Canister locker. Rack from cans How to make a rack from plastic cans

In garages, not only does the car usually "live", but also the most important economic task is solved - the storage of all kinds of useful things, from canned pickles to working tools, from building materials to equipment for fishing and hiking.

Most garages are spacious enough. The walls of the room, if you do not place on them a functional structure with many sections and shelves, are actually idle. So why not fill them with rows of shelves? Any reasonably thinking person understands that racks make life easier, help to keep the room in order, get rid of the chaos of things around the user.

One of the fastest and most technically simple solutions is buying ready-made modules. Financial costs will be required, which is hardly profitable for many garage owners. But for those who do not like to tinker with a drill, a hacksaw, and generally far from design activities - the option is ideal.

Video - Shelving from ready-made modules

The advantage of this method is that assembly is extremely simple, and dismantling is equally simple. You can buy such shelving modules in household, furniture and repair and construction stores. Initially, the buyer determines what material suits him best, what sizes (sets are completed in different ways). He pays money, brings the product to the garage and installs it in just a few hours.

Advantages: speed, simplicity, elegance of execution (every detail is created on high-quality equipment).

Disadvantages: very tangible cash costs. Some part of the family budget is "cut off" from food, clothing, entertainment, etc.

Creative experiment and personal participation

To make a shelving yourself, you don't need special skill. Materials are used that are affordable, and often just at hand (there are such a closet or the same garage): trimming pipes, a metal profile and a corner, pieces of plywood, chipboard, thick elastic plastic.

Video - Rack based on a metal corner

Some craftsmen have come up with the idea of ​​using ordinary plastic canisters instead of drawers. When the canister is horizontal, its top handle becomes a side handle. For it, each drawer is pulled outward, when it needs to be pulled out and replenished with its contents, or, conversely, take an object from it.

Attention! If you liked the canister idea, make sure they are clean. It is unacceptable to use used containers in which traces of aggressive chemicals, radioactive and combustible substances remain.

Advantages of homemade designs: saving money, incredible tone from the creative process.

Disadvantages: it takes a long time before the rack is ready.

DIY metal shelving. Manufacturing procedure

Step 1. Preparation. To make your own garage rack, you will need material and aids. Consider the average option (metal frame and wooden shelves).

Procurement of materials does not require fuss - plan your structure in advance, carry the idea for a couple of months, no less. Otherwise, it may turn out that not all of your user needs will be taken into account (width of shelves, their step in height, willingness to take a load of weight, etc.).

As for the tools. The garage always has the necessary technical equipment. But still, it is advisable to prepare them immediately before starting work. The list looks something like this:

    electric drill;

    grinder (will help to cut thick, strong bars, or you may have to use it to remove brick protrusions on the walls);


  • hacksaw for wood;

    hacksaw for metal;

    nails, screws, dowels (everything that may be needed to fasten parts to each other, as well as to brick / concrete / metal walls of the garage);

    bubble level;

    measuring corner (will help you check 90-degree angles);

    pencil or crayon for size marks;

Step 2. Measurements and drawing up a drawing. Check carefully if your shelving will be an organic piece of furniture. Sometimes it is necessary to deviate from the desired dimensions in order not to narrow the space for the vehicle's passage and approaches to it. In addition, in some heated garages, thermal communications are laid inside (in other words, a pipeline), as well as switchboard equipment, overhead wiring.

Attention! Under no circumstances should the rack come into close contact with hazardous electrical components. Compliance with safety precautions will protect you and your family from fires, health risks, and loss of property due to fire.

    first - external dimensions (height and width of the entire structure);

    then determine what will be "inside" these dimensions: the number of horizontal levels (shelves), their height relative to each other. It is advisable not to make the same intervals, but different ones. Accordingly, you can place both large-sized items and smaller ones on the shelves;

    then check how many vertical sections your rack should have for your convenience.

Attention! It is undesirable to make too wide sections. Rarely placed supports are a direct threat of structural collapse. Even if this does not happen, an overly long shelf will quickly bend under the influence of the load of items stored on it. This means that the functionality of the rack will suffer, and so will your convenience.

Having dealt with the number of sections and levels, sketch the drawing on paper. Let it be a sketchy picture without artistic sophistication. The main thing is that it is clearly visible and understandable on it: how long and how many parts need to be prepared before assembly.

Step 3. Cutting vertical parts. Add 1 to the number of sections that you approved in your directive and multiply by 2. Exactly as many vertical details you need. Why +1? From left to right: support, section, support, section ... support. In other words, strong supports are needed at the edges, and there are always one fewer sections when alternating.

Where does "x2" come from? Between the sections, the shelves "converge" on a vertical plane, which is not solid in a garage rack, but is conventionally designated by stiffening ribs from bottom to top. And of course, there should be at least two such ribs at each shelf junction. It makes no sense to do three, and one vertical part is clearly not enough (the stability of the rack is in doubt).

Ideally, all of your details will be the same if a metal corner or profile is sufficient. If it is not enough, then stitched sections are possible in some areas, that is, the part is made up of overlapping scraps. Make sure that the connection is of sufficient quality. Use tie bolts or rivets (screws are less effective).

Step 4. Cutting horizontal parts. When you drew the diagram, you determined the number of shelves and their width. Logically, on narrower shelves, you will store lighter items. On wider and more solid ones - something heavy, difficult to lift (disassembled engines, equipment, various units, metal blanks of heavy weight, etc.). Hence, high strength materials are preferred.

By the way, wood chipboards are not an option. They have very weak direct weight resistance. The pressed board is quite fragile and will not support much weight if the shelf is wide and does not have an intermediate support. The maximum width of the shelves, which is recommended when using chipboard, is no more than 55-60 cm. Multi-layer plywood with a thickness of 0.9-1.2 cm is much stronger. But it is better not to risk it anyway.

Is there a way out? Of course have. As soon as you took up a hacksaw and a saw, cut an edging for each shelf - additional elements that will serve as a reinforcing "frame". In such a shell, even chipboard or plywood will be great. They will not bend from gravity.

In general, garages tend to be cluttered and heavy on the parts stored on the shelves. Where there is a car, there are always all kinds of metal chains, arcs, engine parts, batteries, discs and other spare parts. Therefore, it makes sense not to waste time on trifles, but to immediately make a solid rack, as they say, for centuries.

Step 5. Build. The first step is to install vertical supports. The side wall parts are fixed first, the rest later. The question of how to fix it to the floor, ceiling, walls is individual. It does not cause any particular difficulties. The only thing to remember about the super strength of this particular fastener. Use long, thick screws for walls and ceilings, they are suitable for the floor or massive dowels without threads.

Attention! Remember to use a level to avoid curvature and distortion.

Now it remains to screw on the horizontal shelf frames. The marking of the fasteners could have been done in advance, but this is not essential. By acting carefully and slowly, you can measure each horizontal level as you assemble. Place wooden shelves on the finished frame. A do-it-yourself garage rack is ready!

Over time, under the roof of any car garage, a whole arsenal of various household accessories and household items accumulates, which did not find a place either in the home environment or in the closet.

To prevent the formation of a chaotic landfill, the indoor space must be properly organized. And this can be done using a homemade shelf and rack system. It will allow you to accurately and rationally place the things stored in the garage and thereby create the most comfortable conditions not only for car care, but also for solving everyday household tasks.

Principles and possibilities of arranging a car garage

The main purpose of the garage is car storage. And this means that first of all the car owner must exclude possible encroachments on the property stored inside, that is, to ensure the safety of the latter. An equally important issue is the correct climatic regime in the indoor space - the condition of the car should in no case depend on the vagaries of the weather or the appetites of harmful microorganisms such as fungus or mold. Another of the principles of organizing the atmosphere in the garage - ergonomics - says that everything under the roof of the structure should always stand, lie or hang in its place, without interfering with the passage, passage, cleaning or car care process. With all this, it is imperative that cleanliness and order are present in the room, which are the key not only to the health of the car owner, but also to his safety when visiting the garage and performing all kinds of household or repair operations.

In accordance with these principles, at the first stage of the garage arrangement, you will need:

  1. Install a secure locking system on doors and windows, if any.
  2. Insulate the structure of the building or organize high-quality heating of the interior during the cold season.
  3. Provide interior fittings with reliable, durable and easy-to-clean materials.

After finishing the finishing work, you can proceed to the final stage of the arrangement - the organization of the interior of the garage. To do this, you need to draw up a detailed plan of the premises and determine what and how exactly will be stored in it, in addition to the car.

Car garage plan with estimated dimensions

As a rule, the wall farthest from the entrance to the garage is allocated for racks and shelves. If the dimensions of the room allow, it is advantageous to equip the side walls with shelves. If there is not enough free space in the garage, special attention should be paid to the space under the ceiling, as well as above the car itself. Shelves equipped on the upper level will relieve the lower part of the room by taking over things that need to be used from time to time.

Wooden shelves on a metal frame under the ceiling of the garage

The configuration and dimensions of the shelving system depend on the size of the garage and the needs of its owner. The materials from which the shelves will be made must be strong enough to support the weight of the stored items. For example, the tiers can be made of thick plywood or planks, and the frame can be made of metal pipes or corners, but other options are possible.

Wooden shelving system for garage premises

The method of assembling and installing the racking system depends on the material with which the finishing in the garage room is made, as well as the design features of the structure itself. In many cases, the shelves are hung on the walls and the racks are installed directly on the floor. However, the shelves can also be hung from the ceiling, while to increase the stability of a separate rack, its frame is often equipped with mounts for walls, floors and ceilings.

Open Hanging Garage Racking System

When calculating the parameters of the shelving system, several points should be taken into account:

  1. The distance from the bottom shelf to the floor is taken at least 20 cm. This significantly simplifies the process of cleaning the garage.
  2. The width and height of the shelves must correspond to the dimensions of the stored items.
  3. It is advisable to perforate the shelves in order to improve ventilation, as well as to avoid the accumulation of dust and dirt.

Self-production of shelves and racks for the garage

You should thoroughly prepare for the arrangement of the garage. For this you will need:

  • perform a design calculation;
  • pick up and prepare materials;
  • collect the tools and means necessary for design, assembly and installation.

When planning a shelving system, first of all, you need to make at least an approximate list of items stored in the garage, not forgetting to estimate their weight and dimensions. You should also draw a garage plan, on which, on a scale with an accuracy of a centimeter, you need to indicate the design parameters of the structure (height, width, thickness, step and number of shelves). After that, it remains to carefully consider the method of assembly and installation and fixing of shelves or a separate rack.

Please note: The choice of the type of shelf and rack system and the method of its installation and fastening largely depends on the properties of the materials from which the garage is made. So, if the walls of the latter are metal, you will have to tinker a lot with hinged shelves, while the simplest side-mounted rack will save the garage owner from complex manipulations with fasteners, garage insulation, etc. The most convenient option is plastered brick walls. In such a garage, you can give free rein to your imagination and install a combined shelving system with many useful functions in the household.

Choice of materials: highlights

Materials for creating a shelving system for a garage are selected based on considerations of ease of assembly, as well as reliability and practicality in operation. So, for shelves designed for storing heavy and bulky items, you will need a reinforced frame, for the creation of which a metal corner or a profiled pipe is best suited.

But in this case, the garage owner cannot do without the skills of cutting, drilling and welding metal. In addition, the latter needs protection against corrosion, and this is associated with additional financial costs.

Wooden blocks 40-50 cm thick can also be used as a frame for garage shelves or racks. Working with wood is much easier than with metal, but you still have to take care of protecting the material from mold, rotting, moisture and other aggressive operating factors.

As for the material for the manufacture of shelves directly, the most practical solutions include:

  • boards with a thickness of 2 cm;

Edged board is one of the cheapest and easiest materials to use. Garage shelves made from planks will last for years. But to improve ease of use and increase the service life, they must be sanded and must be covered with an antiseptic and paint, which will protect the material from mechanical damage, pests and decay.

  • multilayer plywood;

Plywood is a practical and inexpensive material with high strength and durability, measured for decades. It is not difficult to work with this material, however, when making shelves, it should be sanded with fine emery and covered with a protective layer of paint or varnish. This will prevent the plywood from getting wet, dry and cracking under the influence of moisture, temperature extremes and harsh chemicals.

  • particle boards.

Chipboard is a cheap and easy-to-use, but capricious material in operation. In the manufacture of shelves from chipboard using varnishing or painting, it is necessary to protect from damage and aggressive effects not only the working (upper) and lower planes, but also the ends, as well as holes for bolts and perforations. At the same time, the latter require increased accuracy when performing due to the peculiarities of the structure of the material.

Please Note: A quick but rather expensive option for setting up a garage is to buy pre-fabricated plastic or metal perforated shelves with factory fasteners or a prefabricated rack frame. In the absence of sufficient funds, the most reasonable solution would be to independently manufacture a structure from materials prepared at the discretion of the garage owner.

Structural calculation

First of all, it is necessary to determine the location of the racking system. If we are talking about several small shelves, you can sketch directly on the wall, while drawing a frame rack will have to be done on paper.

Sketch of hanging shelves on the garage wall

When planning a structure, you should consider:

  • dimensions and weight of items placed on the shelves;
  • the necessary reserve of free space for the passage;
  • the dimensions of the gaps between the sections and the vertical pitch of the shelves;
  • ways of attaching shelves to the walls or ceiling of the garage;
  • the need to fix the racking system to the floor or ceiling.

Calculation of an attached shelving system for a garage

If a rack is installed in the garage, it is advisable to select its height according to the height of the room. As for wall or hanging shelves, it is convenient to calculate them from top to bottom. If the dimensions and layout of the garage allow, the width of the shelving tier is selected along the entire length of the wall with a 5–10 cm margin for ease of installation. The optimal shelf depth is 50–60 cm, although it would be reasonable to provide wider shelves for bulky items (car tires and wheels, spare parts, boxes, etc.).

Closed Hanging Garage Rack

The tier height can be different and is selected in accordance with the needs of the garage owner. It is practical to place the widest and deepest shelves at the bottom. It is more convenient to store heavy and bulky items here, which are easy to reach if necessary. On the other hand, deep shelves can also be installed under the garage ceiling. Indeed, on the upper tier it is very convenient to store large, but light things or rarely used items. In addition, it is convenient to divide individual tiers into sections, which will facilitate sorting of the stored items.

Drawing of a simple shelving system for a garage

Please note: It is undesirable for the width of the shelves, especially those made of thin material, to exceed 1–1.5 m. This will lead to a decrease in the strength of the structure and sagging of the tiers. As for the length, it is convenient to start from a size of at least 60–80 cm, otherwise the shelves will be inconvenient for storing long items. The vertical step of the rack system is taken according to the required storage height. For example, the height of the lower tier can be taken as 70 cm and taken away for storing car tires, rims, large containers, etc. If you add 2 more tiers of 50 cm each, then the total height of the rack will be 1.7 m.In a garage with a ceiling height of 2.5 m, the uppermost shelf of such a structure will have a 60-cm step, taking into account the 20-cm distance from the floor to the lower tier ...

Tools and supplies

For self-production, assembly and installation of the shelving system, you will need a considerable arsenal of tools, as well as auxiliary materials. The toolkit for accomplishing the task contains:

  • building level;
  • tape measure and marker;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill with puncher function;
  • jigsaw;
  • circular saw with discs for metal (if the rack frame is made of steel angle or profile pipe);
  • welding machine (for welding the elements of the metal frame of the rack);
  • hand tools (construction corner, pliers, hammer, screwdrivers and wrenches).

Please note: The welded rack frame is difficult to manufacture, therefore, bolted connections are often preferred to welding.

The list of support materials should include:

  • a dowel or anchor (for attaching a wooden or metal frame to garage structural elements);
  • self-tapping screws for wood or metal or bolts with nuts (for attaching shelves to the frame);
  • drills for concrete, wood and metal;
  • primer and paint for metal and wood structural elements;
  • priming brush;
  • sanding paper.

Please note: In some cases, it is more convenient to fix wooden shelves to the frame using special glue.

Making a shelving system with your own hands

Independent design of shelves or racks for garage facilities is carried out with subsequent assembly. The work algorithm is as follows:

  1. Using a circular saw or jigsaw, frame elements are cut from a steel corner, a profiled pipe or a wooden bar: racks, transverse and longitudinal beams, amplifiers.
  2. On the vertical racks of the rack, markings are made for the installation of transverse and longitudinal beams under the shelves.
  3. When it comes to shelves, the fixing points with dowels or anchors are marked on the horizontal beams with which they will be held on the wall. Further, they must be transferred to the wall and made with a perforator holes of the appropriate diameter and depth.
  4. Holes of the required diameter are made on the frame elements for bolted joints using a drill with a drill for metal.
  5. If the choice fell on a welded frame, the elements of the latter must be joined with neat seams.
  6. The metal frame is sanded, primed and painted. It is also advisable to grind, prime and paint the wooden base of the shelving system to protect it from mold and decay.
  7. Shelves of the desired size are cut from chipboard, plywood or boards, after which their surface must be perforated.
  8. The shelf frame is attached to the wall or ceiling of the garage, after which the shelves are fixed on it using glue, self-tapping screws or bolts.
  9. The assembly of a separate rack is carried out in several steps:
  • installation of side racks;
  • fastening of transverse and longitudinal beams, as well as amplifiers;
  • installation of shelves on the frame.

Homemade shelving system on a metal frame and chipboard shelves

How to make shelves yourself

If there is not enough free space in the garage to install a separate rack, the room is equipped with shelves. The latter can be:

  • suspended;
  • hinged.

It is rational to install suspended shelves in rooms whose walls are made of materials that are difficult to process or cannot bear additional loads. In this case, the shelf frame, which is usually made of metal, will be attached to the ceiling. The latter must be strong enough to withstand the weight of not only the entire structure, but also the things stored on the shelves.

Please note: To reduce the load on the ceiling, it is advisable to equip the structure frame with wall mounts.

The manufacture and installation of hanging shelves is carried out in several stages:

  1. After taking measurements, three elements should be cut from a metal corner or profile pipe: the main longitudinal beam, vertical posts and horizontal crossbars.
  2. Holes are made on the main longitudinal beam for fixing to the ceiling or side walls of the garage.
  3. Horizontal crossbars are welded to the vertical posts or bolted.
  4. By welding or bolting, the frame is attached to the main load-bearing beam, which is anchored to the ceiling.
  5. The horizontal beams, abutting against the wall, are equipped with brackets (corners) for secure fixation.
  6. Shelves are cut from boards, plywood or chipboard according to pre-calculated dimensions. Before installation, they must be perforated and equipped with holes for fastening to the frame.
  7. The shelves are bolted to the frame.

Suspended shelf system with a load-bearing beam fixed to the garage walls

Please note: If the ceiling of the garage is made of concrete or other material of sufficient strength, the supporting beam can be dispensed with. But in this case, it will be necessary to fasten each of the vertical struts of the frame to the plane of the ceiling.

Installation of a shelf frame on a concrete ceiling

Hanging shelves are manufactured in the following way:

  1. After taking measurements from a metal corner, a profile pipe or a wooden beam, horizontal bearing beams are cut out for each shelf, vertical posts and horizontal beams.
  2. The horizontal beams are equipped with fixing holes and are fixed to the supporting beams.
  3. The beams are mounted to the wall using anchors or dowels.
  4. Shelves cut from boards, plywood or chipboard and pre-sanded and painted are fixed on the installed frame using bolts or self-tapping screws.

Wooden hinged wood shelves mounted on a brick wall

Please note: It is convenient to use special brackets that are sold in the store to mount the shelf frame on the wall or ceiling of the garage. The wooden base of the rack is additionally reinforced in the nodes with metal corners or spacers.

Video: DIY shelving system manufacturing

Additional amenities in the garage

If the garage is spacious enough, it can be used not only as a warehouse for spare parts, tools, building materials and all kinds of household junk, but also as a home workshop. To do this, you need to add devices to the situation that greatly increase the convenience of performing various technical operations. Such devices include:

  • Workbench;

Homemade workbench for working in the garage

A workbench is a very useful piece of furniture in the garage, which is a table equipped with drawers, shelves, bedside tables and technical devices for performing various household or repair work (vice, electrical outlet, local lighting, etc.).

  • sink;

Car garage sink and hob

Washing is a practical and useful solution that will provide uninterrupted water supply in the garage, which is necessary not only for washing hands, but also for car care, as well as activities related to indoor cleaning.

  • inspection pit;

DIY garage inspection pit

An inspection pit is an essential garaging device in which the car will not only be stored, but also repaired.

  • vegetable store (cellar);

Cellar (vegetable storage) in the garage

If there is not enough free space in the house, the garage can be equipped with a vegetable store, in which it is convenient to store vegetables, pickles or products that require a special temperature regime.

  • cupboard;

Cabinet integrated into the shelving system in the garage

A cabinet built into the shelving system in the garage will not only allow you to neatly place various small items, tools or spare parts, but also limit access to them.

  • ventilation, heating, etc.

Ventilation and heating in the garage is necessary if the room is used all year round, and not only for storing cars, but also for performing repair and household work.

Please note: the arrangement of the garage space entirely depends on the needs and financial capabilities of its owner. At the same time, almost any of the necessary devices for car care or housekeeping can either be bought ready-made, or made and installed with your own hands, significantly reducing cash costs.

Solution gallery

Universal wall for storing tools, auto parts and household utensils in the garage Wooden shelving system for arranging a garage room

Storing power tools in the garage on a dedicated shelf

Many useful ideas are born directly in the process of arranging a garage. For example, the shelving system can be made collapsible, equip some of the tiers with bumpers or sections for storing various small items. It is noteworthy that it is very difficult to immediately plan everything that may be needed in the process of caring for a car and solving household problems in the garage. Therefore, it is worth starting with the essentials, for example, from shelves or shelves, workbenches or closets, which will optimize the space in the room and facilitate the daily work of car and household care.

Consider how to make shelves in the garage with your own hands to store the necessary auxiliary equipment and various tools for car care.

Garage racks - a wealth of choice of designs

The shelves in the garage make it possible to compactly place in a limited area many parts and tools for servicing the vehicle, as well as various household belongings that did not find a place in the apartment. For this reason, every car enthusiast installs racks in the "car house". They provide order in the garage and allow you to find the desired item in seconds.

You can equip a hangar for a car with purchased shelves. Such designs are sold today for every taste. But even very expensive and sophisticated racks will not always satisfy your individual needs. It is much wiser to make shelves in the garage with your own hands, choosing the dimensions of such structures that are optimal for yourself.

According to the installation option, the racks for the car box are divided into the following groups:

  • collapsible;
  • stationary;
  • mobile;
  • hinged;
  • rotating.

Collapsible shelves can be mounted anywhere in the garage, change, if necessary, their location, width, height and layout. Stationary structures are created for installation in any specific area of ​​the room. They are placed once and for all, fixed to the ceiling, wall or floor surface. In terms of strength indicators, stationary racks are more reliable than collapsible ones.

Transportable structures are equipped with rollers that allow them to be moved around the entire garage. They are essentially a small cart. It's comfortable. But it should be understood that such racks are not able to withstand excessively high loads. Therefore, bulky and massive equipment cannot be stored on them.

Hanging shelves are rarely equipped at home. They must be suspended and secured directly below the ceiling surface, which can be very difficult. Although theoretically it is quite possible. Rotating structures can also be considered a rare occurrence. They are visually similar to CD stands. On such mini-racks you can store every little thing - screwdrivers, keys, they are not suitable for a larger tool.

You have to choose the number of shelves on the shelves and their geometric dimensions yourself. Professionals advise to design the structure for the garage in such a way that all the tools used for servicing the vehicle can be placed on the shelves. In other words, it is advisable to make the racks roomy.

The most popular materials for making garage shelves are metal and wood. If you plan to install the structure for a long time, it is better to use metal products that are durable and maximum strength. If you want to save on materials and not delay the installation work, make a rack in the garage with your own hands from wood. Working with lighter wood is much easier than working with metal.

Also, shelves these days are made of plastic (you can buy them in the store) and combined ones - of steel and wood or of plastic and metal.

As with any relatively complex product, the rack should first be designed on paper. This can be done using ready-made drawings. It is easy and independently to draw up a sketch of the future structure, indicating the parameters of the shelves in it. In this case, the shelving will be perfect for your garage.

It is usually recommended to place the rack along one wall of the room. The optimal height of the structure is from the floor to the ceiling itself (no motorist wants to lose a single square centimeter of free space). Of course, if your garage is very high, the shelves can be made not to the ceiling surface, so as not to suffer from climbing stairs to the very top for some detail.

The lower shelves are always made more spacious and high. They are designed to store wheels, large tools. The shelves that are located at the top of the structure are best made low. On them you will store any light little things. This ensures good shelf stability.

At the bottom, it is imperative to leave a gap of 15–20 cm between the structure and the floor covering.

It will give you the ability to easily sweep the floor under the rack. In addition, the pros are advised to drill small holes in the shelves for tools, cans, wheels. They will act as natural ventilation for the stored items, thereby protecting them from rusting, and will also allow you to sweep small debris and dust from the shelves without any problems.

The length of the rack is usually also made for the entire width of the wall, leaving about 8-10 cm of free space on the sides of the structure. This will make it easier for you to carry out the installation work. Choose the depth of the shelves yourself. At the same time, remember that too narrow niches are not suitable for storing large-sized tools, and excessively deep ones are inconvenient to use (try to reach something with your hands from a shelf about a meter deep). The recommended depth of garage shelving niches is approximately 60 cm.

The most common width of the shelves (meaning the distance between the two vertical supports of the structure) is 100 cm. You can make the width 30-50 cm wider if the shelf is intended for storing bulky (for example, wheels) or heavy metal products.

We make a metal rack with wooden shelves

A popular option for arranging garages is a construction with a metal frame (it will stand, without exaggeration, for decades) and wooden shelves. You can make the vertical racks of such racks from rectangular profiles with dimensions of one of the sides 4–5 cm or from a corner with a shelf of 3–5 cm.

The frame itself is made from a corner with a 1.5–2.5 cm shelf and bolted to vertical rails or welded to them. The welded joint holds the structure as firmly as possible, making it faster and easier. There is more trouble with bolts, but you get the opportunity, if necessary, to change the height of the shelves of the rack.

The shelves are made of boards with a thickness of 1.5–2.5 cm. In this case, they will be truly durable. You can also make them from ordinary or film faced plywood or wood-based products. Before installation, wooden shelves must be protected from moisture and fungus - they are oiled and painted.

Thus, the scheme for preparing components for the rack, and then assembling and installing them, is as follows:

  1. Using a grinder, we cut metal blanks according to the specified dimensions.
  2. We mark the position of the racks vertically and immediately mark the places where the shelves will be fixed.
  3. We weld (bolt on) the corners (here it is important to control the horizontal arrangement of the elements).
  4. We apply a primer to the frame and paint it with a corrosion-resistant compound.
  5. We cut wood shelves and "try on" them, placing them across the frame. You can install the boards and along, but in this case, they can bend under the weight of large tools and spare parts.
  6. We saturate (paint) wooden products and fix them with a metal frame. It is advisable to fit the boards to each other as tightly as possible.

The rack is ready. If you are not entirely sure about the high stability of the structure, you can additionally attach it to the garage wall with steel brackets.

Wooden shelving - everything is very simple

Garage shelves made of wood are cheaper. Plus, they're easier to build and install. Therefore, many car owners decide to acquire just such designs. Here, however, it is worth remembering that wooden racks are operated less in time than metal or combined ones.

Ideal when the shelves are made of hardwood such as oak. But pine boards are also quite suitable - inexpensive and affordable. It is important that they are well dried, free from large cracks and knots, deep wormholes and traces of mold.

Racks (vertical) are made of timber 10x5 or 10x10 cm, shelves - from chipboards or ordinary boards, crossbars - from a bar of a smaller section or even from boards (but their thickness should be impressive).

  1. We cut boards and beams according to the given dimensions, treat them with an antiseptic composition.
  2. We assemble the structure using lugs, spikes, wood glue or self-tapping screws to connect individual parts.
  3. The joints of the parts to give the structure a larger area are reinforced with metal corners.
  4. We paint the finished rack (it is desirable to paint the ends in several layers).

In a similar way, you can make metal structures for a garage. But, of course, it will be much more difficult for you to cut to the required dimensions and mount heavy racks, as well as other elements of the rack.

Today there will be post-plagiarism. While monitoring various sites on the Internet, I came across an entertainment site on a forum topic about ideas for arranging a garage inside for storing all sorts of things and more. I decided to move the photos and add my comments, since in the original article there are only photos. Therefore, do not be alarmed at the bottom of the watermark of the site :). So let's go.

Budget canopy

This is how you can fold a carport from firewood. The idea is good, but you must definitely think about how to fix the walls - a woodpile of firewood is a rather wobbly structure and over time it collapses from the wind, that changes in the volume of wood from moisture, and so on. But as a temporary solution, even nothing.

Shelf for small things

This is a classic of the genre - small things in banks. Unless a lazy person has described such a shelf with banks in books and magazines, I met this idea in the Modelist-Constructor of the 70s. And then the implementation of the idea in the photo. Simple and tasteful!

Rack made of old polyethylene canisters

A great idea for storing small things larger or larger is a canister rack. You need plywood, a jigsaw, a handful of self-tapping screws and old plastic canisters. It is better to take from under the Tosol (easier to wash out) or from under the primer / impregnation. Antifreeze cans will be difficult to collect, but from under the primer you can easily find in the right amount at a construction site, having agreed with the foreman. They are usually unnecessary and thrown away as trash. And for the stability of the structure, you can fix it to the wall so that it does not stagger.

Top-up canister organizer

Here's another storage idea. This time, canisters are used to add oil or coolant, but it is long and difficult to wash them just from the oil. However, if you store any small things like metal bolts, a drop of oil, on the contrary, will protect them from rust. Although it does not look very aesthetically pleasing and it is not very pleasant to look for something.

How to bury a viewing hole in a garage

Here's an example of how you can neatly close a viewing pit in a garage. Usually covered with cut boards, which are painted at will. So if you accidentally hit the wheel, the car will not fall into the hole. But opening and closing the pit is not very convenient.

Here is an option from a mesh and a corner. I doubt that it will withstand a collision, but it is easy to open and close the pits for work. And you can see well what is in the pit (and what fell there 🙂).

How to store fishing rods in the garage

Here are ways to store your fishing rods and spinning rods in your garage against the wall. In this position, they will take up a minimum of space. You can also use plastic clips for attaching plastic pipes to walls.

Ceiling storage

The idea is cool, but difficult to implement. Wooden I-beams are most likely taken from a construction site (a set of formwork for overlapping). They are not expensive, but you will have to buy new ones, since the old ones do not look presentable after several cycles of use). The boxes are quite voluminous, but I have not seen them on sale, except that there is something similar in the IKEA store. And they will cost wow! It is easy to load such a structure with such volumetric boxes, but the beam will not withstand.

So, as an idea for revision, I brought it up for myself, but I don't recommend doing this!

Styrofoam sheet as drill organizer

This is an interesting idea. You need a piece of plywood and a piece of styrofoam. And it is easy to press all drills, cutters and similar thin tools into the foam. Everything turns out in plain sight and at hand. Rather, it's not an idea for a garage, but for a carpentry workshop. But who said that only a car should be in the garage, and you can't make carpentry ?!

I think that these ideas will be enough for you in order to start equipping your garage.

Almost every man has a toolbox in his home or garage. Therefore, it is worth keeping them in perfect order. How best to do this, a new review will tell. Surely everyone will be able to find in it examples of the organization of the storage place that interested him.

1. Plastic canisters

Cut canisters are perfect for storing nails, screws, bolts and nuts. And in order not to dig for a long time in search of what is needed, it is better to label the containers.

2. Wooden shelf

The narrow, perforated wood shelf is a great place to store your screwdrivers.

3. Stand

To prevent pliers from being scattered throughout the garage, make a special wooden stand for them.

4. Railing

A thin metal rod is ideal for hanging paint brushes.

5. Individual cells

From the remains of PVC pipes, you can make convenient cells for safe storage of a small power tool.

6. Wooden shelving

A homemade wooden rack for storing wrenches will allow you to forget about the clutter and tedious search for the right tool forever.

7. Open locker

An open wooden cabinet is perfect for storing spray paints, which are often scattered randomly in the garage.

8. Mobile stand

A small stand on wheels is perfect for storing hand tools. Such a rack is very compact and will allow you to always have the right tool at hand.

9. Wooden stand

Stylish wooden stand with shelf that is suitable for storing a variety of different tools. Such a product will not only help to streamline hand tools, but will also become a real decoration of the male monastery.

10. Homemade rack

An unnecessary pallet can be turned into a handy stand for storing garden tools, which often take up a lot of garage space.

11. Hanger

A simple wooden block with metal hooks will permanently solve the problem of storing a power tool.

12. Clothes hangers

Simple manipulations with an ordinary clothes hanger will turn it into a convenient organizer for storing electrical tape and tape.

13. Storage system

Forks, shovels, rakes and other garden tools are not very stable and also take up a lot of space in the garage. Sturdy wooden wall hooks can help you place your garden tools along the walls of your garage or shed.

14. Folding table

A homemade wood folding table and wall mounted hand tool storage rack is a terrific idea for small garage owners.

15. Glass jars

Ordinary glass jars with metal lids are perfect for storing various little things. For greater convenience and reliability, the lids of the cans should be screwed to the shelves.

16. Vertical storage

The average garage looks pretty cluttered. The competent organization of storage systems will help to solve this problem. Instead of another closet, equip the walls with various shelves and hooks, which will neatly accommodate a variety of things, from tools to a huge boat and bicycles.

17. Magnets

Magnetic tape or individual small magnets are a great idea for storing bits for screwdrivers, drills, and other small metal parts.

In continuation of the topic, we will tell you about anywhere.