Wardrobe from boxes. Do-it-yourself box: a master class for making a wooden box quickly and easily. Ottoman and shoe box

New or old wooden crates are a great find for craft lovers. If you wish and a little imagination, you can build many non-standard furniture options from ordinary boxes.

website I have collected for you some interesting ideas that will help you create functional and original furniture for your home.

Coffee table

With drawers will help organize additional storage space in your living room.

Bedside table

A practical pedestal on wheels made from a pair of old wooden crates painted in a bright color. Perfect for a girl's bedroom.

Shoe rack

Wonderful soft bench with shelves for shoes in the hallway. Your guests will certainly be surprised!

Colorful shelf in the nursery

For your child's convenience, organize storage by purpose, color, or function.

Pet bed

The original version of furniture for dogs and cats, perfectly fit into your interior!

Stylish pouffe

Great project for the weekend! Add a little more functionality and comfort to your living room.


Saw a wooden box in half and you have two original wall shelves.

Another easy project for your home! Ideal for storing duvets and pillows.

Shelving in the hallway

Such a rack with wicker baskets will decorate any hallway.

Bathroom storage

An original idea for storing towels, personal care items, cosmetics and more.

Ladder shelf

How to instill in your child a love of reading? Make an adorable ladder rack for books and games out of wooden crates.

We often have wooden boxes, for example, from fruit or wine. Don't throw them away!

We will talk about twenty original ways how you can use boxes from under the fruits and turn them into decorative elements of your home. Try it!

If you do not have such boxes, it does not matter. You can buy them at the hardware store or just ask at the nearest supermarket.

1. Table for magazines

Polish the drawer with sandpaper, paint it a suitable color and attach the wheels to it. Get good magazine table.

2. Mirror and cabinets

If you install a mirror in one of the drawers, you get a rather interesting shelf. On the sides you can hang two more boxes. In these "lockers" you can put different things or put flowers.

3. Accessory cabinet

Paint a small box in a color that matches your decor and hang it on the wall. It will turn out a nice locker for small accessories so that they are always at hand.

4. Organizer for the kitchen

Paint drawers with bright colors and store kitchen utensils in them. Fruits will look especially good in them.

5. Bench for shoes

We especially like this idea of ​​using boxes. But, for this, only most durable boxes.

  • Well sand the box
  • Spray paint it on
  • Cover one side of it with a cloth, placing foam rubber under it
  • Banquet is ready! You can put shoes in it.

6. Shelves for the garden

Several boxes mcan be fastened with corners anduse this design as shelves in . Small plants, pots and other gardening items can be placed on them.

7. Bedside table for children

Paint a large box in different colors, or cover it with paper using the technique decoupage. Place smaller drawers in it and you will have a great nightstand. The kids will love it for sure.

8. Locker for the living room

Stack boxes on top of each other and store books and magazines in them.

9. Small box for magazines

Sand the wood well, paint the box or cover it with cloth. This cute one can be used to store magazines.

10. Pet house

If the size of the box allows your pet to fit in it, then make an original house. Remove the excess wall of the box and put the bedding there.

11. Terrace table

Connect several boxes of suitable size and make a table for the terrace or balcony.

12. Drawer for miscellaneous items

Paint the drawer with stain to achieve an "aged" effect. You can keep decorative flowers, magazines and other things in it.

13. Train for children

If you want to make for your little ones, take three or four fruit crates and make a fun train out of them.

Paint them in bright colors, attach wheels. You'll see, the kids will love it!

14. Bookshelves

Saw the boxes lengthwise and attach the halves to the wall. Now you have the original magazine.

15. Organizers on wheels

They are very useful for those who have to store different things.

Paint the boxes and attach wheels to them. You can keep them under the bed.

16. Bookcase for the living room

Instead of spending a lot of money on living room furniture, you can take a few wooden painted boxes and make an original screen out of them.

17. Drawers - organizer on the wall

Cover the boxes with varnish and hang them on the wall. Get some interesting organizers. Each of them can be assigned a number, then everything that is stored in them will be easy to find.

18. Shelf for toys

From a well polished and painted box you get a nice shelf for toys that you can hang in the nursery.

Decorate it with a garland and put toys there.

19. Bathroom cabinet

Connect two fruit boxes, paint them and hang them in the bathroom. They can hold towels, toilet paper, and put various decorative items there.

20. Flower "pot" for the garden

Your garden will look completely different if you make these planters. Very original!

Interesting, isn't it? Now you can probably come up with an interesting use for fruit boxes yourself.

Interior design ideas can really surprise you. There are many creative solutions on how to create an amazing thing from simple materials at hand, for example, some kind of furniture from drawers. Much can be done by hand.

Old unnecessary boxes usually accumulate in the country or on the balcony in large quantities. It's a pity to throw them away, but there's no point in storing them either. Such material can be used with great benefit if you come up with pieces of furniture that will add convenience and become an ornament to any room.

Best of all, tables, cabinets, shelves fit into the rustic style. With minimal cost, you can make a functional room. For work, you only need the boxes themselves, self-tapping screws, as well as furniture fittings and the desire to create.

Unique furniture by no means has to be expensive. Any person who has a fantasy and can do something with his own hands is easily able to create the interior of his dreams literally from improvised materials.


The dressing room is the dream of every woman. However, standard cabinets for this room are expensive, and custom-made prices turn out to be sky-high. The issue of storing clothes and shoes for the whole family is especially acute, because it is important to think over the most convenient option that would look attractive at the same time.

Furniture from old drawers can easily be both beautiful and functional. Many are limited to small interior details to begin with, but some risk making this particular project the basis of the room.

First of all, you need to understand what can be done. With this material there are practically no restrictions. In the event that there is a lack of boxes, it is easy to put them together yourself from unnecessary boards.

When you no longer want to do simple crafts, you can take on the dressing room project. In the storage space, you need to have a lot of small lockers. This will help sort clothes and shoes and always keep them in perfect condition.

The dressing room can be strict, when one-color wooden boxes are simply assembled on top of each other along the wall, or very unusual, if the assembly is done in a checkerboard pattern or separate modules are installed. Furniture from wooden boxes is easy to paint in any shade.

The most important thing when assembling such a large-scale project as a dressing room is to show imagination and realize all your wishes. Additionally, you can add furniture fittings, cover the back wall with a beautiful fabric, or otherwise decorate the drawers.

Rest zone

A recreation area must be in every home. At least a small corner where you can relax, chat with the whole family or meet a guest over a cup of tea. It is necessary to think over the interior, which would soothe and relax, make it possible to escape from problems. When choosing furniture for this corner, you should not focus on sophistication, it is better to add simplicity and a little creativity. This option is easy to do yourself.

When choosing a product for making with your own hands, you need to realistically assess your strengths. If there is no certain experience and practice in this matter, then it is better to make a table from boxes. Such work will require a minimum of time and skills, as well as a small amount of materials.

A coffee table made of drawers requires only four drawers, in addition you need to cut out 4 legs. They are located in such a way that the open part is outside, in the future it will serve as a substitute for a bedside table, you can put newspapers, books and much more there. In order for the table to look holistic, it is necessary to match the wide and narrow edges, the semblance of a checkerboard pattern will allow you to create an excellent model. The hole in the middle is occupied with a flower pot or other beautiful addition.

He makes furniture from boxes with his own hands very quickly. It is somewhat more difficult to give it a designer look. For a tea table, the best option is to simply varnish it to protect it from moisture and put it on four legs. If desired, you can use wheels instead of them, then the furniture will be mobile.

Additionally, a bookcase can be made for the recreation area. In this case, the boxes are simply mounted one on top of the other and fixed with self-tapping screws. Books, frames with photographs, figurines are put into the formed shelves.

decorative elements

In order for the apartment to feel cozy and comfortable, it is necessary not only to correctly furnish it and make repairs, but also to think over pleasant beautiful little things that characterize the owners and create a great mood for them. An example is decorative shelves, coasters, various paintings and figurines.

Do-it-yourself items are often made from wooden boxes to decorate the interior. A brightly painted shelf or an original box on wheels for children's toys will add zest to any room. Each person can come up with their own design. Perhaps it will be an antique version, coated with natural varnish and preserving the natural color of the wood, sometimes they decide to add bright shades and use colors, and some upholster the boxes with fabric, in which case they look very cute and homely.


Self-made furniture from wooden boxes has recently attracted many. Rustic style is back in fashion, and skilled men prefer to create something special with their own hands, rather than buying standard options in stores. There are several main advantages to this solution:

  • Profitability. For creation, things are used that almost everyone has in the house and no one needs. They get a second life.
  • Creation. There is an opportunity to show imagination and realize all your wishes.
  • Simplicity, for the manufacture of furniture from wooden boxes you do not need to have special skills and tools, anyone can easily cope with this task.
  • Environmental friendliness, wood is a natural material, so there are never questions of toxicity and other harm to health with it.

If you look around, everyone has improvised material. It remains only to come up with an idea and start implementing it. This process brings pleasure, because it is very pleasant when a unique designer thing comes out from under your hands. All guests will surely appreciate such furniture, and it will be extremely convenient for the owners themselves to use it.

Everyone should try himself as a craftsman and create furniture from wooden boxes with his own hands, which will suit him completely.

Where does your old furniture go after you get a new one? To the garage? To the cottage? To "poor relatives"? But, as you know, if the furniture is still quite strong, it deserves to get a chance for a new life - just thanks to your imagination and skillful hands.

Suppose you have an old chest of drawers, a desk or kitchen cabinets that you don’t want to throw away, but it makes no sense to leave them in their original place, because their new counterparts have already been bought. What unites these pieces of furniture is that they have drawers that can be turned into an unusual and practical element of the interior.

You can make original wall shelves and even racks from the drawers of an old dresser, table or cabinet. On such impromptu shelves, you can place useful or simply beautiful little things, creating cute islands of decor. Most likely, such a creative will appeal to fans of vintage solutions, as well as those who want to update the interior with little or no investment.

Any old drawers will do - made of wood or chipboard, from a chest of drawers, a desk or an old kitchen:

any size and number of drawers can be put to good use, as you will now see.

Here is the algorithm of your actions:

remove drawers from old furniture, check them for integrity of surfaces and joints;

to remove the handles or not is a matter of taste, however, many believe that with them the view is more original;

change the appearance of the boxes if you want;

add transverse shelves if you want to place little things in several tiers;

screw to the wall with screws at a convenient height;

small boxes can be made removable - on the back of the frame, attach 2 fasteners for hanging light furniture on the wall;

arrange your little things or decor.

how to use drawers from an old chest of drawers or closet

Small drawers are optimal for decorating the interior, while medium and large drawers can be used to create additional storage space.

option number 1: beautiful - displays for decor:

Beautiful dishes, small plastic, any collections and even photographs - all this in boxes mounted on the walls looks very unusual.

option number 2: convenient - shelves for small things:

Books and CDs, bath and table accessories, shoes and jewelry, handicrafts and stationery, garden and home tools - this is not a complete list of little things that can be placed in boxes of old furniture hung on the wall.

how to make drawer shelves more attractive and practical

Change the look of the boxes as your fantasy tells you and based on the purpose.

back wall design:

In this case, the “back wall” is the bottom of the box. How to make it more interesting? Leftover wallpaper or fabric (for all surfaces), smooth or textured paint (for wood and plywood), slate-effect paint, sheet music or old maps. In a word, everything that is in the house.

internal shelves:

In drawers that will turn into voluminous shelves, it makes sense to make horizontal partitions, i.e. internal shelves. Sometimes they already exist as intended by the manufacturer. If you are going to place small but heavy items, take care to reinforce the bottom (with a wooden plank or bracket).

other ideas for creating shelves from the drawers of an old closet

If you have collected a lot of boxes from old furniture, you can create a creative composition. And the shelves of the boxes can be horizontal, as if moving out of the wall.

how to combine multiple boxes:

Side by side or spaced apart, at different angles and combined with traditional shelves, adding wall decor or modular bays.

horizontal mount:

In small boxes, traditionally fixed to the wall (handle forward), you can place even more small things. But they must be hung on reliable brackets used for shelves.

floor shelving from old chest of drawers

And you can also build a rack, and even if it is not the most spacious, but you will not spend a dime! In addition to checking the reliability of the boxes and possibly updating their appearance, you will need to correctly compose the composition of the modules so that it is stable, and then firmly connect the boxes to each other, and then additionally attach them to the wall.

modular bookcase made from old drawers:

An equally interesting solution is when there are not only drawers, but also frames from old kitchen furniture made of wood. By turning the elements on different sides, create the optimal composition, if possible, without gaps. Attach each element to the wall and add strong brackets underneath.