchens or pantries.

Another important condition is pasting the walls, where the unit will hang, with non-combustible materials. This action will eliminate the likelihood of a fire that may result from a spark entering combustible materials. Modern non-combustible products harmoniously fit into the design of the room without damaging the interior.

When buying a boiler, you need to get an official certificate, because in the absence of this documentation, registration of heating equipment will become almost impossible. Also, the certificate will allow you to connect the equipment to the gas supply system.

Even when choosing a place for the unit, you need to consider installing the hood for a gas boiler. Old chimneys can be used, and in their absence, new chimneys will need to be laid. Most often, the exhaust system of the combustion products comes complete with the boiler itself.

Compliance with such rules for installing a gas boiler is vital.

Some tips for installing boilers

One of the most important stages in the installation of gas heating boilers is their connection to the gas supply system. In order for the regulatory authorities to give permission for it, it is necessary to install and install the gas boiler strictly in accordance with the recommendations and requirements that the technical passport has. Otherwise, you have to redo something, if not all.

When installing the gas boiler "Navien » , as well as the installation of the Immergaz gas boiler, it is important to check whether its power corresponds to the power of the entire heating system. When connecting the boiler to the old heating system, it is imperative to clean and flush all pipes, which eliminates the possibility of clogging in the near future.

It is necessary in advance to think over the entire installation scheme of a wall-mounted gas boiler. It should include water treatment to supply the hot water system. The entrance to the unit must be equipped with a cleaning and metal-catching magnetic filter.

One of the worst enemies of a gas boiler, and indeed the entire heating system, is corrosion. Therefore, in order to avoid its occurrence, it is better to install a closed loop, which will prevent air from freely entering the system.

Installation Rules

  1. Wall-mounted gas boiler must be mounted on a supporting or main wall.
  2. During the installation of the Ariston gas boiler, care must be taken to ensure that the exhaust hood and chimney are proportionate.
  3. The unit must be easily accessible so that timely maintenance can be carried out and parts can be replaced freely in case of breakage.
  4. If the boiler is installed inside the cabinet, a five-centimeter indent from the cabinet partition must be provided above the equipment. Such free space will make the nodes in the upper part accessible, so that any preventive work will become possible.

DIY wall-mounted gas boiler installation - video

Boiler mounting technology

Before installing gas equipment directly, you need to tackle the chimney hole.

It will be much more convenient to make installation if you use a special cardboard template. With its help, marks are easily and effortlessly made for all fixtures and the chimney. When the place under the boiler is finally selected, you should attach the template to the wall. It should have points of fastening lines and places where the wires will connect. These important marks should be carried onto the wall with a marker or colored pencil. Then the template can be removed.

The next step is to drill holes for the dowels. To do this, select a drill having the desired diameter. Each dowel must be matched to the material and wall thickness. After the holes are ready, metal corners are attached to the wall.

Then you need to remove the top cover of the unit. Now you can safely hook the equipment to the hanging corners on the wall. Before installing the brackets, you need to make sure that all the fittings for the chimney have the correct dimensions exactly according to the instructions, otherwise there will be problems. The bracket to which the gas boiler is attached must itself be very securely mounted on the wall. This is the most important point.

It is important to remember that, depending on the type of wall, there are various mounting methods. There are different types of mounting systems, each of which is designed to install a specific type of unit and type of load.

During installation, it is important to ensure that no debris enters the fan. The pipe, along which the combustion products will be removed, must recede from the wall surface by at least two centimeters.

Boiler mounting tools

Before installing the wall-mounted unit, you should acquire in advance:

  • screwdrivers
  • fasteners
  • glue
  • tow
  • wrenches
  • a drill
  • gloves
  • threaded sleeve
  • non-combustible finishing material.

First you need to shut off the water supply, using the valve. After that, you can connect the boiler and pipeline using a threaded sleeve. To achieve the most tight fixation, you must use a tow. Connect the unit first from the front side. The hot water supply is connected to the top pipe of the unit, and the return is connected to the bottom.

The junction box of the unit must be connected to the power cable, while the safety contact must be diverted from the switch.

Thanks to the cable, power is supplied to the powerful boiler, in connection with which each fuse should not exceed three Amperes in power, or the fuse must have a rating less than the current rating that is required for high-quality use of the boiler. At the end of this type of work, it is necessary to connect gas equipment with reliable grounding.

As you can see, installing a gas boiler on your own is quite feasible in the shortest possible time without unnecessary expenditure of time, effort and money. The installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler with your own hands on the video can be studied in more detail. For example, questions regarding the installation of the Danko gas boiler, which is gaining its popularity, have become the most common.

The cost of installing a gas boiler is much lower than the cost of calling specialists. In addition, the work is carried out quickly, and the skills acquired during installation will still be useful in the future.

Choosing a private house for living, the owners solve several problems at once and free themselves from the need to put up with the difficulties that haunt the inhabitants of city apartments. To achieve a high level of autonomy and provide the house with an independent source of heating, homeowners install a gas boiler in a private house in accordance with the requirements of the heating scheme. The device creates comfortable temperature conditions in the house and allows residents to enjoy a cozy atmosphere even in the coldest winters.

Correctly installed floor gas boiler or wall-mounted analogue provides users with the following benefits:

Direct installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler in a private house is a responsible and time-consuming process. It requires knowledge in the field of heat engineering, and also involves the use of special equipment and a whole list of auxiliary fittings. Since the device burns natural gas during the heating of water into heat exchangers, certain rules must be followed during installation that will reduce the risk of accidents and provide an opportunity to use a safe and reliable heating source for a long time.

Before embarking on an active phase of work, it is necessary to study the standards for installing a gas boiler in a private house, as well as coordinate actions with representatives of the respective communal offices.

The following papers should be in the hands of the property owner:

The basic rules for installing a gas boiler in a private house are general. They involve a series of preparatory actions by the user. He will need to optimize the system and prepare it for installation.

To do this, perform the following steps:

The choice of installation location in the house

Unlike residents of apartments, faced with some problems when installing a heater, owners of private houses have much greater freedom of action. For example, the installation of a gas boiler in a private house, the requirements of which prohibit the installation of the device in living rooms and bathrooms, can be carried out in a furnace (boiler). If a special room is not provided for by a private house project, the owner can independently determine the place for drilling brackets and fixing the wall-mounted boiler.

The current standards for installing a gas boiler in a private house, adopted at the state level, allow the installation of a heater in the following rooms, which can be converted into a furnace:

Requirements for the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and its layout can vary, so each project is developed individually.

If the gas-fired heating boiler has a sealed closed-type combustion chamber, it can be placed in a room of any size.

If the technical conditions for installing a gas boiler in a private house stipulate the location of the device in a room of a certain area and require windows, the owner will have to re-equip the house in accordance with the requirements of the project.

The distance from the wall to the boiler can be from 3 mm to 4.5 cm. The choice of the exact location depends on the model of the boiler and the design features of the wall. Thus, the choice of location has many nuances, so the owner will not only find out how much it costs to install a gas boiler in the house, but also provide all the features of its placement in the furnace.

Device installation

As you can see, before installing a gas boiler in a private house, the property owner has to perform a rather large amount of work. During its implementation, an approved scheme for installing a gas boiler in a private house will be required, regulating all further actions by the installers.

The main distinguishing feature of wall-mounted heaters is their compact dimensions.

If a conventional floor boiler needs to be installed on a special pillow and at the same time take care of allocating a sufficient amount of free space around the device, then a wall-mounted analog can be installed over other household devices.

The main thing is to comply with some requirements. One of them stipulates the features of hanging the device - it is important that there is at least 200 mm of free space from the outer walls of the boiler to other devices and interior items. At the same time, flammable objects, doorways and windows should not be nearby. Also, you should prepare an electric power source in advance - the outlet should be located near the heater, otherwise the owner will have to use a carry.

When the installation location of the boiler is approved, the owner must check the complete set of the device. In the standard version, it is represented by the following elements:

Before the installation of gas boilers in a private house, the price of which is approximately 5 to 15 thousand rubles, the owner will have to rinse all the pipes and hoses that are clogged during assembly and transportation of the boiler.

When the price of a private house starts in a private house, it is important to choose the right height for drilling the brackets. It is recommended to lift the boiler from the floor to a height of 80 to 160 cm. When the slats are installed on the wall, the boiler is hung on them. Skewing the device is not permissible, therefore, it is necessary to take the building level or laser pointer, and make sure that the boiler is mounted exactly.

The following is the connection of pipelines to the corresponding boiler nozzles. It is advisable to install a filter equipped with shutoff valves on the water supply. Also connect the piping to the boiler. It is definitely worth using a paronite gasket for this.

Direct start-up of the boiler is carried out by representatives of special services who will verify the correct installation of the device and give the go-ahead for its full use.

Installation cost

Homeowners who plan to implement an autonomous heating system are often interested in the cost of installing a gas boiler in a private house, produced by employees of certified companies. Their services are resorted to by customers who do not have the time or skills to independently connect the boiler.

It is worth noting that the cost of services depends on various factors:

On average, installing a double-circuit gas boiler in a private house will cost real estate owners about 5,000-6,000 rubles. Specialists can install a single-circuit boiler for a slightly lower amount.

Additional funds may be charged for the preparation of the project, the individual manufacture of brackets and grommets, pipe laying, comb piping (manifold), etc. The cost of installation will be caused by the presence of non-standard walls in the house, the thickness of which does not allow the use of conventional equipment for drilling holes and requires powerful technicians.

Choosing a good powerful boiler for the house is a difficult task for the homeowner. But competent installation of the device is of great importance, and is no less responsible. Following the rules for installing heaters in private homes, the owner implements a reliable and efficient heating system that will work properly throughout the entire life cycle.

Installing a gas boiler in a private house requires solving some problems. To the room and equipment specific requirements which will have to be carried out strictly, because not only the quality of operation, but also safety depends on it.

Preparation for the installation of a gas boiler in a private house includes important steps for its design and approval of the installation in the relevant organizations. At this stage, it is selected or built premise for placing the boiler, and also selected the desired type of equipment.

It is important to correctly evaluate the required gas consumption. This fuel is quite available in many regions of the country, but its additional selection from a centralized network should require permits.

An important preparatory step is the choice of equipment type. Gas boilers have 2 main varieties:

  1. Single-circuit type. It is designed for heating only and has a simpler design.
  2. can simultaneously heat the house and provide hot water.

Boilers also differ in how they are installed. Wall and floor options stand out. Each of them has its pros and cons, which is taken into account when choosing equipment.

The choice of device for power depends on the size of the house (see:). In this case, the climatic coefficient (Kk) is taken into account. It amounts to 1.2-1.4 for the central regions (including Moscow); southern regions - 0.8-0.9; north of the country - 1.4-2. Estimated calculation is carried out according to the formula KkshS / 10. For example, for a house in the Moscow region with an area of \u200b\u200b120 m², it is advisable to choose a boiler with a capacity of 120x1.2 / 10, i.e. 14-15 kW.

Regulatory Documentation

The main document regulating the installation of gas equipment in a private house is SNiP 42.01-2002 "Gas distribution systems". It spells out the most important norms and rules.

In addition, it will not be amiss to get acquainted with the requirements and recommendations regarding heating and ventilation systems ( SNiP 41.01-2003), the procedure for ensuring gas supply ( SNiP 2 04.08-87) Useful information can be gleaned from SNiP 31.01-2003 on the procedure for installing gas equipment in residential buildings.

Installation Coordination

In order to legally begin the installation of a gas boiler, it is necessary to prepare and coordinate certain documents. First of all, it should be clarified in general the ability to take gas in the right amount. For this, an agreement (contract) is concluded on the supply of natural gas to an individual (individual developer).

The most important documents to connect are Technical specifications. They are issued by the relevant territorial gas service. To obtain a document, you must apply to such an organization, indicating the purpose of the additional gas supply and the planned volume of gas consumption. Registration of technical specifications is carried out within 8-12 days.

Important! The issued document clearly spells out the particularities of installation of the installation, from the moment it is issued, it is considered an official permit to start work.

Project development

The technical conditions fix only the conditions for installing a gas boiler, but in order to start the installation of equipment it is necessary to go through the following stage - development and approval of project documentation.

In essence, the “Gas Supply” project is needed, which clearly defines the installation scheme of the boiler itself and the gas supply to the point of its extraction from the central highway.

It is developed by specialized organizations that have the appropriate license. The document must necessarily be approved by the state organization with supervisory powers (usually Raigaz or Oblgaz).

For approval, the following documents are attached to the project:

  1. Technical passport for equipment.
  2. Instruction manual for a gas boiler.
  3. Sanitary certificate and certificate of technical compliance.
  4. Expert opinion on the compliance of equipment with technical requirements.

All of these documents must be provided by the equipment manufacturer. Depending on the complexity of the installation, the approval of the project can last from 6-7 days to 2-3 months. In case of refusal of approval, motivation should be issued indicating the necessary changes to the project. The finally agreed version of the project is certified by the seal.

Installation Rules

The heating boiler must be installed in a separate room, which is subject to increased requirements:

  1. Gas equipment is mounted in a designated room. In a private house, subject to all standards, the boiler room can be equipped on any floor and in the basement. It is not allowed to put a gas boiler in the living room, bathroom, bathroom and in the kitchen.
  2. The minimum allowable floor space is set based on the capacity of the boiler. Allowed minimum is 4 m².
  3. The ceiling in the room should be raised to a height of more than 2.6 m.
  4. Mandatory element in the room - opening window. The norm is established - 3 cm² of window area for every 1 m² of the total boiler room area.
  5. The entrance door to the room should be wider than 80 cm. Above, between the doorway and the door leaf, a gap of more than 24 mm is left for natural ventilation.
  6. It is not allowed to use combustible facing materials in the decoration of the room. Do not make false ceilings or raised floors.
  7. The room should have adequate lighting and fresh air.
  8. In the boiler room, moisture must be eliminated. Humidification of the medium makes it difficult to remove gas vapors.
  9. It is not allowed to operate a gas boiler without a water supply.

It must be borne in mind that the requirements for the boiler room are mandatory. Given that the violation of the rules is fraught with danger, improper arrangement is punishable by fines and a ban on the operation of equipment.

Requirements for individual rooms

The boiler room in a separate building is organized with a boiler capacity of more than 150 kW or at the request of the owner with any equipment. This option increases safety, completely eliminates the penetration of gas into the house, however, it requires the installation of a heating main with reliable thermal insulation.

During the construction of a separate building, non-combustible building materials are used. Preference is given to block and brickwork. For external cladding, metal multilayer sandwiches can be used. The floor is covered with reinforced concrete slabs. When arranging a roof, emphasis is placed on a metal profile and non-combustible roofing materials.

A separate room must fully meet the above requirements. If the boiler power exceeds 100 kW, the minimum room area is set to 15 m². More powerful installations require adjustment of this indicator - 0.2 m² additionally for every 1 kW.

If the boiler has a mass of more than 210 kg, then a foundation is necessarily built, which is independent of the foundation of the structure itself. It rises above the floor to a height of 12-15 cm.

Extension equipment

A special extension to a residential building is most often used for boilers with a capacity of 50-100 kW or in the absence of the necessary premises for low-power equipment inside the house. This option is quite popular. In this case, it is important to provide refractory protection of the wooden wall in the area where the extension is in contact with it. Fire resistance must be ensured not less than 0.7 hours

The building of the annex must comply with all established standards. Increased requirements for the front door. It should be metal, open outward and fix with such a condition that it can easily fly out from the blast wave. Natural ventilation is an important requirement.

For air inflow, it is assumed that there are holes and gaps, and their area is normalized by this condition - 8 cm² for every 1 kW of boiler power.

Requirements for equipment and its elements

Gas supply to the boiler room is allowed only after the installation is verified by a competent representative of the district or regional gas service. Before putting it into operation, the system must be crimped at a pressure of up to 1.9 atm.

Important! There should be no air in the system, and all components should be checked for leaks.

The following general requirements for equipment and its parts must be observed:

  • ensuring free access to equipment from all sides;
  • gas pipes can be made exclusively of metal;
  • a prerequisite is the presence of a gas flow meter;
  • the equipment must be reliably grounded according to the standards established for electrical installations;
  • to exclude emergency situations it is necessary to install gas analyzersignaling a gas leak and automatic valve to shut off the gas supply during depressurization.

The operation of the gas boiler is sufficiently dependent on electricity. To resolve the problems, it is advisable to install a voltage stabilizer, as well as uninterruptible power supplies.

Arrangement of ventilation and chimney

The most important element in equipping a boiler room is a reliable ventilation system. It is designed to exclude:

  • carbon monoxide accumulation and gas accumulation in the presence of small leaks;
  • elimination of sedimentation of soot on the surface of walls and ceilings;
  • providing comfortable conditions for staff.

Ventilation is provided by a combination of natural and forced methods.

Natural ventilation requires opening windows (in accordance with the specified standards), gaps in the doorway and special ventilation holes in the wall. They usually have a diameter of 12-16 cm, and their number depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the power of the equipment.

Fresh air flows through the eyes at the bottom of the wall, and outflows through the ceiling on the opposite side of the wall or through the roof. Holes should be covered with a protective grill.

Forced ventilation increases the safety of equipment operation. When using powerful boilers, natural ventilation will not cope, and therefore exhaust fans are installed. For removal, exhaust, ventilation pipes are mounted.

A chimney (more correctly, a gas outlet) is an obligatory element for a boiler room. The following requirements are imposed on its arrangement:

  • the boiler house chimney is a separate structure that is not connected with other smoke exhaust systems in the house;
  • the horizontal section of the outlet may not exceed 2.8 m;
  • the number of knees (curvatures) - no more than 3;
  • the diameter of the outlet can not be less than the connecting pipe;
  • the outer section of the chimney is discharged above the roof and should rise above the ridge to a height of at least 60-70 cm.

The diameter of the chimney depends on the capacity of the boiler and must take into account the established ratio. So with a power of less than 35 kW, the diameter is at least 13 cm, and with a power of 35-45 kW - 14 cm.

The need for engineering communications

In addition to the coordinated connection to the gas main, the operation of gas boilers is impossible without a water supply and an electric network. Water supply in a significant amount, as water is the main coolant in the heating system. Such an additional point also requires coordination in the relevant organizations and the installation of water flow control devices.

Almost all types of gas boilers cannot work without electricity. When summing up the electric network, the total electricity demand is taken into account - for the boiler (according to the passport) and the room lighting.


The line must be diverted from an individual switchboard equipped with a circuit breaker, protection system and meter.

Floor boiler installation

Installation of a gas boiler floor type is carried out in the following order:

  1. The formation of a solid foundation. For powerful boilers, a monolithic is necessary, and for low-power equipment, a metal sheet.
  2. Installing the boiler after checking the horizontalness of the base with.
  3. Connecting the boiler to the chimney and checking for the necessary draft.
  4. Connection of pipes of the heating system. Installing a filter for cleaning and water hardness, as well as locking elements in accordance with the instructions. Usually put ball valves.
  5. Supply and connection of a water supply system in the presence of a second circuit.

When installing the equipment, it should be remembered that the insertion into the gas main can only be carried out by a specialist with special approval.

Conditions for placing a wall-mounted boiler

Another common type of equipment is wall mounted gas boilers. Their installation is provided in the following sequence:

  1. The equipment is mounted on a supporting, high-strength wall or partition that meets the requirements of fire resistance.
  2. The boiler body must be 45–55 mm from the wall surface and 50–60 cm from the adjacent wall. There must be a distance of at least 75 cm from the ceiling. The boiler is mounted strictly parallel to the floor surface.
  3. Installing a water filter and locking elements. Connection to the heating system.
  4. Installation of the chimney, if required by the instructions.
  5. Connection to the gas pipeline.
  6. Summing up the electrical network.

When installing both types of boilers, it should be borne in mind that it can only be carried out at a room temperature in the range of 6-34 degrees. After installation, the installation is slowly filled with water so that all air is expelled.

Equipment maintenance

The operation of gas equipment must be carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions. You should always remember that any violations and gas leaks can lead to tragic consequences. Worn and damaged equipment must not be operated.

Boiler maintenance must be provided. at least 2 times during the year. Before the onset of cold weather, it is carried out without fail and in full. The tightness of all connections, the condition of the chimney and ventilation system are checked. The filters and burner are thoroughly cleaned. If necessary, worn parts and gaskets are replaced.

Gas boilers are increasingly being used to organize heating and hot water supply of private houses. They are convenient to operate, and safety is guaranteed with proper installation and operation.

Installation of equipment must be provided in full compliance with established standards. It is important to remember that the uncoordinated connection of such boilers is a serious offense and is fraught with administrative punishment.

Most modern private homes have gas boilers. This device can be called affordable, safe and economical, but it belongs to the group of expensive and difficult to install goods.

Gas boilers are divided into two groups: single-circuit and double-circuit. The first view is used to heat the room, the second view can simultaneously heat the room and heat water. Therefore, it is important to know the rule of how to install a double-circuit gas boiler in the house. Also, the equipment differs in power and type of installation.

How to choose a boiler

An important rule of installing a gas boiler in a private house is to determine the required power. Low productivity does not allow to obtain the desired effect. Too much power is not economically advantageous and dangerous, since acid condensate formed as a result of constant temperature changes negatively affects some parts of the device.

To determine the power of the boiler, it is necessary to divide the area of \u200b\u200bthe house by 10 and multiply by the corresponding coefficient, the value of which depends on the region of residence. For example, for central regions, a value of 1.2-1.5 is used, for southern regions, from 0.7 to 0.9, and in regions with a predominance of cold, 1.5-2. From this we can conclude that for a house of 120 m 2 located in the south of the country, it is enough to purchase a device with a capacity of 8-10 kW.

Using special devices, you can change the value of the boiler power. At the same time, low-capacity appliances have a single-stage type regulator, for middle-class heating appliances, there is a two-stage adjustment, high-efficiency boilers have a modulated regulator.

Gas boilers can be wall and floor. Depending on this, the installation of the device has its own subtleties. In addition, the direct installation of gas equipment in a private house requires the observance of certain rules in accordance with the Sanitary Norms and Rules.

In particular, we are talking about the following:

  • SNiP 41-01-2003 of the year "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning."
  • SNiP 31-01 of 2003 "Residential and multi-apartment buildings".
  • SNiP 42-01-2002, "Gas distribution systems."

Rules for installing gas appliances

For the premises, the following rules for installing a gas boiler are presented:

  • To install the boiler requires a separate room, which can be located on one of the floors of the house, in the basement or attic. Installation of equipment in residential premises and a bathroom is not allowed.
  • the boiler room in which the gas boiler will be installed must have certain dimensions. For example, for boilers with a capacity of less than 30 kW, which are able to cover all the thermal needs of a private house, a room with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 4 m 2 is required. Boilers with a capacity of more than 30 kW, but not more than 60 kW, can be installed in a room with an area of \u200b\u200b13.5 m 2. For equipment with a power exceeding 60 kW, an area of \u200b\u200bup to 15 m 2 is required. Boilers with a closed combustion chamber can be installed in rooms of any area, starting from the set minimum value.
  • The ceilings in the boiler room should be high enough, not less than 2.5 meters.
  • In a room with gas equipment, a prerequisite is the presence of a window, 30 cm of which falls on every 10 m 2.
  • The door to the boiler room should have a width of more than 0.8 meters (read also: "The device of a gas boiler in a private house - requirements, standards").
  • A gap of 2.5 cm should be provided between the upper level of the door and the main opening.
  • In a boiler room it is impossible to use combustible finishing materials.
  • Installation of a raised floor or false ceiling is prohibited in a room with gas equipment.
  • Be sure to have a hole for natural air flow. Moreover, for one unit of boiler power, at least 8 cm 2 holes are required.
  • Water must be routed to the boiler room for the installation of a double-circuit gas boiler.
  • Maintaining the optimal humidity value, since with an excess of moisture in the boiler room, the exit of gas vapors is difficult.
  • Installation of ventilation in the upper part of the boiler room. See also: "".

Parts and equipment parts must also comply with the regulations for installing a gas boiler in a private house:

  • Free access to the device from any direction.
  • Use only metal gas pipes.
  • Mandatory availability of a gas meter.
  • For electric boilers, mandatory grounding is required.
  • Parallel installation of a gas analyzer and an automatic valve. The first device will give a warning about a possible gas leak, the second will stop the gas supply if a leak is detected.

Chimney requirements

Installation of chimneys or gas pipes must be carried out in compliance with the installation parameters of a gas boiler in a private house:

  • Gas combustion products must be discharged through a separate channel.
  • The horizontal section of the chimney should be no more than 3 meters.
  • The design of the chimney cannot have more than 3 elbows.
  • For a certain boiler output, an appropriate gas outlet diameter is required.
  • The cross section of the chimney must correspond to the diameter of the hole to which the chimney is connected.
  • The top point of the chimney should be located 0.5 meters above the level of the ridge.

Most modern boilers with a closed combustion chamber are sold complete with a coaxial chimney. Such devices can be installed in a room of any size, since the intake of combustion air is from the street.

The listed requirements for the installation of gas equipment, including the installation of a double-circuit boiler in a private house, may have additions and refinements in accordance with the region of use. In addition, gas supply may not be central, but balloon. Also, the rules may be adjusted depending on the material used for the construction of the house and floors.


All this leads to the fact that before installing a gas boiler it is better to consult with a specialist who will inspect the structure and identify the corresponding deficiencies.

To obtain permission to install a gas boiler, you must do the following:

  • Write a statement of the appropriate sample to the organization that supplies gas. This document becomes a kind of permission for preparatory construction work. In most cases, permission is issued no later than two weeks from the date of registration of the application.
  • After this, it is necessary to make a project, licensed specialists are engaged in its production.
  • The finished project is subject to mandatory agreement with the gas supply organization. The full package includes an application, project documentation and documents for gas equipment. Approval can take up to 3 months.

Installation in a private house

Installation of floor and wall equipment is carried out according to different schemes.

The technology for installing a floor boiler includes the following steps:

  • Preparation of a solid base that can withstand the weight of the boiler. You can pour concrete screed or lay a sheet of galvanized iron.
  • Checking the level of installed equipment. The boiler must stand strictly parallel to the floor level.
  • Connection to the gas outlet and traction check.
  • Connection of pipes of the heating system with the mandatory installation of a filter for hard water purification. In addition, installation of ball valves on all nozzles and shut-off equipment on both sides of the filter is required.
  • When installing a double-circuit boiler in a private house, they connect to the water supply system. In this case, the supply pipe should be located above, the return pipe - from below.
  • Connection to the gas pipeline. This item is carried out only by a gas master, independent work of such a plan is strictly prohibited.
  • Connection to a power supply network.

There are certain rules for installing a wall-mounted gas boiler:

  • Choose the strongest wall or partition and protect it with refractory material.
  • The boiler is fixed, keeping a distance from the wall plane of about 5 cm. You should also step back from other walls and ceiling by 50 cm, from the floor by 80 cm. The boiler should be parallel to the floor level.
  • Before installation, the walls of the inlet pipes should be cleaned of debris by supplying water under pressure.
  • Install the filter on the water supply pipe. Install locking mechanisms on both sides of the filter.
  • Install a chimney, if required by the design, and check the draft.
  • Connect the device to the gas pipeline by inviting a gas service master for this purpose.
  • Connect to power supply.

Both options provide before starting the filling of the system with water with a preliminary shutdown of the device. To avoid the formation of air bubbles, water must be supplied to the system very slowly.

In addition, the procedure for installing a gas boiler in a private house provides for temperature restrictions. Installation of gas stake can be performed at temperatures from +5 to +35 degrees.

Maintenance of gas boilers during operation

Gas equipment should be checked at least twice a year. At the same time, one of them falls on the period before the heating season. Gas service specialists check the chimney for leaks and its operability, the condition of the ventilation system, and perform maintenance and repair work.

Recently, boilers that run on natural gas are increasingly used for heating country houses. The principle of their operation is to heat the coolant. Gas boilers have several advantages: environmental friendliness, compactness, noiselessness, ease of operation, the ability to install in a private house.

The degree of heating of the entire house depends on the performance of the boiler. But at the same time, the gas that is used as a coolant is a very explosive substance, therefore, the choice of this equipment should be taken very seriously, as well as the existing rules must be observed when installing a gas boiler.

Installing gas boilers with your own hands is a rather complicated, time-consuming and responsible business. Employees of gas supply organizations receive the necessary certificates, the presence of which, however, only authorizes access directly to the gas pipeline.

A competent and hardworking person can do everything! Moreover, almost any man can handle the installation of the boiler, the supply of water and the connection of electricity.

In addition, self-installation of heating appliances can significantly save money.

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The main types

Gas boilers are classified according to various criteria: purpose, power output, type of traction and installation method. Single-circuit boilers are installed exclusively for heating the house, double-circuit boilers allow not only to warm the room, but also provide the house with water with the possibility of heating it.

Low-power boilers are regulated according to a single-stage principle, units of medium capacity - according to a two-stage. In high-performance boilers, modulated power control is usually provided.

Closed-type boilers operate on ventilation draft. There are also gas boilers with natural draft - open type, or atmospheric.

The simplest boiler, the so-called "water heater" consists of a gas burner and a heat exchanger. Water and gas are connected to it, and the exhaust is discharged into the chimney. But even the installation of such a simple system requires obtaining the appropriate permission! Let us consider in detail the process of mounting a wall and floor gas boiler of a more complex design.

Wall mounted boiler

  1. We protect the wall section where the boiler will be located with a layer of refractory material, leaving a gap of 4.5 cm between it and the wall.
  2. We prepare the boiler for installation. Under a large pressure of water, we clean the walls of the inlet tubes of small litter remaining after assembly.
  3. We install a filter and stop valves on the tube for water supply - before and after the filter.
  4. We mount a chimney. Certain requirements are also imposed on this device: the diameter is not less than that indicated in the manual for the gas boiler; section similar to the chimney hole of the boiler; elevation above the roof ridge by at least 0.5 m (section 6 of SNiP 41-01-2003, section 4 and Appendix 6 of the MDS 40-2.2000). It is best to use a steel cylindrical chimney with a hole for cleaning.
  5. Check traction. In the event of its deterioration, the automation that modern boilers are equipped with must stop the gas supply.
  6. Using a steel pipe and a special chimney for its installation, we insert the boiler into the gas pipeline. To complete this work, it is necessary to invite gas service specialists.
  7. We connect the gas boiler to the power supply and connect an automatic device to protect against overloads.

You may also be interested in an article for heating.

Floor boiler installation

  1. We are building a strong pedestal that can withstand the weight of a cast-iron boiler. In the annex for this, pour a concrete screed, in other rooms on a wooden floor we put a piece of galvanized sheet iron.
  2. We install a gas boiler with our own hands, controlling its position with the help of a level.
  3. We connect the boiler to the chimney and, if it is not equipped with a forced draft, check the draft.
  4. We connect the boiler to the house heating system. At the same time, to protect the unit from blockages, we install a coarse filter, placing it after the discharge line filling the system with water, before entering the return line to the boiler.
  5. A double-circuit boiler is connected to the water supply, performing the insert closer to the house, before the branching begins.
  6. Using a steel pipe, we insert the boiler into the gas main, as in the previous case, with the participation of specialists.

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Terms of Use

In private homes, however, as in any other facilities, gas boilers are allowed to be installed and operated only in dry rooms. High humidity prevents the dispersion of foreign substances in the air, including gas vapors. Therefore, the requirements for furnace and the rules for installing gas boilers are so strict (see above).

To increase the performance of the heat exchanger, it is necessary to protect it from dirt and dust by using a coarse filter. To improve the quality of water, you also need to use filters.

Before or at the end of the heating season, it is recommended that gas equipment be serviced. And, in order to avoid dangerous situations, you need to do this regularly!


During the maintenance process, the condition of the chimney and the proper functioning of the ventilation are checked, the filters and the entire system are cleaned and flushed. For this, you can use detergents that effectively remove various deposits.

Do not forget to clean the burner. Worn parts must be replaced without fail! Before starting the system, carefully check the tightness of all connections.

Compliance with established standards, competent connection of a gas boiler, operation in accordance with the rules and timely maintenance will increase the life of the entire system, while reducing the amount of fuel consumed.