Chocolate frosting quick recipe. Chocolate icing from cocoa and milk - recipe

Any cake, cupcake, cookie or cake, when applied to them with chocolate icing, becomes more beautiful and appetizing. And how tasty are juicy fresh fruits in a crust of chocolate icing!

What is the best chocolate to choose, how to make the icing get the right consistency and uniformity? To prepare the glaze, you must take pure chocolate, without filling in the form of raisins, nuts, cookies and other inclusions.

Among porous, milk, white and black (dark) types of chocolate, not every type is useful for melting. From porous chocolate under thermal influences, it is rarely possible to achieve the required density and uniformity of consistency.

An excellent product for glazed mass is white chocolate. Chocolate icing for cake, roll and other confectionery, if white chocolate is used, is also convenient because it can be tinted in various colors. White chocolate is melted using a steam bath, adding vegetable oil and food coloring of the desired color to the mass.

Cooking chocolate, dessert chocolate, couverture and fudge are also used to obtain the glaze. Varieties of culinary chocolate differ among themselves in the percentage of cocoa butter in them.

Cooking chocolate melts more easily, but dessert chocolate tastes better. The icing from it turns out to be a thick consistency, so it is important to dilute the melted chocolate with milk or butter exactly according to the recipe in order to get a not too dense mass.

Couverture has a significant presence of cocoa butter. Glaze from it turns out with a smooth structure.

Less than in couverture, cocoa butter is contained in fudge. It is well suited for making glazes.

Chocolate icing from chocolate - recipe

An example of the preparation of dark chocolate glaze with 72% cocoa includes the following starting products:

100 g dark chocolate with 72% cocoa, no additives;
. 5 st. spoons of milk.

When looking at how to make chocolate frosting step by step, it turns out that it is a simple process. You just need to follow some rules.

Break the chocolate bar into pieces and put them in a dry bowl in which the chocolate will melt for the glaze. You can brush the bowl with butter or sunflower oil, so that after cooking it is easier to get the icing and wash the bowl. But there should not be a drop of water!

Pour in 5 tablespoons of milk. It is necessary so that the glaze is not too thick. If the density is too high, the icing on baked goods will set too quickly. You may not have time to smear the cake, and the icing will already harden. Melted chocolate without milk additive is good for dipping dried fruits in it - prunes, dried apricots, as well as fresh berries and fruits.
. Put the dishes with chocolate and milk in a water bath and, stirring occasionally, warm up until the mixture turns into a homogeneous mass. To stir the prepared mixture, be sure to take a dry spoon, even a drop of water can adversely affect the density of the glaze mass.

How to melt chocolate for icing correctly? It is very important to ensure that the bottom of the ladle with the melted chocolate does not touch the boiling water in the pan. Quickly heated chocolate acquires an ugly white coating that appears when solidified. Ideally, the temperature of the heated finished chocolate icing should not exceed 40 ° C.

It is undesirable for the glaze to come into contact with steam or condensate, because of this it can lose its elastic consistency and quickly thicken. Therefore, the bowl with the products in it should be larger in diameter than a pot or ladle with boiling water. The bowl of chocolate should always be open, it must not be closed with a lid so that condensation does not collect.

Having prepared the icing and turning off the gas, it is better not to remove the bowl from the pan and quickly apply the finished icing to the baking surface, smearing it with a brush or spoon.

glaze options

Using a similar technology, you can prepare white chocolate icing, consisting of the following ingredients:
. white chocolate - 100 g,
. butter - 40 g,
. heavy cream (or sour cream) - 3 tbsp. spoons.

First, melt the chocolate and cream, and after removing the icing from the heat, add the butter and mix thoroughly.

An interesting variant of chocolate icing with the addition of honey.

. any chocolate - 100 g,
. milk - 4 tbsp. spoons,
. butter - 30 g,
. honey - 4 teaspoons.

After removing the prepared homogeneous mass of chocolate and milk from the heat, first add butter, stir, then add honey and mix again.

In the finished glaze for a variety of taste, you can add various natural flavors, a little cognac, rum, ground nuts, coconut flakes.

Make frosting- This is one of the most common ways to deliciously and beautifully decorate pastries. You can use store-bought frosting, but it's best to make your own at home. It will be much cheaper and healthier than store-bought icing. The main thing in this matter is to know exactly what kind of glaze you want to cook. And there are quite a few types. We will consider the most common of them in our article, and also get acquainted with the most popular glaze recipes.

First, let's look at what types of glaze exist today:






Each type of glaze is good in its own way and is suitable for different purposes. With the help of different types of icing, you can decorate cakes, gingerbread cookies, buns and any other baked goods in an interesting and unusual way. Preparing such a delicious decoration is not at all difficult. The main thing is to know the ingredients that need to be mixed, as well as the method by which this is done. Now, having got acquainted with the general list of varieties of glaze, let's find out how to cook it correctly.


There are a lot of varieties of chocolate icing. It can be either dark or light. Both matte and shiny. In this case, we will consider the classic version of chocolate icing. In order to make it, you will need the following ingredients:

    100 grams of powdered sugar,

    3 tablespoons cocoa

    5 tablespoons of milk

    1.5 tablespoons softened butter

    vanillin optional.

Let's get started: take all the bulk products and mix them together in one bowl, then slightly warm the fresh milk and gradually add it to the resulting mixture. Stir the ingredients, add the butter and stir again. You need to achieve a uniform consistency. But be careful: this icing hardens very quickly, so you need to do it after your pastries are ready and standing next to you, waiting for glazing.

The icing made according to this recipe is very tasty and shiny. It evenly covers your pastries and gives it a certain charm.


Homemade caramel icing gives dishes a light caramel flavor, and also covers the surface of the baked goods with a beautiful glossy layer. In order to properly make caramel icing, you need the following ingredients:

    180 grams of instant sugar,

    150 grams of warm water,

    150 grams of cream (at least 35% fat),

    10 grams of cornstarch,

    5 grams of sheet gelatin.

To begin with, take the cream and sift the starch into them, mixing it all well, then soak the gelatin in cold water and let it brew. Now find a frying pan with a thick bottom and heat it over medium heat, then pour the required amount of sugar into it. Melt it until you get a liquid brown mass. Stirring and interfering with the melting process is not recommended. If you really can't wait, you can turn the pan a little, but do not touch the caramel with your hands or cutlery! It should melt on its own.

Slowly and carefully pour warm water into the finished caramel, mix it all, and bring to a boil, without ceasing to stir the liquid in the process. Carefully pour the finished caramel mass into a mixture of cream and starch, while stirring the contents of the container with a pastry whisk.

Now you can add pre-soaked gelatin to the caramel mass, which must be thoroughly squeezed before adding. Mix well the contents of the container and your glossy caramel icing is ready. It is advisable to apply it on perfectly flat surfaces in order to achieve a stunning effect.


Marmalade glaze can make any of your pastries incredibly attractive and unusual, as well as give it a special taste. For cooking you will need:

    12 gummy candies

    4 tablespoons of sugar

    50 grams of butter,

    2 tablespoons of sour cream.

Cut the marmalade candies into small pieces, then find a small saucepan and send the slices of marmalade there. After that, add sour cream with sugar, as well as softened butter. Stir well and put on medium heat so that the marmalade begins to melt. After boiling, cook for about 15 minutes, stirring the mixture regularly, and when the icing thickens, remove it from the heat, let it cool a little and you can decorate your pastries with it.


There are many names for sugar icing: protein, white, gingerbread, icing for Easter cakes, and so on. But, despite the large number of names, she still has one way of cooking. And in order to make beautiful icing sugar at home, you will need a simple list of ingredients:

    one egg white

    half a glass of sugar

    half a glass of water.

If you need more frosting, increase the ingredients.

Choose a small saucepan, pour water into it and pour sugar, then put on low heat and stir the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved. After that, increase the fire and achieve complete evaporation of the water from the pan to make a viscous syrup. Beat the egg white well, and begin to slowly pour it into the sugar mixture, remembering to stir it constantly. Beat the resulting mixture again, and your icing is ready.


Milk icing for the cake is often made from milk chocolate. To make milk icing with your own hands at home, stock up on the following ingredients:

    180 grams of milk chocolate,

    150 milliliters of low-fat cream.

The chocolate should be broken into small pieces, then put them in a saucepan and pour cream on top. Put this mass on a slow fire and stir regularly. Cook until chocolate melts. After that, you can remove the pan from the heat, cool your icing a little and decorate the cake with it.


Honey glaze is another type of chocolate glaze, only it hardens much more slowly and has a slightly different taste. To prepare it you need:

    3 tablespoons of honey

    2 tablespoons sour cream

    2 tablespoons cocoa powder

    30 grams of softened butter.

Making honey frosting is very easy. To do this, you need to mix all the ingredients well together, then send them to the pan and put on medium heat. Cook, stirring, until boiling. After the icing boils, let it simmer for a few more minutes, then turn off the heat, cool the icing, and you can spread it on your pastries.

If you love homemade cakes - and not only eat, but also cook - you regularly face the question of icing. Sweet, fragrant, it will add appeal to any cake, not to mention cakes and cupcakes. And sometimes, to be honest, it will help to mask some shortcomings like a crumbled cake or a failed golden crust. In a word, it never hurts a keen culinary specialist to have a couple of interesting homemade glaze recipes in their notebook. Especially cocoa glaze - chocolate, fragrant, delicate and plastic.

The classic recipe and its variations

There are a great many recipes for a sweet coating for baking: from powdered sugar, whipped proteins, caramel. But leadership in this area is confidently held by chocolate, a recognized favorite of both culinary specialists and consumers. Preparing such a glaze is as easy as shelling pears, just melt a bar of chocolate in a water bath, and then mix it with a spoonful of butter (for shine) and a couple of tablespoons of heavy cream (for softness). But it's hard to find the right ingredients. For a quality coating, you need a treat containing at least 70% cocoa beans, which may not be easily found in a small shop. Alas, too often, under the guise of chocolates, we are sold the so-called confectionery bars, which do not contain a single gram of cocoa butter! Yes, and the real tile is not cheap ...

But with cocoa powder, such problems do not arise. It is accessible to everyone, cheap, does not create difficulties during cooking, endows the dessert with a breathtaking aroma of pure chocolate and a bright taste ... Beauty! The main thing is to get the “right” cocoa - the one that needs to be boiled, and not poured with hot water. And stock up on the necessary additional components.

But no matter what recipe you end up choosing, it is important that the resulting glaze meets three main requirements. Firstly, it should be quite liquid and easy to spread on the cake, but at the same time thick enough not to drain from it. Secondly, it must freeze well. Thirdly, its preparation should not take much time, because the icing is the final touch with which the hostess completes the creation of a culinary masterpiece.

And the icing should be delicious. This is perhaps the main condition.

Step by step cooking recipes

Chocolate glaze with milk

You will need:

  • milk - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 2-3 tbsp. l.


  1. Rub cocoa through a fine sieve to break up possible lumps, and then mix with sugar.
  2. Pour in the milk, add the butter and cook the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, for 7-8 minutes. If you want, you can add the oil later, into the hot finished mixture.
  3. As soon as you achieve uniformity, remove the chocolate-scented mass from the heat, cool slightly and you can use it for decoration.

To check if the icing is ready, experienced housewives advise putting a saucer in the freezer before putting the pan on the stove. Dropping 2-3 drops of fragrant brew on its chilled surface, you will immediately see whether they begin to harden or the icing should be kept on fire for a little more.

Video: how to cook cocoa glaze

On sour cream or cream

You will need:

  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cream or sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • vanilla sugar - 0.5 tsp


  1. Sift cocoa and icing sugar, add vanilla sugar.
  2. Combine in a saucepan with sour cream (cream) and put on a small fire. Don't forget to stir constantly!
  3. Lastly, when the rest of the ingredients are already warm, add the butter. Mix everything well again, remove from the stove, cool a little ... and you're done!

If you missed the time and the icing began to harden right in the saucepan, it's not scary. Return it to the steam bath and bring it to the consistency you want.

Video: simple secrets for making homemade glaze

On condensed milk

You will need:

  • condensed milk - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 4 tbsp. l.


  1. Rub cocoa with melted butter.
  2. Put the mixture in a water bath, melt completely and combine with condensed milk.
  3. Hold the saucepan for a couple of another 5-6 minutes, constantly stirring the future icing, let it cool a little and you can start decorating.

If the cake is not intended for children, before removing the saucepan from the stove, add 1 tbsp. l. cognac - the dessert will turn out even more fragrant and glossy.

with eggs

You will need:

  • cocoa - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 130 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • egg.


  1. Melt the butter over low heat or a steam bath and dissolve the sugar in it.
  2. Add cocoa.
  3. Remove the mass from the heat, let it cool slightly, add the egg to the butter with cocoa and sugar.
  4. Whisk the glaze vigorously with a whisk.
  5. The mass will turn out thick, dense, but, moreover, tender.

With starch

You will need:

  • cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • natural chocolate - 50 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Thoroughly sift the starch, powdered sugar and cocoa.
  2. Mix everything, pour milk and put on a small fire.
  3. Break the chocolate into pieces or grate, add to the hot milk and boil the glaze, stirring constantly, until the mixture begins to thicken. And then it remains only to remove it from the fire, let it cool a little and use it for its intended purpose.

With honey

You will need:

  • cocoa - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • milk or cream - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Pound cocoa with butter softened at room temperature.
  2. Pour in milk and heat over low heat.
  3. Transfer the saucepan to a water bath, pour the powder into the milk and cook, stirring, until the mass begins to thicken.
  4. Remove the saucepan from the stove, add honey to the glaze and mix well.
  5. Let cool slightly and use for decoration.

mirror glaze

You will need:

  • instant gelatin - 2 tsp;
  • heavy cream (30%) - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 7 tbsp. l.;
  • cocoa - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 100 ml + 70 ml.


  1. Gelatin pour 70 ml of cold water and let it swell.
  2. Boil the syrup from 100 ml of water and sugar - just put it on the stove and boil until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Pour in the cocoa, pour in the cream and bring the mass to a boil, stirring constantly to prevent burning.
  4. Remove the saucepan from the heat, add the swollen gelatin and mix again. Some advise using a blender for this purpose.
  5. Let the glaze cool - it should just be warm - and apply to the cake.

Mirror glaze can be made in advance. Pour it into a storage container, cover with a film so that it fits snugly on the surface of the glaze, eliminating contact with air, and put it in the cold.

Video: mirror coating for mousse cake

If you don’t have time to make intricate decorations for home baking, icing will help you out. It is made on the basis of cocoa, real chocolate, sour cream, condensed milk or honey. The cake can be covered with icing completely, decorated with inscriptions, or even used as a layer for cakes. The glaze is prepared quickly, you do not need special skills.

Some tricks will help you decorate your birthday cake in an original way:

  1. When cooking, the glaze must always be vigorously stirred, otherwise it will burn and will be bitter.
  2. Chocolate can always be replaced with cocoa powder, just follow the proportions: if the recipe says “100 grams of chocolate”, take 50 grams of cocoa powder and 50 grams of butter, cream or condensed milk instead.
  3. After decorating the cake, covered with icing, refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
  4. Light glaze can be tinted with food coloring. One drop of blue dye will give a light glaze a snow-white tint, neutralizing the yellowness of the butter.

Chocolate for icing is more convenient to heat in the microwave, after covering the container with a lid.

mirror glaze

This cake topper is shiny, smooth, and very durable. When cutting the cake into portioned pieces, the knife must be warmed up, otherwise the icing may crack.


  1. Chocolate (white can be combined with food coloring, black) - 1.5 tiles;
  2. Glucose syrup - 150 milliliters;
  3. 150 grams of sugar;
  4. Condensed milk - 100 milliliters;
  5. Gelatin (+ 60 milliliters of water) - 12 grams;
  6. 75 milliliters of water.

Cooking process:

  1. First, soak the gelatin in water and let it swell.
  2. Mix glucose syrup and sugar in a saucepan, put on fire and boil.
  3. Boil a little, remove from heat, cool.
  4. We add gelatin to cold syrup, pour condensed milk there.
  5. At this stage, food coloring is added if the chocolate for the icing is white and a different coating color is needed.
  6. Grind chocolate, pour syrup, beat with a blender.
  7. We put the mass in the cold for the night. In the morning we heat it in the microwave to 35 degrees, if necessary, beat again and cover the cake. When decorating, simply pour the icing evenly onto the surface of the cake, without smoothing it with a knife.
  8. We clean in the cold for 3-4 hours to harden.


This cake topping is the easiest to make and the most festive. The snow-white color on the surface of the dessert gives it solemnity and elegance. In addition, products for such a glaze can be found in the refrigerator of any hostess.


  1. Powdered sugar - 200 grams;
  2. Lemon juice - 1-2 tablespoons;
  3. Vanilla - 1 package.

Cooking process:

  1. Sift the powdered sugar on a fine sieve, preferably twice.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and strain.
  3. Pour the juice into the powder in a stream, stirring the mass with a whisk.
  4. When you get a viscous mass, beat it at high speed with a blender.
  5. At the end, add vanilla or other essence as desired.
  6. If you add 1 egg white to the composition, you get a fairly viscous and elastic glaze (icing). She can not only cover the cake, but also create amazing snow-white decorations, figurines, inscriptions.

Glaze with honey and coconut milk

Unusual chocolate icing based on liquid honey and coconut milk is very sweet, slightly viscous. It has excellent covering properties, fills in all the irregularities on the cake.


  1. Coconut milk - 35 milliliters;
  2. Cocoa powder - 10-15 grams;
  3. Honey - 30 milliliters;
  4. Half a bar of dark chocolate;
  5. A piece (about 40 grams) of butter.

Cooking process:

  1. Break the chocolate with a blender or grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Mix it with sifted cocoa powder, milk and honey.
  3. Put the dishes on a small fire, preferably in a water bath.
  4. While stirring, boil the mixture and boil it until all the components are dissolved.
  5. Add a piece of butter to a slightly cooled mass, stir to dissolve it.
  6. Spread the sauce on the surface of the cake and spread it with a knife.

Chocolate and sour cream glaze

Such a coating for baking is soft, delicate. You can apply the glaze in a fairly thick layer, and it will not flow, but it will not harden either. Can serve as a layer for cakes. Sour cream for this filling must be used fatty, without excessive acid.


  1. Sugar - 6 teaspoons;
  2. Sour cream - 30 grams;
  3. Cocoa powder - 2.5 teaspoons;
  4. Butter - 20 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix sugar and cocoa powder, pour into a saucepan with thick walls.
  2. Pour in sour cream, beat lightly with a whisk and put the mass on a small fire.
  3. While stirring, bring the mixture to a boil.
  4. Remove from the stove, cool slightly and melt a piece of butter in the mass, mix and cover the prepared cake. Put away in the cold.

Glaze with condensed milk

Chocolate icing based on condensed milk is very sweet, plastic, sticky. It serves as an optimal basis for further decorating the cake with mastic, icing figures and gluing details.


  1. Cocoa powder - 20 grams;
  2. Butter - a teaspoon;
  3. Condensed milk - 1 glass.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix condensed milk and sifted cocoa powder in a thick-walled bowl.
  2. Place on a small fire, boil and boil for no more than one minute, be sure to stir.
  3. Let the boiled mixture cool slightly, then add a piece of butter and mix it into the glaze.
  4. Cover the cake and put it away to cool for a few hours.


This French chocolate icing recipe is different in that it does not use icing sugar or pure sugar. Real high-quality white or milk chocolate gives all the sweetness to the filling.


  1. Chocolate - 180 grams;
  2. A glass of 35 percent cream;
  3. 50 milliliters of liquor (like Baileys).

Cooking process:

  1. Bring the cream to a boil in a heavy bottomed saucepan.
  2. Chop or break the chocolate.
  3. Remove the cream from the heat and immediately dip the chocolate pieces into them.
  4. Stir until they are all dissolved. Pour the liqueur into the chilled ganache.
  5. You can also use dark chocolate instead of white. In this case, rum or cognac will be the best flavoring, and the process of preparing all varieties of ganache is identical.

Colored chocolate icing

Chocolate-based cake topping can be more than just brown or white. For decorating cakes, you can prepare colored icing with the addition of food coloring.

Homemade chocolate icing - general principles of preparation

  • Any chocolate icing consists of chocolate, cocoa, or a mixture of both. Cocoa comes with and without sugar. It is better to use a bitter powder that requires cooking. With it, the taste will be richer, and in most culinary recipes, it is precisely its quantity that is indicated. Before use, you need to carefully knead the lumps, if necessary, sift the powder. Homemade chocolate icing with cocoa needs to be cooked on fire; this type is rarely cooked in a water bath.
  • Any chocolate can be used for icing, but in order for the coating to be bright and fragrant, it is advisable to choose a product containing at least 70% cocoa. The tile will need to be broken, you can chop and melt to a liquid state. It is more convenient to do this in a water or steam bath. To do this, put a bowl on a pot of boiling water and continue to heat it.
  • Frequent ingredients in the glaze are: sugar (powder), dairy products, butter (butter, vegetable). Starch and gelatin can also be added as thickeners. Regardless of the type of ingredients, in the end you need to achieve a homogeneous mass. Therefore, in bulk products, you need to remove all lumps and sift the powders through a strainer. Oils and dairy products should be chosen with a maximum percentage of fat, otherwise there is a chance that homemade chocolate icing will not harden or the hardening process will take too long.

Recipe 1: Chocolate Icing with Cocoa Milk

A common and easy way to make homemade chocolate icing with cocoa powder. It turns out much cheaper than using ready-made chocolate bars. You will need a small saucepan or ladle, we will cook directly on the stove, without a water bath.


3 spoons of milk

Sugar 5 spoons

3 tablespoons cocoa

50 gr. oils


1. Pour sugar into the cooking container, add cocoa and mix dry foods well so that lumps do not form.

2. Add milk, butter, put on the stove.

3. Cook over low heat, stir continuously, make sure that the mass does not burn.

4. After 2 minutes, drip homemade glaze with a spoon onto a saucer chilled in the freezer. If the drop solidifies, then you can turn off the fire and use it for its intended purpose.

5. If the mass spreads and does not harden, then we increase the cooking time, every half a minute we check the product for density.

Recipe 2: Glossy Chocolate Icing with Cream

An ideal homemade glaze for baking that stands out with a beautiful, shiny surface. Bird's milk is perfect for cake and pastries. The recipe uses ready-made chocolate, it is important that it be without additives and contain at least 70% cocoa beans. Cream should be fatty, not vegetable.


120 g chocolate

2 teaspoons powdered sugar

50 ml water

50 ml cream

30 g butter


1. Break the chocolate bars into cubes, place in a bowl and put on a steam bath. The container should not touch the water, we will heat it over the steam released during boiling.

2. As soon as the tiles begin to melt, add water a little at a time, mix.

3. Pour the powdered sugar, continue to hold the bowl over the steam.

4. Add cream, mix.

5. The last ingredient is butter. As soon as it melts, homemade icing is ready and you can put glossy clothes on baking.

Recipe 3: Chocolate Icing for Gelatin Cake

The peculiarity of this homemade chocolate icing for the cake is that it always hardens, lays down with an even coating and shines wonderfully. It turns out a mirror surface, which looks especially impressive on pastries without additional decorations. Ideally, you need to use gelatin in the leaves, but since it is difficult to get it today, we will use a regular powder, it is better to take an instant one.


2 tsp gelatin (or 3 leaves)

180 g sugar

0.13 ml cream at least 30%

0.14 liters of water

70 g cocoa


1. Add 40 ml of water to gelatin, set aside to swell.

2. Mix cocoa with granulated sugar, pour in the rest of the water and cream. We put it on the stove.

3. Cook over low heat for 8-10 minutes. We're filming.

4. Add dissolved gelatin to the hot mass, mix vigorously until completely dissolved.

5. Cool the chocolate icing for cakes to a temperature of 45-50 degrees and use it for its intended purpose.

Recipe 4: Chocolate icing for a cake with condensed milk

To prepare such homemade chocolate icing, you can use cocoa or ready-made chocolate, but it is very important that the tile is dark, of high quality, without palm fats. We will cook on the powder, with it the brush will be brighter. Condensed milk should be used Gostovskaya, without vegetable oils. Otherwise, the glaze may simply not harden. There is no sugar in the recipe.


3 tablespoons cocoa

4 tablespoons softened butter

4 tablespoons condensed milk (not boiled, plain white)


1. We put a pan on the stove and put butter in it, melt it.

2. Add cocoa powder (or chocolate broken into small pieces, about 70 grams), mix well.

3. Pour in the condensed milk and keep it until it boils, the mass can quickly burn, so we do not stop stirring.

4. Remove from heat, cool to 50-60 ° C and cover the prepared surface.

Recipe 5: Chocolate Icing for Cocoa Cake with Sour Cream

Well, a very quick option for making homemade cocoa chocolate cake frosting that only takes a few minutes to make. An ideal recipe for those who do not have a lot of food or time to decorate a homemade cake. It is better to use fatty, homemade sour cream to reduce the amount of water in the product.


2 tbsp. l. cocoa

2 tbsp. l. sour cream

2 spoons of sugar


1. Combine all the ingredients and rub with a spoon until smooth. You need to do this immediately in a saucepan in which we will cook the glaze.

2. We send the saucepan with the ingredients to the stove, heat until boiling, cool a little and you can water the cake.

Of course, this option does not have a beautiful, glossy finish, but it is ideal for sprinkling with nuts, coconut flakes, and decorative dragees. It is important to apply the sprinkles before the glaze hardens. If they are made on the basis of sugar, then the surface should not be hot.

Recipe 6: Chocolate icing for cocoa cake with cognac "Favorite"

An interesting variant of homemade chocolate icing for cocoa cake, which has a bright, nutty flavor. It is given by the addition of cognac, but only if it is real. Some housewives prepare such a glaze with the addition of rum or liquor, in which case it acquires a slightly different taste, depending on the product. This recipe calls for bittersweet cocoa powder, no added sugar.


60 g cocoa

Cognac spoon

2 spoons of milk

30 g butter

60 g sugar

P cooking

1. Mix cocoa powder with sugar, add milk and put on the stove. Stir until the grains are completely dissolved.

2. We introduce the butter cut into pieces, cook for 3 minutes.

3. Remove from heat, pour in cognac, mix, cool a little and you can decorate the cake.

Recipe 7: Chocolate Icing for Chocolate Egg Cake

The recipe for a very delicate and airy homemade icing for a chocolate cake, which resembles a soufflé. It can also be used for cakes, to fill baskets, nuts, it looks interesting when decorating mini cupcakes. It is important to use high quality chicken eggs as they are not cooked.


60 g butter and dark chocolate


1. Butter should be kept out of the refrigerator for several hours to make it soft.

2. Separate the yolks from the proteins. Beat egg whites to stiff peaks with a mixer or whisk. In a separate bowl, grind the yolks with a spoon until white, to speed up the process, you can also use a mixer.

3. Grind the chocolate on a fairly large grater or finely chop with a large knife. You can just break it into cubes, but it will take longer.

4. Put a bowl in a water bath and melt the pieces of tiles.

5. Add softened butter and immediately remove from heat. Stir the mass until the fatty pieces are completely dissolved.

6. We introduce the pounded yolks, stir intensively.

7. Gently introduce protein foam, mix and decorate the cake. We freeze such a glaze for a long time, it can set up to 2 hours, but it does not crumble and does not exfoliate when cutting the cake.

Recipe 8: Chocolate Icing for Chocolate Potato Starch Cake

This homemade chocolate cake icing also contains cocoa to enhance the flavor and color. Starch before use must be passed through a sieve, knead the remaining lumps so that they do not spoil the final appearance of the coating. From this amount of products, a sufficiently large portion is obtained, which is enough to cover a good cake. Powder is used instead of sugar.


150 g powder

5 spoons of milk

50 g chocolate and butter

1 heaping spoonful of starch

3 tablespoons dark cocoa

Cooking method

1. In a saucepan, mix powdered sugar with starch, add cocoa and milk.

2. We crumble the chocolate bar into pieces, cut the butter and send it all together to the pan. Mix with the rest of the ingredients.

3. Put on a slow fire and cook continuously until lightly thickened. As soon as the mass begins to remain on the spoon, you need to remove it from the heat, let it cool slightly and you can use it. For a more even coating, you can level the surface with a knife, after a few minutes the marks will flow together and they will not be visible.

Recipe 9: Chocolate glaze with honey "Lakomka"

In addition to powdered sugar, honey is added to this chocolate icing, it gives the product an additional flavor, makes the coating shiny and smooth. You can use any honey, including candied. It is not necessary to melt in advance, under the influence of temperatures, the pieces will quickly disperse and the mass will take on a uniform consistency. Ready-made chocolate is used, milk chocolate can also be used in this recipe.


100 g chocolate

2 spoons of honey

50 g butter

4 tablespoons of milk and powder

Cooking method

1. Break the pieces of chocolate and put in a bowl. We put in a water bath.

2. Add chopped butter, melt.

3. As soon as the mass begins to melt, pour in the milk, mix.

4. Pour in the powder, keep in a water bath until the mass becomes homogeneous.

5. Remove from the stove, add honey and stir vigorously for a minute until it is completely dissolved.

6. You can use the mass for its intended purpose.

Recipe 10: White Chocolate Icing for Chocolate Cake

White chocolate icing for the cake can also be used for the main coating or for decoration. With its help, you can easily draw stripes on a dark background or, conversely, with classic chocolate on a white coating. Zebra cakes are made in this way. If you need clear stripes, then you need to wait until the base layer hardens. For blurry patterns, chocolate must be applied to a fresh surface.


0.2 kg of white chocolate;

0.1 kg of powdered sugar;

3 spoons of milk.

Cooking method

1. We chop chocolate bars in arbitrary, not very large pieces. We put it in a bowl and send it to a water bath. White chocolate cannot be heated directly on the stove or in the microwave, this is a rather capricious product.

2. Add powdered sugar and milk, mix and continue cooking until the mass is completely homogeneous.

3. Remove from heat, let cool to 50 degrees and cover the desired surface. For stripes, you can put the mass in a pastry bag or draw patterns with a spoon.

Recipe 11: Homemade chocolate icing for milk cakes with flour

The peculiarity of this recipe is that you can easily change the density of chocolate icing by adding flour. If you need to make the mass more liquid, then you can pour in additional milk. Icing is prepared on the basis of cocoa powder.


20 gr. flour;

0.1 kg of sugar;

40 gr. cocoa;

80 ml of milk;

50 g butter.


1. So that lumps do not form during the cooking process, you need to pour sugar, cocoa and flour into a bowl, rub well with a spoon.

2. Add milk, butter cut into pieces, and put on the stove. The fire must be small.

3. Cook the mass until thickened, you need to stir continuously, scraping off the setting layer from the sides and from the bottom of the saucepan.

4. Cool the chocolate icing to a warm state, grease the surface and let it harden.

Recipe 12: Homemade chocolate icing "White with cream"

An option for preparing a very delicate and soft chocolate icing, for which ready-made white tiles are also used. The recipe contains cream, their fat content should not be less than 30%. A vegetable product for whipping is not suitable, cream should be natural, without sugar and additives.


0.15 l cream;

0.2 kg of white chocolate;

Vanillin to taste.


1. Grind the tiles, send them to melt in a water bath.

2. At this time, whip the cream with a mixer into a strong foam. You can immediately add vanillin or any other flavoring. If you plan to paint the glaze, then it is better to add pigments at this stage too, with the help of a mixer they will be more evenly distributed in the mass.

3. We combine both masses, mix with an ordinary spoon and decorate cakes, pastries, any pastries.

Homemade Chocolate Icing - Tips and Tricks

Is there any icing left after finishing the cake? You can pour it into a plastic bag, cool and put it in the refrigerator. It will lie remarkably for several weeks before preparing the next treat, all that remains is to melt.

If you add chocolate flavor to homemade glaze along with cocoa, then the taste of the sweet coating will become more saturated.

White chocolate should not be brought to a boil in a water bath and overheated, flakes may appear in it or the mass will become plasticine, matte. The optimum temperature is 70-80 degrees.

Is the icing too thick and sticking to the surface in stripes? Add some vegetable oil to a saucepan and heat it up. The same technique can be used to give a glossy sheen.

Before decorating any surface, you need to cool the glaze slightly so that it becomes thicker and does not drain from the surface. The cooled and thick mass, on the contrary, needs to be slightly warmed up so that it lies more evenly.

It is important to remember that the icing is not applied to the cream, no matter what it is made of. The ideal surface is a simple cake, which can be soaked in syrup. It can also be smeared with a thin layer of jam, jam. In this case, the coating will lie flat and there will be no problems with solidification.

Cocoa powder takes a lot of moisture, so if you want to add more than indicated in the recipe, then the amount of liquid will also have to be increased.